Session Start: Thu May 15 16:16:59 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem [16:16:59] * Now talking in #civ3dem [16:32:27] * GodKing ( has joined #civ3dem [16:32:30] hello [16:35:31] hello! [16:35:40] ha ya doin? [16:37:36] decent i suppose, feeling kinda lazy and unambitious [16:37:40] * UberKruX ( has joined #civ3dem [16:37:46] hi uber. [16:37:49] hey [16:38:08] hey [16:38:27] almost missed the chat, was playing RoN ;) [16:38:42] how is it? [16:38:46] awesome. [16:38:51] Ron.... i didn't think it was out til next week.... [16:38:56] spies suck though. im going to rant about those. [16:39:13] I was at the new matrix movie. It rocks. [16:39:23] i just had some guy bribe all my units from me [16:40:52] looks like warrior's luck won the Iznik poll [16:41:16] * OctavianX ( has joined #civ3dem [16:41:24] hi [16:41:28] Hello [16:42:56] hey there [16:43:18] I just read about Civ3 - Conquest. 8 new civs. Random events. Should be great [16:43:43] no. horrible. [16:43:47] Don't forget new bugs as well [16:44:01] 30 more dollars for 8 civs i dont want and maybe 2 more units [16:44:09] and new bugs! [16:44:15] that alone is worth it [16:44:17] maybe we'll have 10 mil/rel combos now [16:44:32] random events!!!! can have a ww2 scenario where russian winter kicks in!! [16:46:16] I'll wait and see what they do to make the game more interesting before I drop another $30... [16:46:50] yeah [16:47:09] I won't pick it up the first week, but I am pretty sure I will get it, particularly after the first patch. [16:51:31] * BFM (anonymous@ has joined #civ3dem [16:51:33] Heya [16:51:38] hi [16:51:57] Starting in 8 mins, are we? [16:52:10] yup! [16:52:14] roughly [16:52:25] making a quick dinner to eat while i play! :D [16:52:37] No dinner for me. It's night here. [16:52:43] running to the microwave..... [16:52:48] GK - where do we want our settler to go? [16:52:53] * BFM suggests to have the turnchats a little bit earlier. [16:53:02] hehe, microwaves are great ;) my food will be ready soon [16:53:10] -> [BFM] TIME [16:53:10] [BFM TIME reply]: Fri May 16 01:53:35 2003 [16:53:21] I have no idea. Am I the official substitute this time also? [16:53:22] i'm usually in school :( [16:53:46] GK - Well kloreep posted orders to move the settle "N-W" [16:53:53] * WhiteBand goes back to read the orders [16:54:11] we have a settler? [16:54:17] or you mean next turn [16:54:21] yeah next turn [16:54:23] k [16:55:08] * CiverDan (CiverDan@ has joined #civ3dem [16:55:11] hello [16:55:18] hey CD [16:56:21] * UberKruX loads up the game [16:56:35] ill load up too [16:56:45] so we'll bash out around 10 turns or so [16:59:02] i'm gonna go ahead and take care of some stuff [16:59:18] err in regards to lux sliders and the like [16:59:25] go ahead. :) [16:59:48] 4Lux slider changed to 10% [17:00:02] I've been known as a President to start the boring stuff 2 hours before a turn chat... [17:00:22] haha, i should have done that [17:00:38] 4Specialist in Asgard working south tile [17:01:11] 4Iznik building warrior [17:01:27] 4Change Trondheim's build to a Barracks [17:01:28] Back. [17:01:38] he's still unhappy [17:01:53] what save did we start with 2070? [17:01:58] yeah but he is working the tile as opposed to before we would have 2 unhappies i believe [17:01:59] ja [17:02:03] GK - yup [17:02:08] thanks. [17:02:19] we dont want it to do into disorder [17:02:33] yeah but there is a happy worker there to offset him [17:02:51] on mine their isnt [17:03:03] we're talking about Asgard, not Iznik [17:03:08] Iznik isnt working any tiles [17:03:15] one 1 sci and 6 G [17:03:18] 4Change Iznik's specialist to a scientist [17:03:19] no happy [17:03:34] CD - did you change the lux slider to 10%? [17:03:41] yes [17:04:18] weird [17:04:22] i get 0 Happy 1 sci and 6 Gold [17:04:24] don't know how to explain that :) [17:04:27] OH [17:04:29] change the specialist [17:04:37] he is going to work tile S of asgard [17:04:41] In asgard, i have 1 happy, 1 unhappy, and one stoned out of his gourd that he doesn't care [17:04:51] hehe... [17:05:16] is asgard working 2 squares or 3? [17:05:22] 3 [17:05:34] S, SW, and W [17:05:39] SE*** [17:05:43] and E [17:05:46] i am so bad with that. [17:06:00] * BetaHound (brucehynes@ has joined #civ3dem [17:06:01] hmm...what your lux/sci/trade ratio [17:06:09] Go clockwise and think "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" my friend ;) [17:06:25] Greetings, fellow Vikings! [17:06:27] 1.0.9 [17:06:31] hey BH [17:06:33] [17:06:33] I have 90 tax and 10 lux. [17:06:39] yea [17:06:44] GK - yup [17:06:51] anyone suggest we make any changes to this or keep it? [17:06:56] funy..i only see 7 her [17:06:59] here [17:07:01] Even at 100 lux, iznik will not be content. [17:07:06] * E_T1 (E_T@ has joined #civ3dem [17:07:19] 1.0.9 sounds good to me... [17:07:22] I heard someone say turnchat [17:07:23] CiverDan, do you have the right save? [17:07:33] 3 gold on cap and 2, 1, 1 [17:07:34] Hi all [17:07:37] 2070 BC [17:07:45] hi [17:07:52] hey et [17:07:57] where is the other 2 gold? [17:07:59] Uber - Orders for Odin? [17:08:13] weird [17:08:27] odin pauses [17:08:33] skip turn then? [17:08:39] yes. [17:08:41] should we investiage where those bard camps usde to be [17:08:42] gotcha [17:09:08] it might be an isthmus [17:09:18] true [17:09:30] area to the east? [17:09:36] DAMMIT [17:09:37] to teh west [17:09:38] WEST [17:09:39] yeah [17:09:40] haha [17:09:43] lol [17:09:44] Zulu will trade mysticism for 198 [17:09:48] i spout advice and don't even follow it [17:09:49] haha [17:09:50] you caught my disease [17:09:56] hehe [17:10:23] okay, i'm ready to end the turn [17:10:49] i foud my error..moved the sci slider by mistake..he [17:10:49] did you make the izi man into a scientist [17:10:57] yup! [17:10:57] oops [17:11:10] i know how you feel [17:11:12] ;) [17:11:47] alright, i shall now end the turn [17:12:00] 4Ending Turn [17:12:13] :) [17:12:31] celts are going back home [17:12:32] how did odin end up moving? [17:12:39] Uber ordered him to skip turn [17:12:45] i assume we're watching where the ottomans will settle [17:12:52] ok. I will do the same. [17:12:55] we're herding them, is possible. [17:12:58] if* [17:13:13] cool, Vondrack is playing the Lego turn right now [17:13:27] okay [17:13:33] cool [17:13:37] according to Kloreep he wants the slider set back to 0% this turn [17:13:38] sound good? [17:13:42] err [17:13:43] lux slider [17:13:49] 12Odin: NW, Skip. Thor: SE, E [17:13:52] should be as we now have the settler. [17:14:10] 12Remainder of stack moves into Iznik [17:14:23] 4Odin: NW, Skip. Thor: SE, E [17:14:46] hey, rename Iznik to IsNickHome.... :D [17:15:09] Warrior's Luck won the election..... [17:15:11] 4Stack moves into Iznik, all units fortified. [17:15:24] Shall I rename it? [17:15:31] Bah! I'm the President [17:15:33] err [17:15:36] If the poll is closed, yes... [17:15:37] at the moment at least ;) [17:15:52] Please use "Warrior's Luck" for Iznik [17:15:56] unortho - do you want the spear to move towards the new city site instend of fort in Iznik? [17:16:06] you mean uber? ;) [17:16:13] as an act of defiance, you could name it WhitBanik [17:16:23] 4Iznik is now known as "Warrior's Luck" [17:16:26] bad... I was writing a couple of things to much.... sorry. [17:16:40] How about "OurGoatsAreTrained2Eat? [17:16:45] haha [17:16:50] we don't need to tribute CDG ;) [17:16:53] Goat lover. I prefer sheep. [17:16:56] true [17:16:56] CD: where the hell is that from [17:17:16] from the ISDG [17:17:27] where exactly is the settler heading? [17:17:37] CDG named a city "OurGoatsAreTrained2Kill" [17:17:40] "OurSheepAreTrained2KillGoats" [17:17:47] Site Blue I think. N & W [17:17:49] Alright guys [17:17:53] I heard of that city... [17:18:03] god. you ICS whores. [17:18:14] yeah [17:18:15] :-/ [17:18:24] 4Settler moves N-W [17:18:24] us....... [17:18:38] what kinda garrison we looking for [17:18:44] should i send the warrior or what? [17:18:56] Production in Asgard? [17:18:56] We should have at least two per city to make them productive. [17:19:01] 3 all ISDG'ers, remember that there are others that are not on our team here.... [17:19:11] i know that [17:19:14] :p [17:19:19] the bastard!@ [17:19:32] OctavianX are you subbing for Kloreep? [17:19:36] bah, it's okay to tell him that CDG no longer exists! [17:19:38] ;P [17:19:49] I thought you were, GK... [17:19:57] woo! anarchy! [17:20:09] Why don't you. I have done this the past 4 turns. [17:20:19] And I was never elected. [17:20:26] Truth be told, I'm rather busy at the moment [17:20:32] OK. I can. [17:20:35] I guess i take over! buahahaha [17:20:46] i could to [17:20:47] * WhiteBand uses great leader to rush a galley [17:20:49] go for it if you like. At least you were elected. [17:20:51] 40 archers, please. [17:21:05] :D [17:21:06] I would set Asgard to a spear. [17:21:10] okay [17:21:22] 4Asgard changed to Spearman [17:21:35] do we need to send units to the new city? [17:21:45] We should soon. [17:21:50] I would if I were you... [17:22:01] * UberKruX grumbles something about having no units [17:22:08] send something from Iznik once all the units heal [17:22:22] pondering that. [17:22:23] Or send the spear from there now. [17:22:29] hmmm [17:22:45] Out of curiousity, is someone logging this? [17:22:45] I will check some diplomicy.... [17:22:47] we should keep a spear at our city closest to them [17:22:48] i am [17:22:57] just checking. :) [17:23:00] i'm good to end turn [17:23:02] so am i if we need a backup. [17:23:04] we can get 200 fro Myst from Iro [17:23:07] * WhiteBand is somewhat responsible believe it or not [17:23:13] I may not seem like it when I talk to other teams... [17:23:37] i shoulda got into the ISDG [17:23:47] yeah it's fun :) [17:23:52] okay [17:23:53] ending turn [17:23:57] 4Ending Turn! [17:23:58] wait [17:24:01] Just kidding! [17:24:02] crap [17:24:06] what is thy bidding? [17:24:10] diplo [17:24:13] okay [17:24:22] mysticism for 181 gold from iro [17:24:25] what? [17:24:34] crap, i ended the turn you ninnies [17:24:40] hehe [17:24:46] 210 from Ottomans [17:24:48] mysticism for 181 gold from the iroquois. [17:25:03] how fast do we want monarchy? [17:25:16] communism! [17:25:34] not sure [17:25:52] Corruption isn't bad yet [17:25:59] Wheel from them for 193 [17:26:06] horsies? [17:26:14] oh [17:26:18] 4Lux slider to 0 btw [17:26:22] * BFM will go Zzzzzzzzzz [17:26:22] That's better.... [17:26:33] good catch.... I forgot that.... [17:27:00] should we really trust this game to you guys? :p [17:27:13] Hey, you can run next election :P [17:27:15] WB, you NEED to give warning that the turn will be ending and then wait a bit before ending it.... [17:27:23] i usually do give a warning :P [17:27:24] of course not.... I lost my election. Remember? [17:28:03] so, any diplo or wait a few rounds? [17:28:07] i say wait [17:28:13] we don't want to spend the money now do we? [17:28:14] same here [17:28:20] then shall we end turn? [17:28:25] are we good? [17:28:33] i'm ready if everyone else is [17:28:38] BTW - we are at +10 per turn now. [17:28:44] true! [17:28:48] very good for this early. [17:29:01] why am i at +11 [17:29:12] you ended the turn without changing the lux slider? [17:29:19] you ended the turn right? [17:29:24] i reloaded and ddi it over [17:29:27] did* [17:29:37] ah whatever [17:29:40] hehe [17:29:45] i can post a save in a bit if you'd like [17:29:50] o [17:29:54] alright, can we end this turn? [17:29:55] i has iznk as a tax dude [17:29:57] oops. [17:30:01] oh, that is it [17:30:41] OK. END TURN PLEASE [17:30:46] 4Ending Turn [17:31:11] okay [17:31:14] limey ottoman bastards did exactly what i didnt want them to [17:31:22] yeah [17:31:24] hit the fur? [17:31:29] you need more than 1 to herd :( [17:31:35] i know :-/ [17:31:55] * UberKruX demands civ2's ZOC [17:32:08] 4Bergen Founded [17:32:16] They may get upset if they found a city and we have Odin in its radii [17:32:45] * OctavianX ( Quit (Ping timeout) [17:33:04] * BFM (anonymous@ Quit (Ping timeout) [17:33:29] Adjust Trondheim worker then bergen worker. [17:33:40] 4Move Trondheim's WF on the S tile to the W tileProd [17:33:51] err [17:33:58] ignore that tileprod crap at the end ;) [17:34:02] The tile that is being worked [17:34:25] hmm [17:34:26] The loss of a shield this turn will not effect production of the spear [17:34:27] not here [17:34:39] GK - we switched production there to Barracks [17:34:46] OH [17:34:52] 12Thor: E. Odin: [17:34:53] same shield costs. [17:34:59] 12Odin: SW [17:35:15] 4Bergen WF works E tile [17:35:47] 4Thor E, Odin SW [17:36:03] christ [17:36:07] bergen produces barracks? [17:36:13] does that sound okay or should we change? [17:36:43] ok [17:36:47] * WIA_at_wo ( has joined #civ3dem [17:36:55] Don't mind me... :D [17:36:59] Howdy prez [17:37:04] Gidday [17:37:08] oh god the pressure!!! [17:37:33] Quick, get the secretary out of your office mr. VP [17:37:41] No pressure - I just want to see what mistakes I nbeed to correct on the weekend ;) [17:37:44] 4Production in Bergen changed to Barracks [17:38:10] Trond is also making a barracks? [17:38:13] What I can take credit for now ;) [17:38:16] i haven't got into the "fun" mood yet where i abandon cities [17:38:20] yes [17:38:30] that's what i asked [17:38:34] Iznik is making barracks? [17:38:34] does that sound alright? [17:38:42] i thought only Trip did that :P [17:38:44] we have barracks in Asgard and Trondheim [17:38:48] CiverDan - LOL [17:39:17] no, no barracks yet in trond. It can make them next turn if production is changed. [17:39:27] well [17:39:31] i meant to type soon [17:39:32] sorry ;) [17:39:35] trond has barrax next turn [17:39:36] yes? [17:39:44] ja [17:39:46] k. [17:39:50] we need them, but what is better, barracks, or a spear for bergen? [17:40:19] well..we are goin to cover bergen with a unit soon anyways [17:40:25] what unit? [17:40:29] I say barracks. Vote anybody? or just do it. [17:40:36] barrax. [17:40:39] i'm for barracks, it will give us a kick ass army [17:40:49] Barracks it shall be. [17:40:52] the warrior from Iznik once its healed..i assume [17:41:02] ok [17:41:03] GodKing - are you standing in for Kloreep? [17:41:08] I guess. [17:41:08] Shall we check out some techs? [17:41:12] Cheers :b [17:41:23] i did...nothing changed [17:41:46] do we want to go ahead and buy anything? [17:41:52] I lost my election, and now I am in the 5th of 6 chats as the DM. Next time, I sould run for prex that way I can play the game all the time. [17:42:00] haha [17:42:06] I have to remember to loose my election however. [17:42:18] we have a pile of money sitting around, so what shall we use it for? [17:42:29] Whores [17:42:39] i have 1 vote for whores [17:42:40] anyone else? [17:42:43] we could bye masonry from the ottomans..and try to barter with the iroquois with it [17:42:53] Whores++; [17:43:13] masonry is value 4 [17:43:14] so let's see [17:43:35] mysticism is also value 4 [17:43:47] wheel is 4 too [17:43:47] masonry from celts for 204 [17:43:53] so it looks like we could be able to barter for it [17:44:12] also, iro doesn't have it, so we may be able to sell it for something else good. [17:44:29] So who DOESN't have Masonry? [17:44:35] And has cash or another tech? [17:44:39] who has the cheapest price on masonry too [17:44:50] only iro [17:44:54] otto will sell for 220 [17:45:07] zulu for 230 [17:45:15] Do the Iroqs have something to trade it for? [17:45:17] zulu sell masonry for 206. [17:45:22] celts for 230 [17:45:29] err not on here? [17:45:30] wheel and Myst [17:45:33] on mine they say 230 [17:45:35] Yes - iro have wheel and myst. [17:45:49] If you ask them. But you can barter. [17:45:55] gotcha! :) [17:46:14] Just watch the advisor. [17:46:36] 199 from Ottomans [17:46:37] :) [17:46:58] shall we put this up for quickvote? [17:47:00] I say we pick up masonry for 204 from celts. Who wants to give $ to our first target. [17:47:16] eh, well we save 5 Gold... [17:47:25] Good point - and 5 gold difference is so little... [17:47:28] but i see your point [17:48:03] okay, so then 4Buy Masonry from the Celts for 204 Gold 1.) Yes or 2.) No [17:48:05] Quick vote 1) celts at 204 2) otto for 199 3) wait a couple of turns [17:48:13] haha doh [17:48:18] dooo [17:48:21] uh, use your vote [17:48:23] :D [17:48:25] Quickvote on Godking [17:48:26] 1 [17:48:27] 1 [17:48:32] 1 [17:48:36] 1 [17:48:45] that wins [17:49:12] whoa [17:49:14] i cant do it in my game, lol [17:49:16] they won't sell it to me [17:49:18] yeah [17:49:19] same here [17:49:22] u need 206 [17:49:31] ja. 206. [17:49:36] ok [17:49:38] same here. I must have goofed. [17:49:40] sounds good then? [17:49:46] yes [17:49:48] alright [17:49:55] 4Buy Masonry from Celts for 206 [17:50:00] sorry. Good thing I am not FAM [17:50:12] irow will give wheel for 45g, 1gpt, and masonry [17:50:41] or mysc for 45 and mason [17:50:50] or 44Gold and just Masonry [17:51:00] Iroc masonry and 38 for wheel [17:51:01] Damn... can we sell Mysticism to anyoine else? [17:51:12] Damn [17:51:18] no. everybody we know has myst and wheel [17:51:25] Got them down to 38 Gold/Masonry for Mysticism [17:51:29] 26 [17:51:37] fro myst [17:51:38] for [17:51:52] Myst or wheel. Which is better. Defence or offence. [17:52:01] offence. [17:52:02] offense i would vote [17:52:16] Myst gives us nothing, if it can't be traded [17:52:42] Neither one can be traded. myst makes us that much closer to Monarchy is all. [17:52:45] err yeah thanks CD, my offer was for Wheel, not myst ;) [17:53:02] shall we buy wheel for 38Gold and Masonry? [17:53:18] That;s the minimum price? [17:53:21] yeah [17:53:21] I say wheel. [17:53:25] wheel [17:53:48] though we were going to builg archers anyways..right? [17:53:59] 4Quickvote: Buy Wheel from Iroquious for 38 Gold and Masonry 1.) Yes 2.) No [17:54:02] 1 [17:54:13] 1 [17:54:15] 1 [17:54:18] Ya. so much cheeper. But we might get a production bonus with horses in a city radii [17:54:22] 1 [17:54:22] 1 [17:54:25] alright [17:55:01] 4Bought wheel from Iroquois for 38Gold and Masonry [17:55:07] HORSIE ON PLAINS TO EASTY [17:55:07] Cool [17:55:09] WHAT THE HELL [17:55:10] ^_^ [17:55:14] -25 Gold a turn? [17:55:27] you must have done 38 gold per turn [17:55:31] HAHAHA [17:55:31] you frikkin moron. [17:55:32] what? did you hit 38 GPT [17:55:39] * WhiteBand reloads [17:55:49] * WIA_at_wo falls over [17:55:58] * WIA_at_wo is now known as WIA_work [17:56:00] * GodKing slaps GodKing around a bit with a large trout [17:56:08] I needed that [17:56:10] Strike that from the record.... [17:56:36] what record [17:56:47] THE RECORD HAS BEEN URNED [17:56:49] BURNEDS [17:56:52] there are no tapes in the oval office [17:56:57] yea, i can spell. [17:57:22] Alright! [17:57:28] all caught up properly [17:57:29] ah hem [17:57:30] anyways [17:57:31] :D [17:57:41] Now, after that amnesiac episode - where are we? [17:57:46] Ready to end this turn [17:57:47] haha [17:57:51] +13 gpt? [17:58:05] Back later.... [17:58:05] yup! [17:58:15] i was just trying to make your job tougher MrWIA [17:58:16] later WIA_work [17:58:46] end turn? [17:59:01] im ready if everyone else is? [17:59:11] im ready [17:59:13] rdy. [17:59:20] 4Ending Turn [18:00:00] barracks done in trondheim [18:00:08] huh [18:00:18] 4Production changed to Spearman [18:00:19] look in diplo screen [18:00:23] !?! [18:00:31] !! [18:00:32] whoa [18:00:36] someone sold us out! [18:00:45] cool!!!! [18:00:50] check for possible tech deals [18:00:54] will do [18:01:11] I am starting. This will take a while. Just move on without CiverDan and me. [18:01:26] ok [18:01:37] Uber - unit movements? [18:01:53] uh [18:02:07] 12Odin: S, S [18:02:21] actually [18:02:25] can we move him S W? [18:02:32] to explore that spit or whatever to the west? [18:02:40] with all the barbs on it? [18:02:56] oh, there were barbs over there? n/m then [18:03:03] nah [18:03:04] do it. [18:03:05] S, W [18:03:08] kay [18:03:12] 4Odin moves S W [18:03:29] finds the iroquois love train [18:04:16] urgh [18:04:38] 12Thor GOTO NE of Iznik. [18:05:15] 4Thor sent to GOTO NE of Warrior's Luck [18:05:35] oh yea [18:05:36] lol [18:05:44] No good trades unless we want to meet 5 other civs - each will cost us 2-3 gpt plus all 19 in our treasury. [18:06:03] germany, korea, spain, babs, and I forget [18:06:03] 4Otto Slaves moved W [18:06:05] brb, bathroom [18:06:20] okay, we'll contact them eventually somehow [18:06:22] Otto slaves... was that in the orders? [18:06:25] spanish [18:06:25] yeah [18:06:40] japanese [18:07:25] I have them moving into Bergen NE-N-W? [18:07:47] Although I would have used them to help finish the one mine under construction. [18:08:18] back [18:08:32] dammit [18:08:32] wb [18:08:34] i moved them wrong [18:08:36] let me reload [18:08:44] no [18:08:45] gah @ reload [18:08:51] don't relode this. [18:09:01] this is the type of error we have to live with. [18:09:07] you're not supposed to. :) [18:09:12] OK! [18:09:17] won't reload [18:09:22] thanks. [18:09:37] makes things interesting! [18:09:40] what are the prods of Trond and Asgard? [18:09:46] Spearman for both [18:09:49] k [18:10:24] 4WF in Bergen changed from E to SW [18:10:29] hey, im curious: do people explot bugs in the ISDG? [18:10:45] Not to my knowledge. [18:10:49] 4WF in Trondheim changed from W to SW [18:10:53] you're not supposed to [18:11:32] SW? [18:11:38] u mean S? [18:11:39] S [18:11:41] i do [18:11:43] boy [18:11:49] i am good at this turnchat crap aren't i [18:12:18] I moved odin wrong. I am not following this perfictly any more. OOps. [18:12:28] anyways, we can end the turn if everyone agrees [18:12:44] OK. Why don't you post a save. [18:12:55] and link to it for the lazier officers [18:14:14] ok [18:14:20] Thanks. [18:14:56] save: [18:15:39] loading [18:16:02] loading... slow modem tonight... over 60 seconds needed to save..... [18:16:18] open. [18:17:05] open [18:17:34] okay [18:17:37] end turn? [18:17:39] I am debating, as I am DM again, about changing trond from a spear to a settler. [18:17:46] sure thing [18:17:49] i'd agree with you though [18:17:52] okay to end by me. [18:17:54] we need to expand :( [18:18:05] I want those horses to our east. [18:18:14] our forces would be spread thin, but i think we should risk it in my opinion [18:18:28] but, YOU'D HAVE TO BUILD MORE THAN 2 SPACES AWAY [18:18:34] IT EST VERBOTEN! [18:18:35] haha [18:18:37] Yep [18:18:38] :b: [18:19:00] But if I am DM for this turnchat... it will be per DM orders.... [18:19:02] well you are the man of the moment [18:19:15] I love being a petty dictator. [18:19:37] 12 Change trond to a settler please [18:19:50] 4Trondheim production changed to Settler [18:20:10] befor end of turn or after? just so I can follow. [18:20:26] before* [18:20:31] before end of turn [18:20:34] thanks [18:20:36] i'm waiting to end it right now [18:20:54] OK by me. [18:21:13] 4Ending Turn [18:21:33] gah. stupid iroq. [18:21:39] gettin in mah way. [18:21:58] 12Odin: S [18:22:00] 12 have the workers road where they are at. [18:22:09] ok [18:22:15] 4Odin moves S [18:22:18] 12Luck Warrior GOTO Bergen [18:22:35] 4Workers Road W, SW of Asgard [18:23:05] 4Warrior in Warrior's Luck GOTO Bergen [18:23:17] Koreans will give us 24 G for Bab contact.. [18:23:33] id pass [18:23:38] so would i [18:23:46] we will get it soon enough [18:23:47] How much gold do they have? [18:23:51] 74 [18:24:37] lets pass [18:24:52] okay [18:24:52] Crap... accidently hit end turn. [18:24:55] End Turn? [18:25:07] nothing much do do at the moment with it [18:25:16] nottin to do really [18:25:35] 4Ending Turn [18:25:48] Elizabeth offers 25g for contact with babs [18:25:51] No [18:25:51] Liz want 25... [18:25:58] we had a better deal with koreans [18:26:02] so we tell them to eat it [18:26:12] I that it, goodbye beth [18:26:15] why does EVERYONE want to sell it? [18:26:20] God [18:26:25] Tell the Koreans to Eat It [18:26:39] Bismarck eats it too [18:26:45] They wnat to be our friends don't they. [18:26:48] 12Thor: W, whenever u finish with that. [18:26:59] Xerxes and Cleo eat it too! [18:27:06] all ym other units are on goto. [18:27:08] 4Thor W [18:27:15] err Odin W [18:27:25] um. right. [18:27:27] sorry. [18:27:27] lol [18:27:32] looks like the iro went on some barb hunting [18:27:41] yea. good for them. [18:28:00] warrior is still in our way though [18:28:01] 4Native worker moves NW-N-W as per orders [18:28:12] so i didn't screw this one up this time :P [18:28:22] did you move him yet? [18:28:32] yeah [18:28:36] If not, I will change them. If so, I will follow. [18:28:36] lol [18:28:39] bwahahah [18:28:46] Okay, I follow. [18:28:49] hehe [18:28:54] what a fun night [18:28:59] anyways, we can end turn? [18:29:07] no [18:29:21] not yet [18:29:30] 12 adjust trond to work newly mined tile, and have bergen work tile to its east [18:29:35] * UnOrthOdO ( has joined #civ3dem [18:29:43] Howdy folks [18:29:46] the man has arrived [18:30:15] 4Trondheim works newly mined tile and Bergen works tile to east [18:30:36] we are now at +12 per turn folks. Thank you kindly. [18:31:08] we want to move a city from warrior's luck to cover bergen? [18:31:09] err [18:31:13] *warrior [18:31:16] i'm at +10 no matter what i do [18:31:36] +10??? [18:31:40] yeah [18:31:53] CiverDan, we sent him already. [18:31:57] he is on his way. [18:32:01] he'll be there next turn [18:32:07] check your WF's [18:32:07] now +11 [18:32:13] i rearranged WF in Asgard [18:32:32] trond +5 [18:32:47] asgard 4 [18:32:59] berg 4 [18:33:03] ugh. every time i close my eyes i see RoN [18:33:05] Can someone post the next turn's save for me please? [18:33:13] * WhiteBand scratches his head [18:33:13] that cant be healthy. [18:33:18] WF in Asgard working tile S [18:33:22] How is RoN? [18:33:26] awesome. [18:33:29] no, I have him working east [18:33:32] okay [18:33:42] is that better? [18:33:48] still 11 per [18:33:50] Trondheim? [18:33:52] I can't spend 10 hours DLing the trial... [18:34:12] * UberKruX god the gold version. :shhhhhh: [18:34:14] stupid dial up [18:34:15] * Panzer32 ( has joined #civ3dem [18:34:19] hello [18:34:24] check the $ in each city. Trond should have 5, wl 1 and the others 4 each. [18:34:29] hi [18:34:31] Hey Panzer [18:34:35] okay, what is the WF in trondhiem though? [18:34:38] what turn are we in? [18:34:43] turn 5 [18:34:47] BTW, the new matrix movie rocks. I skipped out of work early to go see it [18:35:12] I won't be able to see it for a while :( [18:35:15] at end of turn, could you post save so I can get it? [18:35:27] Weeding this weekend, another next weekend... [18:35:34] sucker. [18:35:36] no matter what i do in trondheim i only get +10 [18:35:36] :P [18:35:52] does it take that long to weed? [18:36:00] it must be a big garden [18:36:04] we will. UnOrthOdO asked also. We have a discrepency between myself and WhiteBand, as I am earning more gold. [18:36:14] just nape it Un0 [18:36:16] wedding, weeding, same thing [18:36:18] Trond is working east. [18:36:22] :) [18:36:26] bergen is working east [18:36:34] WL has a scientist [18:36:40] hurry and spam that by before my wife reads it... [18:36:48] Tond is working SE and SE, S [18:36:49] THERE WE GO [18:36:57] spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [18:36:57] * GodKing ( Quit (Read error: No route to host) [18:36:59] :) [18:37:02] type /cls [18:37:10] it's /clear [18:37:11] ;) [18:37:15] cls is DoS [18:37:19] oh right [18:37:20] that too [18:37:29] it used to be /cls in earlier versions of mIRC if i recall [18:37:32] +1 [18:37:57] * GodKing ( has joined #civ3dem [18:38:02] back. [18:38:14] I hate my computer at times [18:38:17] you can make it cls if you want [18:38:21] with aliases ;) [18:38:29] yeah [18:38:35] Trond is working se and se-s [18:38:46] Save Posted [18:38:46] asgard is east [18:38:47] [18:38:50] I think we got it GK [18:38:52] GodKing i got it [18:38:56] thanks [18:38:57] good. Thanks. [18:39:01] thanks [18:39:12] error. [18:39:51] downloading.... [18:41:08] * UberKruX chair dances [18:41:14] let me know when you are ready to end turn [18:41:22] ok [18:41:31] open. ok to end [18:41:41] 4Ending Turn [18:41:43] Ok [18:41:55] &()6@^##&@ IOQUOIS [18:42:08] Americans complete colossus [18:42:19] americans have the collosus, iroq switched to pyr [18:42:24] amids [18:42:34] why is Warrior's Luck an entertainer? [18:42:44] Good, let the build us Pyramids. Kind of em. [18:42:51] shouldn't warrior's luck be tax/sci? [18:42:52] * UberKruX smacks bandit. [18:42:54] because PTWDG fucks up and resets the specialists when you load a game [18:43:03] oh [18:43:04] lol [18:43:05] Yep [18:43:11] really... thats bad [18:43:19] yeah [18:43:21] supposed to be a taxman? [18:43:25] scientist [18:43:27] scientist [18:43:29] 12Odin Skips. [18:43:39] Odin skips turn [18:43:44] * UberKruX passes out for lack of units [18:43:45] 4Odin skips turn too [18:43:59] Worker builds road. [18:44:02] ok [18:44:10] 4Worker W of Trond builds road [18:44:23] and that is all... [18:44:24] ? [18:44:36] I know he wanted mining first, but I want faster troop movement as we have so few of them right now. [18:44:38] how mant turns to IW [18:44:45] 4 [18:44:46] 4 [18:44:46] *mny [18:44:50] 4 [18:44:53] err [18:44:53] yeah [18:44:54] damn we lost 2 turns [18:44:55] what they said [18:45:02] Trondheim... [18:45:03] end turn? [18:45:10] trondheim... [18:45:16] ut ohhh [18:45:17] settler 4, groww 7 [18:45:20] btw...citizen in WL can be made content [18:45:20] Mine has it settler in 4 turn, but wont grow for 7 [18:45:43] oh right [18:45:48] we played with the WF [18:45:49] * UberKruX continues the chair dance [18:45:53] I see, reset the worker location ot work the mined area [18:45:55] we'll have to throw it back? heh [18:46:07] done [18:46:08] se - s [18:46:15] betetr. [18:46:23] WF in Trond move to SE- S [18:46:24] Trade WF with bergen NEXT turn. [18:46:38] ? [18:46:39] oh, big man callin the shots now [18:46:40] grow 4, build 5. We need an extra guard for that last turn. [18:46:46] where did the extra civs come from? [18:46:52] you can have the warrior in Asgard [18:46:56] when we get the spear [18:46:57] someone traded us. [18:47:13] okay [18:47:14] end turn? [18:47:27] who traded us? Any idea of their location? [18:47:27] thanks UberKruX [18:47:31] btw do we want warriors luck to work terrain now [18:47:32] no. [18:47:34] not a problem [18:47:51] warriors luck embodies our entire science program [18:47:53] one bald guy. [18:47:55] not yet. we need science [18:48:49] soon we will need to readjust our sliders. We should change the warrior build into a barracks however. [18:49:08] where? [18:49:15] WL [18:49:15] Warrior's Luck? [18:49:15] Warrior's Luck [18:49:55] shall i change it? [18:50:03] 12 Change production in WL to a barracks please. [18:50:14] then it is ok to end turn whenever. [18:50:15] ooo, horsies. [18:50:16] 4Production in Warrior's Luck changed to barracks [18:50:29] sorry, been a while since I looked over this... [18:50:36] 4Ending Turn [18:51:09] look at these AIs, with all their "wonders" [18:51:12] yeah [18:51:13] those Zulus and persians... [18:51:14] going crazy [18:51:15] Ya. I propose do delay yellow city and found Horsie town on the sea and river, to get us horses for the future. [18:51:34] what do you want the workers to do? [18:51:43] Road at there locations. [18:51:43] slaves. [18:51:49] they did [18:51:52] yeah [18:51:52] they finished a road. [18:52:02] horsie town = 3 east of Asgard? [18:52:09] did we end turn.... in mine they are still working and the end turn is still flashing... [18:52:15] we ended [18:51:10] ohhhh. [18:51:17] Panzer32 - that is the spot [18:51:19] 12Odin: NW, NW [18:51:39] 4Odin: NW, NW [18:51:57] 12 have the slaves mine here. [18:52:13] now, when a worker says 2 turns to road, does that mean if a scout is on it, and it WAITS initially, can it use it that turn? [18:52:16] 4Slaves mining [18:52:32] Warrior in Bergen Fortify [18:52:38] 4Warrior in Bergen Fortify [18:52:48] yes, as long as the workers move first [18:52:51] UK, ONLY IF WE USE THE 'ROAD TO' Command [18:52:57] hrm. [18:53:14] im off to bed [18:53:16] they move first with the ROAD TO command as UnOrthOdO says [18:53:20] Otherwise, it takes till after the end turn [18:53:21] night CiverDan [18:53:35] thanks for the help [18:53:46] i.e. with Thor? [18:53:47] end turn, or check diplo [18:53:58] ja. [18:53:58] i don't think we have any diplo options [18:54:15] It doesn't matter, because he'd have to cross a river anyways [18:54:26] he would go south] [18:54:31] * CiverDan (CiverDan@ Quit (Quit) [18:54:34] get him an extra tile [18:54:35] right... never mind [18:54:38] ;) [18:54:38] Can buy horseback riding for 9 GPT or so. [18:54:43] and all our gold. [18:54:47] HORSIESQ!!!! [18:54:52] o. [18:54:59] we can also get alpha for 8 gpt and 65 [18:55:00] Ironworking for 12 pt... [18:55:07] iron in 3. [18:55:17] screw it. end turn. [18:55:20] IRON HORSIES?! [18:55:31] that is in the next age silly [18:55:34] Scratch, Iron for 10 GPT [18:55:35] 4Ending Turn [18:55:36] that would be at least 18 pt :p [18:55:58] wait... [18:55:59] BOY [18:56:02] zulu warrior party [18:56:04] that's a mighty big stack of zulus [18:56:11] ack Zulu SOD!! :eek: [18:56:26] zulu bastards [18:56:32] 12Spear in Asgard Fortifies. Warrior there GOTO Trondheim [18:56:42] 12Warrior in Trond Fortifies [18:56:46] ah well... we have defences prepared this time. [18:56:51] Thas is their scouting party however. They passed by already. [18:56:59] 4Spear in Asgard Fortifies. Warrior there GOTO Trondheim [18:57:10] 12Thor: S, E [18:57:15] 4Warrior in Trond Fortifies [18:57:25] 12Odin NW [18:57:43] We can trade Iron working for 9 PT and whore it to at least the Iriquois... [18:57:53] 4 Thor: S, E [18:57:55] we have iron in 2 [18:57:57] 4 Odin NW [18:57:59] why bother? [18:58:20] ya. better to just research it I think. [18:58:22] Iroquois probably wouldn't make up the 9pt anyways [18:58:38] They might give us horseback... [18:58:43] not sure. [18:59:01] lets wiat the two turns and then sell it. [18:59:27] end turn? [18:59:36] if you're ready sure [18:59:37] sorry, didn't see what we were researching. could do the same with Mysticism... [19:00:06] 6gpt [19:00:44] end turn. None of this appears worth it to me. [19:01:05] 4Ending Turn [19:01:24] bye bye zulu. [19:01:38] see ya later. [19:01:40] oh look, the road finished in time [19:01:46] more pyramid building... :rolleyes: [19:01:47] * UberKruX tips hat to the native worker [19:02:17] 12 Surf - ROAD TO one west [19:02:21] ZULU TOOK OUR PONY [19:02:29] WAR! [19:02:33] :( [19:02:40] I see that. Not for long. we will get him back. [19:02:51] 4 Surf - ROAD TO one west [19:03:11] 12Thor: GOTO East of Asgard [19:03:17] 12Odin NW [19:03:38] 4Thor GOTO East of Asgard and Odin NW [19:04:28] GTG [19:04:30] england has a worker... 2 gpt and 89 g [19:04:35] later unortho [19:04:56] pfft, that's not worth it [19:05:06] is another slave worth that much? [19:05:11] * UnOrthOdO ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client) [19:05:14] i personally think not [19:05:33] how much did we pay for the other two, anybody remember? [19:05:44] ? [19:05:48] 128? [19:05:51] i dunno [19:06:08] I am remembering 120 or so also. [19:06:34] so, english slaves are more expensive I guess. [19:06:43] lets pass, I guess. [19:06:46] no. [19:06:54] 89+40 = 129 [19:06:55] ;) [19:07:06] english slaves aren't industrious either [19:07:08] :D [19:07:15] that doesnt matter [19:07:54] oh [19:07:56] n/m then :P [19:08:00] shall we end turn? [19:08:34] wher are our diplowhores? [19:08:55] I am it I think. End turn. [19:09:05] going door to door selling no soliciting signs :p [19:09:09] 4Ending Turn [19:09:12] TURN 10 WOO [19:09:24] i'm thinking of making this the last 1 tonight [19:09:32] i have lunar eclipse stuff i need to do [19:09:37] sacrifice a virgin, you know, the usual. [19:09:43] closest iron, E of the cow. [19:10:00] * MasterZen ( has joined #civ3dem [19:10:07] 'ZUP! [19:10:08] ok, next tech? [19:10:10] AY DIOS MIO! [19:10:10] hey MZ [19:10:19] can't miss this can't I? [19:10:26] you almost did [19:10:27] lol [19:10:31] yo tengo carne grande en mis pantelones! [19:10:40] hahaha [19:10:47] I hope I'm not interrupting anything [19:10:49] I set tech for alphabit soup. [19:11:09] alphabet then? [19:11:09] mi padre estaba en al ban~o, o es possible que algo morri`o all`i [19:11:22] uber: hahahahahaha :b: [19:11:22] si. [19:11:39] that is what I would do. You choose, it falls under the exectutive I think. [19:11:41] i wrote some funny stories for my spanish class. [19:11:47] sure why not [19:11:52] yeah, I can tell ;) [19:11:58] 4Researching Alphabet [19:12:24] 12Odin: NW [19:12:40] OK. With this new settler, do we rush for the a) iron b) horses or c) yellow city to get our army faster. [19:12:42] 4Odin moves NW [19:12:54] 12Thor: NE, E [19:13:12] a [19:13:12] 4Thor moves NE, E [19:13:20] Or do we jsut say end and save here? [19:13:27] or that. [19:13:32] this is Deity... get that iron!! [19:13:51] want to push another turn and move the settler on it's way? [19:13:53] I think we should save then poll [19:13:58] ok [19:14:09] you people and your polls [19:14:12] let the real DM, Kloreep, decide. [19:14:15] what is this, a democracy game? [19:14:18] oh. . . [19:14:19] i know [19:14:27] petty dictator game..... [19:14:31] i'm having fun knowing that i can screw everyone over if i want ;) [19:14:35] lol [19:14:42] of course i nearly have (and i didn't want to) [19:14:48] someone fidn my remote. [19:14:50] find* [19:14:50] i mean 38gpt? who the hell would do that? [19:14:59] Personally, I would go for the Iron city [19:15:05] we must tech whore before we end. [19:15:14] is there anything to tech whore? [19:15:52] Iroquois will only give gold for Iron [19:16:18] Iroq will give both horse and myst for iron, 101 g and 7 gpt [19:16:32] hrrrmmmmm [19:16:52] horse for iron + 54g [19:16:57] myst for iron and 15 [19:17:22] does anyone else NOT have myst? [19:17:51] hmm [19:17:52] damn [19:17:53] looks like no [19:18:01] everybody else has iron. [19:18:12] good night guys! [19:18:12] and myst and horse [19:18:15] well we might as well get rid of it [19:18:17] nite beta [19:18:20] and get myst + gold [19:18:22] err [19:18:24] myst - gold [19:18:25] :P [19:18:32] keep us hanging in there. [19:18:33] c u Betahound [19:18:41] * BetaHound (brucehynes@ Quit (Quit) [19:18:46] myst for iron + 15 [19:18:54] i like it [19:18:55] :P [19:19:04] then research polytheism maybe?? [19:19:09] or would we rather do a gpt? [19:19:28] no gpt for me thanks [19:19:35] yeah, gpt is crap [19:19:35] :P [19:19:41] gpt makes the ai happy [19:19:42] agreed [19:20:05] less chance of a sneak if we have a gpt [19:20:16] just a thought [19:20:28] I personally prefer no gpt [19:20:53] * MasterZen hears a poll on its way... [19:21:19] i'm just going to save and post, i have stuff i need to do [19:21:38] OK. can you do it in a new thread? [19:21:38] ok :b: [19:22:11] ok [19:22:13] * UberKruX is still chairdancing [19:22:44] and on that note folks, this temporary DM takes off his temp hat yet again and goes to re-read a harry potter book in anticipation of the next one comming out in a month. [19:23:08] good night all. [19:23:16] * GodKing ( Quit (Quit) [19:23:31] hehe [19:23:32] night ;) [19:24:12] wait, what happened to our whores