Start of #civ3dem buffer: Sun May 11 12:19:11 2003 [09:36] * Now talking in #civ3dem [09:36] * WIA_sleep is now known as WIA_drows [09:37] * opd has joined #civ3dem [09:37] lo [09:37] Hi [09:37] howdy hi [09:37] hey GK wia [09:37] * opd is now known as opdaway [09:38] my date for tonight canceled... so I figured I would join you all... :D [09:38] I hate mornings... [09:38] then get the hjell out of kiwiland [09:38] :p [09:38] * UberAWAY is now known as UberKruX [09:38] what time is it for you down there..... [09:38] almost 10am [09:38] i slept in to 3pm today [09:38] ahhh, summer. [09:38] 10.... I would have been moving around for 4 hours by then! [09:38] Poor GodKing... [09:39] I should - will sleep again after the chat - hockey at 4pm. I was up 'till 4am [09:39] Plus it's cold here. [09:39] cold in kiwiland? [09:39] Wwwwwwinter [09:39] nonsense. [09:39] who the hell has winter in the summer? :-P [09:40] * BFM thinks Southerners are strange... [09:40] HOw can you live without a summery Christmas? :-P [09:40] The bar kicked me out at around 2 last night. [09:40] so I got a good night sleep [09:40] it's a white chirstmas, dammit. [09:40] BBQ Xmas lunches.... [09:40] Xmas on the beach in the sun - not locked up inside [09:41] You gotta admit it's a good alternative [09:41] Bars are like chatrooms - they are nice, but you get kicked out in the end... [09:41] * UberKruX loads up the save for posterity. [09:41] * WIA_drows is waking up [09:41] BBQ Christmas on the beach? making me want to go south for a visit. [09:41] Not necessarily if you know the owners :) [09:42] of either. [09:42] :) [09:42] OK - back soon - gotta do washing and get breakfast. Should be here within 20 mins. [09:42] you got 14 according to my clock. [09:42] Oh God - it's Mother's Day here too... [09:42] lol [09:43] 14? Easy. [09:43] hehehehe. I already got a haircut today so that when [09:43] I see mom later on tomarow... [09:43] * WIA_drows puts on jandals - flip-flops I think you call them :D and goes upstairs [09:43] * BFM never gets his hair cut. That is why he is so furry. [09:44] jandals? wtf? [09:44] sandals :P [09:44] no, the j is nowhere near the s [09:44] it's got to be some combination [09:44] lol [09:44] haha [09:46] any word on the other demo game? [09:46] How is the repair going? is it? [09:46] what repair? [09:47] no word yet [09:47] which one..the PTW or multisite [09:47] i think trip is still working on it [09:47] PTW [09:47] PTW. [09:48] what happened.. [09:48] not sure. It crashed about a week ago. I never did hear any details. [09:48] all I know is that the game stopped, and Trip is trying to recreate it. [09:49] GoW just kicked that much ass, is all. [09:49] Trip is "fixing" it\ [09:49] yeah, no matter what save they load, it is crashing at the same spot [09:49] so tris is fixing it by trying to recreate a whole scenario [09:49] *trip [09:51] the RP forum is all weirded out now. Half the people are pretending to be religious gurus, popes, cardnals, and what not; just trying to stay active. But it is getting all weird. [09:54] * WIA_drows is back [09:54] * WIA_drows pauses [09:55] * WIA_drows realisees he went outside on a sunday morning without knowing how bad he looked [09:55] * UberKruX is putting up sheetrock with his dad, so if i don't give orders, umm, make up some good ones ;) [09:55] Well... I didn't scare any young children, so it can't have been Hulk bad... [09:55] Sheetrock? [09:55] * WIA_drows is now known as MrWIA [09:56] the first turn, Pdin goes South [09:56] * MrWIA better load the game [09:56] drywall. [09:56] FUN [09:56] fun. [09:56] i just redrywalled my room in december [09:56] * MrWIA wonders if everyone is speaking adifferent language to him, or if it's just morning where he is :p [09:57] It's just morning, Mr. ! [09:57] I bought some panneling today, but it is raining out, so it is still in my truck as I cannot pull out the table saw to trim it up with [09:57] Next time we gotta use DALnet if everyone can make it anyway (except GenTac) [09:57] I registered #civ3dem and #civ3demMinisters specially [09:57] K thanks BFM... [09:58] No problem. [09:58] * MrWIA realises he doesn't completely horrifiying today [09:59] Hey! I graduate in two days! [09:59] From my 2.5 degrees. [09:59] then your DrWIA [09:59] Not yet - PhD is another 3 years away... [09:59] This is just the undergrad stuff [09:59] blah [09:59] Although you can call me that if you REALLY want... ;D [10:00] undergrad.... ouch. I remember doing that. [10:00] when i saved and upload the save, i didn't make WF adjustments in Trondheim, make sure you or GK look at that to maximize production [10:00] why is Trondheim not working any tile? [10:01] Yeah. [10:01] wow [10:01] huge crosspost with uber :) [10:01] I don't know. Something with the save I guess. [10:01] They're lazy Trondheimers. [10:01] lol [10:01] not sure why it isn't working any tile though [10:01] i dunno [10:01] Shall we begin then? [10:01] si, senior kiwi. [10:01] Working tiles at this level would be too easy... [10:02] 4Turnchat #4 started.... [10:02] 12 have them work the sheilded grasslands to the SE [10:02] Okeydoke [10:02] i checked diplo one will sell us anything [10:02] Then we're ready to end turn... [10:02] except peace for 100. IIRC, the price will go up if they enter our territory. [10:03] 4 Ending turn.... [10:03] Peace? Ther can be no peace. [10:03] fucking Iroquois warrior trail [10:03] WIA - you worked the tile, didn't you?? [10:03] yeah [10:03] a little piece of ottomans, a little piece of zulu, a little piece of.... [10:03] Iroqs move along their Warrior conga line.... Both Archers moveinto our territory [10:04] 42470BC [10:04] 4 \2470BC [10:04] So that's colour 42.... [10:04] they was 117G & 1 GPT now [10:04] *want [10:04] 12Odin South Thor: Skip [10:04] hehe [10:04] Thanks CD. [10:04] Doing ZUber's orders.... [10:04] from 100 to 117 & 1 gpt, that is a lot.... [10:04] zulu will seel us masonry..for 117G & 7 GPT [10:04] sell [10:05] Barb warrior spotted by Odin [10:05] not worth it. [10:05] too much IMHO [10:05] i agree [10:05] W W of his new position [10:05] * UberKruX crosses fingers for an elite spearmen [10:05] Our workers are in no direct danger yet... shall we keep them working? [10:05] imaging a defensive leader at this point, lol [10:05] Are those Archers going to attack, or move to threaten the Workers? [10:05] 12 have the 2 slaves mine the roaded tile south of the capitol [10:06] 4 Mining tile... [10:06] i'd say attack [10:06] they just finished their mine... [10:06] No need for WF readjustment? [10:06] Barracks in one turn/ [10:06] checking WF, but don't think so. [10:06] * UberKruX drools [10:07] Get a towel, someone! [10:07] It'll only get worse... [10:07] it'll get much worse before it gets better [10:07] no wf adjustments. [10:07] ANd FAM is well and truly out..? [10:08] celts will sell myst or Mas...but for 117G & 7 GPT also [10:08] 4 Ending turn then [10:08] wtf? [10:08] Archer attacks... [10:08] Please move those warriors! [10:08] only attacked with one? [10:08] good grief [10:08] lol [10:08] spear down to 1hp but wins! [10:09] same result here [10:09] 4 Barracks buil - need new order [10:09] *built [10:09] settler? [10:09] UberKruX, want a archer or warrior. no settler, not enough food [10:09] 12Odin: S Thor: SE then N. [10:10] WIA - did you move Odin last turn?? [10:10] archer, please. [10:10] BMF: odin moved, Thor didnt. [10:10] I moved Odin. [10:10] archer it is 12 set production to an archer please. [10:10] BFM* [10:10] Exactly [10:10] Sorry - didn't see that from WIA [10:10] 4 Changing to Archer. [10:10] 4 4Turns till Archer [10:11] anybody checking fam? [10:11] 4 Odin: S [10:11] 4 Thor: SE then N. [10:11] Nothing much of interest. [10:11] snow. [10:11] yay. [10:12] 4 The other (REg) Archer is fortified across the river from Trondheim - do we attack with a warrior from Asgard? [10:12] hey, GK [10:12] n/m [10:12] across a river... [10:12] i dunno about that [10:12] i have to eat dinner real quick [10:12] work odin back to our cities, explore to our east [10:12] Don't cross that river! [10:12] Thor explore snow [10:13] don't attack. [10:13] :) [10:13] peace with the ottomans for 60G [10:13] brb [10:13] 4 No attacks. [10:13] do we want? [10:13] 60? That will go down if we take out the ARcher... [10:13] I was checking FAm. What up? [10:14] 6 GPT & 124 G now for Masonry [10:14] Brrr [10:14] I say end turn now. [10:14] from zulu [10:14] too much [10:14] same from celts. [10:14] OK 4 Ending turn [10:14] iro have nothing [10:15] 4 Barb warrior approaching Otto city Otto Archer moces towards it from the south [10:15] That's it. [10:15] Odin goes SE (3) [10:15] 4 Thor N N [10:15] 4 Thor finds more Furs up there [10:15] Peace with Ottomans goes up to 120G [10:16] Fuck them. We will get peace later on with our terms. [10:16] odin SE? [10:16] Fur = Murder! [10:16] hehe [10:16] YEs CD [10:16] anywhere else he dies [10:16] I know [10:17] Barbarians to the left of him, Barbarians, I mean Ottomans, to the right of him... [10:17] 4 No more orders? [10:17] * BFM sings: "Barbs to the left of me, and Ottos to the right..." [10:17] was odin moved? [10:18] where did odin go? [10:18] Odin went SE [10:18] South to pillage that road I hope. [10:18] Any other move and he was dead [10:18] end turn. [10:18] 4 Ending turn [10:19] 4 Zulu start the Colossus [10:19] 80G for peace now [10:19] 4 Thor N E (8 6 ) [10:20] 4 Odin S SW [10:20] Imagine a Colossal Zulu standing in front of a city... [10:20] scarry [10:20] They're tying him in knots here.... - another ARcher to the West [10:20] Wearing only a loincloth... [10:20] Yech! [10:20] You'd be able to see right up it! [10:21] We want peace for less than 50g - right? [10:21] but nice on those cool breezy days [10:21] No peace until OUR terms. [10:21] Agreed? [10:21] agreed [10:21] Depends on who's at our front door!! [10:22] If it was really bad I don't think we'd even get peace. [10:22] we will have our first archer next turn, right? lets kill that hobo that is camping on our doorstep [10:22] Excellent idea.... [10:22] * MrWIA looks forward to attacking for once. [10:22] But do it without crossing that river [10:22] Tricky... [10:23] ye, lets have him and a spear cross together, then attack next turn [10:23] we can send one of the warriors up to trond as protection [10:23] Ok then, let's move another warrior to Trondheim just in case, then [10:23] Combine Archer + Spearman [10:23] Good idea GK! ;D [10:23] you also! [10:23] Nice to see we are all so united. [10:23] 4 Ending turn [10:24] 4Zulus start Oracle [10:24] Odin feels surrounded [10:24] 4 Archer next turn... [10:24] Go NE, N with Odin [10:24] yep. I miss counted... my bad. [10:24] back to his original spot [10:24] wait [10:24] then we'll try to go E from there [10:25] have odin go one south, then pillage the road [10:25] eh, but they can move a unit and attack odin [10:25] zEither way Odin is safe unless they have another ARcher somewhere. [10:25] ya, but it is offensive, and if they had a unit dont you think we would have seen it by now [10:25] no, they can keep a unit in the city [10:25] Odin should go N to be safe [10:26] and then with a road, reach him in 1 turn :P [10:26] NE-N to be exact [10:26] we are down to 4 GPD and 142 G for wheel from the zulu :P [10:26] 4Quickpoll: Which way does Odin go? 1. S and Pillage a road 2, NE N 3. abstain [10:26] 2 [10:26] they will not attack with spears, correct. [10:26] 1 [10:26] 1 [10:26] they might [10:26] odin Def is 0 [10:26] a spear has an attack of 1 [10:26] 3 (map knowledge) [10:26] ya, a strong wind and he is gone. [10:26] BRB [10:28] * opdaway is now known as opd [10:28] btw, I am starting a turnchat 4 going on now thread... [10:28] could I get a save? [10:28] Sure... I'll just go there and post it... [10:29] just realized the one I have is 2850 ad [10:29] thats why nothing makes sense [10:29] We are at 2310AD [10:29] I mean BC... [10:29] :D [10:29] lol [10:29] do we have 2 cities now [10:30] BTW - good to see you OPD! [10:30] Yes we do [10:30] yes [10:30] ad, bc... big deal. [10:30] cheers wia good to c u 2 [10:31] OPD, yep, 2 cities up and running. [10:31] have been living in almost complete internet isolation for the last 6 months [10:31] why? [10:32] Save going up... [10:32] I figured I'd try living w/o comp and tv for a while to see if life became more rewarding [10:32] Did it? [10:32] hell no [10:32] You're back - of course it didn't. [10:32] I just read loads of books instead [10:32] :D [10:32] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [10:32] I do that anyway, just slightly less than loads. [10:33] Hey SHiber! [10:33] Oh my! [10:33] :) [10:33] We need to decide on what to do with Odin [10:33] I thought it'd force me to meet new people and have new experiences :( [10:33] lo shib long time:) [10:34] I was in the Peace Corps for 3 years living in a grass hut in south america. No electricity, no water, nothing. Needless to say, I did it, and I never want to do it again (the life without utilities, not Peace Corps that is). [10:34] Sorry GK - I put a thread up as well... [10:34] no big deal MrWIA [10:34] +1, eh? [10:35] just lock mine up so it doesn't get used if you want... [10:35] Bugger - gotta put up a new DM election poll. [10:36] So, any serious objections to Odin going S and pillaging the Ottoman road? [10:36] what was the quick poll results.... inconclusive... your decisions Mr. Prez. [10:36] mine [10:36] but oh well :P [10:36] It only had two or three votes [10:37] that's fine, pillage the road [10:37] back, can i get a save? :) [10:37] OK then4 Odin goes S and pillages! [10:37] ooo, sounds fun [10:37] lol [10:37] UberKruX - it is posted [10:37] gimmie a sav before u end the turn [10:37] danke. [10:38] Uber - and move Odin S, pilalge [10:38] CRUSH!! MAIN!! DESTROY!! PILLAGE!! [10:38] that's all we've done since I posted that [10:38] just the beginning of this turn, and we just started.... [10:38] * MrWIA gives a Command to Shiber for that vulgar display of bloodlust [10:38] lol [10:38] it's MAIM though [10:38] :) [10:38] * theViking has joined #civ3dem [10:38] not MAIN [10:38] Hey Viking! [10:38] uhh i meant MAIM [10:38] Hey [10:39] Uber - you OK with that? Need more time? [10:39] :) [10:39] thor didnt move yet? [10:39] No. [10:39] NE, N then [10:39] and Trondheim is building a Spear? [10:40] Trondheim is building Spear still yes [10:40] 4Thor NE N, sees a distant landmass [10:40] Yay! Greenland! [10:40] riiiiiiiiiiight. [10:40] Peace for 40g now [10:41] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [10:41] Peace for Iznik. nothing less. [10:41] hello [10:41] I knew pilalging was good... [10:41] No more orders? [10:41] whats up? [10:41] 40... to much. we get the archer next turn, then the next one their archer is dead [10:41] i got no units to meddle with [10:41] :) [10:41] 4 Ending turn [10:41] Working on it UberKruX [10:42] ack! archers [10:42] run odin run [10:42] 4 Archer built in Asgard - Archers move close to our scout... [10:42] how us your manly leg-skills Odin. [10:42] lol [10:42] 12 Asgard production set to a settler please [10:42] 4 Asgard changes to settler [10:43] 12Thor: S, S Odin: SE, S [10:43] i think odin should go back N, NE rather than S through the hills, they will possibly be able to catch him down there and cut off his escape route [10:43] Agreed, but your call Uber [10:43] if that archer moves S onto the mountain [10:43] where is odin going to move? [10:43] S [10:43] then SE, E [10:44] to the wheat [10:44] If odin goes SW SW, he can then pillage the roaded mine next turn, then escape to the south [10:44] Or escape to the North, GK. [10:44] SW SW put him rigth outside the city [10:44] The issue with going south is that they have enough ARchers to cut off a southern retreat [10:44] True, as long as he can get away from the roads.... [10:45] alright, so you're proposing what [10:45] NW, N ? [10:45] you have to use chess like thinking here ;) [10:45] just presenting options is all. Besides, we may have peace prior to being trapped [10:45] NE, N [10:45] If he goes SE S now, he will be threatened next turn. If he goes S after that, he will be cut off the next turn! [10:45] oh, right. thats E. [10:45] if you move Odin S into the mountains, he can only move 1 turn [10:45] Do we want to try to pillage more? [10:45] ok, NE N [10:45] and sac him? [10:45] Only pillage if we are safe from those Archers. [10:45] Any problems with NE NE? [10:46] yes [10:46] I mean NE N [10:46] lol [10:46] none there [10:46] heheheh [10:46] 4 Odin NE N [10:46] saw a spear [10:46] There's a spear NE of the East Archer [10:46] 4 Thor S S [10:46] So uber, while you were gone, we came up with a plan for our first archer! [10:47] More ice... [10:47] Yes! [10:47] alright, one line it for me [10:47] PTW crash. Bah. [10:47] where do wet want Thor to go..toward the unexplored land in teh center? [10:47] does archer attack archer this turn? [10:47] Yes CD [10:48] no next turn [10:48] no [10:48] Move him and a spear into the woods south of enemy. attack with him next turn. send a reserve warrior to trond as backup. [10:48] That way we avoid attacking across the river [10:48] no attacking accross river. [10:48] why south, and not north? [10:48] and if we win, go to Iznik! ;) [10:48] which is what i originally thought of [10:48] well, NE [10:48] No preference N or S here... [10:48] it doesn't matter either way actually ;) [10:49] either way works. [10:49] lol [10:49] no strong preference either way [10:49] go N then, cause i rock. [10:49] :) [10:49] NE [10:49] :D [10:49] Archer goes N N NE ? [10:49] I mean N N NW! [10:49] lol, yes [10:49] spear NE [10:49] warrior goto Trond [10:49] Spear NW, Warrior N N ? is that it? [10:49] NW! [10:50] thats pretty much exactly what i woulda done [10:50] lol [10:50] 7! 7!!! NW not NE!!! Argh! [10:50] Have the surf road due south. [10:50] what of the worker? [10:50] * MrWIA is having a fir [10:50] *fit [10:50] And I can't spell when I'm flailing either [10:50] lol [10:50] 12 have surf road due south. [10:50] Ok - doing troop movements [10:51] * WhiteBand would love to see MrWIA in a science lab and watch him when an experiment goes awry [10:51] they dont have science in kiwiland [10:51] silly goose [10:51] We do so! [10:51] We have this new stuff called radio.... [10:51] radar towers!!! [10:52] Well, if there was the money for that sort of thing... [10:52] they're 7 turns from sanitation IIRC [10:52] Radio is the start of the Modern Era..... we're going for Ecology and Recycling... [10:52] Clean Green NZ... [10:52] Anyway, worker goes S? [10:53] ja. [10:53] thought it was winter... so what green? [10:53] Road-to South? [10:53] 12 road to south [10:53] Everything's green - it's about 14 celsius outside [10:53] 4 No more orders..? [10:53] how can it be winter with no snow? [10:53] celsius? [10:53] lol [10:53] It doesn't snow in my city either - sea level. [10:54] end turn [10:54] Lessee... 14 celsius = about 58 [10:54] 4Ending turn [10:54] no snow in winter... how... different.... [10:54] GET AWAY FORM ODIN YOU NINNIES [10:54] 57.2 ;) [10:55] lesse... [10:55] 12Archer Attacks Archer. [10:55] 14 * 9 / 5 + 39 I think that is the formula..... so it would be what.... 57... [10:55] Odin W or N [10:55] Oh - that first [10:55] 4 Archer attacking... [10:55] cmon [10:55] 12Spear moves to archer' [10:56] Loses 2 hp - VICTORY! [10:56] * Panzer32 is now known as Panzer32_ [10:56] 4 Our first bloodletting! [10:56] oh, that was anti-climatic of me [10:56] sorry. [10:56] lol [10:56] yay [10:56] * Panzer32_ is now known as Panzer32- [10:56] GK [10:56] No-one read what you were saying anyways - they were looking at my typing :D [10:56] lol [10:56] 4 Spear joins our Archer [10:56] VICTORY11111 [10:56] * Panzer32- is now known as P32sup [10:57] 12Thor: S, SW [10:57] Those ones were supposed to be !!!!! [10:57] SEEE [10:57] SE [10:57] lol [10:57] yay! [10:57] 4 Thor S SW [10:57] god, i loathe navigation. [10:57] if spear moves into ott teritory will we get a better peace deal? [10:57] that works too. [10:57] they want peace straight up now [10:57] 12 have the slaves road the woods to their NW [10:58] OH THEY DO, DO THEY [10:58] 4 Peace for Peace if we wnated it@ [10:58] 1 yes 2 no [10:58] 1 [10:58] * opd sees no real need for peace right now [10:58] 2 [10:58] Road-to, GK? [10:58] 2 [10:58] 2 [10:58] Peace for Iznik. [10:58] ya, road to is ok. [10:58] or one of the 5 techs they have ;) [10:58] i hope we plan on builting a second archer soon then [10:59] 4 Only Odin left [10:59] hrm. [10:59] N or W [10:59] we will. we will have a grand army soon. [10:59] 12Odin: N [10:59] Or SE E and take a chance [10:59] 4 North it is [11:00] 4 Iroq warrior scouted to N of Odin [11:00] what do the slaves do? [11:00] Warrior in Trond fortifies? [11:00] Slaves roaded to NW [11:00] As in road-to [11:00] k. [11:00] warrior forts in Trond, for now [11:00] GK [11:00] Fine [11:01] wanna give me an archer instead of that Spearman? [11:01] In trond - do we wnat the spear, or switch to barracks? [11:01] Could be an idea... [11:01] or archer? [11:01] Archer is what I like. [11:01] archer in 1 turn. it's regular, but ehh [11:01] otts peace for iznik - we are getting close to a deal here!! [11:01] right [11:01] we'll burn it to the ground, and ask if we can have it [11:01] Quickpoll: What to build in Trnd? 1. Archer 2. barracks 3. Stay with spear [11:01] are we going to assume they will only have 1 spear in there? [11:01] oh wait, genocide doesnt solve everything [11:02] 1 [11:02] 4. abstain [11:02] 4 [11:02] 1. [11:02] * BFM waits for Trip to show up.... [11:02] We will need a spear soon to go to the new city [11:02] 1 [11:02] 4 [11:02] 1 [11:02] GK, which way is the new city going? [11:02] south [11:02] on the other side of the river [11:02] we could plant 2 archers and wait for it to grow to 2 [11:03] CD? You have a vote? [11:03] i personally would rather go for peace now...and build up an attacking force [11:03] OK [11:03] Panzer? [11:03] Shiber? [11:03] Viking? [11:03] Can we do any more damage to the Ottos with this force? [11:03] IMHO no [11:03] 1 [11:03] Even if not, moving into their territory would scare them/ [11:03] sorry, i was away [11:04] normally, i'd build an archer this early in deity [11:04] five ones, two 4s and a non-attacking vote [11:04] Is that a sixth one, Shiber? ;) [11:04] 12 change to archer [11:04] 4 Archer in Trond [11:04] yes [11:04] mmhhh... miniscule army. [11:05] 4 No more orders... [11:05] not that it matters though, i see #1 won without my vote anyway :) [11:05] But better than nothing, right Uber? [11:05] getting there ;) [11:05] Or just bossing around a couple of God... [11:05] 4 Ending turn [11:05] i hate these damn ottomans. [11:05] post a save ? [11:05] 4 Otto Spear cuts of ODin [11:06] they should just leave poor odin alone [11:06] 4 Saving and posting... [11:06] well, look at it this way [11:06] did the spear follow our archer, or did it enter their territory? [11:06] that archer and spear arent defending [11:06] lol [11:06] followed [11:06] thanks. [11:06] archer S of Odin, spear E [11:07] peace and 7G for peace with us [11:07] Peace + 160 = Peace + Wheel [11:08] If we go W with Odin, we can escape to the North... [11:08] Via the icefields... [11:08] Are they paying =us= ? [11:08] Peace/156Gold for Peace and Wheel ;) [11:09] odin is SW, SW of Bursa, right? [11:09] no...we would pay 160+peac for peace+wheel [11:09] Ah [11:09] Let's push a bit - with two ARchers and a Spear in their territory they will give eeven more - no need to even attack. [11:09] Odin is SW SW of Bursa yes [11:09] peace and 152 for peace and masonry [11:09] and u want to move W? [11:09] as oposed to NW? [11:09] whynot NW? [11:09] or NW [11:09] damn, Uber and I are thinking so alike today [11:09] haha [11:09] NW then ;) [11:09] I meant generally West ;) [11:10] 4 Odin to NW [11:10] IROQUOIS CONGA LINE!!!!!!!! [11:10] yeesh. [11:10] those bastards [11:10] Fortunately we aren't a threat. [11:10] are gonna block me in [11:10] If you are sending an invasion force, why not send the extra warrior as well... [11:10] i know it. [11:10] they're in cahoots [11:10] if we get masonry from Ottomans, we can sell that to Iroquios for wheel [11:10] That;s what they WANT us to think... ;) [11:10] GK, you dont need him for Trondheim? [11:10] Really WB? [11:11] no, we have one spear there already [11:11] well they don't have masonry... not sure how bad they want the wheel though [11:11] GK, i meant Asgard, sorry [11:11] brb, sheetrock [11:11] 152 and peace will get us masonry. [11:11] well..its a precurser horseback=MW [11:11] n/m [11:11] Asgard has one warrior. Trond has one warrior and one spear. don't need both in trond. [11:11] so i imagine they would want it [11:11] Thanks WB - whatever we buy, we can sell to Iroqs if they're interested (as long as we don;t get Wheel [11:12] alright. i was assuming you wanted to grow to 3 [11:12] with happioenss [11:12] whatever. :) [11:12] What about the hurt Archer? [11:12] Asgard will drop down soon with the settler. [11:12] 12Thor: E, SE [11:12] 4 Thor E SE [11:12] 12Hurt Archer, Fortified [11:12] 12Spear Fortifies [11:13] 4 What Uber said [11:13] 12warrior in trond and archer there move to stack [11:13] 4 GK - what are we building in Trond? [11:13] Does the archer still recover if fortifying? [11:14] yeaap [11:14] good stuff [11:14] that is the quesiton of the minute? I need spears for the cities. [11:14] Spear sounds good to me [11:14] So I would say a spear. however, I am open to suggestions [11:14] spear [11:14] spear is fine by me. [11:15] 12 spear it is [11:15] i will work ym my miniarmy :) [11:15] with my* [11:15] 4 Spear in Trond [11:15] Mini UberKruX with his MiniArmY [11:15] archer in asgard?? [11:15] settler in asgard [11:15] lol [11:15] Settler in asgard [11:15] why does my save say archer?? [11:15] archers are great, but more cities make more archers [11:15] ::drool:: [11:15] yeah I know [11:16] 4 CHanging Asgard back to Settler - hmm... [11:16] lol [11:16] ;) [11:16] Don't know what that was... [11:16] next city will be city Yellow from the plan. (SW SW from Asgard) [11:16] 4 No more orders..? [11:16] it is 2:10AM where i live [11:16] good night everyone :) [11:16] night shib [11:16] GK, why? [11:16] Ouch Shiber. Good night. [11:17] Night Shiber [11:17] oh, maximizing mined tiles [11:17] i get it. [11:17] Still early for me, but then I was up till 4am [11:17] nigth Shib [11:17] night everyone, [11:17] have the best of luck! [11:17] slay some ottomans or something :) [11:17] * Shiber has quit IRC (Quit: Good Night) [11:17] 4 Ending turn [11:17] That is the production plan. We can go with city blue (NW NW of Asgard) but Yellow appears to be further out of the way so probably less defence needed. [11:18] * P32sup has quit IRC (Quit) [11:18] 12Odin: M Thor: SE [11:18] 4 Iroqs moving away from Odin, Otto Spear to Bursa, Archer threatens Odin again [11:18] 4 Odin N [11:18] thats all my orders for this turn. stack moves out next turn. [11:19] Another Iroq [11:19] 4 Thor SE [11:19] 4 Stack skips turn [11:19] workers mine now? [11:19] or you have some crazy plan [11:19] i got one. [11:19] lol [11:20] 4 No more orders? [11:20] workers? [11:20] no worker orders this turn [11:20] my game says the road is done [11:20] um [11:20] i'll need a save then [11:20] sorry. [11:21] OK - saving and posting before ending turn [11:21] GK, what do you think of chopping forests for 10 shields? [11:22] no, when you use the road to command, you get the road at the end of the turn and not the beginning of the next turn. You get an extra use out of it, but you leave your worker in a more vulnurable condition the first turn. No need to worry yet. [11:22] I am thinking about chopping some wood, but it should be for something big, like a temple or grainery [11:22] aH. i was thinking the tile E of Trondheim [11:23] do you know how logn it woudl take with a normal worker? [11:23] if properly timed, it could rock ;) [11:23] no, but I can find out soon... hold one. [11:24] It will take 10 turns for one of our surfs to clear forest. 20 for a slave. [11:24] hmmm we could add one of those slaves to trond and have another stlr in about 7 turns [11:24] hrm. [11:24] Can we finish by 12? We have already done 10 turns and I need some rest before Hockey. [11:25] whens 12? 30 mins? [11:25] Then there're be some time to discuss - sorry - I mean 30 minutes. [11:25] 12 have one WF in Asgard change to an entertainer prior to going up to size 3, else we loose a turn due to unrest. [11:25] kiwis. who in their right mind puts noon at 8 PM [11:25] GK [11:25] it grows to 3 [11:25] THEN becomes unhappy [11:25] Those who live in the future... [11:26] so, what are we waiting on... I hope not me.... [11:26] loading [11:26] no, its me [11:26] lol [11:26] you can end turn though, im done :) [11:27] Let us know when you're ready Uber [11:27] * MrWIA is experimenting with the "merge threads' option [11:27] im good now [11:27] 4 End turn? [11:27] ut oh... I smell trouble..... [11:27] workers are roadnig a forest? man, i was way off [11:27] lol [11:27] experimenting.... [11:28] kiwi science. [11:28] ok, end turn [11:28] What? You trust me don't you? [11:28] poly go boom. [11:28] Hang on... [11:28] ok, time for some mother's day shopping [11:28] talk to you guys later! [11:28] Bye WB! [11:28] bye [11:29] latezzzz [11:29] You're doing the next one WB! [11:29] 4 Ending turn [11:29] ok, i'll figure it out when i get back later tonight (or tomorrow? hehe) [11:29] I think I just loaded the wrong save... what year are we? [11:29] * WhiteBand is now known as WB|Gone [11:29] 4 SE stack out of Bursa - SE of Scout, Archer again... [11:29] 2110BC [11:29] 2110, after the turn end [11:30] A successful merging! [11:30] A bit of a monster, but oh well... [11:30] crap... just downloaded 2190 on accident.... and loaded it... It will take me a minute to catch up. go ahead without me. [11:30] My handiwork - [11:30] What is wrong with Monsters?? [11:31] Err, nothing! [11:31] Ah! [11:31] 12The Stack of a small bit of Doom moves NW [11:31] 4 Small Stack O' Doom NW [11:32] odin N [11:32] 12Thor SE, S [11:33] Ottos give Peace and Masonry for 131 gold now - not good enough! [11:33] 4 Odin N [11:33] when Iznik burns, they'll pay [11:33] 4 Thor SE S [11:33] brb, attack next turn [11:33] 12 WF in asgard - have the southern most workforce change to an entertainer. [11:33] 4hp archer first [11:33] Why not a taxman or scientist instead, and then zero research rate? [11:33] peace+mysticism=peace+129 G [11:34] IF we make him a scientist and zero research, we get +2gpt for 2 turns [11:34] good idea MrWIA [11:35] 4 Southernmost WF in Asgard to Scientist, zero science rate [11:35] 4 Worker.. mines? [11:35] I am digging up our plans... more roads I think, but wait one... [11:36] would waiting for iznik to grow to 2 work?? [11:37] Ok. Mine is fine. With our 2 slaves, our plans are way behind actuality. Mine is good. [11:37] behind? [11:37] 4 Mining where worker is [11:37] our plans are obsolete. We have done more work that what is called for. [11:37] The road-to might have helped [11:38] 4 No more orders..? [11:38] what about odin & Thor [11:38] They were moved.. hang on [11:38] No, our plans were made prior to purchasing the slaves.... has anybody checked any other civ for FAM? [11:38] 4 Odin N Thor SE S [11:38] i see it [11:38] No - will do that now [11:39] Nothign better than all our gold plus about 3gpt. [11:40] the iroquois are breeding like rabbits [11:40] that is what I am seeing also... damn. oh well. [11:40] 4 Ending turn.... [11:41] hmm..the 2 barbs camps disappeared [11:41] Looks like the celts are paying us a visit [11:41] 4 Celt 3 Warrior stack moved next to our stack N of Iznik, Celt ARcher SWx3 of Asgard [11:42] No problems yet with them... I think they are just going home [11:42] Shall we wait a few minutes for Uber? [11:42] anyone else see that the 2 barb camps disappeared [11:42] I think we should attacvk, make peace (hopefully) and then stop. [11:42] Sounds good? [11:42] sounds good. [11:42] :b [11:43] That Otto settler stack is certainly headed for the cow and furs N of Bursa [11:43] CiverDan yes [11:43] lol does that scout stop thing still work on ptw [11:43] MY FUTURE HOME... just wait and see what I do when I get to be governor there.... [11:44] so ATTACK!!!? [11:44] Scout stop? Is that planting where they will settle and laughing at them? [11:44] back [11:44] what the hell is happening [11:44] i think he means scout resource denial [11:44] waiting for you [11:45] k, doing the orders, hold [11:45] Nothing - it's 2070 BC... eady for the SMC to order the charge [11:45] planting the scout on the fur [11:45] endign my turn... [11:45] should eb cought up [11:45] better to use the scout to explore [11:46] A shame the Exp ability has done so little for us to date... [11:46] 12Attack Iznik with Veteran Archer [11:46] seriously. [11:46] 4 Attacking... [11:46] leet. [11:46] woooo [11:46] 4 Down to 1hp but WINS and becomes ELITE! [11:46] yay [11:46] who hooo [11:46] attack with Regular Archer [11:47] * UberKruX crosses fingers [11:47] WIA: it did. Otherwise, those huts would have been Barbs! [11:47] 4 Attacking... [11:47] Lost - no HP damage to Spear :( [11:47] i fucking hate regular archers. [11:47] oh no.... [11:48] You attacked a spear with a reg archer?? [11:48] hush you. [11:48] lol [11:48] well - use the warrior.....? [11:48] no [11:48] no, thats suicide. [11:48] attck with warrior [11:48] Checking for terms... [11:48] if it had 1HP i would have pondered it [11:48] thats what he was there for [11:49] * opd thinks the streak will run in our favour [11:49] you know what opd [11:49] Still have to pay lots (over 100g) for Masonry, They give us 40 for peace [11:50] what else is he gonna do? [11:50] 12Attack with the damn warrior [11:50] 4 Attacking with Warrior... [11:50] my mini army isnt going down like this. [11:50] Attack what ?! [11:50] OHMYGID! [11:50] We won! [11:50] lol [11:50] 4 An archer left in Iznik [11:50] right. suck it Iz [11:50] nik [11:51] now [11:51] spearman on archer [11:51] lmfao [11:51] shall we? [11:51] they will give us iznik [11:51] why not [11:51] ! [11:51] There's a first timne for everything... [11:51] Hang on! [11:51] !!! [11:51] WAIT [11:51] Are you attacking a spearman with a warrior ?! [11:51] do it. [11:51] we did it [11:51] and won [11:51] so shaddup. [11:51] That is SILLY [11:51] right. again. shaddup. [11:51] No - We can get Iznik for Peace! [11:52] peace for Iznik. [11:52] ;) [11:52] Excuse me - why? [11:52] good spot CD [11:52] Everyone investigate potential peace options. [11:52] we won BFM. [11:52] we killed a spearman with a warrior [11:52] lol [11:52] I hit the wrond button.... will take a bit to reload.... [11:52] Yes - you can say that afterwards, but you know the odds are terrible [11:52] *wrong [11:52] lol, yes they certainly are [11:52] We can get 2 40gold and Iznik [11:52] peace+Iznik+40G=peace [11:53] ok, i have to help my dad soem more [11:53] i say make peace for thaT [11:53] BRB [11:53] Sure. [11:54] lol I never thought he'd do it - attack with the warrior [11:54] or Peace+masonry=peace+72G [11:54] An extra city would be nice - do we get the Archer as a bonus? [11:54] no [11:55] I think we should get Iznik. There should a be a Soear or Warrior we get with it [11:55] Things are looking alot better!! [11:55] OK - peace terms then we end. [11:55] I want Iznik. [11:55] Do we want Masonry instead? [11:56] IZNIK & 40 gold. 12 I want IzniK [11:56] Iznik [11:56] opps gotta go [11:56] iznik [11:56] bb [11:56] BFM, CD, Viking? [11:56] * opd has quit IRC (Quit: fuck you) [11:56] Iznik [11:56] Get the city & make peace [11:56] Excellent - 4 Make Peace with Ottos where they give us 40g and Iznik [11:57] Hooorey [11:57] 4 Iznik has no defence - [11:57] Shall we move the Spear in? [11:57] Please [11:57] That leaves the stack defenceless to the Celts, who are now in our territory. [11:58] they never intended to go in our territory [11:58] they should leave next turn [11:58] Let the celt be. They are just going home. [11:58] Sure - 4 Moving Spear into Iznik [11:58] Ignore them. [11:59] Isn't there an Archer in Iznik? [11:59] Now, with all that gold... we should be able to get a tech or two. [11:59] Not when he let us take it... all his troops there disapeared on him. [11:59] Only Scouts left to move... looking into that. Can someone look at FAM stuff? [11:59] Sorry - we made peace first. Missed that [11:59] I will..... [11:59] 1 GPT+219G=masonry from zulu [12:00] If only the Iroqs had cash we could sell to them/ [12:00] we can then sell it to the iroquios [12:00] Perhaps they would swap it though [12:00] not likely [12:00] this is deity [12:00] 4 Thor SE S [12:01] I just posted an "insulting" post - please don't take it personal [12:01] Ooh! Where? [12:01] But I really disagreed with the decisions made just now [12:01] 199 gold for either Masonry or Mysticisn from the Ottomans. [12:01] The peace for Iznik? [12:01] No - the attacks on Iznik [12:02] Oh that - I was a little worried, but somehow it worked out. [12:02] Attacking a spearman with a reg archer wasn't particularly good, but with a Warrior ... [12:02] "somehow" is the correct thing to observe [12:02] I know - I wouldn't have done that on Chieftain... [12:02] Anyway - time for me to go to bed/ [12:02] 229 g and 3 gpt for ironworking from Ottomans [12:02] NO [12:02] ... bye all! [12:03] OK - thanks for your help BFM - g'night [12:03] * BFM goes Zzzzz.... [12:03] lets get Masonry [12:03] We get IW in 8 turns anyway [12:03] (LOL at WIA's post) [12:03] 204 g for wheel from ottomans [12:04] Looking at Celts... [12:04] * BFM has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:04] iroqious want 200G for Myst [12:04] we might yet get an even up deal [12:04] I am finding the same $ from the zulu [12:04] check CiverDan, it should be at 199 [12:04] Too much for stuff from the Celts [12:05] yup 199 [12:05] so, 199 for masonry or mysticism, 204 for wheel, and too much for iron which we get in a couple anyways... [12:06] From the Ottos - Zulus seem to want more in my game... [12:06] Could be... I skipped a couple of moves when I misplayed and tried to do catch up... [12:07] ie Asgard is now in disorder because I forgot to change the work force [12:07] I don't see the need for Mysticism... Masonry is good only for Walls ATM... Horses could be nice. [12:07] No Problem GK - as long as my save is good! [12:08] I say lets stop and save here... Let the FAM make any decisions at the start of next chat... [12:08] Good idea - agreed? [12:08] sounds good [12:08] 4 Turnchat ends... [12:09] Great stuff guys. [12:09] SOme luck... [12:09] And we are SO much better off [12:09] The War is Over, we have a new city, Yahooo. Way to go guys!!!! [12:09] A good chat. [12:09] * MrWIA is saving, posting and making a report [12:10] OK. I am out of here. I will be around to help out the next DM. Good going guys. Later. [12:10] later [12:10] * theViking has quit IRC (Quit) [12:10] * GodKing has quit IRC (Quit) [12:12] Have fun, CiverDan? [12:13] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [12:14] Hey Panzer - all done here. [12:14] We made peace and got a city! [12:14] * Aro has joined #civ3dem [12:14] sweet :b: [12:14] Howdy! [12:14] hey Aro [12:14] you're too late :p [12:14] Are we winning? [12:15] I missed it! :( [12:15] we got peace + a city [12:15] ! [12:15] BACK [12:15] i rock so hard [12:15] lol [12:15] nice work, commander... [12:16] it was all luck / teamwork [12:16] Aro! We won the war with a Warrior vs a Spear in a city... [12:16] we had a warrior kill a spearman [12:16] lol [12:16] BFM wasn't too impressed. [12:16] !!! [12:16] holy crap [12:16] * WB|Gone just read back through everything [12:16] He posted a thread, but didn't mean what he said, just wanted to register disapproval [12:16] way to go guys [12:16] lol] [12:16] * WB|Gone is now known as WhiteBand [12:16] hey WIA [12:17] did you end befor moving the troops? [12:17] Huh? [12:17] I just saw the BFM thread! lol [12:17] like the spearmen [12:17] it can do into Iz [12:17] maybe get it to work a tile [12:17] I moved the Spear into Iznik [12:17] o, aight [12:17] Thor SE E I think [12:17] I can't wait to load a save... [12:17] I didn't move Odin [12:17] k [12:18] i guess i should schedule turnchat 5 [12:18] Thor went SE S [12:18] Yep.. [12:18] k [12:18] Post yourself a thread and I'll top it when I see it :) [12:18] ok [12:18] * MrWIA goes to do save and report again [12:18] Uber, does tuesday work for you? [12:18] * UberKruX quits civ [12:18] say... 5pm PST? [12:18] WAIT [12:18] i work on tuesday [12:18] doh [12:18] i have nothing planned, but my mom may drag me places [12:18] lol [12:19] just got home from uni and parents wont leave me alone End of #civ3dem buffer Sun May 11 12:19:11 2003