############################################################## # This is a Unit Sprite script. ############################################################## 0 # Required 0 UNIT_SPRITE { UNIT_SPRITE_MOVE 1 { # This is the sprite action definition block. All sprite # actions require this block if the sprite action is defined. # SPRITE_NUM_FRAMES 10 # number of frames of animation SPRITE_FIRST_FRAME 1 # the index of the first frame SPRITE_WIDTH 96 # the width of each sprite image SPRITE_HEIGHT 72 # the height of each sprite image SPRITE_HOT_POINTS # the hot points (center points) of # the sprite for each of the 5 facings 49 54 # facing 1 49 54 # facing 2 49 54 # facing 3 49 54 # facing 4 49 54 # facing 5 } ANIM 1 { ANIM_TYPE 1 ANIM_NUM_FRAMES 10 ANIM_PLAYBACK_TIME 1000 ANIM_DELAY 10000 ANIM_FRAME_DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ANIM_MOVE_DELTAS 0 ANIM_TRANSPARENCIES 0 } UNIT_SPRITE_ATTACK 1 UNIT_SPRITE_ATTACK_IS_DIRECTIONAL 0 { # This is the sprite action definition block. All sprite # actions require this block if the sprite action is defined. # SPRITE_NUM_FRAMES 12 # number of frames of animation SPRITE_FIRST_FRAME 1 # the index of the first frame SPRITE_WIDTH 96 # the width of each sprite image SPRITE_HEIGHT 72 # the height of each sprite image SPRITE_HOT_POINTS # the hot points (center points) of # the sprite for each of the 5 facings 49 54 # facing 1 49 54 # facing 2 49 54 # facing 3 49 54 # facing 4 49 54 # facing 5 } ANIM 1 { ANIM_TYPE 1 ANIM_NUM_FRAMES 13 ANIM_PLAYBACK_TIME 1000 ANIM_DELAY 1000 ANIM_FRAME_DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ANIM_MOVE_DELTAS 0 ANIM_TRANSPARENCIES 0 } UNIT_SPRITE_IDLE 0 UNIT_SPRITE_VICTORY 1 UNIT_SPRITE_IS_DEATH 1 { # This is the sprite action definition block. All sprite # actions require this block if the sprite action is defined. # SPRITE_NUM_FRAMES 10 # number of frames of animation SPRITE_FIRST_FRAME 1 # the index of the first frame SPRITE_WIDTH 96 # the width of each sprite image SPRITE_HEIGHT 72 # the height of each sprite image SPRITE_HOT_POINT 58 38 } ANIM 1 { ANIM_TYPE 0 ANIM_NUM_FRAMES 10 ANIM_PLAYBACK_TIME 10000 ANIM_DELAY 1000 ANIM_FRAME_DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ANIM_MOVE_DELTAS 0 ANIM_TRANSPARENCIES 0 } UNIT_SPRITE_WORK 0 UNIT_SPRITE_FIREPOINTS 0 UNIT_SPRITE_FIREPOINTS_WORK 0 UNIT_SPRITE_MOVEOFFSETS 0 UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS 1 { UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS_MOVE 72 9 72 9 72 9 72 9 72 9 UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS_ATTACK 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS_IDLE 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS_VICTORY 82 9 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 UNIT_SPRITE_SHIELDPOINTS_WORK 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 } }