[game] version=20100 Freeciv version compatibility server_state=2 "metapatches=""""" "metamessage=""""" "metaserver=""http://meta.freeciv.org/metaserver.phtml""" gold=50 Starting number gold for each player tech=0 Starting number of techs for each player skill_level=2 Starting AI skill level timeout=0 timeoutint=0 timeoutintinc=0 timeoutinc=0 timeoutincmult=1 timeoutcounter=1 info.timeoutaddenemymove=0 end_year=5000 End year of save year=-4000 Current year of save turn=0 Current number of turns of save simultaneous_phases_now=1 "Toggle for Simultaneous Movement - all players will move at same time (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" simultaneous_phases_stored=1 min_players=1 Minimum number of players in game max_players=5 Maximum number of players in game nplayers=5 Current number of players heating=0 globalwarming=0 "Toggle for Global Warming (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" warminglevel=8 nuclearwinter=0 "Toggle for Nuclear Winter (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" cooling=0 coolinglevel=8 notradesize=0 Minimum city size for trade to occur fulltradesize=1 Minimum city size to receive 100% trade benefit (no penalty for cities larger than this) unhappysize=4 Minimum size of city before unhappiness can occur angrycitizen=1 Minimum size of city for an angry population figure cityfactor=14 Minimum number of cities for unhappiness due to civ size citymindist=0 Minimum number of tiles between cities civilwarsize=10 Minimum number of cities for a civil war to occur after capital is captured contactturns=20 Maximum number of turns till contact is lost from last contact rapturedelay=1 Minimum turns before rapture effect can occur diplcost=0 Percentage of research points lost when a tech is gained through diplomacy freecost=0 Percentage of research points lost when a tech is gained through Hut or Great Library conquercost=0 Percentage of research points lost when a tech is gained through conquest box_food=100 Base Food Cost Multiplier (affects how quickly a city food box is filled) box_shield=100 Base Production Cost Multiplier (affects how quickly a city production box is filled) box_science=100 Base Tech Cost Multiplier (affects how quickly a tech can be researched) researchcost=20 foodbox=10 techpenalty=100 Percentage of research points lost when switching techs midway through research of a tech razechance=20 Percentage chance that a building improvement in a freshly captured city will be destroyed civstyle=2 save_nturns=10 Number of turns between autosaves "save_name=""civgame""" Prefix of saved game file names aifill=5 scorelog=0 "id=""XW5A01EIkdJEV6mrCTbeqk0Z9xSiGmnV""" fogofwar=1 "Toggle for Fog of War (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" spacerace=1 "Toggle for Space Race (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" auto_ai_toggle=0 "Toggle for All AI Mode (1 is ON, 0 is OFF) - Used for testing" diplchance=80 Percentage base chance that a diplomat or spy will succeed on their mission aqueductloss=0 Percentage of food units lost if city can't expand because it needs an aqueduct (halved by granary in city) killcitizen=1 Indicates if a freshly captured city will have its population reduced (number indicates attacker move type) 1 Used in killcitizen= - represents land type movement unit 2 Used in killcitizen= - represents sea type movement unit 4 Used in killcitizen= - represents helicopter type movement unit 8 Used in killcitizen= - represents air type movement unit turnblock=1 savepalace=1 "Toggle for Rebuild Palace After Capital Capture (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" fixedlength=0 barbarians=2 Appearance frequency of Barbarians 0 Used in barbarians= - represents no Barbarians 1 Used in barbarians= - represents Barbarians only in huts 2 Used in barbarians= - represents normal rate of Barbarian appearance 3 Used in barbarians= - represents frequent rate of Barbarian appearance 4 Used in barbarians= - represents heavy rate of Barbarian appearance onsetbarbs=-1000 First game year for onset of Barbarians revolen=0 Number of turns during a government change that a government is in revolution (0 is a random setting that can result in 1 to 6 turns) occupychance=0 Percentage chance that an attacking unit will move into a defending tile upon winning a battle autoattack=0 "Toggle for Attack Consideration for units with ""move left?"" (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" "demography=""NASRLPEMOqrb""" Details what will be reported in the Demographics report (Capitilization matters) N "Used in demography="" "" - represents Population category" P "Used in demography="" "" - represents Production category" A "Used in demography="" "" - represents Land Area category" L "Used in demography="" "" - represents Literacy category" R "Used in demography="" "" - represents Research Speed category" S "Used in demography="" "" - represents Settled Area category" E "Used in demography="" "" - represents Economy category" M "Used in demography="" "" - represents Military Service category" O "Used in demography="" "" - represents Pollution category" q "Used in demography="" "" - represents quantity column" r "Used in demography="" "" - represents rank column" b "Used in demography="" "" - represents best nation column" borders=4 Number of tiles that borders will expand from hub city on land happyborders=1 "Toggle for No Unhappiness Units Within Borders But Outside of Cities (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" diplomacy=0 Toggle for Diplomacy Ability 0 Used in diplomacy= - represents that diplomacy enabled between everyone 1 Used in diplomacy= - represents that diplomacy enabled between human players 2 Used in diplomacy= - represents that diplomacy enabled between AI players 3 Used in diplomacy= - represents that diplomacy enabled between players in a team 4 Used in diplomacy= - represents that diplomacy disabled between everyone allowed_city_names=1 Determines restrictions on city names in game 0 Used in allowed_city_names= - represents that any player can have multiple cities with the same name 1 Used in allowed_city_names= - represents that any one player cannot have multiple cities with the same name 2 Used in allowed_city_names= - represents that all players have to have globally unique city names 3 Used in allowed_city_names= - represents that a player may not have a city with a duplicate name of another city under another civ unless the default name for the city of the other civ is also a default for the player civ settlers=2 explorer=1 "start_units=""ccwwx""" Makeup of starting units for each civ (Capitilization matters) c "Used in start_units="" "" - represents city building units (settlers)" w "Used in start_units="" "" - represents worker units (workers)" x "Used in start_units="" "" - represents city explorer units (explorer)" k "Used in start_units="" "" - represents game loss units (king duel)" s "Used in start_units="" "" - represents diplomat units (diplomat)" d "Used in start_units="" "" - represents poor defender units (warriors)" D "Used in start_units="" "" - represents good defender units (phalanx)" a "Used in start_units="" "" - represents fast attack units (horseman)" A "Used in start_units="" "" - represents strong attack units (catapult)" dispersion=0 Number of tiles that starting units are spread over randseed=1146874852 save_random=1 "rulesetdir=""default""" Current Ruleset save_starts=1 save_known=1 save_players=1 "destroyed_wonders=""00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000""" Wonders that have been destroyed on whole map since turn 1 "destroyed_wonders_new=""0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000""" shuffled_player_0=2 shuffled_player_1=0 shuffled_player_2=4 shuffled_player_3=3 shuffled_player_4=1 [savefile] "options=""startoptions spacerace2 rulesets diplchance_percent map_editor known32fix turn attributes watchtower rulesetdir client_worklists orders startunits turn_last_built improvement_order technology_order embassies new_owner_map resources""" "reason=""User request""" "improvement_order=""Airport"", ""Aqueduct"", ""Bank"", ""Barracks"", ""Barracks II"", ""Barracks III"", ""Cathedral"", ""City Walls"", ""Coastal Defense"", ""Colosseum"", ""Courthouse"", ""Factory"", ""Granary"", ""Harbour"", ""Hydro Plant"", ""Library"", ""Marketplace"", ""Mass Transit"", ""Mfg. Plant"", ""Nuclear Plant"", ""Offshore Platform"", ""Palace"", ""Police Station"", ""Port Facility"", ""Power Plant"", ""Recycling Center"", ""Research Lab"", ""SAM Battery"", ""SDI Defense"", ""Sewer System"", ""Space Component"", ""Space Module"", ""Space Structural"", ""Stock Exchange"", ""Super Highways"", ""Supermarket"", ""Temple"", ""University"", ""Apollo Program"", ""A.Smith's Trading Co."", ""Colossus"", ""Copernicus' Observatory"", ""Cure For Cancer"", ""Darwin's Voyage"", ""Eiffel Tower"", ""Great Library"", ""Great Wall"", ""Hanging Gardens"", ""Hoover Dam"", ""Isaac Newton's College"", ""J.S. Bach's Cathedral"", ""King Richard's Crusade"", ""Leonardo's Workshop"", ""Lighthouse"", ""Magellan's Expedition"", ""Manhattan Project"", ""Marco Polo's Embassy"", ""Michelangelo's Chapel"", ""Oracle"", ""Pyramids"", ""SETI Program"", ""Shakespeare's Theatre"", ""Statue of Liberty"", ""Sun Tzu's War Academy"", ""United Nations"", ""Women's Suffrage"", ""Coinage""" "technology_order=""A_NONE"", ""Advanced Flight"", ""Alphabet"", ""Amphibious Warfare"", ""Astronomy"", ""Atomic Theory"", ""Automobile"", ""Banking"", ""Bridge Building"", ""Bronze Working"", ""Ceremonial Burial"", ""Chemistry"", ""Chivalry"", ""Code of Laws"", ""Combined Arms"", ""Combustion"", ""Communism"", ""Computers"", ""Conscription"", ""Construction"", ""Currency"", ""Democracy"", ""Economics"", ""Electricity"", ""Electronics"", ""Engineering"", ""Environmentalism"", ""Espionage"", ""Explosives"", ""Feudalism"", ""Flight"", ""Fundamentalism"", ""Fusion Power"", ""Genetic Engineering"", ""Guerilla Warfare"", ""Gunpowder"", ""Horseback Riding"", ""Industrialization"", ""Invention"", ""Iron Working"", ""Labor Union"", ""Laser"", ""Leadership"", ""Literacy"", ""Machine Tools"", ""Magnetism"", ""Map Making"", ""Masonry"", ""Mass Production"", ""Mathematics"", ""Medicine"", ""Metallurgy"", ""Miniaturization"", ""Mobile Warfare"", ""Monarchy"", ""Monotheism"", ""Mysticism"", ""Navigation"", ""Nuclear Fission"", ""Nuclear Power"", ""Philosophy"", ""Physics"", ""Plastics"", ""Polytheism"", ""Pottery"", ""Radio"", ""Railroad"", ""Recycling"", ""Refining"", ""Refrigeration"", ""Robotics"", ""Rocketry"", ""Sanitation"", ""Seafaring"", ""Space Flight"", ""Stealth"", ""Steam Engine"", ""Steel"", ""Superconductors"", ""Tactics"", ""The Corporation"", ""The Republic"", ""The Wheel"", ""Theology"", ""Theory of Gravity"", ""Trade"", ""University"", ""Warrior Code"", ""Writing""" "specials=""Road"", ""Irrigation"", ""Railroad"", ""Mine"", ""Pollution"", ""Hut"", ""Fortress"", ""River"", ""Farmland"", ""Airbase"", ""Fallout""" [map] mountains=30 Percentage of mountain tiles on map grass=35 Percentage of grass tiles on map swampsize=5 Percentage of swamp tiles on map deserts=5 Percentage of desert tiles on map riverlength=5 Percentage of river tiles on map forestsize=20 Percentage of forest tiles on map topology_id=5 Represents alignment of map 0 Used in topology_id= - represents unwrapped square grid map 1 Used in topology_id= - represents west to east wrapping square grid map 2 Used in topology_id= - represents north to south wrapping square grid map 3 "Used in topology_id= - represents north to south, east to west wrapping square grid map" 4 Used in topology_id= - represents unwrapped isometric map 5 Used in topology_id= - represents east to west wrapping isometric map 6 Used in topology_id= - represents north to south wrapping isometric map 7 "Used in topology_id= - represents north to south, east to west wrapping isometric map" 8 Used in topology_id= - represents unwrapped hexagonal map 9 Used in topology_id= - represents west to east wrapping hexagonal map 10 Used in topology_id= - represents north to south wrapping hexagonal map 11 "Used in topology_id= - represents north to south, east to west wrapping hexagonal map" 12 Used in topology_id= - represents unwrapped iso-hex map 13 Used in topology_id= - represents west to east wrapping iso-hex map 14 Used in topology_id= - represents north to south wrapping iso-hex map 15 "Used in topology_id= - represents north to south, east to west wrapping iso-hex map" size=4 Estimated map size in tiles width=54 Actual map x size in tiles height=72 Actual map y size in tiles seed=2062588342 Special tiles seed randomized number landpercent=30 Percentage of land tiles on map riches=250 Number of special tiles on map wetness=50 Average amount of water on land steepness=30 Average amount of mountains/hills on land huts=50 Number of huts on map generator=1 Method used to generate map 0 Used in generator= - represents no generator (scenario map) 1 Used in generator= - represents fully random height generator 2 Used in generator= - represents pseudo fractal height generator 3 Used in generator= - represents island based generator have_huts=0 "Toggle for Having Huts on Map (1 is OFF, 0 is ON)" temperature=50 Average temperature of map alltemperate=0 "Toggle for All Tiles Temperate (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" tinyisles=0 "Toggle for One Tile Islands Are Allowed (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" separatepoles=1 "Toggle for Poles Are Separate Continents (1 is ON, 0 is OFF)" is_earth=0 "Toggle for Non-Temperate (0), All Temperate (1)" r0sx=7 Starting x coordinate position for player 0 r0sy=33 Starting y coordinate position for player 0 r1sx=48 Starting x coordinate position for player 1 r1sy=17 Starting y coordinate position for player 1 r2sx=30 Starting x coordinate position for player 2 r2sy=10 Starting y coordinate position for player 2 r3sx=2 Starting x coordinate position for player 3 r3sy=4 Starting y coordinate position for player 3 r4sx=2 Starting x coordinate position for player 4 r4sy=52 Starting y coordinate position for player 4 "t000="" """ "Map row y coordinate prefix for base terrain tiles (000 represents ""black"" limit of map)" a "Used in t000="" "" - represents glacier tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" f "Used in t000="" "" - represents forest tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" t "Used in t000="" "" - represents tundra tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" m "Used in t000="" "" - represents mountain tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" g "Used in t000="" "" - represents grassland tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" p "Used in t000="" "" - represents plain tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" s "Used in t000="" "" - represents swamp tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" h "Used in t000="" "" - represents jungle tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" j "Used in t000="" "" - represents hills tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" d "Used in t000="" "" - represents ocean tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" SPACE "Used in t000="" "" - represents desert tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" "res000="" """ Map row y coordinate prefix for special terrain tiles x "Used in res000="" "" - represents glacier oil tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" i_ "Used in res000="" "" - represents ivory tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" p "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" s "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" v "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" y "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" u "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" e "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" $ "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" / "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" r "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" j "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" w "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" b "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" a "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" t "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x" o "Used in res000="" "" - represents tile on map at coordinate 000 = y, character after first "" = x"