; ; Events text for "Soviet Steel 2" scenario ; Curt Silbing - 10/1/04 ; @BEGINEVENTS @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=WARPAC Alliance listenertype=Computer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=WARPAC Alliance talkertype=Computer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=USSR listenertype=Computer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=USSR talkertype=Computer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=USA listenertype=Computer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=USA talkertype=Computer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=UDO listenertype=Computer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=UDO talkertype=Computer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT ^STALIN HAS MADE HIS MOVE! ^The East-West borders tremble with the sound of armour rolling, as powerful Red Army tanks and troop carriers trundle forth, supported by withering artillery and airstrikes! Bolstering the Soviet onslaught are vast numbers of WARPAC forces attacking from staging areas around Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia... ^ ^Can UDO hold the line against the crimson colossus? ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=2 @THEN TEXT ^AMERICAN REINFORCEMENTS ARE INCOMING! ^As UDO takes a pounding from the aggression of the Communists, the USA has pledged to stop this invasion and to honour it's alliance with the United European Council. From the ports of the US East coast, dozens of troop ships are debarking, loaded with many fearless US soldiers and escorted by the seasoned veterans of the US Navy and Air Force... ^ ^But can these much-needed units arrive in time to derail the red menace? ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=MOSCOW attacker=UDO defender=USSR @THEN TEXT Moscow, once centre of the Soviet Union and Stalin's capital, has fallen to the triumphant European forces! Since before dawn the UDO air force has been exacting lightning strikes on Red Army positions around the city. Soviet defenders battled with tenacity, and the Kremlin was partly destroyed in the firefight. But the collapse was unavoidable. The surrender of the city garrison was accepted by Major J. Panse of the 2nd UDO armour division, a proud moment for liberty! Stalin appears to have fled to the East, but the UDO and US Allies have vowed to bring him to task for his crimes... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=MOSCOW attacker=USA defender=USSR @THEN TEXT Moscow, once centre of the Soviet Union and Stalin's capital, has fallen to the courageous American armies! Since before dawn the bombers of the USAF has been exacting crushing strikes on Red Army positions around the city. Soviet defenders battled with tenacity, and the Kremlin was partly destroyed in the firefight. But the collapse was unavoidable. The surrender of the city garrison was accepted by Lt. Colonel R.M. Sharpe of the 101st Airborne, a proud moment for liberty! Stalin appears to have fled to the East, but the UDO and US Allies have vowed to bring him to task for his crimes... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=LENINGRAD attacker=ANYBODY defender=USSR @THEN TEXT The birthplace of Communism, mighty Leningrad, has been conquered by Allied forces. The city's new overseer, General H. Tuttle has declared the region liberated and had the Lenin statues pulled down. Raging with fury, Stalin has ordered the failed defenders shot and has promised revenge on the enemy. Only time will tell if 'Uncle Joe' can carry out his angry vow... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=STALINGRAD attacker=UDO defender=USSR @THEN TEXT Disbelief and sadness have gripped Russia today as the jubilant Field Marshall Fairline transmitted radio messages telling of victory in Stalingrad. Stalin himself is said to be in a dark mood about the loss of this philosophically important city, despite the fact his Red Army put up a typically fierce defence. The Soviet leadership have vowed to take back the battle-scarred ruins at any cost... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=STALINGRAD attacker=USA defender=USSR @THEN TEXT Disbelief and sadness have gripped Russia today as the jubilant General Catfish transmitted radio messages telling of victory in Stalingrad. Stalin himself is said to be in a dark mood about the loss of this philosophically important city, despite the fact his Red Army put up a typically fierce defence. The Soviet leadership have vowed to take back the battle-scarred ruins at any cost... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Helsinki attacker=USSR defender=UDO @THEN TEXT The loss of the Finnish capital of Helsinki, deprives UDO of a key strategic city, and opens a gateway to a Soviet Scandinavia... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Paris attacker=USSR defender=UDO @THEN TEXT Despite overwhelming odds, the French forces put up more fight than the Russians and their allies had anticipated... But in the end, French collapse was unavoidable. Now the remains of the UDO forces and the USA must make some very tough choices about the future of the West. Many argue that using the Atom bomb now is the only way to end Stalin's reign of terror... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=LONDON attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^To the shock and dismay of the free world, Stalin has triumphed where Hitler could not. Soviet marines, supported by the Red Navy and prototype amphibious tanks, have conquered London. Westminster Abbey was destroyed, and a heroic last stand at the Tower only just bought time for an evacuation of the Royal Family and the Government. A dark day for the United Kingdom...But the Brits are typically unbowed. Churchill broadcasts on BBC radio, both confirming British defiance to Stalin and giving a rousing speech. ^ ^"They would call it the darkest time. But it is this time in which Great Britain, shall rally. The cry is the same from all free peoples in the world...We shall not surrender. Never!" ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=BERLIN attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^Today, all the Soviet radio channels play the same message: ^"LONG LIVE STALIN AND THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION!" ^It appears the Red Army had many old scores to settle in Berlin, one being the prison where Hitler-era war criminals were being held. Seventeen former officers of the SS, including Heinrich Himmler himself, were hanged at dawn. Soviet war hero, Marshall Zhukov, has refused to allow the Red Cross entry, and the people of Berlin prepare for a lengthy occupation. Rommel, however has joined generals Manstein and Rundstedt in plotting a counterattack... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Stockholm attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Soviet forces accept the capitulation of neutral Sweden. Amidst the chaos, the Red Army have looted and pillaged in an orgy of violence. Eager for revenge, Swedish troops led by the heroic Colonel Arthedain, are being armed by UDO to hit back at the red enemy. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=UDO technology=47 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=New York attacker=USSR defender=USA @THEN TEXT ^NEW YORK IN STALIN'S RED GRIP! ^Today, the troops of the 4th Guard Army captured what the USSR considered the "Heart of Capitalism", New York City. The once-proud metropolis fell to the Soviets, who were given orders to openly shell all urban areas that are too vast to garrison. The whole free world is in a state of shock... The US President, speaking from an armoured battlecruiser at a secret location, tearfully declared that American forces will soon strike to avenge this "...unparalleled act of mindless brutality..." ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=10000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=WASHINGTON DC attacker=USSR defender=USA @THEN TEXT ^US GOVERNMENT FALLS TO THE SOVIETS! ^Saluting to the Soviet War Flag upon the White House which is now to be painted Red, the commanding general of the Soviet juggernaut, Marshal Vershigora, was appointed the title "Supreme Hero of the Working Class" by a jubilant Stalin. The once mighty USA now faces defeat and oppression by the victorious Soviet Union. Gloom fills the free world... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=5000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Peking attacker=Communist China defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT ^With cheers from the massed and pre-paid crowds, Zedong takes the salute from his ranks of Red revolutionaries. The capture of the Peking city will make the world take notice of Communist China as a legitimate entity...The period of Western exploitation is over. ^ ^Stalin sends congratulations and financial aid to his 'ideological friends'... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile CHINA.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=Communist China amount=10000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Hong Kong attacker=Communist China defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The British governor of Hong Kong capitulates to the Red Chinese army. As the Communist forces enter the city, they 'liberate' a vast amount of loot. The Chinese soldiers waste no time in rounding up and shooting 'undesirables'. Violence and firing squads are rapidly becoming Zedong's trademark... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile CHINA.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=Communist China amount=5000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Seoul attacker=WARPAC Alliance defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The fall of Seoul has put an end to another outpost of democracy in the Far East. The Allies voice thier comdemnation and regret, but do little else... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=WARPAC Alliance amount=2000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Seoul attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The fall of Seoul has increased Stalin's power in the Far East. The Allies voice thier comdemnation and regret, but do little else... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=2000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Seoul attacker=Communist China defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The fall of Seoul has increased China's influence yet again. ^Now the Far East is dominated by the Red banner. ^A pleasing symmetry of powers...For the Communists. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile COMMIE.wav CHANGEMONEY receiver=Communist China amount=2000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baghdad attacker=UDO defender=WARPAC Alliance @THEN TEXT Led by General Eivind, UDO forces enforce their position against the Communist influence in the Middle East. This city will once again provide a bullwark for European forces in the region. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baghdad attacker=USA defender=WARPAC Alliance @THEN TEXT Led by General E. Lucidus, US forces pour into Baghdad as the Communist influence diminishes in the Middle East. Even more, the rich mineral treasures of this region will placate the impatient American citizens... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile ALLIED.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baghdad attacker=Jihadists defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Dangerous news is coming from the Middle East. A fundementalist junta has taken control of Baghdad, leading to a fanatical Jihadist crackdown in the region. It has became perilous to travel to the country, diplomatic sources are warning. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile JIHAD.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Karachi attacker=ANYBODY defender=WARPAC Alliance @THEN TEXT Indians are celebrating as the new state of Pakistan is freed from repressive religious rule. Many people are now looking at a brighter future, free from fear and injustice. Also, the state of India can relax it's guard somewhat on this border... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=58 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT ^HAS STALIN GAINED THE UPPER HAND? ^After many failures and trials, the Soviet scientific committee has gained the technology to develop a Russian Atom weapon. Surely European cities will be the first to feel the red wrath of Stalin's new terror weapon. The atomic Sword of Damocles is firmly in the iron grip of Stalin it would seem... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=31 receiver=WARPAC Alliance @THEN TEXT Seeing a chance to expand their influence in Asia, the WARPAC Allies, under Stalin's orders of course, begin an invasion of India. This state has long been seen as a bastion of British-supported democratic power, a situation that the Communists plan to bring to an abrupt end! ^ ^The UDO Council promises aid to India as soon as possible... ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=WARPAC Alliance whom=Republic of India JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=31 receiver=WARPAC Alliance @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Guards owner=WARPAC Alliance veteran=yes homecity=none locations 178,90 176,92 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=31 receiver=WARPAC Alliance @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=JS-3 Tank owner=WARPAC Alliance veteran=yes homecity=none locations 178,90 176,92 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=31 receiver=WARPAC Alliance @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Special Air Troops owner=UDO veteran=yes homecity=none locations 186,88 186,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=31 receiver=WARPAC Alliance @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Centurion owner=UDO veteran=yes homecity=none locations 186,88 186,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=28 receiver=UDO @THEN TEXT German technical perfectionism, British engineering and American avionics have came together to creat the Fw255 - A new steel eagle to counter the all-powerful MIGs. It's creation is symbolic of Allied cooperation... Eager test pilots are reporting that this fighter could be one of the best...Ever! ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=13 receiver=UDO @THEN TEXT In recent months the struggle in Greece between Monarchist forces and Communist rebels has intensified. Many battles and displays of bravery were given by the Greek forces. Now the UDO diplomatic corps has promised to give full backing and to help clear the Greek homeland of Red forces. In response, the Greek government has allocated their elite ΛΟΚ soldiers, led by Colonel Pericles to help in the effort! ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=WARPAC Alliance defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Tel Aviv falls to the surrounding hostile Arab states and with it the rest of Northern Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis flee from the enemy, as UDO races to contain this new development. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile JIHAD.wav CREATEUNIT unit=Special Air Troops owner=UDO veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=WARPAC Alliance defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Israeli Tank owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=WARPAC Alliance defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Israeli Tank owner=UDO veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Tel Aviv falls to the Soviet-controlled Arab powers and Israel is now a fearful communist province. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis now are captive to the enemy, as the US races to contain this new development. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile JIHAD.wav CREATEUNIT unit=Israeli Tank owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Special Air Troops owner=UDO veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=USSR defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Israeli Tank owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 156,90 157,89 158,88 159,87 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Partisans owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 153,113 161,95 169,85 178,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Partisans owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 169,85 153,113 178,78 161,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Partisans owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 161,95 178,78 153,113 169,85 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Partisans owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 178,78 161,95 153,113 169,85 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=MiG-15 Fighter owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 175,79 210,116 150,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=MiG-15 Fighter owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 150,90 175,79 210,116 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=MiG-15 Fighter owner=Jihadists veteran=yes homecity=none locations 210,116 175,79 150,90 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS