quote: OK, here's a list of all the INI settings for Conquests (some of these may not be in Civ3 or PTW). I'm not sure if these are documented anywhere or not (probably some of them are in the readme)... I just write the code. Voice Quality=0 Can be 0-7. Used for voice chat. KeepRes=1 Can be 0 or 1. If 1, your screen resolution is used for the game instead of the default 1024x768. VideoMode=1280 Can be 1024, 1152, 1280, 1600, 1792. Changes the game's resolution to the value specified (instead of the default 1024x768). Refresh=70 Changes the default refresh rate of your monitor. Do not change/add this line unless you are experiencing problems! ScrollSpeed=1 Can be 0, 1, or 2. This is the Map Scroll Speed preference. Prefs Format=1 This is the prefs version number. It should always be 1 (for now). Difficulty=7 The difficulty level used in the last game played. The numbers correspond to the difficulty levels in the editor (starting at 0). Aggression=4 The aggression level used in the last game played. The numbers correspond to the levels (starting at 0). Top Menu=3 The last selected main menu item. The first menu item is 0. QuickStart=0 Can be 0 or 1. If 1, the menu screens are bypassed and the game acts as if QuickStart was selected. Faction0=5 Faction1=8 Faction2=1 Faction3=7 Faction4=9 Faction5=2 Faction6=6 Faction7=3 Faction8=4 Faction9=32 Faction10=32 Faction11=32 Faction12=32 Faction13=32 Faction14=32 Faction15=32 Faction16=-1 Faction17=-1 Faction18=-1 Faction19=-1 Faction20=-1 Faction21=-1 Faction22=-1 Faction23=-1 Faction24=-1 Faction25=-1 Faction26=-1 Faction27=-1 Faction28=-1 Faction29=-1 Faction30=-1 The civ selected for each of the players in the last game played. Faction0 is the human player. The values can range from -1 to 32. -1 is NONE, 32 is RANDOM, 0-31 correspond to the civs in the order they are listed in the editor. num cities to eliminate=1 one city culture to win=20000 all cities culture to win=100000 domination pct terrain=66 domination % pop=66 building wonders=10 killing units=10 researching advances=5 capture cities=100 holding vp locations=25 capturing princess=1000 Victory Point Limit=50000 Turn Limit=540 Default victory condition settings. All of these can be changed in-game by clicking the "Game Limits" button. Preferences=00110001110000011010011111110111 These are bit flags corresponding to the preferences. I'm not going to detail each flag... Rules=00000000000000000110000000010000 These are bit flags corresponding to the game rules (enabled victory conditions and so forth). CleanMap=00000000000000011010111010000000 These are bit flags corresponding to the clean map preferences (accessed in game with ctrl-shift-n). Governor=00000000000000000000000000000000 These are bit flags corresponding to the governor settings (the main page). Gov Prod Never=00000000000000000000000000011000 These are bit flags corresponding to the items the governor should NEVER produce. Gov Prod Often=00000000000000000000000000000000 These are bit flags corresponding to the items the governor should produce OFTEN. CustomLeaderName= CustomLeaderTitle= CustomFormalName= CustomNoun= CustomAdjective= CustomGender=1 These are the settings for your custom civ setting (if you rename your leader, etc.). WorldAridity=2 BarbarianActivity=0 WorldLandmass=1 WorldOceanCoverage=0 WorldTemperature=2 WorldAge=1 WorldSize=2 These are the world settings chosen for your last game played. The values range from 0 to the number of possible values. RANDOM is denoted by using the number of values (i.e., a value of 3 in WorldAridity is RANDOM; 0-2 are the actual settings). WindowsFileBox=0 I've never used this but apparently setting it to 1 causes a standard windows dialog to be used for loading and saving. Max Autosaves=5 The number of autosaves the game will keep in the auto folder. Latest Save=C:\_Projects\Conquests\Civ3\saves\current The last saved game loaded. Latest Scenario=Conquests\7 Sengoku - Sword of the Shogun.biq The last scenario loaded. Main Volume=127 Music Volume=127 Sound Volume=50 The volume settings (can range from 0 to 127). NoSound=0 Can be 0 or 1. If 1, no sound will be played in the game. NoForceFeedback=0 Can be 0 or 1. If 1, force feedback will not be enabled for force feedback mice. PlayIntro=0 Can be 0 or 1. If 0, the intro movie is not displayed. GridOn=0 Can be 0 or 1. Whether or not the grid was on in the last game played. MapZoom=0 Can be 0 or 1. Whether or not the map was zoomed in the last game played. NoAIPatrol=1 Can be 0 or 1. If 0, the AI will use it's units to randomly patrol if it has no specific task for them. WorldSeed=0 The seed used to generate the last map played. If 0, the last game played was not a SP random map game. This is provided for players who like a map that was generated and would like to make a map in the editor that looks the same. Location=0 Can be 0 or 1. The last "location" used for MP games. 0 == Local, 1 == GameSpy. Net Name=Mike The name used in the last MP game played. These are all the current settings used in conquests.ini. Their functionality and usage may change in future versions (if any) and it's always possible more will be added (or that some will be removed). Edit: There may also be a line for SFX Volume. This is a bug -- sometimes the sound volume is mistakenly referenced as SFX Volume (which causes the sound volume bug some people may have experienced). Edit: Added a few more that I forgot about because they weren't in my INI file... __________________ Mike Breitkreutz Programmer FIRAXIS Games