Session Start: Tue May 20 15:00:57 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem [15:00:57] * Now talking in #civ3dem [15:00:57] * Topic is 'I HATE TIMEZONES AND DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME' [15:00:57] * Set by Uber-Away on Tue May 20 14:29:52 [15:01:07] im late [15:01:07] there he is [15:01:08] yes yes [15:01:27] * WhiteBand just got back from school... let me get setup here [15:01:55] I'm actually going to be at a chat; wow! ;) [15:02:20] 2070 BC is the save i believe right? [15:02:31] * Panzer32 ( has joined #civ3dem [15:02:37] hey panzer [15:02:45] 1700 I think. [15:02:52] Hi Panzer. [15:03:51] hold on..i am gonna load the game [15:03:57] i will check diplo stuff [15:04:13] * Uber-Away is now known as UberKruX [15:04:15] * UberKruX sets mode: +o WhiteBand [15:04:31] * UberKruX sets mode: +vvv CiverDan Kloreep opdaway [15:04:33] * UberKruX sets mode: +v Panzer32 [15:05:21] 1700! loaded [15:05:26] we'll start in a few moments [15:05:33] Loading PTW... [15:05:43] i apologize... flirting with a girl ;( [15:06:01] hold on..let me load [15:06:15] I'm going to be eating soon, so I can't check on FAM stuff [15:06:23] Loading the game... [15:06:35] loading too [15:06:51] Ugh, this huge map takes a while. [15:06:57] yea, if i gotta go eat, just take over. hopefully no one will be declaring war this turnchat :) [15:07:13] hey hey [15:07:18] * opdaway is now known as opd [15:07:44] hey opd [15:07:47] im loaded [15:07:49] Did you set the topic Uber? [15:08:00] yes. [15:08:00] lol [15:08:08] screw daylight savings and time zones and crap [15:08:08] Hey, at least you got the day right. ;) [15:08:15] just figure out what you are to GMT and remember it ;) [15:08:30] what GMT is it now [15:08:40] 7 hours ahead of me... so let's see [15:08:41] 10 pm [15:08:46] 11:10 gmt [15:08:59] oh [15:09:00] is it? [15:09:08] maybe this plan won't work either ;) [15:09:28] Hmm... that means it's +6 compared to me. [15:09:35] haha no [15:09:37] it's 10pm :P [15:09:38] [15:09:51] That's what it was before daylight savings changed it again... that can't be right. [15:10:01] Yeah, I think it's 10. [15:10:15] GMT is unaffected by daylight savings [15:10:30] hmm [15:10:39] kloreep, i set the science rate to 10% but nothing has changed [15:10:45] are there some WF locations i need to modify? [15:10:49] Yeah. [15:10:58] GMT is 10 right now, but for the people in the GMT timezone its 11 right now [15:11:04] 12Put the Warrior's Luck worker on the bonus grass NE of the city. [15:11:04] Move the Trondheim laborer on the bonus grass to the grass W-SW of the city. [15:11:04] Move Bergen's laborer onto the now free bonus grass. [15:11:18] Whoops, copy & paste doesn't work with colors. [15:11:36] 4Asgards production changed to warrior [15:11:40] Anyway, those three lines are the WF for this turn. :) [15:11:41] err [15:11:41] archer [15:11:42] ;) [15:11:44] boy [15:11:49] this is already starting great [15:11:59] 4Asgard's production switched to Archer [15:12:39] 4Warrior's Luck worker set on the bonus grass NE of the city [15:13:00] 4Science set from 0% to 10% [15:13:00] That's what the slider change is for; we lost our scientist there. [15:13:07] bhah stupid time zones make me look like a fool [15:13:41] according to my save..that worker is already Roading SE of of city [15:13:53] 4Moved the Trondheim laborer on the bonus grass to the grass W-SW of the city [15:14:12] CD: That was a labourer/WF assignment, not a worker unit. [15:14:13] civerdan - that should read laborer, sorry [15:14:17] wait what [15:14:33] there are 2 bonus grasses in trond [15:14:45] the one producing 2 shields [15:14:47] No, just one. [15:14:58] oh thats asgard. doh. [15:15:00] I don't know why but I really want to attack the zulus [15:15:14] I think the Zulus should be our second target. [15:15:18] * Panzer32 is now known as P32_sup [15:15:23] We can secure Horsies for ourselves using swordsmen. :D [15:15:30] * Togas ( has joined #civ3dem [15:15:35] * Togas is now known as TogasIDL [15:15:35] Hi Togas. [15:15:36] hey Togas [15:15:48] 4Move Bergen's laborer onto the now free bonus grass [15:15:51] hello TogasIDL [15:15:51] hey togas [15:15:55] togas too [15:15:56] just idling while at work [15:16:10] :) [15:16:14] (joanna wants me!) [15:16:15] anyways [15:16:18] continuing... [15:16:27] okay [15:16:30] things look good [15:16:34] anything diplomatic wise? [15:16:38] or shall we end this turn? [15:16:55] yeah declare war on the zulus [15:16:59] There's a possible trade. [15:17:09] do was want england worker [15:17:12] we [15:17:13] The Iroquois don't have Iron Working yet. We can get Mysticism from them. [15:17:22] well normally i would, but MrWIA will probably ditch us again, so i'll have to deal with the mess ;) [15:17:27] for 2 GPD+101 gold [15:17:38] I don't think there are any FAM orders one way or another though. [15:17:50] is it a straight trade or do they want anything else? [15:17:59] More workers would be great... don't know if we want to spend the gold though. [15:18:10] You mean with the Iroquois? I think there's some gold involved. Let me check. [15:18:16] Horseback Riding for IW and 80 Gold [15:18:25] england worker for 1 GPT+97 gold [15:18:28] Kloreep - 30 gold, just checked [15:18:37] i'm kind of digging the horseback riding deal [15:18:59] Hmm... I'm getting only 15 gold. [15:19:21] ah here we go [15:19:35] Horseback Riding for Iroquois for 54 Gold and IW [15:19:37] me to...Myst=IW+15 gold [15:19:53] I don't think we should get Horseback Riding yet. It's expensive, and we don't even have a horse source. [15:20:01] ok [15:20:10] Plus, I think some Chariot upgrades would be desirable if we do build some Horsemen. [15:20:11] we should do the myst deal then [15:20:16] Yeah. [15:20:19] ok [15:20:26] otherwise the iro will just buy it from someone else [15:20:32] it sounds agreeable [15:20:39] We can set research to Polytheism, a much more expensive tech than Alphabet. That's a better use of our 40-turn research max. [15:20:44] anyone object to Myst from Iroquois for IW and 15 Gold? [15:20:55] Kloreep - okay [15:21:06] 4Research changed from Alphabet to Polytheism [15:21:22] of course... we need to get myst [15:21:22] ;) [15:21:29] but shall I go through with it/ [15:21:29] England's in the contact loop, so we can buy alphabet if we seriously need writing for some reason. [15:21:38] Yeah, that wolud help us research Poly. ;) [15:21:58] 4Buying Mysticism from Iroquois for 15 Gold and Iron Working [15:22:05] Let's go for it. We need to trade IW to the Iro before someone else does. [15:22:35] crap, dinner, before i even got to move [15:22:53] odin explores that mountain area, thor goes east, dont get into a war [15:22:55] brb [15:22:56] 4Research changed from Alphabet to Polytheism [15:23:03] Uber - sounds good [15:23:05] lol eat your dinner in front of the comp [15:23:07] We won't if the Zulu allow us. ;) [15:23:11] Uh oh, Sid is unhappy; apparently, we're a backward civilization. ;) [15:23:17] Okay, I'm ready to end turn? [15:23:25] Yep. [15:23:29] if we dont want the worker yes [15:23:29] Wait... [15:23:33] ok [15:23:47] How much is that worker again? [15:23:53] 1 gpt + 97 [15:24:01] so a total cost of 117 gold [15:24:26] 2 GPT+79 gold now [15:24:29] Wait... don't we have only 86 gold? [15:24:37] yes, now we do [15:24:38] now we do [15:24:42] 119 g [15:25:00] Hmm... that worker would be nice... [15:25:12] We could even do an integration; I don't think we'll be at war with England anytime soon. ;) [15:25:36] do we want it that bad though/ [15:25:39] ? [15:25:43] * ZarGONE ( has joined #civ3dem [15:25:58] hey zargon [15:26:00] Depends. What else can we use the money on? [15:26:04] Hi Zargon. [15:26:10] finally made it to one of these... [15:26:16] I dunno I think we'll need alot of money for tech trading [15:26:16] * ZarGONE is now known as ZargonX [15:26:22] True. [15:26:34] We'll probably want Alphabet within 40 turns... [15:27:04] Hmm... the Ottos have Alphabet. :naughty: [15:27:09] yeah, i don't think we need to worker that bad at the moment [15:27:33] * E_T1 (E_T@ has joined #civ3dem [15:27:47] lo ET [15:27:51] I'd like to get it, but that's the DM-above-all-else part of me speaking. ;) [15:28:03] hehe, i completely understand [15:28:04] Hi E_T [15:28:11] Ah, that's why the other channels are so quite [15:28:16] Hi All [15:28:19] hi [15:28:21] We can quickpoll if you'd like Kloreep? [15:28:25] Okay. [15:28:43] quick poll what? [15:28:55] England has a worker available, but it's expensive. [15:28:58] 4Quickpoll: Buy worker for 2 GPT+79 gold? 1.) Yes 2.) No 3.) Abstain [15:29:14] note that we have 86 gold [15:29:15] (That's 119 gold in total, once the gpt is all payed) [15:29:15] all of the PTW workers are expencive [15:29:17] and 11 GPT [15:29:48] 1 [15:29:52] 3 [15:29:53] 3 [15:29:58] what are we researching, what is our treasury and what is our current GPT [15:30:05] Poly [15:30:09] polytheism, 86 gold, 11 GPT [15:30:34] how many workers we have now? [15:30:39] It'll take ~119 turns to pay itself off in raw commerce, but we'll also be getting shields, which are needed right now. [15:30:44] One native, two slaves. [15:30:55] The slaves have been paired up to act like one of our workers. [15:30:56] ouch [15:31:18] 3 [15:31:23] I'd like to integrate this slave if we buy it, though. That could speed up our attack force prodection. [15:31:29] are there any other FAM things that we can do this turn, too [15:31:37] nothing wothwhile [15:31:46] We already did a tech trade with the Iros. [15:31:47] like get a tech from someone and use that to pay for the worker? [15:32:09] no one will sell for any reasonable price [15:32:26] just an idea is all [15:32:53] 4 1 [15:32:54] Polytheism is a pretty advanced tech. It's possible that we could buy it and resell it multiple times. [15:33:17] okay, so far poll is passing [15:33:25] If we beat the AIs to it, it'll definitely be lucrative. Don't know if we will, though. [15:33:45] as for the worker, I vote 2. :) [15:33:55] okay [15:33:56] 2 - 1 [15:34:14] so where does the worker add to ? [15:34:15] This is tight... lot of abstentions, too. [15:34:24] to be correct, 2 ayes, 1 nay and 3 blahs [15:34:49] Trondheim, probably. or Bergen. [15:35:12] man, 3 people haven't voted! :P [15:35:19] Bergen grows in 2, so Trondheim; that settler will hurt production. [15:35:21] i change my vote to 1 [15:35:22] * NucWin ( has joined #civ3dem [15:35:26] Hello all [15:35:28] hi NW [15:35:31] Hi NW [15:35:31] hey nuclear [15:35:47] hi Kloreep , hi Civerdan, Hi WB! [15:35:48] 3 ayes, 1 nay and 2 blahs [15:35:56] buy the worker dude [15:36:15] who wants to sell worker? [15:36:22] We're having a quickpoll over an English worker for sale NW. Quickpoll: Buy worker for 2 GPT+79 gold? 1.) Yes 2.) No 3.) Abstain [15:36:22] 4Buying worker from England for 2 GPT and 79 Gold [15:36:24] England [15:36:25] oh [15:36:28] 1 more vote then [15:36:28] sell?..NOOOO [15:37:07] It'll drain our coffers and cut down on income a little, but I want to integrate it in Trondheim to raise production there. [15:37:50] yay, nay or blah? [15:37:55] otherwise i'm buying the worker [15:38:04] i'd like to get at least 1 turn done tonight ;) [15:38:10] Hehe. [15:38:15] Hopefully the others should go quicker... [15:38:28] If we see another worker, I doubt we'll be able to buy it anyway. [15:38:28] just buy teh damn thing [15:38:34] 4[15:36:22] B [15:38:35] err [15:38:38] wrong line [15:38:43] 4Buying worker from England for 2 GPT and 79 Gold [15:38:59] okay [15:39:04] anything else or shall we end this turn? [15:39:11] The worker has movement points? [15:39:18] yes [15:39:18] yes [15:39:26] Fortify it in Trondheim, if so. We need to wait for the settler to be built before integrating it. [15:39:30] ok [15:39:45] 4English worker fortified in Trondheim [15:39:59] alright [15:40:01] Okay, that should be everything. [15:40:04] i will now be ending the turn [15:40:10] 4end turn [15:40:44] 4Odin moves N and finds TWO goody huts [15:40:51] maybe we'll actually get crap [15:40:53] i doubt it though [15:41:16] I vote 1 [15:41:30] 4Thor moves E and S [15:42:01] 4Production in Trondheim changed to settler [15:42:02] err [15:42:04] archer! [15:42:10] 4Production in Trondheim changed to archer! [15:42:19] Knowing our luck, we'll get nothing from either. ;) [15:42:40] 4Settler moves S-S-SW [15:42:41] maybe we can be ´´lucky´´ and get barbarians... :\ [15:42:56] 12 Integrate the English worker in Trondheim. [15:43:26] NW: Expansionist at least protects us from that. At least, I think; with our luck, that'll be bugged. ;) [15:43:40] hopefully kloreep [15:43:49] 4WF adjustments, Bergen now works tile E of city [15:44:06] 4WF adjustments, Trondheim works tile SW of city [15:44:25] where is that settler going...ottos have a city close by [15:44:42] Err, you mean SE of city? [15:44:49] CD: Going SW-SM of Asgard. [15:44:56] *SW-SW [15:45:06] Make sure to integrate that worker. [15:45:17] 4WF adjustments, Asgard works tile SE of city [15:45:27] 4English worker integrated into Trondheim [15:45:32] It'll mean a new WF assignment. But him in the mined & roaded grass. [15:45:51] already there :) [15:46:01] Okay. :):b: [15:46:12] okay [15:46:14] done with movement [15:46:16] anything to note? [15:46:54] Trond is now working SE, S-SE correct? [15:47:13] Well, Trondheim has been thrown off schedule, so I'll need to make up orders as we go. But nothing this turn. [15:47:36] CD - yes [15:48:14] no FAM stuff...i checked all civs [15:48:20] awesome, thanks CD [15:48:22] ok [15:48:26] Ending turn [15:48:29] 4Ending turn [15:48:58] If that Otto city doesn't autoraze, we should name it after Aidun; like Dijon in SPDG I. ;) [15:49:07] 4Thor moves SE [15:49:32] Wait... [15:49:37] Did you already make that move? [15:49:37] why not E-S [15:49:53] Pardon me, would someone mind explaining me what is this talk about a city autorazing? [15:49:58] ...because i am an idiot [15:50:00] :) [15:50:08] Wow, Oracle already completed! [15:50:26] next turn i'll move NE - S [15:50:36] NW: If a city is size 1 and has no culture, it is razed automatically; the conquering player (or AI) is given no choice. [15:50:37] Nucwin there is a ott city called Aydin [15:50:38] settler continues SW? [15:50:46] 4Odin moves NW, NW and FINDS [15:50:48] * WhiteBand drum rolls [15:50:51] 4NOTHING [15:50:51] No [15:50:58] wait till stlr [15:51:06] builds [15:51:13] Wow... our luck isn't just bad. It's something beyond bad. [15:51:24] bhah [15:51:50] 4Settler moves SW [15:52:03] Hopefully all these bad huts will be made up to us with Archer victories and a GL. :D [15:52:20] 4Bergen changed to archer [15:52:50] err [15:52:52] i'm confused here [15:53:03] Kloreep - check Bergen and tell me what tiles the laborers should be working [15:53:33] 12Change of orders: Bergen laborer to remain on unimproved bonus grass. [15:53:44] another england worker is avail...but 6 GPT is too expensive [15:53:59] ok [15:54:01] Bergen should be working tiles E and W. [15:54:05] got it [15:54:22] The integration sucked up that E-SE tile. [15:54:41] we exchanged the huts for xtra hard warriors, maybe? [15:54:54] perhaps! [15:55:09] okay, barring any diplomatic developments, the turn is ready to end [15:55:17] True, our military has done fine. :) [15:55:20] Wait. [15:55:39] * Bijou_Bij (jporter50@ has joined #civ3dem [15:55:42] waiting [15:55:44] 12Asgard reassignment: WF to S and W-SW [15:56:07] Same Archer build time, two extra gold. :) [15:56:13] * Bijou_Bij (jporter50@ has left #civ3dem [15:56:14] awesome! [15:56:22] 4Asgard reassignment: WF to S and W-SW [15:57:03] Do you want me to start a turnchat thread, WB? [15:57:09] oh, go ahead [15:57:15] i forgot in my haste to get home and being late [15:57:39] okay [15:57:44] do we look good to end the turn? [15:57:50] IMHO yes [15:57:53] * E_T1 is now known as E_T_AFK [15:57:54] I guess so [15:58:04] 4Ending Turn [15:58:36] 4Thor moves NE - S [15:59:03] 4Odin skips turn (waiting for settler to found city so we increase the "probability" of getting a wandering tribe) [15:59:47] Skips turn or waits? [15:59:48] 4Settler moves S [15:59:50] skips turn [16:00:08] thank OPD for that btw [16:00:11] Wait. [16:00:26] Settler already moved S? [16:00:32] haha yes :( [16:00:59] hmm [16:01:01] did i fuck that up [16:01:07] Well.. shouldn't be too bad. [16:01:16] where was he supposed to go? [16:01:27] Build where he was. :( [16:01:34] oh crap! [16:01:35] But the bonus grasses would have been taken anyway. [16:01:42] It's just a question of corruption. [16:01:46] well it gives us a coastal city now at least [16:01:57] Yep. :) [16:02:01] sorry about that [16:02:09] for some reason i thought i read him continuing south [16:02:15] misunderstanding on my part [16:02:20] (happens often) [16:02:27] Don't worry, I doubt it'll finish barracks in time to matter in the short-term, and it's better there long-term. :) [16:02:42] i think we should start placing bets on how many things i'll screw up each turnchat [16:02:54] lol [16:02:55] it'll be like a new minigame [16:02:56] hehe [16:03:00] WF...move bergen laborer to roaded/mined tile [16:03:15] 12Native worker N [16:03:36] 4Archer fortified in Asgard for now [16:03:40] Warrior's luck got a third corruption-free shield from that road; let's use it! :D [16:03:44] I´d rather bet a new copy of Conquest that the next goodyhut will be abandoned :p [16:04:03] 4Native worker north [16:04:08] :b: [16:04:16] Maybe we can move it to Bergen in a few turns. [16:04:26] slaves go north? [16:04:35] Yep. [16:04:47] 4Slaves move north [16:05:21] If they're Otto workers, do you think they could tune-up our cars? ;) [16:05:27] hahaha [16:05:43] looks like we can end the turn? [16:05:50] whats that? [16:06:00] An obvius example of an american joke [16:06:16] Outlanders can´t understand it! [16:06:22] :/ [16:06:24] Yep, turn is endable. [16:06:35] maybe ut has something to do with the road thing called a wheel... [16:07:03] 4Ending turn [16:07:03] wait..was WF of bergen adjusted? [16:07:05] oh [16:07:08] * WhiteBand checks [16:07:23] ? [16:07:26] wait, where to? [16:07:30] No adjustments needed this turn. [16:07:33] Asgard is working the tile [16:07:37] to SW-S [16:07:40] from W [16:07:44] we gain 2 gold [16:07:51] Oh, thank you CD! [16:08:04] Asgard really needs some adjustment. Forgot about that. :idiot: [16:08:19] 12Move Asgard WF back to bonus grasses E and SE of city. [16:08:34] done [16:08:38] 4Move Asgard WF back to bonus grasses E and SE of city. [16:08:48] adjust bergen then? [16:09:01] to S-SW? [16:09:15] Oh, good move. :b: [16:09:38] 12Move Bergen worker W to S-SW [16:09:42] Thanks CD. [16:09:48] 4Moved Bergen worker W to S-SW [16:10:13] anything else to note? [16:10:31] Hmm... [16:10:44] * P32_sup is now known as Panzer32 [16:10:48] Maybe move the Archer into Bergen. [16:11:05] Then move the warrior in Bergen S. [16:11:05] 4Archer moved into Bergen [16:11:24] That'll provide cover for the new city. We don't want to tempt the Ottos to strike early. :) [16:11:52] :b: [16:12:10] 4Bergen warrior moves S [16:12:35] Okay, turn should be endable. :) [16:12:42] I have to go soon BTW. [16:12:45] CD - anything on the diplo front? [16:12:50] In about 15 minutes or so. [16:12:56] nope [16:12:58] ok [16:13:01] 4Ending turn [16:13:25] 4Settler founds Copenhagen [16:13:45] Now Iro city! [16:13:50] Just N of us. [16:14:08] Auto-assignment is good. Build should be a Barracks. [16:14:34] 4Thor moves SE, E [16:14:46] 4Odin moves NE to find. . . [16:14:56] 4HORSEBACK RIDING!!! [16:15:00] * WhiteBand gets drunk to celebrate [16:15:04] yehha [16:15:07] yeha! [16:15:11] from a hut??!! [16:15:13] gotta go now people. bye [16:15:13] yup [16:15:14] Yep. [16:15:15] yeah! [16:15:21] unbelieveable , ain´t it? [16:15:23] Bye NW [16:15:33] sweet!! I thought all the huts were rigged! [16:16:07] * NucWin ( Quit (Quit: NW has gone SW of his SP towards NE of SE) [16:16:37] 4Odin moves S [16:16:56] slave workers? [16:17:06] 12Otto workers NW [16:17:16] 4Otto workers NW [16:17:43] 4Archer fortified in Bergen, Warrior moves S [16:18:00] 12Native worker to mine. [16:18:07] * BetaHound ( has joined #civ3dem [16:18:08] 4Native worker mines [16:18:14] Hi BH. [16:18:18] Greetings! [16:18:27] Sorry I am late. [16:18:30] we got HBR from a hut [16:18:40] BH - don't worry, i was late as well ;) [16:18:47] :) [16:19:15] 1700 was the latest save - right? [16:19:27] Yep. [16:19:35] k - thx. [16:19:40] ok [16:19:44] turn can be ended if we agree [16:19:53] Thor? [16:19:57] I don't see any moves. [16:20:04] what about Thor? [16:20:12] was that the first hut that we have actually gotten something out of? [16:20:13] He moved S after popping the hut, right? [16:20:17] I think so. [16:20:19] That was odin [16:20:19] thor moved SE - E [16:20:35] YEAH!!! :party: [16:20:41] Err, right. Can't keep the scouts straight. :idiot: [16:21:32] So, end turn? [16:21:39] i'm ready :) [16:21:42] CD? [16:21:48] no FAM [16:21:50] ok [16:21:53] 4Ending Turn [16:21:57] just a bvery expensive england worker :P [16:22:03] E_T, are you going to be here now, or still mostly AFK? [16:22:23] what do we want copenhagen to produce btw? [16:22:26] I'm bouncing around from screen to screen [16:22:33] barracks? [16:22:39] 12Copenhagen: Barracks. [16:22:41] Yep. [16:22:42] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T_readi [16:22:52] 4Warrior moves S into Copenhagen [16:22:59] 4Copenhagen production changed to barracks [16:23:29] 4Thor moves NE, Odin moves SE [16:23:31] Kloreep, Why? [16:23:54] I need to leave; I was wondering if you could take over. [16:24:08] Hey Beta, what's the status with the ISDG PBEM Game #3? [16:24:12] Hmm, Edrine built a temple. [16:24:24] * Kloreep is now known as Kloreep-A [16:24:27] BRB [16:24:45] Playing it shortly. Just got it less than an hour ago. [16:24:55] How many more turns are we going to be playing? [16:25:02] a few more [16:25:12] i usually try to squeeze out 10... we are on turn 6 now [16:25:21] but i think i'll end it at 5pm PST regardless [16:25:26] so 35 more minutes or so [16:25:30] if you post a save now, I can play along [16:25:37] me too [16:25:39] and check FAM stuff [16:25:42] down to 4 GPT+43 Gold fopr England worker [16:25:43] alright, posting in a second [16:25:49] :) [16:25:57] a few more. is that 2,3,12 turns?? [16:26:10] 96 turns i think :p [16:26:11] Never mind... [16:26:15] ET - until 8pm EST, so 35 minutes or so [16:26:25] Maybe 97. [16:26:28] I have to go now. Warrior's Luck should produce an archer, Otto workers should mine. [16:26:55] Trondheim should build another Archer next turn. [16:26:56] Kloreep - sounds good, thanks for hanging out [16:27:03] yes, save and post so I can atleast follow and see if I need to do anything [16:27:23] Okay, bye! [16:27:35] There shouldn't be much need for WF adjustment now. [16:27:36] * Kloreep-A ( Quit (Quit) [16:27:37] * E_T_readi grumbles that he's starting to feel streached a little thinly.... :D [16:28:07] gotta go see you guys [16:28:11] * opd ( Quit (Quit: fuck you) [16:28:15] later OPD [16:28:33] Save is here: [16:28:46] loading... [16:28:55] E_T - re isdg#3. Sorry - that was last night. Played and sent to Trip at 7pm last evening (edt) [16:29:10] Please post [16:29:18] 4Ottoman workers mine tile [16:29:26] and we wait [16:29:39] 4Warrior's Luck changed to Archer [16:30:10] loading now [16:31:12] how many archers we going to rush with? [16:31:29] well that's up to our SMC [16:31:35] true [16:31:37] which is currently me at the moment >:) [16:32:28] Engish worker at absurd price available [16:32:43] thats been there for a few turns now [16:33:08] 30-40 gold for contact (each) [16:33:17] pass [16:33:22] ET - you loaded? [16:33:36] Yeah [16:33:41] ok [16:33:44] end turn? [16:33:55] let me look at things [16:34:00] ok [16:35:17] ack... I accidently ended turn... I'll be quiet until we end turn here. [16:35:40] There isn't a shortcut to diplomacy screen, is there? [16:35:52] nope, that happens to me often :( [16:37:18] 12 o.k. to end [16:37:25] * ZargonX ( Quit (Quit: run~) [16:37:54] 4Ending Turn [16:38:19] 4Archer fortified in Trondheim [16:38:21] Wow, England has another worker to sell [16:38:28] or is that the same one? [16:38:31] 4Warrior fortified in Copenhagen [16:38:50] down to 3 GPT+61 gold for england worker [16:39:26] why is that worker sitting the city for that long? [16:39:28] 4Thor moves SE, N. Odin moves SE [16:39:56] it's likely a different one both are passing through [16:40:06] for 4 turns? [16:40:09] Do we really want Copenhagen building barracks? [16:40:51] Maybe England is at war with someone and the worker is hiding in the cap [16:41:03] yeah, thats what I was thinking [16:41:50] If you look at the histography England's score has been decreasing [16:41:56] they're clearly at war with someone, and losing [16:42:26] refugees.. [16:42:43] maybe when they're close to being wiped out, they'll sell the worker for alot less $? [16:42:51] A GPT deal with England isn't a bad option if they get killed .. only prob is that it may hurt our Rep if they die and it gets broken [16:43:03] they only have 3 cities [16:43:33] Would your rep take a hit in a case like that? [16:43:49] id dosn't get broken if they are not there anymore, does it?? [16:44:06] It's unclear, but it is possible knowing the screwey way that this game is programed. [16:44:17] :) [16:44:24] we should try to get both Alpha and the worker from them [16:44:33] Ah - the break a deal with a dead civ bug. [16:44:48] screw it, we are Vikings [16:45:29] well we could just declare war on them for the hell of it [16:45:36] then hope they live long enough to want peace [16:45:43] then demand a bunch of crap :P [16:46:01] are we okay to end turn? [16:46:11] i think so [16:46:51] okay here we go [16:46:55] 4Ending Turn [16:47:03] Actually, the price for Alpha from Englad looks to be the lowest [16:47:13] 12 wait [16:47:15] Zulus want 40 Gold for Contact with Babylonians [16:47:19] oh [16:47:20] no [16:47:28] too late [16:47:45] 4Thor moves N, E [16:47:47] sorry ET [16:47:48] :( [16:47:49] please post in reat asking for O.K. to end [16:47:54] *red [16:48:30] 4Odin moves SE [16:48:45] and that is all the moves for that turn [16:49:12] it takes a bit of time to look at several FAM screens.... [16:49:34] What about the England deal? Monitor the situation until Liz is real desperate? [16:49:43] 2 GPT+79 Gold for worker [16:49:54] Alpha? [16:50:14] 7 GPT+75Gold [16:50:26] did we tell Shaka to take their contact, or did we buy it? [16:50:38] what about both [16:50:56] i tolk shaka to sod off [16:51:04] why not wait another turn? [16:51:08] England wont do both [16:51:19] Price is going down. [16:51:28] England still has 3 cities - we can still afford to wait. [16:52:24] looking at something here, hold on a moment [16:52:47] 2 civs have poly already..:( [16:53:38] Gotta love deity. [16:53:42] we can get both for 10GPT and 75 gold, if we renegote peace at the same time [16:53:48] better make the POly trade now before it's too late [16:54:49] don't think we can afford poly [16:55:30] the both was Alpha and worker from England [16:55:55] I say wait a turn for Eng trade [16:56:34] hmm [16:56:38] 4Okay to end turn? [16:57:20] I don't have any problems with ending turn [16:57:20] yeah, I guess [16:57:23] ok [16:57:27] 4Ending Turn [16:57:39] * E_T_readi need to do some things, back in a while [16:57:56] hmm [16:57:58] someone else can watch the Domestic stuff for now [16:58:07] should i set production in Asgard to Settler? [16:58:09] * E_T_readi is now known as E_T_AFK [16:58:11] you know what [16:58:16] we'll go ahead and cut it here [16:58:19] let me look [16:58:34] what year are we in? [16:58:38] 1500BC [16:58:40] ET - don't worry about it, i'll end the chat here [16:58:48] * TogasIDL ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client) [16:58:51] ok [16:58:59] just checking, I'm used to have a save posted every turn [16:59:04] 8 turns tonight, pretty decent :) [16:59:06] worker is same price we paid for the last one [16:59:50] Workers are not cheap in PTW [17:00:11] * CiverDan ( Quit (Quit) [17:00:36] well, later then [17:00:56] thanks for the help [17:01:51] NP [17:03:56] see ya guys [17:04:13] * BetaHound ( Quit (Quit) Session Close: Tue May 20 17:04:31 2003