Session Start: Wed Apr 30 22:01:37 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Logging #civ3dem to 'logs\#civ3demchat1.DALnet.log' [22:01] OK - logging NOW. Glad I got THAT to work. [22:02] Hmm. I didn't start a poll on the first tech.... [22:02] * UnOrthOdO savors the smell of brewing coffee [22:02] * MrWhereItsAt thinks of hot chocolate [22:02] General consensus was Ceremonial burial [22:03] Ah - was it? good. [22:03] From what I gathered. [22:03] seems good [22:03] I was about to suggest that or BW [22:03] It was the cheapest [22:04] And Capital city I guess is Asgard until we decide to change (if we do) [22:05] Either that or just leave it as default. [22:05] Ill get a poll on that today. [22:05] the default is Trondheim [22:05] Cool - thanks. [22:06] * MrWhereItsAt opens the only orders thread - the DM Office :cool: [22:07] Valhalla or Asgard is better [22:07] Slight change to build, Explorer, Warrior, Settler [22:07] 3 minutes 'till blast off. [22:07] Is the Warrior for defence? [22:07] I would have said Kaupang [22:07] Donegeal: I can be there IF someone can post a java link like the one for Apolyton. If not, just post messages, I'll be lurking in the forums. [22:07] too many suggested it, but I wont leave the city totally defenceless. [22:07] (in the Forum) - do we have a java link? [22:08] I don't think so. BFM [22:08] I'll just update my 'turnchat on NOW" thread. [22:08] OK [22:09] Dumb Poly - I should be logged in automatically... Oh well [22:10] Oh - and UnOrthO - The Prisoner is a British series from the 60s. It is about a civil servant who suddenly resigns. He is gassed and wakes up in this village where he cannot escape, no-one has names (only numbers), and the Admin tries to force him to tell them why he resigned. [22:11] They explain nothing 'till the end, which is why it is so refreshing in light of all the movies/series where they have to explain everything. [22:11] Who are you? [22:11] I am number 2. [22:11] Who is number 1? [22:11] YOU are number 6. [22:11] I am not a number, I am a free man! [22:11] A classic cult series. [22:11] Anyways - time to begin... [22:12] Everybody ready? [22:12] ! [22:12] yes [22:12] Ready - Ill have to go look into it, then, WIA [22:12] 4 Turnchat 1 starts! [22:13] Right - Scout movemet S E correct? [22:13] Yup [22:13] 4 Scout goes S E [22:13] It IS coast! [22:14] :-) [22:14] Pretty fish [22:14] :) [22:14] Gimme a mo to post an update for don [22:14] we need a boat:) [22:15] * UnOrthOdO sees a good suggestion for city 2, 3 tile spacing... [22:15] s, se? [22:15] * BetaHound has joined #civ3dem [22:15] good morning! [22:16] Hey Beta! [22:16] Morning! [22:16] Hey Beta! [22:16] Sorry - we just started! [22:16] Hi [22:16] Coffe's up, be right back. [22:16] Sure. [22:16] Where's the tea? [22:16] You wanna play along BH? [22:16] We should wait 'till UnOrthO gets back. [22:16] * BigFurryMonster needs Aro to make good Brazilian coffee [22:16] ?nightcup [22:16] yup - let me load it up. [22:17] mmmm, "The best part of waking up..." [22:17] for thos who can't play along... [22:17] City at the same place as scheduled? [22:18] yep, no point heading south away from the bonus grassland. [22:18] Hmm.. next one could go at the river mouth... [22:18] the NEW river mouth, that is. [22:18] E [22:18] that's what Ill suggest lest we FIND something better. [22:18] We may miss that fish tho' [22:18] Anyway, worker roads...? [22:19] not with 3 tile spacing, on W side of river [22:19] yeah road, then mine. [22:19] Sorry West, cant read a map.. [22:19] Yeah - that's not as productive straight off, but is the best tile usage. [22:19] 4 Worker roads where it is... [22:19] It doesn't have bonus grasslands [22:19] 4 3 turns 'till completion [22:20] Yes it does... [22:20] 4 Settler goes NW (7 on keypad) [22:20] what, BFM? [22:20] Just not until it gains culture. [22:20] The city site W of the river mouth [22:20] More forest and no-shield grass along the river. [22:20] 4 Turn 1 ending... [22:21] 4 Turn 2... [22:21] It can share the start tile with capitol city for a while, hopefully there will be more as well. [22:21] where did the scout go - soryy I missed that. [22:21] Socut was S, then E [22:21] S-E [22:22] thx [22:22] I see - the one being roaded can be shared. [22:22] Good call [22:22] 4 Settler builds Asgard.... [22:22] True [22:23] Hey! Valhalla would have been the default name - was that you BFM? [22:23] Whoa, they changed the default? [22:23] Yep. [22:23] They changed leaders too IIRC [22:23] I think Togas did [22:24] This will be quite the discovery game... [22:24] But indeed - it ain't all default [22:24] WF defaulted to the tile not being improved, chage that. [22:24] 4 Asgard founded, labourer to improving tile, building scout [22:24] All OK? [22:24] yup [22:24] Yep [22:25] but my yup is unofficial. :) [22:25] Science 100%, Ceremonial [22:25] ? [22:25] Is the name Walhalla or Asgard? [22:25] 4 Science to 100%, CB chosen [22:26] Asgard ATm [22:26] Hmm... still 40 turns. Shall I Drop science to minimum to gain gold? [22:27] WHY does tech take 40 turns? Is that default? [22:27] yes - if no one else has discovered it. [22:27] No - depends on how much trade you get. [22:27] That shouldn't be, should it? [22:27] Ah! It is a huge map [22:27] drop it to 20 [22:27] That is the max. We aren't getting enough gold. This IS Deity and huge as well [22:27] CerBur = score 2 [22:27] yeah, drop to 20%, try again when roaded. [22:28] 2 * 40 (huge) * 100% (civs) = 80 beakers needed [22:28] 4 Changing slider to 20%, 2gpt [22:28] Now to the scout... [22:28] hmm - we have 3 beakers there [22:29] W W or NE or E? [22:29] roundup (80 / 3) = 27 [22:29] is there a deity penalty? [22:29] There might be - unsure. [22:29] NE [22:30] Any direction is only going to be 1 move due to forest, I say stick to mountain. [22:30] But then he is restricted to a one tile move next turn as well. [22:30] We might be able to explore more to the W depending on the terrain there - looks like grass. [22:30] If he moves to the forest tile acrooss the river - he will access open trerrain next turn. [22:30] true. [22:31] true. [22:31] We have scouted a good location to the East, we can get to one in the west too. We need to know sites that are closest to Asgard. [22:31] And huts are random, so we can't judge them [22:31] W W then? [22:32] WW would give us better view of our immediate surroundings... [22:32] yes [22:32] WW it will be then [22:32] What about N [22:32] * Hot_Enamel[GoW] has joined #civ3dem [22:32] Hey Hot_E! [22:32] Hi de ho [22:32] Hello, Hot_Enamel[GoW]! [22:32] morning HE! [22:32] North in general is worse terrain - all forest from what we can see. [22:32] Drop your GoW cover! [22:33] Hello Hello [22:33] We stand a better chance of moving in the open W W. [22:33] Hey HE [22:33] * Hot_Enamel[GoW] is now known as Hot_Enamel [22:33] Whats wrong with GoW? [22:33] We are all one here... ;D [22:33] 4 Scout going W W [22:33] 8:30pm ... great time for a chat in the land of oz [22:34] Yep - me too Hot_E. [22:34] 4 More grass on W side of river... [22:34] 4 Ending turn 3950BC [22:35] 4 4 turns 'till Scout, 9 till growth, 1 till road. [22:35] Scout continues W at least once I guess... [22:35] take the scout WW one more turn - then NN? [22:35] West once then I will say what I can see. [22:35] I must warn you all, a new civver was born yesterday. [22:35] 4 Scout moves W [22:36] Really? happy days UnOrthO! [22:36] ?, U. [22:36] W again... [22:36] 4 Bonus grass and hill beyond that... [22:36] Yours? [22:36] My son started his first chieftain game. [22:36] W looks good. [22:36] 4 W again... [22:37] Hut! [22:37] OK [22:37] Move scout W again - so when he heads north he is uncovering more terr. [22:37] 4 yrs old... [22:37] And more hills. [22:37] Wow - that's getting them while they're young... [22:37] we likey hills, want Iron. [22:37] 4 End turn 3900BC [22:37] And the hut is Good. Need warrior! [22:38] 4 yrs ?! [22:38] Need setler [22:38] Updating for don... [22:38] yes, he's been watching me for some time now, and knows how to move the guys around, not so much the rest fo it yet. [22:39] Civ3? [22:39] yep [22:39] * BigFurryMonster estimates U's son will beat him in MP in 1.5 years. [22:39] Whoa. [22:39] And reach Deity before you too! :D [22:40] Scout moves 7-7? [22:40] 7 once for sure. [22:40] Dont we want to pop hut? [22:40] Do we risk the scout? [22:40] That is a key question. [22:40] yes [22:40] We're EXP, right? [22:40] True! [22:41] Thanks BFM. [22:41] No barbs can come from that [22:41] Start on mine this turn. [22:41] * BigFurryMonster will keep quiet now. [22:41] 100% science now drops it to 33 turns. [22:41] 4 Scout NW, W to hut. [22:42] that was general info, not map specific... [22:42] * BigFurryMonster knows. [22:42] Hang on... [22:42] U: how is that possible? [22:42] 4 Nothing. :( [22:42] More hills, and a bonus grass [22:42] I open the window and it tells me? [22:43] I mean: how can it have been 40, and now 33 (after 2 or 3 turns) ? [22:43] 4 100% Science - 33 turns to CB [22:43] Ah - we got a road [22:43] Someone got CB maybe. [22:43] 4 Mine started [22:43] No - you'd need contact for that [22:43] It is the road that makes a difference [22:43] 4 6 turns till completion [22:44] We can now calculate the beaker cost for CB [22:44] 4 Scout 3 away from completion [22:44] 3 turns at 1 science [22:44] = 3 beakers [22:44] 33 turns at 4 = 132 [22:44] sum = 135 ?! [22:45] how can that be? [22:45] Could be 31 turns at 4 +1, +2 or +3. [22:45] As in 133 134 or 135 [22:45] The last turn just wastes beakers at 4. [22:45] Yes - but still ( a lot ) [22:45] Yeah - guess so. [22:45] 4 3850BC ended [22:46] Scout goes N? [22:46] nn? [22:46] sw [22:47] We should stay close to home at first to scope out city sites. [22:47] NN I think is best. [22:47] If we're going W, I say NW, W [22:47] Serious objections? [22:47] I vote N,N as well. [22:47] n.n [22:47] yup N,N. [22:47] 4 Scout goes N N [22:47] Cow! [22:47] MOO!!!! [22:48] Sweet - hamburgers for all! [22:48] 4 3800BC ended [22:48] on grass even :evilgrin: [22:48] we need sttlers [22:48] we need pop for that V. [22:48] 4 Yellow boundary! [22:48] I see boarder [22:48] NW of the hill is a civ's border [22:48] Go on hill and let's see our neighbor [22:48] Well N it is first I guess. [22:49] Oh - NW is best. [22:49] wait. [22:49] Oh, no not the bannana [22:49] Are those Zulus? [22:49] Let's find out... [22:49] 4 Scout NW [22:49] that forest may not allow us to see their city... [22:49] ok. [22:49] Ottomans! [22:49] * BigFurryMonster doesn't know which civ is where but checked the F11 screen [22:50] with a spearman already! [22:50] Two [22:50] Updating thread... [22:50] welcom to diety. [22:50] They start with that, I guess (on deity) [22:50] :) [22:50] Will trade Bronze and 10 gold for both our techs [22:50] let's be nice to them:) [22:51] Or masonry. Take your pick. [22:51] BW [22:52] Masonry +2 for both techs or Bronze +10 [22:52] Altrhough masonry is worth more. [22:52] BTW, I believe this is already their 2nd city as well. [22:52] U: welcome to deity (again) [22:53] I knwo ,just warning everyone else ;) [22:53] Whoa. [22:53] BW is more useful, I guess [22:53] Shall we do Bronze? [22:53] BW is more useful, Masonry is more rare. [22:53] This IS Deity... :scaredtodeath: [22:53] Then again we are at 24 civs [22:54] They will be packed in, even on huge [22:54] I vote bronze [22:54] yup - me too. [22:54] Not sure, but OK [22:55] 4 Swap WC + Pottery for BW + 10 [22:55] BW=spearman = survival [22:55] We have about 30 min till I must get ready for work. [22:55] OK - we'll finish by then [22:55] 4 Ending turn 3750 BC [22:55] ooo, he'se cautious now, not pissed. [22:55] 9:30 PM :) [22:56] 4 Spear moves E, towards us. Scout available in Asgard [22:56] 4 Asgard starts Warrior [22:56] New Scout to N? [22:56] Scout by otto N to mountain, new one w-w [22:56] IMO [22:56] You mean E E? [22:56] w,w gives mountain [22:57] Fair enough by me. [22:57] um yeah, the other w [22:57] 4 Scout near Otto N N [22:57] :) [22:57] 4 Lake to East, River to West of Scout [22:57] 4 More Mts and hills found to NE of Edrine [22:58] We need that cow if we can get it. [22:58] 4 New Scout E E [22:58] ooh - looks like a point of land. [22:58] 4 Coast sighted to NE of Asgard, more mts to N [22:58] Hi, give those scouts names.. [22:58] Good idea viking. [22:59] Next turn. [22:59] AI seems to have food bonuses too [23:00] West Scout = Thor , East Scout = Fenris [23:00] 4 3700BC ended [23:00] good [23:00] From the mini-map- looks like we may ahve all the land to the east to ourselves. [23:00] I haven't named the units, just for distinguishing them [23:00] 4 3650 BC [23:00] Fenris NW, N to mountain [23:00] You got it. [23:01] 4 Fenris NW, N to mountain [23:01] More mts, forest on the rivermouth [23:01] Thor to North still? [23:01] "forest on the rivermouth"? [23:02] You mean the river source? [23:02] I say NW [23:02] Ok maybe it's a mountainous rivermouth/source :p [23:02] I need a new save file [23:02] We'll stop shortly [23:02] NE. [23:02] Damnit [23:02] NE seems better - I was going to ask ;) [23:02] Ill get those straight. [23:02] On to the mountains. [23:02] 9 [23:02] move 9 [23:03] 4 Thor NE [23:03] Another river N of the lake! [23:03] 4 3650BC ended [23:03] bonus grass... [23:03] What is Asgard building? [23:03] Warrior. [23:03] Done in 3 [23:03] k [23:03] should be warrior [23:04] Fenris to N - more mts? [23:04] sure. [23:04] 4 Fenris to N [23:04] 4 HUT! [23:04] yee haw! [23:04] * BigFurryMonster goes 'Hut, hut, hut'! [23:05] goodie [23:05] Mts ringing that lake/sea, forest to W along river [23:05] Thor NE? [23:05] NE yes [23:05] um 9 Im not embarrasing myself further with directions [23:05] 4 Thor NE [23:05] Uk! More mts. No more nice land visible. Maybe to the East [23:06] f 3600BC ended [23:06] Continue till Warrior built (3500) and then stop? [23:06] yes [23:06] Er, I mean 3550 [23:06] 4 Mine done [23:06] sounds good [23:07] 4 Fenris MUSt pop the hut - N Ne [23:07] Be nice.... [23:07] DOH! Deserted again! [23:07] That sucks [23:07] . [23:07] :( [23:07] :( [23:07] Those would have been barba if we weren't expansionistic [23:07] :-( [23:07] * UnOrthOdO raises a brow at BFM [23:07] More no-bonus grass up here. [23:07] * BigFurryMonster eyes UnOrthOdO [23:07] * MrWhereItsAt coughs loudly [23:08] * MrWhereItsAt defuses the situation :D [23:08] * BigFurryMonster can't control hut contents! [23:08] * UnOrthOdO can still blame BFM [23:08] Thor NE or E? [23:08] * BigFurryMonster will ignore that, then [23:08] :p [23:08] BFM should try harder ! [23:08] E [23:09] NE to Mts (hilly area) or E to explore potential better land closish to capital. [23:09] I say E [23:09] E [23:09] Need to know the land around us first. [23:09] E [23:09] 6 [23:09] E will give a 2-move later [23:09] 4 Thor E [23:09] Agreed. [23:09] Bonus grass to SE of the first one [23:09] ok [23:09] worker move 9 [23:09] 4 Worker NE [23:10] 4 last turn beginning... [23:10] and Fenris? [23:10] oh - yes - the hut - sorry [23:10] 4 3500BC - Warrior built, change to Settler yes? [23:11] YES [23:11] yes, wastes some shields, but best move. [23:11] What about going Wealth for a turn or two to not waste? [23:11] ? [23:11] waste? how so? [23:12] It will take 11 turns for the pop to hit 3. [23:12] 10 turns to build a settler. [23:12] Growth to pop 3 in 11 turns. 30 shields in 10. [23:12] No - grow to 2 in 1, then 4 shields per turn... [23:12] Squeeze out another warrior first? [23:12] 3 shield per turn, mrwia [23:13] Settler in 9 [23:13] Yes - so even more wasted shields. [23:13] Another warrior then. [23:13] It's three now - when it hits 2 pop we work the other bonus grass for 4 [23:13] or scout. [23:13] Or another scout [23:13] yes - or scout [23:13] Total shields at 3 pop - 43 [23:13] Maybe stop before you give that worker orders [23:13] calculate things [23:14] let me do some math... [23:14] whatever, but make it a settler in 10 [23:14] Actually.... the worker will finish the mine one turn before growth. [23:14] Shields = 44. [23:14] Certainly another Warrior/scout first. [23:14] Anyway - shall we stop now? [23:14] For sure. [23:15] Yes [23:15] To the warrior/scout. [23:15] to stop [23:15] Yes - lots for the team to talk about. [23:15] 4 Turnchat ended at start of 3500BC [23:15] OK UnOrthO - you fine with making work on time? ;) [23:16] Congrats on the first tyrn chat MWIA and UnO! [23:16] Scout, to head SE, should finish in 3 turns once expanded, leaving 8 turns for growth, and 9 to build settler. [23:16] I think we came quite a long way (500 yrs) [23:16] :) [23:16] I hope that is not too long [23:16] 8 to build. [23:16] I feel older already. [23:16] Thanks Beta - cheers for turning up! [23:16] should work. [23:16] That sounds right now UnOrthO :b [23:16] Cheers. I enjoyed it! [23:17] Time to save and post... [23:17] oh, we stopping here? [23:17] cool. [23:17] it was great [23:17] Yeah - may as well. [23:17] * Hot_Enamel has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:17] You want to keep your job I guess... ;) [23:17] Note that Havamal was well represented - both Viking and I being here. [23:17] :) [23:17] :) [23:18] Cool - you had no warriors for war, but you watched the first one being born! [23:18] Also - the BigFree delegation was well ... represented (asleep) [23:18] No need for #civ3demMinisters this time... [23:18] yes forgot about him. :) [23:18] Maybe next. [23:19] Take care one and all. Have good days or whatever is left them. :) [23:19] Have a good nigth! [23:19] Thanks for the chat! Bye! [23:19] bye, all [23:19] * BetaHound has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:20] Night guys! [23:20] Night. [23:20] * theviking1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [23:20] * UnOrthOdO has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:20] Bye UnO... [23:21] * BigFurryMonster has quit IRC (Quit: BigFurryMonster goes back to RL.) [23:22] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Apr 30 23:22:26 2003