; ; Events text for "Soviet Steel" scenario ; Curt Silbing - 26/5/03 ; @BEGINEVENTS @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT SILENCE FROM RUSSIA - IS STALIN READY TO STRIKE? ^After the ambassadors from the USSR left last month, ^talk in NATO circles has been of the possibility ^of a Soviet invasion or some other aggressive event. ^Stalin remains silent about his sudden cooling of ^relations with the USA and Western Europe. ^It seems answers will be coming soon enough. ^NATO's ULTRA office has reported large build-ups ^of WARPAC forces in staging areas around ^Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=2 @THEN TEXT NATO REPORTS MILITARY READINESS! ^Germany, Italy, France and Britain have declared ^that they will derail any Soviet attempts to enter Western Europe. ^NATO air assets stand ready, troops are on alert, and European ^populations are ready to dash to air-raid shelters. ^For the last ten years, the would-be combatants have ^done this all before, the shadow of war looms ever closer... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=B-52 Heavy Bomber attacker=anybody defender=USA @THEN TEXT AMERICAN BOMBER DISASTER! ^American Airforce morale suffers a blow as ^a huge B-52 Stratofortress is blown from the sky! ^These expensive bombers are hard to replace... ^The US taxpayers are displeased... ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=USN Carrier attacker=USSR defender=USA @THEN TEXT AMERICAN CARRIER SUNK! ^American morale suffers a disastrous defeat as ^a mighty US aircraft carrier is sunk by the enemy! ^Thousands of crew members are missing and feared dead... ^An angry Congress votes to fire the chief of ^US Navy Operations for gross incompetence. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Soviet Carrier attacker=USA defender=USSR @THEN TEXT SOVIET CARRIER SUNK! ^Russian naval aspirations take a severe setback, ^as a Soviet aircraft carrier is sunk by the enemy! ^Thousands of crew members are missing and feared dead... ^The admiral is called to Moscow and is summarily shot. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=NATO General attacker=USSR defender=USA @THEN TEXT ^Anger and recriminations fly as a NATO General is captured by the enemy! ^A major blow to American prestige as the Whitehouse must pay a huge ^ransom to Soviet agents - to secure his eventual release and good treatment. ^US taxpayers are concerned about the securtiy of NATO... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=NATO General Count=1 owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 113,29 121,29 120,50 117,35 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=WARPAC General attacker=USA defender=USSR @THEN TEXT ^Red rage in the Kremlin as a WARPAC General is captured by the enemy! ^The strategic secrets this officer knows are too precious to be proliferated, ^so the KGB is forced to come to a humiliating deal for his release. ^Purges will follow this incident! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=WARPAC General Count=1 owner=USSR veteran=yes homecity=None locations 131,25 134,24 124,18 133,21 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=NATO General attacker=USSR defender=European Free States @THEN TEXT ^A NATO General is captured by the USSR! He is subsequently returned, for a price! ^Awkward questions are being asked in military circles, ones NATO would rather not answer. ^How did the General get into this situation? Did he tell the Russians any NATO data? ^Western media has a field day with is embarrassing incident! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=NATO General Count=1 owner=European Free States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 113,29 121,29 120,50 117,35 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=WARPAC General attacker=USA defender=United Socialist States @THEN TEXT ^Shock in Warsaw as a WARPAC General is captured by the enemy! ^The fact that his government must pay money to the capitalists ^is a huge blow for Ivan Ribar...Stalin is displeased! ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=WARPAC General Count=1 owner=United Socialist States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 131,25 134,24 124,18 133,21 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=10 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=MI5 Agent Count=1 owner=European Free States veteran=yes homecity=None locations 113,29 121,29 120,50 117,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=10 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Soviet Agitator Count=1 owner=USSR veteran=yes homecity=None locations 131,25 134,24 124,18 133,21 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=MOSCOW attacker=anybody defender=USSR @THEN TEXT STALIN'S RED FORTRESS CRUMBLES - NATO FLAGS FLUTTER ABOVE THE KREMLIN! ^Moscow, once centre of the Soviet Union and Stalin's capital, ^has fallen to the triumphant NATO armies... ^Since before dawn the RAF and Luftwaffe has been exacting ^lightning strikes on Red Army positions around the city. ^American GIs supported by elite Italian Bersaglieri, ^had been hard pressed to make headway into the central areas, ^finally the NATO troops broke through, and reports tell that ^many Soviet top brass were killed trying to escape. ^A US NCO, Sargeant Sharpe was celebrated with pride by US media, ^ as he gunned down feared NKVD chief Beria - Well done, soldier! ^Stalin appears to have fled to the eastern states, ^but the NATO HQ has vowed to bring him to task for his crimes... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile NATO.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=LENINGRAD attacker=anybody defender=USSR @THEN TEXT STALIN CHOKES WITH DISBELIEF - LENINGRAD FALLS TO NATO! ^Russia's principle city in the Baltic, Leningrad has been conquered by NATO forces. ^Purple with fury, Stalin has ordered a purge of his military and promised to make NATO pay. ^Time will tell if 'Uncle Joe' can carry out his angry vow... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile NATO.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Warsaw attacker=anybody defender=United Socialist States @THEN TEXT SHOCK RESULT - WARSAW LIBERATED! ^Penetrating the Soviet lines NATO forces have captured Warsaw. ^Rommel made a statement, declaring the Warsaw Pact as obsolete ^and their former forced member states as free peoples. ^Poland welcomed their Western liberators and the US President has deemed ^that "The fate of the USSR is to perish from the face of earth, god-willing"... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile NATO.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Warsaw attacker=anybody defender=United Socialist States @THEN TEXT BREAKDOWN OF DIPLOMACY! STALIN SHOWS HIS TRUE COLOURS! ^Furious at the fall of Warsaw, Stalin sends the Red Army to remove the ^'Vile European Meddlers' from the city WARPAC was born in and named after! ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=USSR whom=European Free States JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=P'yongyang attacker=USA defender=United Socialist States @THEN TEXT THE BALLOON IS UP! USA AND USSR GO HEAD TO HEAD! ^The Fall of P'yongyang has pushed Moscow too far. ^Stalin begins attacks on NATO without any formal declaration... ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=USSR whom=USA JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=P'yongyang attacker=anybody defender=United Socialist States @THEN TEXT STALIN FURIOUS! USSR STRIKES OUT AT NATO! ^The Fall of P'yongyang has pushed Moscow too far. ^Stalin calls for a 'Communist Mass Effort' against NATO! ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=USSR whom=European Free States JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=STALINGRAD attacker=anybody defender=USSR @THEN TEXT GLOOM IN THE KREMLIN AS STALINGRAD IS TAKEN! ^Disbelief and sadness have gripped Russia today as the jubilant NATO ^media beamed radio messages telling of the victory of their armies in Stalingrad. ^Stalin himself is said to be in a dire mood about the critical battle he has lost, ^despite the fact his Red Army put up a heroic defence... ^Even now Stalin is rumoured to be drawing up a list for a new purge... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile NATO.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=LONDON attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT THE UNBELIEVABLE OCCURS: LONDON HAS FALLEN! ^Soviet marines, supported by the Red Navy and prototype amphibious tanks, have conquered London. ^Westminster Abbey has been burned, and a heroic last stand at the Tower only just bought time ^for an evacuation of the Royal Family and the Government. A dark day for the United Kingdom... ^The Royal Family is reputedly moving to Canada, while a vote of no-confidence has brought ^Winston Churchill back into Government and returning the Labour Party to the Opposition. ^Churchill went on the radio today, announcing his relocation to Edinburgh and giving a rousing speech. ^"This is the darkest time. But it is this time in which the Empire, ^supported by her cousins across the sea, shall rally. ^We shall not surrender. Never. This is not the end, but merely the end of the beginning. The Empire has not lasted five hundred years to fall apart now!" ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=BERLIN attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT ROMMEL'S REDOUBT FALLS AFTER MONTH-LONG SIEGE! ^It is unclear just when Soviet troops seized Berlin, as their first ^targets were the radio broadcasting stations. ^After an interval of perhaps five hours, the radios came back online... ^"LONG LIVE STALIN AND THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION!" ^Apparently, after the radio stations the second center of Soviet ^aggresion was the prison where Hitler-era war criminals were being held. ^Seventeen former officers of the SS, including Heinrich Himmler himself, were hanged at dawn. ^The Soviet officer in command, Marshall Zhukov, has refused to allow the ^Red Cross entry, and this report has been smuggled out only with the aid of refugees. ^Rommel has vowed to strike back and has joined Manstein and Rundstedt in plotting a counterattack... ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Stockholm attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT SWEDEN CRUSHED BY SOVIET STEAMROLLER! ^Soviet amphibous troops have gained control of neutral Sweden. ^Amidst the chaos, the Red Army have seized the Bofors weapons factory. ^Now, Swedish weapons are being used by Soviet regiments... ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=USSR technology=91 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=PARIS attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT PARIS, THE CITY OF LIGHTS, NOW A SOVIET POSSESSION! ^CHARLES DE GAULLE A PRISONER OF THE USSR! ^Soviet paratroops, in a surprise night-time attack, have conquered Paris. ^After seizing the government offices, numerous members of the French ^Communist and Socialist parties have declared a Socialist ^Republic of France, treacherously alligned with the Soviet Union. ^The military received orders to stand down, and for the most part did, ^a number still doggedly resisting around the outskirts of the city. ^Outside of Paris, the fighting continues, especially in the rural south. ^Army officers and naval commanders vow that the fight will continue, ^but a lack of leadership has led to inaction. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=ROME attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT ROME FALLS! FORMER BLACK-SHIRTS EXECUTED! ^SLAUGHTER OF THE OFFICER CORPS! PASTA EXPORTS DISCONTINUED! ^Soviet infantry divisions seized Rome this morning, ^burning down the World War I memorial building. ^The Colosseum too has been bombarded to dust, ^and the Forum has been laid waste too. ^This has sparked consternation and anger among the World powers... ^What few Italian soldiers have not been massacred have regrouped within the Vatican, ^whilst at the Prime Minister's orders the Pope and his councils have been evacuated to the United States. ^Reports of atrocities committed by Serb troops against Italian civilians remain unsubstantiated, ^and an Italian official speaking on terms of anonymity has cried: "Alas, all is lost with Rome!" ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=ROME attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT BRITAIN AND USA VOW VENGEANCE OVER THE SACK OF ROME! ^In the wake of the devastation of Rome by the Red Army, ^the US Secretary of State has declared the Russian officers in charge as "war criminals". ^A UK general has deemed the Soviets as "reckless barbarian hordes"... ^The USA and other NATO allies have vowed to exact revenge on Stalin's forces in Italy. ^The USAF, RAF, Armée de l'air and Luftwaffe are busy grouping ^aircraft for night-time strikes on the communist armies... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=MADRID attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT FALL OF MADRID! - FRANCO FLEES IN PANIC! ^With the fall of Madrid, the last of the ^'fascist brotherhood' has been taken by the Red Army. ^Francisco Franco appears to have fled, however, ^stores of arms appear to have gone missing, ^and a guerrilla movement has sprung up in the hills of Spain. ^A declaration from one has been issued, claiming that ^"As the peasants threw out Napoleon, so we shall eject Stalin." ^But, of course, Napoleon did not have tanks. ENDTEXT PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Jerusalem attacker=Independent States defender=anybody @THEN TEXT DISASTER FOR ISRAEL AS ENEMY TROOPS TAKE OVER! ^Tel Aviv falls to the United Arab Republic and ^with it the rest of Northern Israel. ^Hundreds of thousands of Israelis flee from the enemy, ^as NATO races to contain this new development. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Mossad Task Force owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,58 128,58 129,55 130,60 129,61 131,59 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Mossad Task Force owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,58 128,58 129,55 130,60 129,61 131,59 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=New York attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT NEW YORK IN STALIN'S RED SGRIP! ^Today, the troops of the 4th Guard Army captured what the USSR ^considered the "Dark Heart of Capitalism", New York City. ^The once proud city falls to the Soviets, who are given orders ^to openly devastate the greatest metropolis of the USA. ^The whole Western World is shocked. The US President, ^speaking from an armoured battlecruiser, at a secret location, ^tearfully declared that American forces will soon strike back ^and avenge this "ungodly act of mindless brutality". ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=10000 PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=WASHINGTON DC attacker=USSR defender=anybody @THEN TEXT THE WHITEHOUSE FALLS TO THE SOVIETS! ^Saluting to the Soviet War Flag upon the White House which is now to be painted Red, ^the Commanding General of the Soviet Juggernaut, General Vershigora, ^was appointed the title "Supreme Hero of the Working Class" by a jubilant Stalin. ^The once mighty USA now faces defeat and oppression by the victorious Soviet Union. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=5000 PlayWaveFile SOVIET.wav JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=43 receiver=European Free States @THEN TEXT EUROPEAN NATO MAKES ATOMIC BREAKTHROUGH! ^German, French and British scientists have made a ^sudden discovery that has enabled the Euro NATO military ^to forge ahead to the completion of the Atom Missile! ^The world stage has changed drastically... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=43 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT AMERICAN BOFFINS ENABLE ATOMIC MISSILE DEVELOPMENT! ^A dedicated team, led by chief scientific developer, ^Oppenhiemer, has made a mjor advance in the USA's ^search for a 'knock-out' weapon to derail Stalin's war machine. ^The Atom Missile will hugely swing the balance of power in favour of NATO... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=43 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT STALIN HAS GAINED THE UPPER HAND! ^After many failures and trials, the Soviet scientific ^committee has gained the technology to develop a Russian Atom Missile, ^surely European cities will be the first to feel the red wrath of Stalin's new terror weapon. ^The atomic Sword of Damocles is firmly in the iron grip of Stalin it would seem... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=90 receiver=European Free States @THEN TEXT NATO TALKS IN SWEDEN TAKE NEW FORM! ^NATO enlargement to encompass former Warsaw-client countries ^will be discussed in bi-lateral and multi-lateral meetings between Russia's defected diplomat Igor Chernomyrdin and NATO delegates. ^Sweden and Finland are relatively new members of the club and have ^decided to remain neutral in terms of security arrangements. ^What they have agreed to though is of good news to NATO. ^The Bofors corporation in Sweden has graciously offered ^to supply their experts in artillery and systems to help ^Euro NATO in terms of arms development. ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=European Free States technology=91 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=25 receiver=European Free States @THEN TEXT GERMAN VETERANS COME TO THE FORE! ^In the wake of Stalin's aggression, NATO HQ has ^approved the plan of calling up ex-Wehrmacht reserves. ^These troops are now being absorbed into NATO units, ^after being screened and made to take a new oath to the ^democratic German Federal Constitution. A benefit to this ^is the re-activation of the supremely capable Panzer ^regiments. These WW2 veterans are outfitted with ^retro-fitted Tiger-IIIs and are proving to be every ^bit as efficient as NATO had hoped... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=4 @THEN TEXT STALIN REVEALS THE FUTURE OF THE RED AIR FORCE! ^Blasted enemies and ruined buildings are all that ^is left when the deadly MIG-15 has done it's work! ^Shocked by this modern fighter, the NATO forces ^realise they have miscalculated the Soviet technology level... ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=USSR technology=78 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=8 @THEN TEXT NEW RED TANKS ARE BEING READIED FOR BATTLE! ^Soviet engineers are busy sending out the first ^batch of the T-50 Tank to frontline Red Armour units. ^It has sloped armour, a 75mm gun and self-loading turret... ^An advanced killing machine... ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=USSR technology=12 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=77 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT RED NAVY BEGINS HOVERCRAFT ATTACKS! ^To augment the deadly attacks of the Red Army Naval regiments, ^the Soviet engineers have deployed a new, fast naval transport to the troops. ^A fearsome flotation vehicle, with twin turbines, it can bring a horde of red soldiers ^to an enemy coastline within hours, a formidable weapon in the Red Banner Fleet's arsenal! ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=33 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT NASTY SURPRISE IN SOVIET SKIES! ^It is obvious that Hitler-era scientists have been hard at work in the Soviet aero-design offices. ^A heavily evolved version of the Me162 Komet is being pressed into service above Soviet strategic targets. ^Far in advance of it's faulty source, these 3rd generation rocket planes await the Allies in nasty swarms... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=13 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT STALIN PLAYS HIS KILLER CARD - T-60 BATTLETANK! ^To further bolster the power of the Red Army, ^a new MBT is joining the fray, the T-60 Battletank. ^Arrayed with a killer armament and a host of up-to-date systems, ^the T-60 is only to be issued to the best troops. ^NATO tankers are about to engage a very formidable new adversary... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=92 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT DIPLOMATIC TALKS IN PALESTINE REACH NEW PITCH! ^The Americans are reporting that progress is being made ^in the talks between Israel, Palestine and the West... ^Trouble is still brewing with partisan splinter groups, however... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=93 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT AS BOMBS FALL...AMERICAN AND ISRAELI DEAL SIGNED! ^Amid continued problems in the region, the USA has announced ^a plan that will hopefully end strife in the region of the Middle East... ^But it will take some time for the plan to be implemented fully, ^but the Israeli Special Forces at at NATO's disposal... ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Mossad Task Force owner=USA veteran=yes homecity=None locations 130,58 128,58 129,55 130,60 129,61 131,59 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=65 receiver=European Free States @THEN TEXT BEST OF BRITISH TAKES TO THE SKIES! ^British engineering continues to excell as the new ^BAC Lightning is approved and starts being supplied to ^front-line RAF units. A good all-round fighter, ^it will be a worthy replacement to the ageing Meteor, ^which is finding itself outclassed by the deadly ^MIGs that the Red Air Forces are using... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=62 receiver=European Free States @THEN TEXT NEW GERMAN EAGLE SPREADS IT'S WINGS! ^German Luftwaffe technical staff have came up with a new interceptor, to counter the all-powerful MIGs. ^Eager test pilots are reporting that the Fw250 is showing all the signs of being a classic fighter. ^Using US, British and German technology, this new steel eagle is being hurried to front-line units... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=39 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT USAF REVEALS NEW SABRE FIGHTER! ^In an effort to reach parity with the new Soviet Airforce fighters, ^the USAF has unleashed the new F-86 Sabre. ^Armed with new missiles and cannon, and featuring streamlined aerodynamics, ^the USA hopes to meet the MIGs head on! ^Time will tell if this new steel eagle will live up to it's promise... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=85 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT USAF SENDS GIANT BOMBERS TO EUROPE! ^In an effort to deter the Red Army, America has deployed the ^most impressive bomber to see combat service in the USAF. ^Squadrons of the new B-52 Stratofortresses are ready to launch ^devastating raids on the word of the NATO supreme commander... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=81 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT DEADLY NEW USAF WARBIRD TAKES TO THE SKY! ^In the never-ending battle for aerial superiority, ^the USAF has pushed for a new fighter project to be complete. ^Pulling out all the stops, and being thrust into production ^in record time, the F-90 is a ground-breaking plane. ^The NATO commanders are sure it has no equal in the skies, ^the coming battles will prove for sure... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=46 receiver=USSR @THEN TEXT NEW RED WARPLANE CAUSES A SHOCK OVER EUROPE! ^If Allied pilots thought the shock of the MIG15's ^appearance over Europe was a terrifiying event, ^then they had better get ready to feel the same again! ^The new air weapon of the Red Air Force is causing fear in the sky. ^Armed with 20mm cannons and AA missiles, The MIG-20 is a killer... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=88 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT US PATTON TANK IS HERE! ^The Americans are excited about their new MBT Design, a tank that will be a bulwark against the Red Armour. ^A solid war machine, borrowing from hard-earned battle experience in WW2, the Patton may live up to it's name! ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=36 receiver=USA @THEN TEXT NEW YANKEE TANKS MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE! ^After an extensive redesign, the new M60 Pattons are making their way to the frontline. ^With a suite of on-board war systems and a formidable armament, this MBT will be a mainstay in the US Army... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN TEXT Democratic governments pledge additional funds for NATO defence missions. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=European Free States amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN TEXT US State Department increases budget for NATO defence missions. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=USA amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN TEXT WARPAC client states volunteer revenue to fulfil their treaty obligations. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=USSR amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN TEXT The Kremlin pledges extra financial support to WARPAC client states. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=United Socialist States amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN TEXT Western companies decide to increase investment in China's growing industries. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Chinese Republic amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=35 receiver=Chinese Republic @THEN TEXT CHINA AND USA SIGN ARMS DEAL! ^To bolster stability in the region, the USA has agreed ^To supply China with military systems based on NATO types. ^In return, China must help defend democracy in Asia... ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Chinese Republic technology=41 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=53 receiver=Chinese Republic @THEN TEXT CHINA BUYS MIG DESIGNS - AMERICA ANNOYED! ^It has came to light that China has been in talks to ^purchase the MIG-15 design as a patent from the USSR. ^Amid annoyed comments from US military circles, the ^Chinese are showing they are in no-ones pocket... ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Chinese Republic technology=78 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=United Socialist States whom=Neutral States JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Kuwait attacker=United Socialist States defender=Neutral States @THEN TEXT NATO DEADLINE RUNS OUT - WAR AGAINST USS! ^The Fall of Kuwait has pushed NATO too far. ^Rommel states Europe must now 'attack to defend humanity...' ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=European Free States whom=United Socialist States JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=BERLIN attacker=USSR defender=European Free States @THEN TEXT AMERICA GOES TO WAR! SOVIETS IN THE FIRING LINE! ^With the fall of Berlin, The USA is stung into action. ^The US President sends his soldiers with a mandate; ^'To rescue humankind from evil...' ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=USA whom=USSR JUSTONCE @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS