@SCENARIO @width=550 @title=ATOMIC EAGLE ^^HAND OF THE REAPER ^^GERMAN SCENARIO ^^SCENARIO 1 OF 3 ^^MADE FOR PLAY AS THE ABWEHR! @listbox16 @options THE WORLD: 1947 % On September 5th, 1941 at a political rally in Berlin, Adolf Hitler has an anuerism and dies. % History will never be the same. % It is now February of 1947. America is busy with rebuilding Japan and keeping China "Red Free". The once mighty Britain still holds onto its beleagured empire, but only does so through the threat of complete Nazi dominance in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Nazi Germany, after almost exhausting itself chasing the Soviets to the Urals, is licking its wounds and demobilizing its expansive military... % ...or so they would like everyone to believe. % IMPORTANT ----- Only play as the Abwehr until otherwise told to change civs. % @end -- this line must be here!