TileEdit Script v.1.0 // Script file format - revission date 2004-04-30 // Do not remove or edit the first line, it must appear excatly as above // For all elements except VariationRule it is possible to use both hexadecimal // and decimal numbers. Hexadeciaml numbers are preceded by a '$' // Elements in squer brackets [], are optional. [ImageDir] // Relative to the script-file (file name without extention is default) Transparant-Color Shadow-Color // These two colors will be used when importing graphics if not specified for file Number of Tile-Rules // Each Tile-Rule has the following format // First there is the TileSetIndex found in tiles.txt for each // of the nine tile in the tile itself C and its neighbors. // Negative values have special meaning: // The numbers may be from -1 to -9 // -1 don't care (same land/sea value) // -2 land // -3 water (shelf, trench, shallow) // -4 deep, incl. wolcano,(rift)/(shelf,trench) // -5 shallow, beach // -6 shelf or trench // -7 not shelf // -8 land, not shelf // -9 water but not shelf { NW N NE W C E SW S SE // Then comes the possible TileGraphics ID numbers // -1 means not supplied Main Alt1 Alt2 Alt3 Alt4 Alt5 // If Main is invalid or -1 one of the Alt# will be used. } Number of Tile-Borders // The Tile-Border has the following format: Center-Tile Borders-to Graphics-file-name [Side] // Side can be a number from 0 to 4 // If 0 or ommited all four borders are imported from the TGA else // only one is imported while the other three are copied from that one. // 1 - only SW border imported from the TGA // 2 - only NW border imported from the TGA // 3 - only NE border imported from the TGA // 4 - only SE border imported from the TGA Number of Tiles // Format for Tile-entries ID TileSetIndex Cutout-Portions Graphics-file-name [Transparant-Color [Shadow-Color]] // Cutout-portions is a 4bit binary value with the following format: // SW NW NE SE Where a 1 means portion is cut out and 0 it's present // Example: 0110 means both the Northwest and Northeast borders are black. Number of Rivers // Format of River-entries { ID NW N NE W C E SW S SE // the cardinal point values may be 0 for no river or 1 for river // for C (the underlying tile) it may be 1 for land tile and 2 for ocean tiles Graphics-file-name [Transparant-Color [Shadow-Color]] } Number of TileImprovements // Format of TileImprovement-entries ID Graphics-file-name [Transparant-Color [Shadow-Color]] Number of VariationRules // Format (must be in hexadecimal notation this might be changed in future releses) Number-of-elements Element1 Element2 ...