Summary of SMAX game on 1024x2048 map Starting techs -- Info Networks, Cent Ecol MY 2101 -- Founded University Base MY 2102 -- Researching Planetary Networks MY 2104 -- Founded Edinstvo-Unity MY 2117 -- Founded Svobodny-Free Base MY 2120 -- Discovered Planetary Networks. Now researching Ind Base MY 2122 -- Switched to Planned economy MY 2123 -- University Base starts building the Weather Paradigm MY 2125 -- Founded Baikonur MY 2126 -- Founded Relativity School MY 2130 -- Founded Zarya-Sunrise MY 2135 -- Gaians start building the Weather Paradigm MY 2138 -- Founded Zoloto-Gold MY 2139 -- Discovered Ind Base. Now researching Ind Econ MY 2140 -- Founded Mir Lab MY 2142 -- Founded Monitoring Station MY 2145 -- University Base builds the WP, starts work on the VW MY 2146 -- Founded Otkrietia- Discovery MY 2149 -- Founded Koppernigk University and Budushii Dor MY 2151 -- Founded Climactic Research MY 2152 -- Founded Mendelev College MY 2153 -- Founded Gagarin Memorial MY 2154 -- Discovered Ind Econ. Now researching Biogenetics (Ind Auto not available), also founded Academgorodok MY 2159 -- Founded New Arzamas and Zvedny Gorodok MY 2162 -- Founded Tsielkovsky Institute MY 2163 -- CEO Morgan authorizes the HGP MY 2164 -- When my formers finished building a condensor, approx. 6 tiles with farms changed from moist to arid. MY 2165 -- Founded Planetary Archives, Lab Three, and Academy Park MY 2166 -- Founded Pavlov Biolab MY 2167 -- Discovered Biogenetics, now researching Ind Auto. Also founded Korolev Center. MY 2168 -- University Base completes the VW, begins work on the HGP. Founded Lomonosov Park, Nadezjda-Hope. MY 2169 -- Switched from Planned to Free Market. Founded Cosmograd. MY 2170 -- Founded Library of Planet MY 2171 -- Founded Buran Propect MY 2172 -- Founded Nauk Science Center MY 2173 -- Founded Razvitia-Progress Base MY 2174 -- Founded Petek Labs MY 2175 -- Discovered Ind Auto, switched to Wealth, now researching Social Psych.