Explanation of changes and their strategic impact Tired of the usual SMAC routine? You know the drill +The long slow slog to set up a small empire and do some exploring and terraforming during the first 25-40 turns. +Pop booms and exponentially climbing might graphs. +Grabbing all the secret projects with upgraded crawlers. +Beelining for Air Power and MMI, then racing to conquer the world with chop & drop before anyone else gets these techs, or stomping all over pitiful AI, which never pop booms and never uses chop & drop. +Buying the Ascent in a single turn. None of these "standard" events happen in turbo-SMAC! I. Acceleration Very little happens for the first 20 moves or so. This is fine with single player, because you can reach 2120 in a few minutes, but in PBEM it might take two months! We need faster development. 1. Half-price colony pods This is the biggest factor. It will accelerate development, because earlier pods mean earlier additional bases, all of which can be making new pods. 2. Nutrient rows shortened to 6 This will speed up growth early on. To avoid excessive exponential growth from pop booming, all factions will have -1 growth until Future SOciEties are researched in the endgame. Effectively, the base length of nutrient rows will be 8. 3. Research rate increased 33% This will speed up research throughout the game. 4. Faster terraforming The number of turns to complete terraforming has been cut in half or less for all operations except borehole contruction and forest seeding. 5. Industry bonus All factions have +2 industry throughout the game. This works better than shortening mineral rows to 8. 6. More resources. Increased beNefit of ocean squares by +1 nutrient and +1 mineral. Doubled the benefit of farms and solar collectors. Increased value of bonus squares from 2 to 3. Elminated nutrient penalty from mine. Added sea versions of all land improvements. Can build monoliths after Centauri Meditation. Increased minerals from cutting forest from 5 to 10. Doubled benefit from Recycling Tanks. Additional resources from fungus have been added and come earlier. 7. Cheaper facilities Reduced the mineral cost and/or maintenance cost of most facilities, except for Tree Farm, Hybrid Tree Farm, Fusion Lab and Quantum Lab. Reduced cost of least popular facilities by the greatest factor. 8. Starting energy Increased from 10 to 50, to allow SE changes from the start. II. Counter to over-used strategies and exploits In the midgame, some factions grow rapidly and their relative might increases exponentially. After carefully designing an empire and building it for 100 turns or more, it can vanish in a couple of turns through cheap "chop & drop" tactics. These changes come under the heading of slowing the "the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker" tendency of this game which is very strong. 1. Pop booming. Pop booming is almost entirely removed by giving all factions -1 growth until Future Society SE's are reached. The only way to pop boom is to achieve a Golden Age with Demo/Planned/Creche, which means little booming. This prevents easy wins by the first faction to pop boom. 2. Infinite colony spread (ICS) The ICS problem is actually made worse by the half-price colony pods. ICS is reduced by limiting pop booming and by eliminating the mineral income from the base square. 3. Chop and drop a. Airdrop range reduced from 8 to 6 b. Air unit range reduced from 8 to 6 (jet) or 5 ('copter). c. Cost of air units doubled d. Prototyping costs doubled for air units only e. Attack penalty after air drop increased from 50% to 66% f. Cost of drop ability now rises with increasing weapon or speed, but not with armor. g. Cost of nerve gas pods now rises with increasing weapon h. AAA bonus increased from 100% to 125% i. Decreased cost of AAA ability, but increased its cost on offensive units j. Decreased mineral cost of Aero Complex from 80 to 30 k. SAM ability now free l. SAM probes can bribe air units m. Instrinsic base defense bonus and sensor defense bonus both increased from 25% to 50%. 4. Increase usefulness of seldom-used chasses & units 5. Overuse of supply crawlers Doubled cost of these units. Does not prevent exploits involving upgrades. III. Restore balance between offense & conquer versus defense & build 1. Boost defenses a. Instrinsic base defense bonus and sensor defense bonus both increased from 25% to 50%. b. Defense bonus (+12%) against fast units for unit in rough or in base. c. non combat unit penalty dropped. d. AAA bonus increased from 100% to 125% IV. Enhance cool components of the game that are seldom used due to minor flaws 1. Advanced chassis Hovertank: Now comes with Superconductor and has 4 move points Gravship: Now come with Nanometalurgy and has 16 move points 2. Breeding native life --much cheaper, and native units given special abilities and more move points: Worms: Cost 2 rows of minerals, rover chassis, trance and deep radar abilities Isles: Cost 3 rows of minerals, cruiser chassis, AAA and deep radar abilities Locusts: Cost 4 rows of minerals, still have gravship chassis, blink and deep radar abilities 3. Artillery --effect enhanced, removed excess cost for mobile artillery. 4. Transports: Transport capacity increased for land and air units and cost decreased. heavy transport ability enabled. 5. Future Societies: These came too late in the game to have an impact. Thought Control is moved two techs earlier (to Biomachinery), and the other two future soecieties are moved to their precedessor techs (Sentient Econmetrics for Eudomonia and Industrial Robotics for Cybernetic). 6. Elevation effects on combat: 25% bonus for attacking downhill or defending uphill. 7. Fungus resources: These pose interesting trade-offs, but came much too late to impact strategy. Now you get more resources form fungus earlier. V. Enhance social engenerring settings that are seldom used. 1. Politics a) Fundamentalism is crippling and seldom used. Remedy: BOOSTED MORALE BENEFIT (dedicated beleivers), MAINTAINED GROWTH BENEFIT OF DEMOCRACY (command to be fruitful and multiply), REDUCED RESEARCH PENALTY TO ONE, ADDED TALENT PENALTY INSTEAD (elite repulsed) b) Police State is somewhat weak except for Spartans and Hive, because additional police units are required to see any effect. Rememdy: NOW WITH ++TALENT (elite police), A MORE ORDERLY SOCIETY IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT ADDING POLICE UNITS. c) Democracy is unchanged. but you might want to consider alternatives! 2. Economics NO CHANGES: FREE MARKET, PLANNED AND GREEN PERFECTLY BALANCED 3. Values a) Power is crippling and seldom used. Remedy: SWITCHED PENALTY FROM INDUSTRY TO RESEARCH (power over knowledge) AND PLANET (power over ecology). b) Knowledge is good, but not usually favored over wealth Remedy: NOW WITH +TALENT (attracts intellectual elite), +PLANET (ecological and planetary understanding). c) Wealth is overused Remedy: NOW SLIGHTLY LESS ATTRACTIVE WITH ECOLOGICAL PENALTY (-PLANET, wealth over conservation). 4. Future Society. These are not actually changed, but "NONE" is given ++INDUSTRY and -GROWTH. TRICK HERE IS TO HAVE +2 INDUSTRY FOR ALL FACTIONS THROUGHOUT GAME AND PREVENT NON-GOLDEN AGE POP BOOM BEFORE FUTURE SOCIETY. ADDED +TALENT TO EACH BECAUSE ANY FUTURISTIC SOCIETY WOULD ATTRACT AN ELITE FOLLOWING. LINE BY LINE CHANGES #RULES 2, 1 ; Numerator & Denominator for artillery fire damage (was 3,4) INCREASED EFFECTIVENESS OF ARTILLERY 6, ; Max airdrop range w/o orbital insertion (was 8) REDUCE EASE OF "CHOP & DROP" 6, ; Nutrient cost multiplier, was 10 FASTER EARLY GROWTH 133, ; Technology discovery rate as a percentage of standard (was 100) 0, ; Nutrient effect in mine square (0 or -1), was -1 (helps AI) 100, ; Extra percentage cost of prototype LAND unit (was 50) 100, ; Extra percentage cost of prototype SEA unit (was 50) 200, ; Extra percentage cost of prototype AIR unit (was 50) 2,1, ; Psi combat offense-to-defense ratio (LAND unit defending) NEEDED TO BALANCE DEFENSE BONUSES 3,2, ; Psi combat offense-to-defense ratio (SEA unit defending) NEEDED TO BALANCE DEFENSE BONUSES 3,2, ; Psi combat offense-to-defense ratio (AIR unit defending) NEEDED TO BALANCE DEFENSE BONUSES 50, ; Players' starting energy reserves (was 10) ALLOW EARLY SE SHIFT 50, ; Combat % -> intrinsic base defense (was 25) 25, ; Combat % -> for attacking from higher elevation (was 0) 25, ; Combat penalty % -> attacking from lower elevation (was 0) 12, ; Combat % -> Defend vs. mobile in rough (was 0) 33, ; Combat % -> Infantry vs. Base (was 25) COUNTER FOR INCREASED DEFENSE BONUSES 66, ; Combat penalty % -> attack after airdrop (was 50) 33, ; Combat % -> Fanatic attack bonus (was 25) COUNTER FOR INCREASED DEFENSE BONUSES 25, ; Combat penalty % -> Air superiority unit vs. ground unit (was 50) 0, ; Combat penalty % -> Non-combat unit defending vs. combat unit (was 50; favors defenders) 0, ; Combat % -> Bonus vs. ships caught in port (was 100; favors defender) 125, ; Combat % -> AAA bonus vs. air units (was 100; favors defender) 50, ; Combat % -> Defend in range of friendly Sensor (was 25) 15, ; Combat % -> Psi attack bonus/penalty per +PLANET (was 10) 33, ; Retool percent penalty for production change (was 50; favors defender) RETOOLS MOST COMMON AFTER SNEAK ATTACK, SWITCH FROM BUILD TO CONQUER 5, ; Minimum # of turns between councils (was 20) 10, ; Minerals for harvesting forest (was 5) 5, ; Turns to corner Global Energy Market (was 20) MAKES THIS VIABLE PATH TO VICTORY! 0, ; If non-zero, humans can always contact each other in hotseat/email games (was 1) THIS NEVER MADE SENSE! 90, ; Maximum % damage inflicted by arty versus units in base/bunker (was 50) INCREASED EFFECT OF ARTILLERY 4, 3 ; Numerator/Denominator for frequency of global warming (1,2 would be "half" normal warming). INCREASED RISK OF GLOBAL WARMING #TERRAIN Farm, None, Kelp Farm, None, 2, Cultivate $STR0, f, F Soil Enricher, EcoEng2, Soil Enricher, Disable, 3, Construct $STR0, f, F Mine, None, Mining Platform, None, 4, Construct $STR0, M, M Solar Collector, None, Tidal Harness, None, 2, Construct $STR0, S, S DRASTICALLY REDUCED TURNS TO COMPLETION OF ALL THE ABOVE TO SPEED UP GAME AND ADD INTEREST Forest, None, Mangrove, None, 3, Plant $STR0, F, Shift+F ONLY SLIGHTLY SPEEDED. ADDED COASTAL SEA FOREST. Mag Tube, Magnets, Mag Tube, Disable, 3, Build $STR0, R, R Bunker, Poly, Bunker, Poly, 2, Construct $STR0, K, K DRASTICALLY REDUCED TURNS TO COMPLETION, NOW VIABLE. AVAILABLE MUCH EARLIER (POLYMORPHIC SOFTWARE) Airbase, DocAir, Naval Airbase, DocAir, 4, Construct $STR0, ., . Sensor Array, None, Buoy, None, 2, Construct $STR0, O, O FAST COMPLETION, ADDED SEA VERSION. WITH DOUBLED EFFECT, NO EXCUSE NOT TO BUILD EVERYWHERE! Fungus, None, Sea Fungus, None, 3, Remove $STR0, F, F Fungus, EcoEng, Sea Fungus, EcoEng, 4, Plant $STR0, F, Ctrl+F Condenser, EcoEng, Kelp Factory, EcoEng, 6, Construct $STR0, N, N FAST COMPLETION, ADDED SEA VERSION Echelon Mirror, EcoEng, Echelon Mirror, EcoEng, 8, Construct $STR0, E, Shift+E FAST COMPLETION, ADDED SEA VERSION Thermal Borehole, EcoEng, Sea Borehole, EcoEng, 24, Construct $STR0, B, Shift+B ONLY OPTION NOT SPED UP, ADDED SEA VERSION Aquifer, EcoEng, Aquifer, Disable, 6, Drill to $STR0, Q, Q Raise Land, EnvEcon, Raise Sea Floor, EnvEcon, 8, Terraform UP, ], ]] Lower Land, EnvEcon, Lower Sea Floor, EnvEcon, 8, Terraform DOWN, [, [[ Level Terrain, None, Level Terrain, Disable, 3, Terraform LEVEL, _, _ Monolith, CentMed, Monolith, CentMed, 8, Place Monolith, ?, ?, (this is here for map editor) OPTION TO CREATE MONOLIGHTS AFTER CENTAURI MEDIATION #RESOURCEINFO Ocean Square, 2, 1, 0, 0, ADDED NUTRIENT AND MINERAL FROM OCEAN Base Square, 2, 0, 1, 0, SUBTRACTED MINERAL TO REDUCE ICS FACTOR Bonus Square, 3, 3, 3, 0, * Mineral +1 if mine present INCREASED VALUE OF ALL BONUSES Forest Square, 1, 2, 0, 0, REMOVED ENERGY FROM FOREST. BUILD MORE SOLAR COLLECTORS IF YOU WANT ENERGY. Recycling Tanks, 2, 2, 2, 0, DOUBLED BONUS Improved Land, 2, *, *, 0, "*" columns are ignored entirely DOUBLED BENEFIT Improved Sea, 3, 2, 4, 0, * Mineral +1 with Advanced Ecological Engineering INCREASED Monolith, 3, 3, 3, 0, INCREASED TO MATcH BONUS Borehole Square, 0, 6, 6, 0, NOTE: NOT CHANGED #WORLDBUILDER NO CHANGES #WORLDSIZE NO CHANGES #TIMECONTROLS NO CHANGES #TECHNOLOGY Biogenetics, Biogen, 0, 3, 2, 2, None, None, 100100000 NOW INCREASES FUNGUS NUTRIENT Industrial Base, Indust, 2, 1, 3, 0, None, None, 000000100 NOW INCREASES COMMERCE INCOME Ethical Calculus, EthCalc, 0, 1, 3, 3, Psych, None, 000000100 NOW INCREASES COMMERCE INCOME Gene Splicing, Gene, 0, 2, 4, 3, Biogen, EthCalc, 100100000 NOW INCREASES FUNGUS NUTRIENT Environmental Economics, EnvEcon, 0, 0, 4, 3, IndEcon, EcoEng, 001000100 NOW INCREASES FUNGUS ENERGY Ecological Engineering, EcoEng, 0, 0, 3, 4, Ecology, Gene, 010000000 NOW INCREASES FUNGUS MINERAL Planetary Economics, PlaEcon, 0, 0, 4, 3, EnvEcon, Integ, 001000100 NOW INCREASES FUNGUS ENERGY Threshold of Transcendence, Thresh, 0, 1, 3, 4, User0, User1, 010000000 CHANGED PREREQUISITES TO TWO NEW TECHS TO DELAY SLIGHTLY. Advanced Creation Secrets, User0, 0, 2, 0, 0, Create, None, 001000100 NEW TECH. INCREASES FUNGUS ENERGY AND COMMERCE. Advanced Temporal Mech, User1, 0, 2, 0, 0, TempMec, None, 110000000 NEW TECH. INCREASES FUNGUS NUTRIENT & MINERAL. #CHASSIS Infantry,M1, Squad,M1, Sentinels,M2, Garrison,M1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, None, Shock Troops,M2, Elite Guard,M1, NO CHNAGE Speeder,M1, Rover,M1, Defensive,M1, Skirmisher,M1,2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, Mobile, Dragon,M1, Enforcer,M1, INCREASED ROVER TRANSPORT CAPACITY TO 3*REACTOR Hovertank,M1, Tank,M1, Skimmer,M1, Evasive,M1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, Super, Behemoth,M1, Guardian,M1, INCREASED SPEED FROM 3 TO 4 WITHOUT INCREASING COST. NOW COMES MUCH EARLIER, WITH SUPERCONDUCTOR. NOW A MILITARY MAINSTAY. Foil,M1, Skimship,M1, Hoverboat,M1, Coastal,M1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, DocFlex, Megafoil,M1, Superfoil,M1, INCREASED SPEED AND CARRYING CAPACITY Cruiser,M1, Destroyer,M1, Cutter,M1, Gunboat,M1, 8, 1, 0, 0, 4, 4, DocInit, Battleship,M1, Monitor,M1, INCREASED SPEED AND CARRYING CAPACITY, REDUCED COST Needlejet,M1, Penetrator,M1, Interceptor,M1, Tactical,M1, 5, 2, 2, 0, 3, 16,DocAir, Thunderbolt,M1, Sovereign,M1, REDUCED RANGE FROM 8 TO 5 AND DOUBLED COST FACTOR. INCREASED JET TRANSPORT CAPACITY. TRANSPORT JETS NOW MAJOR FACTOR. 'Copter,M1, Chopper,M1, Rotor,M1, Lifter,M1, 4, 2, 1, 0, 4, 16,MindMac, Gunship,M1, Warbird,M1, REDUCED RANGE FROM 8 TO 4 AND DOUBLED COST FACTOR. INCREASED 'COPTER TRANSPORT CAPACITY. Gravship,M1, Skybase,M1, Antigrav,M1, Skyfort,M1, 16, 2, 0, 0, 6, 6, NanoMin, Deathsphere,M1, Doomwall,M1, INCREASED RANGE FROM 8 TO 16, ADDED MEGATRANSPORT CAPACITY 6*REACTOR, REDUCED COST. COMES MUCH EARLIER: NANOMINITURIZATION Missile,M1, Missile,M1, Missile,M1, Missile,M1, 14, 2, 1, 1, 0, 10, Orbital, Missile,M1, Missile,M1, INCREASED RANGE FROM 12 TO 14. REDUCED COST CONSISTENT WITH DISPOSIBLE NATURE. #REACTORS NO CHANGES #WEAPONS Psi Attack, Psi, -1, 2, 6, -1, CentPsi, SELDOM USED. COST REDUCED 40% TO ENCOURAGE USE. Planet Buster, Planet Buster, 99, 0,40, -1, Orbital, INCREASED COST (32 TO 40) TO BALANCE REDUCED COST OF MISSILE CHASSIS. Colony Module, Colony Pod, 0, 8, 5, -1, None, ; Noncombat packages COST CUT IN HALF. THIS WILL HAVE HUGE EFFECT ON GAMEPLAY! Troop Transport, Transport, 0, 7, 2, -1, DocFlex, COST CUT IN HALF Supply Transport, Supply, 0,10,12, -1, IndAuto, COST DOUBLED TO REDUCE OVERUSE. Conventional Payload, Conventional, 20, 0, 4, -1, Orbital, INCREASED ATTACK FROM 18 TO 20 AND REDUCED COST FACTOR BY HALF. NOW TRULY USEFUL. #DEFENSES NO CHANGES #ABILITIES Amphibious Pods, 1, DocInit, Amphibious,00000101001, Attacks from ship ADDED AMPHIBIOUS PROBE TEAMS Drop Pods, -6, MindMac, Drop, 00000111001, Makes air drops INCREASED COST FACTOR FOR DROP UNITS WITH HIGH ATTACK OR SPEED Carrier Deck, 0, Metal, Carrier, 00101101010, Mobile Airbase REDUCED COST AAA Tracking, -1, MilAlg, AAA, 00010001011, x2 vs. air attacks REDUCED COST FOR DEFENSIVE UNITS, INCREASED FOR OFFENSIVE Air Superiority, 0, DocAir, SAM, 00000101111, Attacks air units NOW FREE. SAM PROBES NOW ALLOWED. Empath Song, 1, CentEmp, Empath, 00000001111, +50% attack vs. Psi REDCUED COST; NOW ALLOWED FOR PSI UNITS Polymorphic Encryption, 0, Algor, Secure, 00000111111, x2 cost to subvert NOW FREE High Morale, 0, Integ, Trained, 00000001111, Gains morale upgrade NOW FREE Heavy Artillery, -3, Poly, Artillery, 00000001001, Bombards REMOVED ADDED COST FOR FAST ARTILLERY. PSI BOMBARDMENT NOW ALLOWED. Blink Displacer, -6, Matter, Blink, 00000001111, Bypass base defenses INCREASED COST FACTOR FOR BLINK UNITS WITH HIGH ATTACK OR SPEED Hypnotic Trance, -1, Brain, Trance, 00000111111, +50% defense vs. PSI NOW ALLOWED FOR PSI UNITS Heavy Transport, 1, DocInit, Heavy, 00100100111, +50% transport capacity ENABLED Nerve Gas Pods, -2, Chemist, X, 00001001101, Can +50% offense (Atrocity) COST NOW RISES WITH WEAPON STRENGTH; NOW ALLOWED FOR PSI UNITS Non-Lethal Methods, 0, Integ, Police, 00000001001, x2 Police powers NOW FREE #MORALE NO CHANGES #DEFENSEMODES NO CHANGES #OFFENSEMODES NO CHANGES #UNITS Alien Artifact, Infantry, Artifact, Scout, 12,20, 0, Disable, 2, 000001000000000000000010 DOUBLED "COST" (=MINERAL VALUE) AND ADDED TRANCE AND DEEP RADAR ABILITIES. Mind Worms, Speeder, Psi, Psi, 1, 2, 0, CentEmp, 3, 000001000000000000000010 MIND WORMS HAVE 2 MOVE POINTS, ARE MUCH CHEAPER,ADDED TRANCE AND DEEP RADAR ABILITIES. Isle of the Deep, Cruiser, Psi, Psi, 7, 3, 4, CentMed, -1, 000000000000000100000010 ISLES HAVE MORE MOVE POINTS, ARE MUCH CHEAPER, ADDED AAA AND DEEP RADAR ABILITIES. Locusts of Chiron, Gravship, Psi, Psi, 4, 4, 0, CentGen, -1, 000001100000000000000000 LOCUSTS HAVE MORE MOVE POINTS, ARE MUCH CHEAPER, ADDED TRANCE AND BLINK ABILITIES. NO CHANGE IN OTHER EXISTING UNITS. ADDED: Cruiser Probe Ship, Cruiser, Probe Team, Scout, 11, 0, 0, DocInit, -1, 000000000000000000000010 Probe Foil, Foil, Probe Team, Scout, 11, 0, 0, DocFlex, -1, 000000000000000000000010 Air Transport, Needlejet,Transport, Plasma, 7, 3, 4, MindMac, -1, 000001000000000000000010 Drop Colony Pod, Infantry, Colony Pod, Scout, 8, 4, 0, MindMac, -1, 000001000000000000010000 Troop Transport, Speeder, Transport, Plasma, 7, 3, 3, Chemist, -1, 000001000000000000000010 Hover Transport, Hovertank,Transport, Silksteel, 7, 3, 4, Alloys, -1, 000000000000001000000010 #FACILITIES Headquarters, 2, 0, None, Disable, Efficiency MUCH CHEAPER TO FACILITATE RECOVERY FROM CAPTURE OF HQ Children's Creche, 3, 1, EthCalc, Disable, Growth/Effic/Morale PRICE FROM 5 TO 3 Recycling Tanks, 3, 0, Biogen, EcoEng2, Bonus Resources PRICE FROM 4 TO 3 Perimeter Defense, 2, 0, DocLoy, Disable, Defense +100% PRICE FROM 5 TO 2 Tachyon Field, 3, 2, ProbMec, Disable, All Defense +100% PRICE FROM 12 TO 3. USUALLY RUSH-BUILT DURING ATTACK. Recreation Commons, 3, 1, Psych, SentEco, Fewer Drones PRICE FROM 4 TO 3 Energy Bank, 3, 0, IndEcon, QuanMac, Economy Bonus PRICE FROM 8 TO 3, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Network Node, 4, 1, InfNet, HAL9000, Labs Bonus PRICE FROM 8 TO 4 Biology Lab, 3, 0, CentEmp, Disable, Research and PSI PRICE FROM 6 TO 3, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Skunkworks, 4, 1, Subat, Disable, Prototypes Free PRICE FROM 6 TO 4 Hologram Theatre, 4, 1, PlaNets, Disable, Psych and Fewer Drones PRICE FROM 6 TO 4, REDUCED MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE VALUE OF VIRTUAL WORLD PROJECT Paradise Garden, 3, 0, SentEco, Disable, +2 Talents PRICE FROM 12 TO 3, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Research Hospital, 6, 3, Gene, Disable, Labs and Psych Bonus PRICE FROM 12 TO 6 Nanohospital, 12, 4, HomoSup, Disable, Labs and Psych Bonus PRICE FROM 24 TO 12 Pressure Dome, 3, 0, DocFlex, Disable, Submersion/Resources PRICE FROM 8 TO 3. USUALLY BUILT UNDER DURESS. Command Center, 3, 1, Mobile, Disable, +2 Morale:Land PRICE FROM 4 TO 3 Naval Yard, 3, 1, DocInit, Disable, +2 Morale:Sea, Sea Def +100% PRICE FROM 8 TO 3, REDUCED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Aerospace Complex, 4, 2, DocAir, Disable, +2 Morale:Air, Air Def +100% PRICE FROM 8 TO 4 Bioenhancement Center, 5, 1, Neural, Disable, +2 Morale:ALL PRICE FROM 10 TO 5, REDUCED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Centauri Preserve, 4, 0, CentMed, Disable, Ecology Bonus PRICE FROM 20 TO 4, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Temple of Planet, 4, 0, AlphCen, Disable, Ecology Bonus PRICE FROM 20 TO 4, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Psi Gate, 5, 0, Matter, Disable, Teleport PRICE FROM 10 TO 5, REMOVED MAINTENANCE TO INCREASE USFULNESS Stockpile Energy, 0, 0, None, Disable, Minerals to Energy The Human Genome Project, 30, 4, Biogen, Disable, +1 Talent Each Base, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, PRICE INCREASED 20 TO 30, MAINTENANCE COST OF 4 The Command Nexus, 40, 4, DocLoy, Disable, Command Center Each Base, 1, 2, 0,-1, 0, PRICE INCREASED 20 TO 40, MAINTENANCE COST OF 4 The Weather Paradigm, 40, 4, Ecology, Disable, Terraform Rate +50%, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, PRICE INCREASED 20 TO 40, MAINTENANCE COST OF 4 The Virtual World, 40, 8, PlaNets, Disable, Network Nodes Help Drones, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, PRICE INCREASED 30 TO 40, MAINTENANCE COST OF 8 The Ascetic Virtues, 40, 8, PlaEcon, Disable, Pop. Limit Relaxed; +1 POLICE, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, PRICE INCREASED 30 TO 40, MAINTENANCE COST OF 8 The Longevity Vaccine, 40, 8, BioEng, Disable, Fewer Drones or More Profits, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, PRICE INCREASED 30 TO 40, MAINTENANCE COST OF 8 The Hunter-Seeker Algorithm, 60,20, Algor, Disable, Immunity to Probe Teams, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, PRICE INCREASED 30 TO 60, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Cyborg Factory, 60, 8, MindMac, Disable, Bioenh. Center Every Base, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, PRICE INCREASED 40 TO 60, MAINTENANCE COST OF 8 The Network Backbone, 60, 8, DigSent, Disable, +1 Lab Per Commerce/Net Node, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, PRICE INCREASED 40 TO 60, MAINTENANCE COST OF 8 The Cloning Vats, 80,20, BioMac, Disable, Population Boom At All Bases, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, PRICE INCREASED 50 TO 90, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Space Elevator, 60,20, Solids, Disable, Energy +100%/Orbital Cost Halved,0, 0, 2, 2, 0, PRICE INCREASED 50 TO 60, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Singularity Inductor, 120,20, ConSing, Disable, Quantum Converter Every Base, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, PRICE INCREASED 60 TO 120, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Telepathic Matrix, 120,20, Eudaim, Disable, No More Drone Riots; +2 PROBE, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, PRICE INCREASED 60 TO 120, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Voice of Planet, 180, 8, Thresh, Disable, Begins Ascent To Transcendence, 0,-2, 2, 2, 1, PRICE INCREASED 60 TO 180, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 The Ascent to Transcendence, 600,20, Thresh, Disable, End of Human Era, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, PRICE INCREASED 200 TO 600, MAINTENANCE COST OF 20 #ORDERS, #COMPASS, #PLANS, #TRIAD, #RESOURCES, #ENERGY NO CHANGES #CITIZENS Transcend, Transcendi, AlphCen, Disable, 2, 2, 3, 0000000 CUT RESEARCH BONUS FROM 4 TO 3 TO SLOW FRANTIC ENDGAME. #SOCIO Police State, DocLoy, ++POLICE, ++SUPPORT, --EFFIC, ++TALENT NEEDED SMALL BOOST. NOW WITH ++TALENT, A MORE ORDERLY SOCIETY IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT ADDING POLICE UNITS. Fundamentalist, Brain, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, -RESEARCH, ++GROWTH, -TALENT SELDOM USED. BOOSTED MORALE BENEFIT, MAINTAINED GROWTH BENEFIT OF DEMO, REDUCED RESEARCH PENALTY, REPLACED WITH TALENT PENALTY. Power, MilAlg, ++MORALE, ++SUPPORT, --RESEARCH, -PLANET SELDOM USED. SWITCHED PENALTY FROM INDUSTRY TO RESEARCH AND PLANET. Knowledge, Cyber, ++RESEARCH, +EFFIC, --PROBE, +TALENT, +PLANET NEEDED SMALL BOOST. NOW WITH +TALENT, +PLANET. Wealth, IndAuto, +INDUSTRY, +ECONOMY, --MORALE, -PLANET TOO HEAVILY FAVORED. NOW SLIGHTLY LESS ATTRACTIVE WITH ECOLOGICAL PENALTY. None, None, ++INDUSTRY, -GROWTH Cybernetic, DigSent, ++EFFIC, ++PLANET, ++RESEARCH, ---POLICE, ++INDUSTRY, +TALENT Eudaimonic, SentEco, ++GROWTH, ++ECONOMY, ++++INDUSTRY, --MORALE, +TALENT Thought Control, BioMac, ++POLICE, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, -SUPPORT, ++INDUSTRY, +TALENT TRICK HERE IS TO HAVE +2 INDUSTRY FOR ALL FACTIONS THROUGHOUT GAME AND PREVENT NON-GA POP BOOM BEFORE FUTURE SOCIETY ALL FUTURE SOCIEITIES PLACED ONE OR TWO TECHS EARLIER