; ; Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ; Faction Editor ; #HARVESTER The Flesh Harvesters, The Imperialists, Harvesters, M, 2, Voodun, M, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, TECH, Indust, SOCIAL, ++INDUSTRY, SOCIAL, --RESEARCH, SOCIAL, --GROWTH, IMMUNITY, POLICE, FREEFAC, 22, FREEFAC, 23, MORALE, 0, Future Society, Thought Control, INDUSTRY, Politics, Democratic, nil, Free Drone, Free D. Conrad, Doppler, Meltdown CEO, strong, heartless, industrial, slave-driving, Imperialist foreward our empires to a glorious age bring this civilization to the top, as is its birthright placing all legitimate power in the hands of his lackeys placing all legitimate power in the hands of your lackeys undermine the power structures of my faction counting his bloody energy counting your bloody energy inciting power struggles and wars within totaly peaceful and stable regions authoritarian attitude, M1 civilization, M2 industrial complexes, M2 existence tarrif, M1 allowing you and your non-compliant authorities to undermine my power my Dreadnoughts the Will To Power #BASES Harvester House Agrian Base Tarrif Standard Great Field Pesticide of Fear Cultivation Season Slave Seed Trust Authority Plant Teeming Crops Community Sowing Sheol--Hell Erosion Soil Dissent of Blight Voodun's Domain Overtime Bumpercrop Borehole Survival to the Fittest Platinum Fields Guerilla's Nightmare Slaveport Ridge Punishment Sphere Master's Hold Shelter of the Rich Dreams of Glory Power Grid #END #WATERBASES Sea Farm Mining Platform Glorious Ocean Populous of the Deep Warehouse Community Aquas #END #BLURB "When morality is controlled by the herd, inevitably whatever ethical systems set up degenerate into simple preservation of the status quo. Under such a system, There is no neighborly love." ^ ^ -- Fredriech Nietzsche ^ "The Will To Power" #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Chief Executive Officer Voodun} ^BACKGROUND: {Great Britain, Unity Foreman} ^AGENDA: {Aristocratic Despot} ^TECH: {Industrial Base} #DATALINKS2 ^+2 INDUSTRY: {Brutal serfdom and forced labor} ^-2 RESEARCH: {Propaganda and mental retardation of workers dulls intellectualism} ^-2 GROWTH: {Mass genocide of dissenters} ^Immunity to negative POLICE {Very little political and social freedom} ^{May not use Democratic Politics.} ^Free Punishment Sphere and Genejack Factory with discovery of required technologies {Constant innovation in control and industry} ^ ^ #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "My aristocracy has suffered through this conflict. We should set aside our expansionism and pledge Blood Truce." "You're right, we must set aside our conflicts. We'll"Irefuseepted."o business." to let you take my by suprise again, I will not #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "You seem to respect the will of God manifeted in myself, $TITLE0 $NAME1. In the interest of obeying your master, you should forswear your ambitions and sign a Treaty of Friendship." "I understand where you're going with this. I'll be the bigger $TITLE0$. I shall allie you." "My ambitions are not to be summoned by the bidding of an egotistical wreck such as yourself." #ALIENFACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Surely your workers are the same as ours, $TITLE0 $NAME1. All they must hope for is to live their lives in peace. Cannot we, as their leaders, accede to their wishes and pledge Blood Truce?" "All Progenitor: equally important. Truce: best for all Progenitor." "Conflict against $NAME3: best for Progenitor. Conflict: will continue." #ALIENFACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Though others mistrust you, $TITLE0 $NAME1, I believe your science and understanding of Planet would go well with our industrial might. We should sign a Treaty of Friendship that we may coexist in peace." "Treaty: beneficial to all. Idea: agreed upon." "Presumption: interaction with $NAME3: somehow beneficial: incorrect. Answer: no." # ; This line must remain at end of file