INFO: C3MT session log file alpha version INFO: This file will be logged to by a tool session INFO: If everything goes well by the end of the session the log will be deleted INFO: If the tool crashes this file will stay, and may have valuable information regarding the crash INFO: Note that some data from files worked on as well as constants and settings found might be shown in this file INFO: Before sending this file with a bugreport you should read through the file and see that it doesn't contain any info you don't want to give away STARTUP: 2004-12-06 15:42:15 STARTUP: C:\Program Files\C3MT\::1.11.3 STARTUP: arguments: STARTUP: logfile SessionLogfile STARTUP: Loading splashscreen... STARTUP: Checking for new version... STARTUP: Loading registrysettings... STARTUP: Read settings... SETTINGS: Loading language settings. STARTUP: Loading language file. LANGUAGE: Loading c3mt.txt LANGUAGE: Fullpath: C:\Program Files\C3MT\c3mt.txt SETTINGS: Loading old C3CT settings. SETTINGS: Deleting old C3CT settings. SETTINGS: Loading C3MT settings. SETTINGS: Loading old C3CT user specific settings. SETTINGS: Loading C3MT user specific settings. STARTUP: Get paths... STARTUP: Civ3path: C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\ STARTUP: PTWpath: C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Civ3PTW\ STARTUP: C3Cpath: C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\ STARTUP: System directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32 STARTUP: Checking CDD-association STARTUP: (0) while reading Registry STARTUP: Checking for undeleted logfiles (crashed seesions)... STARTUP: Finding Civ3 version... STARTUP: Civ3 version: 1.29 STARTUP: Handing command line options STARTUP: Connected to host... Sending request STARTUP: Newest version: 1.11.3 STARTUP: Download location: STARTUP: Location name: Apolyton CS Forums STARTUP: Extra versioninfo: New in v1.11.3: Bugfix release.\n\nNew in version 1.11:\nRewritten save- and scenario-handling system\nImage2Map - Convert PCX images to Civ3 maps\nImproved C3C support