; ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI ; ; BASIC CONCEPTS HELP ; ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc. ; ; ALPHA CENTAURI explains various game concepts with this file ; Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing ; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original. ; #TITLES Rainfall Rockiness Altitude Pact of Brotherhood Treaty of Friendship Blood Truce Vendetta Integrity Atrocities Drone Riots Golden Age Morale Monoliths Artifacts Fungus/Xenofungus Psi Combat Waypoints Patrol Explore (Governor) Discover (Governor) Build (Governor) Conquer (Governor) Damage and Repair Prototypes Unit Cost (Basic) Inefficiency (Basic) Ecology (Basic) Planetary Council Planetary Governor Commerce (Basic) Victory and Defeat Territory/Borders Might Disengage Zone of Control Bombardment Drones Talents Psych Landmarks, Volcanos, etc. Council Proposals Nutrients Minerals Energy Economy Labs Energy Reserves Progenitors Resonance Manifolds Energy Grid Resource Restrictions #ADVTITLES Unit Cost (Advanced) Inefficiency (Advanced) Ecology (Advanced) Commerce (Advanced) Scoring Victory (Diplomatic) Victory (Conquest) Victory (Transcendence) Victory (Economic) Victory (Scenario) Retirement Might Formula Drones (Advanced) Bureaucracy Victory (Progenitor) #CONCEPT0 The {Rainfall} level of a region determines the amount of $LINK which can be produced. A region can be arid, moderate or rainy, producing 0, 1, or 2 nutrients respectively. A $LINK increases the nutrient production by 1. ^ In addition to coastal and tropical regions, the western (upwind) slopes of mountain ranges tend to be quite rainy, since warm moisture-laden air cools as it rises, and sheds its moisture as rainfall. You can take advantage of this phenomenon by raising hills to the east of your important bases. Conversely, areas east, or downwind of mountain ranges tend to be quite arid. ^ Ocean squares produce 1 nutrient unless you cultivate a $LINK, in which case they produce 3. ^ Special {Nutrient Resource} squares produce two extra nutrients, and $LINK squares produce a single extra nutrient. #CONCEPT1 The {Rockiness} of an area determines that region's $LINK production potential. Regions can be flat, rolling, or rocky. {Flat} regions produce no minerals unless a $LINK is build there, in which case they can produce one. {Rolling} regions produce a single mineral, which can be increased to two with a mine. Unimproved {Rocky} regions also produce 1, but can produce 4 with a mine and road. ^ Rocky areas inhibit movement, costing twice the normal number of moves to enter. They also provide a modest defensive benefit in combat. ^ Ocean squares produce minerals only if you build a $LINK, in which case they produce 2. ^ Special {Mineral Resource} squares produce two additional minerals per turn, and can be increased to three extra with a mine. $LINK squares also produce one extra mineral. #CONCEPT2 The {Altitude} of a region affects the amount of $LINK which can be collected there. To collect this energy, you must build a $LINK. Areas below 1000m above sea level produce 1 unit of energy. From 1000m to 2000m, areas produce 2 energy; 2000m-3000m areas produce 3 energy, and areas more than 3000m above sea level produce 4 energy. ^ Ocean squares do not produce energy unless you build a $LINK, in which case they produce 3. ^ Special {Energy Resource} squares produce two additional units of energy per turn. Squares in the $LINK and $LINK produce one additional unit. #CONCEPT3 A {Pact of Brotherhood} (or {Pact of Sisterhood}) is the closest form of diplomatic relationship you can form with another faction. Pact Brothers may enter each other's territory freely, may stack with each other's units, and may enter each other's bases (and receive repairs there). ^ Pact Brothers are expected to defend one another from enemy attack. They receive {double} $LINK between their bases, and are often willing to share technological research. ^ A Pact can be terminated at any time (the right-click menu on the {Commlink} menu is one way to do it), but at the moment of termination all of your units will automatically be shipped home from your former Pact Brother's territory, and vice versa. #CONCEPT4 A {Treaty of Friendship} is intended to secure a permanent and lasting friendship between two factions. Once you have signed a Treaty, you will receive $LINK benefits with your new friends. You may not, without diplomatic repercussions, enter the territory of a faction you have a Treaty with. ^ A Treaty of Friendship terminates only if one faction attacks another or refuses a valid demand for withdrawal. #CONCEPT5 {Blood Truce} marks an end to Vendetta between two factions. It a promise not to attack one another for a limited period of time. After about 15-20 years, a Blood Truce will expire and the two factions will continue as Neutrals unless they again attack one another. ^ Technically, Blood Truce does not restrict you from entering another faction's territory, but other faction leaders may not see things that way. #CONCEPT6 {Vendetta} is a state of war between two factions. If you have pronounced Vendetta on a faction (or another faction has pronounced it against you), expect to be attacked. #CONCEPT7 {Integrity} measures the current value of your word-of-honor as a faction leader. If you keep your promises and do not betray your friends, your integrity will remain high. Attacking factions you have pledged $LINK or signed $LINK with will rapidly lower your integrity rating, and other faction leaders will no longer be eager to make such agreements with you. ^ Note that there is no dishonor in attacking a sworn enemy with whom you have not pledged Blood Truce; only breaking an agreement can lower your Integrity. #CONCEPT8 {Atrocities} comprise a set of particularly heinous acts forbidden under the Unity mission's U.N. Charter. Simple Atrocities include use of nerve gas or genetic warfare, nerve stapling of civilians, and attacks against civilian populations (e.g. intentional obliteration of a base). Use of quasi-nuclear devices such as Planet Busters is considered a Major Atrocity. ^ If you commit a Simple Atrocity, the other factions will likely impose commerce sanctions for ten or more years, depriving you of all trade with your Treaty and Pact partners. The faction against whom you committed the atrocity will probably remain your sworn enemy forever. ^ If you commit a Major Atrocity, you will be expelled from the $LINK and all factions will pronounce $LINK against you. ^ Simple atrocities committed between factions of different species (i.e., the $LINK and humans) do not invoke the wrath of other faction leaders. #CONCEPT9 {Drone Riots} occur when the number of $LINK at a base exceeds the number of $LINK. During Riots, citizens will continue to feed themselves, but no production will take place and no surplus energy will be produced. To end the Drone Riots, you will have to restore the balance of Drones and Talents. ^ Drone Riots can be prevented (or ended) by one of several methods: (a) building {psych-related facilities} such as $LINK will reduce the number of Drones at a base (b) if your social engineering $LINK rating is high enough, you can place military units in your base to serve as "police" and impose order (c) Converting some workers to {Doctors} will increase the number of Talents, balancing out the drones. (d) if your base produces enough energy, increasing your energy allocation to {Psych} will increase the number of Talents at your base (one talent for every two points of Psych produced), thereby restoring balance. #CONCEPT10 A {Golden Age} occurs when a base has no $LINK, and the number of $LINK at least equals the number of regular Workers and Specialists. ^ A Golden Age significantly increases a base's {growth} rate and {energy} production-- equivalent of +1 $LINK and +2 $LINK on the social engineering table. #CONCEPT11 {Morale} reflects the training and experience of your military units. Morale levels range from Very Green to Green to Disciplined to Hardened, Veteran, Commando, and Elite. A unit receives a {+12.5% combat bonus} for each morale level. Morale plays a particularly important role in psi combat, and in combat between probe teams, since no weapon and armor values are considered in those cases. ^ New units typically begin with {Green} morale, though this may be higher or lower depending on your social engineering $LINK setting. A new unit's morale can also be increased if a base has a $LINK or other related {facility}. ^ Alien units such as Mind Worms have {life cycles} which correspond to morale levels. Alien units are not affected by Command Centers and military facilities, but their life cycle levels can be improved by building $LINK and other similar facilities. The {transport} capacity of an $LINK is determined by its life cycle level: one unit for each level. ^ A unit victorious in combat will often receive a morale upgrade (the lower its morale level, the more likely an upgrade). ^ {Elite} units receive a special bonus--an additional move each turn. ^ A unit with a "+" sign after its morale possesses a combat bonus from its location in a base with a $LINK. #CONCEPT12 {Monoliths} are mysterious and unexplained alien devices discovered on Planet. A monolith will increase a unit's $LINK (or life cycle) one level, but an individual unit can receive only one monolith upgrade (hint: consider saving your upgrade for those hard-to-get promotions from Commando to Elite). ^ A monolith will also completely repair any damaged unit; this can be done any number of times, even if a unit has already received a morale upgrade from a monolith. ^ Monolith squares can also be tapped for resources, and will produce $LINK<2 Nutrients=41>, $LINK<2 Minerals=42>, and $LINK<2 Energy=43> each turn. #CONCEPT13 {Artifacts} are mysterious and unexplained alien devices sometimes discovered on Planet. If you can find an artifact and return it to one of your bases, you will have several options: (a) you can link it to a $LINK if you have one, and receive a free technology breakthrough; (b) you can use it to speed the production of a $LINK or Unit Prototype; (c) you can save it to use later. ^ Artifacts can be captured from other players. A lone artifact can be captured by any player without diplomatic penalty. #CONCEPT14 {Xenofungus} or {Fungus} is a form of plant life native to Alpha Centauri. It has a number of unusual properties which you may discover in the course of play. Some of the more obvious properties include: ^ (1) Fungus impedes {movement}. Units may have difficulty entering Fungus squares. Increasing your $LINK social engineering rating will alleviate this problem. Building the Xenoempathy Dome improves Fungus movement considerably. ^ (2) Fungus has some {defensive} value when defending against other human or $LINK factions. Against native $LINK, however, Fungus has negative value. ^ (3) Fungus squares can be tapped for {resources}; the resource level provided by a fungus square is determined by the technologies you have discovered: ^ ^+1 Nutrient: $LINK ^+1 Energy: $LINK ^+1 Mineral: $LINK ^+1 Nutrient: $LINK ^+1 Energy: $LINK ^+1 Mineral: $LINK ^+1 Energy: $LINK ^+1 Mineral: $LINK #CONCEPT15 Some units (usually alien creatures such as $LINK) can engage in {PSI COMBAT}. In Psi Combat, weapon and armor strengths are ignored, and the attacker is given a 3 to 2 advantage on land (1 to 1 for sea combat). $LINK level becomes quite important in Psi Combat. #CONCEPT16 {Waypoints} can be set when giving a unit "go to" orders. One way to give a unit "go to" orders is to click on it to activate it, then hold down the {left mouse button and drag} a "movement arrow" to where you want the unit to go. You can set waypoints by pressing the {SPACE BAR} while the arrow is over a particular square. The unit will move to each of its waypoints on its way to its final destination. You can also set waypoints while giving a unit Patrol orders, in similar fashion. #CONCEPT17 A unit can be told to {Patrol} by clicking on the unit to activate it, then selecting the Patrol option from the Action menu. When the Patrol cursor appears, hold down the left mouse button and drag a "patrol arrow" to the area you wish the unit to patrol. The unit will commence patrolling back and forth between its current location and the location you have specified. It will "wake up" and request orders if it encounters an enemy unit. You may set {waypoints} in a patrol by pressing the {SPACE BAR} while you drag the patrol arrow. #CONCEPT18 The Explore, Discover, Build, and Conquer buttons on the Base Control Screen activate the {Governor} for that base. When the Governor is activated, he will make decisions automatically based on his general instructions. This function is useful for beginners and for players who do not wish to micromanage their bases. ^ The {EXPLORE} button tells the Governor of a base to concentrate on finding and occupying new territory. Bases set to explore will typically concentrate on building $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, and occasional $LINK for scouting oceans. This button is especially useful early in the game, when you need to expand quickly. #CONCEPT19 The Explore, Discover, Build, and Conquer buttons on the Base Control Screen activate the {Governor} for that base. When the Governor is activated, he will make decisions automatically based on his general instructions. This function is useful for beginners and for players who do not wish to micromanage their bases. ^ The {DISCOVER} button on the Base Control Screen emphasizes scientific discovery and technological breakthroughs. The Base Governor will concentrate on building {Science Facilities} (such as $LINK), $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK. This button is especially effective with large, well-protected bases deep in your interior. #CONCEPT20 The Explore, Discover, Build, and Conquer buttons on the Base Control Screen activate the {Governor} for that base. When the Governor is activated, he will make decisions automatically based on his general instructions. This function is useful for beginners and for players who do not wish to micromanage their bases. ^ The {BUILD} button on the Base Control Screen mandates infrastructure and growth. The Base Governor will tend to build {Facilities} and $LINK. Use this button at any time to have your base concentrate on peaceful growth. #CONCEPT21 The Explore, Discover, Build, and Conquer buttons on the Base Control Screen activate the {Governor} for that base. When the Governor is activated, he will make decisions automatically based on his general instructions. This function is useful for beginners and for players who do not wish to micromanage their bases. ^ Use the {CONQUER} button on the Base Control Screen to build up your military. In this mode your base will produce {military units} of all varieties, and their associated facilities, such as $LINK. Use this button whenever you need to attack or defend. #CONCEPT22 Units which engage in combat may become damaged. Damage is indicated by a colored bar along the left side of a unit's status icon: Green represents light (or no) damage; Yellow and Red show increasing damage. ^ Damage can be repaired if a unit skips its entire turn (SPACE BAR) at a friendly base. A severely damaged unit may have to repeat this operation for several turns. NOTE: Damage will not be repaired on any turn in which the unit is attacked or bombarded. ^ Units can also conduct "field repair" (i.e. not at a base), but this process is much slower and is only effective if the unit has sustained more than 10% damage. #CONCEPT23 You may use the Design Workshop screen to create new unit types. Whenever you create a unit using a $LINK, $LINK, or $LINK type which you have never used before, you must {prototype} the unit. ^ A prototype unit requires an extra {+50% Minerals} to build, though it receives a bonus $LINK<+1 Morale=11> upgrade in compensation since experimental weapons are often given to crack, well-trained troops. ^ Once you have prototyped a new unit, you may build that unit in the future at no additional cost. #CONCEPT24 When designing new units, bear in mind that units strong in three areas ($LINK, $LINK, $LINK) will be vastly more expensive than units strong in only two areas (or one). ^ For example, a 4-3-2 unit normally costs 70 minerals to build, whereas a 4-1-2 unit costs only 30 and a 4-3-1 unit costs 40. So you can have two units for the price of one, not to mention the +25% base-attack bonus which the 4-3-1 $LINK unit will receive. #CONCEPT25 As your colony grows and you claim more territory and build more bases, this growth will put a strain on your economy. This strain shows up as {inefficiency}, which can cause you to lose some of your $LINK production each turn. ^ The farther a base is away from your $LINK base, the more inefficiency it will experience. ^ Inefficiency can be mitigated at all of your bases by making social engineering choices which increase your $LINK value. $LINK politics and $LINK economics each increase efficiency. ^ Inefficiency can be mitigated at a particular base by building a $LINK there. #CONCEPT26 As humans or $LINK expand and build colonies on Planet, they inevitably begin to cause ecological damage. Ecological damage can provoke the native life forms and cause other unexpected effects. ^ The more $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK (but not $LINK, which actually help the ecology) you build, the more the potential damage. $LINK $LINK and $LINK cause even greater damage. You can reduce or eliminate this type of damage by building $LINK and $LINK facilities. ^ As your industrial output (minerals) increases, ecological damage will also take place. This effect can be reduced by building the $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK facilities. #CONCEPT27 Once you have obtained commlink frequencies for all factions, you can convene the {Planetary Council} to vote on planetary policies, including election of a $LINK. ^ In elections for Planetary Governor (and $LINK), each faction casts votes equal to the total size of all its bases. This total may be modified by faction powers and $LINK. Only the leader of one of the two factions with the highest vote totals may stand for election as Governor or Supreme Leader. ^ On votes to set planetary policies, each faction receives one vote. In these votes, the current Planetary Governor has veto power, which can be overridden only by unanimous vote of all remaining factions. #CONCEPT28 The {Planetary Governor} holds an Executive Veto in all votes on Planetary Policy. The Governor also receives {+1 Energy} in $LINK transactions with other friendly factions at each base, from the increased commerce created by global agencies. The planetary bureaucracy provides the Governor with an infiltrator in every other faction. #CONCEPT29 {Commerce} is bonus energy generated from trade between two friendly factions. Whenever you sign a $LINK or $LINK with another faction, your bases will automatically begin to accrue commerce (and this benefit extends to your partner faction as well). ^ Commerce is interrupted whenever a $LINK occurs between two factions, or when sanctions are applied against a faction which has committed an $LINK. Think of Commerce as a reward for peaceful behavior. ^ Between two factions, commerce is more beneficial to the faction which has discovered the most $LINK. CEO Morgan gains additional bonuses here as part of his faction power. Commerce also tends to benefit the current $LINK. ^ ^You can increase your commerce rates by doing the following: ^* Sign more Treaties. ^* Sign more Pacts (Pacts receive double commerce). ^* Increase the size and economy of your bases ("it takes energy to make energy"). ^* Discover more economic-related technologies ^ Economic related technologies include $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK. #CONCEPT30 There are five principal ways to win the game: ^ ^$LINK ^$LINK ^$LINK ^$LINK ^$LINK ^$LINK ^ For detailed scoring information, see $LINK. ^ For information on retirement and mandatory retirement, see $LINK. #CONCEPT31 Your {territory} consists of all land nearer to one of your land bases on the same continent than to anyone else's. Your territorial waters consist of all sea areas nearer to one of your sea bases (in the same ocean) than to anyone else's. Territory may move and shift during the course of the game as bases are built, conquered, and destroyed. ^ Other faction leaders may take offense if you move units into their territory, particularly if you have signed a $LINK. ^ Territory never extends more than 7 squares from a land base, or 3 from a sea base. #CONCEPT32 Your {might} is a measure of your overall standing in comparison to other factions. It ranges from "Unsurpassed" (first place), to "Feeble" (seventh place). ^ Might is based on a holistic evaluation of your faction, and includes population, $LINK, $LINK, and military strength. ^ The {Faction Dominance} graphs on the information display track might. #CONCEPT33 Fast units, such as Speeders and Hovertanks, can sometimes {disengage} when surprised by slower enemy units. A unit disengages when the following conditions are met: ^ ^* Unit incurs 50% damage, relative to what it started the combat with. ^* Unit is faster than its attacker, taking damage into account. ^* Unit is alone in its square. ^* Unit did not attack on its last turn. ^* Unit is a combat unit (non-combat units may never disengage). ^* Neither attacker nor defender is an air unit. ^* Attacker does not have the $LINK ability. ^* Unit does not have the HOLD order, and is not in a $LINK or $LINK. ^* A valid retreat square is avaiable, which is not a $LINK square (unless $LINK) and is not adjacent to an enemy unit. #CONCEPT34 Every unit exerts a {Zone of Control} into every adjacent square (but units in sea squares do not exert zones of control into land squares, nor vice versa). ^ Land units may not normally move between two squares in an enemy zone of control, with the following exceptions: ^* Units may freely move into and out of bases. ^* Units may freely attack any adjacent unit. ^* Units may freely enter squares already containing friendly units. ^* $LINK and units with the $LINK may ignore this rule. ^ Air and Sea units exert zones of control, but are not affected by them. #CONCEPT35 Naval units, and land units with the $LINK ability may conduct {Bombardment} by selecting the Long Range Fire option from the Action menu. ^ Bombardment has the advantage of potentially damaging every enemy unit in a particular square and the disadvantage that land units can never be reduced below 50% damage by bombardment. ^ If bombardment is attempted against a square containing an enemy naval or artillery unit, the bombardment is cancelled and an {Artillery Duel} is initiated, with the attacking and defending artillery (or naval) units fighting attack-vs-attack strength. Armor values are ignored for Artillery Duels. #CONCEPT36 {Drones} are discontented, undereducated citizens which appear as a result of population pressure and other social forces. Drones work like other citizens, but if a base has more Drones than $LINK, a $LINK may result. #CONCEPT37 {Talents} are prosperous, highly educated citizens, your intellectual elite. Talents are created as the result of favorable social conditions and the diversion of energy to $LINK. As long as a base has at least as many Talents as $LINK, no $LINK will occur. #CONCEPT38 Energy diverted to {Psych} is used to improve the quality of life your citizens experience. Every two units of energy diverted to Psych will create an additional {Talent} in that base. #CONCEPT39 Certain major {Landmarks} on Planet's surface convey special bonuses: ^ ^{Garland Crater} confers $LINK<+1 Mineral=42> in interior squares. ^{Mount Planet} confers $LINK<+1 Mineral=42> and $LINK<+1 Energy=43> in each square around the mouth. ^{Uranium Flats} confer $LINK<+1 Energy=43> in each square. ^{Geothermal Shallows} confer $LINK<+1 Energy=43> in each square. ^{Pholus Ridge} confers $LINK<+1 Energy=43> in each square. ^{Monsoon Jungle} confers $LINK<+1 Nutrient=41> in each square. ^{Freshwater Sea} confers $LINK<+1 Nutrient=41> in each square. ^{Fossil Field Ridge} confers $LINK<+1 Mineral=42> in each square. ^{Manifold Nexus} confers a $LINK<+1 PLANET=130007> rating when inside a faction's borders. $LINK factions gain an additional $LINK<+1 RESEARCH=130010> rating. ^ Other landmarks have no effect beyond the standard effects of the terrain which they represent. #CONCEPT40 The following proposals can be brought before the Planetary Council, once appropriate technology is obtained: ^ ^{Salvage Unity Fusion Core}: +500 energy for each faction ^{Global Trade Pact}: Commerce rates doubled planetwide. ^{Repeal Trade Pact}: Commerce rates return to normal. ^{Launch Solar Shade}: Global cooling; sea levels fall. ^{Melt Polar Caps}: Global warming; sea levels rise. ^{Repeal U.N. Charter}: Atrocity prohibitions lifted. ^ The Council also elects the $LINK by a majority vote of population, and by a 3/4 vote by population can annoint a Supreme Leader, conferring a $LINK. #CONCEPT41 {Nutrients} are produced in squares with sufficient $LINK, sometimes supplemented by the addition of $LINK and similar enhancements. ^ Every citizen at a base must "eat" two Nutrients per turn to survive. ^ Surplus nutrients are stored. When sufficient surplus nutrients have been accumulated, a base will grow, producing a new citizen. #CONCEPT42 {Minerals} are produced in squares with sufficient $LINK, sometimes supplemented by the addition of $LINK and similar enhancements. ^ Once a base has exceeded its free $LINK level, any additional units (military or non-combat) consume one Mineral per turn of support. ^ Surplus minerals are applied to production of $LINK, units, and $LINK which a base is creating. When sufficient minerals are accumulated, the facility or unit is built. #CONCEPT43 {Energy} is produced in squares with $LINK, particularly those at high $LINK. ^ Depending on the Energy Allocation which you have made on the Social Engineering screen, all the energy you produce is divided among three priorities: $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK. Some of the energy a base produces may also be lost to $LINK. #CONCEPT44 $LINK allocated to your {Economy} is added, as energy credits, to your $LINK, which function as your treasury for monetary transactions. #CONCEPT45 $LINK allocated to {Labs} is used to conduct scientific research. The more energy you allocate to Labs, the quicker you will make technological breakthroughs. #CONCEPT46 Your {Energy Reserves} represent stored energy. Your reserves function as your treasury for monetary transactions. ^ Your energy reserves increase depending on the amount of $LINK you allocate to $LINK on the Social Engineering screen. #ADVCONCEPT0 When designing new units, bear in mind that units strong in three areas ($LINK, $LINK, $LINK) will be vastly more expensive than units strong in only two areas (or one). The basic cost formula, to which there are several modifiers, is: ^ ^Cost = Weapon * (Armor + Speed) * 10 / (2 ^ (Reactor + 1)) ^ ^* Weapon value never less than 1/2 Armor value. ^* Non-combat units substitute "Equipment Cost" for Weapon value. ^* Cost is halved for units with Speed 1. ^* Cost is halved for sea units, and Armor is discounted 50%. ^* Cost quartered for combat air units. ^* Armor cost doubled for air units. ^* Cost +25% for each unit of $LINK cost. ^* Cost +10 minerals if both Weapon and Armor greater than 1. ^* Cost +10 minerals if Land unit's Weapon, Armor, Speed all greater than 1. ^* Minimum cost (Reactor*2 - Reactor/2)*10 unless all values are 1. #ADVCONCEPT1 The formula used to compute the energy lost to {Inefficiency} by a base is: ^ ^Inefficiency = (Energy * Distance / (64 - ((4 - Efficiency) * 8)) ^ ^Energy | Amount of energy produced by base this turn. ^Distance | Distance from $LINK base (16 if no HQ). ^Efficiency | Social Engineering $LINK (+2 if $LINK) ^ ^* If denominator reaches zero, ALL energy is lost to inefficiency. #ADVCONCEPT2 The ecological damage formula is complex: ^(1) For each base total the number of $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, $LINK $LINK and $LINK. Items in squares which are actually being worked count double. ^(2) Add an extra +8 for each Borehole, +6 for each Mirror, and +4 for each Condenser. ^(3) Subract 1 for each $LINK. ^(4) Halve if base has $LINK, and Eliminate if also has $LINK. ^(5) Divide this value by 8, and reduce by up to 16 plus # of previous damages. Set this number aside. ^(6) Take the number of minerals produced this turn (but not from Orbit) ^(7) If result from 5 was reduced by less than 16+#, reduce result 6 by remaining amount. ^(8) Divide minerals by 1 plus # of $LINK, $LINK, $LINK. ^(9) Sum the values of (5) and (8), and add +5 for each major $LINK. ^(10) If Alpha Prime is at perihelion (20 years out of every 80), double your value. ^ ^Ecology% = (ValueFromStep10) * Difficulty * Technologies * (3-PLANET) * LIFE / 300 ^ ^Difficulty = Normally 3, but 5 on two highest two difficulty levels. ^Technologies = Number of $LINK discovered ^PLANET = Social Engineering $LINK value ^LIFE = Native life level (1-3) from Custom Start #ADVCONCEPT3 Commerce is computed base by base between factions with $LINK and $LINK, as follows: ^ ^(1) First, all bases for each faction are ranked from top to bottom by Energy output. ^(2) Bases are paired off from top to bottom. If one faction has extra bases, these are ignored. ^(3) For each pair of bases, sum the combined economic output and divide by 8, rounding up. ^(4) Double this value if a Global Trade Pact is in effect. ^(5) Now, for each individual base, the commerce formula is as follows: ^ (ValueFromStep4) * (CommerceTech+1) / (TotalCommerceTech+1) ^(6) CommerceTech is the total # of economic technologies discovered, plus faction & social bonuses. ^(7) TotalCommerceTech is the total # of economic technologies in the game. ^(8) Now, using the value from step 5, divide by 2 if no Pact (e.g. only a Treaty) ^(9) Add +1 if you are $LINK. ^(10) Reduce to zero if sanctions are in effect against either faction. #ADVCONCEPT4 Your Alpha Centauri Score is computed as follows: ^ ^(1) 1 point for each citizen of each base. ^(2) If you have won a $LINK or $LINK victory, score: ^ (a) 1 point for each citizen of a $LINK base. ^ (b) 1/2 point for each citizen of any other faction's base. ^(3) 1 point for each citizen of a surrendered base. ^(4) 1 point for each unit of $LINK your bases are receiving. ^(5) 1 point for each $LINK discovered. ^(6) 10 points for each $LINK advance. ^(7) 25 points for each $LINK. ^(8) A $LINK bonus if you have won the game. #ADVCONCEPT5 You may win the game diplomatically by convincing enough faction leaders to unite behind you as Supreme Leader of Planet. A 3/4 vote of the $LINK is required to secure such election. Only the leader of one of the two factions with the highest vote totals may stand for election as $LINK or Supreme Leader. ^ When a Supreme Leader is elected, a faction leader may choose to defy the will of the Council and refuse to submit. In this case, the Supreme Leader must, with the help of loyal factions, conquer all defiant factions to achieve a Conquest victory. Because of the military power usually required to secure election as Supreme Leader, defying the will of the Council is generally fairly suicidal. Other factions will therefore usually only take this course if you have committed atrocities against them or grossly and repeatedly betrayed them. ^ If you win a Diplomatic Victory, you are awarded 1200 points minus 2 for every game turn elapsed. If Cooperative Victory is enabled and your $LINK is elected Supreme Leader, you are awarded half this total. ^ No leader can win a diplomatic victory so long as any Progenitor faction remains unconquered. #ADVCONCEPT6 You may win the game by conquest if you eliminate all remaining factions. Factions which surrender and "swear a pact to serve you" count as eliminated for this purpose. If Cooperative Victory is enabled, you need not eliminate any faction with whom you have signed a $LINK, though aside from surrendered AI factions no more than three factions may "win together" in this fashion. ^ For winning by Conquest, you are awarded 1000 points minus 2 for every game turn elapsed. If Cooperative Victory is enabled and more than one faction survives the game, the points are split between them based on relative population. #ADVCONCEPT7 The highest form of victory is the Ascent to Transcendence, the next step in the evolution of sentient life. In order to ascend, you must complete the secret project $LINK, which can be started only after one faction has completed the $LINK project. ^ Players who ascend to transcendence are awarded 2000 points minus 2 for every game turn elapsed. If cooperative victory is enabled, all $LINK participate in the win, and points are split between all winning factions based on relative population. #ADVCONCEPT8 You may win an Economic Victory by cornering the Global Energy Market. You must have discovered $LINK in order to pursue such a plan. ^ Cornering the Global Energy Market will require a sum of energy credits roughly equal to the cost to "mind control" every remaining base on Planet. When you are ready to make such an attempt, select "Corner Global Energy Market" from the HQ Menu. ^ When a faction attempts to corner the Global Energy Market, all other factions will be given an allotted period of time in which they can capture or destroy the cornering faction's $LINK and thereby foil the plan. ^ For Economic Victory, you are awarded 1200 points minus 2 for every game turn elapsed. If Cooperative Victory is enabled, $LINK of the winning faction receive half the bonus points. #ADVCONCEPT9 You win a Scenario Victory if you successfully complete the goals of a Scenario. Your score will depend on the specific scenario rules. ^ You cannot win a Scenario Victory if you are playing a standard game. #ADVCONCEPT10 You may retire as faction leader at any time by selecting "Retire" from the Game Menu. This ends the game and computes your $LINK. ^ You must also retire if you reach the mandatory retirement year for your game or scenario. In standard games, the mandatory retirement year is M.Y. 2600 for Citizen, Specialist, and Talent levels, and M.Y. 2500 for Librarian, Thinker, and Transcend levels. ^ You will be warned 20 years before you reach mandatory retirement. #ADVCONCEPT11 The formula used to compute a faction's might is as follows: ^ ^4 points for each point of population ^4 points for each $LINK ^?? points for each $LINK (sum of Explore, Discover, Build, Conquer values) ^10 points for each $LINK ^ ^For each non-combat unit, add Cost/40 (technically MineralRows/4) ^For each psi unit, add Cost/20 (MineralRows/2) ^For each planet buster, add Cost/10 (MineralRows) ^For combat units, add Cost/10 in ratio of weapon strength to best ^ weapon of any unit currently in the game. ^ ^So a 2-1-2 unit is only worth half value if "4" weapons are the best available. #ADVCONCEPT12 Several factors contribute to the number of $LINK found at a base before $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK are taken into account: ^ (1) Difficulty Level: at the lowest difficulty level, every citizen after the first six is a drone. For each increase in difficulty level, an additional drone is added, so at the highest level every citizen after the first one is a drone. ^ (2) Bureaucracy: depending on your $LINK and your difficulty level, you will receive additional drones when your {number of bases} exceeds a certain number. See $LINK. ^ (3) Disloyal Citizenry: for approximately 50 turns after you capture an enemy base, you will receive extra drones while you assimilate the enemy citizens. The basic rate is 5 drones minus one for each 10 turns elapsed, but the number may never exceed: ^^(BaseSize + Difficulty - 2)/4 ^ (4) Faction Power: Some factions receive additional drones or talents. For instance, the University receives an extra drone for every 4 citizens (rounded down), while the Peacekeepers receive an extra $LINK for every 4 citizens, rounded up. #ADVCONCEPT13 {Bureaucracy} is the addition of extra Drones because a faction has exceeded a certain number of bases. The bureaucracy formula works as follows: ^ ^^BaseLimit = (8 - Difficulty) * (4 + Efficiency) * MapRoot / 2 ^ ^Where: ^Difficulty = Player's difficulty level (0 - 5) ^Efficiency = Social Engineering $LINK rating. ^MapRoot = Sq. Root of # Map Squares / Sq. Root of 3200. ^ For each base a faction builds in excess of this number, one additional drone will appear at some base somewhere in the colony. #CONCEPT47 The {Progenitors} are a highly advanced race of starfaring creatures, whose technological sophistication is evident in the $LINK and $LINK they left behind on Planet. Research into these structures, or direct contact with the Progenitors should they return, can yield new technologies, weapons, and base facilities. ^ In recent millenia, the Progenitors have split into two warring camps: the $LINK and the $LINK. These factions conflict over the uses of the $LINK, which include Planet. The Caretakers wish to leave the Manifolds in their original, pristine state, while the Usurpers wish to initiate and control an $LINK. If either faction is successful in their quest, it most likely means an end to humanity's presence on Planet. #CONCEPT48 The $LINK have evolved complex biological systems that can sense fields imperceptible to humans, including at least electrical and magnetic fields. The collective term for this sensitivity is {resonance}, and permeates all Progenitor communication, art, and culture. The sensitivity also confers valuable combat bonuses to Progenitor forces. With a great deal of training and mechanical aid, humans can learn to sense and utilize this resonance as well. #CONCEPT49 Eons ago, the ancient $LINK constructed six Planetary {Manifolds}, which they intended as massive experiments into sentience on a gigantic scale. One of the Manifolds, in the Tau Ceti system, achieved an early sentience, gaining the ability to project undreamt-of power across the galaxy. The "Flowering", as this event was called, engulfed numerous star systems and plunged Progenitor culture into a dark age from which it has not fully recovered. In the ensuing millenia of chaos and fragmentation, the locations of the Six Manifolds were lost. #CONCEPT50 $LINK factions do not engage in $LINK with humans. However, their experience with recycling does provide them with an {Energy Grid} at each base. Each Progenitor base facility is connected to this grid; every two base facilities generate one energy added to the base total, rounded up. Every two $LINK generate five energy added to the base total. ^ $LINK causes widespread disaffection among Progenitor citizens, resulting in the shutdown of the Grid for a limited time. #CONCEPT51 ^The amount of nutrients any given square can produce is limited to two until the discovery of $LINK. ^ ^The amount of minerals any given square can produce is limited to two until the discovery of $LINK. ^ ^The amount of energy any given square can produce is limited to two until the discovery of $LINK. ^ ^Important: Squares with resource bonuses are exempt from resource restrictions! #ADVCONCEPT14 The two $LINK factions can achieve victory by calling in reinforcements from their respective homeworlds. To broadcast the hidden location of the $LINK to their leaders offworld, either Progenitor faction can construct a {Resonance Communicator}. The Communicator consists of six $LINK, which must be built in bases of size ten or greater. ^ Players who build the Resonance Communicator are awarded 2000 points minus 2 for every game turn elapsed. No cooperative victory is possible for this victory condition; if either Progenitor faction succeeds in the completion of such a Communicator, it heralds the end of human habitation on Planet. # ; This line must remain at end of file