#WORLDBUILDER 384, ; Land base (Seeded land size of a standard world) 100, ; Land modifier (additional land from LAND selection: x0, x1, x2) 48, ; Continent base (Base size of a land mass seed) 24, ; Continent modif. (Increased size from LAND selection: x0, x1, x2) 5, ; Hills base (Base # of extra hills) 2, ; Hills modifier (additional hills from TIDAL selection: x0, x1, x2) 3, ; Plateau base (Basic plateau size) 4, ; Plateau modifier (Plateau modifier based on LAND selection: x0, x1, x2) 12, ; Rivers base (Basic # of rivers) 12, ; Rivers rain mod. (Additional rivers based on RAIN selection) 14, ; Solar Energy (Latitude DIVISOR for temperature based on HEAT) Smaller # increases effect of HEAT selection 14, ; Thermal band (Latitude DIVISOR for thermal banding) Smaller # widens hot bands 8, ; Thermal deviance (Latitude DIVISOR for thermal deviance) Smaller # increases randomness 8, ; Global Warming (Latitude DIVISOR for global warming) Smaller # increases effect of warming 5, ; Sea Level Rises (Magnitude of sea level changes from ice cap melting/freezing) 5, ; Cloudmass peaks (Size of cloud mass trapped by peaks) 3, ; Cloudmass hills (Size of cloud mass trapped by hills) 1, ; Rainfall coeff. (Multiplier for rainfall belts) 1, ; Deep water (Encourages fractal to grow deep water) 5, ; Shelf (Encourages fractal to grow shelf) 10, ; Plains (Encourages highland plains) 2, ; Beach (Encourages wider beaches) 2, ; Hills (Encourages hills x TIDAL selection) 35, ; Peaks (Encourages peaks) 1, ; Fungus (Fungus coefficient based on LIFE selection) 3,6,12,18,24 ; Ratio (Continent size ratios) 5 ; Islands (Higher # increases island count)