Session Start: Tue Jun 03 17:46:11 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Now talking in #civ3dem * Topic is 'C3DGII - Turnchat #8' * Set by dejon on Tue Jun 03 17:41:23 Howdi hi Hi GK loading the game.... * mrmitchel sets mode: +oo Kloreep PrezGodKi Thanks dejon. :) I'll load the game too. dejon is loading save... * dejon is loading save... Thanks. Any word if anybody else is planning on joining us? I thought BetaHound was going to be here... Yeah, BH said he'd make it Can someone do a log for me. My computer often messes them up as I disconnect from mIRC and loose the earlier parts of a chat. I'm logging. Need to reboot. Then I can do a log too. * Kloreep has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) Thanks. I log, but I am on dial up, and if I forget to refresh a web page every 7 minutes or so I get disconnected.... I hate Yahoo. Why did they have to buy prodigy? * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem Okay, loading once more... 5 minutes.... Loaded. What are we going to research? That shall be our first discussion. I thing monarchy, but am open to suggestions. think, not thing I agree. It's the most expensive, so the best use of 40-turn research. And I doubt we'll want markets or aqueducts anytime soon. I agree too. Monarchy is the correct approach for a Diety warfare game, right? We certainly don't want WW from Republic. :) * CiverDan has joined #civ3dem helolo hello Hi. And we're unlikely to get the wonders from MM or Lit Hi CD hi dejon Did you get either of my PMs CD? no... Other options I see are currency (AI never seams to research it til last) or lit (and try for GL, but I doubt we will get it without a GL) HI CD hi godking * PrezGodKi is now known as Prez_GK i got it kloreep one minute hold on a gotta load the game 4 Greetings and welcome to the official first chat of term 2!!! Hurrah!?! I would like to go in this order, FAM, DM, MoW and Other. any objections. Long like the President King! *Long live give me one min to load teh game like also. Of course. :) :D poly is a bit slow You might want to put me later in order... I'll need to check AIs before giving orders each turn, whereas the DM will have more advance knowledge of plans. we are at 1350BC correct I know.. we can do FAM 2 times, once at the beginning and once under other. Yep. We need BetaHound, or a replacement CiverDan yep betahound gave first turn orders. loading save loading save BetaHound isn't on poly right now... * roadcage has quit IRC (Quit) * roadcage has joined #civ3dem bach ok i am loaded wb Lets start without him. If someone wants to take over until he joins.... Don't you need Music Theory for that, roadcage? ;) back * dejon smirks at Kloreep 4 switching asgard to settler Well, you're technically the one who it falls to, GK. :) I'd say you're a good replacement if no one else steps forward. dejon: ? I know, but I have my hands full.... and can use some help. I can, but how 'bout RC? (I'm SMC) Got it loaded roadcage? want me to look at FAM? 4 moving new slaves s-sw (using road to command) yes Could you serve as DM if BetaHound doesn't show? CD: Sure, I could use some help. BTW, I assume you accept the position of FAM deputy? (He only posted first turn orders) yes i do where are these new slaves? Gk just moved them (orders in red) in the capital i dont seee them 4 changed workforce in bergen, and switched production to settler. In Asgard CD: You have the post-techwhore save, right? CD: do you have the post-whore save? oops... cross post my back bad If not, you can get it in the Turnchat #8 announcement thread. brb GK: Changed workforce how? WF from S to W of city from south to west sorry, I had 3 pm's while I was doing the orders.... Yikes. tell me about it. Hopefully we will get a couple more people joining us. Newbees Cool :b: am loading it now any other buisness? or end turn. Nothing here Nope. Want us to use a colour for orders and responses? Please. use blue for official orders. 12FAM okay to end turn. * BetaHound has joined #civ3dem BetaHound :D glad to see ya. DM here. We have our DM! Rejoice! :) Yea! Man - traffic was a pain. first turn done. waiting to end turn. just did your orders as posted. This might be the first chat in a while with a full set of ministers... You know our lovely city - dejon. That's one reason why I love working from home! neither of the VP's are hear. thx! i got it am all caught up now ok. ending turn, or do you need to catch up beta * mrmitchel sets mode: +o BetaHound GK: Yeah, but I think of them as executives rather than ministers. What I mean is that all three ministers responsible for orders are here. :) damn true * mrmitchel sets mode: +ooo CiverDan Kloreep roadcage glad to have you all here btw. how does one read the previous sstuff on the chat log we have 6 archers now i see Beta: You want the orders reposted? we do we declare? *when no - its probably OK - I know what they were. i havent gotten caught up on all the threads yet approach border before declaring 4 ending turn but not IN the border..thats bad for reo rep approach not cross I didn't get much response in the War we want to declare war on the Ottos, or just settle their Iron? I say just settle the iron if we get there in trime. time Ottos want us out. Ottoman "we are in their territory" message. I will hit appologize for mistake and move troops out. :b: Ah, fine by me. I hadn't hit end turn here. Gotta get our scout outta there. interesting..where are those persians going.. egypt and germans building lighthouse. What's Copenhagen producing next? just hit OK and we can decide later. lighthouse - FAM start checking for MM deals :D I'm afraid it's too expensive. :( one sec i will check frmo bottom up We just have to hope someone acquires MM before Poly or Mathematics. Arher or spearman - dejon's choice. Babylon seems to be making 1gpt. Ottomans bought Poly. We'll need a defender for the Iron city - Spearman remember, please use blue for orders. 12 Okay, sorry DM - your first. ok - rookie question - how does one do blue? control k then type the number then space. 12 is blue. ctrl-k, 7 then type as usual err, 12. we can give Japan Alphabet for 20 Gold 7 7 is what I normally use to get people's attention 12 like this you got it. two workers next to Cope commence roading. I think we should wait on Japan... they could pay us more later on. that an order BetaHound 12 roading. 4 roading Informal poll : 1) Only peacefully take Ottomans Iron with settler; 2) War - take at least Aydin When does the map value reset? When a unit moves, or when more is uncovered? The forum authorized war... Besides, Edrine would bring a lot of cultural pressure on any city we set up here. Iron is within their borders, settling will cause war *set up there No, we can settle just outside. ut oh... you ment the two next to asgard, right? I just started them roading there... And then our proximity to the iron will get it beside our territory. No it won't, rc 12 Cope wF nw-n move to ne (forst tile) Shoot, I just activated one of the "road-to" workers... I need to do the last turn over again. :idiot: There are two new workers next to copenhagen, I used the road-to command last turn. the two workers south of bergen and w of asgard I just ordered them to start roading. correct (I hope). hate to think I screwed up first time.... do we use the term wf (worrkforce) or cit (citizen) here? wf I'm used to WF no problems with confusing them with workers? wf usually WF, citizen, laborer... it's all the same. not usually. context. Okay, so the two Otto slaves road, correct? either way. I usually use slave and surf for the workers. 12 2 workers south of Bergen commence roading. I assume that is what they were moved there for originally. Yes, that is what I moved them there for... just wanted to make sure that's what was done. OK. Any production changes or WF changes? 12 Asgard wf sw moves to ne. did u change copenhagen? yes now prducing 4 shields. 4 asgard wf sw to ne one less sheield and one less $ and one more food Can we use E_T's tile system? #1-#20 we can move bergen from NE to SSW settler still out in three turns yes that was the next move - same logic. dejon, sure, but I don't have a copy of it here now... 12 bergen wf from ne to w GK, you did do the copenhagen WF change, right? Directly N of city is #1, rotate clockwise up to #8, NNE is #9, continue clockwise Kloreep - no. 1 is n, 2-8 cw around 9 is ne of 1 then 10-20 cw around 4 bergen wf from ne to w Don't we have Bergen workforce on both NE and W? I would rather use the number system as well. if you can point me to a copy of it, I have no problem using it. hang on, I see if I can find a link I think I have it uploaded... hang on. Thanks, Kloreep bergen worforce in my game is w, n, & e-ne Where was bergen's WF before the change? NE, ENE, W so looking at the table, it is now at 1, 7 and 11 12 bergen's wf should be w, s, e-ne. 12 5,7, 10 You mean 5, 7, 11? 12 er 11 4 changing to 5, 7 and 11 double digist - get you all the time. why not 7, 11, 15? Isn't 15 is taken? nope CD is right, Oh, right, Copenhagen change. I think GK missed that one, Beta. blue, baby, blue! Yes, but no red. 12 Copenhagen wf from 20 to 2 4 cope 20 to 2 and did you get CD's correction * dejon is groovin' - Tom Cochrane's "Life is a highway" just came on 12 Bergen at 7,11, 15 and that is it. I will get quicker gents. Sorry. 4 changeg bergen 5 to 11 Could we move a unit? I want to see if our map will become sellable again. rl calls, gotta go ok cya rc * roadcage has quit IRC (Quit) Bye! * Choma has joined #civ3dem dejon, could we move Thor NE or S? I think that would enable us to get a few gold. 12 Thor - move NE 4 thor - ne Argh... no change. 12 Odin - move E That should do it... 4 odin - e * MasterZen has joined #civ3dem :) Hi MZ hey guys hi he Choma and MasterZen hi, not he FAM, anything? i didnt see anything any more dm? 12Sell WM to Egypt for 1 gold 4 selling wm to egypt for 1 gold. 12Sell WM to Celts for 1 gold nope - DM is good * opd has joined #civ3dem lo lo hi MZ Hi Choma, MZ, opd We got us a veep! Hi ODP Hello VP OPD a VP!!!! hi opd oops, OPD hey guys Hi Choma apologies for lateness hey Beta :) brb - got some more pm asking for how to join... * mrmitchel sets mode: +ooo Choma MasterZen opd Hello. 4 OK to end turn? yes 12Sell WM to Celts for 1 gold how many turns played? opd: Only one turn ended. This is 1325. Yeah, SMC isn't moving anything until that settler is ready. 4 sell wm to celts for 1 g 12Sell WM to Persia for 1 gold BH - can I get a road at Warrior's Luck #16? and how quick? hmmmn what version we using again? one sec 1.14 4 and persia 12FAM okay to end turn. just spent the last hour trying to catch a mouse (Germany still won't buy for even 1 gold... guess they already have that hill on the map. FAM ok to end. DM ok to end. Military? Awaiting War engineering and setter - no moves. 4 ending turn 12 SMC okay to end trond building another archer? dejon - 7 turns ok by me Persians building lighthouse. that is all. Ack! Too long could I get a save? Can we send Odin N immediately to recharge our map? OK. I will post a save at the end of this turn, OK opd? ok And moving Thor too right now would be good... anything that will increase the value of our map. Odin will go E, NE next Philosophy discovered! CD - yes - Trond is building an archer. Is that OK with you dejon? Or would you prefer spearman. Or do we want to produce a pile of warriors for upgrades. Germans have it... I don't know who else. DM - any orders? Need discussion on Trondhein build> 7Germany has a worker; price: 1 gpt and 102 gold spear - archer - warriors? Archers we got - spears are short settler? Two on the way. Warriors for when we get iron? didn't you say you wantet three prior to the war? Hmm. How many cities need two for happiness garrison? all. Zulus have philosophy and map making. They put their gold to good use... yes - I do want three. But I also don't want us to get surprised. Warriors make for cheap garrison, and can be upgraded once we get the Iron. Warriors lluck stuck at 1 pop. Cop grows in 17, is size 2 now. I leave this decision to dejon. spear - warriors or settler? If Warrior doesn't waste to many shields, build Warrior, otherwise build Spear. What do the others think? 4 quick pole - 1) warrior 2) spear 3) settler 4 banana It is producing 5 shields - aall work. 1 1 1 I say 1, though I'm just a plebian. 1 plebians are good! Choma - you count. you are here. that is all that matters. All senators get a vote in such polls. Okay. senators = anyone looks like the 1's have it. 4 trond set to warrior 12 Trondheim build to warrior any other DM issues? Germans, Persians, Zulus, and Egyptians all have philosophy. If I had to guess, I'd say the Zulus discovered it... that would explain how they have MM and gold to spare. one sec - checking.... Btw everyone, I welcome input on SMC decisions and plans - I'm new to this. Same here. :) Zulu aren't usually known for their technical pursuits, so that is odd. dejon - at least you were not found out to be a heretic in the ptwdg and then had your head chopped off.... * Donegeal has joined #civ3dem You were right CD, we should have sold Alphabet to Japan. They've bought it now, and Writing too. first casaulty of the inquisition.... me. Hi Donegeal! 7 turns is a bit too long to wait for the road/city... maybe we should start marching now (towards Erdine and Aydin)? DM: I'm done. how many archers do we have hello guys! lo don hi Donegeal 9 7 archers 90 archers OK. MoW, any orders? 9 oh, didn't end turn :) ok I have been away for awhile... what going on? dejon - all we need to do is to put a unit on our city site - and maybe two others to block the Otto's from settling there. I have to go soon... I only have 15 minutes or so. ok OK. You have a deputy? CiverDan? CD can take over. im dep FAM Yep. OK. how many spears we taking dejon? 12 Move excess archers across river (from Trond, Asgard) please define excess. all question - are we planning to attack - or just settle a city next to the iron and cows. Forces to remain in Asgard: 1 Spear, 1 Warrior OK. Move to where? Bergen? Or just move west? I'd say attack Edrine. :evilgrin: Forces to remain in Trond: 1 Spear, 1 Warrior Stack 'em W of Trond 4 moving stacks to W of Trond. That's it - forces from Bergen can join next turn. OK. What about thor and odin. so that means 5 archers west of trond right now We'll leave an archer defense in Bergen next turn, and use the spear for the stack. 4 archers, 1 spear. Yes, Thor and Odin can enable another round of mapwhoring. :) and a worker.... 12 Odin - move E, NE 4 odin, e, ne Isn't there a warrior NE? yes there is we cant move there NE... I have somebody there.... you mean N Yes, sorry, N 12 Odin, move E, N Suggestions for Thor? 4 odin - e and n (correction) E or NE, I'd say. Get a mountain view. enter the mountains? It's all been uncovered before.. The Zulus will probably want us out, but that can wait till next turn. violate zulu territory for more map? well...we have to move through other's territory..regardless Hmm, into Zululand? NE or E? It won't be a rep hit so long as we don't declare war, and I don't think attitude will suffer. Poll: 1) into Zululand; 2) backtrack home NE gives us more options for leaving... not in the long run. In the short it will tick them off a bit. How far into Zululand would we go? * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit) Choma: Probably just one tile; then back out again. Ah 1 1 1 1 1 12 Thor - move NE 4 NE Though...if Zulu have Mapmaking they've likely traded their map. Hmm... we could get across their territory in two turn. Once across would he be stuck, though? yes GG. CiverDan has FAM control now. Lets see their reaction next turn.... Any other moves? Bye! * Kloreep has quit IRC (Quit) bye bye Bye 12 SMC Done ok. FAM orders? hold on..gonna check if mapwhore is poss I'll need a new save - I haven't kept up with the FAM trades. 12 Rename Copenhagen to Kobenhavn as per recent poll. 12 what color is blue 4 renaming copenhagen to Kobenhavn Are we allowed to name units? 12 12 dejon - yes. just type 12? sure - as I look through my Mimister's handbook - page 19. Ctrl+K to get color (at least one way to do it) Naming units... the SMC has the authority to rename units cool. next turn. that is the easiest way. SMC has authority over SMC units, just like DM has control over DM units. 12 bad colour CiverDan 12 great - I get to name a worker :( if you want.... oops * MasterZen has quit IRC (Quit) 12 hmmm CD - you are making me feel like a pro. :) lol grrr Thank-ypu. Thank-you. 12 12 thats funny ctrl-k first, then 12 12 i just did are you using mirc? Then put a comma, then text yes CiverDan - HIT control+K, you get a menue. type the number of the colour you want, then space then type your text normal 12 test Or space, okay. ,12  12 12 dejon can you name a unit after me?????? grrr control-k then a box comes up 12,test ,12 12another test the Ctrl+K OPD - if the stack is big enough, I was going to give everyone present an honorarium. :) Just do Ctrl+K, then start typing 12 Ctrl+K, select 12, type 12sfgdfgdfg yeah hurray!! Yea! :D Sell WM to Egypt for 1 Gold lol darmn..not in blue 4 Wm to egypt, 1 g CD: You have to do it each time, it doesn't stay dejon - can I be Beta, Dog Archer If you have several nations that want WM for 1 gold, you can just list them. and I will go back to my old avatar can I be opd, dog killer ok lol opd hehe jk sry beta any body else current and can give CiverDan a hand. no other maps me still w/o save (i am on one comp only) 7 Post your unit name requests in this colour I know... I will post shortly. 7Hetman Choma no, that is the colour I set my own text to be so I can see my own regular posts easier.... CD: Can't get blue again? Oh, sorry GK. 12now i am blue no other deals it is ok... I can always pick another colour.... 5 Names in this colour, noted yours already Choma Okay. a german worker is avail thought OK to end turn? 1 gpt and 102 gold for worker still? yup 12 SMC Ok to End Turn yes qick vote - 1 buy german slave or 2, pass Treasury situation? 114 +3 GPT we have +3 gpt and 114 in bank no - need money for upgrades when we gey iron. 2 2 2 - pass 2 2 4 end turn? Those germans are lazy anyway yup lol 3 2 1 12FAM OK to end ending can we post or is everyome OK? I'm a little hungry, but I'm Ok. I will post beginning - already hit end turn... i am ok ;) 7 Dog Archer Beta crap - hiathawa demanding mathmatics. i se that see FAM.... Oh no - I was worried about the Iroq my gut feeling is give it we cant rik war with them risk Your department, tell them to fuck off or give it to them? hang on, I'll check strengths is that cheating? hmmm yech - my gut agrees with CD CD: Is it? nope - it is available from the f3 screen I say give my gut says give it. Any body else? We're weak to them. give give hehe I think we have to give in this time. 4 giving iroquois math We will beat the repayment out of them in due time, dammit. they are polite now. gee Zulu want us out. I will hit appologize for the mistake We could consider just settling the Iron city peacefully and marching that stack north. founds good sounds No surprise there otto demands 24 Gold Posting save. CiverDan - I didn't get that one. hmm I don't know what the threat of culture flip is though (Erdine flipping an Iron city). im on 1.21 CD: Wait for the save thats odd..everything else has been the same for me.. will do dejon - not too high. Our boredr will get the iron. We are still closer to Asgard I believe. Erdine obviously has a temple already though I wonder what the culture difference is - if any? 7 HungryOPD. (just read catch 22) yes - but it is the overall culture that matters. I accidently moved one of our archers differently when I hit end turn... perhaps that was it. I didn't report it as it didn't really make a difference as I was just hitting end turn.... great book poly is slow. is it uploading. loaded dejon - what is the plan for edrine - attack - or just settle? I think we have enough for an archer rush? 12 unit name changes? save there I had hoped to have some swords in the mix from the Iron, but that will take awhile. ooopps... sorry, should have posted that link. How many warriors have we and are they all garrisoned? Archers will do fine right now, but I'm concerned about counter-attack Which is why the two spears are accompanying. I think it's a vp job to post saves. It's just that I'm 1.21 ATM. i am loaded with new save stuck on 38% downloading reloaded and set to go. I love my new machine. ;) Stats? 12 Asgard wf 11 to 1 4 asgard 11 to 1 12Trond wf 17 to 4 Asgard has a problem... someone else is using 1. ack! That first one was Bergen - sorry asgard is at 2, 3 & 4 now.  Bergen wf 11 to 1 4 bergen 11 to 1 and then the Trond move 4 trond 17 to 4 me game froze.:( gotta relaod it never mind its ok good. just a bit slow any other DM BetaHound CD: happens to us all at times. BH: get us all new machines, will you? ;) dejon - we have two settlers out next turn - both to the east - or do you want one settling the iron? Sure - here is my VISA number ... Should iron not be a priority? 12 brb Bergen's settler to Iron, Asgards to... forest tile inside river? Choma - yes - I agree - but I still don't know if we are settling or attacking or both. dejon - I concur. brb - nature calls. Both, unless I here lots of disagreement. here->hear i think we are doing both no FAM for now Iroq are polite now, let's use that time to snip the Ottomans further back wb you bunch of warmongers you! ;) jeepers, you got a pot right beside your PC? close. Deity requires warmongers. :P dejon - I think we should call one unit Carlos Delgado. lol he's hammering!! spearman goes with each settler? back - OPD Nuclear Master is trying to figure out how to download mIRC and join us. I gave him some basic directions and told him that if he needs more help I will ask you to contact him (PM's) and help him out. Hope that is OK. have already contacted him 4 OK, any unit name changes? Nuclear Master? Master Zen? Or Nuclear Winter? Nuclear Master - a newbee Great! * dejon is now known as dejon_afk Wife is nattering... sorrrrrryyyyyyy hope she doesn't read your note will prob post a guide to accessing irc tommorrow Does she not know you are a SMC??? Beta, did you want to rename some slaves? just a sec. ok. FAM - any orders? 12 Name the two Ottoman slaves Huey and Louie. 4 Huey and Louie 12And the Korean and English ones Frick and Frack crap as they are in a stack I cannot rename them without interupting their work. 12 Our worker becomes Oliver. later then - no problem. Just remember their names, so that we can name them later. k Choma, are you following along? lol anyone know where you can get irc for macs I don't have PtW, unfortunately, though I am aware of what the setup is based off of past pictures I though mIRC worked on macs also. so the same download then? OK gents - what to do with Trondheim again. Warrior? Spear? or Settler? we have 4 warriors right now back * dejon_afk is now known as dejon wb I think so, but I don't have a mac so don't sue me if it doesn;t work. Panag has a mac. We should ask him. * dejon is catching up Doesn't seem to be an mIRC client for Mac. There are other Mac clients available, I am sure of that, but I have no experience with any. I remember the issues I had wit mIRC when I first joined. It was all and identd matter. CD - yes - and each upgrade costs 40 gold. You can tell him that we will do some research so he can join next time.... Are we set for settlers at the moment? Or are there more locations to expand to? we don't need another warrior right now then Two settlers out next turn. One goes east - and one west. Beta - where was the third settler you wanted to go? They can take the place of our spears even if we don't upgrade right a way. CD - remember though - soon as we get the iron - warriors will not be an option. we also can found a city to the SE, near the river. one other think to note we are current at the allowed unit number are the warriors in bergen going to join the stack? yes - that is the spot. As per the original plan Warriors are an option. Pillage teh road over your iron. I do it all the time. sorry I mean archers in bergen ah - being from Vox - I think I know what you mean ...:) :) OK. Back to the game. 4 any more DM orders? That warrior will allow another unit from Bergen to join our forces. oh me - we need a decision on Trondheim you are teh DM. You decide. or qickpole stlr Spearman, I think, for the the eastern city cd? Kobenhaven will need to keep the spear it's building hmm... settler I say spear for now and we can switch to settler if all is calm. ok I don't have a problem with settler, but I want to know where it's going. 12 Trond to spear. 4 Trond to spear se -se - s from Asgard. On the ocean - this side of the river. anything else? Ah, good spot. where are the archer moving? nope from me Okay, back to SMC by committee. :) :) sw of WL. 8 arch+1 spear correct? I'm thinking Stack W, S, W, to be joined by Spear and Archer from Bergen, Warrior from Trond goes to Bergen or w- w of Bergen That would be 2 spears, 6 archers yes - a better move. OK. Rename any units first. any more name requests? 2 bergen archers with the stack? No, 1 spear, 1 archer. leave one archer in bergen, and bring in warrior from Trond for garrison ok. Give orders in blue please. Otherwise I am assuming this is discussion, right? leave elite in Wl right? 12 Name one archer "Beta, Dog Archer" hmmmn we could take edrine then move to that mountain NE,NE of their capital and just pick off the units they build yes, just discussion so far, any other input? :) Fierce but loyal. Renaming. woof woof woof ... oh sorry. We have opened a bottle of wine here. 12 Name one archer "Hetman Choma" I am wondering if the renaming was a feature of 1.21... I am not getting it now. OPD - did you want "HungryOPD"? damn right oh, maybe huh the badest unit around did we have an archer naming discussion? But you renamed Odin and Thor? Only appears if unit has movement left ah - mrm - welcome back! meh; I'm really just surfing the web but seriously do we have a plan for the ottomans Sorry, the menu isn't allowing me the options of renaming units. I wonder how they got thor and odin named unless they were using 1.21 or I am missing something. I'd give a web link but I fear it might be a serious detriment to the productivity of the turnchat opd - good question. plan is to take Erdine and ask for Aydin for peace, or take it by force otherwise. I can rename. On the ABC button. along the way we settle an Iron city And I am still 1.14 is it on the advanced hotkeys renaming shows up for me, 1.14 no - at the bottom, just up and right from pillage where are we moving odin and thor? My bad. I got it. I always used the right click before. Beta, you had "Beta, Dog Archer" and "Dog Archer Beta", which did you want? dejon - OK. Go for it. either or Beta Dog sounds appropriate both are deserving of numerous milkbones. heh I have Beta, Dog Archer. tie-in to Alpha Wolf; that's a question I've always wondered--where are all the Beta Wolves? Got 3 named. Any others? is hungryopd elite? Got OPD? The Alpha wolves fight with each other. While that is going on the beta wolves get to do all the mating. :) We only have only elite, and he isn't seeing this action, sorry. * opd sulks 12 Name one spear "Mustard Guard" Why not. better chance of a GL if we use and elete.... :) lol CD, want one? sure wait you mean he's not being renamed or not attacking? gl:b: Okay, we'll use him - he's garrisoned in WL. what about MrM - ArcherGuy Mustard Guard. * E_Tsprdsh has joined #civ3dem HI E_Tsprdsh * E_Tsprdsh is now known as E_T1 ET!!! lo heh E_T! hello all hello Hey Doggie OK. Shall we move the units, or just sit and chat........ :D can we move the scouts...i want to map whore again.. * E_T1 scratches BetaHound behind the ears.... 12 GK, Name the elite archer in WL, "GodKing's Bow" No thanks. aw I'm done with naming then I will choose to name something at the right time. Not now, thanks. heh - I'm a DM now - if you are going to scratch - please bring a steak bone with you. Where shall I move teh stack, and the loner I moved from WL, etc etc. 12 Move the archer outside WL into WL, and move the Elite archer in there SE, S, W WAIT! waiting Will WL go into disorder? anyone play au208? Hey BetaHound, did you get the save for Game #3, I resent the correct one earlier should't. nowt with 2 units. With only one garrison? it has one sci in there also Lets see, I will move him out first and look at the people..... * E_T1 gives BetaHound a nice juicy Steak yup - just checked my e-mail - it is there along with ptwdg. woof woof That's okay, we'll have enough. Move the lone archer in and the elite out 12 Move the stack W, S, W 4 I moved the elete SE (on road) and they are still content. he still has movement left. 12 Move the Warrior in Trond into Bergen what team you in beta? 4 stack, w, s, w Vox - the "information' team. :) Thanks GK, but we'd better leave two units just in case and for defense anyway 12 Move 1 Archer and the Spear in Bergen - W, W OK. Stacked moved. I have 2 archers outside WL. 4 moving bergen stack. 12 Move the vet archer outside WL into WL, move the elite into stack 6 archers and two spears in total? Bergen will be in disorder. Only 1 unit, unless the settler gets built first... I forget... 7 Not both archers from Bergen, right? no one and one BRB 12 Move ONE archer and the Spear in Bergen W, W. Leave one archer behind. bergen has 1 archer. * opd is now known as opdafk 12 And the warrior from Trond, if you did that move Stack has 6 archers (1 elete) & 2 spear. yup Warrior from trond - to bergen? 12 Yes reg or vet? 4 warrior to bergen. red one... ;) vet.... BH: good question, doesn't matter for now. he was active, adn I already moved him. Odin? Ideas for Odin? Through tundra around Iroq territory? sounds good take a bit, but sounds worthwild unless you wish to use him as a distraction with the ottomans. may as well no - Iroquois - the next target. Hmm - will they consider a non-mil unit a threat? I see the Iron has a road on it... the ottomans must have it connected. Scout can pillage not if he is not in their terr. * mrmitchel sets mode: +o E_T1 hmm - you are right GK. Re: Iron road - good, we get iron as soon as the city is settled then. Looks like we are just in time. yes We attack AFTER it is in our territory, correct? up to SMC dejon Yes, or we'd be facing more rushed Swords. guys - how much longer we gonna be - Mrs. Hound is restless for dinner. Before we saw that road, timeframe was uncertain. Mine too 12 Odin - N OK. Lets hurry. 4 Odin N 12 Thor - W w, or NE NE? W...we are turning him back? We didn't want to go further into Zululand, did we? Why not. Their territory is short. We can cross it and get more map. I say go. If they kick us out, we are on the other side. Okay, we can try. We may get trapped. Disband him later if we must. so, NE NE? 12 Thor - NE, NE 4 Thor - NE, NE I gotta go guys see you around 1.30 here FAM - your up. bye later OPD * opdafk has quit IRC (Quit: fuck you) bye checking for map whores my dinner is ready :( Are we playing another turn? oops...accidentally ened turn while while checking that.. my wife turned on the BBQ - which is a bad sign. That is my job. ;( ok. See ya later. I think only 1 turn after this one. I have to go in 30 minutes... can someone check civs above Germany to see if we can see map? CiverDan - I will check, which ones did you miss. anythign above germany OK. 12 SMC for next turn: Fortify stack, move settler to stack. I'll try to check back. * dejon is now known as dejon_din k * dejon_din is now known as dejonEATS 4 egypt - wm for 1 g 12 Sell WM to Egypt for 1 Gold Maybe we play to next turn when the settlers are produced and then I can work with the save and build queues. Did it. that was the only one. ok OK. Anything else? End turn? 12 FAM ok to end DM is OK 4 ending turn Nothing happened. Settlers - move them where? Lets call it a night after we do this turn, OK. ok Bab worker for Poly+Alphabet? we are at -4 gpt BTW. 12Asgard settler to se -e once we settle we wil be + in GPT 4 Asgard Settler, SE, E how much is in the Treasury? 121 G 12 And as acting SMC :) take spearman with him. 122 4 with spear ye s- noticed the -4 12Bergen settler w-w to join stack 4 join stack I would recommend moving all of stack save one spearman due w. No need for that kind of defensive force, I was thinking, send the archer from bergen into the stack, fort the warrior, and move the stack W one. Let's get closer to our objective. Exactly. That sounds good too. Besides, nothing can reach the settler, and it is only 1 move from the stack and its endpoint. agreed 100% 4 movements as above. Good spot to end ... pllllleaaaseee... GO. do we want Bab worker+8 G for Alphabet+Polytheism? I say yes. hmm.. sure - another worker works. more slaves.... Lets see, how much gold and one tec... OK see ya guys. Later BetaHound ok Bye I will review the save. later Doggie we want to poll that now..or wait to next chat? Next chat? Thurs? Poly is enough for the worker and the 8 gold. bye- will stay logged on. i see that i like that deal Saturday confirmed. Thursday I haven't heard from any of the VP's, so I say no. Poly for Slave and 8 gold. 1 yes, 2 no. 1 1 ok... only 2 votes it is We do it. Exec decision. we need more votes than that IMHO though i assume Beta would also say yes you are the FAM. BetaHound left. I did it. Sue me. Exec. Decision. i like the its ok with me OK. Any other changes..... no other FAM riht now Lets move Odin & Thor, 4 Odin - n * dejonEATS is now known as dejon allo hello Hi dejon mwe made the worker deal we OK, I moved odin n Moving the stack - bad. ;) I was going to move thor W 1, then see what we see. u mean E? :D me bad pres. Impeach me. Yes - east. Sorry sounds fine to me The stack was outside their sight range where it was, now they can see us coming. 4 Thor, e, ne dejon - will be in a city soon. then the AI will relax And once the settler built, we could ride the iron road close in the same time Exactly. New slave?, send to roading toward the iron? or join a stack? I was going to send a spear/settler to settle first, then move the stack in. sorry. i would send to road...but im just the FAM Not a big deal. Just a small, finer point of strat. Beta? BetaHound is eating. I see the strat with humans, but the AI already knows the stack is there IIRC. * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem hello ah. I would road to the iron Hi Panzer hi fanzer Hi Panzer32. Just in time for the end of the chat. *panzer yay :D GK: re: Human/AI - you could be right - I'm thinking MP. OK, another exec. decision - I am moving our new slave to the spot where our settelr now is to connect to the iron faster. good, then we can upgrade the warriors anywhere OK. Lets check FAM, end turn, save and post. Any objections? no Does anyone think 6 archers/2 spear is overkill for Erdine? Should we send a branch off to Aydin? i am checking map stuff now brute force is important..i think cant risk bad luck No. This is deity. We take it and still have 6 turns befor we can make peace. We must be strong enough to take it. Whatever survives goes on. Remember the first american war last game... we only had 6 and took over half of them. we might get that lucky again. who knows. True, true. With the iron road, we can get to Aydin quickly afterwards too. 12 WM to Egypt for 1 Gold 4 WM - egypt for 1g brb ok. 12 FAM done OK. I will leave the workers in Asguard and Bergen on settler production as we can change it next turn. Ending turn. 3 2 1 4 ending turn ok nothing happened. Saving and posting. Good chat. Thanks for being here one and all. * E_T1 sets mode: +o Panzer32 back all done? looks like it yep. all done ok.. good nite all Okay, next turn, let's roll the Tank on the Zulus!! nite CD * CiverDan has quit IRC (Quit) I am posting the save in the one thread, adn will do a report and a new thread for orders tonight for saturday I'll post more specific orders/plans for the next chat. what time works on saturday for most people? I'm open - preference would be morning/afternoon though (EDT) I am thinking afternoon EDT - around 3-4 for the euros to be able to join in. sounds good I will think and post later. Thanks for the help. Sorry if moving the stack screwed up your plans. Along with posting orders for discussion, I'll ask for Deputy volunteers, just in case. Not seriously No harm done Thanks. I hope every minister can find someone to help. Next time I won't stop to eat! :) I came prepared... I sat here with a bagle sandwich and a 2 liter of coke. I just had to use the bathroom is all. I forget, how do I save the log in mIRC? top left corner of irc window, check "logging". You have to have it on all along. I did... I just don't remember where it is saved and so on. Didn't I have to click on SAVE NOW or something to get it to make a file? I forget. No, it appends to the file all along. Just locate the file and post it, maybe edit first. OK. Thanks. Later. the file would usually be named after the channel, so a search for "civ3dem" should find it. * Prez_GK is now known as GK-gone * E_T1 has left #civ3dem * Panzer32 has left #civ3dem * dejon has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Jun 03 21:28:48 2003