@BEGINEVENTS @DEBUG @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN PLAYWAVEFILE USA.wav @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Neutrals talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Neutrals listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=United States talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Commonwealth listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Commonwealth talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=United States listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT ^^January 20, 2013 ^^Washington, DC ^On the steps of the Capitol, Richard John Santorum becomes the forty-fifth President ^of the United States of America. ^In his inaugural address, Santorum urges a peaceful reconciliation of the Union, a ^request that Hillary Rodham Clinton, President of the Commonwealth of North America, ^rejects. ^ ^As Hugo Chávez arrives in Boston to review Venezuelan troops, the stage is set for war... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=3 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Vz. Infantry owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 144,34 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Vz. Su-37 owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 144,34 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Hugo Chávez attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Hugo Rafaél Chávez Frías, the man who has dominated Venezuelan politics for over ^fifteen years, is slain on the North American battlefield. ^The Venezuelan government officially withdraws from the conflict, however it is ^doubtful that the army commanders, who have been picked for their loyalty to Chávez, will follow this order. ^ ^One thing is for sure: no more Venezuelans shall be sent to North America... ENDTEXT CHANGETERRAIN terraintype=1 maprect 144,34,144,34,144,34,144,34 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Hugo Chávez attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=State Trooper owner=Neutrals veteran=no homecity=None locations 144,34 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^Commonwealth troops capture Washington, DC. Many see the capture of the enemy's ^center of government as a high point for the Commonwealth of North America's ^struggle. ^ ^However, the Federal government flees the city right before its downfall, ^dashing many Commonwealth hopes of establishing a CNA-dictated peace agreement. ^ ^Nevertheless, the loss of the capital will surely hamper the Union war effort... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=United States defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^Federal forces recapture the District of Colmubia. ^ ^Congress quickly assembled and reconvenes in the bombed-out ruins of the Capitol, ^trying to maintain the illusion of "business as usual." ^ ^Meanwhile, Union troops prepare their next moves while the nation wonders about ^the future course of the war... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=New York City attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Union forces occupy New York City, capital of the Commonwealth of North America. ^ ^Most of the population greets the return of the Stars and Stripes to the Big Apple ^with indifference; those among the city's liberal elite, however, either try to flee, ^fight, or even resort to taking their own lives. ^ ^The Commonwealth central government, however, has fled, and so as Union forces parade ^through Times Square, many wonder about the future of the war... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Los Angeles attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Los Angeles falls to Union forces. ^ ^Terror and hysteria grasp LA's celebrity elite as the "hordes of Jesusland" enter ^the city. Many high-profile movie and TV stars try to sneak off to Mexico, while ^others commit suicide and others lead futile gurellia strikes against the Federals. ^ ^Meanwhile, China rushes in reinforcements to help retake this important Pacific city... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Los Angeles attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=PLA Airborne owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 10,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Los Angeles attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=PLA Airborne owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 10,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^US forces capture the city of San Diego. ^ ^The reaction of the populace is suprisingly positive, as a significant amount of people ^in the city did not support the state when it seceded from the Union. ^ ^The news, however, is far from all good; for with the Commonwealth's loss of the city, ^the People's Republic of China loses a significant port on the eastern side of the ^Pacific, and consequently assemble a task force to take it back... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Transport owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Chinese AAV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Chinese AAV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 90 owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mobile Hwtzr owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=AEGIS Cruiser owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Diego attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Destroyer owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=none locations 0,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^San Francisco falls to Federal forces. ^ ^Striking from the north and clearing out the Presidio, Union forces seize the major ^ports around the bay while fighting a defensive urban conflict against a hostile ^population. ^ ^Meanwhile, the Chinese military prepares to deal with the loss of such a valuable ^Pacific port... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=PLA Airborne owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 5,53 5,51 3,51 5,55 3,49 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 90 owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 86 IFV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 90 owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 86 IFV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Chinese AAV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mobile Hwtzr owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Transport owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Transport owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 86 IFV owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Type 90 owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=PLA Airborne owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 3,49 5,55 3,51 5,51 5,53 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=AEGIS Cruiser owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=San Francisco attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=AEGIS Cruiser owner=Commonwealth veteran=yes homecity=None locations 0,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Rick Santorum attacker=ANYBODY defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^United States President Rick Santorum is slain on the field of battle. ^ ^While his religious and corresponding sociopolitical views made him an enemy of ^many (especially those who now support the Commonwealth), his working-class background ^and sympathy for the personal tragedies in his life helped win many "purple" votes. ^ ^With his death, much of that "purple" America withdraws its support for the Union. ^cause. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=United States amount=-3000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Barak Obama attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Barak Obama is killed on the battlefield. ^ ^Elected to the United States Senate in 2005, Obama portrayed himself, and was seen by ^many, as an antipartisan figure who could unite the country suffering from the "culture ^wars." ^ ^His death proves to be devestating to the Commonwealth's support among the moderate ^population. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Commonwealth amount=-3000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Alan Keyes attacker=ANYBODY defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^Alan Keyes, former US ambassador to the United Nations and one-time Vice President ^of the United States, is killed on the battlefield. The next-in-line for Presidential ^succession takes his place. ^ ^With his death, some Union sympathizers withdraw their support. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=United States amount=-1500 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Hill. Clinton attacker=ANYBODY defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Commonwealth President Hillary Rodham Clinton is slain on the field of battle. ^ ^While she was a polarizing figure for some, she was considered something of an icon ^by the Commonwealth intellegista, and her death proves to be a damper on the Commonwealth ^war effort. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Commonwealth amount=-1500 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=47 @THEN TEXT ^Presidential elections are held in [at least what is left of] the United States of America. ^No doubt the recent civil war will play a pivotal role in the outcome. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Fort Knox attacker=United States defender=Commonwealth @THEN TEXT ^Commonwealth troops take control of Fort Knox. The seizure of the base's gold reserve and ^other treasures will surely help the secessionists in their continuing war effort... ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Commonwealth amount=3000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 129,51 128,54 132,54 127,61 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 114,46 111,53 118,58 108,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 109,47 111,53 104,56 108,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 91,63 104,56 104,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 82,46 72,43 65,27 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 44,32 34,34 46,26 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 34,50 34,34 50,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 35,75 34,82 37,91 45,83 44,94 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 128,54 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 108,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 75,49 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 46,26 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 34,50 51,59 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-16 Falcon owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 34,82 45,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=ANYBODY defender=Canadians @THEN TEXT ^Invading forces take the Canadian city of London. ^ ^Not knowing that their is a city in Onotario called London on a river called ^the Thames, many patrioitic if naive citizens of the victorious country wonder ^what the heck their troops are doing in England. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baltimore attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 128,54 132,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baltimore attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mobile Hwtzr owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 128,54 132,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baltimore attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=US Mech Inf. owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 128,54 132,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baltimore attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-22 Raptor owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 128,54 132,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 127,61 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mobile Hwtzr owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 127,61 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=US Mech Inf. owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 127,61 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-22 Raptor owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 127,61 130,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Richmond attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=M1A2 Abrams owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,64 128,70 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Richmond attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mobile Hwtzr owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,64 128,70 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Richmond attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=US Mech Inf. owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,64 128,70 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Richmond attacker=Commonwealth defender=United States @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F-22 Raptor owner=United States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,64 128,70 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS