; ; Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ; Faction Editor ; #MIND The Mind School, The Scholar, Mentalist, M, 1, Chan Tao, M, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, FREEABIL, 18, FREEABIL, 11, TECH, Brain, SOCIAL, --POLICE, SOCIAL, ---MORALE, SOCIAL, +RESEARCH, MINDCONTROL, 0, PSI, 25, TALENT, 4, Values, Knowledge, PLANET, Values, Power, nil, Mentalist, Mentalist Maya, Rahula, Maya Garden Master, sage, dreamer, enlightned, nihilist, mad demagogue carry out the Will of The Mind to implement the Will of The Mind exterminating anything that walks on two legs exterminating anything that walks on two legs plot the eradication of all sapient life forms on Planet feeding his opponents to hatchling Mind Worms feeding your opponents to hatchling Mind Worms torturing opponents in my loathsome Brood Pits orange-eyed fanatics, M1 rapport with Planet, M2 'member indoctrination', M2 offering, M1 shielding you from the wrath of The Mind my Dervish Cadre The Commandments of The Mind #BASES Dawn of Mind Worm's Lair The Edicts Terror's Delight Seers of Chiron Sword of The Mind Consciousness Shrine Consecration Pit True Vision Gate Trance of Purity Virgin Mind Chiron Stigmata Thought Haven Well of Souls Remain in Light Stability Sanctum Childhood's End Trial By Fire Tao's Chancel Concordat of Universe Misericordia The Hermitage Invictus Peace Origin #END #WATERBASES Deep Isle Shoals WaveTrance Dome Point Flensing Ninevah Rising Ark of the Edicts Tao's Reverie Mind City Sanctuary Dome #END #BLURB Mankind has been blind for thousands of years-for all of its history. We have come to a place whose wonders are a hundred-fold more amazing than anything on Earth. Around us is clear evidence of the will of a higher power. I bring the Vision to the blind eyes of men. I bring the Word to the deaf ears of men. I will make them see it. I will make them hear it. ^ ^ -- Master Chan Tao ^ "Mind Rising" #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Chan Tao} ^BACKGROUND: {Born of uncertain parentage} ^AGENDA: {Reach the Pure Mind} ^TECH: {Secrets of Human Brain} #DATALINKS2 ^Strong PSI combat ^+1 RESEARCH: {Interest in reaching trascendence} ^-3 MORALE: {Pacifism and poor military training} ^-2 POLICY: {No violence} ^Free Hypnotic Trance ^Free Empath Song with discovery of Centaury Empathy ^{May not make Power choice in Social Engineering} #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "The Mind finds this conflict most displeasing. Let us live in accordance with her will and pledge Blood Truce." "Um...sure...whatever The Mind says..." "Have you been sniffing spores again, $NAME3? Let'snd e if Planet can save you now!" #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "The Mind senses a kinship between our people. Let us forge a bond by signing a Treaty of Friendship!" "The Mind is wise, $NAME3. So it has been spoken, so t it be done." t it be done." #ALIENFACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "The Mind finds this conflict most displeasing. Let us live in accordance with her will and pledge Blood Truce." "Manifold Six: must be heeded! Agreement!" "Presumption: to speak to Manifold Six: human concept: heresy! Truce: no!" #ALIENFACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "The Mind senses a kinship between our people, despite the differences of skin and gross shape. Let us forge a Planetary bond by signing a Treaty of Friendship!" eaty of Friendship and coexist in peace? "Kinship: deep respect: Manifold Six. Agreement." "Will of Manifold Six: not so easily discerned. Treaty: none at this time." # ; This line must remain at end of file