[GAME] ; Map Script file name Map = Pangaea ; GameType options are singlePlayer/spLoad GameType = singlePlayer ; Pitboss Turn Time PitbossTurnTime = 0 ; Max number of turns (0 for no turn limit) MaxTurns = 0 ; Handicap for quick play QuickHandicap = HANDICAP_MONARCH ; GameSpeed options are GAMESPEED_QUICK/GAMESPEED_NORMAL/GAMESPEED_EPIC GameSpeed = GAMESPEED_NORMAL ; Era options are ERA_ANCIENT/ERA_CLASSICAL/ERA_MEDIEVAL/ERA_RENAISSANCE/ERA_INDUSTRIAL/ERA_MODERN Era = ERA_ANCIENT ; Sealevel options are SEALEVEL_LOW/SEALEVEL_MEDIUM/SEALEVEL_HIGH SeaLevel = SEALEVEL_MEDIUM ; Climate options are CLIMATE_ARID/CLIMATE_TEMPERATE/CLIMATE_TROPICAL Climate = CLIMATE_TEMPERATE ; Worldsize options are WORLDSIZE_DUEL/WORLDSIZE_TINY/WORLDSIZE_SMALL/WORLDSIZE_STANDARD/WORLDSIZE_LARGE/WORLDSIZE_HUGE WorldSize = WORLDSIZE_STANDARD ; Game Name GameName = Moosaka ; Save Path - relative to working (Civ4) folder FileName = 0 ; Account Username Nickname = Moosaka ; Email Address Email = MOOSERS-1 ; In-game Alias Alias = Moosaka ; Move along CheatCode = 0 [CONFIG] ; Allow Mouse Scrolling in Windowed mode MouseScrolling = 0 ; Don't show minimum specification warnings HideMinSpecWarning = 0 ; Number of seconds to accept live game list updates from GameSpy (-1 for initial snapshot only, 0 for no live updates GameUpdateTime = 10 ; Enable voice over IP capture and playback EnableVoice = 0 ; Disable PAK memory mapping (May affect performance) DisablePAKMemoryMapping = 1 ; Don't skip frames if falling behind BinkNoSkip = 0 ; Copy entire image each frame, not just dirty pixels BinkCopyAll = 1 ; Show movies using hi-color, not true-color (may be faster) Bink16Bit = 0 ; Copy ever other scanline during movie playback (faster) BinkInterlace = 0 ; Enable Trilinear Filtering for the Minimap MinimapTrilinearFilter = 1 ; Enable Tree Region Cutting CutTrees = 1 ; Enable Quick Slide Show Transitions PopSlides = 0 ; Random seed for map generation, or '0' for default MapRandSeed = 0 ; Random seed for game sync, or '0' for default SyncRandSeed = 0 ; Bandwidth options are modem or broadband Bandwidth = broadband ; QuickStart - SinglePlayer games only! QuickStart = 0 ; Enable/disable background music PlayMusic = 0 ; Allow Screenshots. May affect performance on some video cards AllowScreenShots = 0 ; App Selects Specific IP to use for Multiplayer SelectIP = 0 ; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none Mod = 0 ; Specify whether to play in fullscreen mode 0/1/ask FullScreen = 0 ; Set max frame rate clamp (0 means none) SetMaxFrameRate = 30 ; Set to 1 for dynamic animation paging DynamicAnimPaging = 0 ; Set to 1 for no in-game movies NoMovies = 1 ; Set to 1 for no python exception popups HidePythonExceptions = 0 ; Specify the number of turns between autoSaves. 0 means no autosave. AutoSaveInterval = 4 ; Enable Audio AudioEnable = 0 ; English(0),French(1),German(2),Italian(3),Spanish(4) - Defaults to user-installed language Language = 0 ; Determines which user profile is loaded on game start UserProfile = Default Profile ; Sync input to smooth interface (may run slower) SyncInput = 1 ; Force numlock always on while playing ForceNumlock = 0 [DEBUG] ; Create a dump file if the application crashes GenerateCrashDumps = 1 ; Number of turns to autorun before exit (0 for no limit) AutorunTurnLimit = 0 ; Set App on Auto-Run Autorun = 0 ; Enable D3D9 Queries D3D9Query = 1 ; ScreenHeight = 0 ; Custom Screen Resolution, ex: 1200x1200 - Normal resolutions can be set in-game and will be used when both values are set to 0 ScreenWidth = 0 ; Establish connection to Python Debugger HAPDebugger = 0 ; Show python debug msgs in IDE console ShowPythonDebugMsgs = 0 ; NetComm Port Port = 2056 ; Enable the logging system LoggingEnabled = 1 ; Overwrite old network and message logs OverwriteLogs = 1 ; Enable rand event logging RandLog = 1 ; Enable message logging MessageLog = 1 ; Break on memory allocation order # BreakOnAlloc = -1