; ; labels.txt ; @STRINGHEAP 50000 ; don't change: controls string heap size WFD: Made larger than 16368 @POPUPS OK Help Cancel Custom @LABELS 888 B.C. A.D. Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Building Sprites Map Status World City Building World Moving Units Viewing Pieces Loc Moves Veteran NONE Barbarians Barbarian Attila River Railroad Road Farmland Mining Irrigation More Units No Orders End of Turn Press ENTER Village People City of Zoom to City Continue Population Buy Change Exit View Info Happy Map Rename Food Storage Turns Turn Fortress Pollution wise men scientists &Build New City|b &Join City|b Build &Road|r Build &RR Track|r Build &Irrigation|i Change to %STRING0|i Build &Mines|m Change to %STRING0|m Set &Home City|h Go &Home To Nearest City|h Transf&orm to %STRING0|o &Improve Farmland|i Select Unit To Activate City Resources Food Surplus Support Waste Production Trade Corruption Tax Lux Sci Hunger Shortage Cheat! All! No Special View Entire Map No Human Player No changes. Clear orders. Sleep / Board next ship. Fortify. Move to front. Supplies Demands Wonders Taxes Luxuries Science Auto Tithes develop acquire from the Airbase Barbarian uprising Major barbarian horde Native unrest Peasant revolt Guerrilla uprising Religious fanatics in arms Check Intelligence he she "Will you accept %STRING4 instead?" demand request insist, under the terms of our alliance, gratefully warmly cordially Offer extend our sign an him her Select unit to offer In Production Prerequisites Allows with Unit Improvement Prerequisite Attack Strength Defense Strength Movement Rate Hit Points Firepower Cost First Disorder Total Cost Total Income Discoveries Unhappy Content of the Allied Peace Cease Fire War No Embassy Aggressive Rational Expansionist Perfectionist Civilized Militaristic Government Capital Treasury Military At Contact Maintenance Expires Build Railroad Keep moving. Establish trade route. Help build WONDER. Att Def Move Hits Power Routes ADM HP Lost of capture liberate captured liberated Near Support From This City. Disband or commissions launches discovers grants completes builds produces Zoom to Home City. Activate Unit. Activate Unit and Close City Screen. Food Supplies Diagmotizing Sprites... Diagonal Test View Advances Units Cities Structural Propulsion Fuel Habitation Life Support Solar Panel Support Energy Mass Flight Time Prob. of Success tons years Launched Landed Launch Civilization POWERgraph The in Civilization Arrives in and Spotless Excellent Honorable Questionable Dishonorable Poor Despicable Atrocious Pathetic Weak Inadequate Moderate Strong Mighty Supreme Fusion Powered! Researching Free Save Files Select File Name For Saved Game Select Game To Load Proceed Govts: Overview the Building Unexplored Bronze Age Monolith Classical Forum Far East Pavilion Medieval Castle Early Industrial Modern Extra Extra OK Cancel Maximum Rate How Shall We Distribute The Wealth Lock Select Map To Load Select File Name For Saved Map Map Files Both Tools Civilization II Map Editor Paint: Shift+LEFT click Grab: Shift+RIGHT click Add Item: Shift+LEFT Delete Item: Shift+RIGHT COASTLINE PROTECT AUTOSCROLL Painting Brush World Size Special Start Cities Cursor 1x1 3x3 5x5 Cross City Radius ? Flat Round Waiting For Players To Join Games Available Allow In Game Reject Player Remove From Game Start Game Want To Play Going To Play NONE YET Join Game 's Game Waiting Setting Up Pick Your Portrait High Council Static View Track Friendly Moves Track Enemy Moves Track All Moves Speak Freely (Waiting for others...) Disband Unit. demands does not demand Parleying with We offer offer Offer Treaty Offer Gold Offer Tech Offer Maps Offer D. of War Reject Offer Withdraw Offer Propose This Deal Alliance Peace Treaty Share Maps Gold Auto Off Prev Next Close Empire Kingdom People's Republic Holy Empire Republic United States CITY STATUS DEFENSE MINISTER FOREIGN MINISTER - Intelligence Report ATTITUDE ADVISOR TRADE ADVISOR SCIENCE ADVISOR WONDERS OF THE WORLD TOP FIVE CITIES Demographics CIVILIZATION SCORE Statistics Casualties active in prod Carry Air Air to Air See 2 Ign. ZOC Ign. Walls Amphibious Carry Missiles Carry Air Paradrop All as Road x2 vs. Horse x2 vs. Air Coastal Fundamentalism only Subs City Trade Maintenance Costs Total Science Supply and Demand Discoveries Every Turns Civilization Advances Achieved Goal The Approval Rating: Population: GNP: Mfg. Goods: Land Area: Literacy: Disease: Pollution: Life Expectancy: Family Size: Military Service: Annual Income: Productivity: Mtons sq. miles tons years yrs children million per capita 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Citizens Achievements Spaceship Peace Total Score Bonus Score possible CHEAT MODE Cheater CIVILIZATION RATING Looking back on your reign, your people forever remember you as . . . Scenario Files Select File Name For Scenario Select Scenario To Load SCENARIO NOT SCENARIO Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec OBJECTIVE Total Objectives Objectives Decisive Victory Marginal Victory Stalemate Marginal Defeat Decisive Defeat Foreign Attitude CIVILIZATION II: HALL OF FAME to Score Civilization Rating Clear Units Supported City Improvements Citizens Resource Map Units Present Support Map Happiness Analysis Estimated Arrival Conquered in Click mouse to continue... SCORING COMPLETE Terrain Editor Units Editor City Improvements Editor Technological Advances Editor Cities Editor Events Editor Move Cost Defense (x50%) Food Shield Trade Production Irrigation Mining Produces Bonus Turns to finish Government for AI Engineer's Transform Produces Shield(s) Obsolesence Role Domain Build Cost Holds on Ship Movement Range Attack Defend Hit Points Firepower Advance Benefits Epoch Category AI Value Modifier Yes No Nil Never Edit Icon Sounds Abilities Icon Editor Sound Editor Naval Superiority Air Superiority Sea Transport Settle Diplomacy Trade Ground Air Sea Expiration advancements for Wonders of the World Allow production of Prerequisite for Ancient Renaissance Industrial Revolution Modern Military Economic Social Academic Applied Stone/Bronze Ancient/Classical Far East Medieval Early Industrial Modern Small Medium Large Extra-Large Open Walled City Style City Size City Walls Battle Orders Explosion Bomb Crash Sputter Sound Files Sound File to Copy Select Unit Killed Select Attacker Select Defender Select First Party Select Second Party NOSCHISM Title Select Recipient Select Technology Enter Message Text Unit to Move Select Owner Unit to Create Select Aggressor Select Victim Destroy Whom All Items In Use Error Triggers Actions Add Edit Delete Insufficient Memory Help Edit Misc Edit River Edit Coast Male Female Rational Neutral Aggressive Perfectionist Normal Expansionist Militaristic Civilized Tribe Adjective Expand Civilize Tribe Editor Tribe Leader City Commodities Government Titles Universal Effects Editor Import Icon Import All Files Import Please select a filename starting with Invalid File Format File must be either BMP or GIF format Double-click on filename to play Select Terrain Rename Default Values Player 1: Player 2: Player 3: Player 4: Player 5: Player 6: Player 7: Communication Diplomacy Trade Chat Diplomacy Trade : Please Enter Your Password : Please Enter Your New Password : Please Verify Password Quit Game Game: Host: Status: Difficulty: Barbarians: Civilizations: Humans: Timer: Open Game Closed Game Chieftan Warlord Prince King Emperor Deity Villages Only Roving Bands Restless Tribes Raging Hordes Minutes Seconds Unlimited < Waiting for Games> Multiplayer Games Available Players Accept Player Reject Player Start Game < Waiting for Players> ^^Requests To Join ^^Accepted For Play Internet (TCP/IP) Local Area Network (TCP/IP) (IPX/SPX) Move Cost Unit Defense Bonus Terrain Type Shields Effects of Irrigation Turns to Irrigate Effects of Mining Turns to Mine (N/A) Effect of Engineer Transformation Effects of Roads Possible Resources Civilization Advances City Improvements Wonders of the World Unit Types Terrain and Special Resources Forms of Government Game Concepts Airbases Airlift City Squares Civilization Size Combat Damage Corruption and Waste Disband Fortify Fortress Irrigation Luxuries Mining Pillage Pollution Railroads Roads Science Sentry Shields Specialists Taxes Trade Trade Routes Transforming Terrain Veteran Units Waste (Shield) Description Normal 1/3 of a point Increase the amount of Food produced in %s Terrain from %d to %d. There is no increase in Food production. Increase Shields from %d to %d, and increases Trade from %d to %d. does not increase Trade. There is no increase in Shields, and no increase in Trade. End Chat End Negotiations Send Clear Continue Never Mind Accept Offer No Thanks Make Counter Offer Negotiating with the Chat with Kings Spy Reports: (From )(To From Anonymous To Units) Unit) (Capitol) < No Cities Visible > < No Units Visible > < No New Advances > < No Enemies Visible > Waiting for %string0 offer... Pick an Action: Offer Treaty Offer Proposal Offer Gift Barter Make Threat Remain Anonymous Broadcast to All Money Knowledge Military Unit Territory Maps To Declare War War Declaration Offer Treaty: Cease Fire Peace Treaty Strategic Alliance Cancel Current Treaty Current Treaty Alliance Peace Open Warfare None Pick a gift to offer: Offer Knowledge Offer Money Offer Military Unit Cede Territory Offer Maps Pick Advance(s) Offer: In Exchange For: Bribe Request: Our Treasury: Gold Amount to Offer: Pick Unit(s) Sort By Unit Sort By City Make proposal: Ask to Declare War Ask to Share Maps Pick maps to share: Pick desired maps: Entire Map (Cities, Units) Terrain and Cities Map Terrain Map Only Pick Enemy(s) To declare war on the: Declaring war on the: We agree not to attack you only if you give us: Military Unit(s) Pick City(s) to Cede Pick City(s) Desired Our offer has been transmitted. We await a reply. The offer is echoed below. We offer a cease fire. We offer a peace treaty. We offer a strategic alliance. We offer to cancel the current treaty. We offer the following proposal: Let us exchange maps of our entire territories. Let us exchange terrain and city maps. Let us exchange terrain maps. Let us declare mutual war on the following civilizations: We offer the following gifts: Advances: Units: Money: Cities and their resident units: Your puny civilization makes us laugh! We will agree not to crush you if you give us the following: We offer a fair and reasonable trade. We will give you the following knowledge: We will provide you the following funds: We will give you the following units: We will give you the following cities and their resident units: We will provide the following information: We will declare war on the following civilizations: But only if you give us the following knowledge: But only in exchange for the following funds: But only in exchange for the following units: But only in exchange for the following cities and their resident units: But only in exchange for the following information: But only if you declare war on the following civilizations: and Gold Maps of our entire territory. Maps of your entire territory. Maps of our terrain and cities. Maps of your terrain and cities. Maps of our terrain. Maps of your terrain. Treaty War declaration on the: Transmit Offer We will agree not to crush you if you sign the following treaty: We will agree not to crush you if you declare war on the: We will sign the following treaty: But only if you sign the following treaty: Modem/Direct Connect Intercept Chat Messages Mute/Send Basic Game Turn Based Simultaneous Normal Production Double Production Normal Moves Double Moves Joining Accept Deny Go Back Hotseat Files Select File Name For Hotseat Saved Game Select Hotseat Game To Load EMAIL Files Select File Name For EMAIL Saved Game Select EMAIL Game To Load Multiplayer Files Select File Name For Multiplayer Saved Game Select Multiplayer Game To Load Tree Mute Anonymous Dial-Up Networking Quit &Hotseat Game|Ctrl+H Humans Move Units at the Same Time Five (5) Human Players Six (6) Human Players Seven (7) Human Players Casualty Timeline Moves < Nothing We Need > < Nothing They Want > Map Size: Conceal Unit/City Information Reveal Unit/City Information Reveal City Origin Request City Origin Hide City Origin Reveal City Info Request City Info Hide City Info Reveal Unit Origins Deny Request Reveal City Info