@BEGINEVENTS @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=Empire of France defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT ^LONDON FALLS TO NAPOLEON! ^ ^Despite stiff resistance put up by the local milita, the French tricolour flies over ^the capital. In the centre of London, Emperor Napoleon declares the birth of the Britannic ^Republic. He then appoints a new government from former British MPs. An aged ^Thomas Paine is invited to be the Republic's Consul. ^ ^Upon hearing that London has fallen, remnants of the United Irishmen instigate an uprising ^in Ireland. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Br. Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 127,43 124,40 125,35 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=Empire of France defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT ^A Battalion is created from British prisoners of war, mostly Irish and Republican sympathisers, ^by Napoleon. Supplied and equipped from surplus French and captured British stock, it is ^ hoped that this rag tag battalion will be the first unit of a Republican British Army. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Empire of France amount=1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=Empire of France defender=British Empire @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Irish Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 120,42 118,40 119,39 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=Empire of France defender=British Empire @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Irish Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 119,39 120,42 118,40 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Port-Au-Prince attacker=ANYBODY defender=Empire of France @THEN TEXT The colony of Saint Domingue declares independence from France! Renamed the Republic of Haiti, The Rebel Slave Army drove the French colonial authorities from the capital. This development foils plans by Napoleon to use the island of Hispanola as a stepping stone to building a great western French Empire in the Americas. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=4 @THEN TEXT ^France officially cedes Louisianna Territory to the United States. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=24 @THEN TEXT ^2nd December 1804 ^Napoleon crowns himself emperor of the French in the cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris. ^The army is reorganised. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=24 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Empire of France technology=33 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=24 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imperial Guard owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 129,51 131,55 127,57 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=34 @THEN TEXT ^8 French and 15 Spanish ship commanded by Vice Admiral Pierre Charles de Villeneuve ^slip out of Cadiz harbour on October 19th and 20th for southern Italy. The British ^fleet under Admiral Horaito Nelson moves to intercept.... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Trafalgar 1805 owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 122,72 123,71 121,73 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Trafalgar 1805 attacker=Empire of France defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^ ROYAL NAVY DEFEATED AT TRAFALGAR! With the combined Franco-Spanish Fleet ^now freed from Cadiz, the Admiralty is forced to rethink their strategy and leave gaps in the Naval ^blockade to stop the Franco-Spanish fleet from destroying the blockade completely. Seizing ^upon the absence of the Royal Navy, Napoleon orders the invasion of Britain. ^ ^ French troops land in Kent! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Trafalgar 1805 attacker=Empire of France defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Barges owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 131,45 125,51 128,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Trafalgar 1805 attacker=Empire of France defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Barges owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 131,45 125,51 128,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Trafalgar 1805 attacker=British Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^FRANCO-SPANISH FLEET ANNILATED AT TRAFALGAR! The British Fleet led by Admiral ^Horatio Nelson defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet off Cape Trafalgar. However Lord ^Nelson was mortally wounded by a French sharpshooter, living long enough to hear the final outcome ^of the battle. ^ ^Nelson’s actions have forced Napoleon to call off his invasion plans temporarily. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Empire of France amount=-1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=7 @THEN TEXT ^Fuelled by the ideals of the French revolution Rebel Slaves on Hispaniola ^rise up against their masters! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Rebel Slaves owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=none locations 78,100 77,101 78,98 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=24 @THEN TEXT A new battalion is added to the 95th Rifle Corps. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Rifle Battalion owner=British Empire veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 127,43 124,40 125,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN TEXT Another group of Indian raiders appear. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Warparty owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 58,60 66,48 70,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=22 @THEN TEXT A new Regiment of Highlanders is raised. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Highlanders owner=British Empire veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 125,35 124,40 120,40 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Hannover attacker=Empire of France defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT ^Hannover falls to Napoleon. Like their British cousins, ^the Hannoverians refuse to give in so easily. Soldiers ^escape to Britain and this cumulates in the formation ^of the first units of the King's German Legion. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=K.G.L owner=British Empire veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 127,43 124,40 120,40 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=108 @THEN TEXT ^US shipping is seized by the Royal Navy! Not the first incident of it ^happening, nor will it be the last. US sailors are forcibly pressed into ^service, angering the Americans. ^ ^ This latest act leads to the United States of America declaring war upon ^the British Empire. ^ ^War has come to the North American continent once more! ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=United States whom=British Empire JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=9 @THEN TEXT ^ 31 August 1803. ^ ^The Legion Irlandaise is created. With trained Irish officers and NCOs, it is intended to help ^raise the population to the French cause in the coming invaision. Recruits are drawn from emigre ^Irish and Jacobite communities living abroad, and Irish seamen, mostly drawing from ^those press ganged into the Royal Navy. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Irish Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 131,45 125,51 128,58 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Frankfurt attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^ ^Frankfurt falls to Napoleon's troops! The first ^step towards creating the French controlled ^Confederation of the Rhine is laid! ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=European Inf. owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 133,49 129,51 131,55 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Frankfurt attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^Napoleon recieves Allied contingents from member ^states of the Confederation of the Rhine. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=European Inf. owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 133,49 129,51 131,55 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Munich attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^ ^The Kingdom of Bavaria is created by Napoleon! Now under French ^protection, the King of Bavaria provides two regiments of Bavarian ^Infantry for the Grande Armee. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Bavarian Inf. owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 138,50 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Munich attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Bavarian Inf. owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 138,50 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Dresden attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^ ^Saxon Infantry impressed him in his battles against them so much ^that Napoleon sends a request to the King of Saxony for soldiers ^to serve in his Grande Armee. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Saxon Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 138,46 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Dresden attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Saxon Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 138,46 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN TEXT ^ ^War of the Third Coalition begins. ^ ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=Austrian Empire whom=Empire of France JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Kingdom of Prussia whom=Empire of France JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Vienna attacker=Empire of France defender=Austrian Empire @THEN TEXT ^Napoleon enters Vienna in triumph! The Austrian Emperor flees to his Hungarian domains. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Empire of France amount=1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Berlin attacker=Empire of France defender=Kingdom of Prussia @THEN TEXT ^The defeat of the Prussian Army at the hands of the French and the sight of Napoleon's army in Berlin ^prompts reforms throughout the kingdom. With the help of imports of British muskets and appeals to ^the German volk to liberate Germany from French influence, The reformslead to the creation of poor trained, but ^highly motivated Landwehr units. ^ ^'Frenchie go home!' becomes a rallying cry throughout Germany and Prussia. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Empire of France amount=1000 JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Kingdom of Prussia technology=40 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Warsaw attacker=Empire of France defender=Kingdom of Prussia @THEN TEXT ^The Duchy of Poland is created. Polish Lancers ^are added to Napoleon's Army. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Polish Lancers owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 143,43 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Warsaw attacker=Empire of France defender=Kingdom of Prussia @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Polish Lancers owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 143,43 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=36 @THEN TEXT ^ ^The Kingdom of Holland is created. Louis Boneparte is ^made King. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Dutch Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 133,43 131,45 129,51 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=36 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Dutch Infantry owner=Empire of France veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 133,43 131,45 129,51 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Washington attacker=British Empire defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^British troops enter Washington after defeating US milita near the capital. ^Although Congress and the US President have fled, British troops loot the ^city, setting fire to government buildings including the Presidential House ^ ^The war continues... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Moscow attacker=Empire of France defender=Russian Empire @THEN TEXT ^ ^Napoleon's Grande Armee enters a burning city as winter sets in. Will he ^conquer Russia? Or will winter force him to retreat back to Poland, finally ^tasting a major disaster? ^ ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Saxon Infantry attacker=Kingdom of Prussia defender=Empire of France @THEN TEXT ^ ^Saxon troops join their Prussian brothers, eager to ^liberate the German volk. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Saxon Infantry owner=Kingdom of Prussia veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 139,43 143,37 141,39 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Paris attacker=ANYBODY defender=Empire of France @THEN TEXT ^The Fall of Paris heralds the end of Napoleon's Empire. Despite ^his abdication, French Generals fight on, but it is growing ^increasingly difficult to motivate troops who have more sense ^than their officers to know that it is the end. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Empire of France technology=94 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=European Coalition technology=34 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^French troops enter the Spanish capital announcing the ^start of the Peninsular War. Spanish partisans begin ^operating in the hills of Spain against the invader. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Siege Mortar owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 80,116 76,116 82,118 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^The fall of Spain and the establishment of ^of Joseph Boneparte on the throne leads to ^revolts in Spain's vast American Empire. ^South American Generals such as Bolivar ^fight for their freedom from the Spanish yoke. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 80,116 76,116 82,118 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 76,116 80,116 82,118 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Siege Mortar owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 76,116 80,116 82,118 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 82,118 76,116 80,116 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 82,118 76,116 80,116 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 74,130 75,131 80,116 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SA Rebels owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 79,125 74,130 80,116 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=British Empire defender=Empire of France @THEN JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Vitoria attacker=British Empire defender=Empire of France @THEN JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Toulouse attacker=British Empire defender=Empire of France @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=British Empire amount=1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Danish Fleet attacker=British Empire defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^The burning of the Danish Fleet in Copenhagen denies ^it to Napoleon. The French emperor is enraged! ^ ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=British Empire amount=1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Danish Fleet attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN TEXT ^Napoleon seizes ships for his invasion of England! ^Barges begin assembling across the channel. ^ ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Barges owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 131,45 125,51 128,58 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Danish Fleet attacker=Empire of France defender=European Coalition @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Barges owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 131,45 125,51 128,58 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Frigate attacker=Barbarians defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^The USS Phileadelphia runs aground near Tripoli ^Barbary corsairs seize the ship and tow it into harbour. ^Although the ship is set ablaze by a raid to prevent it ^being used against the Americans, 306 Americans remain ^prisoner in the city. ^ ^Eventually William Eaton will convince President Thomas ^Jefferson to provide him with 1000 muskets and $20 000 to ^create an army in Egypt of mercenaries (including 8 US marines) ^to march on Derna and try to replace the Tripolian Pashir with ^his brother, Hamet Karamanli. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Derna attacker=United States defender=Barbarians @THEN TEXT ^After trudging through the desert for several months, William Eaton's rag tag collection ^of Arab and European mercenaries take the city of Derna with the help of supporting cannonfire ^from US warships. Eventually word will reach Eaton that US diplomats have negotiated a peace treaty ^with Tripoli and that the captives will be returned for a payment of $60 000. ^ ^The US abandons the mercenaries and the city, whilst Hamet Kamanli returns into exile, this time permanently. ^Eaton will end his days drinking his sorrows in Washington, dreaming of what could have been. ^ ^The First Barbary War is over. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=United States amount=3500 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=14 receiver=United States @THEN TEXT ^Rumours fly of a new class of Man O'War being built in Boston shipyard. ^The US dismisses these rumours as being out of hand. ^ ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF --------------- The Slave Trade --------------- @IF UNITKILLED unit=Africans attacker=Empire of France defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Slaves owner=Empire of France veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 116,104 136,124 123,121 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Africans attacker=United States defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Slaves owner=United States veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 121,121 136,124 136,130 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Africans attacker=Kingdom of Prussia defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Slaves owner=Kingdom of Prussia veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 132,122 122,122 136,130 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Slaves attacker=British Empire defender=Empire of France @THEN TEXT ^Royal Navy patrols intercept a slave trader on its way to ^ the new world. The slaves are taken to the nearest British ^African outpost and released. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Engineers owner=British Empire veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 118,114 127,121 119,117 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Africans attacker=Austrian Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Slaves owner=Austrian Empire veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 132,122 122,122 136,130 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Slaves attacker=British Empire defender=Austrian Empire @THEN TEXT ^Royal Navy patrols intercept a slave trader on its way to ^ the new world. The slaves are taken to the nearest British ^African outpost and released. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Engineers owner=British Empire veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 118,114 127,121 119,117 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Slaves attacker=British Empire defender=Kingdom of Prussia @THEN TEXT ^Royal Navy patrols intercept a slave trader on its way to ^ the new world. The slaves are taken to the nearest British ^African outpost and released. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Engineers owner=British Empire veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 118,114 127,121 119,117 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Slaves attacker=British Empire defender=United States @THEN TEXT ^Captured American slaves are promised freedom by the British ^if they agree to fight in a newly raised West Indian regiment. ^ ^Many take up the offer. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Br. Infantry owner=British Empire veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 84,78 76,88 173,101 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS