Start of #civ3dem buffer: Sun Nov 23 11:42:14 2003 [09:36] * Now talking in #civ3dem [09:36] * Topic is 'Demo Game Chat 10' [09:36] * Set by Jonny1 on Sun Nov 23 07:54:38 [09:36] Eep! [09:36] I was going to sleep... [09:36] he's here! [09:36] what time is it for you ormuzd ? [09:36] Are you guys early, or am I late? [09:36] 22:36 [09:36] EET [09:36] What?! [09:36] you're late [09:36] yep [09:36] with 36 min :) [09:37] Sorry - it IS 9:30 on Sunday morning here. [09:37] if my clock shows it right [09:37] we know :) [09:37] OK - well anyone still keen? [09:37] it's 21:30 Satuday evening here [09:37] will we start? [09:37] its 14:30 saturday afternoon here [09:37] it seems this will be the crew [09:37] 20:30 GMT [09:37] If we have ppl willing to sta y a while, hell yeah :D [09:37] let's go [09:37] I'm staying for a while [09:38] I will too [09:38] Cool - thanks. Am loading now. [09:38] hmm... just noticed this channel doesn't have a chat operator [09:38] Hang on.. [09:38] first finish my build orders in my C3C game... I was playing while waiting :p [09:38] * WIA is now known as MrWhereItsAt [09:38] Jonny2: that's no problem [09:38] although the FAM is the least important now :) [09:38] -> *nickserv* identify grandmasi [09:38] Hmm... [09:39] * MrWhereItsAt is now known as MWIA [09:39] -> *nickserv* identify grandmasi [09:39] * MWIA is now known as MrWIA [09:39] -> *nickserv* identify grandmasi [09:39] Damn! What did I register with...? [09:39] can't decide, eh? :) [09:39] haha [09:39] and what password did you register with? :)) [09:39] the channel was registered by jonny [09:39] Really? [09:40] * Jonny1 has joined #civ3dem [09:40] ack, disconnected again [09:40] Oh yeah - I registered the one on DALnet, I think [09:40] this one isn't registered I think [09:41] -> *chanserv* list [09:41] Jonny1 was opped when I joined... but then got disconnected [09:41] does it really matter? [09:41] when my clone timed out, no one else got opped [09:41] oh well... we shouldn't need a chanop anyway [09:41] Yeah - will deal with it later. [09:41] unless someone invited spammers? :) [09:42] yea, it doesn't matter, let's just start [09:42] Who's able to see the save at the same time? [09:42] I can [09:42] me [09:42] me [09:42] in a couple of minutes [09:42] I have already loaded it [09:42] loaded and ready [09:42] almost loaded :) [09:42] trying to figure out where I saved the download [09:43] "almost" :) [09:43] Right - whilst SprudL's sorting himself out, is there anything to do before ending 825? [09:43] :)) [09:43] I guess not [09:43] Nothing from my earlier look [09:43] nope [09:44] nope [09:44] OK, 4 ending turn [09:44] just don't forget the persians can have immortals soon [09:45] 4 Lots of Galleys mucking around.. [09:45] 4 Asgard builds settler [09:45] 4 SOG's borders expand [09:45] That's it [09:45] huh? [09:45] Oh yeah - SOG gets Cows and wheat [09:45] Thats' all that happened just npw [09:45] that barb galley almost sank the spanish galley [09:45] I also got notice that someone's building a wonder [09:46] i didn't [09:46] I didn't too [09:46] Neither - what version are you using? [09:46] weird [09:46] are you using 1.27 sprud? [09:46] only the persians are building the great wall [09:46] 1.21f [09:46] that explains the problem [09:46] there's no 1.2 for my version [09:46] 1.27 even [09:46] Really? [09:46] what version? [09:47] let me check the patches again [09:47] brittish I guess [09:47] There should be... [09:47] i know there is... [09:47] Well let's at least look aat orders.... [09:47] european stuff... [09:47] lots of problems [09:47] there was discussion about the city placement [09:47] ok, are we going to use MWIA's plan of settling SW of the cow? [09:47] ok [09:48] k [09:48] but what was it? [09:48] :) [09:48] settling near the cow? [09:49] Just getting to the thread now... [09:50] * Jonny3 has joined #civ3dem [09:50] * Jonny3 mumbles something about mIRC [09:50] Too... many... Jonnys :D [09:50] it's part of the plan for the SMC to take over the presidency ;) [09:51] do you really need it? [09:51] Need what? [09:51] you're supreme commander now [09:51] the presidency [09:51] * Jonny2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [09:51] you're probably right, i don't want to have to worry about running chats :D [09:51] ack, clone2 has died! [09:52] I see lots of people liked my idea - SW of the cows for the city [09:52] yea [09:52] we will need culture for the horses, right? [09:52] Yes. [09:53] No opposition to SW of the Cow? [09:53] if we settle two tiles SW from the cow? [09:53] we will have the horses [09:53] but we can't build harbor there [09:53] We get the Horse straight away, but we are that much closer to a hostile Spain and no harbour [09:53] we will capture jaen soon enough, anyway [09:53] ok then [09:54] move galley with settler 4,4, unload settler and archer 2 [09:54] just take the cow [09:54] I would hope so - Spain seems to be the best first target - Jonny...? ;) [09:54] Ok Mr SMC... [09:54] they ARE target 1 [09:54] 4 Galley 4 4 unloads both units 2 [09:54] madrid seems like a nice target :) [09:54] because they own the great lighthouse [09:55] Now the Galley picks up the Archers in SOG and goes to fight barbs right? [09:55] now galley 9 to finish its movement [09:55] Good point... [09:55] OK Jonny... 4 Galley 9 [09:55] not yet, that galley has to get the new settler to the island first [09:55] Fair enough [09:55] Now... Sons of Kloreep in the N [09:56] umm, should we move it to thor's hammer? [09:56] just so there's one unit there [09:57] It's OK as it is - it get can get to thor's Hammer in one turn anyway. This allows for some versatility of movement - but, up to the SMC ;) [09:57] Sons of Kloreep stays put [09:58] Cool [09:58] I think his current position is good [09:58] space or fortify? [09:58] Just press wait for the moment [09:58] Settler in New Asgard Heads 1 2 2? [09:58] yes 1 2 2 [09:59] OK, Thor's Sickle Galley N of Persia... [09:59] We can't go anywhere without getting into someone's borders. [09:59] 4 settler 1 2 2 1 [09:59] ;) [09:59] Er, thanks ormuzd ;) [10:00] There was no problem with crossing borders when getting to where we are [10:00] i guess we should send him back to our lands [10:01] perhaps 6 6 6 [10:01] Whjat about SW along Persia to get to ur western tip, or N to explore the coasts of Egypt? [10:01] * Jonny1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [10:01] We can see that land W of us that it could get to [10:01] well, north looks well explored [10:01] but i just saw that island to the west of us [10:01] Yes. [10:02] And with the Galley we will be exploring out to sea an extra tile or two [10:02] but will have to remain in persian territory for several turns in a raw to go SW [10:02] Do you guys know about the Galley fortify trick? [10:02] *row [10:02] They won't mind too much. [10:02] no [10:02] what is this trick? [10:02] galley fortify? do inform me... [10:02] OK - if you fortify a Galley, it sees an extra tile in all directions. [10:03] So normally you ahve to save a movement point to do that. [10:03] didn't knew it [10:03] didn't know that... [10:03] ic [10:03] how about galley 4 4 1 then, heading around persia [10:03] new information :) [10:03] BUT, if you have a unit on the boat, you can move exhaust the Galley's movement and then activate the unit and Fortify ALL. Then you have the full 3 moves of the Galley AND the extra sight [10:03] it sounds good [10:03] That is the trick, the first is just an undocumented game feature [10:04] MrWIA: is that considered an exploit? [10:04] hmm... [10:04] It's tricky.... by some, but since it's such a minor thing.... But I agree, we should avoid it until we have a poll on it [10:05] ok then, 4 4 1 [10:05] well... suppose we discover another civ using this method.. it wouldn't be minor then [10:05] True - but we can discuss that in the poll thread. Until then we will not use the trick. [10:06] k [10:06] 4 Galley 4 4 1 [10:06] Sound good to all? [10:06] k [10:06] yep [10:06] OK - the only other units are the Archers in SOG - skip turn? They are waiting to fight barbs overseas [10:07] unless we want one of them to escort the second settler [10:07] or load them in the galley? [10:07] There is a warrior in SOG next turn - could we use him instead? [10:08] ok, didn't see that, we'll use him [10:08] the settler will need two turns to reach SOG [10:08] *SAG [10:08] those two archers should skip turn [10:08] 4 Archers skip turn [10:08] Now to DM... [10:09] Perhaps Asgard should change to Archer? [10:09] Since your estimations show we have so few of them, Jonny? [10:09] Or a Spear? [10:09] What do you want there? [10:09] we don't make any research now [10:09] I see that too. [10:09] I'd go for a spear... a couple of defensive units would be good [10:10] We need a scientist or 10% [10:10] the settler we produced in New Asgard made the scientist there disappear [10:10] i'm gonna say spear, i hate seeing no defensive units with so much galley traffic [10:10] 4 Asgars starts on Spear [10:11] can we switch a worker to a scientist somewhere? [10:11] Terribly wasteful at 9spt... [10:11] We could in fields of Gold as it is making a tonne of food there/ [10:11] theres a worker in thor's hammer working on a hill [10:11] But by giving 10% science we only go down by 3 gpt [10:12] the shield it's producing is being lost anyway [10:12] Or that, Jonny [10:12] good idea Jonny3 [10:12] True - we would cash in one food for science. [10:12] Sounds good to me - what about everyone else? [10:12] we would stop growth in there [10:12] Until the Harbour [10:12] until the harbor was running [10:12] i say let's do that [10:12] true [10:12] Or until Asgard grows again and we put a scientist there [10:12] ok [10:13] fine by me [10:13] OK, thor's Hammer hills worker into Scientist. [10:13] We are now at 739 gold, 16gpt and 34 turns until Monarchy [10:14] can we rearrange workers in New Asgard to reduce the production loss? 9 shields per turn for Spears isn't too good [10:14] still nothing new to trade [10:14] Yeah - exactly my thoughts. [10:14] Thanks ormuzd [10:14] no, we can't [10:15] everyone is making two shields [10:15] and the food is maximized [10:15] there's no good way to rearrange them [10:15] if you move 1 from land to asea square you can get +1 commerce [10:15] errr [10:15] coastal square [10:15] and -1 food [10:16] and -2 shields [10:16] What can we build that ISN't wasteful? [10:16] Or at least less so? [10:16] courthouse :) [10:16] Hmm.... not much, and we NEED the units... [10:16] notmuch actually [10:17] we will waste those 7 shields [10:17] not much, 9 shields is an evil number [10:17] very evil [10:17] but after this we will have 10 shields / turn [10:17] something that's a multiple of 5 or 10 is much better [10:17] True, or 11... [10:17] yea, so i guess we should leave it as it is until it grows... [10:18] OK, anything else before turn end? [10:18] yeah [10:18] kill the spanish ;) [10:18] Done... [10:18] ;) [10:18] tnx :) [10:18] gimme a break, it's my first day on the job :) [10:18] :) [10:18] nothing I think [10:19] 4 Anything else before turn end? [10:19] nope [10:19] nope [10:19] no [10:19] 4 Ending 800BC [10:19] 4 Persia worried we are in their borders [10:19] "we apologize..." [10:19] 4 Apologize and ignore them [10:20] or it should be in some color? [10:20] 4 Goodbye! [10:20] Red will do if it's an official order [10:20] bloody red ... we're vikings after all [10:20] ok [10:21] I thought red is for the president only [10:21] SAG builds warrior... [10:21] I would say those Egyptians are heading for the Sth Isle too.. [10:21] and green or blue was for the ministers... [10:21] it doesn;t matter [10:21] No, red is for official orders. You're just not supposed to do anything 'till you see the Prez type it in red :) [10:21] yellow! to honor the Banana [10:21] SOG builds Warrior and that's it/ [10:21] You try reading yellow :/ [10:22] no problem.. I have a black background :) [10:22] where will we build the next city with the second settler? [10:22] according to the plan, it will go on the plain 3 3 3 of the current settler [10:22] If it's on the Sth isle, the idea was on the east coast [10:23] That;s it :) [10:23] ok, I remember the image [10:23] it was marked with 1 [10:24] the SMC humbly requests that the new warrior be named after he ;) [10:24] BigBadJonny? [10:24] i like it [10:25] 4 Renamed Warrior in SOG - 'BigBadJonny the Warrior' [10:25] nto the Galley with him? [10:25] all fear BigBadJonny [10:25] galley 1 of SAG moves 9 into SAG [10:26] Oh, good move. [10:26] 4 Galley moves into SAG [10:26] * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem [10:26] Hey Klo! [10:26] Hi! [10:26] hey [10:26] hi Kloreep [10:26] We were just talking about you.... [10:26] Well, not really, but good to see you here ;) [10:27] lol [10:27] :) [10:27] are you going to post a new save for kloreep? [10:28] Don't stop for me [10:28] If you like, Klo, but what if we did this one, ended and then I posted at the start of the next turn? [10:28] I'm not sure how long I'll be here [10:28] Sound OK? [10:28] Sounds good :b: [10:28] ok then, BigBadJonny loads into galley in SAG [10:29] bu we can't load the settler :( [10:29] 4 Jonny loads onto Galley [10:30] We could move the Galley 3 and skip, that way it gets one tile closer to where it is going [10:30] yea, galley 3, skip turn [10:31] 4 Galley moves 3 and skips [10:31] we don't win much wit hthis, but we don't lose either [10:31] No. [10:31] Archers stay put in SAG? [10:31] archers in SAG skip turn [10:31] 4 Archers in SAG skip [10:32] Kloreep skips too? [10:32] yes, kloreep skips [10:32] 4 Sons of Kloreep skips [10:32] Or is that skip? [10:33] Now to Thor's sickle. [10:33] 4 2 2 [10:33] sounds good, 4 2 2 [10:33] Or 4 2 fortify? [10:33] * Kloreep skips and dances [10:34] it'd only uncover 1 tile, is it worth losing the movement point? [10:34] That is the question. [10:34] Are we in a rush to get to that island? [10:34] no, I think 4 2 2 is better [10:34] Jonny? Final say is yours... [10:35] on the next turn we will mae again 4 2 2 and we will see further in the sea [10:35] 4 2 2 for Thors Sickle [10:35] 4 4 2 2 for Thor's Sickle [10:35] THat's all SMC [10:35] Now the settlers and workers. [10:35] First off, build city in Sth Isle, I think.. [10:36] not all - the archer on the south island... :) [10:36] ok, build... [10:36] archer on south island will fortify in city [10:36] :p [10:36] New City name? [10:37] sailor's hut [10:37] I don;t have any idea [10:38] how about Cows and Wheat [10:38] descriptive and to the point [10:38] Battle Cows! [10:38] first viking's resort [10:38] Atlantis [10:39] Giant Leap [10:39] or, Take THIS Isabella! [10:39] Hmm... can we think of something to do with those pointy Cow Hats of the Vikings...? [10:39] Or simply Raiding Base [10:40] what's in a name [10:40] Valkyrie City? [10:40] Raiding Base is good really [10:40] descriptive and to the point :) [10:40] ok, Raiding Base [10:41] SprudL: exactly :) [10:41] OK, 4 Raiding Base founded [10:41] Build warrior? [10:41] Worker? [10:42] i vote worker [10:42] worked will be better [10:43] if the smc doesn't need a military unit it should be a worker [10:43] OK 4 Building worker, currently working the bonus grass [10:43] better working the wheat [10:43] the shield is wasted [10:43] yea [10:46] umm, anyone there? it's awfully quiet... [10:46] * SprudL is still here [10:46] I wondered too what happens [10:46] Sorry - a bit busy as well [10:46] * Jonny3 wonders if MWIA fell asleep again [10:47] he is fresh for the day :) [10:47] You're right about the wheat... 4 working the wheat now [10:47] let's move the settler to SAG [10:47] I am knackered, hungry and am having three chats at once, playing this game, posting on a major ISDG issue and writing notes for this to post later :) [10:47] and after decide what to do with the workers [10:47] 4 Settler to SAG [10:48] worker on grassland mines, i recommend? [10:48] 4 Archer in RB (Raiding Base) fortifies [10:48] Rainbow - mine? [10:48] OK - two workers now.. [10:49] A mine at SAG sounds OK, but is there anything else good it could do? [10:49] IF we put it on the Sth Isl we could road + mine the cows and wheat and not waste any turns of the Galley movement [10:49] but there's less corruption in SAG than on the Sth Isl [10:50] and there is no more room in the galley [10:50] nono - we move the worker on now, move him off next turn then load the settler [10:50] the cow cow and the wheat are in SAG [10:50] Then he roads the wheat and the cows, which SAG is working [10:50] a, yea, silly me :D [10:51] oh, ok, sounds good [10:51] What do you guys think? We currently have 8 unused improved tiles for three cities to expand to. Is that enough for the moment? [10:51] more than enough [10:51] they should build more settlers soon [10:52] not to mention that we have 2 more workers coming online next turn [10:52] Ok, moving the worker then.... [10:52] 4 Worker near SAG moves onto Galley [10:52] what are we building in SAG? warrior? [10:52] ATM, yes [10:52] Haven't discussed it yet [10:52] ok [10:53] just asked to check myself [10:53] worker NE of fields of gold should move 4 to work the plains, IMHO [10:53] George W. to build road in the desert? [10:53] No reason I can see for the desert - improving the plains sounds good [10:54] only to make the 3-tiles-route between the cities [10:54] or help for the road in the forest? [10:54] I see - that isn't needed though right now is it? [10:54] FOG is going to need more improved terrain sometime [10:54] i don't believe the 3-tile-route between FoG and SAG is needed [10:55] We get another worker there next turn anyway [10:55] or improve the SW tile (the bonus grassland)? [10:55] * theViking has joined #civ3dem [10:55] Hi Viking! [10:56] hi [10:56] welcome viking! [10:56] hi [10:56] OK, so either to the desert, to the grass or the plains. Keep in mind we have another worker next turn too so we can do two of these [10:57] the bonus grassland [10:57] hi theViking [10:57] whichever one [10:57] * Ennet has joined #civ3dem [10:57] Anyone have a reason to do a different one? [10:57] Hello Ennet :) [10:57] Heya :-) [10:57] hi Ennet [10:57] hi [10:57] big crowd today [10:58] hi [10:58] the bonus grassland is better in any case from the plains [10:58] OK, quickpoll: where does the worker move to? 1. grass 2, plains 3 desert [10:58] 4. abstain [10:58] 1. [10:59] 1 [10:59] 1 [10:59] 1 [10:59] the others don't have save [10:59] Don;t worry guys - will upload the save for you shortly :) [10:59] 1 for me - grass it is [10:59] 4 George W Viking moves 1 1 to bonus grass [10:59] one suggestion [11:00] * MrWIA listens [11:00] the working force in FOG to move somewhere [11:00] it makes [11:00] There is really no improvement... [11:00] Hang on - if we move the grass worker to the sea we get +1 gold [11:00] two food (not neede), 1 shield (wasted) and 1 gold [11:00] or to the roaded plains [11:01] Same diff. [11:01] only for the additional gold [11:01] no, the roaded plains has +1 food from the sea [11:01] it is not wasted in corruption [11:01] and +1 shield [11:01] as well as +1 gold [11:01] both are not used [11:01] But the food goes nowhere [11:01] the shield is still wasted [11:02] or we could leave it alone, as it matters little right now [11:02] One gold... ;) [11:02] 4 Moving grassland worker to the sea [11:02] now for SAG production [11:02] * Kloreep has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:02] OK, what do we want there? [11:03] gold :) [11:03] another settler? [11:03] What if we built a Barracks? [11:03] personally, i recommend a spearman, i would like to see 1 spear in each city before cranking out archers [11:03] Just throwing out an idea. [11:03] it's an interesting idea, too [11:03] we should try to build veteran spearmen [11:04] 4 Will have to stop at the end of this turn... have things queuing up to do [11:04] barracks in SAG, i guess [11:04] So, we could put it on a Barracks for now and have Jonny poll over the next few days. [11:04] we are building one spearman and two archers in our cities with barracks [11:05] Good point... [11:05] we can switch all to spearmen and build 3 more after this [11:05] So Jonny - what do you think? We will change it to something, save and exit and discuss it over the next few days. [11:05] NA will build one spearman for 2 turns [11:06] it will have 10 shields per turn [11:06] yea, that sounds good, put it to barracks now, then we'll discuss which direction we wish to take for military production [11:06] 4 Changing SAG to Barracks [11:07] i'd like to also get a few more galleys sometime soon as well [11:07] OK, anything else? [11:07] but i think that's all for now [11:07] no [11:07] The jungle is cleared 7 7 of Asgard next turn... :eager: [11:07] nothing interesting in the trades [11:07] 4 OK, turnchat over - am saving and posting in the forum. [11:08] Will be back soonish... [11:08] ok, good buy [11:08] I'm going to the bed [11:08] finally, this game is officialy progressing again! [11:08] cya ormuzd [11:08] Can you guys start thinking of ideas for discussion threads, those that are staying around? [11:08] Adios ormuzd - thaks for coming :b [11:08] good chat all [11:08] indeed.. it's good to see the game advancing again [11:08] by [11:08] * ormuzd has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [11:08] * theViking has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [11:09] :) [11:09] possible things to discuss: our first target (spain/persia/egypt); what we should concentrate on buliding (offensive/defensive/barracks) [11:10] prime target is Spain I think... [11:10] Madrid looks so nice [11:10] agreed ;) [11:10] hmmm im in need of an update of the situation... anyone feel like posting a screen or two in the forums? [11:10] taking that city would hurt the spanish bad [11:11] Ennet: MrWIA is posting the save [11:12] ahh :-) [11:13] Jonny3: any idea how soon the persian immortals will be knocking at our door? [11:15] we've still got 13 turns on our peace treaty with persia [11:15] And I am unsure if they have Iron yet... [11:15] so i'll give them about 14 turns until they attack [11:15] They have No Iron yet [11:16] They do have Horses though [11:16] well, the source is there, it's just a matter of if they've connected it yet [11:16] there's an iron deposit intheir territory.. they just need to hook it up [11:16] If we could get a couple of Spears there and fortify them... [11:16] No Iron for Persia! [11:17] Save posted! id=102317 [11:17] :) [11:17] i were just going to say the same thing! [11:18] well, i'm out of here, folks, new discussion threads to be posted in the forum soon [11:18] bye Jonny3 [11:18] * Jonny3 has quit IRC (Quit: ) [11:20] Ennet - have you been watching the DemoGame? [11:20] I know SprudL is a lurker ;) [11:20] :) [11:20] well, some.. not much latly tho :/ [11:20] hey.. I said something today :p [11:21] True Ennet - not much has happened in it for a while... [11:21] I was a little disappointed only ormuzd posted orders/a report, but I see Jonny did a the last minute as well - where are my Minister? [11:22] good question MrWIA [11:22] I PMed them all too [11:22] I would have expected all ministers to post something [11:23] we voted for the wrong ppl! :p [11:24] NM actually PMed me back sounding enthusaistic! [11:24] Maki didn;t need to be here.. [11:24] She may have to do some turns in the middle of the week, so there's a better time for everyone. [11:24] a good idea [11:25] lots of "small" turnchats maybe [11:25] Yes, or a turnthread here and there as well. [11:25] It goes LOTS faster with posted orders [11:25] indeed [11:26] and it's a good backup in case the minister can't attend a chat after all [11:26] You guys can be examining them whilst I do them, and then we go a lot quicker, as all we need to do is discuss a few mistakes or unseen things [11:26] Ennet - are you following all this? Need anything explained? :) [11:26] Ennet: new to demo games? [11:27] nah i been a spectator of the first demogame, thanks for asking thought :-) [11:27] :) [11:27] Cool [11:28] Do you vote in the polls, when there are some? [11:29] say yes :) [11:29] well i used to, but um.. i havn't been much on apolyton since june... just until like two weeksa ago anyway [11:30] so both yes and no :) [11:30] Fair enough then :) [11:30] atm im just trying to remember which version i have so i download the right patch fiel [11:30] file* [11:31] oh... you'll notice if you have the right patch [11:31] the game will still work :) [11:31] The game works anyway, but if you have a different version different things happen, that's all [11:32] well.. if you install the US patch over the UK PTW it becomes one big mess [11:32] been there, done that [11:32] en reinstalled :( [11:33] oi *comforts* [11:33] oh well [11:33] they got rid of the different versions for C3C .. that's good [11:34] anyone got C3C yet? [11:35] yes [11:36] nice :-) [11:36] :) [11:36] how does it look? [11:36] Yes - am hoping to have time to play it after this... [11:36] not bad actually [11:36] Not all that much different, just with extras :) [11:36] Although I am starting to see the changes to the AI itself [11:36] I tried the naopleon conquest [11:36] not bad [11:37] the AI in the epic game has done a couple of clever things I've never seen before [11:38] oh that sounds sweet :-) [11:38] although it's still _artificial_ intelligence :) [11:38] yea :/ [11:38] but it's better now I think [11:38] :) [11:39] my first game isn't going a smooth as usual [11:39] 1926 and I have just invented Flight... being tech leader and all [11:39] ahh [11:39] off a min, going to play my turn in a pbem game [11:40] good luck End of #civ3dem buffer Sun Nov 23 11:42:14 2003