[20:08] _4Turnchat starts [20:09] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [20:09] :D [20:09] <[FAM]Togas> _4 THEN negotiate RoP deal with Rome [20:09] welcome roadcage [20:09] * Eklektikos has joined #civ3dem [20:09] * Cheetah^ has joined #civ3dem [20:09] Welcome roadcage [20:09] WOOOO!!! [20:09] welcome Eklek and Cheetahn [20:09] Hi Ekl and Cheetah [20:09] _now_ it's a party [20:09] :P [20:09] hello :) [20:09] Hmm, I did not Get a Welcome [20:09] ;) [20:09] Hi, roadcage! [20:09] And welcome, Fanatikans! [20:09] _4 Rome They will only take our WM for theirs if we give Motorised Transport (!) [20:09] * SMCAGGIEafk has joined #civ3dem [20:09] yay [20:09] SPEEEECH! [20:09] i was getting worried there ;) [20:09] hello all [20:10] hello Aggie [20:10] <[FAM]Togas> Let me check for a decent gold amount .... [20:10] Hi Aggie [20:10] Aggie!!! :) [20:10] WOW THE TURN OUT IS AMAZING [20:10] * Admiral_Mitchell checks Aggie's pulse to make sure his is OK [20:10] Stuck should be on his way (stuck as a mac) - Governor of Taliesin [20:10] That is if We can find him [20:10] * SMCAGGIEafk is now known as SMC_AGGIE [20:10] Greetings roadcage, Eklektikos, Cheetah! [20:10] we shouldn't trade MT to rome...just in case... [20:10] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give WM for their TM & gold [20:10] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun sets mode: +o SMC_AGGIE [20:11] <[FAM]Togas> Gold should be @5g [20:11] * CivGeneral noticed no one Welcomed him -_- [20:11] hello civ general [20:11] Welcome, CivGeneral [20:11] Welcome CivGeneral [20:11] Thanks :) [20:11] belated welcome, cg [20:11] <[FAM]Togas> _4 then give RoP for RoP [20:11] huh? I asked you if you were alright... [20:11] let me load the save [20:11] I am :) [20:11] _4 How about just gifting WM? [20:12] good... [20:12] Hey E_T [20:12] Hi CivGeneral. [20:12] _4for TM, I mean [20:12] *suigh* Cheftess and I are trying to get Stuck in [20:12] *sigh* [20:12] yes, GF? [20:12] Mac's.... [20:12] * Kloreep is having a hard time keeping up with the chat. :dizzy: [20:12] How are you, Oliverfa? :) [20:12] <[FAM]Togas> WM for TM is better. BamSpeedy's article discusses exchanges of map, and while I doubt it matters, it's better to be safe this way. [20:12] I posted a thread in the PTW Demo forum about a new PBEM [20:12] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt assures everyone nothing but some final FAM orders are happening [20:12] OK Togas - thanks [20:12] _2 i have a request post the save right at end of turn so we can all see [20:13] * CEO_of_GhengisCorp is now known as GhengisFarb [20:13] k, I'll look at it in a moment [20:13] brb [20:13] * E_T is now known as E_T_outside_smoking [20:13] do NOT hold the vote ;) [20:13] _4 Rome finished - still annoyed after ROP [20:13] <[FAM]Togas> yeah. I notice :/ [20:13] :/ [20:13] nuke em [20:13] <[FAM]Togas> anyhow, moving on... [20:13] Lets kill them reguardless of the vote... [20:13] after the pounding we gave them they'll always hate us [20:13] we'll see [20:13] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Russia 100g. Trade WMs. [20:13] til they glow, then shoot them in the dark..... [20:14] Please, post the save right before hit the end turn button [20:14] you said it Et [20:14] About how much gold do we have? [20:14] _4 They won't accept... TM for WM again? [20:14] <[FAM]Togas> _4 TM + 3g for WM [20:14] Hmm, this sounds Familliar :) [20:14] hehe [20:15] We had that once after signing an MPP or something [20:15] All we want is to make them happy, why do we want their stinkin maps? [20:15] LOL, always the best deal for us. [20:15] America wouldn't accept.. [20:15] _4 Done so far [20:15] Carpetbagging... :D [20:15] lol [20:15] America won't axcept here either... [20:15] GF: Trading maps makes the AI happy. More than normal trades do. [20:15] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give India 100g. Trade WMs (will check costs). Sign RoP with India [20:15] Giving us their maps makes them happy? [20:16] Soren is a strange man... [20:16] <[FAM]Togas> _4 just do TM for WM with India [20:16] Yep. [20:16] That, and trading luxuries. [20:16] You've met him? :) :p [20:16] any recent deal makes them happy ;) [20:16] _4 All good there [20:16] Oh, and gifting them some gold (foreign aid ;) ) [20:16] bamspeedy just used WM as an example [20:16] Tell them to kiss our ****, that should make them happy. [20:17] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Babylon 100g. Trade maps of any sort. Sign RoP [20:17] *sigh* can someone help Stuck get in here [20:17] back [20:17] Is Stuck stuck? [20:17] ROPs with Rome and Babylon... ugh. If the vote ties, I hope they break them so we can nuke them. :evilgrin: [20:17] does he have mirc or is he on java [20:17] _4 Done - Babs are now POLITE! [20:17] <[FAM]Togas> :b: [20:17] he has something called DsPro [20:17] wooo [20:18] suckers... [20:18] we have to build the manhattan project and rocketry first.... [20:18] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give China 100g. Trade maps of any sort. Sign RoP with China [20:18] MSS two turns eact at Ferroplis... [20:18] _4 It was highway robbery - but they took it [20:18] i don't exepct baby and rome will still be with us when we get nukes, and can I add that to my arch of triumph [20:18] _4:) [20:19] <[FAM]Togas> :) [20:19] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Greece 100g. Trade maps of any sort. [20:19] gotcha... [20:19] Aggie... you murderous Warmonger! You should be proud of yourself!! [20:19] ROP as well? [20:19] <[FAM]Togas> no [20:20] OK [20:20] <[FAM]Togas> _4 no rop with greece [20:20] _9 increase science spending to give us computers in 4 turns [20:20] _4 Done [20:20] :) [20:20] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give England 100g. Trade any maps [20:20] i am a proud warmonger [20:20] back [20:20] * NuclearisWinterius has quit IRC (Ping timeout_) [20:20] * E_T_outside_smoking is now known as E_T [20:20] I guess you joined the right team... [20:20] i definitely did [20:20] _4 GAH! Liz is scary in the modern era... but done [20:20] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Aztecs 100g. Trade any maps. [20:21] _4Done [20:21] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Iriquois 100g. Trade any maps. Sign RoP with Iriquois. [20:21] _4Done... getting excited [20:21] <[FAM]Togas> _4 Give Zulu 100g. Trade any maps. Sign RoP with Zulu [20:21] <[FAM]Togas> that's the last one :) [20:21] Give the Iroquois some beads, it worked for the Pilgrims. [20:22] :D [20:22] Don't we have an RoP with Iraq already? We're moveing like we do... [20:22] <[FAM]Togas> :P [20:22] :D [20:22] lol [20:22] yeah but the rep hit is massive [20:22] _4 They liked it [20:22] hehe [20:23] hehehe...yep [20:23] :b: [20:23] * Eklektikos has quit IRC (Quit: _) [20:23] Ah, but they're already SUpreme Ruler, just without the UN vote.... ;D [20:23] hehe [20:23] <[FAM]Togas> _4 FAM orders complete. [20:23] So what will our first act be after winning the UN vote? [20:23] hmmm... apparently.. [20:23] fillibuster... [20:23] Ordering the brutal murder of those who oppose us? [20:23] _4DM orders.... [20:23] Nuke Rome and Japan [20:24] We have to develop nukes first. ;) [20:24] I thought it was to have a party... [20:24] _4 Going to APolyton build queue... [20:24] then clean up the poluttion from the nukes with workers from their civ:) [20:24] _4 UN [20:24] * Gov_Donegeal raises his head proud. [20:24] _4 Changed to UN... [20:24] :D [20:24] oh, here it comes [20:24] :D [20:24] Ownage. [20:24] Can't want for Apolyton to push the button. :D [20:25] 0wn463, h3r3 w3 c0m3 [20:25] ... thats my Region, btw... [20:25] * Gov_Donegeal continues to look proud. [20:25] _4 Rushing with Leader Na'rmer... [20:25] yes [20:25] rush! rush! rush! [20:25] hehe [20:25] here we go [20:25] t3h b4n4n4 0wnZ j00 [20:25] Pres the Rushg Button :D [20:25] lol [20:25] sounds like our "PUSH THE BUTTON!" [20:25] :b: [20:25] what a rush [20:25] Push the Button [20:25] ok, THAT button [20:25] _4 All ready... [20:26] "RUSH! RUSH! RUSH!" [20:26] can i push the big red button for the nukes on japan later? [20:26] Push the Button -CFC DG1 Victory Chat [20:26] _4 Ending turn..... [20:26] Not THAT button [20:26] _4 MrWIA, please intgrate the last foreign worker in bremen [20:26] rush or we will impeach your ass [20:26] yes you may dmirial [20:26] yay [20:26] Oh, OK, [20:26] OH THE HUMANITY! [20:26] No Post Save [20:26] Bremen... [20:26] When a Problem Comes along, Press the button. Press it goooooooood [20:26] oh yeah... post save!!!! [20:26] post save [20:26] _4 POST SAVE [20:26] You must press it. [20:26] I had to time putting the pizza in the microwave... [20:26] To finish the abolition of the slavery [20:26] Please, post save ;) [20:26] _4 Where is the Bremen worker [20:26] ...so that it's done RIGHT WHEN the "end turn" button is hit. ;) [20:27] When a question comes along....... [20:27] * BetaHound has joined #Civ3dem [20:27] Greeting BH [20:27] woof [20:27] Hi beta [20:27] Hi BH. :) [20:27] you must press it. [20:27] Hold on guys..Aidun gave me an order and I want to find this worker [20:27] welcome bh [20:27] lol [20:27] "can Stimpy keep himself from pushing the BIG BRIGHT SHINY RED BUTTON?" [20:27] hello one and all. Woof. [20:27] _4 on the mountain east of chiquita [20:27] lol [20:27] WHY HASN'T VOX PLAYED THEIR TURN????? [20:27] Push the blinking blue and orange button! [20:27] anybody here from vox [20:28] make them all red, that way, he can't tell which one to press.... [20:28] shhhh [20:28] because they haven't loaded hte game, and moved the units around, and saved it, and sent it to the next player, duh [20:28] I don't think so.. [20:28] Push the Frikin Bikidy Blink Orange Button (In a Dr. Evil Voice) [20:28] Betahound [20:28] yup [20:28] _4 Worker already moved. [20:28] You're from Vox [20:28] _4 Ending turn... [20:28] NO [20:28] did u push the button [20:28] oh well then end it [20:28] Push the Button [20:28] _4 Saving first... [20:28] post save!!!! [20:28] did u push the button [20:28] From the makers of the Demogame, CFC says.... "__5_PUSH THE BUTTON!!!_" [20:28] _ Post Save [20:28] Where is Donsig!!! [20:28] :D [20:28] did u push the button [20:28] <[FAM]Togas> _4 please post save :) [20:29] ;P [20:29] you must press it. [20:29] _7 post save please [20:29] did u press the button [20:29] _4 Posting save... this will take a moment... [20:29] People remember Also Sprach Zaragusta from Civ2? [20:29] * MasterZen has joined #civ3dem [20:29] Re: ptwdg and Vox - much to decide, given the unfriendliness we have encountered. :( [20:29] From the makers of the Demogame, CFC says.... "_5__WHERE IS DONSIG" [20:29] * VladAntlerkov pushes a red button [20:29] You must press it! [20:29] * Admiral_Mitchell watches as VladAntlerkov explodes [20:29] Hi MZ. :) [20:29] * VladAntlerkov watches as Ottawa goes up in flames [20:29] hi guys [20:29] Whoops, wrong button. [20:29] hey MZ! [20:29] _4 People remember Also Sprach Zaragusta from Civ2? Space Ship? [20:29] did u push/press/eat the button [20:29] From the makers of the Demogame, CFC says.... "_5__Press the Little Blinking Button" [20:29] MZ - Militarized Zone [20:30] Hi, MasterZen! [20:30] lol [20:30] lol [20:30] aka Iraq [20:30] hehehe [20:30] From the makers of the Demogame, CFC says.... "_5__Press the Button, No not the Donsig Button, THE END TURN ONE!!" [20:30] well considering my gaming stile, maybe MZ does mean that.. [20:30] eat the button [20:30] * E_T is playing einy, meiny, miney, moe with teh bank of red buttons..... [20:30] You must press it! [20:30] _4 Save going in ... [20:30] When the UN comes along [20:31] V [20:31] You must press it! [20:31] [13:27] ask him if he got a new Poser 5 disk in [20:31] I guess one of you [20:31] When the its time to end the game [20:31] You must press it! [20:31] * E_T presses this red button, wondering what will happen next... [20:31] *burp* [20:31] * Admiral_Mitchell watches as E_T explodes [20:31] *fart* [20:31] E_T [20:31] * VladAntlerkov is set on fire [20:32] lol [20:32] * [FAM]Togas grins at Ghengis's "whip it" parody :D [20:32] :D [20:32] Don't mind me, nothing I can't handle. [20:32] * CivGeneral presses the Button only to realise that He fired the Dora Gun [20:32] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt 's modem attempting to cope... [20:32] [13:28] SaaMy Sez: Push it! [20:32] * VladAntlerkov presses another Red Button [20:32] When Togas catches on [20:32] * Admiral_Mitchell brutally pushes the button [20:32] You must press it! [20:32] what thread is the save going in [20:32] We used the Dora Gun against the Babs [20:32] PUSH THE (BLING BLING) BUTTON! Please :cute: [20:32] * VladAntlerkov watches a Balor come forth [20:32] When it's posted in the thread I made up to announce the last chat, I will post the link [20:32] Now against the Iroquois [20:32] I guess the button is burried under a mountain of shields [20:33] _4POSTED! [20:33] Ah! A balrog... um, balor is come! [20:33] Yaaay! [20:33] Its a shame these don't count towards my post count............ [20:33] Great! Now we can press the button! [20:33] I hear ya. [20:33] _4http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=1849488&t=8785#post1849488 [20:33] lol [20:33] Human shields that is [20:33] When a Problem comes along, you must press it. Press it Goooooooooooooooood [20:33] Everyone, on the count of 3. :) [20:33] You must press it! [20:33] _4 Ending turn... [20:33] PUSH THE (BLING BLING) BUTTON! Please :cute: [20:33] 1..2..3... [20:33] PUSH THE BUTTON! :D [20:33] 54321 [20:33] PUSH THE (BLING BLING) BUTTON! Please :cute: [20:33] You must press it! [20:33] PRESS THE BUTTON!! [20:33] You must press it! [20:33] * E_T slaps CivGeneral around a bit with a large trout [20:33] Amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage. [20:33] *push* [20:34] You must press it! [20:34] _4 CLICK....... [20:34] be patent [20:34] * CivGeneral slaps E_T with a rotten stinking infested radioactive Trout! [20:34] wouldn't we feel stupid if they all declare war and use the rop to attack us:) [20:34] loading save [20:34] *drumroll* [20:34] _4 Rome ans Zulus ally against Babylon [20:34] PUSH THE (BLING BLING) BUTTON! Please :cute: [20:34] :mischief: [20:34] loading save too [20:34] O_O [20:34] Heh, they'd never be able to dent us. [20:34] OMGWHTTZ! [20:34] OMGOMGOMGtheyhavepresedthelikethebuttonOOMGOMG [20:35] _4 Japan and England havve peace cake. [20:35] that's a strange alliance [20:35] You forgot the LEIK [20:35] <[FAM]Togas> Peace???? [20:35] Let them eat cake. [20:35] Butt cake? [20:35] Hmmm, I need to stop reading Sirian's game reports. [20:35] What about a tea party? [20:35] Doesn't that break our MPP? :scared: [20:35] nice cake [20:35] isn't england allied with us? [20:35] _4 England want to reneg Rubber for their 26LPT [20:35] and a tea cerimony [20:35] <[FAM]Togas> England IS allied with us vs Japan! [20:35] Oh. Crap. [20:35] <[FAM]Togas> _4 reneg rubber with England [20:35] or they were [20:35] Nuke em [20:35] OMGOMGtheyaegettingavoteOMG [20:35] <[FAM]Togas> whatever price [20:35] thsoe little b#startsds [20:35] Go ahead, Mr. Prez :) [20:36] once we get through the vote, remind me to advise Aggie to nuke their asses to hell [20:36] OMGOMGOMGlikepressthebutton [20:36] * VladAntlerkov adds London to list of cities to nuke [20:36] gibe liz a rubber [20:36] at what price for the rubber? less is better for the vote... [20:36] <[FAM]Togas> _4 then bribe that English Tart back into our anti-japan alliance with some tech. [20:36] free [20:36] <[FAM]Togas> _4 any price. 1gpt is fine. Free is fine [20:36] they will take 2 rubber for 2 pt [20:36] 1gpt [20:36] * zeit has joined #Civ3dem [20:36] we should have done operation TOBE [20:36] _4 Rubber to England for 1LPT and 18L :p [20:36] hi everyon! [20:36] * Guest has joined #civ3dem [20:36] yo [20:36] Hi. :) [20:36] Hi Zeit [20:36] I think it is good [20:36] <[FAM]Togas> _4 That's fine. [20:36] good turnout... [20:36] it is a new trade [20:36] hi Guest [20:37] _2,0 loading end of 1445 save [20:37] loaded [20:37] CT - Why does that year look familliar [20:37] _4 England and Greece ally against Babylon [20:37] Don't tell me you ain't got no free time, BetaHound, you can play the Vox turn. [20:37] shit :P [20:37] not _really_ that loaded :P [20:37] _4 Babylon and Greece try the peace cake [20:37] hehe, it's the year we started to invade Babylon in ernest [20:37] :) [20:37] Babylon isn't well liked............... [20:37] :) [20:38] nuke their asses to hell [20:38] GF - time is not the issue - decisions are. [20:38] _4 Zulus and Rome ally against Greece...this is getting complicated [20:38] I hope the vote is between us and Babylon [20:38] pray to the banana [20:38] UN! UN! UN! UN! [20:38] THe votes have been counted :mischef: [20:38] * gunning1 has joined #civ3dem [20:38] OMGOMGOMGliketheyarebuildingtheUNlololol [20:38] no Gamecatcher smilies here [20:38] hey hey hey [20:38] _4 Things being built... [20:38] The Egyptian Banana was one of the first to go in our demogame - to the Persians [20:38] look who's here!!! [20:38] * Admiral_Mitchell runs to the Banana Shrine and sacrifices 25 Japanese to the Great Banana [20:38] <[FAM]Togas> Aztecs + Rome vs Greece [20:38] Liz and Alex ally against the Hammer, then Alex makes peace with him... [20:39] OMGOMGlikeitsgunning :crasyeye: [20:39] :D [20:39] _4 Sir, we have completed the UN in Apolyton [20:39] For great justice! [20:39] so push the button? [20:39] :yeah: [20:39] Wow [20:39] :b: [20:39] * Admiral_Mitchell pushes the button [20:39] OMGOMGOMGPUSHITlikePUshit [20:39] go go [20:39] yeah! [20:39] PUSHIT [20:39] _4 /me looks at it - ooh, pretty city screen [20:39] no, don't push the button!!!!! [20:39] o_0 [20:39] AHHHHHH [20:39] Open the doors, and push the button! [20:39] PUSHTHEBUTTON [20:39] hehe.. [20:39] can't do /me with colors [20:39] You must press it! [20:39] :p [20:39] Push it! [20:40] OMGOMGlikeiamdoingtheGFthing [20:40] * Chieftess test [20:40] Press it, I mean! [20:40] don't pull a donsig [20:40] guys- its not like we're nuking anyone [20:40] Go, push [20:40] the jap ironclad tried to run away from our battleship :D [20:40] OMGOMGlikeheispullingaDonsig [20:40] Heatattack [20:40] yet... [20:40] This turn is taking forever [20:40] whut did we reneg with england for? [20:40] Just don't get carried away in a war. [20:40] PUSH THE (darn) Button [20:40] donsig came back about every 5 min and said: woah, we got hit hard [20:40] Rubber [20:40] gf--that's because 25 ppl are trying to play along ;) [20:40] then we went back [20:40] <[FAM]Togas> hey, we discovered a new source of uranium :) [20:40] I see te vote screen [20:40] chieftess: 1gpt, 18g [20:41] More nukes [20:41] w00t [20:41] PUSH THE VOTE BUTTON :D [20:41] whut luck [20:41] wow [20:41] WAIT [20:41] VOTE! [20:41] Nuke em all [20:41] whut did we reneg for [20:41] Waiting for Prez [20:41] please [20:41] 1 gpt, 18 g [20:41] <[FAM]Togas> _4 I now have UN vote screen in view. [20:41] ok [20:41] does Japan have Uraium? [20:41] wait [20:41] But first Nuke Macross City [20:41] ? I never asked a trade question. :) [20:41] LikeOMGOMGOMGtheyhavethevote :D [20:41] * gunning1 votes Gunning for Science!!! [20:41] Post Screenie!!!! [20:41] vote [20:41] Togas don't let us wait any longer! [20:41] vote for the babs [20:41] :) [20:41] _4 My P3 800 is trying... [20:41] 1g,18gpt ok [20:41] Vote for Gunning [20:41] Yeah, post screen [20:41] No, other way around. [20:42] 1 gpt, 18 g. [20:42] Oh, sorry, that was Admiral Mitchell. [20:42] _4 Would you like to hold elections for the UN Sec Gen? [20:42] no [20:42] wait up [20:42] YES [20:42] CT - Now I wished we had this many people over at our TCs :) [20:42] lol [20:42] duh... [20:42] _12 YES [20:42] You must press it! [20:42] Yes. [20:42] <[FAM]Togas> _4 UN vote screen is between us and Tokugawa of Japan :) [20:42] yes of course [20:42] Of course, with all the PIs... [20:42] w00t! [20:42] WAIT UP [20:42] Oye [20:42] _12 1 [20:42] _4 Ready for the vote... [20:42] vote for the Japs [20:42] Sayonara!! [20:42] When the questioncomes along [20:42] You must press it! [20:42] DONT PULL A DONSIG ;) [20:42] VOTE FOR THE BANANA!!! [20:42] PRESS THE BUTTON! [20:42] BANANA [20:43] Banana! [20:43] BANANAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [20:43] When its time to end this song [20:43] PRESS THE FRIKIN BUTTON [20:43] Vote Now! Vote Often! [20:43] You must press it! [20:43] banana rules [20:43] PI!!!!!!! [20:43] ;) [20:43] Gunning go press the Button [20:43] BANANA MUST WIN AN ELECTION!!! [20:43] * VladAntlerkov stuffs the ballot box [20:43] my 867mhz is trying to pump thru [20:43] <[FAM]Togas> _4 FAM ready for vote [20:43] but WAIT [20:43] please :) [20:43] BANANA [20:43] Kodak moment ;) [20:43] Argh [20:43] <[FAM]Togas> Banana vs Tokugawa :) [20:43] * CivGeneral watches as Gunning presses the Button [20:43] go PI!!!!! [20:43] PI PI PI PI [20:43] GO 3.14 [20:43] _4 Waiting for suspense....;) [20:43] 3.14152... [20:43] lol [20:43] 3.14159. ;) [20:43] oh yeah [20:43] ok, the japs win!!!!!! [20:43] :D [20:44] 3.31359 [20:44] And MWIA electricity goes out due to a misplaced Coalition bomb [20:44] :p [20:44] YAYAYAYAYAYA [20:44] Y [20:44] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt starts to play "Duel of the Fates" [20:44] Gunning - Help Poly's prez and press the Button for them [20:44] hahahahahha [20:44] :) [20:44] hehe [20:44] lol [20:44] lol [20:44] * E_T takes a slice of that pi [20:44] * VladAntlerkov sets Winamp to the final battle music from "Secret of Mana" [20:44] _4 Admiral? [20:44] now it's only 1.5 [20:44] argh [20:44] _5__JUST PRESS THE BUTTON! :D [20:44] since ET took a bite [20:44] go ahead, i guess my computer will have to miss out :P [20:44] but tell me every bit of the results :P [20:44] Okay, I finally reached the vote confirmation. [20:44] Fire at will commander [20:44] lol [20:44] ___5JUST PRESS THE SHINY BUTTON [20:44] * E_T plays Fantasia 2000 CD [20:45] WAIT [20:45] * VladAntlerkov holds his breath [20:45] What if his buttons aren't shiny [20:45] ___5Ohhhhhhhhh Shiny button [20:45] _4 The view of the representatives from Fanatika are noted ;) [20:45] i've got teh screen now [20:45] so say Yes? [20:45] * Gov_Donegeal sneaks into MWIA house and attempt to pust the button for him. A fight breaks out. [20:45] Yes, Ok [20:45] _01,12_04__Push the Shiny Button__ [20:45] ouch [20:45] _4 Pushing the button.... [20:45] :spam: [20:45] THERE IS NO SHINY BUTTON [20:45] ___01,12_04:d__ [20:45] my eyes [20:45] aggie goes blond [20:45] *silence* [20:45] _4 CLICK...... [20:45] _8,3__ Push the nice Banana Button [20:45] Vote for Banana! [20:45] <[FAM]Togas> _Yeah!! [20:45] ___5Pres the Button, its Hiny and its round and like im an going to do the GF thing [20:45] do i vote for banana or tokugawa or abstain [20:45] ;) [20:45] My vision is impaired I cannot see [20:45] _3,8__Push the nice Banana Button [20:45] _4 Banana votes for Banana [20:45] lol [20:45] _4 Caeasar abstains [20:45] <[FAM]Togas> Japan votes for themselves.... [20:45] Kill him! [20:46] AWESOME!!!!! [20:46] ___5Vote for the Banana [20:46] SO DAMN AWESOME!!!! [20:46] 1-1-1 [20:46] Kill Caesar? [20:46] ___01,12_04_04,99_04,08_09Push the Shiny Button__ [20:46] ! [20:46] MOTHERFRUCKING AWESOME!!! [20:46] <[FAM]Togas> _4 every other civ votes for us :) [20:46] Kill Caesar! [20:46] kill [20:46] ___01,08_09:D__ [20:46] (sorry for language :) ) [20:46] at least he didn't vote for Japan [20:46] Yeah! Chear! :Dance: :Party: :Band: :Dance: We rule the world!!!! [20:46] woooooooooooooooooooo [20:46] _4Alex votees for Banana [20:46] WOOOOOHOOOO!!!! [20:46] ___01,08_09:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D__ [20:46] ___5Vote for the Banana [20:46] w00t that r0cks0rz [20:46] hurrah! [20:46] ___5Vote for the Banana [20:46] w00t! [20:46] yes [20:46] woooooooooooooooooo [20:46] yeehaw [20:46] i did :P [20:46] For great justice! [20:46] 2-1-1 [20:46] _4 Aztecs vote for Banana [20:46] 3-1-1 [20:46] BANANA WIIINNNNSSSSS!!!!! [20:46] Yeah! Chear! :Dance: :Party: :Band: :Dance: We rule the world!!!! [20:46] yesssss [20:46] Iroqs for/// banana [20:46] The banana finally won an election! [20:46] ___5OMGOMGOMGLIKETHEpolysaregettingthevoteOMG [20:46] :D [20:46] _4 England for... banana [20:46] now, all we have to do is nuke the japs to hell [20:46] ___01,08_09_09,99_01finally your game is over__ [20:46] :D [20:47] _4Russia for...banana [20:47] we can get rid of the greeks with conventional methods [20:47] let them eat banana [20:47] waits ballots were mispunched [20:47] __what took you so long ;p__ [20:47] let's see how the Japs vote [20:47] _4Babylon for... banana [20:47] lol [20:47] ___5OMGOMGOMGLIKETHEpolysaregonnastartLikeOMGanewgame [20:47] _4China for... banana [20:47] GORE WINS [20:47] _4India for...banana [20:47] oops [20:47] lol [20:47] Babylon voted for banana... wow. [20:47] ___5Wait India VOted for Gunning [20:47] yeap [20:47] Ralph Nader wins... [20:47] lol [20:47] _4Tokugawa votes for... Tokugawa :p [20:47] ____maybe ill join the poly team :mischief: [20:47] And China, too. Go Togas. :) [20:47] :p [20:47] we don't need no stinking space ship...... [20:47] NUKE [20:47] _4 Shaka votes for... banana [20:47] No, wait, Harry Browne... [20:47] THEM [20:47] wooo [20:47] <[FAM]Togas> Time to shake hands and pull out the champaign [20:47] ___5Gunning - If you do, Im comming ;) [20:47] SHAKA??? lol [20:47] 10-1-1 [20:48] :) [20:48] wow [20:48] We've clinched it. [20:48] :) [20:48] yeap, it's a win alrighty [20:48] Did it met quorum? :p [20:48] Let's watch the replay. :) [20:48] lol [20:48] LOL [20:48] Right On [20:48] Yeah! Chear! :Dance: :Party: :Band: :Dance: We rule the world!!!! [20:48] now for the warplans against Jap and Greece [20:48] yay :) [20:48] wait, FRANCE VETOED!!!! [20:48] ___5Dont say that "Quarums are Bad" - Stuck [20:48] Congrats, term X! [20:48] LOL [20:48] We Win!!! We Win!!! We Win!!! [20:48] :hmm: [20:48] Rome, not Greece. ;) [20:48] win! [20:48] watching replay now [20:48] wait, Poly votes for Gunning, japan votes for Gunning, everybody votes for Gunning!!!!!! I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!!!!!!! [20:48] Lets all go to Disneyland! [20:48] _12 Congrats, folks! [20:48] Congrats to all the terms that got us here today!!! [20:48] ___5Gunning won [20:48] What, Ninot's love slave has spoken?? [20:48] we nuke the japs. but since greece only abstained,...oops, i messed up between ceaser-greece, whatever [20:48] _4 I have aq tiny little box here informing us that WE WIN VIA DIPLOMATIC VICTORY!!! [20:48] i demand a re-count!!!! [20:48] markos would be ashamed of me [20:48] ___5OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOGMOMGOMGMG [20:49] post it! [20:49] Congrats, on the day that the Demogame is 1 year old (somewhere around there) [20:49] w00t [20:49] _4Error: GF's THingy OVerload [20:49] ?? [20:49] yay :) [20:49] The demogame started at CFC [20:49] WAIT, NO CT RULES, WE CAN TYPE IN ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [20:49] in late March [20:49] ;) [20:49] w00t [20:49] lol [20:49] hahaha [20:49] There is someone at CFC that goes by GF. his name [20:49] _4 History will remember us as: Banana the Magnificent. RRRAAAAGHHH!!!! [20:49] Meh [20:49] Grey Fox [20:49] lol [20:49] yay :) [20:49] ___5OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOGMOMGOMGMG -Grey Fox [20:49] lol [20:50] _4 Wow. Thank to all who made this possible. [20:50] HEY LET'S TYPE IN ALL CAPS SINCE CT CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!!! [20:50] * Guest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving_) [20:50] GROUP PAT ON BACK [20:50] :p [20:50] _4 And everyone who turned up - what an atmosphere.... [20:50] * Gov_Donegeal starts to tear up... [20:50] :p [20:50] Thanks, term X :b: [20:50] Who's the big winner today? [20:50] just Magnificent, aren't there other leves that are higher? [20:50] That's right, you are? [20:50] *! [20:50] * VladAntlerkov plays victory music from FFVI [20:50] ___5OMGLIKETHEPOLYSwon! :D [20:50] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt wipes a tear from face. [20:50] _4 Attention please! [20:50] whut [20:50] hehehe [20:50] * kring has joined #civ3dem [20:50] * E_T hand MrWIA a tissue [20:50] too late kring ;) [20:50] Hi kring [20:50] Hi kring. :) [20:50] too late [20:51] We lost [20:51] hi, kring [20:51] even I turned up :P [20:51] hehe [20:51] <[FAM]Togas> "the magnificent" = the highest ranking on the post game chart :) Wow... [20:51] everyone except japs and rome voted against us [20:51] Hi Kring [20:51] POLY ALREADY WON!!!!!!!!! [20:51] I was here earlier as guest :) [20:51] Anyway, gonna go get something to eat [20:51] *for us [20:51] Voted FOR us, you mean. ;) [20:51] _4 A toast, to ourselves, to UnOrthOdOx, and above all to the great Banana and the fAceZ of the gOdZ! [20:51] * gunning1 is now known as Grey [20:51] * Grey is now known as GF [20:51] -_- [20:51] japs voted for japs, rome voted for abstain [20:51] * GF is now known as eyrei [20:51] * CivGeneral is now known as Abstain [20:51] Magnificent SPREECH [20:51] w00t [20:51] * eyrei is now known as gunning1 [20:51] Vote for Me, Abstain [20:51] hey i like this server [20:51] _4,0 /me toast [20:51] VOte for Abstain [20:51] *s [20:51] none of the names are registered [20:51] * MSS is now known as BANANA [20:51] * Abstain is now known as CivGeneral [20:52] * VladAntlerkov toasts, then drinks like a fish [20:52] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun toast too [20:52] * gunning1 is now known as Thunderfall [20:52] toast!!! glug glug [20:52] WELL DONE [20:52] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt wonders when the server will fall over.... [20:52] toast!! [20:52] lol [20:52] * Gov_Donegeal is now known as BANANA_II [20:52] * [FAM]Togas dumps a bucket of ice cold Gatoraid on Mr.WIA [20:52] * Thunderfall is now known as gunning1 [20:52] _4 GASP! TH BANANA is here! [20:52] * E_T is now known as The_Great_Banana [20:52] all hail the Banana [20:52] * CivGeneral is now known as BANANA_III [20:52] Hail! [20:52] * gunning1 is now known as Banana_Killer [20:52] _4 I AM VERRY PORUD OF YOU MY PEOPLE [20:52] thank you... [20:52] hail! [20:52] THree Bananas :D [20:52] :D [20:52] * Admiral_Mitchell changes topic to 'APOLYTON UN VICTORY - 10-1-1 - THRONGS OF JUBILANT MASSES FLOOD APOLYTONIAN STREETS IN PARADES_' [20:52] * Sharpe has left #civ3dem [20:52] Thankyou [20:52] Hey where's the trout dish- i need some slapping now! [20:52] * Trip has joined #Civ3dem [20:53] * VladAntlerkov is now known as orange [20:53] * BANANA_III Grabs Banana_Killer's head and Farts. _5°Smelly° [20:53] * orange is now known as VladAntlerkov [20:53] too late trip [20:53] * BANANA_III is now known as CivGeneral [20:53] * The_Great_Banana slaps zeit around a bit with a large trout [20:53] BUT WE WON! [20:53] don't get me started CG [20:53] lol [20:53] * Chieftess is now known as BANANA_IV [20:53] _4 NO PARTY HERE IS SOME OF MY PEEL..SMOKE IT MY FREIENDS [20:53] thanks, that was refreshing :) [20:53] * CivGeneral is now known as BANANA_III [20:53] * VladAntlerkov plays Chrono Trigger victory music [20:53] hehe, this looks familar [20:53] OPPS NOW PARTY ON [20:53] * BANANA_III throws a Huge Blueberry-Pie in Banana_Killer's Face! _6_¤Splat¤__ [20:53] :mischief: [20:53] Remember Falcon01, Falcon02. Falcon03 [20:54] * Banana_Killer is now known as BANANA_X [20:54] * Admiral_Mitchell unleashes his ConfettiChopter Vs on Apolytonian Cities [20:54] and F-14, F-15, F-16 [20:54] damn, everyone turned into bananas! [20:54] lol [20:54] _4 Thanks for turnin' up, folks. I'm off to post the victory screens and +4 or 5 ;) [20:54] :P [20:54] whay is weird is that none of the top 5 cities are ours [20:54] Thanks MrWIA [20:54] lol [20:54] lITTLE DID WE KNOW OF THIS BANANA EFFECT [20:54] thank you MrPrez! [20:54] we have all gone Bananas..... [20:54] * President_X_MrWhereItsAt is now known as WIA_exhausted_from_victory [20:54] haha [20:54] * Kloreep has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced))_) [20:54] hehe [20:54] Lincoln: "I got trounced, and all these other clowns just watched..." [20:55] lol [20:55] * BANANA is now known as MSS [20:55] * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem [20:55] * BANANA_II is now known as Banana [20:55] wb [20:55] hah! Ceaser voted abstain, and then says it's an honor to play against "such a fine opponent." [20:55] Thanks. :) [20:55] * BANANA_III is now known as The_Top_BANANA [20:55] * The_Top_BANANA is now known as BANANA_III [20:55] hehe, #apolyton has some confused posters [20:55] So, has anyone tried the replay yet? Does it work? [20:56] yep, according to Togas [20:56] * The_Great_Banana is now known as E_T [20:56] i need to go thank ya'll for a wonderful game, can't wait for this same victory celebration with GOW [20:56] I still havent gotten there [20:56] Cool. :) [20:56] * Banana is now known as The_Big_Banana [20:56] * Admiral_Mitchell goes to teh replay [20:56] hah [20:56] Play your turn, Vox. :doitnow: [20:56] * BANANA_X is now known as Thunderfall [20:56] they get irritatesd at #apolyton [20:56] * BANANA_III is now known as AoA [20:56] * E_T is glad to have helped our great nation to get to this historic point in time [20:56] * AoA is now known as BANANA_III [20:56] * VladAntlerkov has left #Civ3Dem [20:56] hey, i helped!!! [20:57] somehow [20:57] * MasterZen is glad to have joined the Demo Game 15 minutes before our glorious victory ;) [20:57] Congrats all! See ya in the next life! :) [20:57] * MSS is now known as BISMARK [20:57] lol [20:57] if Ming came in here he would be horrified :P [20:57] but were you CP/DM at the most critical time.... :D [20:57] lol [20:57] * Admiral_Mitchell is playing replay [20:57] hello trip [20:57] * BetaHound has quit IRC (Quit: _) [20:58] he'd banus all :P [20:58] Real warriors dont need allies to win [20:58] <[FAM]Togas> WHAT WILL OUR NEXT GAME BE? :) [20:58] * Ming has joined #civ3dem [20:58] hey [20:58] Civ1 [20:58] good question togas [20:58] the replay isn't working for me [20:58] lol mz [20:58] * The_Big_Banana is now known as Gov_Donegeal [20:58] someone call? [20:58] * MasterZen will start the official Apolyton Civ1 Demo Game [20:58] the gODZ are with us [20:58] lol, et [20:58] hi ET [20:58] * BANANA_IV is now known as Chieftess [20:58] it takes a while admirial just be patient [20:58] LOL [20:58] * Ming has left #civ3dem [20:58] we're not that stupid [20:58] Mitchell: did you let it sit without touching any buttons for a few minutes? [20:58] * BANANA_III is now known as CivGeneral [20:59] ACS_Ming [20:59] ;) [20:59] *** Ming (E_T@216-53-175-121.ppp.mpinet.net) has joined channel #civ3dem [20:59] later all [20:59] no, i will wait :P [20:59] That usually works. [20:59] ok [20:59] * SMC_AGGIE has quit IRC (Quit: _) [20:59] kind of obvious when you leave E_T in that one spot [20:59] I would have changed anyway [20:59] so, I was playing.... [20:59] * Admiral_Mitchell sacrifices 100 Japanese to the Great Banana for his Guidance of us [20:59] :p [21:00] It messes up DSP2 if I leave another nick in [21:00] part of the celibration [21:00] CT - I know :s [21:00] so many CFC people :) [21:00] yup [21:00] :P [21:00] :) [21:00] Hola Trip :) [21:00] it is an invasion! [21:00] ;) [21:00] * GhengisFarb has left #Civ3dem [21:00] * Trip sharpens his sword [21:00] :) [21:00] Gunning is Deguised as TF right now ;) [21:01] ohhhhh [21:01] bah [21:01] no, im Thunderfall [21:01] :P [21:01] No your Gunning [21:01] what are you talking about? [21:01] I didn't think tht was the real TF ;) [21:01] 1 week ban!!!! [21:01] ;) [21:01] Bah [21:01] Thunderfall is ~gunning1@ * gunning1 [21:01] :P [21:01] YOu are Gunning [21:01] * Chieftess is now known as Alcibiaties_of_Athenea [21:01] 2 week ban! [21:01] * Thunderfall is now known as George_Washington [21:01] * Alcibiaties_of_Athenea is now known as Chieftess [21:01] hi [21:01] lol [21:01] * CivGeneral is now known as Hippo [21:01] *Athenae [21:02] LOL [21:02] * Hippo is now known as CivGeneral [21:02] i did not cut down that tree!!! [21:02] Lier [21:02] lol [21:02] * CivGeneral is now known as Joseph_Stalin [21:02] Where is CY, I want to talk to him [21:02] * Joseph_Stalin is now known as CivGeneral [21:02] apparently the CFC folks aren't used to having hte abiltiy to change their nicks so much without getting le b00t [21:02] * BISMARK is now known as MSS [21:03] * George_Washington is now known as Abe_Lincoln [21:03] i cannot tell a lie [21:03] * Kloreep is now known as Kloreep-didn [21:03] YEs you do [21:03] * Kloreep-didn is now known as Kloreep [21:03] * Abe_Lincoln is now known as MGS [21:03] brb [21:03] * CivGeneral is now known as FDR [21:04] :eek: [21:04] Ok, Gunning, I am sending you to Europe [21:04] are they used to this...... [21:04] we almost bumped the maximum global servers [21:04] * E_T slaps Chieftess around a bit with a large trout [21:04] *user limit [21:04] * E_T slaps FDR around a bit with a large trout [21:04] whutever, brb [21:04] im talking about Metal Gear Solid [21:04] * FDR is now known as CivGeneral [21:04] * E_T slaps CivGeneral around a bit with a large trout [21:04] :p [21:04] * CivGeneral slaps E_T with a rotten stinking infested radioactive Trout! [21:04] :p [21:05] Dont ever slap me with a trout [21:05] * Kloreep is now known as Kloreep-replay [21:05] Or ill get Gunning to do something crasy [21:05] * MGS is now known as Mr|G [21:05] * Gov_Donegeal slaps CivGeneral with the kitchen sink. [21:05] is that better? [21:05] * CivGeneral slaps Gov_Donegeal around a bit with a lead pipe [21:06] * E_T slaps CivGeneral with Saddam Hussain [21:06] Jay troutslapping! [21:06] Ewwwwwwwwwwww Get Saddam Smelly away from me [21:06] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps E_T around a bit with a large trout [21:06] * CivGeneral whips E_T's ! [21:06] May The Fleas of a thousand Camels infest E_T's lower regions............ [21:06] When will we decide on the next game? [21:07] not sure... there is lots of debate on it thought... [21:07] thank you sir, may I have another...... [21:07] * CivGeneral slaps E_T with a cactus [21:07] I personnly want to try a DYP DG... [21:07] I am with you GD [21:07] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps E_T around a bit with a large trout [21:07] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps Kloreep-replay around a bit with a large trout [21:07] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps MSS around a bit with a large trout [21:07] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps Trip around a bit with a large trout [21:07] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps roadcage around a bit with a large trout [21:07] * Trip has left #Civ3dem [21:07] c'mon slap back! [21:08] that's a lotta slappin [21:08] now look what you did [21:08] Ummm, hand me that can-o-beans [21:08] * CivGeneral eats the beans [21:08] * MasterZen farts after eating so much beans [21:08] _12 yum [21:08] LOL [21:08] how dowes one "emot" [21:09] pubquiz? [21:09] Um errrr [21:09] * Kloreep-replay slaps Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun around a bit with a large trout [21:09] * CivGeneral Grabs E_T's head and Farts. _5°Smelly° [21:09] * [FAM]Togas is now known as Togas [21:09] There you go. :) [21:09] * Domestic_Minister_X_Aidun slaps Kloreep-replay around a bit with a large trout [21:09] how did the replay look? [21:09] :p [21:09] Did anyone see the Bab city of Nineveh destroyed? No wonder they seemed growth-stunted when we met them. [21:09] * roadcage has quit IRC (Quit: _) [21:09] ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the glory of the replay [21:09] (That, and there was the idiots building the Oracle. [21:10] makes me heart fill with pride, even though i didn't help much :P [21:10] I'm only at 1725, BTW; I think this huge map is gonna take a while. :) [21:10] brb [21:10] Anyway, going back to watching... [21:10] god, that replay was amazing. [21:11] Woah, the Babs had TWO cities destroyed early! [21:11] Ur was destroyed in 1575. [21:11] Back to replay... [21:13] well [21:13] bye [21:13] cya [21:13] Yay, I've gotten to the War of Necessity. :) [21:13] :) [21:13] * Mr|G is now known as gunning1 [21:13] Bye. [21:13] * gunning1 has left #civ3dem [21:13] ok, i can't watch teh replay again. :P [21:13] funny that our mil service is 12th :D [21:14] Ours is 9th (out of 10), but we have 18 new cities [21:14] :) [21:15] With another 13 on the way [21:15] "Game over, man!" lol [21:15] I still get a kick out of that [21:16] my replay doesn't work [21:16] Damned! [21:16] Wow, China captured a Zulu city (Intombe). Guess the AI can launch naval invasions... even if the Zulu took it back quickly. [21:17] Mine takes a while to get going, but it works as long as I do not rewind [21:17] Just give it a few minutes, Aidun. Mine did nothing for a minute or two after I clicked play, but it's working now. :) [21:18] well, that was fun guys... [21:18] but I have an 1800 MHz processor, it should work immediately [21:18] Hee hee... "WeNeedMoreNamesCity"... that was OPD, wasn't it? [21:18] In any furth discussion... I want a DyP mod as the next DG. [21:18] later! [21:18] Bye. :) [21:18] i want a vanilla [21:18] * Gov_Donegeal is now known as Donegeal [21:18] CU in the forums [21:18] but cya :) [21:18] bye [21:18] Agreed, vanilla. [21:18] * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit: _) [21:18] * Admiral_Mitchell wants a vanilla ice cream [21:19] I'll go for CSDG [21:19] I want a DyP game [21:19] CSDG [21:19] Hmm... guess we need THREE DGs. [21:19] noooooooooooooooooo [21:19] Well, I'm gonna leave. bye [21:19] * Chieftess has quit IRC (Quit: _) [21:19] that would be awfull. I can not Keep up as is [21:20] I am gonna watch the replay. C U later [21:20] bye [21:20] * MSS has left #civ3dem [21:23] Well, the replay was cool. :) [21:23] * Kloreep-replay is now known as Kloreep [21:23] I wish my replay worked [21:23] It still hasn't kicked in? [21:24] Cool, we got the highest rating. :) We're magnificent. [21:24] of course I am [21:25] I''ll quit it and try again [21:27] _4 SIGN UP FOR THE CITYSTATES GAME! [21:27] * E_T is now known as E_T_outside_smoking [21:28] bye everyone, it's been great fun! [21:29] not just today... [21:29] Bey Zeit [21:29] * zeit has quit IRC (Quit: _) [21:29] Bye [21:29] Too late [21:29] * Admiral_Mitchell brutally murders Kloreep [21:30] bye [21:30] Hey, that wasn't nice. :P [21:30] Mitchell, there is no need for thet [21:32] :P [21:33] * MasterZen has left #civ3dem [21:33] Anyone know a way to save the chatlog where you weren't logging before? [21:33] no [21:33] except for copy/paste [21:33] which, with how much we've talked, won't be easy [21:33] Hmm. [21:34] -> *WIA_exhausted_from_victory* i have the entire chat log, do you need it? [21:34] *WIA_exhausted_from_victory* Could you post it in the FINAL TURNCHAT thread I started? [21:34] *WIA_exhausted_from_victory* Just for completeness' sake. [21:34] * E_T_outside_smoking is now known as E_T [21:34] -> *WIA_exhausted_from_victory* Shure. [21:35] *WIA_exhausted_from_victory* Cheers.