README.TXT for MapCopy 1.beta1 Copyright (C) 2000, James Dustin Reichwein, All Rights Reserved. Contents Introduction File List Command Line Arguments Examples Description of Features Future Ideas Beta Report Form Working with the Source Code Introduction MapCopy is a utility for copying map information between Civ2 saved game files and saved map files. It supports Fantastic Worlds and Multiplayer Gold Edition files, and has been tested on on Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0. It WILL NOT support MS-DOS or Windows 3.1. Nor will it support versions of Civ 2 prior to Fantastic Worlds, or TOT. It is able to copy resource seed, terrain, improvement, visibility, ownership, civ specific view, fertility, and other types of information between .SAV files and .MP files. It can also calculate values for fertility if needed. These features are described in more detail below. This software is open source Freeware. The source code is released under the Mozilla Public License (MPL), and is included in this archive. This archive may also be distributed electronically. If you choose to place this archive on a web or FTP server, I would appreciate being notified so that I can notify you of new versions. This software is BETA quality. I have tested it as much as I can, but there are probably still problems with this software. I therefore ask that you fill out the Beta Report Form included in this document, EVEN IF YOU ENCOUNTER NO PROBLEMS. Reports from people successfully using this utility give me an indication of how mature it has become, and also tell me if it is worth continuing development on MapCopy. The most recent version of MapCopy can be found at: For additional information on the contents of saved game file, I recommend Allard Höfelt's document at Without that document this utility would never have happened. The author of MapCopy can be contacted at File List This archive contains the following files: mapcopy.exe The executable. README.TXT This text file. LICENSE.TXT The MPL. src\ Source files mapcopy.cpp civ2sav.h civ2sav.cpp DustyUtil.h DustyUtil.cpp Command Line Syntax. Items in [square brackets] are optional. | means "or". mapcopy [/? | -h] - Displays help information. mapcopy source dest [options] - Copies information from source to dest. If the destination does not exist, and it is a .MP file, it will be created. mapcopy dest [options] - Provides in place modifications on dest. Options: +x turns option x on, -x turns option x off. -x:AAA or +x:AAA performs action AAA for an option. All options are case insensitive. s[eed] Copies the resource seed. t[errain] Copies the terrain data. i[mprovement] Copies terrain improvements. v[isibility] Copies terrain visibility. o[wnership] Copies terrain owner ship. cs Copies civilization start locations from an MP file. bc Copies "body counter" values for continents. cr Copies "city radius" data for terrain. v[erbose] Enables informative screen messages. (on by default) b[ackup] Creates of a backup named "dest.bak". (on by default) /? or -h Displays help screen. f[ertility][:CALC|CALCALL|ADJUST|ZERO] Copies or calculates fertility data for terrain. :CALC Calculates fertility data for grasslands and plains. :CALCALL Calculates fertility data for all terrain. :ADJUST Copies fertility data, adjusting for the presence of cities. :ZERO Sets fertility data to 0 for all squares. cv[:CURRENT] Copies civ specific visible terrain improvement data. :CURRENT Sets the civ specific visible improvement data so that all civilizations see the most up to date improvements. The default value of options is determined by the type of copy being performed. The below table describes their default values. Option MP->MP SAV->SAV MP->SAV SAV->MP, MP, SAV seed COPY COPY COPY COPY OFF OFF terrain COPY COPY COPY COPY OFF OFF improvement COPY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF visibility COPY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ownership COPY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF cs COPY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF bc COPY COPY COPY COPY OFF OFF cr COPY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF verbose ON ON ON ON ON ON backup ON ON ON ON ON ON fertility COPY ADJUST CALC OFF OFF OFF cv OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Examples: mapcopy ca_b4000.sav Extracts the seed, terrain, and body counter information from ca_b4000.sav to If exists, a backup file named will be created. If it does not exist, it will be created. mapcopy ca_b4000.sav -s +t -backup -verb Copies the terrain and body counter information from to ca_b4000.sav. No backup will be created and extra information will not be printed to the screen. mapcopy ca_b4000.sav -f:CALCALL Calculates new fertility information for all terrain squares in ca_b4000.sav A backup file will be created. Description of Features Here is a brief description of the data MapCopy works with, and what calculations MapCopy can perform. For more detailed information, see Allard's hex editing document. Resource Seed (+s) The resource seed controls the placements of resources, huts, and grassland shields. Note that this can also be set in the Map Editor. Terrain (+t) Terrain information includes terrain type (Dessert, Ocean, etc) and whether there is a river on a square. It also contains information to suppress resources in a square, if a resource would normally appear there. Terrain Improvements (+i) This includes irrigation, roads, railroads, mining, farmlands, fortresses, and air bases. It also contains pollution information, and information on whether a unit or city is present. Note that if unit and city information is not present for a square, any units or cities on that square will not be visible until the units move. Visibility (+v) This determines what civilizations have explored what squares. Ownership (+o) This determines what civilization owns a given square. A civilization owns a square if the square is by a unit, or a city of that civilization. Note that a civilization may attack a unit on a square owned by another civilization, even if that unit belongs to the attacking civilization. City Start Locations (+cs) This is the information stored in .MP files that determines where civilizations start. This is not contained within .SAV files, so attempt to copy this information to or from a .SAV file will fail, and MapCopy will display an error message. Body Counter (+bc) The Body Counter is an integer assigned to each continent. It may be used to determine if a trade route is between two continents or not. You can see this information by enabling cheat mode and positioning the cursor on a square. The number next to the square's location is its body counter. Note that if you are copying from a .MP file to a .SAV file, I recommend validating the .MP file before saving it. This will cause the Map Editor to calculate Body Counters for continents. Failure to do so may cause trade routes to behave strangely. City Radius (+cr) This information determines which squares are within the city radius of a city of a given civilization. I'm not sure what this is used for. Fertility (+f) This information determines how desirable a square is for building a city, this is used by the AI to pick city locations. Normally, only grasslands and plains are considered fertile, so the AI won't build cities on other terrain types. The fertility is usually considered low if a grassland or plains square is next to a city. When copying from a .MP file to a .SAV file, there is no fertility information in the .MP file to copy. To handle this, MapCopy can calculate a value for fertility, similar to the values the game calculates. By default, when copying from a .MP file to a .SAV file, the +f:CALC option is on, which calculates fertility information. When copying from a .SAV to another .SAV file, the +f:ADJUST option is on. This copies fertility information, but adjusts it to be lower when a city is nearby. Additionally, the +f:CALCALL option will cause MapCopy to calculate a fertility value for all terrain types. This should cause the AI to build cities on non grassland/plain squares. I don't know how this affects the AI's game playing ability. The algorithm MapCopy uses for calculating fertility is shown below. This is NOT the same algorithm used by Civ 2, and it is by no means optimal. Again, I don't know how this affects the AI's game playing ability. begin func calc_fertility(x, y) { let resourceSum = 0 for each square in the city radius of x, y // Note that the food/trade/shield potential for a square is the // maximum output for a square, including roads, rail roads, mining, // irrigation and farmlands, but excluding resources, and increases // due to city improvements or wonders (except supermarkets). resourceSum += 3 * the Food Potential for this terrain type resourceSum += 2 * the Trade Potential for this terrain type resourceSum += 1 * the Shield Potential for this terrain type end // The value 252 comes from 42 * 3 + 42 * 2 + 42. 42 was chosen as // a good value for a resource, representing 2 production from each square. // The 3, 2, and 1 are the weights used for food, trade, and shields // respectively. These weights were chosen from my experience with how // the AI does things. Therefore, a city with 2 max food per square, 2 max // trade per square, and 2 max shields per square would get a maximum score. // Note, however, that other combinations can also yield a maximum score, // with food being valued more highly than trade, and trade being valued // over shields. fertility = resourceSum * 15 / 252 // The fertility information stored in the saved game files ranges // from 0 to 15. if fertility > 15 then fertility = 15 // These conditions are to maintain some compatibility with the way // Civ2 calculates fertility if x, y is near a city then fertility = fertility - 8, or 0 if fertility < 8 else if x, y is grassland or plains fertility = 8; return fertility } Civ Specific View (+cv) The Civ Specific View information includes what terrain improvements a civilization has most recently seen at any given square. Because of this information, you must constantly re-explore territory to see what improvements other civilizations have been up to. The +cv:CURRENT option causes MapCopy to allow every civilization to see the most up to date information. Note that Civ Specific View information is not stored in .MP files, attempts to copy this information to or from a .MP file will fail, causing MapCopy to print an error message. Future Ideas Below are ideas for future improvements to MapCopy, or for future Civ 2 related utilities. Let me know if you like these ideas. 1. Add the ability to copy units and cities to MapCopy. 2. I've considered a command line utility for scenario writers that would accept a script file for altering saved games. For example, the following script might cut every Roman citiy's population in half. foreach city do if city.owner = Romans then city.population = city.population / 2 endif endfor 3. Of course, I could always write The One True Civ2 Scenario Editor, which would provide a nice GUI for editing all features of maps, cities, units, events, etc. Of course, by the time it gets finished Civ 5 will be out. Beta Report Form This is BETA quality software. To iron out any wrinkles that are left in it, I need feedback from users. If you have used this beta version of MapCopy, I would appreciate it if you would fill out the below form and e-mail it to Please fill it out even if you encounter no problems with MapCopy. This allows me to tell if MapCopy is mature enough for a final release, or if MapCopy is not used by anyone (and therefore should not be developed further). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MapCopy v1.beta1 Beta Report Form Do you find MapCopy to be useful? Are there any features you wish it had? Are there any features you wish it didn't have? Please Describe any problems you've had with MapCopy. Include bugs in MapCopy, mistakes in the documentation, or strange Game/AI behavior on any games modified by MapCopy. For each problem please include: * A detailed description of the problem * Indicate which version of Civ 2 you are working with (MGE, or FW). Note that MapCopy will not work with versions of Civ 2 prior to FW, nor will it work with TOT. * A description of how to reproduce the problem. If possible include any .MP or .SAV files that are causing problems. Any Other Comments? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Working with the Source Code MapCopy is open source software. This means that the source code for MapCopy is included in this distribution. You can compile MapCopy for yourself, or use, modify, or distribute its source code as stated by the Mozilla Public License (see LICENSE.TXT). You may use the Civ2Sav.cpp or DustyUtil.cpp files for you own projects, as stated in the MPL. If you do so, keep in mine that this code is still in its early phases, and that I may drastically change it as needed. On the other hand, if you make an improvement to any of the MapCopy source code, I would appreciate it if you would send the new code to me, so I could incorporate it into future versions. Building MapCopy MapCopy is written to be fully ANSI C++ compliant. Unfortunately, it is hard to find fully ANSI C++ compliant compilers. The compiler I used is the free Borland C++ 5.5 compiler, available at This compiler has a bug in its fstream library, in the file. I was able to fix this bug, but the code is copyrighted so that I cannot redistribute it. As a result, I have not enclosed a Makefile. You may find that another C++ compiler may compile MapCopy without problems. Be alert for compatibilities with the STL or string class. If you wish to compile MapCopy using the Borland C++ 5.5 compiler, e-mail me at and I will send you the changes I made to Good Luck, and I hope you find this software useful!