; ; CIVILIZATION Test of Time POPUP BOXES ; Copyright (c) 1999 by MicroProse Software ; ; Game.Txt for El Aurens, by Dave Wylie ; Copyright (c) 2002 ; ;Old @BUILT2 ;%STRING0 (%STRING2) %STRING3 %STRING1. ;Bir Hakim (Sanussi) builds POW Camp ;The Sykes-Picot Agreement, reached on 15-16 May 1916 by Sir Edward Grey and Paul Cambon, ;divided the Middle East into areas of influence for Britain and France (among others). ;The agreement assigned France control over modern Syria and Lebanon, Britain over ;southern Mesopotamia. Much of Palestine was to remain under international control. ;The agreement does however make mention of the possibility of ceding land to an ;Arab state. ;Menu #2 @MAINMENU @width=200 @title=Main Menu @options Original Game Science Fiction Game Fantasy Game Extended Original Game Begin the Midgard Scenario Begin a Scenario Load a Saved Game @MAINMENU2 @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Test of Time @options Start a New Game Start on Pre-made World Customize World @MAINMENU2M @width=200 @title=Test of Time @options Start a New Game Customize World ;Menu #1 @STARTMENU @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Test of Time @options Start a Single Player Game Start a Multiplayer Game View Hall of Fame View Credits @HOTSEAT1 @width=220 @title=Hot Seat @options Start a New Original Game Start a New Science Fiction Game Start a New Fantasy Game Begin Scenario Begin Midgard Scenario Load a Saved Game @HOTSEAT2 @width=220 @title=Hot Seat @options Two (2) Players Three (3) Players Four (4) Players @HOTSEATTURN @width=220 @title=The World Turns... %STRING0, you may now command the %STRING1. @HOTSEATNOT @width=220 @title=The World Turns... That was not a Hot Seat saved game. @GAMETIMER @width=220 @title=Maximum Time Per Player Turn @options Unlimited 30 Seconds 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes Custom... @CUSTOMGAMETIMER @width=750 @title=Set Maximum Time Per Turn ^^Maximum time of 3600 seconds (1 hour). ^^Minimum time of 10 seconds. Seconds: @ADVANCEDMP @checkbox @width=440 @title=Select Multiplayer Features @options Open Game (Players can join during a game) Kill Civilization on Retirement Show Player Starting Positions All Players Can Chat From Start Double Production of Each Terrain Type Double Movement Rate of Ground Units @JOINGAME0 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^There are no AI civilizations to take over! @JOINGAME1 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^There are already %NUMBER0 players! @JOINGAME2 @title=Join the Game @width=200 ^^Choose your tribe: @JOINGAME3 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^The %STRING0 have joined the game ^^under player tutelage! @PASSWORD0 @title=Password Rejected @width=340 ^^You are a pretender to this throne! ^^Your attempt at this subterfuge is rejected! @PASSWORD1 @width=340 Password: @PASSWORD4 @title=Warning! @width=340 ^^Do NOT forget your password! ^^If you do, any saved game will become ^^UNPLAYABLE! @PBEM1 @width=220 @title=Play by EMAIL @options Start a New EMAIL Game Start on Pre-made World Customize World Begin Scenario Make an EMAIL Move @EMAILNOT @width=220 @title=The World Turns... That was not an EMAIL saved game. @EMAILADDRESS @width=340 @title=Please Enter Your EMAIL Address @options EMAIL: @EMAILSAVED @width=440 @title=EMAIL Game Saved! ^^This EMAIL game has been saved as ^^%STRING0 @EMAILDONE1 @width=750 @title=EMAIL the Game ^^Please EMAIL the saved game to ^^%STRING0 ^^at ^^%STRING1 @EMAILDONE2 @width=750 @title=EMAIL the Game ^^Please EMAIL the saved game to ^^the next player. He or she is known as ^^%STRING0 @LAN1 @width=220 @title=%STRING0 @options Start a New Original Game Start a New Science Fiction Game Start a New Fantasy Game Begin Scenario Begin Midgard Scenario Load a Saved Game Join a Game @LANNOT @width=220 @title=%STRING0 That was not a saved multiplayer game. @IPADDRESS @width=340 @title=Please Enter Your IP or IPX Address @options Address: @NETNAME @width=420 @title=Please Enter Your Net Name ^^Your "Net Name" will identify you to others on the network. ^^This is NOT necessarily your king name. Net Name: @GAMENAME @width=420 @title=Please Enter Your Game Name ^^Your "Game Name" identifies this game to others on the network. ^^This is NOT necessarily your civilization name. Game Name: @LANCONNECTFAIL @width=220 @title=%STRING0 ^^The connection has failed. ^^Please check the log for more information. @WAITINGJOINLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^We are waiting to be allowed to join ^^%STRING1. @REJECTEDLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^You were REJECTED by ^^%STRING1! @TIMEOUTLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^%STRING1 ^^has left the network! @WAITINGFORCONNECT @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^We are waiting for players ^^to connect. @NOONESHOWED @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^No players connected to this machine. ^^Timeout. @SOMESHOWED @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Some players did not connect to this machine. ^^We will continue without them. @SERVERCONNECTFAIL @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Connection to the game's machine has failed. @WAITINGFORSERVER @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^We are waiting for the game machine ^^to connect. @STOPDRAGGING @title=%STRING0 @width=240 ^^Moving or resizing the window for ^^extended periods, can interfere with ^^the game. You will be disconnected ^^if you persist. @OUTOFHERE @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^You have been removed from the game. @SERVERCONNECTTIME @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Connection to the game's machine has failed. ^^Timeout. @WAITTOJOIN @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting our turn to join the game. ^^>--------------------------------< @NOONELEFT @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^All the players have left this game! @WAITINGONJOIN @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting for others to join the game. @WAITINGONFULLGAMESTATE @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting for the full game state. @OURTURNTOMOVE @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @width=250 ^^It is our turn to move our units. ^^Use this time wisely. @RETIREDIE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary ^^%STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 has retired. ^^The %STRING0 empire crumbles to dust. @RETIREAI @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary ^^%STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 has retired. ^^An AI now rules the %STRING0 empire. @NETWORKTYPE @width=220 @title=Choose the Network Protocol @options TCP/IP IPX/SPX @IPVERIFY @title=Please Verify Your IP Address @options IP Address: @IPOFGAME @width=340 @title=Please Enter The Game's IP Address @options IP Address: @NOFOREIGNHUMAN @width=750 @title=Foreign Office ^^We have not yet made contact with ^^other player civilizations. @MULTIPLAYEROPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Multiplayer Options @options Clear chat buffer at the start of a new game. Clear chat buffer each time we boot up. Double production of each terrain type. Double movement rate of ground units. @MULTIPLAYEROPTIONS2 @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Multiplayer Options @options Clear chat buffer at the start of a new game. Clear chat buffer each time we boot up. @PARLEYREQUEST @width=360 @title=%string0 (%string3) "We request an audience with %string1, great leader of the %string2." @options "Go away" "Granted" @PARLEYWAITING @width=360 @title=Awaiting Opponent's Response... Our Offer: "We request an audience with %string1, great leader of the %string2." @PARLEYGOAWAY @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "We cannot waste time on idle chatter. Request denied!" @PARLEYOK @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "We always have time to speak to our good friends the %string0. Audience granted!" @PARLEYBUSY @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "Our leader is otherwise engaged in delicate negotiatons with another civilization. Please contact us later. Request denied!" @PARLEYCANCEL @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... The %string0 have broken off negotiations! @PARLEYACCEPT @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The offer has been accepted! ^^All the affected goods are being processed! @PARLEYACCEPT2 @width=360 @title=Our Response... ^^We have accepted this offer! ^^All the affected goods are being processed! @PARLEYNOTHANKS @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The %string0 have rejected our offer! ^^They suggest that we make a better one! @PARLEYCOUNTEROFFER @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The %string0 have rejected our offer! ^^They are constructing a counter proposal! @JOINEDMAX @width=400 @title=Game Full ^^The maximum number of players have attempted to join this game. ^^Please try another game, or check this game later. @ALREADYCHOSEN @width=400 @title=Game Full ^^This Civilization slot was chosen by someone else. ^^Please choose another. @GAMECANCELED @width=400 @title=Game Canceled ^^The player who initiated this game has canceled the setup. ^^Please choose another game. @WAITPRODUCTION @width=400 @title=Waiting on Production ^^We are waiting for the rest of the players to ^^complete production. @WAITAIMOVES @width=400 @title=Waiting on AIs to Move ^^We are waiting for AI civilizations ^^to complete their moves. @WAITHUMANMOVES @width=400 @title=Waiting on Players to Move ^^We are waiting for player civilizations ^^to complete their moves. @REPORTFOREIGNMULTI @width=620 @title=Foreign Minister @listbox=7 @button=Check Intelligence @button=Send Emissary @button=Set Attitude Sir, our power is %STRING0 and our reputation is %STRING1. @ATTITUDEMULTI @width=600 @title=Our Attitude Toward %STRING0 @CHATSPYSTART @width=400 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^Communications intercept established! ^^Our man in hiding will maintain the link ^^as long as possible! @CHATNOTICE @width=360 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^You have %NUMBER0 unread chat messages! ^^Use "Advisors/Chat with Kings" or CTRL-C ^^to read them. @ENEMIES2 @width=750 @title=Select Level Of Competition @button=Random @options 7 Civilizations 6 Civilizations 5 Civilizations 4 Civilizations 3 Civilizations 2 Civilizations @DATAPATHFAIL @width=400 @title=Scenario/Save Game Path Not Found ^^When joining a game or scenario, the same path to the game ^^MUST exist in your Civilization directory. ^^Your Civilization directory is: ^^%STRING0 ^^The scenario/save directory is: ^^...%STRING1 ^^Where "..." is the Civilization directory. ^^Please install the necessary scenario or data directory. @WRONGVERSION @width=400 @title=Host/Client Version Mismatch ^^The Host is version: ^^%STRING0 ^^The Client is version: ^^%STRING1 ^^This is in error. Either the host or the joining player ^^are using a more recent patch. Please contact customer ^^support or download the latest patch from our web site. @HOSTCHANGECLIENT @width=750 @title=Host Change Notification ^^The hosting player has changed. ^^The new hosting player's net name is ^^%STRING0. @HOSTCHANGESERVER @width=750 @title=Host Change Notification ^^You are the new hosting player. ^^Any remaining players have been notified. @NEWPLAYER @width=750 @title=New Player ^^A new player has joined this game. ^^They have designated a net name of ^^%STRING0. @NEWTURNTIMERCLIENT @width=750 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The host of the game, %STRING0, has proposed ^^the following new time limit: ^^%STRING1 ^^Please accept or deny this change. @NEWTURNTIMERSERVER @width=750 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been proposed ^^to the other players. ^^We are waiting for the vote. @NEWTURNTIMERYES @width=750 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been accepted ^^by all players. ^^The change is effective immediately. @NEWTURNTIMERNO @width=750 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been denied ^^by one or more players. ^^The change is denied. @PMCHANGECLIENT @width=750 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The host of the game, %STRING0, has proposed ^^the following production/movement limits: ^^%STRING1 ^^Please accept or deny this change. @PMCHANGESERVER @width=750 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^proposed to the other players. ^^We are waiting for the vote. @PMCHANGEYES @width=750 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^accepted by all players. ^^The changes are effective immediately. @PMCHANGENO @width=750 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^denied by one or more players. ^^The changes are denied. @NEWCREDITS @width=200 @title=View Credits @options Civilization II Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Fantastic Worlds Conflicts in Civilization @NEWCREDITSHORT @width=200 @title=View Credits @options Civilization II Civilization II Multiplayer Gold @NOMODEMS @width=750 @title=No Modems Detected ^^Windows 95 is not reporting the presence ^^of any modems. @PICKMUSICTOT @width=480 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Crusade" "Alien" "Mongol Horde" "The Apocolypse" "Jurassic Jungle" "New World" "Tolkien" "Mars Expedition" "Jules Verne" "They're Here" "The Dome" @NOINTEL @width=400 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^No intelligence is available on this civilization ^^at this time. @SERVERQUIT @title=%STRING0 @width=200 ^^The game ^^%STRING1 ^^was canceled. @SIMULTUT @width=450 @title=Civ Tutorial: Simultaneous Moves During a simultaneous move game, the main map only tracks friendly units. To track enemy units, right click on the world map to open more map windows. They can be set to track enemy moves. @SERVERQUITWAIT @width=450 @title=Host Quit Sequence ^^Please wait until the current players finish their moves. ^^This may take several minutes. @CLIENTQUITWAIT @width=450 @title=Host Quit Sequence ^^The Host is transferring to a new machine. ^^Please wait until the current players finish their moves. ^^This may take several minutes. @CLIENTHOTWAIT @width=450 @title=Hot Join ^^The AI and/or other players are currently moving. ^^Please wait for your first turn to start. ^^This may take several minutes. @MULTITYPE2 @width=200 @title=Multiplayer Game @options Hot Seat Network Game Internet Game Dial-Up Networking (2 player only) @NOPICKMUSICNEW @width=360 @title=Select Music ^^This option is not available unless the ^^Civilization II Test of Time CD is in the CDROM drive. @LOSTSERVER @width=360 @title=Lost Connection ^^You have lost the connection to the host computer. @LOSTCLIENT @width=360 @title=Lost Connection ^^You have lost the connection to the player named ^^%STRING0. @CANTDONOW @width=360 @title=Unavailable ^^You can't do this operation at this time. @SCREWYSAVE @width=360 @title=Screwy Save ^^A unit in this save was corrupt. ^^It has been deleted. Go ahead and play ^^anyway--without it. @HOTSEATAITURN @width=220 @title=The World Turns... ^^An AI is moving... @WRONGXDAEMONVERSION @width=400 @title=EXE / DLL Version Mismatch ^^The Civilization Executable expects version: ^^%STRING0 ^^The XDaemon Dynamic Link Library is version: ^^%STRING1 ^^This is in error. Either the host or the joining player ^^are using a more recent patch. Please contact customer ^^support or download the latest patch from our web site. @CASUALTIES @width=400 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @button=Casualty Timeline ^^It is our turn to move. ^^Casualties have been reported ^^by the War Office (W.O.). ^^%NUMBER0 units lost. @CASUALTY @width=400 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @button=Casualty Timeline ^^It is our turn to move. ^^A casualty has been reported ^^by the War Office (W.O.). @HOTHUMANSDEAD @width=250 @title=War Office (W.O.) ^^All players have been destroyed. ^^The game ends. @CDROMNOTFOUND2 @width=750 @title=Please Note @button=Repeat Search We were unable to find the Civilization II : Test of Time CD-ROM. Please check that it is in a valid CD-ROM drive and then repeat the search by selecting "Repeat Search" below. If you select cancel the game will exit. @PASSWORDNOCHEAT2 @width=350 @title=Cheat Not Available ^^%NUMBER0 civilizations in this game are password protected. ^^All passwords must be removed in order to cheat. @PASSWORDNOCHEAT1 @width=350 @title=Cheat Not Available ^^%NUMBER0 civilization in this game is password protected. ^^The password must be removed in order to cheat. @WAITONGAMEXMIT @width=350 @title=New Player Receiving Game State ^^A new player is being transmitted the game state by the host. ^^Please be patient. This could take several minutes. @GAMEPROFILE @width=100 @title=Civilization II Multiplayer Game Profile ^Game: %STRING0 (%STRING1) ^Host: %STRING2 ^%STRING3 ^%STRING4 ^Map Size: %STRING10 x %STRING11 ^%STRING5 ^Barbarians: %STRING6 ^Timer: %STRING7 ^Civilizations: %STRING8 (Players: %STRING9) @REVEALUNITORIGINS @width=750 @title=Unit Information Request ^^The %STRING0 request that you share your units' ^^cities of origin during this trade session. ^^Please accept or deny this request. @REVEALCITYINFO @width=750 @title=City Information Request ^^The %STRING0 request that you share your city ^^details during this trade session. ^^Please accept or deny this request. @CUSTOMLAND @width=750 @title=Customize: Land Mass @button=Random @default=1 @options Small Normal Large @CUSTOMFORM @width=750 @title=Customize: Land Form @button=Random @default=1 @options Archipelago Varied Continents @CUSTOMCLIMATE @width=750 @title=Customize: Climate @button=Random @options @default=1 Arid Normal Wet @CUSTOMTEMP @width=750 @title=Customize: Temperature @button=Random @options @default=1 Cool Temperate Warm @CUSTOMAGE @width=750 @title=Customize: Age @button=Random @options @default=1 3 billion years 4 billion years 5 billion years @USESEED @width=750 @title=Map Resources Do you wish to randomize this world's villages and resource squares? Yes No @USESTARTLOC @width=750 @title=Starting Locations Do you wish to randomize this world's player starting locations? Yes No @SAVEERROR @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Save Game Failed to save game! Error: %STRING0. @SAVEOK @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Game saved! ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @LOADNOTSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is not a saved game. @LOADOLDSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is in obsolete format. @LOADBADSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game. Error: %STRING0. @LOADNEWSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file has more recent version number than game. @LOADOK @width=300 @title=Difficulty Level: %STRING4 ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @DIFFICULTY @width=960 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch to Secretary of State for War, Field Marshal H.H. Kitchener, 1st Earl of Khartoum @text ^ From your most obedient servant, ^ Lt. General Sir John Maxwell, ^ GOC, British Force in Egypt ^ ^My Lord — December, 1915 ^ Our imminent withdrawal from Gallipoli presents a problem for Egypt. We expect that the Turk will fully exploit the railway extending from Europe to the Egyptian frontier. Before long, veteran Turkish divisions will entrain for Palestine to threaten the Suez Canal, the jugular vein of our Empire. ^ Ever since the Caliph has sanctified the Ottoman war effort, rebellion has stirred on Egypt's borders. The Sanussis have overrun Italian Cyrenaica, interned our sailors stranded by U-Boat sinkings, and now threaten the Western Desert. Further south, 'ali Dinar of Darfur has already joined the Jihad, placing the Upper Nile at risk. At present, the Egyptian fellahin support us, but we cannot presume to retain their loyalty should the Sanussi or Fur reach the Nile. ^ Fortunately, as Emir Abdulla ibn Hussein intimated to you, not all Arab tribes are willing subjects of the Turks. In Arabia, both the Hashemites of Hejaz and the Saudis of Nejd prepare to end Turkish rule. Mr. Storrs firmly believes that a massive mutiny of Ottoman Arabs awaits the correct trigger. ^ Our Objectives: @options @default=5 Defend the Suez Canal against Ottoman attack; Secure the Western Desert from the Sanussi; Eliminate the threat from Darfur; Foment and support a revolt in Arabia; Drive the Turks out of Palestine and Syria. [ DO NOT CHANGE THIS SELECTION — It selects Deity, the only tested level. ] @SIZEOFMAP @width=750 @title=Select Size of World @button=Custom @default=1 @options Small (40x50 squares, quick game) Normal (50x80 squares) Large (75x120 squares, long game) @CUSTOMSIZE @width=750 @title=Select Custom World Size Rule: X times Y must be no more than 10,ΊΊΊ and no less than 1ΊΊΊ. Each dimension must be at least 20, no more than 250. Map X Size: Map Y Size: @ENEMIES @width=750 @title=Select Level Of Competition @button=Random @options 7 Civilizations 6 Civilizations 5 Civilizations 4 Civilizations 3 Civilizations @BARBARITY @width=750 @title=Select Level Of Barbarian Activity @button=Random @default=4 @options Villages Only Roving Bands Restless Tribes Raging Hordes @RULES @width=750 @title=Select Game Rules @options Use Standard Rules Customize Rules @GENDER @width=360 @x=240 @y=10 @title=Help @options Continue @text ^^For Reference Please Refer to: ^———————————————————— ^  • The Civilopedia (Menu: "El Aurens &Help") ^  • "EACharts.htm" (MS Explorer ONLY!) ^  • "El Aurens Tips.xls" ^———————————————————— @TRIBE @width=600 @title=Select Your Tribe @button=Custom @CUSTOMTRIBE @width=440 @title=Customize Your Tribe @button=Titles @options Leader: Tribe: Adjective: @CUSTOMTRIBE2 @width=500 @title=Set Your Official Titles @NAME @width=180 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Nom de Guerre @options Minister @CUSTOMCITY @width=750 @title=Select Your City Style @ADVANCED @checkbox @width=440 @title=Select Custom Features @options Simplified Combat Flat World Select Computer Opponents Accelerated Startup Bloodlust (No spaceships allowed) Don't Restart Eliminated Players @ACCELERATED @width=400 @title=Select Starting Year @options %NUMBER0 B.C. (Normal Start) %NUMBER1 B.C. %NUMBER2 B.C. (Accelerated Start) @OPPONENT @width=750 @title=Select Opponent #%NUMBER0 @options Random @GAMEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Test of Time %STRING0 @options Sound Effects Music Always wait at end of turn. Autosave each turn. Show enemy moves. No pause after enemy moves. Fast piece slide. Instant advice. Tutorial help. Move units w/ mouse (cursor arrows). ENTER key closes City Screen. @GRAPHICOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Graphic Options @BUILDGRAPHICOPTIONS Diplomacy Screen Civilopedia for Advances Animated Units Animated Terrain @MESSAGEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select City Report Options @options Warn when city growth halted (Water Supply/Barrage and Weir). Show city improvements built. Show non-combat units built. Show invalid build instructions. Announce cities in disorder. Announce order restored in city. Announce "We Love The King Day". Warn when food dangerously low. Warn when new sabotage occurs. Warn when changing production will cost shields. "Zoom-to-City" NOT default action. @INIT @width=440 @title=In the Beginning . . . %STRING0, you have risen to become leader of the %STRING1. May your reign be long and prosperous. The %STRING1 have knowledge of Irrigation, Encampments, %STRING2and Light Railways. @NOTONMAP @title=Illegal Move Units cannot move off the edge of the map. @ZOC @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Zones of Control A unit may not generally move from one square adjacent to a rival's unit to another square also adjacent to a rival's unit. ^ There are exceptions to this rule: • Allied Units: Lt Car Patrol, Armoured Cars, Gurkhas, Scouts, Bedouins, Agayl, Lawrence, and Shakespear • Ottoman Units: Tribal Vols, Sturmtruppen • Sanussi Units: Ikhawan, Mujahid, Muhafizia • Italian Units: AutoMG • All Ships and Airplanes. ^ Also, any unit may freely enter or exit a city, and units may freely enter a square already occupied by a friendly unit. @FEATURE @title=Gotta Say Unh. Feature not yet implemented. @AMPHIB @title=El Aurens Rules: Amphibious Landings Excepting the Landing Party unit, ground units must be put ashore before they can engage in combat. @NONCOMBAT @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Scouting Report A recce patrol spotted enemy forces.† ^ † Units such as RE/Works Coys and Troopships, which have an attack strength of 0, may not initiate combat with enemy units. @FIGHTER @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Insufficient Logistics ^The local commander informs us that to enter this region ^exceeds both his orders and logistical capabilities. ^ ^This formation will not enter it. ^――――――――――――――――――――――――― @FUEL @title=El Aurens Rules: Aircraft Fuel @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 ^Your air unit has exceeded its range. ^ RAF, RFC, and RNAS units have finite ranges, and must return to a city or RE/Works Coys unit for refueling. @FATIGUE @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Fatigue These men are tired, Sir. If we force them to attack this turn, I estimate they will fight at %NUMBER0/%NUMBER1 effectiveness. "One last push!" "Then let them rest." @LANDFALL @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Disembark Shall these troops disembark? Remain Embarked Disembark @NOLANDFALL @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Disembark All of the ground units aboard this flotilla have already moved this turn, and naturally the flotilla itself cannot enter a land square @OCCUPY @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=It's up to the PBI, now… Neither air nor naval squadrons may capture an enemy city. @TRIREME @title=U-Boats @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 ^This flotilla has been decimated by U-Boats! ^Coastal escorts and poorer U-Boat hunting grounds ^can be found adjacent to the coast (Trireme Rule). @FAMINE0 @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. %STRING1 lost. @FAMINE1 @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Famine feared. @FAMINE2 @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Trade route to %STRING1 terminated. @DESTROYED @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo Nuri Es Shalaan, Emir of the %STRING0 Confederation, has agreed to support the Arab Revolt. On to Damascus! @DECREASE @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Population decrease in %STRING0. @FOODSHORTAGE @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) @default=1 @text ^^Acute food shortages in %STRING0! ^————————————————————— @options @BUILT @width=420 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1. @BUILT2 @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo Enemy deserters inform us that... the %STRING2 have constructed a %STRING1 at %STRING0. @BUILT3 @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1 ^(City is set to auto build). @MANHATTAN @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=O.E.T.A. The Occupied Enemy Territories Adminstration now administers the newly captured Vilayets and Sanjaks of the former Ottoman Empire. Arabs, expecting this to lead to self-rule, are jubilant. @MOVECAPITAL @title=Foreign Office %STRING1 headquarters moved to %STRING0. @SUPPORT @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Reinforcements for the EEF ^ ^New Unit Type: %STRING1 ^Parent Formation: %STRING0 ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ^Click "City Screen", then "Clear Orders" for each %STRING1 on sentry duty ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– @DISORDER @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=%STRING0 Population Riots — Page One from the "Bosphore Ιgyptien" ^^DΙSORDRE CIVIL! ^^―――――――――――――――― ^^Emeutes de fellahin dans les rues! Le commissaire du district inquiet! ^ ^   [Octave Borelli — %STRING0] ^^——————————————————————————————————— @REVOLT @title=Domestic Crisis! Discontented citizens of %STRING0 revolt: Government collapses! @NEWGOVT @title=Newspaper %STRING0 proclaimed %STRING1 of new %STRING2 %STRING3! @CHANGED @title=Foreign Office Spies report: %STRING0 government changed to %STRING1. %STRING2 proclaimed %STRING3. @OVERTHROWN @title=Foreign Office Spies report: The %STRING0 government has been overthrown. @RESTORED @width=240 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Order restored in %STRING0. @WELOVEKING @width=360 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ ^ ^^The Arabs of %STRING0 celebrate the end of ^^Ottoman rule, though few trust the British. @WEDONTLOVEKING @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ Diminished civilian morale reported in %STRING0. ^ Labour Conscription, the Crop Control Commission, and mistrust of our long term ambitions has tempered earlier enthusiasm. @FURTHERGROWTH @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 requires %STRING1 for further growth. @POLLUTION @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Sabotage reported near %STRING0. @CHERNOBYL @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Seems our old friend, M. Borelli, is in a bit of a sticky wicket in %STRING0. ———————————————————————————————— ^^RΙVOLTE DANS L'ARMΙE ΙGYPTIENNE! ^^La Garnison de %STRING0 se Mutine! ^^  [Octave Borelli — %STRING0] ———————————————————————————————— ^| Des Saboteurs Coupent Toutes | Les Europιens Assiιgιs se | ^| les Communications avec la Ville. | Replient au Club Sportif. | ^| | | @INHOCK @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 lacks funds to maintain %STRING1. %STRING1 dismantled and sold for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @ONLYSETTLERS @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: RE/Works Coys That function can only be performed by RE/Works Coys. @ENGINEERS @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: RE/Works Coys That function can only be performed by RE/Works Coys. @CITYATSEA @title=Civ Rules: Cities It may surprise you to learn that cities cannot be built at sea. @ONLY10 @title=Civ Rules: Cities RE/Works Coys may not be used to increase the size of a city beyond %NUMBER0. @CANTIMPROVE @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Terrain That function cannot be performed here. @CANTDO @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Orders That function cannot be performed here. @BRIDGES @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief We lack the Bridging Trains required to build Light Railways over dry wadis. ^ This must be requested of the War Office. @RAILROADS @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief There is already a Light Railway in this map grid. ^ Light Railways cannot be relaid as Std Gge Rwy until War Office has approved the Trans-Sinai Railway and Water Pipe project. @ALREADYROAD @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief This map grid already has Light Railway and Std Gge Rwy. It is fully capable of supporting our needs. @BRIDGEBUILDING @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief We lack the Bridging Trains required to build Light Railways over dry wadis. ^ This must be requested of the War Office. @NOWATER @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Irrigation This square has no access to water. An irrigated square must be adjacent to a Dry Wadi, Aab, Maquis, or irrigated square. @FARMLAND @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Civ Rules: Cultivate Land This square already has irrigation. Irrigation cannot be improved to Maquis until your civilization has discovered the secret of Refrigeration. ^ ^Even then, irrigation projects are measured by years, not months. @ALREADYIRRIGATION @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Civ Rules: Irrigation This square already has irrigation. No further irrigation is possible here. @ALREADYFARMLAND @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Civ Rules: Cultivate Land This square already has Cultivate Land. No further irrigation is possible here. @ALREADYMINING @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Adv Supply Depτts This square already has an Adv Supply Depτt. No more Depτts can be built here. @ALREADYFORT @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Fieldworks This square already has fieldworks. You just can't see it. @RADIO @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Airbases ^Static Aircraft Parks (Civ2 Airbases) cannot be built in this scenario, ^but... temporary Aircraft Parks are mobile and integral to RE/Works Coys (Civ2 Carrier Flag). @ALREADYAIR @title=El Aurens Rules: Airbases This square already has an Aircraft Park. @POLLUTED @title=El Aurens Rules: Sabotage ***You cannot build a city or Aircraft Park in this scenario. @CONSTRUCTION @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief Fieldworks are not authorised before the General Murray arrives. @NOPOLLUTION @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Sir, you are misinformed. There is no sabotage in this square. @NAMECITY @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=HOUSE RULE: Do not build cities! ^Please Click Cancel. ^ ―――――― @options City Name: @RENAMECITY @width=300 @x=605 @y=15 @title=HOUSE RULE: Do not rename cities! ^Please Click Cancel. ^ ―――――― @options New City Name: @ADJACENTCITY @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=HOUSE RULE: Do not build cities! Cities cannot be built in adjacent squares. @DISBAND @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @default=1 @title=HOUSE RULE: Do not disband units! Really disband %STRING0? No Yes @PRODUCTION @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief ^^What shall we build in %STRING0? ^ ^^NOTE: to avoid changing the initial choice, click "Auto", then "Cancel" ^^—————————————————————————— @listbox @button=Auto @button=Help @RESEARCH @title=Your request of the War Office? @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @listbox @button=Help @button=Goal @HELPON @title=Help for El Aurens @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 On what subject would you desire a briefing? @options @RESEARCHGOAL @title=Which reinforcement do you wish to request? @width=480 @listbox=10 @button=Help @RESEARCHTHESE @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 C.O. recommends... @button=Auto-Request @STEALTHESE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 Then we should steal @RESEARCHNONE @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 No requests leading to %STRING0 are available at present. @STEALNONE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 No advances leading to %STRING0 can be stolen at this time. @CIVADVANCE @title=Major-General Adye, Deputy Adjutant-General @width=550 @x=5 @y=-5 "%STRING2 reported in the theatre." ^^—%STRING0 %STRING1 @SETHOMECITY @title=HOUSE RULE: No Rehoming @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 Do not reset unit home cities! @PICKGOVT @title=Select Type of Government @width=240 @ELVISERR @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Bureaucrats and the Press A city with <5 population units cannot support Colonial Adminstrators or Reporters. @CHILDCLICK @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Supported Unit Information ^   •   Name........ %STRING0 ^   •   Location...%STRING1 ^   •   Map.......... %STRING3 ^       ——————————————————— Close with no changes. Center map on unit. Center map on unit and close city screen. Order unit to return home. @UNITOPTIONS @width=350 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Unit Information ^   •   Name.........%STRING0 ^   •   Home City..%STRING2 ^       ———————————————— @COMPLETE0 @width=360 @x=30 @y=-180 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Being built:...............%STRING0 ^Cost to complete:.....£%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ ^Treasury:.................£%NUMBER1,ΊΊΊ @COMPLETE1 @width=365 @x=0 @y=-120 @title=Buy %STRING0? ^Being built:...............%STRING0 ^Cost to complete:.....£%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ ^Treasury:.................£%NUMBER1,ΊΊΊ Complete it Never mind @COMPLETE2 @width=360 @x=30 @y=-180 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Being built:...............%STRING0 ^Cost to complete:.....£%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ ^Treasury:.................£%NUMBER1,ΊΊΊ ^CIVIL DISORDER prevents all work. @HOCKTHIS @title=Sell City Improvement Do you want to dismantle the %STRING0 for scrap estimated at £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ? Sell it. Sell %STRING0 from all cities for £%NUMBER1,ΊΊΊ. Never mind. @CANTHOCKTHIS @title=A Subtle Message, Minister? @width=750 Much as the PBI would wish it, you cannot disband your General Headquarters (Civ2 Palace). @CHANGETAX @title=Select a New Tax Structure @width=260 @x=5 @y=-5 The maximum rate for our %STRING0 is %NUMBER0%% @CHANGELUX @title=Select New Civil Goods Apportionment @width=260 @x=5 @y=-5 The maximum rate for our %STRING0 is %NUMBER0%% @FINDCITY @title=Lord Curzon's admonishment aside, please help me place ... @width=540 @x=5 @y=-5 @button=Zoom To City @listbox @REVOLUTION @width=240 @title=Motion of No Confidence? @x=5 @y=-5 Do we want a change in the %STRING0 %STRING1? Yes No @STARTREV @width=240 @title=Motion of No Confidence Passed! The %STRING0 are revolting! Citizens demand new government. @WARENDS @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo %STRING0 and the %STRING1 sign an Accord. @SIGNPEACE @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo %STRING0 and %STRING1 declare an Armistice. @ALLYMAKESPEACE @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have signed a peace treaty with the %STRING1. @ALLYMAKESWAR @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they now are at war with the %STRING1. @SIGNALLIED @width=750 @title=Spies Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign a secret alliance against the %STRING2! @SIGNNATO @width=750 @title=Liaisons Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign "%STRING2 Pact" to contain %STRING3 aggression! @JOINWAR @width=750 @title=Liaisons Report The %STRING0 announce they will join the %STRING1 in their war against the %STRING2! @CANCELALLIED @width=750 @title=Liaisons Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel alliance. @CANCELPEACE @width=750 @title=Liaisons Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel peace treaty. @ALLYUNDERATTACK @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have been attacked by the %STRING1. @DEMANDHELP @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have been attacked by the evil %STRING1! Under the terms of our alliance, we insist that you come to our aid at once!" "No, too busy." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @HELPBONUS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to make it worth your while?" "No, not interested." "Declare war on %STRING1." @DIDNTHELP @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, but do not come crying to us for help in the future." @ALLYATTACKING @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING1 have sent word that they are attacking the %STRING0. @DECLAREWAR @width=750 @title=Liaisons Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 declare war on each other. @TOOMANYUNITS @width=750 @title=Too Many Units! A new unit cannot be created because there are too many units in the game. Try disbanding some units. @SURPRISETRIBE @width=240 @title=Village You have discovered an advanced tribe. @SURPRISENOMADS @width=300 @title=Village You discover a band of wandering nomads. They agree to join your tribe. @SURPRISESCROLLS @width=240 @title=Village You have discovered scrolls of ancient wisdom. @SURPRISEMERCS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered a friendly tribe of skilled mercenaries. @SURPRISEBARB @width=300 @title=Village You have unleashed a horde of barbarians! @SURPRISENOTHING @width=750 @title=Village Weeds grow in empty ruins. This village has long been abandoned. @SURPRISEMETALS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered valuable metal deposits worth £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @SNEAK @width=300 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo %STRING0 forces strike across the border! @BREAKCEASE @width=300 @title=War Office (W.O.) The %STRING0 have broken the cease fire! @CANCELPEACE @width=300 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 cancel peace treaty with %STRING1. @RANSOM @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) Ikhawans decisively routed! Our forces recover a treasury worth £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @PROMOTED @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) This %STRING0 unit has proven itself under fire. This battle will hold a place of honor in its regimental history. @MULTIPLEWIN @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch from the Front ^^%NUMBER0 units destroyed. @MULTIPLELOSE @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch from the Front ^^%NUMBER0 units were lost. PLAYER'S NOTE: These units can be replaced. The production rate of each of their parent units (i.e. Home Cities) is now >0. If you want to see the replacement before the end of the scenario, it is likely that you will need to rush-build it. @CITYCAPTURE @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ ^ ^ ^  %STRING1 %STRING3 %STRING0. ^  £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ sterling captured. @CITYCAPTURE2 @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ ^ ^ %STRING1 %STRING3 the %STRING2 city of %STRING0. @CITYWINALLY @width=430 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ ^ ^ ^  A mobile column of %STRING1 has driven ^  %STRING2 forces from the city of %STRING0. @CITYLOSEALLY @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^ ^ ^ ^  The %STRING2 have evacuated %STRING0, ^  pursued by a large force of %STRING1. @TAKECIV @width=750 @title=Select Civilization Advance @listbox @button=Goal @TOOKCIV @width=750 @title=Civilization Advance Stolen! %STRING0 take %STRING1! @BADBUILD @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Money, Chief Adminstrator, OETA %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but that has already been built. @BADSPACE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Excess Spaceship Parts %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but no more are required. @BARBARIANSLAND @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) Barbarian raiding party lands near %STRING0. Citizens are alarmed. @BARBARIANS @width=750 @title=Traveller's Report %STRING0 near %STRING1! @PRODCHANGE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Adye, Deputy Adjutant-General @default=1 Sir, we cannot change city production willy nilly without penalty! ^ If we change our production between items of different categories (Units, City Improvements, and Special Objectives [Wonders]), you can assume that %NUMBER0%% of our effort will have gone to waste. Continue producing %STRING0. Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @@PRODCHANGE @@width=480 @x=5 @y=-5 @@title=El Aurens Rules: Change of Production @ You are allowed to change your production between @ items of the same general type without penalty. For @ instance, if you are building City Defenses, you may freely @ switch to a Souk (another City Improvement). @ ^ @ However, switching between different types--between City Defenses @ and a Guard Unit, for instance, or between City Defenses and @ Hussein-McMahon Letters (a Special Objective)--incurs a %NUMBER0%% @ production penalty on shields already produced. If you decide to @ switch anyway, you can change your mind until you switch @ cities or the turn ends. @ @ Continue producing %STRING0. @ Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @BARRACKS @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office Many units have been withdrawn to fill gaps opened by Kaiserschlacht, the German Spring offensives in France. @EMISSARY @width=200 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=%STRING0 Back Channel Diplomacy %STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 has sent a message. Do you want to read it? Yes. No. @EMISSARYFORCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary The %STRING1 emissary has nonetheless demanded an audience! @GREETINGS00 @width=750 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo Received through back channels from a %STRING0 Emissary: ^ "Greetings from the %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS01 @width=700 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^^The American Consulate has given us a message from %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._. @GREETINGS02 @width=700 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^^A message was dropped over our lines by a German plane: ^^"From %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS03 @width=700 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^^The American Consulate has given us a message from %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._. @GREETINGS10 @width=700 @title=A %STRING0 Message An escaped British POW at large in the capital of the %STRING3 has been given this message from %STRING1, %STRING2_._._. @GREETINGS11 @width=700 @title=%STRING0 Emissary We have a message from an envoy claiming to represent %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3. @GREETINGS12 @width=700 @title=%STRING0 Emissary A message has been given to the American Consul in Spain. It claims to be written by %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._. @GREETINGS13 @width=700 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A message from %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @NUCLEARWEAPONS ^ "Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!" @YOURNUKES1 @width=800 @title=Advice from a %STRING0 Envoy "So you promise those squabbling Arabs their own goverment. They know no authority but the whip and the scaffold. Know this; every letter sent to them is given to us. They see through the pretense of your promises." @YOURNUKES2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see you have joined the nuclear club. We shall respect your deterrent, but should you attempt to blackmail us our retaliation shall be swift and crushing." @NOEXCHANGEMAD @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We have no interest in the primitive science of your pathetic civilization." @NOEXCHANGEMEDIUM @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "Our glorious science has advanced far beyond anything you might comprehend. We see little point in wasting time with the likes of you." @NOEXCHANGEWONDER @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "All of our great minds are too busy working on our glorious project, %STRING1. Perhaps we should speak again later." @NOEXCHANGENOW @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We have no interest in exchanging knowledge at this time." @EXCHANGEGIFT @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "Your primitive civilization has nothing to offer us at this time. However, we present you with the gift of %STRING1 to help you modernize your society. @EXCHANGEGIFT2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We are appalled at the pathetic state to which your society has sunk. We have no choice but to present you with the gift of %STRING1, which we hope will help you modernize your civilization." @SELLTECH @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "Your useless technology does not interest us. However, we will sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest price of £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ." Never mind. Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @SELLTECH2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "Our resources are stretched to the limit and we have nothing to spare. We could, however, sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest price of £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ." Never mind. Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @SYMPATHY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We sympathize with your plight, but there is nothing we can do for you at this time." @EXCHANGE0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We note that your primitive civilization has not even discovered %STRING1. We desire the secret of %STRING3. Do you care to exchange knowledge with us?" "No. We do not need %STRING1." "Okay, let's exchange knowledge." @EXCHANGE1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We are fascinated by your %STRING2 concept, %STRING3. Will you tell us of %STRING3 in exchange, perhaps, for %STRING1?" "No. We do not need %STRING1." "Okay, let's exchange knowledge." @EXCHANGEPETTY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We scoff at such petty knowledge. Come back when you have something worthwhile to offer." @CANCELTREATY0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "You are allied with our evil neighbors: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this alliance at once!" "Never! The %STRING1 are our friends." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELTREATY1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "You have made peace with our evil neighbors: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this treaty at once!" "Never! The %STRING1 are our friends." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELTREATY2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=750 "We are busily crushing our mutual enemy, the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you declare war on them at once and assist us!" "Never! The %STRING1 have done us no wrong." "Yes! Let us teach the worthless %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELALLIANCE0 @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) Our alliance with the %STRING1 has been cancelled. All of our units in %STRING2 territory have been relocated to our nearest cities; %STRING2 units in our territory have been similarly relocated. @CANCELALLIANCE1 @width=750 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 and %STRING3 have cancelled their alliance. @TRIBUTE0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are unworthy to make peace with us. However, we will agree not to crush your puny civilization in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute." "We laugh at your empty threats." Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute. @TRIBUTE1 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your pathetic civilization is hardly worth conquering. We might forego this pleasure for the time being in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute." "We laugh at your petty boasts." Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute. @TRIBUTE2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are displeased that you continue to befoul lands which are rightfully ours. However, we will refrain from driving you from this continent in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in reparations." "That is blackmail, and we will have none of it." Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ reparations. @TRIBUTE3 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, sees your civilization as a minor province of our great %STRING3 empire. Perhaps %STRING4 will suffer your continued independence in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ." "Never! We do not bow before tyranny and greed." Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @TRIBUTE8 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your decadent lifestyle makes us ill; we shall not sit idly by while you plunder the world's resources. We insist that you share £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ with us at once." "Hah! We shall not waste good money on you!" Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @TRIBUTE9 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. Perhaps %STRING4 will see fit to continue it in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ." "We are not %STRING1's personal financiers!" Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @TAKECIV0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization makes us laugh. We will agree not to crush your worthless civilization in exchange for the secret of %STRING1." "We ignore your hollow threats." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV1 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We laugh at your excuse for a civilization. We will refrain from crushing it underfoot if you will give us the secret of %STRING1." "We are not intimidated by threats." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We know you have knowledge of %STRING1. Give us the secret at once, or face the consequences!" "Consequences, schmonsequences!" Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV8 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization's greatness is an example for all, but our people grow jealous of your privileged lifestyle. Only the secret of %STRING1 will appease them!" "No. Your people are not ready for such knowledge." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV9 @width=400 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING3, our great %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. Perhaps %STRING4 will see fit to continue it in exchance for the secret of %STRING1." "Our secrets are our own, and ours they shall stay." Give secret of %STRING1. @OVERABARREL @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your petty grovelling pleases us, but our mercy cannot be bought so cheaply. You must also give us the secret of %STRING1!" "Hey! I thought we had a deal!" Give secret of %STRING1. @BEGONE0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then we will have no more of this tiresome alliance! Begone from our territory at once!" @BEGONE1 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will have no more of this tiresome alliance! Begone from our territory at once!" @NOVIOLATORS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have adhered to the terms of our armistice. Our troops do not occupy your territory." @PROVOKE0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience is exhausted. We can no longer tolerate your vile provocations. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE1 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have had our fill of your impudence. It is time for our armies to teach you a lesson in manners. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have insulted us for the last time. Now you shall taste our steel. Prepare for WAR!" @REJECT0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You reject our generous offer? Your insolence must be punished. Prepare for WAR!" @RID0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have decided to rid the world of your worthless civilization. Prepare for WAR!" @ACCURSEDWALL @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Were it not for that accursed Great Wall, we would soon teach you a lesson in manners." @ACCURSEDUN @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Peace Envoy "With your many guns, airplanes, trucks, and ships, you have driven us out of our Arab lands, but you have not defeated our spirit. To fight further would serve no purpose." @SENATEPEACE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The Senate meets with the %STRING1 Emissary behind your back and signs a permanent peace treaty! @SENATECEASE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The Senate meets with the %STRING1 Emissary behind your back and signs a cease fire! @WALLOVERPEACE @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The Sanussis have agreed to sign a peace treaty. @WALLOVERCEASE @width=750 @title=Foreign Office (F.O.) The Sanussis have agreed to end hostilities. @UNOVERPEACE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The Ottoman Government has agreed to sign an armistice @UNOVERCEASE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The Ottoman Government has agreed end hostilities. @PROPOSEALLIANCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see great opportunities for cooperation between our two peoples. Will you join a military alliance with us, that we may present a united front against our mutual enemies?" "Yes, we shall gladly join such an alliance." "Sorry, we cannot commit ourselves at this time." @GRANTCEASE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well. Since you have shown proper respect, the %STRING1 may be willing to grant you a cease fire." "We gratefully and humbly accept." "Never! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @WALLCEASE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we dream of seeing your civilization in ruins, we have no choice but to offer you a cease fire." "Very well, we accept." "Cowards! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @PROPOSECEASE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The %STRING1 people wish to end this conflict. We suggest a cease-fire." "We accept." "Your word is worthless. We refuse." @PROPOSEPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have prepared a peace accord confirming a fixed border between our lands. Will you sign it?" "Yes, we welcome peace with the %STRING1." "No, your terms are not acceptable." @NOPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Infidel, you place too much trust in your guns. Allah's Holy Warriors never tire." @OVERRULECEASE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate. Cease fire signed! @OVERRULEPEACE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate. Permanent peace treaty signed! @ALLIANCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this alliance of perpetual cooperation, friendship, and mutual defense between the people of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. So let it be written; so let it be done." @TREATY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this treaty of eternal friendship and goodwill between the people of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. We shall withdraw our forces from your territory at once." @CEASEFIRE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We pledge an immediate end to hostilities between the %STRING1 and %STRING2 nations." @CEASEEXPIRE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister Our cease fire agreement with the %STRING1 has expired. @APOLOGIZE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We humbly apologize for inadvertently violating your territory. Our troops have now been withdrawn and shall trouble you no more." @GIVECIV @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "End this war and we will share with you the secret of %STRING1." "We have no interest in %STRING1." "Very well, we shall grant a cease fire." @GIVECASH @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In exchange for a cease fire we offer you £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute to your manifest magnificence." Reject offer Sign cease fire @GROVEL @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Have mercy on our humble and peaceloving civilization. We will give you all of our gold (%NUMBER0) and knowledge if you let us live in peace." Reject offer Sign cease fire @CONTINUEWAR @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then so be it! Our armies are mobilized for WAR! You will pay for your foolish pride!" @CASHFORPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to make it worth your while...?" Reject offer Sign peace treaty @ATTITUDEALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of your condescending attitude, we do not choose to cancel our alliance at this time." @ATTITUDEPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of your disrespectful attitude, we will spare you from the wrath of our mighty armies." @ATTITUDE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We grow weary of your insolence. Consider yourself warned." @WELCOMEALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We most %STRING1 celebrate our eternal alliance with the %STRING2 people and their most wise and munificent leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOMEPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 welcome the friendship of the %STRING2 people and their most wise and munificent leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOME @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 appreciate this period of understanding between our two peoples." @HOWDYALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2." @HOWDYPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Why do you continue this terrible war? We wish only to be left alone in our small domain." @HOWDY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We wish only to be left alone in our small domain." @DOODYALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2. Please be brief, however, for time is short." @DOODY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are open to negotiating a ceasefire, but do not waste our time with unreasonable demands." @NOTORIOUSBIG @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your betrayal of the %STRING1 is legendary. Do not presume to think you can deal likewise with us. Keep to your word and we shall be as brothers; betray us and you shall taste our steel." @NOTORIOUSSMALL @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Word of your ill-treatment of the %STRING1 has preceeded you. Should you think to do the same to us, know that we shall resist bitterly!" @NOTORIOUSHATE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We chortle at your cruel betrayal of our hated enemies the %STRING1. Do not presume to treat us likewise, however, for we are hardly so foolish." @WORTHLESS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we sign this document, we are fully aware that no agreement with you is worth the paper it is printed on. You are foolish if you expect us to behave otherwise." @OUTAHEREALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are terribly sorry, but pressing matters of state prevent us from granting an audience at this time." @OUTAHERE @width=750 @title=Enter Negotiations The %STRING0s have no interest in negotiations at present. @ALLYPLEA @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our war with the hated %STRING1 is not going well for us, and we may not be able to hold out for much longer! Please send military help at once!" @ALLYBRAG @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are pleased to report that we have the hated %STRING1 by the throat. Soon, we will begin our final offensive." @DIPLOMACY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Our response: "David Lloyd George, Prime Minister to His Majesty King George V, ..." @DIPLOMACYMENU "Is too busy at present." "Suggests a strategic alliance against the remaining Central Powers." "Suggests an Armistice." "Insists that you withdraw your troops from Arab lands." "Cancels this worthless alliance." "Has a proposal to make..." @TREATYMENU @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a treaty proposal: @TREATYOPTIONS Never mind. Propose military alliance. Propose an armistice. Threaten to cancel alliance. Threaten to attack. Demand withdrawal of troops. Cancel alliance. Cancel armistice. @FAVORMENU @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a proposal to make: Never mind. @GIFTMENU @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a gift to offer: Never mind. Offer money. @ALLIANCENOBETRAY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are yet far, but forces of the Central Powers hold billets in our very capital. An alliance at this point would lead to occupation by our erstwhile allies." @NOBETRAYWEAK @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we admire your greatness, we cannot help but notice that those who sign agreements with you often meet with unfortunate accidents. Therefore we must respectfully decline." @ALLIANCENOWINNING @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We shall not become slaves of the decadent %STRING1 empire." @ALLIANCENODISLIKE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We do not wish to associate with your pathetic %STRING1 civilization." @ALLIANCENOSMALL @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your weak civilization has nothing to offer us." @ALLIANCENOTHANKS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The great %STRING2 civilization can protect its own borders. With our mighty armies and few enemies, we have little need for an alliance." @ALLIANCENOPATIENCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but at present we do not have time to discuss it." @PERHAPSTHROWIN0 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps if you could throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ, we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. Throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @PERHAPSTHROWIN1 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A fine idea! Now, will you throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to sweeten the pot?" Reject offer. Throw in £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @PERHAPSSECRET0 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps if you would give us the secret of %STRING3, we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. Give secret of %STRING3. @PERHAPSSECRET1 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A worthy idea. By the way, we have always admired the %STRING1 art of %STRING3. Will you teach it to us?" Reject offer. Give secret of %STRING3. @PERHAPSSOLIDARITY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "How can we enter your Entente, when the %STRING4 attack us at will? Honor your principles and attack them at once." "Your struggle with the %STRING4 is a private matter. We will not intervene." @PERHAPSPROVEIT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Excellent! Now, you must prove your worthiness by declaring war on our hated enemies the %STRING4." "You go too far, friend." "So be it! Let us teach the %STRING4 a lesson!" @PERHAPSDIDNTPROVE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then be off with you!" @PERHAPSTHANKSANYWAY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Ah, so your professed friendship is only skin-deep? Then we thank you for your gift but we shall not sign this document." @PERHAPSBYE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You must give more than that for our favor. Return when you are serious." @PEACENOBETRAY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Do you take us for fools? We'd no sooner turn our back on you than we'd find your knife there! Now begone!" @PEACENOWINNING @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We will not be manipulated to serve your Machiavellian plans." @PEACENODISLIKE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your puny civilization is unworthy to make peace with us." @PEACENOPATIENCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but for now we cannot be bound by permanent agreements." @GIVEMORECIV @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a sign of our friendship, we shall share with you the secret of %STRING1." @GIVEMORE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in tribute to your peaceful nature." @GIVEMOREALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ in recognition of the ancient friendship between our peoples." @TAUNTALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your greed and sniveling make us ill. Consider this alliance dissolved!" @FEEBLEALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience wears thin. Do not press your luck, friend." @FEEBLE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We ignore your feeble threats." @CANCELALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our alliance dissolved. But we shall long remember this hateful day!" @CANCELOURPEACE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our peace treaty null and void. But we shall long remember this treachery!" @MUSTATTACK @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You must attack the evil . . ." Never mind. @NOCONTACT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no contact with the %STRING1." @ATWAR @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are already at war with the worthless %STRING1." @MERCENARY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will ruthlessly smite the evil %STRING1 in exchange for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to cover our expenses." "Never mind." "Yes, we will gladly pay." @CYBERCOP @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will mercilessly destroy the evil %STRING1 if you will teach us the secrets of %STRING2 and %STRING3." "Never mind." "Yes, we will gladly teach you." @ETERNALALLIES @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What!? We shall never attack our eternal allies the %STRING1! That is, unless you happen to have £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ..." "Never mind." "How fortunate that we have £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ right here!" @HELLNOWEWONTGO @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though your offer is tempting, we cannot spare the necessary forces from our garrisons. Your past record indicates that to deplete these forces would be most unwise." @UNFORTUNATE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Unfortunately, your treasury does not contain sufficient funds to support your extravagant promises." @MERCDECLARE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 declare war on the %STRING2. @MERCBETRAYALLY @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have cancelled their alliance with us. @MERCBETRAY @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have declared war on us! @MAPNO @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no need for your useless %STRING1 maps." @MAPYES @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, we shall share our knowledge of geography with you." @KNOWNO @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Hah! We have no need of your pathetic %STRING1 'science.'" @TECHGIFT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Will you teach us the secret of %STRING1 in exchange for our goodwill?" "No, sorry." Give secret of %STRING1. @TECHGIFT2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Will you teach us the secret of %STRING1 in exchange for our goodwill?" "No, sorry." Give secret of %STRING1. "No, but are you interested in %STRING2?" @MILITARYNO @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our mighty %STRING1 armies have no need for your inferior military equipment." @MILITARYNONE @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Military Gifts You can give military units to another power only if you have them available in one of your cities. @MILITARYSOURCE @width=750 @listbox=12 @title=Select Source City For Gift @BREAKTHROUGH @width=750 @title=Breakthrough! Your gift has caused a breakthrough in %STRING1 science! @WASTING @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then cease wasting our time!" @ACCEPT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The ancient and glorious %STRING1 civilization gratefully accepts your gift." @MONEYGIFT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What sort of gift did you have in mind?" "Never mind." @PATIENCEALLY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have enjoyed this tete-a-tete, but we must now attend to several pressing affairs of state. Goodbye for now." @PATIENCE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Our contact has returned his capital for further instructions. @NEARCITY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "If you do not leave the vicinity of %STRING1 immediately, we shall send our mighty armies to drive you out." @ADMIRECITY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see that your troops have turned their greedy eyes towards our glorious city of %STRING1. We demand that you withdraw them immediately!" @PLEASECITY @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your troops from the vicinity of %STRING1." @PLEASECITIES @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your troops from the vicinity of %STRING1 and all other %STRING2 cities." @TERMS @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister Remember, Sir, that by the terms of our recently-signed peace treaty with the %STRING2, we must immediately withdraw all of our military units from the vicinity (two square radius) of %STRING1 and all other %STRING3 cities. @INTRUDERS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other cities. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences!" @INTRUDER @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our city of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences!" @VIOLATOR @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our city of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences! Will you comply?" Withdraw troops to nearest city. "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATORS @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other cities. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences! Will you comply?" "Our apologies. We shall withdraw." "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "So be it! %STRING1 shall long remember your treachery! Prepare yourself for WAR!" @WITHDRAWN @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %NUMBER0 offending units have been withdrawn to our nearest cities. @WITHDRAWN1 @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister One offending unit has been withdrawn to our nearest cities. @HELPME @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPME2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, are bent on conquest and world domination! Won't you instead ally with us to save the world from their cruel aggression? We will send you £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD2 @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, are bent on conquest and world domination! Won't you instead ally with us to save the world from their cruel aggression? We will send you £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @CRUSADE @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We invite you to join our crusade to rid the world of the evil %STRING1. We will %STRING2 alliance for the duration of the hostilities." "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @JIHAD @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have allied with our hated enemies the %STRING1, but anyone can see that we have much more to offer your great civilization. Join us in crushing the %STRING1 and we shall rule the world together!" "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @GAPE @width=800 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo Sir, there may be a hidden message behind the bluster of this message. ^ "You may wish to reconsider your drive into the Sinai. Opposing you is our elite 3rd division from Thrace. Arabs call these soldiers Abu Shuja'a, Father of Courage. If you don't respect Arab opinions, then perhaps instead you should consult with your own Australians who so recently fled the beaches of Ηanakalle rather than face these Thracians." ^ "Why squander lives against us in the desert? Our true enemy is Russia, while yours is Germany." ^ Reconnaissance parties confirm that we face Gallipoli veterans. @ANNOYALLIED @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister We are currently allied with the %STRING1! Although our units can move through our ally's territory, they cannot enter the same square as our ally's units and cities. Nor can we have combat with allied units. Alliances can only be cancelled during diplomatic negotiations. @ANNOYPEACE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed an armistice with the %STRING1. Change orders. Break the armistice! @ANNOYVASSAL @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister We have accepted tribute from the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we attack them so soon! Cancel action. Continue anyway. @ANNOYCEASE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed a cease fire with the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we break it! Cancel action. Violate cease fire. @ANNOY @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister Shall we declare war on the %STRING1? Cancel action. Declare war. @OVERRULE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate! Action cancelled. @TAXES @width=750 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Warning: Funds are running low. Perhaps we should raise our tax rate or install some colonial administrators. Continue Change Tax Rate @SPYMENU @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=%STRING1 Approach %STRING2. @SPYOPTIONS Contact Arab spy network — † consumes Scouts Reconnoiter city — † consumes Scouts @SABOTAGEOPTIONS @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Bedouin Ghazzu (Raid) Options @default=0 @options Bribe Ambush (NOT vs. Terrain, Boundary, Minefield, or U-Boat) @BLEWITUP @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Bedouin Ghazzu %STRING0 %STRING1 ambushed by %STRING2 %STRING3! @BOND007 @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Arab Bureau Despatch In the words of our Liaison, "Blowing a train arsapeek, flopping Johnny hard and bagging some filoosh — this was as near as damn it a perfect ghazzu." A bit crude, sir, but he's top hole at forging Bedouins into veteran raiders. He is with them now in %STRING1. @BOND @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch from Arab Bureau Liaison in %STRING1 These veterans really knocked Jacko's can in. They have returned to %STRING1 to celebrate. @BONDGLORY @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Arab Bureau Despatch Andy McNoon must have led this ghazzu. Discouraged, the Bedouins scatter to their homes! @NAILED @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our spy was captured before completing her mission! @ENEMYEMBASSY @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 establish embassy. @ENEMYINVESTIGATE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 have investigated %STRING1. @STEALSPECIFIC @width=750 @title=Spy Orders Shall our spy attempt to steal a specific civilization advance? No, any will do. Yes. @STEALHARD @width=750 @title=Spy Orders The %STRING0 of %STRING1 are vigilant and wary, Sir. Shall our spy attempt to steal technology anyway (she cannot attempt to steal a specific technology). Never mind. Yes, make the attempt. @STEAL @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 steal %STRING1. @NOSTEAL @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor No new technology found. @SABOTAGESPECIFIC @width=750 @title=Spy Orders Shall we give our spy a primary target, or tell her to use her judgement. Use her judgement. Give primary target. @SABOTAGEHARD @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor Attempting sabotage in an enemy capital, or against City Defenses is very risky! Cancel action. Proceed. @SABOTAGENO @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our spy reports that the enemy SDI complex is surrounded by guard towers, razor wire, and canine patrols! No sabotage is possible. @SABOTAGE @width=750 @title=Select Primary Target @listbox @SABOTAGEONE @width=750 @title=Intelligence Report %STRING0 destroyed! @SABOTAGETWO @width=750 @title=Intelligence Report %STRING0 production sabotaged! @PRETEXTALLIED @width=750 @title=International Incident! This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to cancel our alliance with them! No thanks. Cancel alliance. @PRETEXT @width=750 @title=International Incident This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to declare war! No thanks. Declare war on %STRING0. @INCIDENT @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause an international incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @MAJORINCIDENT @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause a MAJOR international incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @INCIDENTALLIED @width=750 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 cancel alliance with %STRING0 over espionage furor! @WIMPOUT @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Although you are our friends and allies, industrial espionage cannot be tolerated. We shall overlook this minor incident, but do not let it happen again." @INCIDENTWAR @width=750 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 declare war on %STRING0 over espionage furor! @INCIDENTTERROR @width=750 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 publicly condemn %STRING0 terrorism. @SENATESCANDAL @width=750 @title=Newspaper Scandal in the Senate! %STRING0 government falls! @DISSIDENTS @width=750 @title=Intelligence Advisor Dissidents in %STRING0 will revolt for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @DISSIDENTOPTIONS Never mind. Incite revolt. Incite revolt (causes incident). Subvert city (Goldx2, no incident). @CIVILWAR @width=750 @title=Civil War! %STRING0 rebel! Civil War in %STRING1. %STRING2 influence suspected. @USEWEAPONS @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) %STRING0 use nuclear weapons! @SDI @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) S.D.I. Defense in %STRING0 thwarts nuclear attack! @PLANTEDNUKE @width=750 @title=(Newspaper) Mysterious Nuclear Blast in %STRING0! @PLANTEDNUKE2 @width=750 @title=Nuclear Terrorism! Nuclear explosion in %STRING0! %STRING1 agents caught red-handed moments before blast! Major International Incident--All nations declare war on %STRING2! @WATERSUPPLY @width=750 @title=Water Supply Poisoned! %STRING0 water supply poisoned! %STRING1 agents suspected. @DESERT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Arab Bureau Liaison Had these scouts £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ at hand, this %STRING0 %STRING1 would desert the Turks and join us. @DESERT2 @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Arab Bureau Liaison %STRING0 %STRING1 will desert for £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. For this sad rabble? Save our money. Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @DESERTED @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) %STRING0 %STRING1 bribed by %STRING2! @ALREADYSOLD @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) You cannot sell more than one of a city's improvements in a single turn. @PARTISANS @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=EEF Military Intelligence Driven out of %STRING1, %STRING0 Provisionals regroup and form an ad hoc defense on its outskirts. @REPORTSCIENCE @width=540 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office Report @listbox=12 @columns=3 @button=Info @button=Goal ^Requesting: %STRING0 (%NUMBER0 of %NUMBER1) ^Request Reviewed every %NUMBER2 turns. ^ ^^Deployments Already Granted: @SUPPLYSEARCH @width=480 @title=Select Gendarme Type For Inquiry @columns=2 @SUPPLYSHOW @width=480 @title=Cities Trading In %STRING0 @listbox @SUPPLYNONE @width=480 @title=Cities Trading In %STRING0 We know of no cities trading in %STRING0 at this time. @REPORTTRADE @width=480 @title=Trade Advisor Report @button=Supply And Demand @listbox @REPORTCITY @width=540 @title=City Status Report @listbox @REPORTATTITUDE @width=540 @title=Protectorate Morale @listbox @REPORTFOREIGN @width=620 @title=Foreign Minister @listbox=7 @button=Check Intelligence On the battlefield, our forces are %STRING0, and ambassadors to the Court of St. James treat our word as %STRING1. @NOFOREIGN @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Foreign Minister ^^Neither the Ottoman Empire nor any Arab Tribe has formal diplomatic relations with us. @REPORTINTELL @width=580 @listbox=4 @columns=3 @title=Intelligence Report: %STRING0 @button=City List @INTELLCITY @width=600 @listbox=12 @title=City List: %STRING0 @REPORTWONDER @width=540 @title=Wonders of the World @listbox @WONDERS SPECIAL OBJECTIVES @AMBASSADORS @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 agree to an exchange of ambassadors. @ENDWONDER @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 cancels the effect of %STRING1. @FEARWARMING @width=750 @title=(Newspaper) Scientists alarmed by rising temperatures. Global warming feared! @GLOBALWARMING @width=750 @title=(Newspaper) Global temperature rises! Icecaps melt. Severe drought. @SCHISM @width=400 @title=War Office (W.O.) The %STRING0 empire is swept by Civil War triggered by the fall of their capital! When the dust settles the empire has been split into loyal (%STRING0) and rebel (%STRING1) factions. @FERTILE @width=540 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) The %STRING1 Occupied Enemy Territories Administration (O.E.T.A.), Frontier District Administration (F.D.A.), and Colonia Cirenaica currently govern %STRING2 former subjects of the Ottoman Empire. @CARAVANMENU @width=750 @title=%STRING0 Caravan Options @CARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 caravan from %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2. Trade route established. Revenue: £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @FOODCARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route Food caravan from %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2. Citizens plan feast in celebration. @CARAVANHOME @width=420 @title=HOUSE RULE: No Rehoming Changing the home city of a Guard unit is against the scenario rules. @CARAVANOTHER @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 %STRING1 caravan from %STRING2 arrives in %STRING3. %STRING1-%STRING4 trade route established. @CARAVANBUILT @width=420 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=New Garrison A %STRING1 unit is available to serve as %STRING0's garrison. ^ To which department should it be attached? ^ This has no effect on the game. @CARACONFIRM @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Russell Pasha, Commandant of Cairo Police A new %STRING0 unit is available to serve as a garrison. @CITYINFO @width=750 @title=%STRING0 (%STRING1 city) Demands %STRING2, %STRING3, and %STRING4. @STARTWONDER @width=750 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have undertaken a great project: %STRING2! @SWITCHWONDER @width=750 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have changed projects from %STRING2 to %STRING3! @ABANDONWONDER @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=The London Gazette The %STRING1 abandon their positions. An Allied flying column liberates the %STRING2. @ALMOSTWONDER @width=750 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have nearly completed their great project, %STRING2. @STILLWONDER1 @width=750 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in one other city! @STILLWONDER2 @width=750 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in %NUMBER0 other cities! @CAPTUREWONDER @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo Our troops have captured %STRING2%STRING1! @LOSTWONDER @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) We have lost control of %STRING2%STRING1! @ACTIVATEALLY @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 activate their alliance with the %STRING2. %STRING2 declare war on %STRING3! @ALLYHELPS @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have announced that they will come to our aid by declaring war on the %STRING3! @MILITARYAID1 @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to the %STRING2 to help them in their war against us! @MILITARYAID2 @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to %STRING2 to help us in our war against the %STRING3. @GOTO @width=480 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Select Destination for %STRING0 @button=All Cities @listbox @PARADROP @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Desert Raiders! Riding from an uncharted smuggler's camp, %STRING0 %STRING1 strike near %STRING2. @PARADROPRULES1 @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops Lawrence is exhausted. He can only make long treks ('paradrop') at the beginning of his turn. @PARADROPRULES2 @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops Lawrence is not in a city or oasis/airstrip square. In order to make long treks, Lawrence must begin his turn on a friendly city or oasis/airbase. @PARADROPTARGET @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Lawrence Can't Swim That is a navigable square. Lawrence may only trek to unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of his starting point. @PARADROPTARGET1 @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Lawrence That square is out of Lawrence's range. His treks may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of his starting point. @PARADROPTARGET2 @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops His treks may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of his starting point. @INCORRUPTIBLE @width=750 @title=El Aurens Rules: Democracy and Bribes The armed forces of a Democracy are immune to bribery. @NOREVOLT @width=750 @title=El Aurens Rules: Democracy The cities of a Democracy cannot be subverted or incited to revolt. @UNFORCE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister United Nations forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @WALLFORCE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister Great Wall forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @MISSILEATTACK @width=320 @x=5 @y=-10 @title=Major Dobbin, RA (Anti-Aircraft Section) ^  A %STRING1 strafes our ^  troops near %STRING0 @PEARLHARBOR @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN ^  %STRING0 %STRING1 evade harbour ^  defences to strike the %STRING2 flotilla at anchor! @AUTOMONARCHY @width=440 @title=El Aurens Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of MONARCHY, which allows you to improve your government. To switch governments you must have a Revolution (select "Revolution" from the Kingdom menu); this entails a brief period of Anarchy. ^ Switching to a more advanced form of government will often improve the productivity of your people; it will also help to stem corruption and waste. Would you like to hold a revolution now? Not just yet. Begin revolution. @AUTOREV @width=750 @title=El Aurens Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of a new government form, %STRING0. Your current government is a %STRING1. Do you wish to begin a revolution in order to switch government types? No, %STRING1 is working out fine. Begin revolution. @BATTERY @width=320 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Smith, RA ^%STRING1 in %STRING2 ^effectively doubles our defence! ^ ―――――― @BATTERY2 @width=480 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major Dobbin, RA (Anti-Aircraft Section) %STRING1 and %STRING3 in %STRING2 quadruples our defence! @SCRAMBLE @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) %STRING0 %STRING1s scramble to protect %STRING2! @AMPHIBMOTIZE @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN %STRING1 %STRING2 lands and surprises Turks! @CITYMODAL1 @width=400 @title=City Window @button=Close City Window You must close the City Window before the game can proceed. @CITYMODAL2 @width=400 @title=End of Turn Update @button=Proceed Right now you may only interact with the City Screen. Use any "Proceed" button when you are ready to continue. @UPGRADED @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) Production orders in %STRING0 upgraded from %STRING1 to %STRING2. @UPGRADE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Campbell, Deputy Quartermaster-General By order of the %STRING2, our %STRING0 has been reorganized and equipped as %STRING1 ^ (PLAYER'S NOTE: the Civilopedia contains a description of %STRING1). @ASTRONAUTS @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=New World Map After the guns have fallen silent.... @LONGMOVE @width=100 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Long Unit Move Continue moving unit? Yes No @GHOSTTOWN @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonial Office (C.O.) %STRING0 is about to build %STRING1, but it is only a size 1 city. Continue anyway? Delay Settler production. @EXPEL @width=750 @title=Captured %STRING0 %STRING1 @options Expel %STRING1. Attack %STRING1. Never mind. @NOEXPEL @width=750 @title=Civ Rules: Diplomatic Immunity %STRING1 units may only be expelled when they are in your territory, which is in this case defined as being nearer to one of your cities than to one of its own. @UPYOURS @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled! %STRING0 ambassador issues statement of protest. @UPYOURSTOO @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled. %STRING0 ambassador issues apology. @UPMINE @width=750 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have expelled our %STRING1. Our ambassador has issued the usual statement of protest. The %STRING1 has been returned to %STRING3. @SPACERACE @width=750 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 build spaceship! @SPACESHIP @width=480 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=European Front Support Summary @listbox ^^Troop and Labourer Despatches to European Fronts @LAUNCH @width=750 @title=Science Advisor Confirm spaceship launch. (%NUMBER0%% chance of success) No Launch. Launch CONFIRMED! @LAUNCHED @width=750 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 LAUNCH spaceship! Estimate arrival in %NUMBER0. @COMPONENT @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Campbell, Deputy Quartermaster-General ^^Please provide the type of formation to be despatched to France ^^(NOTE: transfer 7 of each category) @options Infantry Divisions (received %NUMBER0 drafts to date) Other Formations (received %NUMBER1 drafts to date) @MODULE @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Convoy Organized ^^Select convoy number ^^(NOTE: assign &1 flotilla to each station) @options AM.17 (%NUMBER0 deployed to date) AM.18 (%NUMBER1 deployed to date) AM.19 (%NUMBER2 deployed to date) @NOFURTHER @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office No further %STRING0 required. @SPACESHIPS @width=760 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Summary of Troops and Labourers Despatched to Western Front @options @EAGLEHASLANDED @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office %STRING0 transfers from Egypt to France are underway! @SPACERETURNS @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office U-Boat activity forces %STRING0 convoys to return to Egypt. @SPACEDESTROYED @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office U-Boats decimate %STRING0 troop convoy. Staggering losses cause irreparable damage to war effort. @HISTORY @width=480 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^^Comparison of Combatants Regarding ^^%STRING2 ^^Compiled by %STRING1 @HISTORIANS 5 General Smuts Colonel Meinhertzhagen Mr. Storrs, Oriental Secretary to the Residency Lieutenant Commander Hogarth, RN Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence @HISTORIES TAX REVENUES && REQUISITIONS OVERALL ABILITY TO WAGE WAR ORDNANCE MORALE OCCUPIED TERRITORY @HISTORYRANK @ALLOWUN @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The Senate chooses to allow the action under the guise of a U.N. "peacekeeping" mission. @ALLOWAGGRESSOR @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) Previous %STRING0 aggression against us convinces the Senate to allow this action. @ALLOWHAWKS @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) Hawk Party derails attempted Senate interference. Action confirmed! @CONTINUEUN @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued "peacekeeping" action against the %STRING1. @CONTINUEHAWKS @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued action against the %STRING1. @RANSOMCITY @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) The leader of the Barbarian %STRING0 has sent us a message: "We shall mercilessly sack the city of %STRING1 unless you pay us £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ at once!" "Do your worst!" Pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @NOAIRPORT @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=El Aurens Rules: Sealifts Units may only be shipped between cities with Ports of Transit. @NOAIRPORT2 @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Coysh, Director of Inland Water Transport No other cities have Ports of Transit! May I remind you that troop convoys must sail between cities with Ports of Transit facilities. @AIRLIFTSELECT @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General Campbell, Deputy Quartermaster-General @text ^To which port should this unit be despatched? ^——————————————————————————— @listbox=9 @AIRLIFT @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Coysh, Director of Inland Water Transport Troops have been shipped from %STRING0 to %STRING1. @SHOTDOWN @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN We regret to report the loss of a troopship to a U-Boat. @ALREADYAIRLIFT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Coysh, Director of Inland Water Transport The port of %STRING0 has already organized one troop convoy this turn. Only one unit may be embarked or debarked from a Port of Transit in a single turn. @WESHOT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN La Division de La Syrie reports intercepting a number of schooners ferrying Turkish troops near %STRING0! @WESAW @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo ^Arab spies in %STRING0 report that U-Boats towed several schooners carrying Turkish troops into the harbor! ^ ^The Admiralty is confident that such a transit is quite impossible. @ENEMYFIGHTERS @width=640 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN German U-Boats have been sighted in the sealanes between this port and that destination. Should we place our troopship at risk? Cancel Sealift. Proceed at risk. @LIFTSHIP @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title= Admiral Jackson, Egypt && Red Sea Division, RN These are ships, not boats. Sir, by definition, a ship cannot be hoisted aboard another vessel. These ships must sail by their own steam. @LIFTPLANE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Coysh, Director of Inland Water Transport We regret to inform you that we lack the necessary sealift to ship airplanes. They must relocate under their own power. @PILLAGEWHAT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) What should we raze? @PILLAGEMENU Irrigation Adv Supply Depτt Air Park Fieldworks Std Gge Rwy Light Rwy @ALLIEDREPAIR @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) The %STRING1 have helped to repair our %STRING2. @CANESCAPE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) Sir, our capital is being overrun! Shall we pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ to evacuate the government to %STRING1 while there is still time? Alas, we cannot afford it. Yes, pay £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @ESCAPE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) %STRING2 headquarters escapes to %STRING1! @ESCAPE2 @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) %STRING2 headquarters escapes to %STRING1! Evacuation cost: £%NUMBER0,ΊΊΊ. @AQUEDUCT @width=520 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Civ Tutorial: Aqueducts The large population of %STRING0 is beginning to strain the nearby water resources. Once a city reaches size %NUMBER0 it cannot grow further unless you improve its water supply by building an AQUEDUCT. @CURSES @width=750 @title=Spies Report Espionage attempt foiled by enemy %STRING1! @FOILEDAGAIN @width=750 @title=Spies Report Our %STRING1 has foiled a %STRING2 espionage attempt! @UNSAVED @width=750 @title=Warning! %STRING0 has unsaved changes! Cancel action. Continue anyway (lose changes). @FLATEARTH @width=750 @title=Choose Earth Shape Which shape do you prefer? The world is ROUND. The world is FLAT. @LANDWARNING @width=750 @title=Warning. More than %NUMBER0 land masses have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @SEAWARNING @width=750 @title=Warning! More than %NUMBER0 bodies of water have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @NOTENOUGHWARNING @width=750 @title=Warning! Not enough land has been detected. The game may not be able to find starting locations for all players. @CITIESINOCEAN @width=750 @title=Warning! You have placed city starting locations in ocean squares. The game will ignore all such squares (the tribes in question will start in random locations). @ANALYZEOK @width=750 @title=Map Analysis OK! The map has been analyzed and no problems have been detected. @FAILEDTOLOAD @width=750 @title=Error Failed to load map file. @MAPSAVED @width=750 @title=Map Saved ^^Map successfully saved as ^^%STRING0 @ADDCITY @width=600 @title=Select Tribe To Start Here @RESEED @width=440 @title=Enter Resource Seed (1 = random) @options Seed: @NOADJACENTCITIES @width=750 @title=Warning! Cities cannot be placed adjacent to one another. @NOTALLCITIES @width=750 @title=Warning! Starting locations have been designated for some but not all tribes. Tribes with no designated starting locations will be placed randomly. @GOLDENAGE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch from Colonel Clayton, Chief Political Officer of the Residency at Cairo @listbox=3 @default=1 @text ^^The ARAB BUREAU of the Cairo Intelligence Department ^ ^To provide a center of political intelligence undertakings in the Near East, the newly formed ^ARAB BUREAU will assume responsiblity to advise British policy in the theatre. This will ^consolidate efforts from the following departments: ^  • Military Intelligence, Egyptian Expeditionary Force GHQ (Ismailia) ^ • Eastern Mediterranean Special Intelligence Bureau, MEF GHQ (Alexandria) ^ • Military Intelligence, Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force GHQ (Basra) ^ • Military Intelligence, British Army in Egypt GHQ (Cairo) ^ • Military Intelligence, RN East India Station (Aden) ^ • Political and Military Intelligence for the Sirdar (Khartoum) ^ • Political Intelligence, Office of the Residency at Cairo (Foreign Office) ^ • Political Intelligence, Office of the Residency at Aden (Indian Office) ^ • Political and Secret Department, Office of the Viceroy, Government of India (Bombay). ^Staff of these bureaux are to cooperate fully with the ARAB BUREAU. ^———————————————————————————————————————— ^HISTORICAL NOTE: Government bureaucracies rarely cede reponsibilities willingly. The ^Arab Bureau failed to simplify the labyrinthine political intelligence structure from which ^British Near East policy was formed. Led by Captain Hogarth (RN), this remarkable ^group of MI officers, archeologists, professors, linguists, and writers did, however, ^accomplish one important goal. Defying the Ottoman Army, French advisors, and British ^bureaucrats, the Bureau successfully supported the Arab Revolt, a decisive military ^achievement. @options ———————————————————————————————————————— §NOTE: You will shortly be in a position to request that the W.O. support an Arab Revolt.§ ———————————————————————————————————————— @LANDING @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Amphibious Raid %STRING0 land near %STRING1! @NEWXFORM @width=500 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Major-General (Temporary) Wright, Engineer-in-Chief Our engineers and labourers are now equipped to lay parallel water pipelines, wire mesh roads, and light railways to enable our forces to penetrate deep desert. ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ^PLAYER'S NOTE: To transform Darb into passable Raah, ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ^ • Type the "o" command, ^ — or — ^ • Click then "Orders" menu, then "Construct Raah". @NEWFORTRESS @width=800 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Sir Murdoch MacDonald, Under-secretary of State, Public Works Department, Egyptian Government @listbox=2 @default=1 @text ^^––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ^^Physical Service Conscription Act ^^––––––––––––––––––––––––––– With the commencement of compulsory service into the Egyptian Labour Corps, we now have sufficient labour to construct fieldworks. It is projected that some Labour Corps Companies will become available for service in Europe. ^^––––––––––––––– ^^PLAYER'S NOTE: ^^––––––––––––––– ^This enables: @options • Construction of Fieldworks (Civ2 Fortress) by RE/Works Coy; • Completing Labour Corps Coys (Civ2 Spaceship Structural), which is needed for victory. ;Triggered by Rad = An Arab Revolt @NEWAIRLIFT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch from Colonel Wilson, Director of the Jiddah Agency @listbox=11 @default=10 @text The Hejaz is in revolt! Sharif Hussein has raised the banner of revolt, but will he be a reliable counterweight to the Caliph? Which of his sons Ali, Abdullah, Faisal, or Zeid are capable of forging Bedouins into a force that can defeat the Turk? ^ ^Lt. Lawrence has been dispatched to seek answers. ^———————————————————————————————————————— @options DRYDEN*: Find out what kind of man he is [Prince Feisal]. And find out what his intentions are. LAWRENCE: Where are they now? DRYDEN: Anywhere within three hundred miles of Medina. They are Hashemite Bedouins.         They can cross sixty miles of desert in a day. LAWRENCE: Oh thanks, Dryden. This is going to be fun. DRYDEN: Lawrence. Only two kinds of creatures get fun in the desert. Bedouins and gods,         and you are neither. Take it from me. For ordinary men, it's a burning, fiery furnace. LAWRENCE: No, Dryden. It's going to be fun. DRYDEN: It is recognized that you have a funny sense of fun. ———————————————————————————————————————— "Mr. Dryden" of David Lean's movie is a composite of people including Mr. Storrs and Dr. Hogarth. ;Triggered by RR = Trans-Sinai Rwy @NEWRAILROAD @width=660 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Sir Macauley, Director of Railways, EEF Matιriel, engineers, and labour are available to lay Standard Gauge Rail. ^ ^––––––––––––––– ^PLAYER'S NOTE: ^––––––––––––––– RE/Works Coys can now “Lay Std Gge Rwy” (&r under the “Orders” menu) in squares that already contain “Light Rail”. @default=2 @options Std Gge Rwy increase resource shield production by 50%%. Units expend no movement points when moving along a Std Gge Rwy. ;Triggered by Preq for Irrig Wks Project = Eng = Army Service Cps© @NEWFARMLAND @width=760 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Sir Murdoch MacDonald, Under-secretary of State, Public Works Department, Egyptian Government ^^As a result of projects by the Irrigation Works Service: ^ ^• Cities that build an Irrigation Works Project produce more food.Ή ^• Irrigation Works Projects yield greater harvests from Maquis.² ^• RE/Works Coys can begin new irrigation projects, but completion prior to 1919 is unlikely. ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ^Ή A net increase of one grain unit from the city square itself ^² Mediterranean shrubland, a vegetative cover possible in moister soils of the region ^––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– @listbox=1 @default=0 @options HOUSE RULE: Build Irrigation Works in the cities of the Near East Theatre only. ;Triggered by Preq for Paratrooper slot (Lawrence) = SE = Auda's Irregulars @NEWPARADROP @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Brevet Colonel Bowman-Manifold, Director of Army Signals @listbox=21 @default=19 @text ^A message was received from the 'Intrusives': Lawrence is in Wadi Sirhan with Sheik Auda. ^ ^David Lean's movie version: ^Remarkably, Lt. Lawrence and a dozen Bedouin have crossed the desolate Nefud. ^He soon encounters the local sheik, Auda (In truth, Auda met Feisal and ^Lawrence in Wejh for the journey to Wadi Sirhan). ^———————————————————————————————————————— @options AUDA: What are you doing Englishman? LAWRENCE: As you see. Are you alone? AUDA: Almost. Are you with that party of thugs who are drinking at my well? LAWRENCE: Yours? | [A tense confrontation over drinking rights occurs at the well between Auda (and his young son brandishing a pistol), Ali, and Lawrence - who has his hands raised high into the air.] | LAWRENCE: Auda! We are 50. You are 2. How if we shot you down? AUDA: Why then you have a blood feud with the Howeitat. You desire it? LAWRENCE: Not the generals in Cairo nor the Sultan himself desire that. Call off your men. AUDA: Go now, boy. This honors the unworthy. I've only just begun to teach him. LAWRENCE: And what are you teaching him today? Howeitat hospitality? AUDA: Be not clever with me, English! (To Ali, asking about Lawrence) Who is he? LAWRENCE: A friend of Prince Feisal's. AUDA: Oh. So you desire my hospitality. LAWRENCE: Yes. ———————————————————————————————————————— • Lawrence convinces some Ruwalla in Wadi Sirhan to attack Akaba from the rear. • He has promised them British sterling should they capture the port.... @ADDTOTHRONE Which section shall we improve? @NOSPACESHIPS @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Despatch of Troops and Labourers from Egypt to France No despatches to France have been scheduled. @CODECNOTFOUND @width=750 @title=Notice We are unable to find the proper files for the animated heralds and have therefore switched off that particular "Graphics Option". To re-install the necessary files, please run "setup.exe" in the "vfw_rt" directory of the game CD. @NOFOODREPORT @width=750 @title=Food Supplies "Supply and Demand" is not applicable to Food Supplies caravans. Food Supplies caravans cause one food per turn to be transferred between the participating cities. @REALLYRETIRE @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to retire? No Yes @REALLYQUIT @width=300 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to quit? Just One More Turn... Go to Bed! @REALLYCHEAT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Confirmation If you enable Design Mode, your score will reflect it. Do you really want to enable Design Mode? No Yes @PLANRETIRE @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Retirement Planned! Millenial celebrations held! %STRING0 %STRING1 plans retirement in 20 years! @DORETIRE @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Retirement Announced! %STRING1 dynasty ends after glorious 6ΊΊΊ year reign! @SLAM Your civilization has conquered the entire planet! @KEEPPLAYING @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Scenario Over! Your final score is set. Do you want to keep playing? No further score will be recorded. No, I'm done. Yes, keep playing. @INSERTHERE @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Scenario Over! (Insert end of game graphic sequence here). @WONDERMOVIECHEAT @title=Wonder Movie Sneak Preview @width=750 @options Which Wonder? @AUTOMODE @title=Which Staff Will Control Production in %STRING0? @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @default=2 @options Both Imperial General Staff Colonial Office (C.O.) @CDROMNOTFOUND @width=750 @title=Please Note @button=Repeat Search We were unable to find the Civilization II CD-ROM. If desired, you may play this session of Civilization II without the additional multimedia, music, and art supplied by the CD. You may also check that the Civilization II CD is in a valid CD-ROM drive and then repeat the search by selecting "Repeat Search" below. @COUNCILCHEAT0 @width = 600 @title = Council Cheat @button = Military @button = Science @button = Trade @button = Foreign @button = Attitude @button = Anarchy Which rating would you like to change? @COUNCILCHEAT1 @width = 320 @title = Council Cheat @options Please enter a new rating for this advisor? @COUNCILCHEAT2 @width = 200 @title = Council Cheat @options Which time period? (0-2) @NOTENOUGHGRASS @width=750 @title=Warning! Not enough arable land (Grassland and Plains) has been detected. The game may not be able to find suitable starting locations for all players. @THRONE The people spontaneously decide to recognize your many years of enlightened leadership. Craftsmen, masons, laborers, and artisans turn out to build a fine addition to your throne room. @MALEFAME 24–Dec, 1915–209% 23––––––––––– 22––––––––––– 21––––––––––– 20––––––––––– 19––––––––––– 18––––––––––– 17––––––––––– 16––––––––––– 15––––––––––– 14––––––––––– 13––––––––––– 12––––––––––– 11––––––––––– 10––––––––––– 9–––––––––––– 8–––––––––––– 7–––––––––––– 6–––––––––––– 5–––––––––––– 4–––––––––––– 3–––––––––––– 2–––––––––––– 1–––––––––––– @FEMALEFAME %STRING0 the Worthless %STRING0 the Pathetic %STRING0 the Foolish %STRING0 the Weak %STRING0 the Meek %STRING0 the Unready %STRING0 the Small %STRING0 the Glutton %STRING0 the Mad %STRING0 the Cruel %STRING0 the Terrible %STRING0 the Dark %STRING0 the Clever %STRING0 Ironfist %STRING0 the Conqueror %STRING0 the Fair %STRING0 the Strong %STRING0 the Just %STRING0 the Lion-Hearted %STRING0 the Mighty %STRING0 the Great %STRING0 Augusta %STRING0 the Wise %STRING0 the Magnificent @UNITEDIT @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 %STRING1 @options No Changes Toggle Veteran Status Clear Movement Allowance Set Hit Points Set Home City Fortify/Unfortify Change Caravan Commodity @UNITHITPOINTS @width=150 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Set Unit Damage (0 - %NUMBER0) @options Damage: @EDITHOMECITY @width=750 @title=Select City @listbox @button=None @CITYEDIT @width=750 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Change Size Delete All Wonders Clear Disorder && We Love King Copy Another City's Improvements Set Shield Progress Toggle City Objective 1 pt. (%NUMBER0) Toggle City Major Objective 3 pts. (%NUMBER1) @SETCITYSIZE @width=750 @title=Set Size Of %STRING0 @options Size: @SETCITYSHIELDS @width=750 @title=Set Shield Progress @options Shields: @EDITKING @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Edit Treaties Set Last Contact Set Attitude Set Reputation Clear Patience Clear All Last Contact Set Reinforcement Goal Set Request Progress Clear Request Goal Edit Name Copy Another King's Tech Toggle Female Flag (%NUMBER0) @EDITTREATIES @width=440 @title=Editing treaties between %STRING0 and %STRING1. @checkbox @options Contact Cease Fire Peace Allied War Vendetta (%STRING0 against %STRING1) Embassy (%STRING0 spying on %STRING1) @LASTCONTACT @width=440 @title=Last Contact Turn # (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (Current turn # is %NUMBER0) @options Contact: @EDITATTITUDE @width=440 @title=Set Attitude (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (0 = Like, 100 = Dislike) @options Attitude: @EDITBETRAY @width=440 @title=Set Reputation @options Reputation: @EDITPROGRESS @width=440 @title=Set Request Progress (1 - %NUMBER0) @options Progress: @EDITRULES @width=440 @title=Special Rules (0 = false, 1 = true) @options No Changes Forbid government switching? (%NUMBER0) Forbid tech from conquest? (%NUMBER1) Eliminate sabotage? (%NUMBER2) Special WWII-only AI (%NUMBER3) Terrain animation lockout? (%NUMBER4) Unit animation lockout? (%NUMBER5) .SPR file override? (%NUMBER6) @EDITSCEN @width=440 @title=Edit Scenario (%STRING1) @options No Changes Tech Paradigm (%NUMBER0/10) Turn Year Increment (%NUMBER1) Starting Year (%NUMBER2) Maximum Turns (%NUMBER3) Wipe all goody boxes Restore all goody boxes Reveal whole map Cover whole map Set Scenario Name Toggle Total War Flag (%NUMBER4) Edit Victory Conditions Edit Special Rules @EDITVICTORY @width=440 @title=Edit Victory (Obj. Def. = %STRING1) @options No Changes Toggle Use Objective Victory Flag (%NUMBER0) Toggle Count Wonders as Objectives (%NUMBER1) Set Objectives Protagonist (%STRING0) Decisive Victory (>= %NUMBER2) Marginal Victory (>= %NUMBER3) Marginal Defeat (<= %NUMBER4) Decisive Defeat (<= %NUMBER5) @EDITVICTORYOBJ @title=Set # of objectives required @options Objectives: @EDITPARADIGM @width=440 @title=Scenario Tech Paradigm Set tech paradigm in fractions of 1/10 (10 = normal rate). Cost of each tech is multiplied by fraction (so higher number SLOWS Reinforcement Rate). Paradigm: @EDITINCREMENT @width=440 @title=Scenario Year Increment Set years per turn (0 for default rate, negative for 1/12 year increments) @options Years per turn: @EDITSTARTYEAR @width=440 @title=Scenario Start Year Set start year (negative for B.C., positive for A.D., 0 for default time track). If using 1/12 year increments, multiply number by 12. @options Start year: @EDITMAXTURNS @width=440 @title=Scenario Max Turns Set ending turn of game (0 for default) @options Max Turns: @EDITTECH @width=750 @title=Choose Technology to Change @listbox @button=+/- All @SCENOK @width=240 @title=Scenario Saved ^^Name: ^^%STRING0 @SCENARIOLOADED @width=480 @title=Begin Scenario ^^%STRING0 ^^Civilization advances cost %NUMBER0/10 the usual rate. ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 @SCENNAME @width=480 @title=Set Scenario Name @options Scen: @EDITKINGNAME @width=440 @title=Edit Names for %STRING0 @options Leader: Tribe: Adjective: @COPYCITY @title=Select city to copy @width=360 @listbox @SCENARIOENDS @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=End of Scenario Our intelligence believes that the Ottoman Empire will collapse within 5 months. @SCENARIOEND @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=I hope you enjoyed it! El Aurens is now complete. This game is now complete. Ce jeu est maintenant complθtθ. Diese Spiel ist nun vollstδndig. @HIDDENTERRAIN @width=250 @title=Underlying Terrain @x=-4 @y=-4 Close this box when finished viewing. @FOUNDED @width=280 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=HOUSE RULE: Do not build cities! Cities don't just grow by magic, and building %STRING0 would not deceive the Jerries any more than a fat tub of lard with a dirty beard and a red suit prancing across the No-Man's-Land would make them believe in Father Christmas. - Junior Adjunct Leo @VFWNOTREGISTERED @title=Notice @width=440 We have encountered a possible problem with your video setup. If Video for Windows was successfully setup during the install, try running the utility "vfwfix.bat" in the game's "civ2\video" directory on the CD-ROM. If you continue receiving this message, please contact Microprose Customer Service. @BADEVENTSFILE @width=360 @title=Event Bug The Events Parser found an error in 'Events.Txt'. To debug, insert '@DEBUG' in the line after '@BEGINEVENTS'. @NOPICKMUSIC @width=360 @title=Select Music This option is not available unless a Civilization II CD is in the CDROM drive. @PICKMUSIC @width=360 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" @PICKMUSICSCENARIO @width=360 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" "The Civil War" "The Crusades" "The Great War" "American Revolution" "Jihad" "Alien Invasion" "Mongol Horde" "Apocolypse" @PICKMUSICFANWORLDS @width=480 @title=Select Music @columns=2 @height=377 @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" "The Civil War" "The Crusades" "The Great War" "American Revolution" "Jihad" "Alien Invasion" "Mongol Horde" "Apocolypse" "Primeval World" "New World" "Fantasy" "Mars" "World of Jules Verne" "X-Com" @CENTAURI In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @@CENTAURI2 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of CIVILIZATION. @@ARCHAEOLOGISTS Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. Evidence of thriving towns, %STRING0roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. Finally, they come upon a stone tablet, which contains but one mysterious phrase: "%STRING1 will return!" @COUNCILTIME @width=750 @y=-5 @title=The High Council: %STRING2 The High Council of the %STRING0 is meeting in %STRING1. If you wish, you may take this opportunity to consult your advisors and hear their views on the state of your realm. Consult High Council. No thanks, too busy. @CENTAURI0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI1 A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. @CENTAURI2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world . . . @CENTAURI3 %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @CENTAURI_BEATEN0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI_BEATEN1 A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. @CENTAURI_BEATEN2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. @CENTAURI_BEATEN3 %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of @CENTAURI_BEATEN4 CIVILIZATION. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS0 Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS1 Evidence of thriving towns, %STRING0roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS2 Finally, they come upon a stone tablet, which contains but one mysterious phrase. . . @ARCHAEOLOGISTS3 %STRING1 will return! @LOWMEMORY @width=400 You are low on memory. Activating this feature might result in unstable behavior. If you do experience problems, turning off this feature should alleviate them. @HERALDWARNING @width=440 @title=Civ2 Diplomatic Heralds Civilization II Test of Time requires 16 megabytes of RAM in order to run smoothly, as well as to show the 3D diplomatic heralds correctly. Therefore, if you have at least 16 megabytes of RAM, you may safely turn this feature on. (This message will appear only once). Turn OFF heralds. I have less than 16 megabytes of RAM. Turn ON heralds. I have at least 16 megabytes of RAM. @ADDTOWONDER @width=440 @title=Wonder Project Workers caravan arrives in %STRING0. %NUMBER0 shields added to project (%NUMBER1 more shields required). @ABILITIES @checkbox @width=330 @title=Abilities Editor (%STRING0) @options Two space visibility Ignore ZoC Amphibious Submarine Fighter Trireme Howitzer Carrier Paratrooper Alpine Pikemen Free support under Caliph Missile AEGIS Spot Submarines @TRIGGERS @width=330 @title=New Trigger @button=Help @options Unit Killed City Taken Turn Turn Interval Negotiation Scenario Loaded Random Turn No Schism Received Technology @ACTIONS @width=330 @title=New Action @button=Help @options Text Move Unit Create Unit Change Money Play Wavefile Make Aggression Just Once Play CD Track Don't Play Wonders Change Terrain Destroy a Civilization Give Technology @DELETEITEM @width=750 @title=Delete Item Are you sure you want to delete this item? Oops! NO! Yes, delete it. @NOTHIGHCOLOR @width=440 @title=High Color Display Required Civ II Test of Time requires a high color (16 bit) display in order to run. Please select high color for your display and restart the program. @WRONGMAPSIZE @width=750 @title=Error The map you are trying to import must ^be the same size as your current map ^^Current Map = %NUMBER0 x %NUMBER1 ^^Import Map = %NUMBER2 x %NUMBER3 @FAILEDTOSAVE @width=750 @title=Error Failed to save map file. @NONDISBANDABLE @title=El Aurens Rules: Non-disbandable %STRING0, %STRING1, %STRING2: This unit cannot be disbanded. @NOTRANSPORTER @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=Mr. Drury, Director of Sudanese Railways and Steamers Department Sir, we lack the transport required to despatch this unit to another destination. PLAYER'S NOTE — This can be caused by a number of reasons, including: • Typing 'n' in a square lacking transporters (anchor or SL star); • A foreign unit occupies the destination square; @NOTRANSPORTER2 @width=400 @title=EA Rules: Intermap/Intercity Movement The only ports capable of transporting between maps are those with the served by the Thos. Cook and Son, Ltd., Steamers. @TRANSPORTERSELECT @width=440 @x=5 @y=-5 @listbox=3 @title=Colonel (Temporary) Coysh, Director of Inland Water Transport @text ^ ^^Embark troops on Nile Steamers for which Sudanese port? ^ ^———————————————————————————— ^ ^PLAYER'S NOTE: ^Use ONLY between Khartoum and Wadi Halfa. ^        ―――― ^———————————————————————————— @ALREADYTRANSPORTERED @width=400 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=EA Rules: Egypt—Sudan Movement via the Nile Cook Steamers have already set sail from of %STRING0. No more steamers are available to sail through %STRING0 for the remainder of the month. @TRANSPORT @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=From the Admiralty Troops shipped from %STRING0 to %STRING1 without incident. @ALREADYTRANSPORTER @title=Civ Rules: Transporters This square already has a transporter. @BUILDTRANSPORTER @width=200 @title=Transporter Destination @NATIVETRANSPORT @width=200 @title=Destination Map @TRANSPORTOPTIONS Near East Theatre Arab Tribes Order of Battle The Sudan @BUILDTRANSPORTERTYPE @width=200 @title=Transporter Type @TRANSPORTERTYPEOPTIONS type 0 ƒ type 1 Anchor type 2 Tent @RESEARCHMANAGER @width=750 @title=Pick Technology goal. Current=%STRING0 @listbox @ENEMYINTERRUPTERS @width=600 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) U-Boats roam the Mediterranean. Troopships are at risk! Cancel transport. Proceed. @INTERRUPTED @width=750 @x=5 @y=-5 @title=War Office (W.O.) A German U-Boat has sunk our troopship enroute from %STRING0 to %STRING1! @WEINTERRUPTED @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) Our units have interrupted an attempted transporter operation into %STRING0! @WEDETECTED @width=750 @title=War Office (W.O.) We have detected an enemy transporter operation into %STRING0! @ADVNOTAVAIL @width=360 @title=Advance not available Resources are not available for this reinforcement at present. @SCORE At long last, on %STRING2 the War to End All Wars is over. The victorious %STRINT1 prepare for an unprecendented peace conference in Paris. @LEGAL Use of this product is subject to the terms of a license agreement found in the product's "ReadMe" file. Civilization II : Test of Time (tm) 1999 Hasbro Interactive, Inc. (C) 1999 Hasbro Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved @IMPORTMORE @title=Import Maps @width=340 ^^This game type requires %NUMBER0 maps ^^Please select map number %NUMBER1 now @;this line must remain at end of file