; ; Events.txt for The Spanish Civil War scenario (NATIONALIST) ; Designed by Pablostuka ; @BEGINEVENTS @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=0 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=I-15 Chato owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=1 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=I-16 Mosca owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 85,81 85,81 109,45 109,45 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=I-16 Mosca owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=3 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Polikarpov RZ owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=4 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SB-2 Katiuska owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 79,111 79,111 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=11 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=SB-2 Katiuska owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=13 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=T-26B Tank owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 79,111 79,111 85,81 85,81 109,45 109,45 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=25 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Int Brigades owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 85,81 85,81 109,45 109,45 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=26 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Int Brigades owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 85,81 85,81 0,111 79,111 109,45 109,45 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=28 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=75mm Cannon owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 79,111 79,111 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 109,45 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=29 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=155mm Cannon owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=32 receiver=Republican Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mortar owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 85,81 85,81 79,111 79,111 109,45 109,45 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=0 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Heinkel He-51 owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=1 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Fiat CR-32 owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Bf-109B owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=3 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Junkers Ju-52 owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=4 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Savoia SM-79 owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 114,80 114,80 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=11 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Heinkel 111B owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=13 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Panzer IB owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=13 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Fiat CM Tank owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=28 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=75mm Cannon owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=29 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=155mm Cannon owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=32 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mortar owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=14 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Italian CTV owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 34,128 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=23 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Condor Legion owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=23 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Flak 88 Cannon owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 34,128 34,128 34,128 36,110 36,110 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Irun attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT Nationalist troops take control of Irun, isolating the French border of the Republican zone of control. This was one of the most trascendental victories in the beginnings of the war. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Guernika attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT The old villa of the fueros, Guernika, is put under massive bombing by the Legión Cóndor airplanes, and is almost reduced to ashes. Nationalist commanders communicate that the tragic bombing was done without their consent, nor their knowledge, while Hermann Göring, chief of the Luftwaffe, confirms that Guernika has been a mere test for strategical bombing. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Bilbao attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT After the breaking of the Cinturón de Hierro (Iron Belt), Nationalist troops reach Bilbao in a daring maneouver, and finally occupy it. The defence was set up by General Gámir Ulibarri, but his troops, exhausted and demoralized, couldn't resist so the Vizcaya capital did not fall. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Oviedo attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT The defence of Oviedo, where Colonel Aranda played a major role, falls before the attacks of the Asturian revolutionaries, who besieged the city since the beginning of the War. Now Asturias is completely under Republican control. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE CNT.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=BURGOS attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT BURGOS IS CAPTURED!! Communist troops achieve to sorround the city, and, in an awesome combined attack, supported by air means, they defeat the defenders and occupy the city. And with the city, they capture the Junta de Defensa Nacional (National Junta of Defence). Some of the insurgents surrender, but General Franco himself surprises everyone by surrendering to the Ejército Popular (Popular Army), asking for the end of the hostilities. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE INT.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=MADRID attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT Afer an almost never-ending besiege, Republican troops placed in Madrid, demoralized, decimated and exhausted, rebel against the Republic, leaded by Lt. Colonel Casado. All of the Madrid garrisons surrender to the Nationalist troops, and Spain's capital is quickly occupied. General Franco organizes the 'Desfile de la Victoria' (Victory Parade) in the Madrid Gran Via. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Republican Spanish amount=-2000 PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Pamplona attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT Pamplona is taken by Republican forces, supported by the Basque gudaris. Being outnombered, the Carlist militia surrenders unconditionally, and the city is occupied without resistance. General Mola is captured, judged and executed. Nationalists loose their bastion in the North sector. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Zaragoza attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT After facing a fierce resistance, trade union columns reach their final objective: Zaragoza. In the battle, Cabanellas disappears, and is considered dead. Zaragoza's labourer population celebrates the 'liberation'. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE INT.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Belchite attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT With Belchite's occupation, Republican side achieves a big victory, despite the Ejército Popular (Popular Army) has not yet reached its main objective: Zaragoza. The struggle has been fierce, and the town is reduced to ashes. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Alcañiz attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT The 'Ebro Battle' has just begun... Republican troops from Cataluña cross the Ebro using improvised bridges, trying an attack that could slow the Nationalist advance to Levante. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Bridge owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 92,54 92,54 92,54 92,54 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Benicarló attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT Nationalist troops reach the Mediterranean, thus splitting the Republican Spain in two separate zones. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Barcelona attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT The troops of the Cuerpo del Ejército Marroquí enter Barcelona facing little resistance. The Republic did not stablish a solid defence sorrounding the city, because the major part of the Ejército de Cataluña (Army of Cataluña), had been annihilated in the Ebro Battle. The war is close to an end... ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Figueras attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT Finally, Nationalist troops occupy Cataluña, and reach the French Border. Thousands of refugees flee to France, just to find themselves imprisoned in concentration camps... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Valencia attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT Valencia defenders, outnombered and outgunned, fail to protect the city of the Nationalists. The decimated Ejército de Levante (Army of the East), could not spare the Republic from this big loose. The 2nd Spanish Republic starts to crumble... ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Cartagena attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT The War is lost, and only the communists seem to be willing to continue fighting. One of them is Lt. Colonel Galán, who is designated as chief of Cartagena naval base. But besides his willing to fight, a big sector of the sailors in the base mutiny, arresting Galán, and taking control of batteries. The float flees from Cartagena to save themselves from the insurgent, while the Nationalist troops reach Cartagena, taking control of the city and helping the insurgent sailors. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Málaga attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT The port city of Málaga falls before the Italian volunteers and the troops coming from Granada. The defenders, completely sorrounded and outnumbered, can't do anything but surrender and lay down their arms to the insurgent troops. Now the transports coming form Melilla have not to go to Algeciras or Cádiz to unload the Moroccan troops. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=El Alcázar attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT Finally, the Alcázar besiege comes to an end, and General Moscardo and his troops surrender unconditionally to the Republican. The majestic building is reduced to ashes... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Rubber owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 52,70 52,70 52,70 52,70 52,70 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=11 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=Admiral Scheer owner=Nationalist Spanish maprect 66,124,66,124,66,124,66,124 moveto 65,123 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Admiral Scheer owner=Anarchists veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 66,124 66,124 66,124 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=11 @THEN TEXT "Fets de Maig" (May Deeds): Anarchist militia, along with POUM mutiny in Barcelona against the Generalitat government... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=POUM owner=Anarchists veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,43 109,44 108,43 109,42 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Sevilla attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT Sevilla, Nationalist bastion in Andalucía, is finally captured by the troops that remain loyal to the Republic. It seems like General Queipo de Llano has fled, but the prisoners are thousands. With the Republican control of Sevilla, the Nationalist lose their most important air base in the South, and the place where German airplanes were set up. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Córdoba attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT Córdoba is finally freed after hard fights in the North of the city. Columns of troops coming form Ciudad Real and Jaén have at least achieved their objective. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Granada attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT Granada, the big threat over Málaga, is captured in a daring sorrounding maneouver. With the fall of Granada, Eastern Andalucía is completely under Republican control. ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Toledo attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT After stablishing communication with the Alcázar defenders, General Varela's troops liberate the besieged and occupy the city. The threat to Madrid from the South is imminent... ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Teruel attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT The 'Batalla de Teruel' has come to an end, with a big Republican victory. Columns of troops from Valencia achieve to occupy the city after a hard offensive. But the Nationalist counter-attack is imminent... ENDTEXT PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=3 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Falangists owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 58,30 58,30 58,30 58,30 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=3 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Requetés owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 76,22 76,22 76,22 76,22 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=3 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Gudaris owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 65,17 65,17 65,17 65,17 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Legionario owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 39,141 39,141 39,141 39,141 39,141 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Regulares owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 62,150 62,150 62,150 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=-1 @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Republican Spanish amount=500 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=-1 @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Nationalist Spanish amount=700 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=8 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Soviet Ship owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 87,101 87,102 86,101 87,103 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=10 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Torricelli Sub owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 124,100 124,101 123,100 123,101 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=23 receiver=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Henschel 123 owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 36,110 36,110 34,128 34,128 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=N Commander attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN TEXT One Nationalist commander falls in action! The victorious Republican troops get promoted, and now they command a new Army group. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=R Commander owner=Republican Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 56,60 56,60 85,81 85,81 104,45 104,45 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=Republican Spanish amount=1000 PLAYWAVEFILE REP.WAV @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=R Commander attacker=Nationalist Spanish defender=Republican Spanish @THEN TEXT One Republican commander falls in action! The victorious Nationalist troops get promoted, and now they command a new Army group. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=N Commander owner=Nationalist Spanish veteran=yes homecity=NONE locations 58,30 58,30 35,111 35,111 84,44 84,44 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=Nationalist Spanish amount=1000 PLAYWAVEFILE NAC.WAV @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Infantry attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Infantry owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 56,60 56,60 109,45 109,45 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motor Infantry attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Motor Infantry owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 56,60 56,60 85,81 85,81 65,17 65,17 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Armored Car attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Armored Car owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 65,17 65,17 109,45 109,45 56,60 56,60 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Fiat CR-32 attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=I-15 Chato owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 56,60 56,60 85,81 85,81 65,17 65,17 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Legionario attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Assault Guard owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 109,45 109,45 56,60 56,60 79,111 79,111 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Italian CTV attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Int Brigades owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 72,90 72,90 72,90 56,60 56,60 109,45 109,45 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Requetés attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Gudaris owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 65,17 65,17 65,17 68,16 68,16 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=75mm Cannon attacker=Republican Spanish defender=Nationalist Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=75mm Cannon owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 65,17 65,17 72,90 72,90 56,60 56,60 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=-1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Republican Spanish whom=Nationalist Spanish @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=-1 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Republican Spanish maprect 96,40,112,40,112,54,96,54 moveto 84,44 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=-1 @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Republican Spanish maprect 82,70,90,70,90,112,82,112 moveto 56,60 numbertomove=ALL @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=2 @THEN TEXT Republican troops land in Mallorca near Porto Cristo village!You should stop them! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Assault Guard owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 118,78 118,78 118,76 118,76 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=13 @THEN TEXT Republican offensive near Brunete (Madrid) ! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Motor Infantry owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 53,61 53,61 52,62 52,62 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=14 @THEN TEXT Republican offensive near Belchite! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=75mm Cannon owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 86,52 86,52 87,53 87,53 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=14 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Motor Infantry owner=Republican Spanish veteran=no homecity=NONE locations 87,53 87,53 86,52 86,52 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=7 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Republican Spanish technology=13 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=8 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Republican Spanish technology=3 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=10 @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Republican Spanish technology=1 @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS