; ; CIVILIZATION Test of Time POPUP BOXES ; Copyright (c) 1999 by MicroProse Software ; ; Altering the contents of this file may cause the ; game to malfunction. ; @MAINMENU @width=200 @title=The Test of Time @options Galactic Power Science Fiction Game Fantasy Game Extended Original Game Begin the Midgard Scenario Begin a Scenario Load a Saved Game @MAINMENU2 @width=200 @title=The Test of Time @options Start a New Game Start on Pre-made Galaxy Customize Galaxy @MAINMENU2M @width=200 @title=Test of Time @options Start a New Game Customize Galaxy @STARTMENU @width=200 @title=The Test of Time @options Start a Single Player Game Start a Multiplayer Game View Hall of Fame View Credits @HOTSEAT1 @width=220 @title=Hot Seat @options New Original Game New Science Fiction Game New Fantasy Game Begin Scenario Begin Midgard Scenario Load a Saved Game @HOTSEAT2 @width=220 @title=Hot Seat @options Two (2) Players Three (3) Players Four (4) Players @HOTSEATTURN @width=220 @title=The Galaxy Turns... %STRING0, you may now command the %STRING1. @HOTSEATNOT @width=220 @title=The Galaxy Turns... That was not a Hot Seat saved game. @GAMETIMER @width=220 @title=Maximum Time Per Player Turn @options Unlimited 30 Seconds 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes Custom... @CUSTOMGAMETIMER @width=320 @title=Set Maximum Time Per Turn ^^Maximum time of 3600 seconds (1 hour). ^^Minimum time of 10 seconds. Seconds: @ADVANCEDMP @checkbox @width=440 @title=Select Multiplayer Features @options Open Game (Players can join during a game) Kill Civilization on Retirement Show Player Starting Positions All Players Can Chat From Start Double Production of Each Terrain Type Double Movement Rate of Ground Units @JOINGAME0 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^There are no AI civilizations to take over! @JOINGAME1 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^There are already %NUMBER0 players! @JOINGAME2 @title=Join the Game @width=200 ^^Choose your tribe: @JOINGAME3 @title=Join the Game @width=340 ^^The %STRING0 have joined the game ^^under player tutelage! @PASSWORD0 @title=Password Rejected @width=340 ^^You are a pretender to this throne! ^^Your attempt at this subterfuge is rejected! @PASSWORD1 @width=340 Password: @PASSWORD4 @title=Warning! @width=340 ^^Do NOT forget your password! ^^If you do, any saved game will become ^^UNPLAYABLE! @PBEM1 @width=220 @title=Play by EMAIL @options Start a New EMAIL Game Start on Pre-made Galaxy Customize Galaxy Begin Scenario Make an EMAIL Move @EMAILNOT @width=220 @title=The Galaxy Turns... That was not an EMAIL saved game. @EMAILADDRESS @width=340 @title=Please Enter Your EMAIL Address @options EMAIL: @EMAILSAVED @width=440 @title=EMAIL Game Saved! ^^This EMAIL game has been saved as ^^%STRING0 @EMAILDONE1 @width=320 @title=EMAIL the Game ^^Please EMAIL the saved game to ^^%STRING0 ^^at ^^%STRING1 @EMAILDONE2 @width=320 @title=EMAIL the Game ^^Please EMAIL the saved game to ^^the next player. He or she is known as ^^%STRING0 @LAN1 @width=220 @title=%STRING0 @options New Original Game New Science Fiction Game New Fantasy Game Begin Scenario Begin Midgard Scenario Load a Saved Game Join a Game @LANNOT @width=220 @title=%STRING0 That was not a saved multiplayer game. @IPADDRESS @width=340 @title=Please Enter Your IP or IPX Address @options Address: @NETNAME @width=420 @title=Please Enter Your Net Name ^^Your "Net Name" will identify you to others on the network. ^^This is NOT necessarily your king name. Net Name: @GAMENAME @width=420 @title=Please Enter Your Game Name ^^Your "Game Name" identifies this game to others on the network. ^^This is NOT necessarily your civilization name. Game Name: @LANCONNECTFAIL @width=220 @title=%STRING0 ^^The connection has failed. ^^Please check the log for more information. @WAITINGJOINLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^We are waiting to be allowed to join ^^%STRING1. @REJECTEDLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^You were REJECTED by ^^%STRING1! @TIMEOUTLAN @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^%STRING1 ^^has left the network! @WAITINGFORCONNECT @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^We are waiting for players ^^to connect. @NOONESHOWED @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^No players connected to this machine. ^^Timeout. @SOMESHOWED @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Some players did not connect to this machine. ^^We will continue without them. @SERVERCONNECTFAIL @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Connection to the game's machine has failed. @WAITINGFORSERVER @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^We are waiting for the game machine ^^to connect. @STOPDRAGGING @title=%STRING0 @width=240 ^^Moving or resizing the window for ^^extended periods, can interfere with ^^the game. You will be disconnected ^^if you persist. @OUTOFHERE @title=%STRING0 @width=190 ^^You have been removed from the game. @SERVERCONNECTTIME @title=%STRING0 @width=310 ^^Connection to the game's machine has failed. ^^Timeout. @WAITTOJOIN @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting our turn to join the game. ^^>--------------------------------< @NOONELEFT @title=%STRING0 @width=260 ^^All the players have left this game! @WAITINGONJOIN @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting for others to join the game. @WAITINGONFULLGAMESTATE @title=%STRING0 @width=250 ^^Waiting for the full game state. @OURTURNTOMOVE @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @width=250 ^^It is our turn to move our units. ^^Use this time wisely. @RETIREDIE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary ^^%STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 has retired. ^^The %STRING0 domain crumbles to dust. @RETIREAI @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary ^^%STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 has retired. ^^An AI now rules the %STRING0 domain. @NETWORKTYPE @width=220 @title=Choose the Network Protocol @options TCP/IP IPX/SPX @IPVERIFY @title=Please Verify Your IP Address @options IP Address: @IPOFGAME @width=340 @title=Please Enter The Game's IP Address @options IP Address: @NOFOREIGNHUMAN @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister ^^We have not yet made contact with ^^other player civilizations. @MULTIPLAYEROPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Multiplayer Options @options Clear chat buffer at the start of a new game. Clear chat buffer each time we boot up. Double production of each terrain type. Double movement rate of ground units. @MULTIPLAYEROPTIONS2 @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Multiplayer Options @options Clear chat buffer at the start of a new game. Clear chat buffer each time we boot up. @PARLEYREQUEST @width=360 @title=%string0 (%string3) "We request an audience with %string1, great leader of the %string2." @options "Go away" "Granted" @PARLEYWAITING @width=360 @title=Awaiting Opponent's Response... Our Offer: "We request an audience with %string1, great leader of the %string2." @PARLEYGOAWAY @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "We cannot waste time on idle chatter. Request denied!" @PARLEYOK @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "We always have time to speak to our good friends the %string0. Audience granted!" @PARLEYBUSY @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... "Our leader is otherwise engaged in delicate negotiatons with another civilization. Please contact us later. Request denied!" @PARLEYCANCEL @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... The %string0 have broken off negotiations! @PARLEYACCEPT @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The offer has been accepted! ^^All the affected goods are being processed! @PARLEYACCEPT2 @width=360 @title=Our Response... ^^We have accepted this offer! ^^All the affected goods are being processed! @PARLEYNOTHANKS @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The %string0 have rejected our offer! ^^They suggest that we make a better one! @PARLEYCOUNTEROFFER @width=360 @title=Opponent's Response... ^^The %string0 have rejected our offer! ^^They are constructing a counter proposal! @JOINEDMAX @width=400 @title=Game Full ^^The maximum number of players have attempted to join this game. ^^Please try another game, or check this game later. @ALREADYCHOSEN @width=400 @title=Game Full ^^This Civilization slot was chosen by someone else. ^^Please choose another. @GAMECANCELED @width=400 @title=Game Canceled ^^The player who initiated this game has canceled the setup. ^^Please choose another game. @WAITPRODUCTION @width=400 @title=Waiting on Production ^^We are waiting for the rest of the players to ^^complete production. @WAITAIMOVES @width=400 @title=Waiting on AIs to Move ^^We are waiting for AI civilizations ^^to complete their moves. @WAITHUMANMOVES @width=400 @title=Waiting on Players to Move ^^We are waiting for player civilizations ^^to complete their moves. @REPORTFOREIGNMULTI @width=620 @title=Foreign Minister @listbox=7 @button=Check Intelligence @button=Send Emissary @button=Set Attitude Sire, our power is %STRING0 and our reputation is %STRING1. @ATTITUDEMULTI @width=600 @title=Our Attitude Toward %STRING0 @CHATSPYSTART @width=400 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^Communications intercept established! ^^Our man in hiding will maintain the link ^^as long as possible! @CHATNOTICE @width=360 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^You have %NUMBER0 unread chat messages! ^^Use "Advisors/Chat with Kings" or CTRL-C ^^to read them. @ENEMIES2 @width=320 @title=Select Level Of Competition @button=Random @options 7 Civilizations 6 Civilizations 5 Civilizations 4 Civilizations 3 Civilizations 2 Civilizations @DATAPATHFAIL @width=400 @title=Scenario/Save Game Path Not Found ^^When joining a game or scenario, the same path to the game ^^MUST exist in your Civilization directory. ^^Your Civilization directory is: ^^%STRING0 ^^The scenario/save directory is: ^^...%STRING1 ^^Where "..." is the Civilization directory. ^^Please install the necessary scenario or data directory. @WRONGVERSION @width=400 @title=Host/Client Version Mismatch ^^The Host is version: ^^%STRING0 ^^The Client is version: ^^%STRING1 ^^This is in error. Either the host or the joining player ^^are using a more recent patch. Please contact customer ^^support or download the latest patch from our web site. @HOSTCHANGECLIENT @width=320 @title=Host Change Notification ^^The hosting player has changed. ^^The new hosting player's net name is ^^%STRING0. @HOSTCHANGESERVER @width=320 @title=Host Change Notification ^^You are the new hosting player. ^^Any remaining players have been notified. @NEWPLAYER @width=320 @title=New Player ^^A new player has joined this game. ^^They have designated a net name of ^^%STRING0. @NEWTURNTIMERCLIENT @width=320 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The host of the game, %STRING0, has proposed ^^the following new time limit: ^^%STRING1 ^^Please accept or deny this change. @NEWTURNTIMERSERVER @width=320 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been proposed ^^to the other players. ^^We are waiting for the vote. @NEWTURNTIMERYES @width=320 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been accepted ^^by all players. ^^The change is effective immediately. @NEWTURNTIMERNO @width=320 @title=New Turn Time Limit ^^The proposed time change has been denied ^^by one or more players. ^^The change is denied. @PMCHANGECLIENT @width=320 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The host of the game, %STRING0, has proposed ^^the following production/movement limits: ^^%STRING1 ^^Please accept or deny this change. @PMCHANGESERVER @width=320 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^proposed to the other players. ^^We are waiting for the vote. @PMCHANGEYES @width=320 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^accepted by all players. ^^The changes are effective immediately. @PMCHANGENO @width=320 @title=New Production/Movement Limits ^^The production/movement changes have been ^^denied by one or more players. ^^The changes are denied. @NEWCREDITS @width=200 @title=View Credits @options Civilization II Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Fantastic Worldss Conflicts in Civilization @NEWCREDITSHORT @width=200 @title=View Credits @options Civilization II Civilization II Multiplayer Gold @NOMODEMS @width=320 @title=No Modems Detected ^^Windows 95 is not reporting the presence ^^of any modems. @NOINTEL @width=400 @title=Intelligence Advisor ^^No intelligence is available on this civilization ^^at this time. @SERVERQUIT @title=%STRING0 @width=200 ^^The game ^^%STRING1 ^^was canceled. @SIMULTUT @width=450 @title=Civ Tutorial: Simultaneous Moves During a simultaneous move game, the main map only tracks friendly units. To track enemy units, right click on the Galaxy map to open more map windows. They can be set to track enemy moves. @SERVERQUITWAIT @width=450 @title=Host Quit Sequence ^^Please wait until the current players finish their moves. ^^This may take several minutes. @CLIENTQUITWAIT @width=450 @title=Host Quit Sequence ^^The Host is transferring to a new machine. ^^Please wait until the current players finish their moves. ^^This may take several minutes. @CLIENTHOTWAIT @width=450 @title=Hot Join ^^The AI and/or other players are currently moving. ^^Please wait for your first turn to start. ^^This may take several minutes. @MULTITYPE2 @width=200 @title=Multiplayer Game @options Hot Seat Network Game Internet Game Dial-Up Networking (2 player only) @NOPICKMUSICNEW @width=360 @title=Select Music ^^This option is not available unless a ^^Civilization II CD is in the CDROM drive. @LOSTSERVER @width=360 @title=Lost Connection ^^You have lost the connection to the host computer. @LOSTCLIENT @width=360 @title=Lost Connection ^^You have lost the connection to the player named ^^%STRING0. @CANTDONOW @width=360 @title=Unavailable ^^You can't do this operation at this time. @SCREWYSAVE @width=360 @title=Screwy Save ^^A unit in this save was corrupt. ^^It has been deleted. Go ahead and play ^^anyway--without it. @HOTSEATAITURN @width=220 @title=The Galaxy Turns... ^^An AI is moving... @WRONGXDAEMONVERSION @width=400 @title=EXE / DLL Version Mismatch ^^The Civilization Executable expects version: ^^%STRING0 ^^The XDaemon Dynamic Link Library is version: ^^%STRING1 ^^This is in error. Either the host or the joining player ^^are using a more recent patch. Please contact customer ^^support or download the latest patch from our web site. @CASUALTIES @width=400 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @button=Casualty Timeline ^^It is our turn to move. ^^Casualties have been reported ^^by the Defense Minister. ^^%NUMBER0 units lost. @CASUALTY @width=400 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 @button=Casualty Timeline ^^It is our turn to move. ^^A casualty has been reported ^^by the Defense Minister. @HOTHUMANSDEAD @width=250 @title=Defense Minister ^^All players have been destroyed. ^^The game ends. @CDROMNOTFOUND2 @width=320 @title=Please Note @button=Repeat Search We were unable to find the Civilization II : The Test of Time CD-ROM. Please check that it is in a valid CD-ROM drive and then repeat the search by selecting "Repeat Search" below. @PASSWORDNOCHEAT2 @width=350 @title=Cheat Not Available ^^%NUMBER0 civilizations in this game are password protected. ^^All passwords must be removed in order to cheat. @PASSWORDNOCHEAT1 @width=350 @title=Cheat Not Available ^^%NUMBER0 civilization in this game is password protected. ^^The password must be removed in order to cheat. @WAITONGAMEXMIT @width=350 @title=New Player Receiving Game State ^^A new player is being transmitted the game state by the host. ^^Please be patient. This could take several minutes. @GAMEPROFILE @width=100 @title=Civilization II Multiplayer Game Profile ^Game: %STRING0 (%STRING1) ^Host: %STRING2 ^%STRING3 ^%STRING4 ^Map Size: %STRING10 x %STRING11 ^%STRING5 ^Barbarians: %STRING6 ^Timer: %STRING7 ^Civilizations: %STRING8 (Players: %STRING9) @REVEALUNITORIGINS @width=320 @title=Unit Information Request ^^The %STRING0 request that you share your units' ^^Sectors of origin during this trade session. ^^Please accept or deny this request. @REVEALCITYINFO @width=320 @title=Sector Information Request ^^The %STRING0 request that you share your Sector ^^details during this trade session. ^^Please accept or deny this request. @CUSTOMLAND @width=320 @title=Customize: star cluster @button=Random @default=1 @options Minimal Normal Great @CUSTOMFORM @width=320 @title=Customize: Cluster Form @button=Random @default=1 @options Separated Varied Arms and Groups @CUSTOMCLIMATE @width=320 @title=Customize: Climates @button=Random @options @default=1 Arid Mixed Wet @CUSTOMTEMP @width=320 @title=Customize: Temperatures @button=Random @options @default=1 Cool Temperate Warm @CUSTOMAGE @width=320 @title=Customize: Age @button=Random @options @default=1 7 billion years 8 billion years 9 billion years @USESEED @width=320 @title=Map Resources Do you wish to randomize this galaxy's Localities and resource sysems? Yes No @USESTARTLOC @width=320 @title=Starting Locations Do you wish to randomize this galaxy's player starting locations? Yes No @SAVEERROR @width=200 @title=Save Game Failed to save game! Error: %STRING0. @SAVEOK @width=300 @title=Game saved! ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @LOADNOTSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is not a saved game. @LOADOLDSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is in obsolete format. @LOADBADSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game. Error: %STRING0. @LOADNEWSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file has more recent version number than game. @LOADOK @width=300 @title=Difficulty Level: %STRING4 ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @DIFFICULTY @width=320 @title=Select Difficulty Level @options Explorer Pioneer Magistrate Governor President Supreme Chancellor @SIZEOFMAP @width=320 @title=Select Size of Galaxy @button=Custom @default=1 @options Small (40x50 squares, quick game) Normal (50x80 squares) Large (75x120 squares, long game) @CUSTOMSIZE @width=320 @title=Select Custom Galaxy Size Rule: X times Y must be no more than 10,000 and no less than 1000. Each dimension must be at least 20, no more than 250. Map X Size: Map Y Size: @ENEMIES @width=320 @title=Select Level Of Competition @button=Random @options 7 Civilizations 6 Civilizations 5 Civilizations 4 Civilizations 3 Civilizations @BARBARITY @width=320 @title=Select Level Of Native Activity @button=Random @default=2 @options Localities Only Roving Squads Restless Flotillas Rampaging Fleets @RULES @width=320 @title=Select Game Rules @options Use Standard Rules Customize Rules @GENDER @width=320 @title=Select Gender @options Male Female @TRIBE @width=600 @title=Select Your Species @button=Custom @CUSTOMTRIBE @width=440 @title=Customize Your Species @button=Titles @options Leader: Species: Adjective: @CUSTOMTRIBE2 @width=500 @title=Set Your Official Titles @NAME @width=440 @title=Please Enter Your Name @options Name: @CUSTOMCITY @width=320 @title=Select Your Sector Style @ADVANCED @checkbox @width=440 @title=Select Custom Features @options Simplified Combat Flat Universe Select Computer Opponents Accelerated Startup Bloodlust (No ID ships allowed) Don't Restart Eliminated Players @ACCELERATED @width=400 @title=Select Starting Year @options %NUMBER0 S.D. (Normal Start) %NUMBER1 S.D. %NUMBER2 S.D. (Accelerated Start) @OPPONENT @width=320 @title=Select Opponent #%NUMBER0 @options Random @GAMEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=The Test of Time %STRING0 @options Sound Effects Music Always wait at end of turn. Autosave each turn. Show enemy moves. No pause after enemy moves. Fast piece slide. Instant advice. Tutorial help. Move units w/ mouse (cursor arrows). ENTER key closes Sector Screen. @GRAPHICOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Graphic Options @BUILDGRAPHICOPTIONS Diplomacy Screen Civilopedia for Advances Animated Units @MESSAGEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Sector Report Options @options Warn when sector growth halted (Infr./Weather). Show sector improvements built. Show non-combat units built. Show invalid build instructions. Announce sectors in disorder. Announce order restored in sector. Announce "We Love The King Day". Warn when food dangerously low. Warn when new pollution occurs. Warn when changing production will cost shields. "Zoom-to-Sector" NOT default action. @INIT @width=440 @title=After the Flight. . . %STRING0, you have risen to become leader of the %STRING1. May your administration be long and prosperous. The %STRING1 have knowledge of AgOrbitals, Mining Stations, %STRING2and Slipstream. @NOTONMAP @title=Illegal Move Units cannot move off the edge of the map. @ZOC @width=440 @title=Civ Rules: Zones of Control A unit may not generally move from one square adjacent to a rival's unit to another square also adjacent to a rival's unit. ^ There are a few exceptions to this rule: Diplomats, Traders, void Liners and Air units. ^ Also, any unit may freely enter or exit a sector, and units may freely enter a system already occupied by a friendly unit. @FEATURE @title=Gotta Say Unh. Feature not yet implemented. @AMPHIB @title=Civ Rules: Void Assaults System units must be put asystem before they can engage in combat. Exception: void assault units. @NONCOMBAT @title=Civ Rules: Combat Units Units such as Colonizers, Traders, and Diplomats, which have a combat strength of 0, are considered non-combat units. They may not initiate combat with enemy units. @FIGHTER @title=Civ Rules: Airpower Only Fighter Wings may attack enemy "air" wings. @FUEL @title=Civ Rules: Fuel Your aircraft has run out of fuel. air and missle units must return to a Sector or base at the end of each turn. Bomber Groups must return at the end of their third turn. @FATIGUE @title=Fatigue These men are tired, Commander. If we force them to attack this turn, they will fight at %NUMBER0/%NUMBER1 strength. "Engage!" "Stand down then." @LANDFALL @title=Disembark Shall we disembark, Commander, and leave the liner behind? Stay With Liner Make systemfall @NOLANDFALL @title=Disembark Our liner cannot enter a system, and all of the system units on board have already moved this turn. @OCCUPY Only system units may occupy an enemy sector. @TRIREME @title=Civ Rules: Void Voyagers Your Hive Cube has been lost in space. This kind of liner may disappear forever if not adjacent to a system at the end of a turn. @FAMINE0 @title=Sector Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. %STRING1 lost. @FAMINE1 @title=Sector Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Famine feared. @FAMINE2 @title=Sector Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Trade route to %STRING1 terminated. @DESTROYED @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 civilization destroyed by %STRING1. @DECREASE @title=Domestic Advisor Population decrease in %STRING0. @FOODSHORTAGE @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 is running dangerously low on food, Sir! @BUILT @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1. @BUILT2 @title=Foreign Advisor %STRING0 (%STRING2) %STRING3 %STRING1. @BUILT3 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1. (Sector is set to auto build). @MANHATTAN @title=Military Advisor Sensors report a GENISIS DEVICE test near %STRING0! @MOVECAPITAL @title=Foreign Advisor %STRING1 capital moved to %STRING0. @SUPPORT @title=Military Advisor %STRING0 can't support %STRING1. Unit disbanded. @DISORDER @title=Domestic Advisor @width=280 Civil Disorder in %STRING0. Governor flees in panic! @REVOLT @title=Domestic Crisis! Discontented citizens of %STRING0 revolt: Government collapses! @NEWGOVT @title=Newspaper %STRING0 proclaimed %STRING1 of new %STRING2 %STRING3! @CHANGED @title=Foreign Advisor Spies report: %STRING0 government changed to %STRING1. %STRING2 proclaimed %STRING3. @OVERTHROWN @title=Foreign Advisor Spies report: The %STRING0 government has been overthrown. @RESTORED @title=Domestic Advisor Order restored in %STRING0. @WELOVEKING @title=Domestic Advisor @width=280 'We love the %STRING1' day celebrated in %STRING0! @WEDONTLOVEKING @title=Domestic Advisor 'We love the %STRING1' celebration cancelled in %STRING0. @FURTHERGROWTH @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 requires %STRING1 for further growth. @POLLUTION @title=Science Advisor Radiation near %STRING0. @CHERNOBYL @title=Newspaper Catastrophe in %STRING0! Contamination feared! @INHOCK @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 can't maintain %STRING1. %STRING1 sold for %NUMBER0 credits. @ONLYSETTLERS @title=Civ Rules: ColShips That function can only be performed by Colony Envoys and Solarformers. @ENGINEERS @title=Civ Rules: Solarformers That function can only be performed by Solarformers. @CITYATSEA @title=Civ Rules: Sectors It may surprise you to learn that Sectors cannot be consolidated in the void. @ONLY10 @title=Civ Rules: Sectors Colony Envoys and Solarformers may not be used to increase the size of a sector beyond %NUMBER0. @CANTIMPROVE @title=Civ Rules: Terrain That function cannot be performed here. @CANTDO @title=Civ Rules: Orders That function cannot be performed here. @BRIDGES @title=Civ Rules: Continuum Distortion Slip routes cannot be built in systems with tachion belts until your civilization has discovered the secret of Continuum Distortion. @RAILROADS @title=Civ Rules: Transwarp Conduits There is already slipstream in this square. Slips cannot be improved to transwarp until your civilization discovers the secret of the Transwarp Coil. @ALREADYROAD @title=Civ Rules: Slipstream This system already has slip and transwarp. No further routes are needed here. @BRIDGEBUILDING @title=Civ Rules: Continuum Distortion Slips cannot be built in tachion belt systems until your civilization discovers the secret of Continuum Distortion. @NOWATER @title=Civ Rules: AgOrbitals This system has no access to tachions. An Orbitaled system must be adjacent to a tachion belt or void system, or to a previously orbitaled system. @FARMLAND @title=Civ Rules: AgDrifts This square already has AgOrbitals. AgOrbials cannot be improved to AgDrifts until your civilization has discovered the secret of Bioreplication. @ALREADYIRRIGATION @title=Civ Rules: AgOrbitals This square already has AgOrbitals. No further orbitals are possible here. @ALREADYFARMLAND @title=Civ Rules: AgDrifts This square already has AgDrifts. No further orbitals are possible here. @ALREADYMINING @title=Civ Rules: Mining Station This system already has mining stations. No further mining stations are possible here. @ALREADYFORT @title=Civ Rules: Bulwarks This system already has a Bulwark. @RADIO @title=Civ Rules: Hyper Bases Hyper Bases cannot be built before your civilization discovers the secret of Hyperspacial Warp. @ALREADYAIR @title=Civ Rules: Hyper Bases This system already has a Hyper Base. @POLLUTED @title=Civ Rules: Mutara Act You cannot build a sector or Hyper Base in an irradiated area until the radiation is cleaned up. @CONSTRUCTION @title=Civ Rules: Bulwark Bulwarks cannot be built before your civilization discovers the secret of Climate Control. @NOPOLLUTION @title=Civ Rules: Radiation There is no radiation in this system. @NAMECITY @title=What Will We Name This Sector? @options Sector name: @RENAMECITY @title=What Shall We Rename This Sector? @options New Sector Name: @ADJACENTCITY @title=Civ Rules: Sectors Sectors cannot be built in adjacent system. @DISBAND @title=Warning! Really disband %STRING0? No Yes @PRODUCTION @title=What should we build in %STRING0? @width=500 @listbox @button=Auto @button=Help @RESEARCH @title=What discovery should our %STRING0 pursue? @width=340 @listbox @button=Help @button=Goal @HELPON @title=Help on which topic? @width=320 @options @RESEARCHGOAL @title=Which advance are you trying to discover? @width=480 @listbox=10 @button=Help @RESEARCHTHESE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 Then we should research @button=Auto-Research @STEALTHESE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 Then we should steal @RESEARCHNONE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 No advances leading to %STRING0 can be researched at this time. @button=Auto-Research @STEALNONE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 No advances leading to %STRING0 can be stolen at this time. @CIVADVANCE @title=Civilization Advance @width=320 %STRING0 %STRING1 discover the secret of %STRING2. @SETHOMECITY @title=Civ Rules: Home Sectors @width=320 To change the "home" sector of a unit (the sector which provides the unit's support), you must first move the unit into its new home sector and then give the 'H' or 'Set Home Sector' order. @PICKGOVT @title=Select Type of Government @width=240 @ELVISERR @title=Civ Rules: Specialists A Sector with less than five population units cannot support tax collectors or scientists. @CHILDCLICK @width=320 @title=Supported Unit Information ^%STRING0 ^Location: %STRING1 No changes. Center map on unit. Center map on unit and close sector screen. Order unit to return home. @UNITOPTIONS @width=320 @title=Unit Information ^%STRING0 ^Home Sector: %STRING2 @COMPLETE0 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 credits. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 credits. @COMPLETE1 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 credits. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 credits. Complete it. Never mind. @COMPLETE2 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 credits. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 credits. ^CIVIL DISORDER. @HOCKTHIS @title=Sell Sector Improvement Do you want to sell your %STRING0 for %NUMBER0 credits? Sell it. Sell %STRING0 from all sectors for %NUMBER1 credits. Never mind. @CANTHOCKTHIS @title=Civ2 Rules: Capitol @width=320 You cannot sell your Capitol, although you may relocate it by ordering another sector to build one. @CHANGETAX @title=Select New Tax Rate @width=260 ^Government Type: %STRING0 ^Maximum Rate: %NUMBER0%% @CHANGELUX @title=Select New Luxury Rate @width=260 ^Government Type: %STRING0 ^Maximum Rate: %NUMBER0%% @FINDCITY @title=Where in the heck is . . . @width=360 @button=Zoom To Sector @listbox @REVOLUTION @width=240 @title=Revolution Do we want a revolution to overthrow the %STRING0 %STRING1? Yes No @STARTREV @width=240 @title=Revolution! The %STRING0 are revolting! Citizens demand new government. @WARENDS @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report The war between the %STRING0 and the %STRING1 has ended. @SIGNPEACE @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign a peace treaty. @ALLYMAKESPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have signed a peace treaty with the %STRING1. @ALLYMAKESWAR @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they now are at war with the %STRING1. @SIGNALLIED @width=320 @title=Spies Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign a secret alliance against the %STRING2! @SIGNNATO @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign "%STRING2 Pact" to contain %STRING3 expansion! @JOINWAR @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report The %STRING0 announce they will join the %STRING1 in the war against the %STRING2! @CANCELALLIED @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel alliance. @CANCELPEACE @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel peace treaty. @ALLYUNDERATTACK @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have been attacked by the %STRING1. @DEMANDHELP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have been attacked by the evil %STRING1! Under the terms of our alliance, we insist that you come to our aid at once!" "No, too busy." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @HELPBONUS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in %NUMBER0 credits to make it worth your while?" "No, not interested." "Declare war on %STRING1." @DIDNTHELP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, but do not come crying to us for help in the future." @ALLYATTACKING @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING1 have sent word that they are attacking the %STRING0. @DECLAREWAR @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 declare war on each other. @TOOMANYUNITS @width=320 @title=Too Many Units! A new unit cannot be created because there are too many units in the game. Try disbanding some units. @SURPRISETRIBE @width=240 @title=Locality You have discovered an advanced sector. @SURPRISENOMADS @width=300 @title=Village You discover a band of nomadic natives. They agree to join your civilization. @SURPRISESCROLLS @width=240 @title=Locality You have discovered crystals of valuable information. @SURPRISEMERCS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered a friendly armada of skilled natives. @SURPRISEBARB @width=300 @title=Village You have unleashed a fleet of pissed off pirates! @SURPRISENOTHING @width=320 @title=Village Vegitation grows over the ruins. This locality has long been abandoned. @SURPRISEMETALS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered valuable minerals worth %NUMBER0 credits. @SNEAK @width=300 @title=Defense Minister Sneak attack by %STRING0 forces! @BREAKCEASE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have broken the cease fire! @CANCELPEACE @width=300 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 cancel peace treaty with %STRING1. @RANSOM @width=300 @title=Defense Minister Pirate commander captured! %NUMBER0 credits ransom paid. @PROMOTED @width=300 @title=Defense Minister For valor in combat, our %STRING0 unit has been promoted to Veteran status. @MULTIPLEWIN @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %NUMBER0 units destroyed. @MULTIPLELOSE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %NUMBER0 units were lost. @CITYCAPTURE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 %STRING3 %STRING0. %NUMBER0 credits looted. @CITYCAPTURE2 @width=300 @title=Spies Report %STRING1 %STRING3 the %STRING2 sector of %STRING0. @CITYWINALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING1 report they have %STRING4 the %STRING2 sector of %STRING0. @CITYLOSEALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 report they have lost the sector of %STRING0 to the %STRING1. @TAKECIV @width=320 @title=Select Civilization Advance @listbox @button=Goal @TOOKCIV @width=320 @title=Civilization Advance Stolen! %STRING0 take %STRING1! @BADBUILD @width=320 @title=Build Orders Out Of Date %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but that has already been built. @BADSPACE @width=320 @title=Excess dimentionship Parts %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but no more are required. @BARBARIANSLAND @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Pirate raiders embark near %STRING0. Billions are alarmed. @BARBARIANS @width=320 @title=Traveller's Report %STRING0 near %STRING1! @PRODCHANGE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Change of Production @default=1 Sir, if we change our production between items of different general types (Units, Sector Improvements, Wonders of the Galaxy), there is a %NUMBER0%% production penalty. Continue producing %STRING0. Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @@PRODCHANGE @@width=480 @@title=Civ Rules: Change of Production @ You are allowed to change your production between @ items of the same general type without penalty. For @ instance, if you are building a Shield Grid, you may freely @ switch to Produce Repository(another Sector Improvement). @ ^ @ However, switching between different types--between Accord of @ Planets and a Nuclear ISBM (a Unit), for instance, or between @ Shield Grid and Project Genisis (a Wonder)--incurs a %NUMBER0%% @ production penalty on shields already produced. If decide to @ switch anyway, you can change your mind until you switch @ sectors or the turn ends. @ @ Continue producing %STRING0. @ Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @BARRACKS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The development of %STRING0 has rendered all existing Academies obsolete. Antiquated Academies sold for %NUMBER0 credits. @EMISSARY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary An Ambassador from %STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 wishes to speak with you. Will you receive %STRING4? "Yes. I will grant an audience." "No. Send %STRING4 away." @EMISSARYFORCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary The %STRING1 Ambassador has forced his way in! @GREETINGS00 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Greetings from the most eminent %STRING1: %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS01 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I bring tidings from %STRING1, %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS02 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I bring a message from our leader %STRING2: %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS03 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I speak for %STRING5 who demands great respect: %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS10 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Although we are not friends, we reluctantly call you to meet with %STRING1: %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS11 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Alien freak, hear now the words of %STRING1, leader and %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS12 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING6! Prepare for a statement from the great %STRING2: %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS13 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Most untrustworthy %STRING6. I speak for %STRING5 who demands great respect: %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @NUCLEARWEAPONS ^ "Our words are backed with GENISIS TORPEDOES!" @YOURNUKES1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your genisis tests are alarming! We urge you, as one civilized people to another, to destroy these terrible weapons before they destroy us all!" @YOURNUKES2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see you have joined the genisis club. We shall respect your deterrent, but should you attempt to blackmail us our retaliation shall be swift and crushing." @NOEXCHANGEMAD @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We have no interest in the primitive sciences of your pathetic race." @NOEXCHANGEMEDIUM @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Our technology has advanced far beyond anything you might comprehend. We see little point in wasting time with the likes of you." @NOEXCHANGEWONDER @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "All of our great minds are too busy working on our glorious project, %STRING1. Perhaps we should speak again later." @NOEXCHANGENOW @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We have no interest in exchanging knowledge at this time." @EXCHANGEGIFT @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Your sad, weak, civilization has nothing to offer us at this time. However, we present you with the gift of %STRING1 to help you modernize your society. @EXCHANGEGIFT2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are appalled at the degenerate state to which your society has sunk. We have no choice but to present you with the gift of %STRING1, which we hope will help you modernize your civilization." @SELLTECH @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Your useless technology does not interest us. However, we will sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest sum of %NUMBER0 credits." Get F*cked! Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @SELLTECH2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Our resources are stretched to the limit and we have nothing to spare. We could, however, sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest price of %NUMBER0 credits." No, Thank You. Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @SYMPATHY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We sympathize with your situation, but there is nothing we can do for you at this time." @EXCHANGE0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We have observed that your backward science has not even discovered %STRING1. We want the secret of %STRING3. Do you care to exchange technologies with us?" "No. We do not need %STRING1." "Okay, let's exchange knowledge." @EXCHANGE1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are fascinated by your %STRING2 concept, %STRING3. Will you tell us of %STRING3 in exchange, perhaps, for %STRING1?" "No. We do not need %STRING1." "An excellent suggestion." @EXCHANGEPETTY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Your 'technology' is a running joke in our capital. Come back when you have something worthwhile to offer." @CANCELTREATY0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "You are allied with that evil empire: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this alliance at once!" "NO! The %STRING1 are no threat to us." "Yes, we shall rule the %STRING1 worlds together!" @CANCELTREATY1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "You have made peace with our evil neighbors: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this treaty at once!" "What?! The %STRING1 are our friends." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELTREATY2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are busily crushing our mutual enemy, the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you declare war on them immediately! "Never! The %STRING1 have done us no wrong." "Yes! The %STRING1 worlds will run red! Or is it green?" @CANCELALLIANCE0 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our alliance with the %STRING1 has been cancelled. All of our units in %STRING2 territory have been relocated to our nearest sectors; %STRING2 units in our territory have been similarly relocated. @CANCELALLIANCE1 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 and %STRING3 have cancelled their alliance. @TRIBUTE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are a worthless lot of scum. However, we will agree not to crush your puny race in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits in tribute." "We laugh at your empty threats." Pay %NUMBER0 credits in tribute. @TRIBUTE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your pathetic empire is hardly worth conquering. We might forego the pleasure for the time being in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits in tribute." "How dare YOU threaten ME!" Pay %NUMBER0 credits in tribute. @TRIBUTE2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are displeased that you continue to befoul worlds which clearly belong to us. However, we will refrain from driving you to extinction in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits in reparations." "That is blackmail, and we will have none of it." Pay %NUMBER0 credits reparations. @TRIBUTE3 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, sees your civilization as a minor province of our great %STRING3 empire. Perhaps %STRING4 will suffer your continued independence in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits." "We would die before bowing before tyranny and greed!" Yes master... %NUMBER0 credits. @TRIBUTE8 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your decadent lifestyle makes us ill; we shall not sit idly by while you plunder the Galaxy's resources. We insist that you share %NUMBER0 credits with us at once." "Go to Hell." Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @TRIBUTE9 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. Perhaps %STRING4 will see fit to continue it in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits." "We are not %STRING1's personal financiers!" Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @TAKECIV0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization makes us laugh. We will agree not to crush your worthless civilization in exchange for the secret of %STRING1." "We don't respond well to threats." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We laugh at your excuse for a civilization. We will refrain from crushing it underfoot if you will give us the secret of %STRING1." "We do not fear you." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We know you have knowledge of %STRING1. Give us the secret at once, or face the consequences!" "What consequences?" Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV8 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization's greatness is an example for all, but our people grow jealous of your privileged lifestyle. Only the secret of %STRING1 will appease them!" "No. Your people are not ready for such knowledge." We gladly share the secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV9 @width=400 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING3, our great %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. But %STRING4 could see fit to continue it in exchance for %STRING1." "I'm afraid thats classified." Give secret of %STRING1. @OVERABARREL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your grovelling pleases us, but our mercy cannot be bought so cheaply. You must also give us the secret of %STRING1!" "Fiend! I thought we had a deal!" Give secret of %STRING1. @BEGONE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then the alliance is finished! Leave our territory immediately!" @BEGONE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will have no more of this so-called alliance! Order your forces out of our territory at once!" @NOVIOLATORS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no forces in your territory." @PROVOKE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience is exhausted. We can no longer tolerate your aggressive actions. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We can no longer suffer your continued existance. It is time for our fleet to teach you a lesson in manners. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have insulted us for the last time. Now you shall all die. Prepare for WAR!" @REJECT0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You reject our generous offer? Your insolence must be punished. Prepare for WAR!" @RID0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have decided to rid the Galaxy of undesirables such as yourself. Prepare for WAR!" @ACCURSEDWALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Were it not for the Accord of Planets, we would deliver justice for your crimes." @ACCURSEDUN @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Be glad you have the Galactic League wrapped around your little finger, we would otherwise bring order to your chaotic worlds." @SENATEPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The Senate meets with the %STRING1 Emissary in secret and signs a permanent peace treaty! @SENATECEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Leading senators meet with the %STRING1 Emissary behind your back and sign a cease fire! @WALLOVERPEACE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Sir! We cannot maintain our war effort against the Accord of Planets! Peace treaty signed! @WALLOVERCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Sir! We cannot maintain an offensive against the Accord of Planets! Cease fire signed! @UNOVERPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Intergalactic opinion leaves us no choice but to accept a League-brokered peace treaty. Peace treaty signed! @UNOVERCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Intergalactic opinion leaves us no choice but to accept a League-brokered cease fire. Cease fire signed! @PROPOSEALLIANCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see great opportunities for cooperation between our two peoples. Will you join a military alliance with us, that we may present a united front against our mutual enemies?" "Yes, we would gladly join such an alliance." "Sorry, we cannot commit ourselves at this time." @GRANTCEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well. Because you have shown proper respect, the %STRING1 may be willing to grant you a cease fire." "We gratefully and humbly accept." "Never! We will never give in!" @WALLCEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we dream of seeing your world bathed in blood, we have no choice but request a cease fire." "Very well, we accept." "Cowards! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @PROPOSECEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The %STRING1 people grow weary of this endless war. We suggest a cease fire." "We accept--let us end this terrible war." "We shall crush you, and THEN we shall have peace!" @PROPOSEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have prepared a permanent peace treaty confirming the amity between our governments and fixing our mutual borders. Will you sign it or not?" "Yes, we welcome an accord with the %STRING1." "I am sorry, your terms are unacceptable." @NOPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very Well. But be warned. Our combat forces remain on alert and we will tolerate no aggressive moves." @OVERRULECEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate. Cease fire signed! @OVERRULEPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by disloyal Senators. Permanent peace treaty signed! @ALLIANCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this alliance of perpetual cooperation, affinity, and mutual defense between the peoples of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. Let it be written; let it be done." @TREATY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this treaty of eternal cordiality and goodwill between the people of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. We shall withdraw our forces from your territory at once." @CEASEFIRE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We pledge an immediate end to hostilities between the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations." @CEASEEXPIRE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Our cease fire agreement with the %STRING1 has expired. @APOLOGIZE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We humbly apologize for inadvertently violating your territory. Our forces have now been withdrawn and will be disciplined." @GIVECIV @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "End this war and we will share with you the secret of %STRING1." "We have no interest in %STRING1." "Very well, we will sign a cease fire." @GIVECASH @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In exchange for a cease fire we offer you %NUMBER0 credits in tribute to your manifest magnificence." Reject offer Sign cease fire @GROVEL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Have mercy on our humble and peace-loving civilization. We will give you all of our credits (%NUMBER0) and knowledge if you let us live in peace." Reject offer Sign cease fire @CONTINUEWAR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then so be it! Our fleets are mobilized for WAR! You will pay for your foolish pride!" @CASHFORPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in %NUMBER0 credits to make it worth your while...?" Reject offer Sign peace treaty @ATTITUDEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of your condescending attitude, we do not choose to cancel our alliance at this time." @ATTITUDEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of such unmitigated gall, we will spare you from the fury of our mighty fleets." @ATTITUDE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We grow weary of your insolence. Consider yourself warned." @WELCOMEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We most %STRING1 celebrate our eternal alliance with the %STRING2 people and their sage and honorable leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOMEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 welcome the friendship of the %STRING2 people and their most wise and munificent leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOME @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 appreciate this period of understanding between our two peoples." @HOWDYALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2." @HOWDYPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are always pleased to speak with our friends the %STRING2." @HOWDY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We shall gladly speak with our neighbors the %STRING2." @DOODYALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2. Please be brief, however, for time is short." @DOODY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We shall grant you an audience, but please do not waste our valuable time." @NOTORIOUSBIG @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your betrayal of the %STRING1 is legendary. Do not presume to think you can deal likewise with us. Keep to your word and we shall be as brothers; betray us and you will feel our wrath." @NOTORIOUSSMALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Word of your ill-treatment of the %STRING1 has preceeded you. Should you think to do the same to us, know that we will never bow to you!" @NOTORIOUSHATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We chortle at your cruel betrayal of our hated enemies the %STRING1. Do not presume to treat us likewise, however, for we are hardly so foolish." @WORTHLESS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we sign this document, we are fully aware that no agreement with you is worth the paper it is printed on. You are foolish if you expect us to behave otherwise." @OUTAHEREALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are terribly sorry, but pressing matters of state prevent us from granting an audience at this time." @OUTAHERE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have wasted enough of our valuable time with your endless jabbering. NOW GET OUT!" @ALLYPLEA @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our war with the hated %STRING1 is not going well for us, and we may not be able to hold out for much longer! Please send military help at once!" @ALLYBRAG @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are pleased to report that we have the hated %STRING1 by the throat. Soon, we will begin our final offensive." @DIPLOMACY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary You respond: "We..." @DIPLOMACYMENU "Consider this discussion complete." "Suggest a permanent strategic alliance." "Suggest a permanent peace treaty." "Request a gift from you, our gracious allies." "Demand tribute for our patience." "Insist that you withdraw your forces." "Cancel this worthless alliance." "Have a proposal to make..." "Wish to offer you a gift..." @TREATYMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a treaty proposal: @TREATYOPTIONS Never mind. Propose military alliance. Propose permanent peace treaty. Threaten to cancel alliance. Threaten to attack. Demand withdrawal of forces. Cancel alliance. Cancel peace treaty. @FAVORMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a proposal to make: Never mind. Ask to exchange knowledge. Ask to declare war against an enemy. Ask to share galactic maps. @GIFTMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a gift to offer: Never mind. Offer knowledge. Offer money. Offer military unit. @ALLIANCENOBETRAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Do you take us for fools? We know full well what happens to your so-called 'friends'." @NOBETRAYWEAK @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we admire your greatness, we cannot help but notice that those who sign agreements with you often meet with unfortunate accidents. Therefore we must respectfully decline." @ALLIANCENOWINNING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We shall not become slaves of the decadent %STRING1 empire." @ALLIANCENODISLIKE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We do not wish to associate with your pathetic %STRING1 civilization." @ALLIANCENOSMALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your weak civilization has nothing to offer us." @ALLIANCENOTHANKS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The great %STRING2 civilization can protect its own borders. With our mighty fleets and few enemies, we have little need for an alliance." @ALLIANCENOPATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but at present we do not have time to discuss it." @PERHAPSTHROWIN0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps if you could throw in %NUMBER0 credits, we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. Throw in %NUMBER0 credits. @PERHAPSTHROWIN1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A fine idea! Now, will you throw in %NUMBER0 credits to cover the signing party?" Reject offer. Throw in %NUMBER0 credits. @PERHAPSSECRET0 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps if you would give us the secret of %STRING3, we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. Give secret of %STRING3. @PERHAPSSECRET1 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A worthy idea. By the way, we have always admired the %STRING1 art of %STRING3. Will you teach it to us?" Reject offer. Give secret of %STRING3. @PERHAPSSOLIDARITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well. But you must prove your greatness by declaring war on our hated enemies the %STRING4." "You go too far, friend." "So be it! We will gladly crush the %STRING4 for you!" @PERHAPSPROVEIT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Excellent! Now, you must prove your worthiness by declaring war on our hated enemies the %STRING4." "You go too far, friend." "So be it! Let us teach the %STRING4 a lesson!" @PERHAPSDIDNTPROVE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then be off with you!" @PERHAPSTHANKSANYWAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Ah, so your professed friendship is only skin-deep? Then we thank you for your gift but we shall not sign this document." @PERHAPSBYE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Ah, so your professed friendship is only skin-deep? Then be off with you!" @PEACENOBETRAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Do you take us for fools? We'd no sooner turn our back on you than we'd find your knife there! Now begone!" @PEACENOWINNING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We will not be manipulated to serve your Machiavellian plans." @PEACENODISLIKE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your puny civilization is unworthy to make peace with us." @PEACENOPATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but for now we cannot be bound by permanent agreements." @GIVEMORECIV @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a sign of our friendship, we shall share with you the secret of %STRING1." @GIVEMORE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of %NUMBER0 credits in tribute to your peaceful nature." @GIVEMOREALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of %NUMBER0 credits in recognition of the ancient friendship between our peoples." @TAUNTALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your greed and sniveling make us ill. Consider this alliance dissolved!" @FEEBLEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience wears thin. Do not press your luck, friend." @FEEBLE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We ignore your feeble threats." @CANCELALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our alliance dissolved. But we shall long remember this hateful day!" @CANCELOURPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our peace treaty null and void. But we shall long remember this treachery!" @MUSTATTACK @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You must attack the evil . . ." Never mind. @NOCONTACT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no contact with the %STRING1." @ATWAR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are already at war with the worthless %STRING1." @MERCENARY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will ruthlessly smite the evil %STRING1 in exchange for %NUMBER0 credits to cover our expenses." "Never mind." "Yes, we will gladly pay." @CYBERCOP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will mercilessly destroy the evil %STRING1 if you will teach us the secrets of %STRING2 and %STRING3." "Never mind." "Yes, we will gladly teach you." @ETERNALALLIES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What!? We shall never attack our eternal allies the %STRING1! That is, unless you happen to have %NUMBER0 credits..." "Never mind." "How fortunate that we have %NUMBER0 credits right here!" @HELLNOWEWONTGO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though your offer is tempting, we cannot spare the necessary forces from our homeguard. Your past record indicates that to deplete these forces would be most unwise." @UNFORTUNATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Unfortunately, your treasury does not contain sufficient funds to support your extravagant promises." @MERCDECLARE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 declare war on the %STRING2. @MERCBETRAYALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have cancelled their alliance with us. @MERCBETRAY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have declared war on us! @MAPNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no need for your useless %STRING1 maps." @MAPYES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, we shall share our knowledge of the galaxy with you." @KNOWNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Hah! We have no need of your pathetic %STRING1 'science.'" @TECHGIFT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Will you teach us the secret of %STRING1 in exchange for our goodwill?" "No, sorry." Give secret of %STRING1. @TECHGIFT2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Will you teach us the secret of %STRING1 in exchange for our goodwill?" "No, sorry." Give secret of %STRING1. "I have a counterproposal for you: %STRING2" @MILITARYNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our mighty %STRING1 fleets have no need for your inferior military equipment." @MILITARYNONE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Military Gifts You can give military units to another power only if you have them available in one of your sectors. @MILITARYSOURCE @width=320 @listbox=12 @title=Select Source Sector For Gift @BREAKTHROUGH @width=320 @title=Breakthrough! Your gift has caused a breakthrough in %STRING1 science! @WASTING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then stop wasting our time!" @ACCEPT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The ancient and glorious %STRING1 civilization gratefully accepts your gift." @MONEYGIFT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What sort of gift did you have in mind?" "Never mind." @PATIENCEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have enjoyed this tete-a-tete, but we must now attend to several pressing affairs of state. Goodbye for now." @PATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no more time to waste with you at present, as we must attend to several pressing affairs of state." @NEARCITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "If you do not remove your forces from the vicinity of %STRING1, we will send our ships to remove them for you." @ADMIRECITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see that your forces have turned their greedy eyes towards our glorious sector of %STRING1. We demand that you withdraw them immediately!" @PLEASECITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your forces from the vicinity of %STRING1." @PLEASECITIES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your forces from the vicinity of %STRING1 and all other %STRING2 sectors." @TERMS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Remember, Sir, that by the terms of our recently-signed peace treaty with the %STRING2, we must immediately withdraw all of our military units from the vicinity (two system radius) of %STRING1 and all other %STRING3 sectors. @INTRUDERS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other sectors. By the terms of our peace treaty, you will withdraw or you will face the consequences!" @INTRUDER @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our sector of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw or face the consequences of your actions." @VIOLATOR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our sector of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must leave immediately or we will declare war! Will you comply?" Withdraw troops to nearest sector. "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATORS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other sectors. Under the terms of our treaty, you must withdraw immediately! Will you comply?" "Our apologies. We shall withdraw." "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "So be it! %STRING1 will remember this treachery! Prepare yourself for WAR!" @WITHDRAWN @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %NUMBER0 offending units have been withdrawn to our nearest sectors. @WITHDRAWN1 @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister One offending unit has been withdrawn to our nearest sectors. @HELPME @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 credits to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPME2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1 empire. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 credits and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, are bent on conquest and Galactic domination! Won't you instead ally with us to save the Galaxy from their cruel oppression? We will send you %NUMBER0 credits to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, care nothing for the rights of sentient beings! Won't you instead ally with us to save the Galaxy from their cruel aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 credits and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @CRUSADE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We invite you to join our campaign to rid the Galaxy of the evil %STRING1. We will %STRING2 alliance for the duration of the hostilities." "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @JIHAD @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have allied with our hated enemies the %STRING1, but anyone can see that we have much more to offer your great civilization. Join us in crushing the %STRING1 and we shall rule the Galaxy together!" "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @GAPE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are invited to gape with awe and amazement as the %STRING1 demonstrate the wonders of %STRING2. Absolutely no journalists will be allowed." @ANNOYALLIED @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We are currently allied with the %STRING1! Although our units can move through our ally's territory, they cannot enter the same system as our ally's units and sector hubs. Nor can we have combat with allied units. Alliances can only be cancelled during diplomatic negotiations. @ANNOYPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed a peace treaty with the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we break it! Cancel action. Break treaty. @ANNOYVASSAL @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have accepted tribute from the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we attack them so soon! Cancel action. Continue anyway. @ANNOYCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed a cease fire with the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we break it! Cancel action. Violate cease fire. @ANNOY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Shall we declare war on the %STRING1? Cancel action. Declare war. @OVERRULE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate! Action cancelled. @TAXES @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor Warning: Funds are running low. Perhaps we should raise our tax rate or hire some tax collectors. Continue Change Tax Rate @SPYMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2 @SPYOPTIONS Establish Embassy Investigate Sector Steal Technology Industrial Sabotage Poison Populace Plant Genisis Device Incite a Rebellion @SABOTAGEOPTIONS @width=320 @title=Spy Options @options Bribe Unit. Sabotage Unit. @BLEWITUP @width=320 %STRING0 %STRING1 sabotaged by %STRING2 %STRING3! @BOND007 @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor The Negotiator has escaped, and achieved veteran status! They've been returned to %STRING1 to recuperate. @BOND @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our Negotiator has escaped unharmed and has been returned to %STRING1 to recuperate. @BONDGLORY @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our Negotiator was captured after completing her mission! @NAILED @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our Negotiator was captured before completing his mission! @ENEMYEMBASSY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 establish embassy. @ENEMYINVESTIGATE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 have investigated %STRING1. @STEALSPECIFIC @width=320 @title=Spy Orders Should the negotator attempt to steal a specific civilization advance? No, any will do. Yes. @STEALHARD @width=320 @title=Spy Orders The %STRING0 of %STRING1 are vigilant and wary, Sir. Should our agent attempt to steal technology anyway (she cannot attempt to steal a specific technology). Never mind. Yes, make the attempt. @STEAL @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 steal %STRING1. @NOSTEAL @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor No new technology found. @SABOTAGESPECIFIC @width=320 @title=Spy Orders Shall we give our agent a primary target, or tell her to use her judgement. Use her judgement. Give primary target. @SABOTAGEHARD @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Attempting sabotage in an enemy capital, or against a shield grid is very risky! Cancel action. Proceed. @SABOTAGENO @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our spy reports that the enemy Hyperfield Deflector is surrounded by tesla towers, death fields, and Killerdrone patrols! No sabotage is possible. @SABOTAGE @width=320 @title=Select Primary Target @listbox @SABOTAGEONE @width=320 @title=Intelligence Report %STRING0 destroyed! @SABOTAGETWO @width=320 @title=Intelligence Report %STRING0 production sabotaged! @PRETEXTALLIED @width=320 @title=International Incident! This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to cancel our alliance with them! No thanks. Cancel alliance. @PRETEXT @width=320 @title=International Incident This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to declare war! No thanks. Declare war on %STRING0. @INCIDENT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause an interstellar incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @MAJORINCIDENT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause a MAJOR interstellar incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @INCIDENTALLIED @width=320 @title=Newspaper Interstellar Incident! %STRING1 cancel alliance with %STRING0 over espionage furor! @WIMPOUT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Although you are our friends and allies, industrial espionage cannot be tolerated. We shall overlook this minor incident, but do not let it happen again." @INCIDENTWAR @width=320 @title=Newspaper Interstellar Incident! %STRING1 declare war on %STRING0 over espionage furor! @INCIDENTTERROR @width=320 @title=Newspaper Interstellar Incident! %STRING1 publicly condemn %STRING0 terrorism. @SENATESCANDAL @width=320 @title=Newspaper Scandal in the Senate! %STRING0 government falls! @DISSIDENTS @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Dissidents in %STRING0 will rebel for %NUMBER0 credits. @DISSIDENTOPTIONS Never mind. Incite rebellion. Incite rebellion (causes incident). Subvert Sector (Creditsx2, no incident). @CIVILWAR @width=320 @title=Civil War! %STRING0 rebel! Civil War in %STRING1. %STRING2 influence suspected. @USEWEAPONS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 use genisis weapons! @SDI @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Hyperfield Deflector in %STRING0 thwarts genisis attack! @PLANTEDNUKE @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Mysterious Genisis Detonation in %STRING0! @PLANTEDNUKE2 @width=320 @title=Genisis Terrorism! Genisis explosion in %STRING0! %STRING1 agents caught red-handed moments before blast! Major Interstellar Incident--All races declare war on %STRING2! @WATERSUPPLY @width=320 @title=People Poisoned! %STRING0 millions poisoned! %STRING1 agents suspected. @DESERT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 %STRING1 will desert for %NUMBER0 credits. @DESERT2 @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 %STRING1 will desert for %NUMBER0 credits. Forget it. Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @DESERTED @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 bribed by %STRING2! @ALREADYSOLD @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor You cannot sell more than one of a sector's improvements in a single turn. @PARTISANS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Desperate %STRING0 partisans take to the asteroids near %STRING1! @REPORTSCIENCE @width=540 @title=Science Advisor Report @listbox=12 @columns=3 @button=Info @button=Goal ^Researching: %STRING0 (%NUMBER0 of %NUMBER1) ^Discoveries every %NUMBER2 turns. ^ ^^Civilization Advances Achieved: @SUPPLYSEARCH @width=480 @title=Select Cargo Type For Inquiry @columns=2 @SUPPLYSHOW @width=480 @title=Sectors Trading In %STRING0 @listbox @SUPPLYNONE @width=480 @title=Sectors Trading In %STRING0 We know of no sectors trading in %STRING0 at this time. @REPORTTRADE @width=480 @title=Trade Advisor Report @button=Supply And Demand @listbox @REPORTCITY @width=540 @title=Sector Status Report @listbox @REPORTATTITUDE @width=540 @title=Attitude Survey @listbox @REPORTFOREIGN @width=620 @title=Foreign Minister @listbox=7 @button=Check Intelligence @button=Send Emissary Sir, our power is %STRING0 and our reputation is %STRING1. @NOFOREIGN @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have not yet made contact with other civilizations. @REPORTINTELL @width=580 @listbox=4 @columns=3 @title=Intelligence Report: %STRING0 @button=Sector List @INTELLCITY @width=600 @listbox=12 @title=Sector List: %STRING0 @REPORTWONDER @width=540 @title=Wonders of the Galaxy @listbox @WONDERS WONDERS OF THE WARP AGE WONDERS OF THE COLD WAR ERA WONDERS OF THE ADVANCED AGE WONDERS OF THE METROPOLITAN AGE @AMBASSADORS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 agree to an exchange of ambassadors. @ENDWONDER @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 cancels the effect of %STRING1. @FEARWARMING @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Scientists alarmed by rising temperatures. Stellar disturbances feared! @GLOBALWARMING @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Stellar disturbances! Stars expand. Severe upheaval. @SCHISM @width=400 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 empire is swept by Civil War triggered by the fall of their capital! When the dust settles the empire has been split into loyal (%STRING0) and rebel (%STRING1) factions. @FERTILE @width=420 @title=Domestic Advisor The population of the fertile %STRING1 nation now exceeds %STRING2 billions. @CARAVANMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Trader Options @CARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 free traders from %STRING1 arrive in %STRING2. Trade route established. Revenue: %NUMBER0 credits. @FOODCARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route Food free traders from %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2. Billions plan to feast in celebration. @CARAVANHOME @width=420 @title=Civ Rules: Trade units You cannot change the home sector of a trade unit. @CARAVANOTHER @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 %STRING1 free traders from %STRING2 arrive in %STRING3. %STRING1-%STRING4 trade route established. @CARAVANBUILT @width=420 @title=Caravan @button=Supply And Demand %STRING0 builds %STRING1. What trade goods will it carry? @CARACONFIRM @width=320 @title=Caravan @button=Confirm and Zoom Confirm %STRING0 caravan? Confirmed. Reconsider. @CITYINFO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 (%STRING1 sector) Demands %STRING2, %STRING3, and %STRING4. @STARTWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have undertaken a great project: %STRING2! @SWITCHWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have changed projects from %STRING2 to %STRING3! @ABANDONWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have abandoned their great project, %STRING2. @ALMOSTWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have nearly completed their great project, %STRING2. @STILLWONDER1 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in one other sector! @STILLWONDER2 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in %NUMBER0 other sectors! @CAPTUREWONDER @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our forces have captured %STRING2%STRING1! @LOSTWONDER @width=320 @title=Defense Minister We have lost control of %STRING2%STRING1! @ACTIVATEALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 activate their alliance with the %STRING2. %STRING2 declare war on %STRING3! @ALLYHELPS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have announced that they will come to our aid by declaring war on the %STRING3! @MILITARYAID1 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to the %STRING2 to help them in their war against us! @MILITARYAID2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to %STRING2 to help us in our war against the %STRING3. @GOTO @width=480 @title=Select Destination for %STRING0 @button=All Players @listbox @PARADROP @width=320 @title=Paradrop! %STRING0 %STRING1 make gateway near %STRING2! @PARADROPRULES1 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Overdrive This vessel has already moved this turn. A ship can only use the overdrive at the beginning of its turn. @PARADROPRULES2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Overdrive This ship is not in a sector or Hyper Base. In order to transit, a capable ship must begin its turn in a friendly sector or Hyper Base. @PARADROPTARGET @width=320 That is a void "system". Warp overdrive jumps may only target unoccupied (or friendly- occupied)systems within %NUMBER0 spaces of the jumping unit. @PARADROPTARGET1 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Overdrive That system is out of range. Jumps may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) systems within %NUMBER0 spaces of the jumping unit. @PARADROPTARGET2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Overdrive Jumps may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) systems within %NUMBER0 spaces of the jumping unit. @INCORRUPTIBLE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Democracy and Bribes The forces of Liberalism are immune to bribery. @NOREVOLT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Liberalism The sectors under Liberalism cannot be subverted or incited to rebel. @UNFORCE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Galactic League forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @WALLFORCE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Accord of Planets forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @MISSILEATTACK @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Missile attack near %STRING0! @PEARLHARBOR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 catches %STRING2 void liners in dock! @AUTOMONARCHY @width=440 @title=Civ Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of STATISM, which allows you to improve your government. To switch governments you must have a Revolution (select "Revolution" from the Kingdom menu); this entails a brief period of Martial Law. ^ Switching to a more advanced form of government will often improve the productivity of your people; it will also help to stem corruption and waste. Would you like to hold a revolution now? Not just yet. Begin revolution. @AUTOREV @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of a new government form, %STRING0. Your current government is a %STRING1. Do you wish to begin a revolution in order to switch government types? No, %STRING1 is working out fine. Begin revolution. @BATTERY @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 in %STRING2 doubles defense strength! @BATTERY2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 and %STRING3 in %STRING2 quadruple defense strength! @SCRAMBLE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1s scramble to protect %STRING2! @AMPHIBMOTIZE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 %STRING2 make void assault! @CITYMODAL1 @width=400 @title=Sector Window @button=Close Sector Window You must close the Sector Window before the game can proceed. @CITYMODAL2 @width=400 @title=End of Turn Update @button=Proceed Right now you may only interact with the Sector Screen. Use any "Proceed" button when you are ready to continue. @UPGRADED @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor Production orders in %STRING0 upgraded from %STRING1 to %STRING2. @UPGRADE @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING2 upgrades all %STRING0 to %STRING1. @ASTRONAUTS @width=320 @title=Science Advisor I.D. officers and crew bring back incredible information! @LONGMOVE @width=320 @title=Long Unit Move Continue moving unit? Yes No @GHOSTTOWN @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 is about to build %STRING1, but it is only a size 1 sector. Continue anyway? Delay ColShip production. Build ColShip anyway (disbands sector). @EXPEL @width=320 @title=Captured %STRING0 %STRING1 @options Expel %STRING1. Attack %STRING1. Never mind. @NOEXPEL @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Diplomatic Immunity %STRING1 units may only be expelled when they are in your territory, which is in this case defined as being nearer to one of your sectors than to one of its own. @UPYOURS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled! %STRING0 ambassador issues statement of protest. @UPYOURSTOO @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled. %STRING0 ambassador issues apology. @UPMINE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have expelled our %STRING1. Our ambassador has issued the usual statement of protest. The %STRING1 has been returned to %STRING3. @SPACERACE @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 build I.D. Ship! @SPACESHIP @width=480 @title=Spaceship Report @listbox ^^%STRING0 I.D.S. %STRING1 (%STRING2) @LAUNCH @width=320 @title=Science Advisor Confirm I.D. Ship launch. (%NUMBER0%% chance of success) No Launch. Launch CONFIRMED! @LAUNCHED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 LAUNCH I.D. Ship! Estimate arrival in %NUMBER0. @COMPONENT @width=320 @title=Select I.D. Ship Component @options Propulsion (%NUMBER0 so far) Fuel (%NUMBER1 so far) @MODULE @width=320 @title=Select I.D. Ship Module @options Habitation (%NUMBER0 so far) Life Support (%NUMBER1 so far) Tachion Core (%NUMBER2 so far) @NOFURTHER @width=320 @title=Science Advisor No further %STRING0 required. @SPACESHIPS @width=320 @title=View Which ID ship @options @EAGLEHASLANDED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 I.D. Ship arrives in Mirror Galaxy! @SPACERETURNS @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 I.D. Ship returns to Galaxy. @SPACEDESTROYED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 I.D. Ship destroyed. @HISTORY @width=480 @title=Civilization II The Test of Time ^^%STRING1 completes his epic history: ^^'The %STRING2 Civilizations in the Galaxy' @HISTORIANS 11 Okuda K'Thera T'sari Picard Kirk Sisko Node 3 of 5 Dumar Docett Qu'Zasurine Garak @HISTORIES RICHEST MIGHTIEST BEST TECHNOLOGY HAPPIEST MOST EXPANSIVE @HISTORYRANK Supreme Superior Outstanding Average Poor Third Rate Whithering @ALLOWUN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate chooses to allow the action under the guise of a League "peacekeeping" mission. @ALLOWAGGRESSOR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Previous %STRING0 aggression against us convinces the Senate to allow this action. @ALLOWHAWKS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Hawk Party derails attempted Senate interference. Action confirmed! @CONTINUEUN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued "peacekeeping" action against the %STRING1. @CONTINUEHAWKS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued action against the %STRING1. @RANSOMCITY @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The leader of the Pirate %STRING0 has sent us a message: "We shall mercilessly sack the sector of %STRING1 unless you pay us %NUMBER0 credits at once!" "Do your worst!" Pay %NUMBER0 credits. @NOAIRPORT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hyperport Units may only be transited between sectors with Hypercraft Installations. @NOAIRPORT2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Wormholes None other sectors have Hypercraft Installations! Units may only transit between sectors with Hypercraft Installations. @AIRLIFTSELECT @width=440 @listbox=12 @title=Select Target Sector For Transit @AIRLIFT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Transit from %STRING0 to %STRING1 successful! @SHOTDOWN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have scrambled the Transit signal! @ALREADYAIRLIFT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hypercraft Transit The sector of %STRING0 has already conducted a Transit operation this turn. Only one unit may be transited into or out of a sector in a single turn. @WESHOT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our Fighter Wings have intercepted an attempted Hyperspace Transit into %STRING0! @WESAW @width=320 @title=Defense Minister We have detected an enemy Hyperspace Transit into %STRING0! @ENEMYFIGHTERS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Enemy Fighter Wings are based near our sectors. They could intercept our Hyperspace Transit signal! Cancel Wormhole. Proceed. @LIFTSHIP @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hypercraft Transit Void liners cannot be Transited, silly. @LIFTPLANE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hypercraft Transit Air units cannot be Transited. They must relocate under their own power. @PILLAGEWHAT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister What should we destroy? @PILLAGEMENU AgDrifts AgOrbitals Mining Stations Hyper Base Transporter Bulwark TW Conduit Slipstream @ALLIEDREPAIR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING1 have helped to repair our %STRING2. @CANESCAPE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Sir, our capital is being overrun! Shall we pay %NUMBER0 credits to evacuate the government to %STRING1 while there is still time? Every man for himself! Yes, pay %NUMBER0 credits. @ESCAPE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING2 government escapes to %STRING1! @ESCAPE2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING2 government escapes to %STRING1! Evacuation cost: %NUMBER0 credits. @AQUEDUCT @width=520 @title=Civ Tutorial: Sector Transit The large population of %STRING0 is beginning to strain the limited infrastructure. Once a sector reaches size %NUMBER0 it cannot grow further unless you build a INFRASTRUCTURE. @CURSES @width=320 @title=Spies Report Espionage attempt foiled by enemy %STRING1! @FOILEDAGAIN @width=320 @title=Spies Report Our %STRING1 has foiled a %STRING2 espionage attempt! @UNSAVED @width=320 @title=Warning! %STRING0 has unsaved changes! Cancel action. Continue anyway (lose changes). @FLATEARTH @width=320 @title=Choose Map Shape Which shape do you prefer? The map is ROUND. The map is FLAT. @LANDWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning. More than %NUMBER0 star clusters have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @SEAWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning! More than %NUMBER0 expanses of void have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @NOTENOUGHWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning! Insufficient stars have been detected. The game may not be able to find starting locations for all players. @CITIESINOCEAN @width=320 @title=Warning! You have placed sector starting locations in void "systems". The game will ignore all such systems (the tribes in question will start in random locations). @ANALYZEOK @width=320 @title=Map Analysis OK! The map has been analyzed and no problems have been detected. @FAILEDTOLOAD @width=320 @title=Error Failed to load map file. @MAPSAVED @width=320 @title=Map Saved ^^Map successfully saved as ^^%STRING0 @ADDCITY @width=600 @title=Select Race To Start Here @RESEED @width=440 @title=Enter Resource Seed (1 = random) @options Seed: @NOADJACENTCITIES @width=320 @title=Warning! Sectors cannot be placed adjacent to one another. @NOTALLCITIES @width=320 @title=Warning! Starting locations have been designated for some but not all races. Races with no designated starting locations will be placed randomly. @GOLDENAGE @width=320 @title=Golden Age of Metaphysics The Golden Age of Metaphysics begins in the %STRING0 sector of %STRING1! Great %STRING0 thinkers articulate scientific, moral, and social systems which endure for centuries to come. @LANDING @width=320 @title=Enemy Spotted! %STRING0 land near %STRING1! @NEWXFORM @width=320 @title=New Order: Transform The new Solarformer unit type can use the Transform ("o") order to drastically change the terrain type in a square. Terraformers also work twice as quickly as ColShips in all ordinary tasks (slipstream, AgOrbitals, etc). @NEWFORTRESS @width=320 @title=New Order: Bulwarks Our ColShips can now use the Bulwark ("f") order to build Bulwarks. Bulwarks double the defense of units defending within, and prevent more than one unit at a time from being lost in combat. @NEWAIRLIFT @width=320 @title=New Orders: Hyperspace Transit and Hyper Base Our ground units may now use the Hypertransit ("l") order to move between any of our sectors with a Hypercraft Installation. Our ColShip/Solarformers may use the Hyper Base ("e") order to build Hyper Bases in non-hub squares. @NEWRAILROAD @width=320 @title=New Order: TW Conduit Our ColShip/Solarformers may now use the TW Conduit("r") order to lay transwarp conduits in systems that already contain slip routes. TW Conduits increase resource shield production by 50%%. Units moving at transwarp expend no movement points to do so. @NEWFARMLAND @width=320 @title=New Order: AgDrifts Our ColShips/Solarformers may now use the AgDrifts ("i") order to improve Orbitals in systems which already contain them. AgDrift systems increase food production by 50%%, but only for sectors containing the Bioreplicators improvement. @NEWPARADROP @width=320 @title=New Order: Jump This ship can use the Jump ("p") order to gate within %NUMBER0 spaces of any friendly sector (provided it begins its turn in that sector). @ADDTOTHRONE Which section shall we improve? @NOSPACESHIPS @width=320 @title=Dimentionships The dimentional race has not yet begun! @CODECNOTFOUND @width=320 @title=Notice We are unable to find the proper files for the animated heralds and have therefore switched off that particular "Graphics Option". To re-install the necessary files, please run "setup.exe" in the "vfw_rt" directory of the game CD. @NOFOODREPORT @width=320 @title=Food Supplies "Supply and Demand" is not applicable to Food Supplies traders. Food Supplies caravans cause one food per turn to be transferred between the participating sectors. @REALLYRETIRE @width=320 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to retire? No Yes @REALLYQUIT @width=320 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to quit? No Yes @REALLYCHEAT @width=320 @title=Confirmation If you enable cheat mode, this will be recorded in your game score. Do you really want to enable cheat mode? No Yes @PLANRETIRE @width=440 @title=Retirement Planned! Millenial celebrations held! %STRING0 %STRING1 plans retirement in 20 years! @DORETIRE @width=440 @title=Retirement Announced! %STRING1 dynasty ends after glorious 6000 year reign! @SLAM Your civilization has conquered the entire galaxy! @KEEPPLAYING @width=320 @title=Game Over! Your final score has been computed. Do you want to keep playing? (No further score will be recorded). No, I'm done. Yes, keep playing. @INSERTHERE @width=320 @title=Game Over! (Insert end of game graphic sequence here). @WONDERMOVIECHEAT @title=Wonder Movie Sneak Preview @width=320 @options Which Wonder? @AUTOMODE @title=Who Will Control Production in %STRING0 @width=320 @options Both Military Advisor Domestic Advisor @CDROMNOTFOUND @width=320 @title=Please Note @button=Repeat Search We were unable to find the Civilization II CD-ROM. If desired, you may play this session of Civilization II without the additional multimedia, music, and art supplied by the CD. You may also check that the Civilization II CD is in a valid CD-ROM drive and then repeat the search by selecting "Repeat Search" below. @COUNCILCHEAT0 @width = 600 @title = Council Cheat @button = Military @button = Science @button = Trade @button = Foreign @button = Attitude @button = Anarchy Which rating would you like to change? @COUNCILCHEAT1 @width = 320 @title = Council Cheat @options Please enter a new rating for this advisor? @COUNCILCHEAT2 @width = 200 @title = Council Cheat @options Which time period? (0-2) @NOTENOUGHGRASS @width=320 @title=Warning! Not enough suitable systems(Yellow and Orange) have been detected. The game may not be able to find suitable starting locations for all players. @THRONE The people spontaneously decide to recognize your many years of enlightened leadership. Interior Designers, luxuries dealers, and contractors turn out to build a fine addition to your executive office. @MALEFAME %STRING0 the Pathetic %STRING0 the Foolish %STRING0 the Unreliable %STRING0 the Irrational %STRING0 the Useless %STRING0 Lazybones %STRING0 the Terrible %STRING0 the Psychopath %STRING0 the Rigid %STRING0 the Annoying %STRING0 the Ordinary %STRING0 the Harmless %STRING0 the Competent %STRING0 the Explorer Professor %STRING0 %STRING0 the Anomalous %STRING0 the Pure %STRING0 the Recombinant %STRING0 the Holy %STRING0 the Awesome %STRING0 the Omniscient %STRING0 the Omnipotent %STRING0 the Miraculous %STRING0 the God-Emperor @FEMALEFAME %STRING0 the Pathetic %STRING0 the Foolish %STRING0 the Abusive %STRING0 the Ignorant %STRING0 the Apathetic %STRING0 the Incompetent %STRING0 the Bitch %STRING0 the Sadist %STRING0 the Inflexible %STRING0 the Cruel %STRING0 the Quiet %STRING0 Who Compromises %STRING0 the Confident %STRING0 the Strong Professor %STRING0 %STRING0 the Dominant %STRING0 the Pure %STRING0 the Noble %STRING0 the Holy Mother %STRING0 the Awesome %STRING0 the All-Knowing %STRING0 the Supreme %STRING0 the High Empress %STRING0 the Queen Godess @UNITEDIT @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 %STRING1 @options No Changes Toggle Veteran Status Clear Movement Allowance Set Hit Points Set Home Sector Fortify/Unfortify Change Trader Commodity @UNITHITPOINTS @width=320 @title=Set Unit Damage (0 - %NUMBER0) @options Damage: @EDITHOMECITY @width=320 @title=Select Sector @listbox @button=None @CITYEDIT @width=320 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Change Size Delete All Wonders Clear Disorder && We Love King Copy Another Sector's Improvements Set Shield Progress Toggle Sector Objective 1 pt. (%NUMBER0) Toggle Sector Major Objective 3 pts. (%NUMBER1) @SETCITYSIZE @width=320 @title=Set Size Of %STRING0 @options Size: @SETCITYSHIELDS @width=320 @title=Set Shield Progress @options Shields: @EDITKING @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Edit Treaties Set Last Contact Set Attitude Set Reputation Clear Patience Clear All Last Contact Set Research Goal Set Research Progress Clear Research Goal Edit Name Copy Another King's Tech Toggle Female Flag (%NUMBER0) @EDITTREATIES @width=440 @title=Editing treaties between %STRING0 and %STRING1. @checkbox @options Contact Cease Fire Peace Allied War Vendetta (%STRING0 against %STRING1) Embassy (%STRING0 spying on %STRING1) @LASTCONTACT @width=440 @title=Last Contact Turn # (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (Current turn # is %NUMBER0) @options Contact: @EDITATTITUDE @width=440 @title=Set Attitude (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (0 = Like, 100 = Dislike) @options Attitude: @EDITBETRAY @width=440 @title=Set Reputation @options Reputation: @EDITPROGRESS @width=440 @title=Set Research Progress (1 - %NUMBER0) @options Progress: @EDITRULES @width=440 @title=Special Rules (0 = false, 1 = true) @options No Changes Forbid government switching? (%NUMBER0) Forbid tech from conquest? (%NUMBER1) Eliminate pollution? (%NUMBER2) Special WWII-only AI (%NUMBER3) @EDITSCEN @width=440 @title=Edit Scenario (%STRING1) @options No Changes Tech Paradigm (%NUMBER0/10) Turn Year Increment (%NUMBER1) Starting Year (%NUMBER2) Maximum Turns (%NUMBER3) Wipe all goody boxes Restore all goody boxes Reveal whole map Cover whole map Set Scenario Name Toggle Total War Flag (%NUMBER4) Edit Victory Conditions Edit Special Rules @EDITVICTORY @width=440 @title=Edit Victory (Obj. Def. = %STRING1) @options No Changes Toggle Use Objective Victory Flag (%NUMBER0) Toggle Count Wonders as Objectives (%NUMBER1) Set Objectives Protagonist (%STRING0) Decisive Victory (>= %NUMBER2) Marginal Victory (>= %NUMBER3) Marginal Defeat (<= %NUMBER4) Decisive Defeat (<= %NUMBER5) @EDITVICTORYOBJ @title=Set # of objectives required @options Objectives: @EDITPARADIGM @width=440 @title=Scenario Tech Paradigm Set tech paradigm in fractions of 1/10 (10 = normal rate). Cost of each tech is multiplied by fraction (so higher number SLOWS research). Paradigm: @EDITINCREMENT @width=440 @title=Scenario Year Increment Set years per turn (0 for default rate, negative for 1/12 year increments) @options Years per turn: @EDITSTARTYEAR @width=440 @title=Scenario Start Year Set start year (negative for S.D., positive for G.Y., 0 for default time track). If using 1/12 year increments, multiply number by 12. @options Start year: @EDITMAXTURNS @width=440 @title=Scenario Max Turns Set ending turn of game (0 for default) @options Max Turns: @EDITTECH @width=350 @title=Pick Technology to Alter Status @listbox @button=Give/Take All @SCENOK @width=480 @title=Scenario ^^Scenario saved: ^^%STRING0 @SCENARIOLOADED @width=480 @title=Begin Scenario ^^%STRING0 ^^Civilization advances cost %NUMBER0/10 the usual rate. ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 @SCENNAME @width=480 @title=Set Scenario Name @options Scen: @EDITKINGNAME @width=440 @title=Edit Names for %STRING0 @options Leader: Tribe: Adjective: @COPYCITY @title=Select sector to copy @width=360 @listbox @SCENARIOENDS @width=440 @title=Scenario Rules This scenario ends in five turns. @SCENARIOEND @width=440 @title=Scenario Rules This scenario is now complete. This game is now complete. Ce jeu est maintenant complété. Diese Spiel ist nun vollständig. @HIDDENTERRAIN @width=250 @title=Hidden Terrain @x=-4 @y=-4 Close this box when finished viewing. @FOUNDED @width=280 @title=Found New Sector %STRING0 Founded: %STRING1 @VFWNOTREGISTERED @title=Notice @width=440 We have encountered a possible problem with your video setup. If Video for Windows was successfully setup during the install, try running the utility "vfwfix.bat" in the game's "civ2\video" directory on the CD-ROM. If you continue receiving this message, please contact Microprose Customer Service. @BADEVENTSFILE @width=360 @title=Events.txt There was an error encountered in the 'events.txt' file. Please read the manual to find out how to debug this file. @NOPICKMUSIC @width=360 @title=Select Music This option is not available unless a Civilization II CD is in the CDROM drive. @PICKMUSICTOT @width=480 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Crusade" "Alien" "Mongol Horde" "The Apocolypse" "Jurasic Jungle" "New World" "Tolkien" "Mars Expedition" "Jules Verne" "They're Here" "The Dome" @CENTAURI In the year %STRING0 voyagers from our galaxy set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. An I.D. Ship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the dimentions. Arriving in %STRING3 in the galaxy of a Mirror universe, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new galaxy. %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @@CENTAURI2 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from our galaxy set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. An I.D. Ship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the dimentions. Arriving in %STRING3 in the galaxy of a Mirror universe, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new galaxy. %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of CIVILIZATION. @@ARCHAEOLOGISTS Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. Evidence of thriving worlds, %STRING0roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. Finally, they come upon a holocron, which contains but one mysterious phrase: "%STRING1 will return!" @COUNCILTIME @width=320 @y=5 @title=The High Council: %STRING2 The High Council of the %STRING0 is meeting in %STRING1. If you wish, you may take this opportunity to consult your advisors and hear their views on the state of your realm. Consult High Council. No thanks, too busy. @CENTAURI0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from our galaxy set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI1 A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the dimentions. @CENTAURI2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the galaxy of a Mirror universe, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new galaxy . . . @CENTAURI3 %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @CENTAURI_BEATEN0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from our Galaxy set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI_BEATEN1 An I.D. ship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the dimentions. @CENTAURI_BEATEN2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the galaxy of a mirror universe, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new galaxy. @CENTAURI_BEATEN3 %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of @CENTAURI_BEATEN4 CIVILIZATION. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS0 Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS1 Evidence of thriving worlds, %STRING0roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS2 Finally, they come upon a holocron, which contains but one mysterious phrase. . . @ARCHAEOLOGISTS3 %STRING1 will return! @LOWMEMORY @width=400 You are low on memory. Activating this feature might result in unstable behavior. If you do experience problems, turning off this feature should alleviate them. @HERALDWARNING @width=440 @title=Civ2 Diplomatic Heralds Civilization II The Test of Time requires 16 megabytes of RAM in order to run smoothly, as well as to show the 3D diplomatic heralds correctly. Therefore, if you have at least 16 megabytes of RAM, you may safely turn this feature on. (This message will appear only once). Turn OFF heralds. I have less than 16 megabytes of RAM. Turn ON heralds. I have at least 16 megabytes of RAM. @ADDTOWONDER @width=440 @title=Wonder Project Workers traders arrives in %STRING0. %NUMBER0 shields added to project (%NUMBER1 more shields required). @ABILITIES @checkbox @width=330 @title=Abilities Editor (%STRING0) @options Two space visibility Ignore zones of control Can make amphibious assaults Submarine advantages/disadvantages Can attack air units (fighter) Ship must stay near land (trireme) Negates city walls (howitzer) Can carry air units (carrier) Can make paradrops Alpine (treats all squares as road) x2 on defense versus horse (pikemen) Free support for fundamentalism (fanatics) Destroyed after attacking (missiles) x2 on defense versus air (AEGIS) Unit can spot submarines @TRIGGERS @width=330 @title=New Trigger @button=Help @options Unit Killed Sector Taken Turn Turn Interval Negotiation Scenario Loaded Random Turn No Schism Received Technology @ACTIONS @width=330 @title=New Action @button=Help @options Text Move Unit Create Unit Change Money Play Wavefile Make Aggression Just Once Play CD Track Don't Play Wonders Change Terrain Destroy a Civilization Give Technology @DELETEITEM @width=320 @title=Delete Item Are you sure you want to delete this item? No, my mistake. Yes, delete it. @NOTHIGHCOLOR @width=440 @title=High Color Display Required Civ II The Test of Time requires a high color (16 bit) display in order to run. Please select high color for your display and restart the program. @WRONGMAPSIZE @width=320 @title=Error The map you are trying to import must ^be the same size as your current map ^^Current Map = %NUMBER0 x %NUMBER1 ^^Import Map = %NUMBER2 x %NUMBER3 @FAILEDTOSAVE @width=320 @title=Error Failed to save map file. @NONDISBANDABLE @title=Civ Rules: Non-disbandable You may not disband this loyal unit. @NOTRANSPORTER @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hypercraft Installation Units may only be Transited between Sectors with a Hypercraft Installation. @NOTRANSPORTER2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Hypercraft Installation None of your other sectors have a Hypercraft Installation! Units may only be Transited between sectors with a Hypercraft Installation. @TRANSPORTERSELECT @width=440 @listbox=12 @title=Select Target Sector For Wormhole @ALREADYTRANSPORTERED @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Transporters The Sector of %STRING0 has already conducted a Transit operation this turn. Only one unit may be transited into or out of a sector in a single turn. @TRANSPORT @width=320 @title=Science Minister Wormhole from %STRING0 to %STRING1 successful! @ALREADYTRANSPORTER @title=Civ Rules: Transporters This square already has an I.D. Portal. @BUILDTRANSPORTER @width=200 @title=Portal Destination @NATIVETRANSPORT @width=200 @title=Destination Map @TRANSPORTOPTIONS Galaxy map 1 map 2 map 3 @BUILDTRANSPORTERTYPE @width=200 @title=Transporter Type @TRANSPORTERTYPEOPTIONS type 0 type 1 type 2 @RESEARCHMANAGER @width=320 @title=Pick Technology goal. Current=%STRING0 @listbox @ENEMYINTERRUPTERS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Enemy units are based near our sectors. They could interrupt our Hyperspace Transit! Cancel transport. Proceed. @INTERRUPTED @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have interrupted our Hyperspace Transit! @WEINTERRUPTED @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our units have disrupted an attempted Hyperspace Transit into %STRING0! @WEDETECTED @width=320 @title=Defense Minister We have detected an enemy Hyperspace Transit into %STRING0! @ADVNOTAVAIL @width=360 @title=Advance not available This advance is not available to you at this time. @SCORE History records that the year %STRING2 marked the end of the long reign of %STRING0, legendary leader of the %STRING1. @IMPORTMORE @title=Import Maps @width=340 ^^This game type requires %NUMBER0 maps ^^Please select map number %NUMBER1 now @;this line must remain at end of file