Session Start (apolyton:#c4ac): Sun Dec 18 22:38:16 2005 [22:38] *** Initial topic: "Don't forget to vote in Hall of Fame elections!" [22:38] *** #c4ac: PJayTycy Forester|sleep imperator [22:38] *** #c4ac was created on Sun Dec 18 19:07:30 2005. [22:38] PJayTycy: hello [22:51] *** Googlie has joined #c4ac. [22:51] *** Googlie has left #c4ac. [22:51] *** Googlie has joined #c4ac. [22:51] Googlie: hey - made it [22:52] PJayTycy: hello [22:52] PJayTycy: I don't know if someone else is here though [22:52] Googlie: hat's the topic? - just general , or specific? [22:52] Googlie: I see you, me, Forester and Imperator [22:53] PJayTycy: Yes, but I've been here for 15 minutes and nobody said anything, so there ain't no "topic" either [22:53] Googlie: LOL [22:53] Googlie: what shall we discuss, then? [22:53] Googlie: ACDG3 and the 2200 "bug"? [22:53] PJayTycy: lol [22:54] PJayTycy: I don't know if replaying the turns will solve it [22:54] Googlie: There's an easy way for Drogue to find out [22:54] Googlie: he just needs to open every turn from the Gaians 2200 onward and immediately hit "turn complete" [22:54] PJayTycy: yes there is... did somebody ask him to check yetN [22:55] Googlie: if it moves thru to Sparta 2200, then from there goes to gaians 2201. then the problem lies ion one of the turnplayers [22:55] Googlie: I can't get a message to him as his mail box and his PM list is full [22:55] Googlie: I'll post in the thread, tghough [22:56] Googlie: How do I gwet rid of this .... ###### Unregistered copy, evaluation only. [22:56] Googlie: and this: ###### Please ask webmaster to register it. [22:56] PJayTycy: which program are you using? [22:56] *** Rubin has joined #c4ac. [22:56] Googlie: It appears after every thing I enter [22:56] Googlie: Java [22:56] Googlie: Hi Ruben [22:56] PJayTycy: hi ruben [22:56] Googlie: sorry - Rubin [22:57] PJayTycy: doh (I just copied googlie) [22:57] Rubin: Hello Googlie! And hello PJayTycy! [22:58] Googlie: How many usually attend these chats? [22:58] PJayTycy: Googlie, those 2 messages aren't sent to the chatroom. I can't see them... I guess it's just the java web client [22:58] Googlie: ah [22:58] PJayTycy: I think it's the first one with people actually showing up [22:58] *** wgabrie has joined #c4ac. [22:58] Googlie: it's asking me to contact the webmaster to register [22:58] Googlie: Hey wgabrie [22:58] wgabrie: Hi! [22:58] Rubin: Hello wgabrie! [22:59] Googlie: what are we? A pride of smacers? [22:59] Googlie: (or a murder of smacers?) [22:59] PJayTycy: huh? [22:59] Googlie: as in a pride of lions or a murder of crows [22:59] wgabrie: :D [23:00] Rubin: A bunch of drones, perhaps? [23:00] Googlie: LOL [23:00] Googlie: a haggle of drones (no, it's a haggle of witches, isn't it?) [23:01] Rubin: I talked to Illuminatus yesterday, I think. Seems the project is on hold until the SDK arrives. [23:02] Googlie: there's a lot of unresolved issues yet to check off, though - no? [23:02] Googlie: Like whether the Aliens should be in the game [23:02] Rubin: Hm, there could be, Googlie. [23:02] Googlie: (I vote for them, but remove that stupid nervegas penalty) [23:03] PJayTycy: I tried a lot with the crawler unit, and I could get it to work without the SDK, but it would involve a lot of work-arounds which would consume way too much time to be worth it (if you know everything can go smooth once the SDK is released) [23:03] Googlie: They are actually quite fun - and different - to play, contrary to what some posters have said [23:03] PJayTycy: the main (only) issue for not including them currently is (I think) the extra amount of work on graphics [23:04] Rubin: The Progenitors are part of SMAX, and they'll always be. [23:04] PJayTycy: Creating some xml files for them is not so much different than for any other faction [23:04] Rubin: True, PJayTycy. [23:05] Googlie: Isn''t there an issue with the additional victory condition (the spacefleet summons) as well as the different energy accretions (or is that just simple programming?) [23:05] PJayTycy: The coding however, would need to account for different rules about energy from diplomacy and exclusion from UN-voting [23:05] Rubin: We still lack the tools to edit 3D models, though. Be it human faction or Progenitors. [23:05] wgabrie: Graphics are going to be a challenge. I'm hoping the SDK includes something good for the 3D files. [23:06] Googlie: I can't help any in that regard - I am just offering services for whatever grunt work might need doing - or writing [23:06] Rubin: Googlie, what about playtesting? [23:06] Googlie: sure - I'm up for that [23:06] wgabrie: Aren't we all? ;) [23:07] Rubin: When changing a lot of code, playtesting can become a serious problem to the modder. [23:07] PJayTycy: Does anybody has an idea about when the SDK may become available ? [23:07] Rubin: Early 2006 according to the official site. [23:07] Googlie: didn;t Soren say February? [23:07] Rubin: Illuminatus suggested it to be part of an expansion, though. [23:08] imperator: hello [23:08] Googlie: (or maybe I read in a thread where somepne had interpreted early 2006 as meaning february [23:08] PJayTycy: I have lots of free time during january - february (exams), but not anymore after that (graduation paper to be finished) [23:08] Googlie: Hey, Imp [23:08] imperator: i must say your project rules :) [23:08] *** Googlie has signed off IRC (Quit: Bye bye). [23:08] imperator: keep up the work i wanna play AC again ;) [23:09] wgabrie: Of course. :b: [23:09] PJayTycy: waiting for the SDK currently, but it might be a while till it arrives... [23:09] Rubin: PJayTycy, do you have any impression of how powerful Python scripting is? (For instance, if the SDK is significantly delayed.) [23:09] *** Googlie has joined #c4ac. [23:09] imperator: what does the SDK offer more? [23:10] Googlie: hmm - managed to kick myself out [23:11] PJayTycy: For example, in a city, you have production of minerals, food, energy... With python, you can add x minerals to a city each turn, but it will be invisible for the player. The player will still see +10 minerals / turn instead of +32 for example. [23:11] PJayTycy: We also can not change the upkeep cost . Currently it's money from a global treassury, while in smac it's minerals from 1specific city [23:12] Rubin: Would it be possible to write code that allows for the extra minerals to be shown? [23:12] imperator: are you also trying to recreate the design of the advisors info screens and tech tree? [23:12] imperator: someone from civfanatics managed to show the production and food to be shown as "base prod" + "bonus production" [23:13] PJayTycy: Rubin : you'd need to alter all screens that use it: amongst others: the city detail screen, the city-info that pops up on the global map and also the city-overview screen [23:13] Rubin: imperator, that does sound promising. [23:14] Googlie: But it begs the question - would smac/x be a better game with centra resources - it'd remove that slew of shuffling units around to rehome them to big mineral bases, etc [23:14] PJayTycy: so, yes, it's do-able, but a lot more work than it should... [23:14] Rubin: We would be rewriting the interface--that includes all the different screens, I believe. [23:14] Googlie: obviously the game designers of subsequent Civ versions have decided that it's a better sustem [23:14] PJayTycy: rubin : yes, that's true [23:15] PJayTycy: googlie : it's less micromanagement, but I was just giving examples of what's currently possible/impossible with python [23:15] PJayTycy: impaler : can you point a link to that mod you talked about? [23:15] *** Googlie has signed off IRC (Quit: Bye bye). [23:15] imperator: its the mylon mod [23:15] Rubin: Googlie, I think that particular issue is devided into two categories: 1) A SMAC/X clone and 2) An "improved" SMAC/X. [23:16] PJayTycy: I'll have to check that one out :-) [23:16] imperator: (Link: [23:16] imperator: in the most recent version however [23:16] PJayTycy: do you know where this "extra food" comes from ? Is it a specialist or something else ? [23:16] Rubin: I noticed a civilopedia mod that looks promising to our efforts as well. [23:16] imperator: he replaced the y + x design with invisible buildings that produce +5% food for every food resource [23:17] imperator: the other design messed up the ETA for growth and production [23:17] PJayTycy: that's the same problem I have imperator [23:18] Rubin: The idea of "invisible" buildings is not bad. [23:18] PJayTycy: adding %'s is supported by python, while just adding x is not [23:18] imperator: oh i see [23:18] imperator: you mean adding x and y due to satellites in AC? [23:18] PJayTycy: or crawlers [23:18] imperator: ah [23:19] imperator: i never used crawlers ;) [23:19] imperator: another interesting accomplishment of mylon mod is that it has units that give 10 culture every round to the city theyre stationed in [23:21] PJayTycy: well, for smac currently, we don't have any cultural related things planned... while it seems a valuable addition to civ4, I don't think it's usefull for c4:ac in its current state [23:21] Rubin: Could +x additions (not +% additions) be done via specialists, perhaps? [23:21] imperator: sure [23:21] Rubin: For instance, "satellite specialists"? [23:21] imperator: referring to PJayTycy [23:22] imperator: thats a good idea [23:22] imperator: the Glib for example gives 2 free scientists [23:22] PJayTycy: That would need a new specialist that gives +2 food (to feed it self) and +x [23:22] Rubin: Yes, perhaps a crawler could have a corresponding specialst? [23:23] Rubin: Eh, no, "free" specialists. [23:23] imperator: hm or do it with civics [23:23] imperator: a civic that gives 1 food to every city for every "food sat!" [23:23] Rubin: Specialists contribute to a single city, civics seem to address all cities. [23:24] PJayTycy: well, those are all work-arounds, that might work, but I just think its not worth investing a lot of time in such a workaround system if the SDK will make it possible in a nice, straightforward way [23:24] Rubin: But for satellites, yes, perhaps. [23:24] Rubin: PJayTycy, I think that is the general notion--to wait for the SDK before doing too much coding. [23:25] PJayTycy: But, how is the other work going ? The tech tree, terrain graphics and leader xml files ? [23:25] imperator: well im going to sleep . good luck with your project [23:25] PJayTycy: I thought those 3 areas had the most progress untill now [23:25] PJayTycy: goodnight [23:25] *** imperator has signed off IRC (Quit: ). [23:25] Rubin: I think we've got most of it covered. Except, perhaps, the terrain features. [23:26] Rubin: Elevation still seems a critical hurdle to me. [23:26] PJayTycy: yes, that's something peculiar [23:27] wgabrie: Terrain graphics are implimeted with several differant files. We still have to figure out how to assign the differant files to the differant terrain. [23:27] Rubin: Technologies, factions, sounds, graphics (not 3D), text quotes, etc. are relatively easy to implement. [23:27] PJayTycy: however, I think we might need to start bundling things and put them online (maybe private) so others can work further from there [23:28] Rubin: PJayTycy, the problem current ly (setting aside the SDK) is our lack of a proper structure or basis to build upon. [23:28] PJayTycy: true, that should change. I'd like to have a basic-mod, which includes atleast the smac techtree and the leaders as they are now. [23:29] Rubin: I have a similar idea. Sounds good. [23:30] Rubin: There are two main parts of modding here: Flavors and gameplay. I am hoping we can release someting with all flavors and perhaps some gameplay parts (crawlers, etc.). [23:31] PJayTycy: yes, but it's hard to get the smac flavour with pikemen running around [23:31] Rubin: True, but we might use different unit 3D models with new textures. [23:31] Rubin: That would be the best we can do for now. [23:32] Rubin: I.e. Scout Patrol could be a re-textured NAVY-SEAL... [23:32] PJayTycy: I haven't played the americans in civ4 yet, but that might be a good idea [23:32] wgabrie: Hills and mountains get height from grayscale picture files. All the flat terrain uses the same graphic file. [23:33] wgabrie: Sorry for the delay. [23:33] Rubin: wgabrie, is there a way to determine the elevation? [23:33] wgabrie: There's a grayscale hight map. [23:33] wgabrie: Dark is low, light is high. [23:33] Rubin: I noticed your altered map, but don't know precisely what it means. [23:34] PJayTycy: Rubin, we can store that kind of info seperatly in python, the question is, can we tell the game which heightmap to use for each tile ? (I guess not until the sdk arrives) [23:34] Rubin: PJayTycy, that is exactly the questions we need answers to. Currently, what is possible via Python. [23:35] PJayTycy: most can be found here: (Link: [23:36] Rubin: I think I already browsed that. I am hoping someone with more insight could inform me on the possibilities regarding SMAC/X. [23:36] Rubin: ...and especially what CANNOT be done. [23:37] PJayTycy: I'm now browsing it especially looking for height-related functions in either CyMap or CyTile [23:37] *** Googlie has joined #c4ac. [23:39] Rubin: If we are able to "break" the elevation code, we would have done tremendous progress! [23:39] wgabrie: The hills and mountains have several of their own height files, basicy each picture is a tile There are like 7 edges, and extrafiles I haven't looked into. I don't have the file names in front of me. Where as grasslands and plains use the same "flat" files. [23:39] Rubin: ...otherwise, we need to await the SDK, I believe. [23:39] PJayTycy: The only thing I found was "getSeaLevel", but nothing to set / get each tile's level [23:40] *** Googlie has signed off IRC (Quit: Bye bye). [23:40] wgabrie: The height is done in the art files. [23:41] Rubin: Yes, but each tile has a corresponding "definition" (i.e. impassable peaks). [23:41] PJayTycy: graphically yes, but the question remains on how to set / get that height. [23:41] Rubin: Perhaps we can match elevation and the graphic map. [23:41] Rubin: True. [23:42] PJayTycy: or we have to create a new terrain type for each different level (... - -1000 - 0 - 1000 - 2000 - 3000 - ...) [23:42] wgabrie: I think the programing files are also in the art directoy. or maybe the xml/texture (or sometihng). [23:43] wgabrie: I am thinking the same as PJayTycy. [23:43] PJayTycy: also, in civ4 the height always returns to 0 at the tile grid, so there are no artefacts. What happens if you have one tile that ends on height +1000 and the one next to it is on height +2000 [23:43] PJayTycy: won't there be a visible gap ? [23:43] Rubin: Yes, I have been thinking about the different levels. We could adjust to only include the 1, 1000, 2000, etc. and stay away from the 1211, 2433, etc. [23:44] Rubin: Perhaps using the same schema as the transition schema for different terrain types (plains, grasslands, etc.). [23:45] PJayTycy: wgabrie, have you tried what happens when height maps of neighbouring tiles don't match on the edges ? [23:45] wgabrie: No. [23:46] PJayTycy: Well, those are things that need testing etc,... i don't think we can resolve them here in the chat. I'd like to set some goal to achieve by the end of the month though. [23:47] wgabrie: I think the hills and mountains give a clue. These files have more transition graphics than Grassland, plains. [23:47] Rubin: I cannot locate any "programming" files in the art directory---only graphics. [23:48] wgabrie: Hold on Rubin, let me go check on that. [23:48] *** wgabrie has signed off IRC (Quit: Bye bye). [23:48] PJayTycy: damn [23:48] PJayTycy: he didn't really need to close IRC for that :-) [23:48] Rubin: "Some goal", PJayTycy? [23:49] PJayTycy: yes, I'd like to decide on specific goals to be included in a base version to work from before the SDK is released [23:49] Rubin: Ok, I am in on that. [23:50] PJayTycy: Definately in : tech tree (only techs), faction leader names and base names [23:50] PJayTycy: the civ4-settler and worker [23:50] Rubin: Haha, but those are the easy bits! [23:50] PJayTycy: I know, most of us know, but we do need to get such a base out. [23:51] Rubin: Technology tree and the "original seven" sound like a fair starting point to me. [23:51] PJayTycy: Not as a release to the public, but just so everyone can work on the more difficult things from a common base [23:51] Rubin: Exactly! [23:51] *** wgabrie has joined #c4ac. [23:52] wgabrie: I can't check it now. I'll add it to my list of things to do. [23:52] Rubin: Alternatively, we can do a "flavor" version, with a decent interface. [23:53] PJayTycy: ok, thanks wgabrie [23:53] wgabrie: Next chance I get I'll map out the art folder and the program files. [23:53] PJayTycy: oh, but there are no programming files in the art folder wgabrie... I though you would check the transitions on the height maps [23:54] PJayTycy: rubin : changing the interface will take too much time to wait for that to put a "common base" online [23:54] Rubin: Hm, I see. [23:55] Rubin: What about the civilopedia? [23:55] PJayTycy: It is a good idea, but I think the interface is one of the things we can change for the better (both compared to civ4 and smac) [23:55] Rubin: Haha, perhaps, PJayTycy. [23:56] PJayTycy: whenever we are not recreating something, but improving, we should get a consensus on the forum first [23:56] wgabrie: Transistions are part of the art folder. And the programing files are somewhere in xml. [23:57] PJayTycy: nope, the programming / interface is in the "python" folder, the configuration (like the old .ini files) are in the "xml" folder [23:58] Rubin: PJayTycy, can we call an .xml file via Python scripts? [23:59] PJayTycy: anyway, what do you think about units to include in that base version ? Only the settler and worker? All civ4 units randomly assigned to a smac tech ? Reskinned navy seals, tanks and planes t [23:59] Rubin: Probe teams :) [23:59] PJayTycy: Rubin : not that I know. You can not add "other" info in the xml files, but whatever info you put in that fit in the current schema, will be accessible. [23:59] Rubin: Sounds like a fair starting point to me. [00:00] PJayTycy: sure, probe teams as the civ4 spy ? [00:00] Rubin: Yes. [00:01] Rubin: We can do some basic facilities as well (and some wonders). [00:01] PJayTycy: which facilities ? [00:01] Rubin: Network Nodes, Energy Banks? [00:02] PJayTycy: hmm, those are indeed possible (because they add %'s) [00:02] Rubin: I think I already added those two facilities. [00:02] PJayTycy: great ! [00:02] Rubin: Barracks replaced by command centers, perhaps? [00:02] wgabrie: For units I think we should include the basic unit types from AC. Scout, Former, Colony Pod, Mind worm, IoD, Artifact, and Unity foil. But not skin all of them until later. [00:03] PJayTycy: wgabrie, the different native life types are currently in as the barbarians... they only need reskinning [00:03] Rubin: Naval units... perhaps we should initially make it only focus on land units? [00:03] PJayTycy: and new 3D models ofcourse [00:04] PJayTycy: the question is, for which timeframe are you currently talking ? [00:04] Rubin: A month or so. [00:04] wgabrie: With facialties can we use the ones from the first 5 tech levels, like the Demo? Or just the basic types? [00:04] Rubin: Demo?!? [00:04] wgabrie: AC Demo. [00:05] Rubin: Oh, never had the demo. [00:05] wgabrie: The smac demo only had the first 5 tech levels, and you could play for 100 turns [00:05] Rubin: I did the first 2 levels of SMAC/X technologies for Blake. I have have those files ready for downloading. [00:05] PJayTycy: I'd like to have something up as soon as possible, so with everything we can do right now. Then, everyone can try to add more facilities if they think a certain facility is possible to implement without the SDK too. [00:06] PJayTycy: I thought someone had the entire tech tree covered yet [00:06] Rubin: Well, I have :) [00:06] wgabrie: Tech tree yes. Graphics no. [00:06] Rubin: But only the first 2 levels with graphics and text, I believe. [00:07] PJayTycy: well, if we put that up, somebody else might continue to write the texts and we can go on [00:07] PJayTycy: currently no one will work on the tech tree because they don't want to re-do the work you have already done [00:07] Rubin: Oh, perhaps, yes. [00:08] Rubin: Well, I'll make a link to the files immediately then. [00:09] PJayTycy: I'll try to bundle all these things in one zip and post it online. [00:10] wgabrie: So the tech tree is being handled. [00:11] Rubin: Just posted the link. The technology tree is fairly easy to implement. [00:12] Rubin: However, most of the game actually revolves around the technology tree; so, for a playable version the technology tree NEEDS to be included. [00:13] PJayTycy: I'll post a link with : -> the new tech tree -> a "cleaned up" unit list (settler, worker, scout, probe team) -> a "cleaned up" building list (network node, energy bank) [00:13] PJayTycy: anything else that is finished right now that could be included ? [00:13] PJayTycy: ah, ofcourse, the new faction texts [00:14] Rubin: Blake has worked on civics, I think that could be an "early" option as well. [00:14] Rubin: But, "cleaned up" is important. [00:15] PJayTycy: Good, anything else for this chat ? Or do we consider this session over ? [00:16] wgabrie: Is anyone keeping a log? [00:16] Rubin: Hm, I am still not entirely sure where to go from here...? [00:16] PJayTycy: Well, what can be done before the SDK is released: [00:16] PJayTycy: => trying to add more facilities [00:16] PJayTycy: => finding out more about height levels [00:17] PJayTycy: => reskinning the navy seals or other units to represent some basic smac units [00:17] PJayTycy: => adding the appropriate xml for those units (ie: giving them the right properties and tying them into the techtree somewhere) [00:18] PJayTycy: I wouldn't try changing the interface just yet, because most of it will have to be rewritten anyway later on [00:18] Rubin: Ok, but for this to work we definitely need "clean" files to work with; files that still make the game playable. [00:19] PJayTycy: (scrolling back through the log, to find other things we discussed) [00:19] Rubin: Cleaning should be first priority! [00:19] Rubin: (Excellent summary, PJayTycy!) [00:21] PJayTycy: I'll try to have this "cleaned up base" online this evening / tomorrow [00:21] Rubin: If we cannot call extra .xml files via Python, we need clean the existing ones. [00:22] PJayTycy: yes, it's a shame we can't just add a file "c4acUnits.xml" where our units are defined [00:23] Rubin: Well, at least we know that it is not possible. We need work with what we have available and what is possible. [00:24] PJayTycy: ok, but I'm gone now, I don't think there's much left to be discussed tonight [00:24] Rubin: Ok, I'll await the "clean base" and take it from there. [00:25] wgabrie: OK. [00:25] PJayTycy: goodnight all [00:25] Rubin: wgabrie, do you have time? [00:25] wgabrie: yes [00:25] *** You are now known as PJ-away. [00:25] Rubin: Basic retexturing of the existing Civ4 terrain... how far have we gone? [00:27] wgabrie: We are at the same point. We need to select the terrain we want to replace. Using existing terrain. At least until we can create new ones. [00:27] Rubin: But, can we do that with what we know by now? [00:28] Rubin: I mean, select terrain for replacing. [00:28] wgabrie: Yes. [00:28] Rubin: What graphics do we want to use? The SMAC/X ones I tried using? [00:29] wgabrie: We could. The only issue would be the clipping of the texture. [00:29] Rubin: Do you have any suggestions for an alternative approach? [00:30] wgabrie: Civ 4 texture file is offset by 64 pixels. I could acually enlarge the smac textures to fit. [00:31] Rubin: Would it be an option to do a 64 pixel "custom" version of the SMAC/X tiles? Either via some copy & paste or something? [00:31] Rubin: Instead of simply resizing the tiles? [00:32] wgabrie: Yes I can do that. [00:33] Rubin: I can copy & paste, but my graphic skills are limited and I struggle to be able to balance "new" creations. Especially the colors. [00:34] wgabrie: What about the variations however? I noticed that the your or someone's textures were use random rockiness pattern. Should I do a random arangement as such? [00:34] Rubin: What I did was simply to copy & paste rocks randomly. [00:35] wgabrie: I have several test items I can load onto apolyton later tonight. We could decide there. Maybe have a poll. [00:35] Rubin: If it gives a SMAC/X atmosphere, that would be sufficient. [00:36] Rubin: I'd say try and see. If you have several "designs" that you cannot decide about---then do a poll. [00:36] Rubin: Otherwise, just stick to one design. [00:36] wgabrie: OK. [00:37] wgabrie: I still need to test the texture file transitions to get the alignment just right. [00:37] Rubin: I believe the plains, grassland and desert textures are straightforward. But how about hills and such? [00:38] Rubin: And Floodplains look odd with the SMAC/X textures when I tested. [00:39] wgabrie: Hills are higher with a texture around the edge. maybe I could play with it and see if I can make it look "rocky." [00:39] wgabrie: I haven't tested the floodplains yet. [00:40] wgabrie: Certain terrain is layered "higher" than others. That might be why the flood plain looks weired. [00:40] Rubin: Do we need a schema to keep track of the replaced textures; as in "which types of terrain still needs replacing"? [00:41] wgabrie: Yes. It would help to just list the Civ 4 terrain and then assign a texture to it. I found one of the tundra to look like smac fungus. [00:42] wgabrie: At least in pattern and overlay. [00:42] Rubin: Oh, that could be useful! [00:43] Rubin: In Civ4, global warming can replace existing terrain with deserts; perhaps something similar can be coded to add fungal tiles. [00:44] wgabrie: We could use the desert for fungus. Otherwise that would be a programers job. [00:45] Rubin: Yes. [00:46] Rubin: So, we need an index of Civ4 terrain and SMAC/X terrain? [00:47] wgabrie: Yes. Well the Civ4 terrain can simply be got from the world builder. The smac terrain is stored in the Texture.pcx file. That's not counting landmarks. [00:47] wgabrie: We shouldn't worry about land marks at this point [00:48] Rubin: I agree. [00:48] Rubin: But, we need some way to keep track of progress. An index could be an option for that. [00:49] Rubin: At least, if more than one is going to contribute with new textures. [00:50] wgabrie: I am thinking about creating a section of this c4ac Wiki. [00:50] Rubin: Ok. [00:51] Rubin: I'm searching for the tundra file you mentioned. Do you recall which one it is? [00:51] wgabrie: No. I just used it in the editor. there are two of them. [00:52] Rubin: In that folder? [00:52] wgabrie: Yes. [00:53] wgabrie: I'm not sure one of the tundras just looks differant in the game. It has transparent parts. [00:54] Rubin: Ok. Can you do a recolor that we can test in the game? [00:54] wgabrie: yes. I'll try to find it later. [00:55] wgabrie: I have to go now. Is there anything else? [00:55] Rubin: No, I think that covers the questions I had. [00:55] Rubin: Thanks for taking your time :) [00:55] wgabrie: Ok, bye. [00:55] *** wgabrie has signed off IRC (Quit: Bye bye). [00:55] *** Rubin has signed off IRC (Quit: ).