; ; Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ; Faction Editor ; #PSIONIC Psionic Nation, The Psi Talent, Psis, M, 1, Yuri, M, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, TECH, Psych, SOCIAL, -INDUSTRY, SOCIAL, -PLANET, FACILITY, 33, MINDCONTROL, 0, PSI, 60, Future Society, Thought Control, RESEARCH, Economics, Green, nil, Psionic, Psionic Charles Williams, Rasputin Zakharov, Medulla Oblongata Talent, insightful, retarded, brilliant, dimwit, Rat Brain strive to advance our Human psyches to found a society based on the evolution of the Human mind subverting all citizens' minds with pre-sentient morality subverting all citizens' minds with pre-sentient morality go mad and bring Human civilization down to its knees frying brains with all manner of narcotic substances frying brains with all manner of narcotic substances running psychic "hotlines" psyhic "mind reading", M1 psionic advancement, M1 psychic manipulations, M2 research grant, M1 advancing the evolution of the Human psyche Psi Cops Psionic Equality Law #BASES Hippocampus Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum Axon Gray Matter Spinal Chord Basal Ganglia Bending Spoons Yuri's Mind Astral Evolution Within You Telekinesis Central White Matter Telepath Valley Without You Mind over Matter Bundle of Nerves #END #WATERBASES Brain Pons Williams' Rift Temporal Lobe Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Occiptal Lobe #END #BLURB ^When you've seen beyond yourself Then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there And the time will come when you see we're all one And life flows on within you and without you. ^ ^-- George Harrison ^ "Within You, Without You" #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Yuri Sutherland} ^BACKGROUND: {Unity's Psionic Talent} ^AGENDA: {Evolution of the Human Psyche} ^TECH: {Social Psych} ^ #DATALINKS2 ^-1 INDUSTRY: {Mind over Matter.} ^-1 PLANET: {Planet psyche seen as threat to human evolution.} ^Free PSI GATE at every base ^Immune to Mind Control ^+60% Psi Combat Bonus ^{May not use Green economics.} #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "As I see no need for this Vendetta to continue, $NAME1, a pledge of Blood Truce would seem most in order." "Indeed. Blood Truce would be most satisfactory." "Never! I plan to put an end to your scheming thoughts once and for all!" #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "$TITLE0 $NAME1, would you like to meld minds and sign a Treaty of Friendship?" "That would be most satisfactory, $NAME3." "No. I have better ways to spend my psychic energy, $NAME3." #ALIENFACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "As I see no need for this Vendetta to continue, $NAME1, a pledge of Blood Truce would seem in order." "Progenitor: perceive no point either. Mutual agreement: truce." "Your needs: truth: not same. Continued conflict: beneficial to Progenitor!" #ALIENFACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "$TITLE0 $NAME1, our elevated mental ability among the human factions would make us a perfect candidate for a Treaty of Friendship with you. Shall we sign?" "Alliance: Mutually beneficial: Answer: yes." "Psionic Nation: Not strong: They think weird thoughts: no." # ; This line must remain at end of file