Ottoman Empire------Version 1.00 by PanicX It took me a long time to do this but hey! I didn’t even know how to use a graphics program when I started doing this and I'm preparing for university. Some of the animations have some flaws, and I unfortunately can't repair them. I was a beginner when I started drawing these faces, and I created layer over layer. In each layer and face I drew something else. I know I can flatten layers now but there are too many errors to correct. It doesn't make a difference in the game anyways since the animations play really slow. Suleiman the Magnificient's face was not like this, and he didn't have green eyes. I created this face of the top of my head, using Caesar as base face. I couldn't start without an outline. Normally this modpack was going to include a new unit too but I have too many exams :( and I won't be able to finish it till August! I replaced the Zulu because I don't consider them as a civilization ( I'm sorry but compared to Turkish, Spanish... civilizations they are nothing.) There hasn't been a Turkish civ ever since the first civ game. I hope they include it in the expansion pack (satire, satire). I hope you have fun playing with this mod. Don't forget to backup your files!!! Quick List: Additions: -New Civilopedia Entries -New unit->Janissaries: Ottoman Empire's UU. 5/2/2; replaces knight; costs one shield less than knight (6); upgrades to marine and upgrades from swordsmen. -New leaderhead (base face Caesar; most of the face is changed and many additions are made). -All of the graphics required for a civilization are included. -Different animations for different eras. -Different clothing for different eras(leader). -50 city names: I didn't include any cities outside Turkey's border since it can cause a conflict problem with other civilizations (Egyptians, Greeks..). Changes: -Changed Aztecs to militaristic, expansionist (was militaristic, religious). -Replaced Zulu with Ottoman Empire (militaristic, religious) -Replaced the Zulu UU with Ottoman UU since Zulu UU will not be needed anymore (the civ3multitool crashes my mod, that is why I don't have a new unit.) Not Included: -Animations for Janissaries. Suggested unit animation to be used is Musketman. Install Notes: Files to Backup--> -Civilization III\Art\Advisors\ZU_all -Civilization III\Art\leaderheads (either back up the whole folder or just the Zulu files- ZU...) -Civilization III\Art\units\unit_32.pcx -Civilization III\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Races -Civilization III\civ3mod -Civilization III\Art\units\Impi -Civilization III\Text\civilopedia txt and pedial icon txt AFTER backing up unzip the file and put the files in their correct locations. -all txt files goto -> Civilization III\text -the ZU_all goes -> Civilization III\Art\Advisors\ -ZuluLarge and Zulusmall pcx to-> Civilization III\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Races -all the other pcx files that start with ZU goto -> Civilization III\Art\leaderheads -civ3mod to Civilization III -Janissarie folder + units32 pcx to -> Civilization III\Art\units\ -Impi.ini to -> Civilization III\Art\units\Impi -animation files (Su_a01...) to -> Civilization III\Art\Flics Uninstall: Delete the files you installed and put your old files back. Contact: