; Events file for Sobieski scenario ; ; @BEGINEVENTS @INITFLAG @DEBUG @IF ScenarioLoaded @THEN PlayWaveFile victoria_short.wav @ENDIF @IF NOSCHISM DEFENDER=anybody @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Crimean Tartars talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Turks listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Turks talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Crimean Tartars listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN JUSTONCE TEXT ^^ August of 1667. ^^ ^^ In the small village of Andrusovo, less than a year ago, Russian diplomat Afanasy ^^ Ordin-Naschokin and Polish ambassador Jerzy Chlebowicz sign an armistice, ceding ^^ to Russia Smolensk and Chzernigov, giving Moscow two years' control of the city ^^ of Kiev, and establishing a codominium over the "Wild Lands" of the western Ukraine. ^^ ^^ With this treaty, the disasterous Deluge finally comes to an end. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN JUSTONCE TEXT ^^ But the Commonwealth's conflicts are far from over. ^^ ^^ Petro Doroshenko, Hetman of the Cossacks in the Right-Bank Ukraine, has made ^^ a bid for power by declaring the Cossack nation a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, ^^ thus declaring himself independant of both Moscow and Poland. ^^ ^^ Allied with him are the Crimean Tatars who, despite their khan's support for ^^ the Polish-Lithuanian republic, cannot resist the opportunity to plunder and loot ^^ the war-torn nation... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN JUSTONCE TEXT ^^ But Poland has an ace up her sleeve. ^^ ^^ For commanding much of Poland's army is a Field Hetman by the name of John Sobieski. ^^ veteran of the Chmielnicki uprising, Lubomirski's rebellion and the Deluge, John ^^ is an experience commander who knows well his Tartar and Turkish foes, both by study ^^ and experience in the field. ^^ ^^ Are Poland's days of glory over, or can Sobieski renew the dual-nation Republic? ^^ Only time will tell... ENDTEXT @ENDIF ;Tartars (and Turks) & negotiation @IF Negotiation talkermask=0b00010000000000000000000000100010 listenermask=0b00000000000000000010000000000010 @THEN @ENDIF @IF Negotiation talkermask=0b00000000000000000010000000000010 listenermask=0b00010000000000000000000000100010 @THEN @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Chigirin attacker=Anybody defender=Crimean Tartars @THEN JUSTONCE Negotiator who=Crimean Tartars type=Talker state=Clear @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Chigirin attacker=Anybody defender=Crimean Tartars @THEN JUSTONCE Negotiator who=Crimean Tartars type=Listener state=Clear @ENDIF ;Hetman/Sobieski events @IF UNITKILLED unit=Polish Hetman attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN TEXT ^A Hetman of the Kingdom of Poland is slain on the field of battle. ^ ^The king quickly appoints another to take his place. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Polish Hetman Count=1 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 44,78 33,71 25,79 29,65 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Lithuanian Hetman attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN TEXT ^A Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is slain on the field of battle. ^ ^The king quickly appoints another to take his place. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Lithuanian Hetman Count=1 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 57,43 44,40 42,50 37,55 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=John Sobieski attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @AND CheckFlag Who=Poles and Lithuanians Flag=0 State=Off @THEN TEXT ^John Sobieski is wounded on the battlefield. ^ ^Sent home to recuperate, he recovers his health and is ready again for duty. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=John Sobieski Count=1 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 44,78 33,71 25,79 29,65 endlocations FLAG continuous flag=0 Who=Poles and Lithuanians state=on @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=John Sobieski attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @AND CheckFlag Who=Poles and Lithuanians Flag=0 State=On @THEN TEXT ^John Sobieski, Hetman of the Polish Crown, is killed. ENDTEXT DestroyACivilization whom=Poles and Lithuanians @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=John III Sobieski attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @AND CheckFlag Who=Poles and Lithuanians Flag=0 State=Off @THEN TEXT ^^ John III Sobieski is wounded on the battlefield. ^^ ^^ His retinue manages to take him to safety, where he soon recovers from his wounds ^^ and appears ready again for battle. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=John III Sobieski Count=1 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 44,78 33,71 25,79 29,65 endlocations FLAG continuous flag=0 Who=Poles and Lithuanians state=on @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=John III Sobieski attacker=anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @AND CheckFlag Who=Poles and Lithuanians Flag=0 State=On @THEN TEXT ^^ John III Sobieski, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, is killed. ENDTEXT DestroyACivilization whom=Poles and Lithuanians @ENDIF ;Ukraine events @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Kiev attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=On Flag=4 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Kiev attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^ As Polish forces enter the city of Kiev after decades of absence, the residents of ^^ the Ukrainian capital wonder if their new conquerers will try to impose their faith ^^ and culture on the Ukraine, or respect the Cossacks' desire for freedom... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Kiev attacker=Anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=Off Flag=4 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Sietch attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^ The Zaprohozian Sietch, stronghold of the Dneiper Cossacks and locus of the ^^ 1647 rebellion, falls to Polish forces. ^^ ^^ Eastern Europe looks on as the Poles make good their claim on the Ukraine... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Sietch attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=On Flag=5 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Sietch attacker=Anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=Off Flag=5 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Chernigov attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^ Forces of the Polish crown cross the Dneiper and take the city of Chernigov on the ^^ eastern bank of the river. ^^ ^^ With the capture of this city, it seems clear that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's ^^desire to control not only that part of the "Wild Lands" it was promised in the Treaty ^^ of Andrusovo, but rest of the Ukraine as well... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Chernigov attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=On Flag=6 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Chernigov attacker=Anybody defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN Flag CONTINUOUS Who=Poles and Lithuanians State=Off Flag=6 @ENDIF ;East Prussia events @IF CityTaken City=Konigsberg attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Anybody @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^Commonwealth troops enter the East Prussian capital of Konigsburg. ^^ ^^Declaring himself the Duke of the region, John Sobieski makes a formal ^^act of submission to the Polish king, formally returning East Prussia to ^^its status as a vassal of the Polish crown. ^^ ^^John Casimir, the King of Poland, gratefully accepts the homage and praises ^^Sobieski for reclaiming the land for the Commonwealth; other Polish nobles, ^^however, note that this could also be a sign of Sobieski claiming power for ^^himself... ENDTEXT @ENDIF ; Scanian War Events @IF CityTaken City=Fehrbellin attacker=House of Brandenburg defender=Swedes @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^ Troops under Fredrick William of Brandenberg retake the town of Fehrbellin from ^^ the invading Swedes. ^^ ^^ While the battle itself is small, the psychological impact is tremendous: ^^ Frederick has shown that the Swedish army is not invincible, and can be defeated. ^^ ^^ Other countries, such as Sweden's rival Denmark, take note... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Fehrbellin attacker=House of Brandenburg defender=Swedes @THEN JustOnce Delay Delay=12 TEXT ^^With the Swedes' defeat last year at Fehrbellin firmly in their minds, the Danish ^^invade Sweden via the Dane-inhabited Swedish territory of Scania. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry [Dan] Count=21 owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=None locations 1,45 0,46 2,46 0,44 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Fehrbellin attacker=House of Brandenburg defender=Swedes @THEN JustOnce Delay Delay=12 CREATEUNIT unit=Cuirassiers [Dan] Count=14 owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=None locations 1,45 0,46 2,46 0,44 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Fehrbellin attacker=House of Brandenburg defender=Swedes @THEN JustOnce Delay Delay=12 CREATEUNIT unit=Dragoons [Dan] Count=7 owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=None locations 1,45 0,46 2,46 0,44 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Fehrbellin attacker=House of Brandenburg defender=Swedes @THEN JustOnce Delay Delay=12 CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon Count=3 owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=None locations 1,45 0,46 2,46 0,44 endlocations @ENDIF ;Siege of Kamieniec @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Turks whom=Poles and Lithuanians GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Turks technology=90 @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN TEXT ^^Siege text. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Janissaries Count=12 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Sipahis Count=6 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Azabs Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Turfekci Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wallachian Inf. Count=9 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wallachian Cavalry Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottoman Cannon Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon Count=2 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Raiders [Tar] Count=7 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 47,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cossacks Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 47,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Raiders [Tar] Count=7 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 55,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cossacks Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 55,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @AND RecievedTechnology technology=90 receiver=Turks @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Turks whom=Poles and Lithuanians @ENDIF @IF RecievedTechnology technology=90 receiver=Turks @AND TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=AnyUnit owner=Turks maprect 50,88,52,88,52,82,50,82 moveto 51,81 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF RecievedTechnology technology=90 receiver=Turks @AND TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=AnyUnit owner=Turks maprect 46,88,48,88,48,86,46,86 moveto 50,80 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF RecievedTechnology technology=90 receiver=Turks @AND TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=AnyUnit owner=Turks maprect 54,88,56,88,56,86,54,86 moveto 52,80 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Kamieniec attacker=Turks defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN JustOnce TEXT ^^The forces of the Ottoman Porte take the fortress of Kamieneic Podolski, ^^the heart of the defenses of Podolia. ^^ ^^In an event that will be celebrated by all of Turkey, the fortress is ^^handed over to the invading forces, who quickly convert the city's Catholic ^^cathedral into a mosque and make arrangements for the Sultan himself to ^^visit the citadel. ^^ ^^Unless something can be done, the center of Poland lies open to the Turks... ENDTEXT TakeTechnology whom=Turks technology=90 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Kamieniec attacker=Turks defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN JUSTONCE Negotiator who=Turks type=Listener state=Clear @ENDIF @IF CityTaken City=Kamieniec attacker=Turks defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN JUSTONCE Negotiator who=Turks type=Talker state=Clear @ENDIF ;Battle of Chocim @IF TURN Turn=76 @THEN TEXT ^^In the small fortified town of Chocim (modern-day Khotym), the Ottoman commander ^^Huessein Pasha gathers his army, plotting to take the Turkish Cresecent into the ^^Polish heartland... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Janissaries Count=8 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,83 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Sipahis Count=13 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,83 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Turfekci Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,83 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=61 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Azabs Count=5 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 51,83 51,85 51,87 endlocations @ENDIF ;Battle of Lwow @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN TEXT ^^August 1675 - the Battle of Lwow! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Janissaries Count=6 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Sipahis Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Turfekci Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Azabs Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Raiders [Tar] Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottoman Cannon Count=1 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,82 51,83 endlocations @ENDIF ;Battle of Vienna (if Lwow not taken) @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Turks whom=Poles and Lithuanians GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Turks technology=93 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=93 @THEN FLAG continuous flag=3 Who=Turks state=on @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Turks whom=Imperials @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Janissaries Count=16 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Sipahis Count=9 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Azabs Count=12 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Turfekci Count=12 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Moldavian Infantry Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wallachian Inf. Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=97 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottoman Cannon Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Kara Mustafa Pasha Count=1 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 21,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Raiders [Tar] Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 16,98 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=191 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Raiders [Tar] Count=10 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 16,98 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CheckFlag Who=Turks Flag=3 State=on @AND TURN turn=Every @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=AnyUnit owner=Turks maprect 12,92,26,92,26,98,12,98 moveto 12,92 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Austrian Frontier attacker=Turks defender=Imperials @THEN TEXT ^^Looking at the massive size of the Ottoman host and correctly guessing its ^^objective, the Imperial garrison at Gyor withdraws from the fortress and ^^retreats to Vienna. ^^ ^^In the Hapsburg capital, news of this withdrawl causes chaos. Nearly sixty ^^thousand Viennese flee the city, others riot, and various decrees are issued ^^expelling foreigners and the elderly, drafting all able-bodies males, and so forth. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Austrian Frontier attacker=Turks defender=Imperials @THEN TEXT ^^Meanwhile, the Turks make camp around the city, with Kara Mustafa visiting the ^^Neugabaude,built on the site where Suleiman the Magnificent's tent was said to ^^have been during his seige over a century and a half ago. ^^ ^^The seige of Vienna has begun. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Turkish Camp Count=1 owner=Turks veteran=no homecity=None locations 13,93 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=192 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Bav. Cuirassiers Count=5 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 4,94 1,93 2,94 3,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=192 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Bavarian Infantry Count=2 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 4,94 1,93 2,94 3,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=192 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Franconian Inf. Count=1 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 4,94 1,93 2,94 3,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=192 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Saxon Infantry Count=2 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 2,76 3,75 3,73 1,73 1,75 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN Turn=192 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Saxon Cuirassiers Count=3 owner=Poles and Lithuanians veteran=no homecity=None locations 2,76 3,75 3,73 1,73 1,75 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Zhitomer attacker=Crimean Tartars defender=Poles and Lithuanians @THEN BestowImprovement improvement=8 race=Crimean Tartars capital=False wonders=False @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Turkish Camp attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Turks @THEN PlayWaveFile triumph.wav TEXT ^^ In a moment that will win him worldwide fame, Sobieski leads a cavalry charge ^^ down the Kahlenberg ridge, breaking Turkish lines and leading straight into the ^^ Ottoman camp. ^^ ^^ After the chaos of battle has settled down, the Christian army explores the ^^ camp,where they find loads of material wealth, a menagerie of exotic creatures, ^^ and other such riches. ^^ ^^ The Turkish army is in flight, with the Grand Vizier himself barely able to ^^ escape with the standard of Mohammed and his own personal wealth. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Turkish Camp attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Turks @THEN TEXT ^^ The city of Vienna erupts in celebration. The allied generals all praise the ^^ Polish king for his role in the victory, and a thanksgiving Mass is celebrated ^^ at St. Stephen's where, as Sobieski writes to his wife, "[t]he common people ... ^^ paid their veneration even to my very garments, and made their cries and ^^ acclamations reach the sky, of 'Long live the King of Poland!'" ^^ ^^ While this day is a cause of celebration, there is much to be done. The Imperial ^^ forces have plans for Hungary, and as Sobieski writes, "all the princes of the ^^ Empire ... tell me they are ready to follow such a leader (such as me) not only ^^ into Hungary, but to the end of the world." ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Turkish Camp attacker=Poles and Lithuanians defender=Turks @THEN TEXT ^^ Whether or not Sobieski will lead them there remains to be seen ... ENDTEXT @ENDIF ; Mobilizing Army Events @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Imperials @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Muscovites @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Swedes @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=House of Brandenburg @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Turks @ENDIF @IF TurnInterval interval=12 @THEN Delay Delay=10 GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Imperials @ENDIF @IF TurnInterval interval=12 @THEN Delay Delay=10 GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Muscovites @ENDIF @IF TurnInterval interval=12 @THEN Delay Delay=10 GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Swedes @ENDIF @IF TurnInterval interval=12 @THEN Delay Delay=10 GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=House of Brandenburg @ENDIF @IF TurnInterval interval=12 @THEN Delay Delay=10 GIVETECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Turks @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Imperials technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry [Imp] Count=12 owner=Imperials veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,89 16,90 14,90 13,89 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Imperials technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Cuirassiers [Imp] Count=8 owner=Imperials veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,89 16,90 14,90 13,89 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Imperials technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Dragoons [Imp] Count=4 owner=Imperials veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,89 16,90 14,90 13,89 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=House of Brandenburg technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry [Br] Count=9 owner=House of Brandenburg veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,64 25,51 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=House of Brandenburg technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Cuirassiers [Br] Count=6 owner=House of Brandenburg veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,64 25,51 endlocations @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=House of Brandenburg technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Dragoons [Br] Count=3 owner=House of Brandenburg veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,64 25,51 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Swedes technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry [Swd] Count=9 owner=Swedes veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,23 0,56 35,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Swedes technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Cuirassiers [Swd] Count=6 owner=Swedes veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,23 0,56 35,35 endlocations @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Swedes technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Dragoons [Swd] Count=3 owner=Swedes veteran=no homecity=None locations 15,23 0,56 35,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Muscovites technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry [Mus] Count=6 owner=Muscovites veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,28 56,22 70,42 88,54 66,42 65,71 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Muscovites technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Strelets Count=3 owner=Muscovites veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,28 56,22 70,42 88,54 66,42 65,71 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Muscovites technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Reitars [Mus] Count=6 owner=Muscovites veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,28 56,22 70,42 88,54 66,42 65,71 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Muscovites technology=98 @THEN Randomize CREATEUNIT unit=Dragoons [Mus] Count=3 owner=Muscovites veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,28 56,22 70,42 88,54 66,42 65,71 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Janissaries Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 59,125 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Azabs Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 59,125 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Turfekci Count=3 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 59,125 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Sipahis Count=4 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 59,125 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wallachian Inf. Count=2 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 54,110 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wallachian Cavalry Count=1 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 54,110 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Moldavian Infantry Count=2 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 56,92 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Transylvanian Inf. Count=2 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 42,100 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=Turks technology=98 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Transylvanian Cav. Count=2 owner=Turks veteran=yes homecity=None locations 42,100 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Imperials @THEN TakeTechnology whom=Imperials technology=98 @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Muscovites @THEN TakeTechnology whom=Muscovites technology=98 @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Swedes @THEN TakeTechnology whom=Swedes technology=98 @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=House of Brandenburg @THEN TakeTechnology whom=House of Brandenburg technology=98 @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=98 receiver=Turks @THEN TakeTechnology whom=Turks technology=98 @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS