@BEGINEVENTS @DEBUG @INITFLAG @IF NoSchism defender=Anybody @ENDIF @IF Negotiation talker=anybody talkertype=humanorcomputer listener=anybody listenertype=humanorcomputer @IF Negotiation talker=anybody talkertype=humanorcomputer listener=anybody listenertype=humanorcomputer @IF Turn turn=1 @THEN TEXT ^April 9th, 1940- ^Germany launches the invasion of Norway and Denmark in response to ^Allied activity in Scandinavia. German troops catch the Norwegian ^army completly off guard and Denmark has little to resist with. endtext PlayWaveFile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Narvik attacker=Germans defender=Norwegians @THEN justonce Text ^April 10th, 1940- ^In response to the German invasion of Norway, Britain lands a force ^at Narvik to take part in a pincer movement to retake Trondheim. German ^aircraft is unable to reach Narvik to provide protection. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division Count=6 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 40,0 41,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=2 @THEN TEXT ^May 10th, 1940- ^Germany launches operation "Fall Gelb", the invasion of the low ^countries and France. General Rundstedt leads army group A through the ^Ardennes for a central thrust. General Bock leads army group B into ^Beglium and the Netherlands. General Leeb leads army group C into ^skimrishes along the Maginot Line. endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Fallschirmjäger Count=3 veteran=yes homecity=None locations 31,55 30,58 27,57 32,56 31,57 endlocations PlayWaveFile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Liége attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^German fallschirmjäger are drooped into Belgium and capture the key bridges intact. A succesful drop is made on the heaviest Belgian fort, ^Eben Emael, leaving the frontier open for the Panzer divisions. endtext PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Antwerpen attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^The Germans take Antwerp, cutting off Allied forces still in Belgium. endtext @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Dunkerque attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^The British Expeditionary Force is saved from complete annihilation ^by the mere mistake Hitler made of ordering back his tanks. The British ^forces are carried across the channel by a fleet consisting of every ^ship available to them. The French army is routed and Paris lies open. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=British Division Count=10 veteran=yes homecity=None locations 18,46 endlocations PlayWaveFile Fall.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Strasbourg attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce TEXT ^The French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine are annexed into Greater ^Germany. endtext playwavefile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Paris attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce TEXT ^The German blitz has reached Paris in only six weeks since the operation's start. French forces are in a full retreat and a new French cabinet is formed under Marshal Pétain. An armistice is signed in which Germany gains occupational rights to two thirds of France. endtext PlayWaveFile defeat.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=3 @THEN TEXT ^Hitler's hope of Britain recognizing her militarily hopeless situation ^has vanished. It is clear how determined Prime Minister Winston ^Churchill is and the British forces will fight on. On July 16th Hitler ^orders preparations to begin for operation "Sealion". He says the ^operation must begin by mid-August. ^"Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed. I shall land on the shores of ^Britain". ^- Adolf Hitler endtext PlayAVIFile norway.avi givetechnology technology=5 receiver=Germans @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=4 @THEN Text ^August 8th, 1940- ^The Luftwaffe embarks on one of the most crucial campaigns of the war, ^the Battle of Britain. German aircraft numbers 3,000 while the British ^number only 800. The German goal is to clear the way for the seaborne ^operation Sealion. Bombers begin their raids against shipping and the ^southern coastal ports. On August 12th the bombers begin making raids ^on airfields, aircraft factories, and radar stations. ^"Mr. Churchill tells his people that England will win, but I tell you ^that victory will belong to Germany." ^- Adolf Hitler endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=He.111 Count=5 veteran=No homecity=None locations 33,57 endlocations givetechnology technology=5 receiver=Allies PlayWaveFile Bomber.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=London attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^Operation Sealion is sucessful in conquering the British capital! ^However, the determined Winston Churchill vows to fight to the very last ^man. The complete defeat of Britain may prove more costly than what ^Hitler had originally anticipated. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=British Division Count=15 veteran=Yes homecity=none locations 12,36 endlocations PlayWaveFile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=London attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN Flag continuous who=Germans state=on flag=0 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=London attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN text ^Churchill re-establishes his government in London. The loss of the ^capital was an embarrasment to the British people, but the Prime Minister ^assures the nation that such an embarassment will not be repeated. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 18,46 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav Flag continuous who=Germans state=off flag=0 @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=5 @THEN Text ^September 13th, 1940- ^Italy launches it's invasion of Egypt, knocking out the British ^positions above Sollum. The Italian army reaches Sidie Barrani by ^September 16th with 80,000 men and 120,000 still in Libya. endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Italian Division Count=5 veteran=no homecity=None locations 82,130 74,130 74,134 endlocations givetechnology technology=83 receiver=Allies flag continuous who=Allies state=on flag=0 PlayWaveFile Barracks.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Valleta attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^The stubborn island of Malta finally gives way to the Axis forces. ^With the loss of this strategic base, the Allies must ship their ^supplies around the horn of Africa and the Germans may reinforce their ^Afrika Korp without opposition. endtext ChangeMoney receiver=Allies amount=-500 PlayWaveFile navgun.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=6 @THEN Text ^October 28th, 1940- ^In an attempt to extend Italy's Empire, Mussolini launches an invasion ^of Greece. 20 infantry divisions make their way over the Albanian ^frontier and through Epirus. endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Italian Division Count=5 veteran=no homecity=None locations 66,102 67,103 endlocations PlayWaveFile Barracks.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=7 @THEN Text ^November 23rd, 1940- ^Romania joins the Axis. German troops enter the country and quickly ^secure the Ploesti oil fields. endtext ChangeMoney receiver=Germans amount=1500 @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=8 @THEN Text ^December 9th, 1940- ^The British launch a counteroffensive led by General Sir Archibald ^Wavell to drive the Italian forces out of Egypt. The attack is started ^by an attack in a gap in the Italian lines. Acheiving complete surprise, ^the British move at a fast pace towards the Libyian border. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=MK II Matilda Count=12 veteran=Yes homecity=none locations 86,132 92,132 91,131 96,132 101,131 106,132 endlocations givetechnology technology=82 receiver=Allies PlayWaveFile tank.wav Flag continuous who=Allies state=on flag=31 @ENDIF @IF Citytaken city=Tubruq attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Tobruk has fallen to the advancing British forces. The Italian armies ^retreat to Benghazi before admitting complete defeat. endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Italian Division Count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 74,130 endlocations PlayWaveFile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF Citytaken city=Banghazi attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^The Italian 10th army is wiped out near Benghazi. The rest of the ^Italian forces are in full retreat out of Cyrenaica. endtext Createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox Count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 82,130 endlocations PlayWaveFile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=11 @THEN Text ^March 1941- ^German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel arrives in Tripoli with the elite ^Afrika Korps to save Mussolini's falling empire. endtext Createunit owner=Germans unit=Field Marshal veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 41,133 endlocations PlayWaveFile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=11 @THEN CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Afrika Korps Count=15 veteran=no homecity=Tarabulus locations 41,133 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Banghazi attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^The "Desert Fox" outwits the British and liberates Benghazi. endtext Createunit owner=Germans unit=Panzer IV Count=2 veteran=no homecity=none locations 74,130 endlocations PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Tubruq attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^After several longs months of siege, Tobruk finally falls back into Axis ^control. British troops evacuate all that's left in Libya. Rommel begins ^preparations for a thrust into Egypt. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=British Division Count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 96,132 endlocations PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=13 @THEN Text ^April 6th, 1941- ^A military coup on March 27th had been sucessful in Belgrade. Taking ^advantage of the confusion Yugoslavia was in, the German high command ^orders an attack on the country. It begins with heavy bombings raids, ^followed by the ground forces that advance from all sides. The ^Yugoslavian armies don't stand a chance. On April 10th, the Germans also ^move into Greece. endtext Makeaggression who=Germans whom=Yugoslavians givetechnology technology=81 receiver=Allies PlayWaveFile aircraft.wav @ENDIF @IF Citytaken city=Athinai attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^The Greek army has capitulated and the government has evacuated the ^country. British Commonwealth troops evacuate as well but leave 27,000 ^men on Crete. The German high command decides that an airborne operation ^would be in place for the conquest of Crete. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=British Division Count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 88,122 endlocations PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=15 @THEN GiveTechnology technology=34 receiver=U.S.S.R. PlayAviFile Barb.avi @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=15 @THEN Text ^June 22nd, 1941- ^Adolf Hitler begins his war against Bolshevism by launching Operation "Barbarossa", the invasion of the U.S.S.R. The attack is made by three army groups led by the same commanders who led the invasion of the west in 1940. Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt is on the right in Southern Poland. Field Marshal Fedor von Bock is in the center with the main concentration of troops. Field Marshal Wilhem von Leeb is on the right and is prepared to drive through the Baltic states. "The war against Russia will be such that it cannot be conducted in a knightly fashion. This struggle is one of ideologies and racial differences and will have to be conducted with unprecedented, unmerciful and unrelenting harshness." ^- Adolf Hitler endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Field Marshal Count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 73,59 49,51 endlocations makeaggression who=Germans whom=U.S.S.R. GiveTechnology technology=92 receiver=U.S.S.R. PlayWaveFile barbarossa.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Brest-Litovsk attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^Two German collums trap the Northern Russian army in a pincer stroke but ^fail to complete an encirclement. Although 300,000 Russian prisoners are ^taken, a large number managed to force their way out of the trap and ^escape. ^"All that the Great Lenin created we have lost forever!" ^- Josef Stalin endtext Createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division count=5 veteran=no homecity=none locations 94,52 102,50 107,51 107,45 116,50 endlocations Playwavefile stalin.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Smolensk attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^Field Marshal von Bock pushes on the Smolensk where he attempts another encirclement manuvere. Although 200,000 Russians are taken prisoner, a great deal of them escape to build up resistance along the Desna. Hitler takes several weeks deciding which his next target should be: Leningrad, ^Kiev or Moscow. ^"The issue in the east has already been settled. Smolensk is the last halt on the road to Moscow." ^- German High Command endtext CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division Count=5 veteran=no homecity=none locations 116,50 118,44 119,37 endlocations PlayWaveFile stalin.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Kyyiv attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^Field Marshals von Bock and von Runstedt converge their armies on Kiev, ^taking 600,000 Russians prisoner. Hitler decides to resume the assault ^on Moscow, but the winter is approaching... endtext CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division Count=12 veteran=no homecity=none locations 107,45 105,63 endlocations PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Sevastopol attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^Although of little strategic importance, the city of Sevastopol is made ^famous by hosting the battle in which the Germans show off their mighty ^800mm Gustav. It goes down in history as the largest gun to ever see ^combat. endtext PlayWaveFile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=19 @THEN Text ^Next month will bring winter in the European theater. Move all your ^units and then load the winter settings before ending the turn. endtext @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=20 @THEN Text ^November 18th, 1941- ^The British launch a second counteroffesnive in Africa, called ^"Crusader". Achieving complete surprise, they hope to drive Rommel from ^Cyrenaica. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=Churchill Count=12 veteran=yes homecity=None locations 82,130 86,132 92,132 96,132 101,131 106,132 endlocations PlayWaveFile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=20 @THEN justonce Text ^November 23rd, 1941- ^General Zhukov launches the Russian Winter Counteroffensive against the exhausted and under supplied German armies. All throughout the German ranks men shutter with the thoughts of Napoleon's retreat. Hitler forbids any retreat beyond the shortest possible local withdrawls for if the Germans begin a general retreat it might easily turn into a panic-^stricken rout. Germans soldiers try desperately to follow their orders and hang on to their positions. endtext CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 112,30 113,29 114,30 114,32 111,31 118,26 endlocations GiveTechnology technology=0 receiver=U.S.S.R. PlayAviFile Moscow.avi @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=20 @THEN CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards Count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 119,43 117,43 118,42 118,46 117,45 125,45 124,44 126,44 endlocations PlayWaveFile peroration.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=20 @THEN CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards Count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 113,71 113,73 112,74 111,71 112,70 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=21 @THEN Text ^December 7th, 1941- ^The Japanese airforce bombs the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, officially dragging the U.S. into the war. President Roosevelt decides today is a day which will live in "infamy", but the people in Britain think otherwise. Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt decide that America will concentrate the main weight of it's forces in Europe. ^"To have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy. Now at this very moment I knew the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!...Hitler's fate was sealed. Mussolini's fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to powder." ^- Prime Minister Winston Churchill endtext GiveTechnology technology=96 receiver=Allies ChangeMoney receiver=Allies amount=5000 PlayWaveFile infamy.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=22 @THEN Text ^January 22nd, 1942- ^After halting the allied advance on the main coastal road, Field Marshal ^Rommel launches an offensive of his own and rapidly captures Saunnu and ^Antelat. Refreshened by the arrival of a convoy at Tripoli he decides to ^press on. endtext CreateUnit owner=Germans unit=Afrika Korps Count=15 veteran=yes homecity=Tarabulus locations 74,130 74,134 60,134 41,133 endlocations PlayWaveFile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=24 @THEN text ^The next month brings the warm season to the european theater. Move all ^of your units and load the summer settings before ending the turn. endtext @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=25 @THEN Text ^April 1942- ^German economists warn Hitler that Germany cannot continue it's war ^unless it obtains oil supplies from the Caucasus. The German offensive ^will be directed towards this region. The 6th army under Paulus has ^the task of taking Stalingrad. endtext PlaywaveFile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=26 @THEN Text ^May 12th, 1942- ^The Soviets launch an offensive directed at Kharkov. This unexpected ^move might delay the German summer offensive. endtext Createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 112,60 114,60 113,61 113,59 112,62 111,59 endlocations PlayWaveFile peroration.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=26 @THEN Createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 112,60 114,60 113,61 113,59 112,62 111,59 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=W Stalingrad attacker=Germans Defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^The German 6th army, under General Friedrich Paulus, reaches Stalingrad. ^Russian commanders read to their troops orders directly from Stalin ^telling them to hold the city at all costs. The industrial heartland of ^the U.S.S.R. is about to fall into German hands. endtext CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division Count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 127,67 endlocations PlayWaveFile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=W Stalingrad attacker=Germans Defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Pillbox Count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 127,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=32 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Pillbox Count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 127,67 endlocations flag continuous who=U.S.S.R. state=on flag=1 @ENDIF @IF turn turn=32 @THEN justonce CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Fortress veteran=yes homecity=E Stalingrad locations 123,65 122,66 120,66 118,66 endlocations PlayAviFile Stalin.avi @ENDIF @IF turn turn=32 @THEN justonce Text ^Zhukov launches a counterattack against the Germans in Stalingrad. Soviet armies encircle the entire city, trapping more than 200,000 Germans inside. Hitler promotes Paulus to Field Marshal status, and tells him not to surrender, and reminds him that no German Field ^Marshal has ever been taken alive. Hitler promises reinforcements but Paulus fears they will never come. ^"Troops without ammunition or food. Effective command no longer possible. 18,000 wounded without any supplies or dressings or drugs. Further defense senseless. Collapse inevitable. Army requests immediate permission to surrender in order to save lives of remaining troops." ^- Field Marshall Paulus endtext GiveTechnology technology=2 receiver=U.S.S.R. CreateUnit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Fortress veteran=yes homecity=E Stalingrad locations 122,64 124,64 118,66 120,66 endlocations givetechnology technology=96 receiver=U.S.S.R. PlayWaveFile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=33 @THEN justonce Text ^The Soviet airforce developes the Il-2 Stormovik, a ground-attack plane ^that will serve the Soviets in the same way the Stuka serves the Germans. endtext Givetechnology technology=10 receiver=U.S.S.R. playwavefile aircraft.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=E Stalingrad attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce Text ^Field Marshal von Paulus pulls off a miracle and gains control over the ^entire Stalingrad area. The Soviets lose many of their top factories with ^the city and tank production slows down considerably. Zhukov desperately ^tries to gather his troops to launch another counteroffensive. endtext PlayWaveFile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=E Stalingrad attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN flag continuous who=U.S.S.R. state=off flag=0 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=E Stalingrad attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Zhukov returns to the eastern side of Stalingrad with a large force. ^Regaining control of important factories, the Soviets pump out large ^amounts of armor as fast as they can. endtext PlayWaveFile peroration.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=E Stalingrad attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN flag continuous who=U.S.S.R. state=on flag=0 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Magnitogorsk attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN Text ^Panzer spearheads reach the Urals! German victory over the Soviet Union ^is almost ensured. endtext playwavefile siegheil.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=on flag=1 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Magnitogorsk attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN Text ^The Soviet armies sweep the Germans out of the southern Urals. The battle ^for Russia is not yet over. endtext playwavefile peroration.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=off flag=1 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Moscow attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN justonce text ^Josef Stalin flees in panic from his capital with the Germans just a few ^kilometers behind. He warns his allies that his country may not be able ^to hold out much longer and that something must happen immediately in the ^west, or the war will be lost. Zhukov gathers all the men in the area he ^can find to repulse the Germans from Moscow before they have a chance to ^fortify themselves. endtext createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 125,29 127,33 118,26 131,29 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Perm attacker=Germans defender=U.S.S.R. @THEN text ^A final blow is stricken against the Soviet forces and the Germans occupy ^the northern Urals. Russia has little left to resist with. Hitler may now ^turn the full weight of his forces on the Allies in the west. endtext playwavefile panzersong.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=on flag=2 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Perm attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN text ^Zhukov pulls off a miracle and saves the European part of Russia from ^complete collapse. The Germans lose their footing in the Urals and the ^Soviet armies begin to sweep westward. endtext playwavefile peroration.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=off flag=2 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=W Stalingrad attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Zhukov triumphantly parades down the streets of Western Stalingrad after Field Marshal Paulus signs the surrender of the German 6th army. Thousands of German prisoners are shipped off to Siberia, never to be seen again. The tide is turning in favor of the Soviets and Zhukov coordinates an all-out counterattack along then entire eastern-front, to push the Germans all the way back to Berlin. ^"They have surrendered there - formally and absolutely. Otherwise they would have closed ranks, formed a hedgehog, and shot themselves with their last bullet. The man [Paulus] should have shot himself just as the old commanders who threw themselves on their swords when they saw that the cause was lost. Even Varus gave his slave the order: 'Now kill me!'" ^- Adolf Hitler endtext createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 125,65 endlocations givetechnology technology=84 receiver=Germans playwavefile peroration.wav flag continuous who=U.S.S.R. state=on flag=2 @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=30 @THEN Text ^September 1942- ^General Bernard Montgomery is placed in command of the British 8th army. ^He begins preparations for the battle of El Alamein. endtext CreateUnit owner=Allies unit=Allied General veteran=no homecity=none locations 96,132 101,131 111,127 endlocations playavifile africa.avi @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=El Alamein attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN justonce Text ^Rommel crosses into Egypt and takes El Alamein. He meets heavy ^resistance in trying to press on. endtext Createunit owner=Allies unit=Churchill count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 98,132 101,131 104,134 111,127 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=El Alamein attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Montgomery defeats Rommel in the biggest battle on othe African front, ^the battle of El Alamein. The tide is turning heavily in favor of the ^Allies. Will Rommel be able to hold on to Libya? endtext createunit owner=allies unit=Churchill count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 96,132 endlocations givetechnology technology=84 receiver=Germans Playwavefile El_Alamein.wav @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=32 @THEN Text ^November 8th, 1942- ^The Allies launch operation "Torch", the invasion of French North ^Africa. Simultaneous landings occur at Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers. ^the French offer little resistance, except at Casablanca. General ^Anderson assumes comand of the U.S. 1st army and prepares for the ^attack on Tunisia. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 27,125 28,124 26,126 29,127 29,125 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=32 @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 22,126 20,126 21,127 23,125 19,125 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=32 @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 8,130 6,130 7,131 9,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Alger attacker=Allies defender=French @THEN Text ^Furious that the French gave up in Africa with barely a fight, the ^German High Command decides it best to occupy Vichy France so the same ^thing won't happen twice. endtext makeaggression who=Germans whom=French @ENDIF @IF citytaken continuous city=Tunis attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Tunasia falls to the advancing Allied armies. The Afrika Korps begins to ^surrender by the thousands. ^ ^"The American forces have suffered terrible losses. The losses are far ^more than what Eisenhower has admitted, and worse is ahead. Tunis is only ^a foretaste of what is waiting for us in Europe." ^- Roane Waring endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 39,133 40,134 41,135 42,134 43,133 givetechnology technology=84 receiver=Germans @ENDIF @IF citytaken continuous city=Tarabulus attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^Tripoli falls to the British 8th army, depriving the Axis of their most ^valuable African port. endtext @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Tunis attacker=Allies defender=Germans @AND citytaken city=Tarabulus attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^The Allies flush all Axis opposition from Africa. Preparations for the ^invasion of Sicily begin. ^ ^Allied landings begin at 2:45 A.M. near Syracuse on the southern ^Sicilian coast. Axis reinforcements are prevented from arriving on the ^scene due to airborne drops just a few hours earlier that secured key ^bridges. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 39,119 40,120 42,118 41,121 45,119 44,118 45,121 44,122 43,121 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Palermo attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^The U.S. 7th army under General Patton takens Palermo and turns east ^towards Messina. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 40,118 endlocations playwavfile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Messina attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce Text ^General Patton breaks through and enters Messina just hours before ^Montgomery does. Italian Marshal Badoglio contacts the supreme commander ^of allied troops, General Eisenhower, and they discuss the surrender of ^the Italian military. The Germans react by occupying Italy themselves and ^the Luftwaffe bombs the Itlain navy as it attempts to sail to the ^Balearic Islands. endtext taketechnology whom=Germans technology=98 playwavefile italy.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Messina attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^The Allies go ahead with operation "Avalanche", the invasion of the ^Italian Boot led by General Alexander. Landings take place on ^the "toe" of Italy and near Taranto. Field Marhsal Albert Kesselring is ^selected to head the German defenses on this front. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=85mm count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 55,107 55,109 54,106 53,107 47,117 49,117 48,118 45,117 40,118 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Messina attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Allied General veteran=yes homecity=none locations 55,107 55,109 54,106 53,107 47,117 49,117 48,118 45,117 40,118 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Messina attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN createunit owner=Germans unit=Field Marshal veteran=no homecity=none locations 44,100 37,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Taranto attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=7 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Nápoli attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN text ^The Allied armies make their way up the Italian penninsula and occupy ^Naples. The proceed on to Cassino where they come to a grinding ^hault in front of the dreadful Gustav Line. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 48,106 endlocations playwavefile biggun.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Nápoli attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN text ^The Allies land several divisions at Anzio on the opposite side of the ^Gustav Line, securing a bridgehead and disrupting German communications. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 46,102 47,101 47,103 48,100 46,100 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Nápoli attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=105mm count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 49,103 47,103 49,101 50,100 50,102 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Rome attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^General Alexander triumphantly rides into Rome. It has been a bloody ^struggle for the Allies in Italy and they will now be receiving less ^attention with an increase in activity on the Western Front. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 44,100 endlocations playwavefile home.wav @ENDIF ; Russian Liberation @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^The Germans retain positions that allow for a flank movement against the ^massive Soviet salient at Kursk. This offensive may be the last one ^conducted by the Germans on the Eastern Front. Hitler gives the order and ^the largest tank battle in history begins... endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Panther count=10 veteran=no homecity=none locations 109,55 111,53 110,56 113,55 112,56 endlocations givetechnology technology=5 receiver=U.S.S.R. playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 111,55 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Warszawa attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^Zhukov begins the final blow to Germany with a spearhead thrust through ^Poland. endtext createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=IS-2 count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 73,59 endlocations playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Odessa attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^Malinovski leads the Soviet drive in the south and liberates Odessa. ^With Soviet forces on the border, Romania drops out of the axis powers ^and joins an alliance with the Soviets. endtext createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=IS-2 count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 87,85 88,86 87,87 85,87 86,88 93,75 endlocations playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Budapest attacker=U.S.S.R. defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^Hungary falls to the Red Army, eliminating German access to the Balkans. ^Germany seems to be collapsing on all fronts. It is only a matter of time ^before the war is lost. endtext createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 endlocations playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Leipzig attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^The western allies meet up with their soviet friends for the first time, ^on the Elbe river. The Soviets will lead the assault into Berlin itself. endtext createunit owner=triggerattacker unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 46,58 endlocations playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF ; Allies in Western Europe @IF turn turn=51 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 11,57 10,58 13,59 12,60 15,59 13,61 11,59 11,61 10,60 14,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=51 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=B-17 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 13,61 12,60 13,59 14,62 11,61 15,61 15,59 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=51 @THEN text ^June 6th, 1944- ^D-Day. At 1:30 Allied airborne division are dropped beyond the Utah beach. R.A.F. bombers unload 6,000 tons of bombs on coastal batteries between Cherbourg and Le Havre. U.S. bombers drop 3,000 tons of explosives along the shore defenses a half hour before the beach landings. The first troops disembark at 6:30 A.M. Heavily resistence is especially notable at Omaha. The Allies move quickly to secure Caen, Cherbourg and St. Lo. Hitler believes this to be a diversion and thinks the main invasion will still land at Calais. Permission to direct German reinforcements to the scene is denied. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=P-51D Mustang count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 11,57 10,58 9,57 10,54 endlocations playwavefile D-Day.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=51 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 11,57 10,58 13,59 12,60 15,59 13,61 11,59 11,61 10,60 14,62 endlocations playwavefile overture.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=51 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Airborne count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 16,62 14,62 12,64 13,63 14,64 17,61 16,60 11,63 15,63 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=48 @THEN text ^Hitler receives reports from intercepted transmissions that General ^Patton has command of the U.S. 3rd Army and will lead the Allied ^invasion of continental Europe. The landings will take place in the ^Pas-de-Calais area. ^REMINDER: Load summer settings at the begining of the next turn. endtext @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=St. Lo attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^General Bradley breaks through the German defenses at St. Lo, clearing ^a way for the Allies to exit the hedgegrow and make fast progress. Patton ^is giving a real army and he begins his own styled Blitzkrieg against the ^Germans. ^"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making ^the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." ^-General George S. Patton, Jr endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Gn. Patton veteran=yes homecity=none locations 12,62 endlocations givetechnology technology=87 receiver=Germans playwavefile home.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=St. Lo attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 13,65 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Cherbourg attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN text ^The U.S. 7th coprs pushes north along the Cotentin peninsula and captures ^Cherbourg. Reapirs on the port instillations begin immediately to allow ^allied transports to dump their convoy's on the European mainland. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 10,56 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=53 @THEN text ^August 15th, 1944- ^The Allies launch operation "Dragoon", the invasion of southern France. ^The U.S. 7th army carries out the landing and meets light resistance ^near Marsielles and Toulon. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=B-17 count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 26,92 25,91 27,91 25,93 24,90 24,94 23,93 26,94 endlocations playwavefile infantry.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=53 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 26,92 25,91 27,91 23,91 28,92 29,93 26,90 26,92 endlocations @ENDIF IF turn turn=53 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 26,92 25,91 27,91 23,91 28,92 29,93 26,90 26,92 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=52 @THEN text ^July 20th, 1944- ^Adolf Hitler is wounded in an murder attempt at his headquarters ^"Wolfschanze" in Rastenburg, East Prussia. Failed attempt by German ^conservatives to overthrow the Nazi government and kill Hitler (who ^survives the bomb blast relatively unhurt). The Nazis begin to prosecute ^everyone involved, including the famous Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. endtext playwavefile trial.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Paris attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 22,64 endlocations playavifile rhine.avi @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Paris attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^As the U.S. 1st army crosses the Seine and approaches Paris, Hitler gives ^the order to burn the city to the ground. This order is ignored and the ^Germans surrender to the French 2nd armored division. The Germans begin ^a massive retreat to the defenses of the Siegfried line. The allied high ^command beings to discuss possible options on securing bridges over the ^Rhine river to launch the drive into the heart of Germany. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 22,64 endlocations playwavefile home.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=54 @THEN text ^September 17th, 1944- ^The allies begin the largest airborne assualt in history, operation ^"Market Garden", in an attempt to liberate the Netherlands and secure a ^bridgehead into Germany. The British 1st division is dropped at Arnhem to ^establish a bridgehead, the U.S. 101st division is dropped north of ^Eindhoven to secure crossings over the Schedlt-Meuse canal, and the U.S. ^82nd division is dropped below Nijmegan to secure a crossing over the ^Meuse. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Airborne count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 30,50 29,51 30,48 31,49 30,52 32,50 32,52 31,53 endlocations playwavefile aircraft.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=57 @THEN text ^December 16th, 1944- ^The Germans launch a counteroffensive in the Ardennes, which will be ^known as the Battle of the Bulge. The German attack is made with the ^5th, 6th, and 7th panzer armies along with the 14th infantry and 10th ^panzer divisions. Their goal is the Meuse river to reach Liege and ^prehaps Antwerp, which will sever the allied line of communications. ^If this assualt succeeds it may buy Germany valuable time to develope ^it's wonder weapons and turn the tides of the war. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Königstiger count=6 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 33,57 35,63 41,57 49,51 endlocations playwavefile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Frankfurt attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN justonce text ^Patton's 3rd army crosses the Rhine and takes Frankfurt, leading the ^western allies into the heart of Germany. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 35,63 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Berlin attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN playavifile Berlin.avi @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Berlin attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN text ^The Führer decides to stay in Berlin for the final battle of World War Two. Zhukov and Koniev use ^their soviet forces to encircle the city and the Germans put up desperate house to house fighting. ^Hitler ends up committing suicide and is replaced with Admiral Karl Dönitz who immedietly accepts Eisenhower's demands for an unconditional German surrender. The Reich is destroyed and Germany must now face the consequences of losing the largest war ever fought in human history... ^"A thousand years will pass and the guilt of Germany will not be erased." ^- Hans Frank, Governor General of Poland (before he was hanged for war crimes) endtext destroyacivilization whom=Germans endgame endscreens=yes playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF ; Second Allied Landings @IF citytaken city=Palermo attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN Text ^The Allies invasion is repulsed! endtext playwavefile ss.wav flag continuous who=Allies state=on flag=1 @ENDIF @IF randomturn denominator=8 @AND checkflag flag=1 who=Allies state=on @THEN text ^The Allies send another landing force to Sicily. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 39,117 38,118 40,120 39,119 41,119 38,116 41,117 41,121 43,121 endlocations playwavefile rifles.wav @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Palermo attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN flag continuous who=Allies state=off flag=1 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Cherbourg attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN flag continuous who=Allies state=on flag=2 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=St. Lo attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN flag continuous who=Allies state=on flag=3 @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=2 state=on @AND randomturn denominator=6 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 11,57 10,58 11,59 10,60 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=3 state=on @AND randomturn denominator=6 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 11,61 12,60 13,61 13,63 10,62 endlocations @ENDIF ; Technologies @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=84 @THEN justonce text ^The German Wehrmarcht takes it's first taste of bitter defeat. The German ^armies lose their aura of invincibility and moral begins to suffer. endtext playwavefile losing.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=2 @THEN justonce text ^The German Wehrmarcht developes a new type of tank, the Panzer V ^"Panther". Developement of this vehicle was inspired by the shocking ^strength their T-34/76 adversaries had displayed. This new vehicle ^will quickly establish its dominance on the battlefield. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Panther count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 49,51 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=1 @THEN justonce text ^Rumors pass through local villages that the Germans have developed their ^own heavy tank, that is more powerful than any axis tank the allies have ^seen. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Tiger count=5 veteran=no homecity=none locations 49,51 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=3 @THEN justonce text ^The Wehrmarcht developes a new heavy tank, the Königstiger. This tank will ^become the most powerful tank to see action during the war. But will ^the German industry be able to churn out enough of these new weapons ^in time to save the Reich? endtext playwavefile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=21 @THEN justonce text ^Germany produces a revolutionary weapon, the jet fighter. It is prehaps ^their last hope for ultimate victory, but time must be allowed for ^Germany to build enough of them to regain complete air superiority. endtext playwavefile jet.wav @ENDIF @IF cityproduction builder=Germans improvement=63 @THEN justonce Text ^The German Peenmünde Project has developed missiles! These new "wonder" ^weapons will quickly produced and launched into the heart of Great ^Britain. endtext givetechnology technology=23 receiver=Germans playwavefile missile.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=25 @THEN justonce text ^A new branch of the Wehrmarcht is formed, the Waffen S.S. Directed by ^Himmler himself, this will not serve as a political unit but rather a ^force of elite soldiers ready to die fanatically for Hitler's Reich. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Waffen S.S. count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 49,51 endlocations playwavefile siegheil.wav @ENDIF @IF cityproduction builder=Germans improvement=43 @THEN justonce text ^The Kriegsmarine embarks on the battle of the Atlantic. Orders go for all ^vessels to fire on any merchant ship without warning. German U-boats ^travel in "wolf packs" and will even engage American ships. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=U-Boat count=15 veteran=no homecity=none locations 141,67,1 141,73,1 endlocations playwavefile torpedos.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Germans technology=0 @THEN justonce text ^Germany starts producing the Panzer IV, which will become the workhorse ^of the Panzerwaffe. It will be manufactured in numbers greater than any ^other German tank of the war and will eventually undergo several ^improvements which will allow it to see the final days of the war. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Panzer IV count=6 veteran=no homecity=none locations 49,51 endlocations playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF ; Strategic Bombing @IF unitkilled unit=Factory attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN text ^Allied forces destroy a major industrial center of the Third Reich! ^The damage is estimated at 500 gold. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Industrial veteran=no homecity=Bremen locations 36,48 37,47 35,49 endlocations changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-500 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Industrial attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN text ^Allied forces destroy a major industrial center of the Third Reich! ^The damage is estimated at 500 gold. endtext createunit owner=Germans unit=Industry veteran=no homecity=Hannover locations 39,51 38,50 40,52 endlocations changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-500 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Industry attacker=anybody defender=Germans @THEN text ^Allied forces destroy a major industrial center of the Third Reich! ^The damage is estimated at 500 gold. endtext changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-500 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Factory attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN text ^The Luftwaffe destroys a major industrial center of Great Britain. Damage ^is estimated at 1000 gold. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Industry veteran=no homecity=London locations 17,47,0 16,46,0 17,45,0 endlocations changemoney receiver=Germans amount=1000 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Industry attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN text ^The Luftwaffe destroys a major industrial center of Great Britain. Damage ^is estimated at 1000 gold. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Industrial veteran=no homecity=Bristol locations 12,44 11,45 10,44 endlocations changemoney receiver=Germans amount=1000 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Industrial attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN text ^The Luftwaffe destroys a major industrial center of Great Britain. Damage ^is estimated at 1000 gold. endtext changemoney receiver=Germans amount=1000 playwavefile blast.wav @ENDIF ; Captured units @IF unitkilled unit=Heer Division attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Kampfstaffel attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Panzerschreck attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Fallschirmjäger attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Afrika Korps attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Italian Division attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Panzer Grenadiers attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-15 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Light Panzer attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-20 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Panzer IV attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-20 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Tiger attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-25 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Panther attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-20 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Königstiger attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-35 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=75mm attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=85mm attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-10 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=105mm attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-15 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Flak-88mm attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-15 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Tracked attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-20 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=A.A. Battery attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-20 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=A.A. Truck attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-15 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Elefant attacker=anybody defender only defender=Germans @THEN changemoney receiver=Germans amount=-30 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Freighter attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN text ^The Kriegsmarine sinks an allied merchant ship, destroying 500 gold worth ^of equipment. endtext changemoney receiver=Germans amount=500 @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Gn. Patton attacker=anybody defender=Allies @THEN text ^Gn. Patton dies with the glory of a soldier's death. His memory will ^inspire his troops to greatness. endtext @ENDIF ; Victory @IF citytaken city=El Iskandariya attacker=Germans defender=Allies @THEN text ^The Afrika Korps triumphy marches through the streets of Egypt. The ^British are on their last legs in Africa and it is no longer safe for ^them to even use the Suez Canal. But they scrap together all troops ^in the region and prepare for a final battle. endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Churchill count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 106,132 104,134 111,127 endlocations playwavefile siegheil.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=on flag=3 @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=El Iskandariya attacker=Allies defender=Germans @THEN text ^The Afrika Korps is chased out of Egypt! Will they be able to repeat ^their previous success? endtext createunit owner=Allies unit=Pillbox count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 101,131 endlocations playwavefile losing.wav flag continuous who=Germans state=off flag=3 @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Germans mask=0b0000000000000000000000000001111 count=4 state=on @THEN text ^The Third Reich achieves ultimate victory over Europe! The Soviet Union ^has been crippled, England has been smashed, and anything that remains ^is barely a threat. The Führer's dream which he described in "Mein Kampf" ^has become a reality. Long live the fatherland! endtext playwavefile panzersong.wav @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Germans mask=0b0000000000000000000000000001111 count=4 state=on @THEN playwavefile siegheil.wav endgame endscreens=yes @ENDIF ; AI enhancement with unit creation events ; Josef Stalin Tanks @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=3 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=IS-2 count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,50 60,54 67,59 72,52 80,52 89,37 91,21 101,25 100,18 116,2 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=3 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=IS-2 count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,64 65,77 74,72 80,78 94,52 104,56 105,63 112,60 116,50 127,67 139,37 endlocations @ENDIF ; France @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 18,70 14,72 54,108 10,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Motorized count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 18,70 9,65 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Bazooka count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 14,72 9,65 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Flak-88mm count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 14,72 9,65 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Armored A.P.C. count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 18,70 9,65 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=2 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 14,72 9,65 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=30 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M40SPG count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 18,70 14,72 9,65 10,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=29 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=A.A. Truck count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,53 38,52 34,54 33,57 27,61 22,64 18,70 14,72 10,56 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=7 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Motorized count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Armored A.P.C. count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Flak-88mm count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Bazooka count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=2 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=6 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=29 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=A.A. Truck count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 50,72 37,67 35,63 24,92 11,93 8,88 10,82 11,77 9,71 12,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=10 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=P-51D Mustang count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 46,58 42,62 35,63 22,64 12,62 54,108 40,118 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=11 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=B-17 count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 46,58 42,62 35,63 22,64 12,62 12,48 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=12 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=B-29 count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 39,47 33,57 22,64 10,56 18,50 endlocations @ENDIF ; Aircraft ; Il-2 Stormovik @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=3 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Il-2 Stormovik count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 73,59 80,52 85,65 87,53 89,37 94,52 93,75 100,18 121,31 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=10 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Il-2 Stormovik count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 67,59 73,59 80,52 85,65 94,52 104,56 112,72 112,60 107,45 125,65 endlocations @ENDIF ; North Africa @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=American GIs count=6 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=85mm count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M3 Lee/Grant count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=P-51D Mustang veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=11 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=B-17 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=2 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=M4 Sherman count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 43,89 44,100 48,106 54,108 45,117 40,118 34,122 28,126 21,125 7,129 endlocations @ENDIF ; USSR offensive after Stalingrad @IF Checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=2 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 66,64 71,65 74,72 80,78 99,73 105,63 110,68 112,72 117,81 131,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=2 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 66,64 74,72 80,78 85,65 93,75 99,73 105,63 110,68 112,72 117,81 131,83 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=2 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,50 69,55 73,59 80,52 87,53 94,52 107,45 119,37 121,31 125,29 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=2 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 60,54 72,52 80,52 87,53 102,50 107,45 118,44 121,31 125,29 139,11 endlocations @ENDIF ; Stalingrad Counteroffensive @IF CheckFlag who=U.S.S.R. flag=1 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=13 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 76,88 86,86 90,80 93,75 99,73 112,72 127,67 134,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CheckFlag who=U.S.S.R. flag=1 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=105mm count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 76,88 86,86 90,80 93,75 99,73 112,72 127,67 134,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CheckFlag who=U.S.S.R. flag=1 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Yak-9 count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 60,54 67,59 73,59 85,65 94,52 104,56 112,72 112,60 121,31 138,24 @ENDIF ; Allied Aircraft @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=0 state=on @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=Lancaster count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 15,45 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=0 state=on @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=Lancaster count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 18,36 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=0 state=on @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=Lancaster count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 17,5 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=8 @THEN justonce text ^The British introduce a new fighter, the "Spitfire", to aide the ^desperate country through the Battle of Britain. endtext playwavfile aircraft.wav @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=8 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Spitfire count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 18,46 12,36 44,126 101,131 endlocations @ENDIF ; Soviet Tech Advances @IF turn turn=42 @THEN text ^The Soviets begin producing their newest tank, the T-34/85. endtext givetechnology technology=2 receiver=U.S.S.R. playwavefile tank.wav @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=2 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/85 count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 49,59 59,63 73,59 83,59 94,52 107,45 119,37 121,31 131,29 138,24 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=2 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/85 count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,72 69,83 68,90 86,86 93,75 99,73 105,63 127,67 134,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=50 @THEN text ^The newly tested soviet IS-2 heavy tank has begun to be mass-produced in ^quantity. endtext givetechnology technology=3 receiver=U.S.S.R. @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=19 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Katyusha count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 49,59 59,63 73,59 80,52 94,52 104,56 112,60 118,44 119,37 121,31 endlocations @ENDIF ; British 1st African Counterattack @IF CheckFlag who=Allies flag=31 state=on @AND turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=MK II Matilda count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 82,130 86,132 92,132 91,131 96,132 101,131 106,132 111,127 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=82 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 54,108 82,130 86,132 92,132 91,131 96,132 101,131 106,132 111,127 endlocations @ENDIF ; Hurricanes @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=83 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Hurricane count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 18,46 15,21 44,126 101,131 endlocations @ENDIF ; Churchill tank in Africa @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=0 @THEN justonce Flag who=Allies state=off flag=31 @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=0 @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=Churchill count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 54,108 82,130 86,132 92,132 91,131 96,132 101,131 106,132 111,127 endlocations @ENDIF ; Greece @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=82 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 75,107 74,98 endlocations @ENDIF ; Zhukov's 1st Winter Offensive @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,50 60,54 66,54 69,55 72,52 80,52 80,46 89,37 91,21 100,18 119,19 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,50 73,59 83,59 94,52 102,50 107,45 116,50 118,44 119,37 121,31 131,29 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 73,77 76,88 90,80 93,75 99,73 112,72 112,74 127,67 139,37 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Red Guards count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 76,88 86,86 90,80 99,73 112,72 112,74 131,83 128,90 140,100 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=19 @THEN flag continuous who=U.S.S.R. state=on flag=0 @ENDIF ; Beginning Barbarossa @IF checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=0 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=6 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 60,54 83,59 87,53 107,45 116,50 118,44 119,37 121,31 125,29 139,11 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=U.S.S.R. flag=0 state=on @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 76,88 86,86 90,80 93,75 99,73 112,72 112,74 127,67 139,37 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=T-34/76 count=7 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 121,31 131,29 112,72 117,81 127,67 134,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Yak-9 count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 76,88 86,86 90,80 93,75 99,73 112,72 125,65 127,67 139,37 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 56,50 60,54 66,54 69,55 72,52 80,52 80,46 89,37 91,21 100,18 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division count=6 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 60,54 67,59 73,59 79,59 94,52 107,45 118,44 121,31 127,33 131,29 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Soviet Division count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 73,77 80,78 76,88 86,86 99,73 112,72 112,74 127,67 140,54 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Yak-9 count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 100,18 121,31 127,67 107,45 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=KW-1 count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 60,54 67,59 73,59 79,59 94,52 107,45 118,44 121,31 127,33 131,29 138,24 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=KW-2 count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 65,77 80,78 76,88 86,86 99,73 112,72 126,66 127,67 140,54 139,37 endlocations @ENDIF ; Leningrad & Moscow Defense @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=Pillbox count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 100,18 121,31 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=U.S.S.R. technology=0 @THEN createunit owner=U.S.S.R. unit=A.A. Battery veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 100,18 121,31 @ENDIF ; France @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 34,54 29,49 28,52 24,56 22,64 14,60 18,46 15,27 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Motorized count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 39,47 34,54 31,51 28,52 27,55 24,56 18,60 14,60 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=96 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Armored A.P.C. count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 38,52 34,54 29,49 28,52 24,56 22,64 18,60 14,60 54,108 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Bazooka count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 38,52 34,54 29,49 28,52 24,56 22,64 18,60 14,60 12,36 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=16 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Flak-88mm count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 38,52 34,54 29,49 28,52 24,56 22,64 18,60 14,60 12,36 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Destroyer count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none randomzie locations 12,48 101,131, 6,128,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Cruiser veteran=yes homecity=none randomzie locations 12,48 101,131, 6,128,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Battleship veteran=yes homecity=none randomzie locations 12,48 101,131, 6,128,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Cruiser veteran=yes homecity=none locations 17,5 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Freighter veteran=no homecity=none randmoize locations 26,40,1 14,56,1 4,86,1 4,100,1 2,108,1 6,128 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=83 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=British Division count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,47 35,47 29,49 28,52 24,56 17,57 54,108 10,56 18,46 12,36 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Allies flag=0 state=on @THEN Createunit owner=Allies unit=Lancaster count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 8,44 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Landing Craft veteran=no homecity=none randmoize locations 12,48 16,24 34,122 101,131 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Destroyer veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 0,128 141,119,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Receivedtechnology receiver=Allies technology=81 @THEN createunit owner=Allies unit=Resistance veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 14,64 14,82 24,62 64,90 58,88 19,59 7,63 9,77 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=Norwegians unit=Partisans veteran=yes homecity=none locations 45,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=Allies maprect 76,128,106,128,106,134,76,134 moveto 74,134 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=Allies maprect 20,124,32,124,32,134,20,134 moveto 34,122 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=Allies maprect 38,90,58,90,58,116,38,116 moveto 43,89 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=Allies maprect 23,53,47,53,47,81,23,81 moveto 49,51 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=U.S.S.R. maprect 58,64,122,64,122,86,58,86 moveto 56,72 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=U.S.S.R. maprect 113,9,141,9,141,51,113,51 moveto 73,59 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=U.S.S.R. maprect 90,16,110,16,110,46,90,46 moveto 89,37 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=U.S.S.R. maprect 74,48,112,48,112,62,74,62 moveto 49,51 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=U.S.S.R. maprect 50,46,72,46,72,70,50,70 moveto 49,51 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS