Civilizations III Conquests 1.0 code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief. Warlord Regent Monarch Emp. Demigod Deity Sid AI Bonuses Def Land Units 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 12 Off Land Units 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 Start unit type 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Start unit type 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 4 Extra free support 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 24 Bonus for each city 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 8 Max gov transition 0 0 0 4 3 2 2 1 Cost factor 20 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 AI to AI trade 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 200 Other variables Citizens born content 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 Citizens quelled 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Attack bonus vs barbs 800 400 200 100 50 25 0 0 Percent optimal cities 100 95 90 85 80 70 60 50 ----------------------------------------------------------- Number of Defensive Land Units (Additional AI Starting Units) Determines how many extra defensive land units the AI will start with on the selected difficulty level. To determine which unit is used, the AI will determine which available unit (e.g. units that can currently be built) is its best defender. Number of Offensive Land Units (Additional AI Starting Units) Determines how many extra offensive land units the AI will start with on the selected difficulty level. To determine which unit is used, the AI will determine which available unit (e.g. units that can currently be built) is its best attacker. Number of Start Unit Type 1 (Additional AI Starting Units) Determines how many extra type 1 start units the AI will start with on the selected difficulty level. This corresponds to the default start unit 1 on the general settings page (normally a worker). Number of Start Unit Type 2 (Additional AI Starting Units) Determines how many extra type 2 start units the AI will start with on the selected difficulty level. This corresponds to the default start unit 2 on the general settings page (normally a settler). Additional Free Support (AI Unit Support Bonuses) Determines how many extra units the AI can support, in addition to any existing governmental bonuses, on the selected difficulty level. Note that this number is cumulative with all other support bonuses. Bonus for Each City (AI Unit Support Bonuses) Determines how many extra units the AI can support per city, in addition to any existing governmental bonuses, on the selected difficulty level. Note that this number is cumulative with all other support bonuses Max Government Transition Time (AI Bonuses) Determines the maximum number of turns the AI must remain in the transition government type (default is Anarchy) before transitioning to the newly selected government type. Setting this number lower will reduce the negative effects of switching governments. The default value of zero means there is no maximum to how long this can take. Cost Factor (AI Bonuses) Determines the cost factor that is applied to AI growth, shields, and research. The player's cost factor is always 10. Choosing a value higher than 10 means the AI will be at a disadvantage, while choosing a value lower than 10 means the AI will be at an advantage. AI to AI trade rate (AI Bonuses) Determines the percentage multiplier used in AI – AI trade sessions on the selected difficulty level. This value is a percentage (acceptable values range from 100% to 1000%) which is multiplied by the total value (in gold) of the initiating civ’s offerings, which is used by the "other" AI civ to determine whether a deal is acceptable or not. For example, with a rate of 120, an AI civ offering 100 gold to another AI civ for something would actually be worth 120 gold to the other AI civ. This rate directly affects the frequency and aggressiveness with which AI civs trade amongst themselves. Number of Citizens Born Content Determines how many citizens in a new city are born content for the selected difficulty level. The lower the number, the more difficult the game will be. Number of Citizens Quelled by Military Determines how many rioting-citizens are quelled with the presence of military units. Attack Bonus Against Barbarians Determines the attack bonus enjoyed by any player (human or AI) against barbarians. A value of zero means the barbarians have no combat disadvantage, thus a barbarian warrior would be as powerful as the warrior of any player in the game. Percentage of Optimal Cities Determines what percentage of the optimal number of cities setting (found on the world sizes page) is actually optimal on the selected difficulty level. If this value is 100%, the optimal number of cities will be equal to the default setting for the given world size. At 50%, the optimal number of cities is halved. At 200%, the optimal number of cities is doubled. This value will not match the value on the World Sizes page exactly because the corruption setting of the player's government type is also a modifier.