{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par Session Start: Fri Jan 24 11:30:04 2003\par Session Ident: #civ3dem\par * Logging #civ3dem to 'logs\\#civ3demFirstChatTerm8.GRNet'\par This is being recorded......\par So, good luck on the Chat Prez Aro (damn that sounds funny....)\par You will fear the Shadow Service\par lol\par cya Donegeal.\par too bad you can't stay longer\par Not if the shadow service is located in MY city!\par hehehehe\par hehe\par bye guys!\par But of course, we wouldn't let you know that....\par cya\par * GovernerDonegeal has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as SMCMesh_outSmoking\par * dejon has joined #civ3dem\par nick dejon|Waiting\par * dejon is now known as dejon|Waiting\par * VP_AGGIE_AFK is now known as VP_AGGIE\par ok brb I need to get offline to load up game\par * SMCMesh_outSmoking is now known as SMC_Meshelic\par Hey Dejon!\par Hi Mesh\par * Shiber has joined #civ3dem\par how are you this morning/afternoon/evening?\par Hello Mr Foreign Affairs\par :)\par Gonna burn us some frankfurters for lunch today? :D\par Hi Shiber\par * dejon|Waiting is now known as dejon\par hello!\par check out the poll\par on Frankfurt\par "I'd like my Frankfurter well done please"\par Dejon - it appears so\par lol\par ha\par I like 'em cajun style too\par I found donegeal's post in the quickpoll particularly funny\par BRB, need to upload the save\par I encourage the rest of you to do so as well, if you can\par * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem\par Hi Aggie\par hello i'm back now\par * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem\par Wasn't Aro going to do another save (post-DM stuff)?\par Hi Arnelos\par * Arnelos has to go do some errands, but I'll be AFK here while you guys are having fun :)\par hey\par what's up with 'poly... the boards have essentially stopped working\par working for me\par works fine for me as well\par :hmmm:\par perhaps your ISP is acting up again Arnie?\par but everything else works fine... it's just poly\par Oh, welcome to Term 8 Arnelos. :)\par interesting\par Perhaps you ISP prefers PtWDG activity, Arnelos. :)\par lol\par poly is work for me just now\par It`s almost time...\par I`m doing DM stuff yet. Two regions done till now :(\par time for your big debut\par But I`ll spend more 20 min, at last\par i'll be away for a second\par Are we going to have a coronation party before we start?\par I`ll post a turnthread now.\par What would you suggest Dejon? :)\par "coronation"? wouldn't it be innauguration? :p\par lol\par yes, I guess - we're past Monarchy\par \'033 Save loaded, SMC ready to rock and roll\par Mesh, you don't have the latest save yet though - Aro hasn't finished/posted it\par yeah just realized that. doh!\par hehe\par A little overeagerness is just fine.\par alrighty... be back in about half an hour... \par * Arnelos has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par I wonder what the smiley for overeager would be...?\par Do any of the newly elected officials have acceptance speeches to give..?\par Hmm...\par here goes\par * VP_AGGIE has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par * aggie2 is now known as VP_AGGIE\par wait, I still need to think my speech through...lol\par Just don't forget to thank the Almighty Banana in there somewhere..\par Aro: "Turnchat starting now", not "Turnchat sterting now" - you can change it as long as there is no replies\par \'033As Apolyton's newly elected Supreme Military Commander, I vow to uphold the proud tradition set by my predecessors, Uberkrux, Aggie, and E_T. To carry out my duties in the best interests in the nation, and to act fully in accordance with the law. I thank my fellow Senators for allowing me the opportunity to serve in such a unique and important role, and the Great Banana for guiding my path to victory. May Apolytonia remain strong and secure!\par \'033 Long live Apolytonia!\par * PANAG has joined #civ3dem\par hi guys\par (how's that Dejon) \par :)\par hello panag\par Great speech, Mesh!\par Thanks!\par I should cut and paste that in the turnchat thread or something, lol\par Yes, you should!\par Co\par C'mon Shiber - how about an acceptance speech?\par Hi Panag\par sorry, i was away for a sec\par \'032 Excellent speech nd as THE PROPHET i hearby bless the cabinet\par sorry dejon, no speeches today\par lol\par i'm too tired... gotta catch some sleep tomorrow\par but that's what weekends are for, right?\par sure\par thanks aggie!\par bah, you can sleep when you're dead.\par Whew\par just got done writing my speech by hand\par lol\par (Wouldn't let me copy)\par using mIRC?\par yup\par I would highlight the text, try to right-click to copy, and the text would go un-highlighted\par Oh well.\par drag over the area, and hit ctrl-c BEFORE you let go of the drag\par oh.\par LOL\par Nevertheless, it gave me the chance to add a few little bonuses in there... :)\par \'032 i have some points to mention in reference to my opposition to abandoning frankfurt\par shoot aggie\par \'033Go ahead Mr. Vice-President\par \'032 i wewould lose citizens and all improvements in frankfurt, there is a very small chance of flip becuase the german culture is so much less than ours so at best there is a 1/10 chance of flip\par \'032 additioanlly remeber that when we abandone frankfurt we have to have the new settler there in place because other wise the territory will go to germany and slow our movement\par indeed\par we should get some workers or settlers out of it\par and let one or two from us join\par \'033Question : At the moment do we have any settlers able to settle in the new location?\par \'032 good point and also if we do we loose any chance of a settler in the old cologne area\par \'033How so? (Losing the settler in old Cologne)\par well we need a settle for that area and another for the area where the old russian city was\par \'0312Notice - We DO have 3 settlers\par ok thats not an issue then\par ( Just just checked)\par \'032 but still we are loosing the citizen of franfurt and the improcvemnts\par we can even settle on german land , where we want ( not next to a city off course ) \par \'033Aggie - the improvements were decided to be sold, the cash could come in handy....although, not sure if we can sell improvements when a city is in resistance\par \'033Good point Panag\par we can only see one improvemtn a turn and it will cost much more in shiels to build those improvements\par i mena sell\par \'033You mean sell, right?\par :)\par thats why we really should think it over to sell buildings\par \'032 i my games i never do such a thing as abandon a city(i do starve if it is an extended war)\par didn't someone already test that - you can sell all the buildings at once, I thought\par \'0312 I never abandon cities either in my SP games\par the best is to switch to settler or worker , wait a turn , some shields are allready done then and buy the others\par \'0312 And I do starve\par this way its cheaper\par the AI chose that spot for a reason\par he is not that stupid\par well starving brings another point about flip chance, starvation will reduce frankfurt and leizpeg falling will reduce the odd more\par we should keep it\par \'0312 As it stands now, any and all the settlers CAN move to the new city location this turn, and once Frankfurt is abandoned, New Frankfurt can be founded the same turn\par \'0312Due to the construction of railroads around and to Frankfurt\par \'033So Germany territory slowing us down will not be an issue\par we have different desires for a city there than the AI did ages ago, panag\par there is room enough\par we should not let those citizens go to waste\par we can use them\par at least we should be able to pull them out\par \'033Not if the city keeps revolting\par we can wait\par hit the lux slider for one turn\par we are hardly in a situation desperate for citizens - they aren't a big deal\par \'033The only way to pull them out is to build settlers or workers, but there is not enough time for that, because the city will go into revolt next turn\par try troops , dont let them work for one turn\par not if the worker or settler is finished\par \'0312This is unlikely = if we move troops in there and for some crazy reason the city flips, then we lose ALL the soldiers\par also set the governor to control moods that saves you from them goin into disorder\par all we need is two turns\par Our prime concern is finishing the German war, and not letting a nuisance city interfere with it\par that shall not happen\par \'033I don't believe we have two turns\par but it is no buesance\par \'033available to us\par buesance? lol ..sorry\par but a city NEVER flips the immediate turn\par \'0312 True.\par \'0312 I think what was wanted to be avoided was having to station troops in Frankfurt for an extended amount of time, as well as not wanting to have to lose possible profits from our luxury slider being so low.\par \'0312 Due to the war, we want it to end soon\par The new city is also closer to our next target\par right now lets do the flip formula citizen(german)=19*2(more german culture)/2*500 =19/50= 1/25\par \'0312 The longer Frankfurt is around an in revolt, the longer the war lasts, and the longer the war lasts, the more war weariness covers the nation\par \'0312 I'm not really worried about the culture flip\par this equ is without stationed troops there\par also recovering troops will give push the resitance down\par so nothing is needed their\par \'0312 The haste in abandoning Frankfurt is due quite a bit to wanting to end the war more quickly, and to ensure that war weariness doesn't envelop our nation\par but station as many recovering troops as possible to eliminate resistance this turn\par How quickly can we end the war (according to FAM)?\par i agree, but see no need to keep any extra troops there\par \'033Shiber is out right now....but the objectives for ending the German war are to NOT end the war until all of Germany is in our hands/our allies hands\par lets wait till next turn to abandon then if we must \par \'0312 I'm willing to compromise with you there Aggie\par that way we can see 2 things:)\par \'0312We shall wait ONE turn\par extra, that is\par I like this type of constructive argument. We both have excellent points.\par ...which makes it difficult to reach a decision, even though the decision has already been reached.\par actually you csan see all improvements i just tested it, i was thinging of CCTP\par i mean sell\par due to majority vote by Senate\par (I made the same mistake as thinking of CCTP)\par I'll BRB, gotta eat a quick lunch\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as SMCMesh_OutToLunchBRB\par Our SMC is "out to lunch"?! That does not bode well. ;)\par hehe yah\par * PANAG has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par * PANAG has joined #civ3dem\par test\par * Aro_AFK is now known as Aro\par Ok, save posted. There`s a lot of PW, but you will help me... ;)\par * Aidun-acting_RA has joined #Civ3dem\par sorry I'm so late\par No problem, I am late...\par ok downloading save\par * SMCMesh_OutToLunchBRB is now known as SMC_Meshelic\par downloading save as well\par A lot of work, this DM thing...\par Very true\par DM is probably the most involving job out of all of them. Actually, I'm sure it IS\par We have PW now. The orders...\par yah mosy my time was spent doing dm, i'll be have to give you a break if you your eyes get tired of looking at and doing all the orders:)\par Was joncnunn planning on showing up? Anyone know?\par save loaded\par save loaded\par no idea he said he was at work but i don't know when that ends\par joncnunn is at work and only able to monitor the turn thread, afaik\par Lets work on Old Germany. It`s priority\par thanks dejon\par \'0312Working on Old Germany\'03\par Joncnunn and I have agreed on his veto of Willsbury, i had mistaken.\par \'0312\'03We don`t have workers, unless that ones in the worker wall\'03\par \'0312SMC, should we touch this wall? ;)\'03\par and they are sitting there and doing nothing , ..........................\par yes we should touch it\par The wall has to be readjusted every turn\par same on Uber Isle\par pull it down\par same there\par also i have a question, why the worker wall? we can defeat any forces that land easily\par I`m wondering this too\par There are still enemy boats about\par so\par it was to prevent landings\par We can defeat it\par i know but why\par and if enemy marines show up , we loose them\par to that we don't tie up forces from the other fronts\par well nobody has amphibious warfare so we're ok\par Up to SMC what to do\par Mesh, are you there?\par I have requests to mines and farms.\par And High Priority in Old Germany: Irrigation, mines...\par So...?\par I am using the save of 1325 AB, but I think it's the wrong one, can anyone sent me the one you're using?\par well marines are going to show up sooner or later\par use them aro\par they are of no use in the walls\par its a waste\par yes sorry I'm here.\par was responding to panag in the naval units thread\par Aidun - current save in the thread for this chat\par http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75066\par yeah , are you going to post stuff like that again , ....?\par \'0312about the wall (in Uber Isle I assume) - move them towards the eastern coast and align them along all spaces\par no panag\par i'm not\par or are you going to post something logical that has a meaning in it , ...?\par lets not bring that discussion here, it's not on top\par panag, enough\par on topic I mean\par you brought it up\par PANAG STOP IT\par dont start if you dont want it\par Thanks dejon, I'll check it\par read you pm\par I DID. STOP IT NOW\par \'0312moving workers to east coast\'03\par stop to post your stop it , ...\par ugh\par where are you planning to use them aro ?\par if you would read my response in a minute, I answer all your questions, just like you want me to, ok?\par enuff of this petty crap\par okay?\par please?\par man , can you see it , stop it , just drop it , but you just wont do it , can you\par i dropped it , and bang , you start again\par this is the demo chat\par \'0312This is hard enough, boys... Be nice!\'03\par ;)\par Ok?\par no problem by me.\par i'm not trying to start anything\par at least shiber has the brains to open a private window\par Pooh much has changes in the forum in 2 day's\par panag - you are behaving like some once did to you - it is not a pretty picture\par panang please let it go\par i let it go\par i ask a q to aro\par \'0312Workers on the eastern coast, done(I think so... ;) )\'03\par and he starts again\par Thanks Aro\par so aro where and what are they going to do ?\par aro - they are blocking the coast, correct? from invasion? good thank you.\par Those workers?\par yes\par Blocking. A part of, we dont have so much workers\par we can use them all\par there is work\par hmmm , we could sent a ship to patrol of the workerwall , just in case\par We don't have enough ships\par only one\par just to be save\par There ISN'T remaining work on Uber Island\par even an unarmed one\par we should keep a couple on uber\par About the worker wall in the continent...?\par polution shall hit there\par \'033Panag one thing at a time please\par I agree, Panag\par continent should move\par * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem\par hi arnelos\par how's it going?\par Hi, Arn...\par Hi Arnelos\par Discussing the worker wall\par what all has happened so far?\par and trying to avoid a civil war\par not much\par Mesh and Panag lol\par trying to avoid a civil war would be good....\par check the save arnelos , it got posted a couple minutes\par ok\par So, we gonna clean that polution?\par hopefully\par with workers from the wall\par SMC, do you need the ww?\par \'0312SMC, do you need the worker wall?\par \'033 For a turn, yes\par ok\par \'033Until our Ironclads can reach the Japanese fleet\par agreed\par \'033 One more turn of that, and the Ironclad Fleet should intercept the Japanese Navy. Then we won't have to worry too bad about an invasion there, for now\par \'033Although, if you would like, you can spare 1 or 2 workers and clean up that pollution\par No more DM stuff, so\par Don't know...\par No FAM orders to this end of turn too\par \'034SMC stuff then eh?\par Aidun, could you please check?\par Aidun or dejon, who will be the Acting DM?\par Have you already done the DM stuff then or not?\par ;)\par Oh, I'm acting deputy, what do you need?\par We have requests to clean pollution and other things, but \par we don`t have workers avaliable\par you'd better act dejon, I've been away for 2 day's\par use the wall\par The workers are in the ww\par nothing shall happen\par I understand. If wall can be shortened safely, clean pollution as priority, the rest can wait\par SMC requested they still there\par too many acronyms using "ww" ;p\par \'0312 I don't have the latest save going (if you posted a new one in the last 20 minutes) \par \'0312There is pollution in Uber Isle I assume?\par the save was in the chat starting now thread\par I`ll post one right now. Littke difference\par nope\par As the pollution is in old germany, it isn't that crucial\par \'0312 oh. \par and we may still build a city on it.\par \'0312 I thought it didn't need to be cleaned up because of the city being built on it?\par \'0312 Doesn't that eliminate pollution?\par there only should be like 6 workers on uber , more is not needed to vlean up pollution\par Yes, thus, it isn't crucial we clean it\par thats right mesh\par okay eight , thats two tile's cleaned up in one turn\par But it isn't yet a CERTAINTY we'll be moving the city, is it?\par So there are no polluted tiles in Uber Isle? Then why is panag talking about pollution on Uber Isle?\par it has been decided dejon, i disagree but the peoole have spoken\par for the future\par panag - with enemy boats around, we aren't going to start shipping workers around\par its a short distance\par \'034It is certain that Frankfurt will be disbanded and placed on the polluted square\par to the mainland\par one turn at a time, panag\par \'037It's too dangerous\par no its not\par nothing can happen\par Uber Isle is not facing pollution problems right now\par take a look\par Now, SMC\par I see the save\par ugh ok ok\par I won't even bother anymore\par we only need eight there\par :)\par the rest can go\par ****\par panag, it was decided\par Next turn\par \'0312Objections? Can we go to SMC duty?\'03\par So, are all other DM orders done?\par All queues and WF\par OK, I'm good then, barring any rushed that necessitate WF changes\par Changes only if war weariness is too high\par *rushes*\par Sorry, we have requests for rushes, too.\par temple in new frankfurt\par Marh in Hannover, 388l\par Oh, did we already sell and disband Frankfurt?\par rush the courthouses in 'poly and BHQ if they weren't already rushed (or if you have a wait a turn to drop price, that's fine) :)\par \'037Yes did we?\par and found new city?\par Marcno, we didnt\par \'037/me is surprised \par oops\par Lol\par lol\par New Frankfurt doesn't exist yet then. :)\par correct\par Mesh, you wanted to wait on turn on that procedure, correct?\par joncnunn stated the high priority of temples\par Yes, but not until the city is built. :P\par * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem\par Yea - another aggie!\par poly and bhq, court in one turn\par For Aggie's sake I was going to wait, just to see what happened, but I'd rather do it sooner than that\par \'0312moving settler to the tile now\'03\par Will moving the city this turn give you a tactical advantage in attacks on Leipzig next turn?\par i agree that if we are going to move frankfurt we do it this turn, not for a flip fear(cities NEVER flip the first tiunr, but to speed up artillery\par if so, do it now, I say\par \'0312sell everything in frankfurt\'03\par \'034TYes Dejon\par \'034 ARO\par \'034Selling improvements in FrankfurtK\par sorry if I'm stepping into SMC territory there, btw. :P\par \'034Make sure to move one of our settlers to the new location BEFORE you disband Frankfurt\par is there not more then enough in frankfurt ?\par The settler is there :)\par \'034That will ensure that when the city is abandoned, we can build the new one immediately, and not lose any territory\par I know.\par :)\par So do we build the new one first then?\par \'034ok thanks : )\par how many more can we sell in frankfurt to get more settlers ?\par \'033No....at least I don't think we can\par I`m selling everything...\par dont sell all at ones\par \'033You can't plant cities right next to eachother.\par sell one building and buy the rest\par \'033Panag we have to\par ah, of course\par 60 L\par one settler a turn\par ??\par sell something first\par it cant be 60\par buy the rest? What are you talking about?\par sell a building\par buy the remaining shields\par simple\par \'033confirm: have we rushed or built courthouses in 'Poly and BHQ?\par we are abandoning Frankfurt\par Arnelos: 1 turn to completion on both\par \'0312Frankfurt WILL NOT BE THERE in a turn. It would be wasteful to NOT sell all the buildings\par dejon - thank you\par 10 L court + 20 L Bank + 30 L fac\par * Arnelos going AFK to take care of some stuff... be back\par * Arnelos is now known as ArnelosAFK\par still cheaper then leaving it there for one turn , .......\par what's cheaper for leaving what there for one turn?\par its nice to get a settler out of it , ...\par \'034Abandoning Frankfurt\'03\par Ok?\par Ok\par Sounds good\par :evilgrin:\par We want the build the replacement city THIS turn, panag, for tactical reasons\par we could wait a turn\par well, the resistence was ended... lol\par * VP_AGGIE has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par and get a couple more settlers out of it\par settlers?\par :confused:\par * aggie2 is now known as VP_AGGIE\par \'03Buildin Neo Frankfurt\'03\par \'034:b:\par \'034Building Neo Frankfurt\'03\par a pic of it Aro ?\par give him some time, he still needs to finish the turn first\par of course\par * ArnelosAFK is now known as Arnelos\par * Arnelos back\par Panag - 1) We want to finish the German war as quickly as possible; 2) To do that, we want to take Leipzig next turn; 3) tactically, we will benefit from a city closer to Leipzig; 4) We are abandoning Frankfurt to build New Frankfurt on the polluted tile; 5) We may as well profit from the buildings in Frankfurt\par Is that clear now?\par Build a temple in Neo Frankfurt\par hey , dejon , no kidding but that is a bit old\par ???\par ?\par is that clear , good thanks\par he's just trying to explain it to you panag\par because from your comments it doesn't sound like you understood what the plan was....?\par There is a big misunderstanding here\par If you already understood the reasoning, it didn't sound like it\par sjeezus\par whatever...\par Queue in Neo Frankfurt: Temple, wealth (place holder for Cathedral), Court, Market\par sounds good, Aro\par Rushes?\par courthouses i believ\par \'033how much money in the bank?\par we have 729 L\par We should wait...\par Courthouses are a priority, but if they're going to be done in 1-2 turns ANYWAYS.. little point in that\par rushing a temple in New Frank next turn I suppose is a priority, but that's pretty cheap\par Are a courthouses also a priority in this stage of N-F\par Further (and last thing I'll say), if you opposed the plan, objections should have been raised in the Senate prior to the chat. This is not the place to complain about plans.\par I`ll post the save and the SMC will have some work... ;)\par what about the other settlers what are their ordersd\par Ok, lets decide it\par Are we rushing something before end turn?\par Quick poll\par ok\par 1, yep, 2, no\par \'033DEPENDS - what is there to rush? specifics please\par how much Lytons do we have left?\par costs, times to completion\par Ok, Arn\par 729 lytons on hand\par Courthouses, Temples, and Police Stations are priorities\par I believe Joncunn wanted priority on WW decreasing things\par temple in new Frank, Market in hannover\par precisely, the police stations\par Cathedral in Berlin, \par why a market?\par yes, but they're pricey\par market gives us more happy faces due to luxuries\par Temples are priority\par in old German\par But is expanding our territory not a higher priority?\par Temple in New Frank... that will go down next turn, but its an immediate flip risk, isn't it? is it worth rushing same turn as city founding?\par Berlin temple is full price though - too high?\par to prevent any flippin?\par wait a turn\par AIdun - the rush builds won't affect our territorial expansion much\par before the rush\par then it costs less\par never, still in resist there anyway\par * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem\par hello\par hi\par hey panzer!\par Hi\par oh... if Berlin is still resisting, you can't rush anyhow - oh well\par hey Panzer\par Hi Panzer\par Another possible rushes:\par I vote for rush\par we still on turn 0?\par * CiverDan has joined #civ3dem\par yup\par hey\par hey CiverDan\par hey dan\par Hi Civerdan\par Aro - other rushes?\par Hannover and Howitzerville marketplaces look good\par neu frankfurt is about a 6/500 flip risk\par ok, that's not worth it\par wait a turn\par we just start\par Neon Uber: Pol\par nope, an hour ago\par actually its more like 3/600\par i mena 3/500\par AGC: pol\par oh ok..\par Aro - cost and time to completion on Neon Uber Police Station?\par same with AGC\par anything exciting happen?\par smc hasn't been done yet.... hehe\par 13 turns, 800 l\par other than abandoning Frankfurt\par too expensive...\par ok\par I think so\par it's worth A LOT because of all the waste... but too expensive\par can you post the save before the smc's turn, aro?\par yeah, wait a bit\par what about AGC?\par We have to waitone turn\par AGC 640 L, 12 turns\par I vote for wait\par I agree\par yes, wait\par borderline, but I agree - 640 is a bit expensive for my tastes\par dejon?\par i say wait\par I say wait (im RA)\par Quick poll wait one turn before rush\par wait\par wait\par wait\par 1 yes, 2 no\par wait\par 1\par 1\par whatever... I think we're agreed :p\par 1\par :p\par Dejon, what do you think?\par this is lol\par 1\par that answers that\par :D\par Ok, posting save to SMC\par shall we vote a third time? :P\par \'034awesome\par sure\par 1\par Yea :D\par 1\par 1\par 1\par haha\par 1\par (Just so we're ABSOLUTELY clear) :P\par again? (no don't do it!!!)\par j/k\par 1\par :p\par 2\par LOL\par one no!!!\par naw, i can't handle anything more that triplicate\par lol\par ok... I take it Meshelic is currently waiting on the save, right?\par Sure am\par :D\par okie dokie\par So, yes you can go idle, Arnelos. :)\par I've got the Imperial March from Star Wars playing in the background, to get me pumped\par lol\par I'm checking that gold announcement for Moo3... I haven't read the text of it yet\par WHAT????!?!?!!\par hehe\par Went GOLD! WOO HOO!\par Soirry, guys... The first time is hard! :)\par Mesh - I love playing that piece for the same reason at times :hmmm: ;)\par yup it's quite invigorating\par ARO - you're doing fine\par :b:\par Save posted\par downloading save\par cool\par * dejon dashes off for MOO news\par Now I`ll be faster... I hope\par it will be getting started is the hardest\par gotit\par uploading\par phew... I need a smoke... ;)\par Mesh I'm faster ;P\par so do i\par lol\par (only cuz I was checking out something else) ah who am i kidding\par you got there faster\par cigar anyone ?\par lol\par lol\par \'034SMC BEGINNING MOVES\par nifty\par .\par Everybody ready?\par hey , it takes time to smoke\par loaded\par put your whip down \par lol\par Are you rolling one, panag? ;)\par ready\par want one aro ?\par from banana leaves\par Gimme\par \'034 Stationing troops in New Frankfurt\par \'033 I noticed my ships are out of movement points???\par "New Frankfurt" - such unoriginal names :p\par how many ?\par Yep\par We can rename it later\par I liked mine :) - Howitzerville and Heroes' Summit :D\par No fleet this turn...\par Ahh\par this is the end of turn, remember\par That's right\par how many troops in n F ?\par just a sec\par and what ?\par \'033 3 Infantry standing guard, 4 cavarly healing\par \'033 still moving units though\par We`ll have no fight this turn\par no artillery ?\par No\par hmm, \par \'033 still moving units\par no fighting now, boys :p\par * Aidun-acting_RA is now known as Aidun-acting_RA-brb\par it would be nice to shoot all roads going in germany , before the end of the war\par burp... excuse you\par lol\par \'037This will be a pretty easy SMC turn, all the units are out of movement points! lol\par yes panzer\par lol\par \'037well, nearly all of them\par that's because this is really turn 0, not the first turn\par well, we have requests to join workers in cities, mining, irrigating and rushing. All for the next turn.\par \'034 Galleon in eastern sea recons leaving Japanese fleet, staying out of range\par let one worker join N F\par This DM stuff it`s HARD!!! lol\par its the worst\par After the report, post a save, Mesh\par \'034 2 Cavalry help support the Worker wall on Uber Isle, near the S\par gotcha Aro. : )\par You'll really appreciate all the work E_T did after a couple of chats, Aro.\par For sure!\par \'034 Lone Roman Infantry unit 1/4 killed by 4/4 Apo Infantry\par Ok, I did my part of this DM thing... Do you want the next, Aidun?\par ;)\par \'034 Added additional sentries (Infantry) to Syracuse\par \'033I can sympathize now... I'm the DM for our team in the PTW game :(\par yes those many cities take a long time\par Thanks, Arn... \par :p\par Aidun - why "acting" RA? - you are an RA.\par Hey, Panzer... you are in line for the DM duty... :p\par Pause for piss\par TMI\par TMI\par lol\par :D\par lol\par \'034Elite Cav moves to support Inf S of Syracuse\par * This station is experiencing technical (bladder) difficulties - please stay tuned.\par dejon - why does E_T have to make my job harder? I was all set to go with the production plan I wanted and E_T had to go and post his own analysis :p ;)\par Dejon, Being RA is not my only role\par * adaMada has joined #civ3dem\par * Panzer32 is now known as Panzer32-Elite_Uber_Isle_RA\par hello :)\par hey adaMada\par hey ada\par Arnelos - you know E_T can't NOT do analysis - it seems to be in his blood.\par * Aidun-acting_RA-brb is now known as Aidun-acting_RA\par Hey Panzer, Arn\par * Trip has joined #civ3dem\par Be thankful roadcage isn't on you as well. :)\par hey adaMada\par Hi Trip\par this stupid place always sucks the life out of the regular chatroom\par hi trip\par Hey Mes :)\par heya Panag\par hey Trip\par lol@trip\par hey trip\par Hi adaMada\par \'034SMC moves complete, game saved, turn being posted\par hey guys\par Trip!\par Hey Trip\par Aro!\par hehe\par I`m sweating ;)\par \'034 (haven't ended turn or done anything...)\par It`s summer here lol\par Heya whoever I missed\par Ya gotta go where the action is, Trip.\par it's about 50 degrees here ;)\par I'm such a man of action\par I can hardly stand it\par I was beated by the SMC stuff ;)\par Hi Ada and Trip\par Hi, ada\par It's been about 10-15 degrees here the past few days :brrrrrr:\par hey everyone\par same here arnelos\par the Potomac River's surface -frozen- ... that NEVER happens :p\par geez its 20C below here with the wind chill\par it was about 10 degrees here a couple days ago\par * Panzer32-Elite_Uber_Isle_RA is now known as Panzer32\par but it got nice again :)\par heya Panzer\par hey Trip :p\par It's been btwn -10 and -20 here for several days\par The Corcovado is melting... That never happens! lol\par its been about -20 for the past week ;)\par \'034 Save posted\par @dejon - where are you?\par you people have such bad luck with the weather :P\par and everyone talks of global WARMING :p\par \'034Go download\par downloading\par \'033Ah, my turn's done for now. Time to roll a cigarette and smoke\par In general, it is warming, but it is causing weird temperature variations all over\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as SMCMesh_OutSmoking\par ppl forget 10+ days of 95 degree heat in a row we had here (in mass.) in Aug.\par loading\par done\par 95 F = about 30-35 C\par yeah thats warm :p\par actually global warming is largely a myth\par Ok, everybody downloading?\par more a measurement phenoma \par Aro -- if it's ok, I'm not going to play along this time unless I'm needed\par loading save\par everybody? :p\par I'd like to be doing some other stuff at the same time\par this is the coldest winter we've had in years. as for global temperature variation, those changes typically occur over the course of millennia... there's too much variation in years, decades, and even centuries to get a handle on much of a stable trend and then causally connect it... that doesn't mean it isn't happening, just that it's damn near impossible to proove\par well....those interested in downloading and following along\par ok, ada! :)\par well..the WARMING itself isnt ia myth...its whats been causing it is whats debated..\par :)\par If not....we'll keep you updated\par So, guys... End turn?\par nuts got my PTW cd in... oh well, maybe next turn ;)\par ah... the end turn question :)\par \'0312End Turn? ;)\'03\par I don't actually move units and play along, but I load the save to see where things are going, etc\par \'0312No objections from the FAM. :)\par \'0312 Okay to end from Deputy DM\par \'034END TURN? lol\'03\par SMC?\par NDTRN!\par slap\par what?\par eND TuRN\par * E_T has joined #civ3dem\par (Btw, I'm assuming I'm deputy DM from the "Seniority" ranking joncunn put up.) :D\par Hi ET\par hello\par hi E_T\par Hi E_T\par how goes the war??\par hi ET\par E_T, load the save and join us! :)\par E_T - not bad\par just about to end turn 0\par @dejon: yes u are... i was just being nonsensical :p\par actually the warming itself is a myth, yes we are having higher observations but a good deal of that isbn higher pop density near observations, rememebr the obs at the airports used to be in the country, that is simply not true anymore\par At this point, I`m the one and lonely looser here... :cute:\par I was beated by the DM stuff :D\par * Disconnected\par Session Close: Fri Jan 24 14:30:30 2003\par \par Session Start: Fri Jan 24 14:32:25 2003\par Session Ident: #civ3dem\par * Now talking in #civ3dem\par woah\par that was unexpected\par Hey Mes\par but ultimately, science is supposed to be grounded in empirical skepticism... which a lot of this stuff has lost touch with...\par lol\par actually dejon your right on that, and this from somebody in the atmospheric science field\par I don't know why it disconnects sometimes like that\par hey ada\par : )\par Babs declared war on the indians\par interesting\par The DM stuff is a killer, unless it's properly organized...\par We, we're going to be sitting on the GL\par We're trying, we're trying\par ouch...just dont hurt him\par :P\par Anyway, I hate to head out so quickly, but I'm going to go afk for a bit now and then come back for a later part of the chat (otherwise I'll wind up going and coming and going and coming)\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as SMC_MESHoutsmoking\par see you adaMada\par cya ada\par cu Ada\par later ada\par cya :). I'll be back in a bit :)\par * adaMada is now known as adaMada[afk]\par too late, bye\par The Japanese fleet is about to invade us\par east of AGC\par on Uber?\par Yep\par Invade, or THREATEN\par ?\par watch them take Uber and me have nothing to regionally advise....\par \'033 Over my dead body!\par :D\par Greek movements to Konisberg\par suppose it's threaten\par chant: worker wall; worker wall\par lol\par The romans just are passing by the east coast of Uber isle\par \'033That's not Japan, that Romans\par SMC - Tokugawa would like you inform you that he'll take you up on that offer\par Japans first,\par lol\par [rp]now don't be afraid guy's the army will defend you...[/rp]\par then Romans\par you'd like that wouldn't you Arnie? :p\par As I said... ;)\par oh sorry Aro, I see them now\par ok now I'm really going out to smoke\par you guys are distracting me\par bye\par bye\par enjoy your lungcancer\par Not nice :(\par They will try to invade us, lets move the worker wall\par enjoy your cigars panag, they are the same are they not\par lets move it\par and that wasn't really all that nice\par so we can get some elite infantry\par smoking aint nice neither\par \'033Meshelic - I was just thinking of the scene in Men in Black, that's all ;p\par LOL - LOL\par Well... dejon, would you like to deal with the DM stuff?\par :p\par Trying to pass the buck?\par Ready to help...\par lol\par Always ready \par If you want. Sounds like Aidun is eager to help.\par So, Aidun... Are you a volunteer?\par :D\par Just say me what to do, I've got to learn it\par :D\par Any of the RA's can do the orders, I think. I'm just supposed to make decisions on things that come up.\par This would help, for sure... But I can do it... if you have time! LOL\par Where will we start?\par Aidun, you have civ3 orig 1.21 patch with current save loaded?\par wELL, LETS DO THE fam ORDERS FIRST.\par I'm having it loaded in PTW...\par caps look... \par * Arnelos going IDLE to handle the internal rp team pbem save...\par I'll talk to Aidun privately about setup..\par Hmmm... We need an Old Civ3 patch 1.21...\par make sure you don't roleplay yourself out of existance...\par Panzer... I'm the only playing as China :evilgrin:\par get it from the firaxis website\par hehe thats GoW...\par * SMC_MESHoutsmoking is now known as SMC_Meshelic\par Shiber, I`ll post the save now.\par * SMC_Meshelic returns\par *cough*\par ooh\par thanks aro\par next time smoke banana cigars mesh\par i'll be back in a minute or two\par here have a case\par thanks\par what , Shiber you go out smoking to , ....?\par we don't import cigars here at Apolyton lol we make em\par and only the finest in the world\par from Banana Peels\par it's a nice flavor\par yeah , ask trip , he knows all about it \par postedI cant connect Apo...\par Just a sec\par * Arnelos back :)\par i'm back\par i don't smoke panag\par WB both of you\par thanks :)\par slooow\par shib - I wish I didn't\par old habits die hard\par posted\par Aro - I can do the DM stuff if you need me too (I have 1.21 setup). Aidun does not currently have the correct setup, but I'm helping him put it together for later turns for future chats\par good, I don't smoke Panags either...\par lol\par Thanks, dejon\par I also have 1.21\par but dejon is ahead of me in rank ;p\par Ypee! volunteers! a lot!\par lol\par * Arnelos heads off for food... be back in a bit :)\par Chain of Command...\par * Arnelos is now known as ArnelosAFK\par Panzer, I'd be happy if you could do it!\par Arnelos is loving my performance... lol\par I'm juggling many things right now.\par hehe\par we haven't really established a chain of command this term, have we?\par Yep, the CoL\par Hey, I've done that job, too. It's tough.\par is 10 minutes long enough for RA? probably not...\par VP, DM, SMC and FAM\par make it 20 min\par :D\par E_T, was terrible!\par If I started right now, I could do it.\par * CiverDan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving\'0f)\par Did you downloaded the save?\par Actually, I was a little surprised at joncunn's Seniority ranking - I believe Donegeal has been an RA longer than me.\par Hey, You know what the best part of being just a Senator now is?? I can go and smoke a Cigarette \'0312anytime\'031 I like....\par dl'd\par lol\par lol, lol\par * E_T slaps ArnelosAFK around a bit with a large trout\par hehe\par Dejon, the province in which the capital stands is first, yhen the province with the FP\par Shiber, did you downloade the save?\par Oh, I didn't realize his criteria.\par * E_T is going to do just that, before it gets TOO cold, got down to 22F last night\par yes i have, i'll open it in a sec\par i'm writing a paper during the turnchat\par apologies for not being able to give the turnchat my full attention\par Shiber - me too! (Actually, a Technical Design document, but similar)\par Hope it's on Foreign affairs...\par dejon :)\par hehe E_T\par lol\par law actually\par u want DM done now?\par It`s FAM, now. Do youn want to look, Shiber?\par (loading)\par yes, of course. the save is loading as we speak\par btw, how long does it usually take the rest of you to load the save?\par Thanks, Shiber. :)\par oh, there it is.\par Mesh, the position of the Japs fleet...\par we`ll have to change plans\par how so?\par I mean...what do you suggest...?\par sorry, can't do the DM stuff now... having supper soon\par well, they are west of our ironclads, aren`t/\par *?\par * Togas_at_work has joined #civ3dem\par hi, Togas\par hey Togas!\par greets\par \'033East I believe, Aro...but I'll have to look at the new save so we're both looking at the same thing\par Mesh, sorry, they are south\par One fleet\par Downloading and loading the new save\par Oh that fleet\par the other is near AGC\par Right\par :b:\par We'll have two Ironclads ready to go this turn\par \'0312Sell Atomic Theory to Zululand for 79 gpt, 99 g, WM; total earnings: 1679 gold\'031 any objections?\par no\par No?\par Or next turn....\par Unless we don`t trust Shaka... ;)\par So, guys... what do you think?\par \'033Port of Malignance and Willsbury are nearly done with their Ironclad constructions...\par \'033Those 'clads probably won't reach the Japanese fleet in time, but will be there in a position to defend against "incoming" ships\par you`re right, mesh.\par About the zulu deal...\par I say sell it...\par i suppose we could wait till next turn, but we're risking some\par shaka might blow off most of his money next turn, and won't have much left to pay us with\par It`s risky trade with Shaka\par every time we wait one turn with a trade deal, we make a calculated risk\par but I agree, sell it\par True\par Sell it. :b:\par :b:\par sell it ;P\par poll:\par 1, sell 2, dont\par 1\par 1\par 1\par 1\par 1\par 1\par 1\par wow, unanimous\par 1\par Panzer has 4 votes??\par lol\par cool\par it's a DL\par \'034selling AT to Zulus by 99 L + 79 Lpt + WM\'03\par done. Something more, Shiber?\par working on it\par k. Thanks.\par what would be confusing is if i voted 1-2-1-2\par hehe\par lol\par \'033India: 51 gpt, 115 gold, WM for Radio (total earnings are 1135)\'031 I'm inclined to wait till next turn. What do you think?\par Wait, so. Why?\par \'033You think they'll offer a better deal next turn Shib?\par India makes money easily... you`re right, Shiber\par they may have more cash or more income available next turn\par Commercial\par You're call Shib\par * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem\par WB Aggie\par sorry my ispo is acting up\par aggie, again ;)\par Waiting might net us more lytons....\par looking at india's lands... they seem to be doing very well\par 1\par thanks\par hi aggie!\par hello\par better late than never\par lol\par Upon further review, waiting may be a better option IMHO\par I agree, Shiber.\par aggie do something about it\par complain\par and get some money back from it\par yes aggie, complain\par complain about what?\par So what you think?\par his isp shiber\par oh ok\par huh , complain about lots of things\par lol\par what did you expext shiber ?\par I`ll wait till next turn to sell radio. Ok?\par true, if you don't speak up for yourself, then who will?\par : )\par umm, like traffic jams, and alcohol-free beer...\par dont sell radio\par they need money first\par lol\par that's just what i suggested\par exactly\par we should not sell it for a bargain\par why not?\par Ok, wait next turn\par good call\par we want to be in the lead\par and they dont have money , so , no SELL , NO SELL\par we already are in the lead. selling radio won't change that\par dont sell it\par indeed our lead is secure\par unless they have money\par something like 1000\par waiting a turn or two would help the other nations build up their economy a little more, so we can just take the money again\par and 150 a turn\par and it's not like we care whether gandhi can listen to music while he's driving around the streets of calcutta or not\par wait like 10 turns\par Shiber thinks they can pay more next turn\par good point shiber\par yes the can aro\par 1000 + 150 a turn? That's alot of money for Radio....\par even in ten turns\par let's just wait until next turn and see what they will offer us\par * GT^IA has joined #civ3dem\par * VP_AGGIE has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par did they came to ask it ?\par ah that sucks for aggie. : (\par complain aggie\par * aggie2 is now known as VP_AGGIE\par :(\par * GT^IA is now known as GeneralTacticus\par that sucks aggie\par actually it was the old aggie that left\par Hey General!\par hi GeneralTacticus!\par lol\par hi\par GT, how are you\par Hi, General\par good.\par Very hot here, though.\par did the indians came to ask for radio ?\par ?\par good to see you at our turnchat! haven't seen you here before....\par no they haven't\par okay\par High Priest - what are you doing here? Good to see you!\par We`ll wait, so\par \'0312we`ll wait\'03\par * Panzer32 Panzer32_EatingDinner\par back in about 30 min...\par enjoy panzer\par cool\par * Panzer32 is now known as Panzer32_EatingDinner\par \'0312Do you agree, Shiber?\'03\par of course... you proposed... :)\par yes, of course\par i'll be away for a minute or two. grabbing a quick bite\par Uh oh. Aro - I have to step out for a bit.\par * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK\par yeah right\par \'034 No Indian deal\'03\par are you done for FAM?\par this turn at least?\par I've got things to do, give them hell...\par E_T Affirmative\par Aidun becomes Deputy DM in my absence. He still can't play the turn though.\par :evilgrin:\par hahaha\par Ok, DM stuff after Shiber ends\par I'll be back in a little bit, hopefully.\par cool, hope to see you soon dejon\par * dejon is now known as dejonSteppingOut\par see you\par I'll try to have C3 updated in 1.21 asap\par I think I can send you the 1.21 file Aidun over MIRC\par Dual install works good\par let me check the size really quick....\par Lets wait for Shiber.\par i'm done\par oh sorry, i didn't realize i was supposed to say that i'm done\par I`ll drink a coffe :)\par plus i was afk for about 90 seconds\par brb\par That's the problem, the dual install. it takes too much time. I'm doing a small and short expiriment to install 1.21 while 1.29 is already installed\par I'l let you know when I'm finished\par You can do it\par I've done it before at least\par had 1.29 and then reinstalled the 1.21 patch\par it works\par back\par I've copied the C3 dir and I'll try to update that particular dir only\par that was quick Aro!\par and you can get both patches here at apolyton or at www.firaxis.com\par I have them downloaded already\par Instantaneous capuccino...\par hehe sounds good. wish I had some\par Ah cappucino\par hehe\par mmmm\par *the crowd oooh's....ahhhh's.....*\par hahahaha\par cappuuuuccinnoooooo\par Good, isn`t?\par hehe\par I like machiato's myself, but also cappucino's....\par they're all the same in the end anyways\par lol\par you`re right...\par Caffeine!!!!\par Nothing beats black coffee in the morning though...\par heheh\par almost solid! lol\par nothing above some thee\par hehehe\par \'033pretty decent turnout this time, (turchat)\par \'033 We've got Prez, Vice-Prez, a couple RA's, SMC, FAM, Justice of the Court, a couple Senators...\par hehe\par \'034Okay so where are we right now?\par Waiting for shiber`s ok\par \'037 Didn't he say he was done?\par shiber ?\par Ok, Shiber?\par I`ll done the (brrr) DM stuff so\par I'm nearly positive he said he's done\par i already gave my ok\par well good night\par are you leaving panag?\par going out to have fun\par OK, sHIBER.\par good night\par alright man, have fun\par yeah\par have fun\par rUSH THE NEO fRANKFURT TEMPLE?\par take it easy, and if it's easy take it twice\par lets hope it stays relaxed today\par cya panag\par caps lock\par lol\par see you, panag\par Guy's, I have 1.21 installed, expiriment worked\par allas do another 5-6 turns guys\par awesome. told ya so Aidun. good work\par * Panzer32_EatingDinner is now known as Panzer32\par glad to have you aboard\par Panzer - that was quick!\par and dont forget to post a newZupdate\par * PANAG has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving\'0f)\par Ok,rush that temple?\par whew\par yes it was unexpectidly quick :D\par I'll download the last save now and load it\par I support it\par I support it as well\par wait support what? j/k\par : )\par Objections?\par to what?\par yes to temple rush\par temple in where?\par rush temple in neo Frankfurt\par rushing the temple in Neo Frankfurt\par sure\par cross-post\par :D\par \'034rushing temple\'03\par 116 L\par how much L do we have left?\par 1566 L\par good.\par thanks\par Not bad\par hehe\par the money is definetely rolling right in. lol\par thanks to some great trading during term 7...\par it can only get better\par ....as long as we keep our tech lead\par \'0312Now what?\par rush court in AGC?\par I suport it\par yes\par please :p\par loaded, READY\par Aidun - good\par is it not Pol?\par it's always nice to have plenty of people keeping tabs on the save\par so nothing is overlooked....\par isn't it Police station in AGC that is to be rushed?\par * ArnelosAFK is now known as Arnelos\par don't know, I'll check the orders thread....\par * Arnelos is baaaaaack\par oh no!\par hehe just kidding Arnie\par ;)\par just a sec\par what all have I missed?\par rushed a temple in Frankfurt, debating rushing a court in AGC....whether it was a Police station or courthouse in the orders\par I'm checking that now\par * Aidun-acting_RA is now known as Aidun-acting_DM\par Mesh... I think joncnunn would prefere a Police Station if we get a choice, but rush a court if there's a major price difference\par Is police station\par it was police\par ok, police it is\par good call\par What, no war yet... back for just a few\par not yet, still doing DM\par Joncnunn prefers police\par I'm prepping the invasion of Uber Isle....\par We should rename Frankfurt\par to "Arosphere" in honor of Aro\par :confused: We're invading Uber Isle ;p\par ?\par Pol in AGC rush it or not?\par no no no\par defending it\par hee hee\par it's GETTING invaded lol\par you knew what I meant ;p\par Infantry, instead?\par DM's call. Of course I'd love more Infantry....:evilgrin:\par Hmmm I agree, we`re about to be invaded\par I've already got plans for the defense\par been working on that while you guy's have been doing DM stuff\par We can stop that invasion without more troops\par Should we draft a bit?\par Aro - correct, we can\par Hmmm... don`t know, I don`t like draft, but\par Aidun -.....eh.....no I don't think so\par I opposee dradfting but if there's no other choice...\par I dont like to draft either\par If there's no choice, then yes\par But that's a definete last option\par Plan Z, if you will.... lol\par The other rush requests\par \'033is the ALP going to go against its party policy by drafting? tune in to see!\par alright lol :D\par Old france, medium priority\par Should wait\par IMO\par did we rush police in AGC?\par Arnelos - down with the draft\par ;P\par not yet\par I'd rather draft than lose AGC or any other Uber city....\par if it comes down to it\par With the invasion imminent, we should think better\par looking at possible drafting choices...\par Ok.\par The Japs need to land first...\par Lets deal with Old germany\par With my plans, they won't be able to\par A lot of rushes\par That's good\par Let me work on that, you guys focus on building up old Germany for now\par \'033Where is the ferry? - any chance we can ship some forces over?\par checking\par \'033btw... with Operation Rubberstamp cancelled, we should have some extra forces on a Galleon in Welsh Coast\par or near it\par We do\par market in Hannover, 388 L\par they are included in my Fortress Uber plans\par unload 'em :b:\par yup\par ok, good\par Cathedral in Berlin\par good\par ferry is AWOL.\par unless it's south of Uber Isle\par with the Cav and Inf units in it\par AWOL=isn't good ;)\par even so.....not enough time to transport units\par Sorry, temple in Berlin\par Galeon in welsh coast\par Uber is alone for the time being, but it will triumph\par yeah that's the galleon I'm talking about (good eyes though, Aidun)\par * dejonSteppingOut is now known as dejon\par back\par WB\par * Thud has joined #civ3dem\par Welcome Thud\par Catching up...\par Hi Thud\par hi\par Hi thud\par hey Thud\par * E_T_AFK slaps Thud around a bit with a large trout\par \'0312Rush temple in Berlin for 108 L?\'03\par YES\par yes\par Guys?\par I think the ferry is in Apolytonia\par Hi thud\par *apolyton\par \'0312Rush temple in Berlin?\'03\par yes\par \'033Shiber - have we techwhored more yet? We now have Hoover's built, so there's nothing stopping us unless the AI's are all broke\par yep\par they're all broke last time i checked\par yes\par ok\par panzer (checking on that ferry)\par ferry can't get across in time...\par \'034rushing temple in Berlin\'03\par need to draft from AGC\par but the ferry could provide reinforcements if needed... go ahead and use it\par not for another two turns at least\par otherwise i would gladly techwhore some of our old techs\par We will\par :b:\par \'034 108 L\'03\par I'll include that in my defense plans\par definetely\par Shiber - I trust you :) Just the prohibition against techwhoring I had was removed when we completed Hoover's\par Market in Hannover, 376 L\par btw... how many turns to Steel now?\par also: draft from Boomtown if needed\par IF needed.... :p\par 1 turn to steel\par thanks Aro\par i know, and i appreciate your reminder :)\par sounds like we're on track :b:\par Hannover don`t need, IMHO\par I think Term 8 is starting to get used to sitting in the pilot's seat....\par 5 content laborers\par Aro - I agree about Hannover, don't rush the market\par Yes, 1 no, 2\par 2\par (wait for later)\par 2\par 2\par 2\par 2\par k\par unanimous :)\par PW, now\par Aro seems to have brainwashed us or something\par i sense a conspiracy\par what are people voting on?\par magic, don't you understand? ;)\par hannover market\par oh\par whether to rush it\par don't rush it :p\par lol\par 2\par late again!\par lol\par yeah, sorry, I'm juggling here still\par There has been an almost unusual amount of unanimity (spell?) this turnchat.....\par Please rely on Aidun and Panzer for DM stuff, I'm in-and-out\par right i think\par or maybe we just know exactly what we need done....ie the sign of great leadership lol\par Aro has the SpellZ!\par ok now i'm fully able to devote full attention to the game\par its aristocracy- everyone votes for the King because he gives them stuff\par \'033Plans for FORTRESS UBER, as the operation will be called herein, are complete\par * Thud reclines in his ridiculously luxurious mansion provided by the government\par \'033Lets just say the Japanese haven't a chance\par while Aro lives in the dump we call our palace\par I cant see any polluted tiles...\par \'0312 So the DIA must be behind this somehow\par i know its a shame. i live in the ex presidents mansion, i still haven't seen all the rooms:)\par SMC, do you need workers to something?\par nope\par if they could stay there for now, that would work just fine\par after this turn, I won't need them for defense any longer\par So I`ll do the requests 9High Priority) in Old Germany\par The workers can enjoy a day off, courtesy of the ALP.... :p\par FORTRESS UBER - does it include planning for the Babylonian galley?\par got to go now, I'll read the results in the thread\par bye\par :evilgrin: yup\par I will have to go in about 10 minutes too\par Silly Bablyonians\par I still live in my hovel in Dijon. The Apolyton takeover (from France) didn't change much, other than raise my taxes.\par may be back if this goes for more than 3 more hours...\par bye Aidun\par you never know, it might....:scared:\par piss break, brb\par TMI!!!!\par What's with the urination reports!? \par .~.\par U\par * Aidun-acting_DM has left #Civ3dem\par \'033Panag in spirit... so how's that fleet coming?\par :p\par lol\par I hadn't noticed panag left during my absence. :)\par * Thud seizes control of government while everyone is on break\par lol\par gotta close down at work. BBL when I log on from home.\par eek! Thud is in control!!\par * Arnelos wonders whether the excessively small size of the government's bladders is a plot...\par * Togas_at_work has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par * Thud slaps Panzer32 around a bit with a large trout\par i think it is all the beer our government drinks\par lol\par * SMC_Meshelic slaps Thud and Arnelos with an oversized trout\par hey! I didn't do it!\par * Arnelos slaps SMC_Meshelic around with an oversized trout\par :)\par Would that be Banana Beer?\par When one bad apple misbehaves, the rest have to suffer..... :evilgrin:\par * SMC_Meshelic re-seized control of the government while Thud is getting trout-smacked\par The Republican Revolutionary Guards are re-arming... we never know if we actually have to go back into service... it's been a looooooonnnggg time since that Republican Revolution\par * dejon decides to get into the spirit of Old France\par * SMC_Meshelic debates sending the aged RRG to the front lines....\par yeah, we have to guard against the commies taking over\par bye all\par \'0313 Everything I say in the French colour!\par see ya Panzer!\par AHHHHHHH\par the RGR is a security outfit... not (strictly speaking) a military outfit :p\par * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving\'0f)\par \'0313 bye Panzer\par I can still send you to the front lines muwahaha\par RGR is a private army :p\par lol\par you have no control - mwahahahaha\par the RGR must guard against a communist takeover\par well, if Aro, Shiber and I were really communists\par and if a communist takeover should take place, the RGR will fight to bring the government back to republic/democracy! :p\par lol\par IF we were commies, then technically we've already taken over\par but I'm not a commie\par so I can't claim a totalitarian regime\par We have a bunch of workers in tiles without nothing\par : (\par but the form of government is still a democracy... the Nazis started their take-over by winning an election, too :p\par ah now that's not fair\par ;p\par everything has to go back to the Nazi's....\par lol\par I think it`s a waste move them without build a road\par so we're keeping an eye on you :p\par lol\par ok\par no skin off my teeth\par hehe\par \'0312guys\'03\par as THE GREAT PRPHEr i will ensure that THE GREAT BANANA's will is obeyed\par \'034Aro go ahead\par yes arp\par \'034 which workers were you talking about?\par I`ll change some PW in Old German\par (these DIA cronies are trying to undermine the effectiveness of our government by distracting us)\par We have four workers near New york\par we should name ourselves the Kibitzer Party\par Hills, without roads. \par lol @ Thud\par * zeit has joined #civ3dem\par hey zeit\par It`s a waste to move those workers\par hey everyone!\par hi\par Foreign workers\par \'037It would be nice to have a road/railroad built from eh, Hero's Summit to Nurembourg....\par it's been a while...\par zeit, hi\par hey Zeit!\par how are we doing?\par The DM stuff is too much for me... ;)\par \'037A railroad from HS to Nurembourg would be a worthy project....over the mountains....\par \'0313 oops, sorry, worker questions?\par NOW he shows up.....lol\par yep\par \'0310since different colors are suddently very popular....\par \'0313 I have the 1330 save loaded - where?\par new york....\par \'0310 *suddenly\par We have 2 German workers 3 tiles NE New york\par I usually change my color when I'm talking orders, or suggestions...in an official capacity....\par I have to move those to other things, but it`s a waste\par dejon's just too french..... \par \'0313 ? What are they doing there? \par nothing. :)\par and that's the point, eh?\par \'0313 Please move them to the gold, to RR\par lol yep...\par Ok\par MINISTER ORDERS = BLUE, PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS = RED... all other colors are anything else :b: - it's worked for 5+ terms\par are we at peace with Rome, Babylon, and\\or Japan yet?\par if anyone other than a minister uses blue, you trout slap them\par \'0313 What about RAs? :P\par Ok. :)\par I never knew exactly what they stood for...I figured blue was for ideas, red was for what has happened.\par It's a good system... :b:\par \'0312 Okay, I'll conform\par Dejon, do you want to deal this part? I`ll work on the others \par Queues and WF\par * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem\par hello\par hi\par \'0312 Um, okay.\par I noticed that the SMC's spend a signifcant amount of time waiting.\par but that's ok, everything else is interesting\par \'0312 Do I have the right save?\par hey mrmitchell\par sorry, guys... Arnelos told you! lol\par \'0312 banana of the egyptians, 1325 smc ad.sav\par told me what? :confused:\par I can post another, a fresh one, after i do the queues and WF\par btw... traditionally, \'033green is for suggestions, \par So I`ll deal with this\par \'036though purple is more noticable\par dejon says emotes are purple\par * dejon says emotes are purple\par dejon - true\par which is why suggestions have typically been placed in green\par * Thud is outraged that no one answered his peace question\par Thud - I don't know\par I think the answer is no, though\par as of now ther mpp and alliance prevent peace and japan won't tak thud\par okay, thanks\par * adaMada[afk] has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer\'0f)\par We're still at war with Babylon and Rome, although Shiber plans to sign peace with Rome soon\par i will say that after leizpeg falls the war is basically over we can easilt take heidleburg or nuerenbeg(that is if our allies don't do it first\par in two turns if i'm not mistaken\par as soon as the MPPs expire\par I think that's correct....two turns....\par and leizpeg is scvheduled for termination this turn i believe\par ah, so shiber is still a-boot, eh?\par \'0312 Aro - what do you want me to do?\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as SMC_Meshelic_the_wise_the_powe\par i'm always watching\par * SMC_Meshelic_the_wise_the_powe is now known as SMC_Meshelic\par just at test\par and besides, my computer beeps whenever you say my name\par uhh... please don't abuse that\par Shiber\par lol\par oh sorry\par hehe\par no i was kidding\par just testing\par \'0312 " I can post another, a fresh one, after i do the queues and WF"\par lol, i remember that from the senate meeting\par testing what, my speakers? lol\par yup\par did it work? Shiber?\par hehe\par \'0312 So you're doing DM stuff this turn then?\par arrrrgghhh!!! my ears!!!!!!\par ok I won't do that anymore\par ROFL\par that was just too much fun, honestly....\par huh? wha? Shiber?\par LOL\par i'm joking, it's a silent beep... though one that's very hard to ignore\par awww.....\par * Thud is now known as Senator_Thud\par i meant quiet\par not silent\par * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T\par Oh, poor guy. You really shouldn't have told anyone that, Shyber.\par i'm tired and stupid\par * Arnelos is now known as Senator\par What did I miss\par * Senator is now known as Senator_Arnelos\par nothing\par just some more DM stuff\par same turn\par Aliens landed in Gaia!! Honest!\par lol\par shib is right they did\par what turn are we in??\par same turn\par Shiber, Shiber, Shiber :shame:\par turn 1??\par (does that make it sound 3 times? )\par we made peace with them :P\par you ARE shameless aren't you Arnelos?\par no, just once\par d'oh\par We're doing our second turn I think....ummm 1330 AD\par well.... he WAS talking about aliens landing :p\par shameless? only when campaigning.\par You should key it to "Shiber!" instead of "Shiber"\par once for every sentence, or a constant beep if the chat client is not active and i'm not watching, to call me over back to the computer\par hahaha\par I think we're having too much fun\par almost\par doesn't matter, i have a mute button on my keyboard, i just press it when i get tired of the beep\par seriously though, we have a turnchat to finish\par I agree\par so if we want to get you in, we just type 5 different lines all that say "Shiber", right?\par and i can't hold on much longer. i'm getting tiiiired\par four and a half hours for a turn and a half....ugh\par Wait\par not bad though\par could be worse, we still need to get used to this turnchat business\par WHouston we have a problem\par no, it'd be enough to type shiber once and my computer will keep on beeping until i look at your message\par We're losing people. I will have to go eventually as well.\par yeah, I was shocked when I logged on and this was still going on\par whats wrong aro\par \'036 what's the problem Aro?\par * Senator_Arnelos notes that Meshelic is starting to understand why Arnelos hated doing warchats...\par hehe\par The 1330 save(start) don`t have any of the ques \par queues\par This is why I will never run for President\par oh sheize\par none\par I can figure...\par Aro - huh???\par In some moment, the wrong save comes up...\par Next time, demand that joncunn does the queues 2 days beforehand. And RA's must provide orders in time.\par Well, this is enough for an impeachment, arnie... :p\par oh boy....\par Wait a minute I think I might have a possible solution\par Not really, but I have to correct all queues... \par Aro - no it's not\par Who is running the save right now?\par and probably the WF stuff too\par u am\par i am\par I am\par ??\par any DM's or RA's?\par how much had you gotten done Aro, before you just noticed this?\par check, please... Boomtown`s queue\par I'm the Deputy DM\par this is recoverable... no big deal (other than lost time)\par a LOT of lost time....\par LOOOT of lost time... and my back hurts\par But I have numerous distractions here today. I thought joncunn was going to pre-do the Dm stuff.\par aro do you want to take a break and let me put the queues in order\par I`ll would appreciate...\par \'037Is anyone running a save that still has the queue's going, but is close to where we were at before we lost it?\par I'm running an untouched latest save....\par For instance, the Boomtown queue\par my last save is the one from last turn, but i do have to auto save\par hmmm.....\par mine is court and pol\par oh bother, phone\par * dejon is now known as dejonPhone\par shoul be market, pol, court\par that is what mine is to\par Aro are ALL the queue's lost, in every city?\par or as best as you can tell....?\par seems\par * dejonPhone is now known as dejon\par We CAN salvage this a little....\par How did the Q's get lost?\par Worst... the WF is messed too\par :rolleyes: How did this happen?\par My responsabilitie, of course...\par responsability\par i loaded the smc save and even as far back as that the ques are gone\par It's okay Aro. we'll figure it out.\par let me check mine for a sec\par * mrmitchell is now known as mr_AFK\par * Trip has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par \'036 i've still got the queue's on mine....\par I`ll save what I`m doing and load the other save. Can I do that?\par i yhave them but they are different\par Different....how?\par how different?\par you mean from the orders?\par oy!\par gotta go\par see you\par well AGC has court/PS instead of mp\par I'll leave this open, but may not be able to return\par see ya dejon thanks for attending....\par let me check that AGC\par * dejon is now known as dejonAWAY\par I probably see everybody... in the court! ;)\par no aro i don't think it is your fault\par mine has just a PS\par i think it is a bug or something\par I don't know, this is very unusual\par and nothing more in the queue?\par nope\par * Senator_Arnelos is now known as Arnelos_IDLE\par weird\par well....\par wait what should the quue be in AGC\par AGC: pol court inf\par by the orders\par wait, I've got a courthouse BEING built, and a PS in the queue\par no sign of infantry queue\par yep, like mine.\par But I did this\par that is what i have sans infantry\par * Togas has joined #civ3dem\par but there are queue's still going in the other cities....are they the same as the ones in the orders?\par Justice Togas, I have a problem...\par yes?\par Aro's nervous....don't worry\par don't fret over this, we can solve this\par * zeit has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par nope, all queues messed\par Not nervous... ;) but we have a little problrem...\par Togas, look above to where the purple text is.....\par problem\par you should find out what happened.\par well we can correct the infantry it won't happen till after the chat anyway:)\par not very far\par what else is wrong\par I just joined, so I can't see the purple text\par oh , well that doesn't help, sorry\par We can correct all queues, except what is already done\par This is a problem\par we had a similar error when i was smc, sometime the quees get meessed up with new tech\par does the game change them ever?\par it seemed to, at the timeit fdealt with knights to wc\par How many build queue's are missing Aro? ALL OF THEM? In every city.....?\par sometimes new tech will change mil units.\par exactly\par All cities, I`m afraid.\par i don't see much messed up\par I most likely sent the wrong save in some moment\par \'0312Well....does this constitute an emergency where we have to end the chat?\par tell me what ius should be at a sample city so we can see the significance\par let me check that\par WeFor instance...\par or mabe somebody else sent ghe wrong save, that is the only danger of save sending\par Apolyton\par checking out Apolyton\par I don't think it's an emergency. I'd only say it was if you couldn't fix it WITHOUT first polling the people.\par i have ch,hosp,ps\par Apo should be court, pol, hos, col\par Apolyton - building hospital, police, col, IntelAgency\par ok i'm looking at lesst turn\par I have Hos, Col, CIA eek!\par interesting\par All messed, I suppose. \par \'0312I haven't touched my save since loading it, should we assume that mine is closer to what's correct, out of all of them?\par Thisn is an emergency...\par \'0312or anyone's elses....\par Could you check your save?\par * Senator_Thud has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer\'0f)\par her'es my logic, it is an error but not an irrevesible one, we can't go back so the riules say lets just correct the ques and go on\par I'll be happy to do that\par \'0312 it's your call Aggie\par what was the error that was made?\par We dont have any fight yet\par I probably posted the wrong save\par aro save and post and I will go though the queues\par Ok\par whew\par how did that error affet the game, if at all?\par no idea\par \'0312 Well....it mostly jumbled up the DM queue's in cities, and we lost a bunch of time\par probably not enough to matter\par maybe not.....but..\par where are the correct queues for me to enter\par in the orders thread?\par I believe so, yes\par 2nd page I think\par VP Aggie, I'm sorry to interrupt but I need you to answer my private messages please\par i can do thuis fairly quickly\par are the wf done or do i need to double check them too, \par what about the FAM stuff, is that all done from the last turn? Or are we still on the same turn\par This doesn't sound like THAT big of a deal. If you can fix it, go on, if not, call a pause on the chat, continue tomorrow with fixed queues and orders, etc.\par Posting\par done\par we are in 1330\par Ok, downloading latest save Aro just posted\par Yep\par friends, i'm afraid i have to leave\par downloading save, after i get it give me about 30min to get it ok.\par hopefully less\par This means a lost of three, maybe five queues in a irreversible way\par i am leaving Vice President Aggie in charge.\par good night everybody.\par Thanks, Shiber\par goodnight shiber\par see you tomorrow\par * Shiber has quit IRC (Quit: Good night\'0f)\par Well, not bad... I`ll be the first Prez impeached AND banned... :D\par we'll we'll make do. I did worse with the pw when i was pres and et almost killed me(he had a right to, too)\par \'033Suggestion... Aro, I typically saved every 10 minutes or so to a save I called "WAR SAVE" just in case my computer crashed or something\par Thanks, Arn...\par you guys will make do, it's recoverable\par But I`ve posted the wrong save and we played with this.\par * VP_AGGIE is now known as VP_AGGIEQUEUES\par Don't worry Aro\par So, I have to be responsible for a lot of wrong orders\par If the ship goes down I'll go with you.....if that's any consolation....\par No, I`m not :D\par It's ok\par hehe...\par did you PLAY with the right save?\par .....?\par * Arnelos_IDLE is now known as Arnelos\par No, I posted it\par Mesh worked on it, then post it to me\par I ended the turn\par Thats what happened, i think\par i'll use the orders of the DM RA as the guide if anybody is aware of changes please send through private channel to avoid confusion\par Well...then if something screwed up....it's my fault....not yours Aro\par There`s two vetoes\par No, no, Mesh... I`ve posted the wrong save!\par You played as the right save\par So, it`s my fault... ;)\par Well.....I'm very glad Aggie is VP\par And so willing to help[\par Yep, he`ll be an excellent Prez... :D\par again...\par aw you wont be impeached or banned\par J/k\par lol\par sort of funny....hehe\par : )\par Yep. If I stay, i`ll do better nex time :D\par You've been doing a great job Aro. :D Much better than what I could've done\par * roadcage has joined #civ3dem\par Well, the AI always can count on "the human Factor"... hehe\par Togas, I think this means work for you... \par hehe\par hopefully not\par Agreed ;)\par do the best you can and we'll sort this out if it comes to it.\par * mr_AFK is now known as mr_AFK|Red-Faction\par I`ll have a smoke...\par I need it... Bad day to quit smoke (I was thinking about that)\par lol\par I just tried that while ago, been trying for awhile\par They won't let me smoke in boot camp though.... : (\par And that will be HELL on earth\par No patch....no gum....nothing....cold turkey\par In the old films, all troopers smoke a lot\par yup. You can smoke AFTER basic training, but not during\par and that's a month-two months....\par yikes\par So you`ll quit...\par quit smoking? yes\par You can smoke in Basic, just not when you want to\par It`s good, after all\par start again after that? .....errm maybe I'd rather not\par but I know I probably will\par E_T - hmm....my sarge told me differently....\par and he smokes, himself.....\par Hmmm... I would like to finish with the SMC\par What do you think about?\par maybe once Aggie is done, and posted the save, then I'll do the SMC moves and we'll call it a day....sound good?\par Sounds good.\par it IS war-time.....turnchats take alot longer during war\par so we're doing ok\par next round we'll do excellently. :b:\par Next time, I have to do the DM with a lot of time\par Well, maybe joncnunn can take the save and do his orders, and his RA's orders, before we even start\par If I do it first, the subsequent turns are easy\par giving us a head-start in a way\par yep\par you and joncnunn can decide, you should PM him and ask what he'd prefer....\par I`ll do it\par because that gives him (or you) about a couple of days, to a week to work with the save\par you probably want the practice, eh?\par yep! :D\par You're doing very well Aro, just want you to know that. \par But I`ve learned A LOT now\par :b:\par Yeah, when I filled in for E_T last turnchat, and I was the one up to plate, I suddenly learned a hell of alot more than just watching it get done\par Thanks for you support, Mesh. Thanks a lot.\par :b:\par It's my job, Mr President, but I like you anyways. lol\par despite you outranking me....hehe\par I think the harm wasn`t too big\par I don't think so either. Aggie believes he can fix it relatively quickly\par so we may have lost an extra turn we could've done, but that's not a huge issue\par Mesh, the warchat normally don't take this long just to get to the SMC stuff....\par In my count, we`ve lost some shields and some queues, not much\par I haven't attended too many warchats....I'm basing it off of Arnelos's comments on warchats...\par In war chats, the real fight is quick\par But the DM take time, ever\par Not so much time, of course... lol\par \'033 That's why I have such a huge respect for E_T, ....or any DM for that matter. Ever since CP and PW were combined into one position, even with RA's helping out and having more say in things, it's quite an excrutiating job I can imagine\par Youre right, E_T did an amazing job\par As SMC too\par \'0312 It bothered me a little when he was getting alot of flak during the first part of his term (6th term I think), especially after how much time he was putting into it\par oh of course, great SMC, very good\par He basically set me up for an easy victory....\par Bothered me too\par \'0312 Speaking of....well, this is kind of aside from the point, but whatever happened to Reddawg? He just disappeared after that case.....\par Yeah, and he was excellent\par I'm still in touch with MrOrange occasionally\par Been providing him suggestions for his MilCalc\par great tool\par What I`ve learned:\par * Spiffor has joined #civ3dem\par More time to prepare the DM and save\par \'0312 It seemed that when I joined here, and was a Chieftan and Warlord, it was right in the middle of a golden age for the democracy game, and I don't mean in gameplay terms\par Another chair\par hi\par hi\par there were charts left and right, pictures, maps everyhwere, graphs....everyone was really into it\par I'm just popping here. I will go to sleep soon :(\par We still weren't on top yet, and guaranteed the victory....\par thanks for showing up Spiffor!\par making progree be back soon with save\par np\par awesome aggie, you rule! :b:\par Now you ask... what I missed?\par lol\par Sorry for not being active lately, b ut I have become extremely busy with RL\par it's ok\par Don't ask "what have I missed?" please.... lol\par (you don't wanna know....lol)\par You just missed the weirdest chat I`ve ever seen\par hahaha\par Erm, just to piss the ALP that you are : "What did I miss ?"\par :p\par No comment.......Aro? have a comment? eeeeek!\par Yep, what did you miss?\par lol\par Erm, can't tell you Spiffor.\par national security.....we'll say that much\par I screw up... a little\par it's all being taken care of..... :scared:\par I've seen we decided to disband Frankfurt, but next turn\par that was already done, Neo Frankfurt was built right next door\par A good idea from Sarge roadcage\par ok. Called Neo Frankfurt ? cool :)\par ( i like how this conversation suddenly went a different direction, instead of what happened)\par hehe :scared:\par Aro : did you follow my worker requets and WF for Neo Frankfurt ?\par Tell him, Mesh lol\par \'0312 EEK! I don't know if I should....\par Yes\par yes\par oh just put ME on the spot why dont ya?\par lol\par I'm not easily shocked :p\par A minor technicality....\par easily fixable.....\par sort of \par Aro posted the wrong save.....accidentally of course....and ummm, we played on that one for a couple hours....\par Well, I posted (did post? have posted?) the wrong save\par and uh, the build queue's got erased.....\par and umm.....same for public works.....\par doh!\par Aggie is saving my ass just now ;)\par lol !\par it's something to laugh at right now, as it's being fixed, but when it happened we were all like "oh no....."\par lol!\par \'0312Aro swore he was going to get impreached.....\par I guess so\par I`m going!\par lol\par jk\par ....on his first turn as President! LMAO\par Impeachment = good idea. Should Arnelos propose the bill ? :cute:\par oops.\par LMAO\par uh oh :eek:\par :cute:\par so many smilies seem appropriate right now....lol\par Not him... someone else... ;)\par arnelos is probably using the :evilgrin: , thud is doing the :evil: , aro is doing the :scared: , and I'm doing the :eek: \par And it`s raining a lot here... a real storm...\par To make this complete...\par In Brazil, I meant\par lets just say Murphy's Law was particularly involved here....in the last hours\par lol, Mesh\par Oh, I thought you spoke about the crappy weather of Macross City\par well if someone would set fire to that godforsaken city then it would be cause to celebrate....oops did I say that out loud....doh!\par Nothing compared with a tropical storm...\par lol j/k about Macross City\par \'033no-one is going to impeach Aro...\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as Mesh_needs_a_smoke\par Mesh : I am as unhappy as you about it, but it has been democratically decided\par \'033this is just a learning experience... we'll get over it\par oh yeah, I know\par Arnelos : I know, I was just kidding :)\par I just joke about it cuz I think it's hilarious so many people would hate that city\par and it hasn't even done anything but be french. .....\par \'033going back to being IDLE here so I can handle our PTW save more :rolleyes:... being governor of the capital has its duties....\par It replaces our BELOVED Apolyton as our capital\par of course\par Nothing but a felonous capital it is\par true true\par I personally have no problem with it being French :cute:\par With enough support....we may be able to move the palace sometime\par although, who knows, the palace may get hijacked again like it was when it moved\par * AroPrez has joined #civ3dem\par just look at Aro's home for pete'sake\par Back\par wb\par Power failure\par Didn't even know you left!\par oh, that sucks\par We have lost all ops of this chat apparently\par well Aggie's working on the save\par Aro and I are keeping eachother company, and you just got here.\par everyone else is just in and out here and there\par * Mesh_needs_a_smoke is now known as Mesh_having_cig\par * Mesh_having_cig is now known as Mesh_rolling_cig\par BTW, Arnelos, I like your Nation State pretty much\par DO NOT look mine up....lol\par But I prefer my conservative and traditional kingdom better :p\par Arnelos, hi\par I don't remeber yours Mesh :(\par good\par If Arnelos caught wind of it, it would be the end of me! lol\par Is your Nation commie ?\par I didn't MEAN to become a totalitarian state! honestly!\par well....my nation is worse than Communist, but I really didn't mean it like that....\par wow. I keep mine extremely stable\par I don't know what happened.\par Only the political freedoms did evolve since the creation\par I'm working on the stability right now\par I started out as a Republic....\par but you know how nationstates has a tendency to overdo any decision you make and take it to the extreme?\par well....viola!\par er - is that chat actually still going, or what?\par yup\par Yep, we`re waiting for aggie\par What were your decisions ?\par He`s saving my ass and this take time\par We should finish with SMC first\par Well, I promoted uranium production, but also saving the forests...um, bicycles aren't allowed so the auto-industry can be strong, \par it says that I deny freedom of speech, but I haven't chosen anything like that\par it's strange.\par I'd start a new one if I didn't have the tendency to want to rebuild fallen nations....\par look it up, I'm in the Apolyton region....Meshelicia\par This seems to be interesting\par ok, I'll look it up\par I'm in the UN as well\par You might want to see my Falangusta\par I'll check it out for sure\par I plan on seriously revamping my nation though\par I think I'm the only Apolytonian who managed to be a "moralistic Democracy"\par lol\par \'036Meshelic - I already saw your Nation State... don't worry, that doesn't matter :) :p\par Actually, I had a moralistic totalitaracy for a second, it was weird\par !!!!!\par no wonder I've been called a commie\par lol\par lol\par How many turns have actually been played so far?\par I think one\par maybe one and a half...right?\par :eek:\par General, a little... mistake occurred...\par well, one and a half, then we had to go back half of that, so only one\par yeah\par nobody's fault really....well sorta not really\par * Arnelos goes back to idle/PTW land...\par Mesh is very kind...\par Even the ACDG chats amange to get 6-7 turns done faster than this.\par gah, I'm 80th again (in social expanses). I fear being 80th everytime :p\par My fault\par Well, it doesn't usually take this long, but one mistake can send the whole thing reeling\par especially the one that was made today\par don't worry, lessons were learned....lol\par I posted the wrong save, and we`ve played with it...\par Arnelos what is your nationstate?\par what was wrong with it?\par I have to post a report on the thread\par i'm almost done on the homestretch sorry its taken longer than i hopped\par The queues are messed\par ... And the WF too!\par hey Mesh, you have as many taxes as me\par * Aro has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par really?\par Not bad for a first chat... ;)\par is that a bad thing...?\par Really\par Arn's state is called Lavor\par IT scares me to see people with 100% tax rates.\par oh how quaint....lol\par well, we`ve lost a lot of time\par yeah...but it's being made up\par I`m posting a repport\par * Mesh_rolling_cig is now known as Mesh_definetely_outsmoking\par brb\par outsmokinmg?\par oh.\par hehe\par I should do the same!\par OK, I'll leave you guys now\par Bye all !\par * Spiffor has left #civ3dem\par bye, Spiffor\par Little report posted... :cute:\par we need settlers\par what for? Repopulation?\par Yes, we have to change some queues, IMO\par We`ll abandon a lot of German cities\par Unless we finish with the Germans\par well, they have only, what, 4 cities left?\par We have two avaliable now\par Surely it wouldn't be that hard to finish them off.\par ok posting save\par Well I used all 3 in my shadow game in turn 1330 and still have one or two needs\par But one is to fill the gap near Hannover\par * Mesh_definetely_outsmoking is now known as SMC_MeshelicIsBack\par * SMC_MeshelicIsBack is now known as SMC_Meshelic\par right in time I think\par \'0312 My turn eh?\par the two left in the 1330 save went for old cologne and old Vladiivstok\par Thanks, Aggie. A lot.\par Aggie, you rock\par anticipate need one next turn or so for Leipzig\par Yes, you rock\par \'033 So where do we stand, where are we @?\par i'm on dial up so expect it to take a few minutes\par affirmative\par * VP_AGGIEQUEUES is now known as VP_AGGIE\par I wonder...there are a few ppl here, but who is REALLY here?\par and not AFK?\par I`m here\par THAT'S a relief....lol\par otherwise I'd be the man right now\par But I`ve just experienced my second power failure\par and ya'll don't want that....\par And I'm here, watching.\par hehe\par Togas?\par Arnelos?\par E_T?\par roadcage?\par Hmmm...\par hmm.....guess not...?\par \'033Well they are here in spirit I'm sure..\par Arnelos?\par yes?\par woah\par he lives!\par hehe\par we're debating build queues for the PTW game in another window\par just seeing who's really here and who's really not\par ahhhh\par Mesh, General, Togas... Who else?\par \'034 save posted\par looks like that's it\par yay!\par Arnelos, ET, & I are in deep discussion about build queues for Madrid.\par (on the save post)\par great\par Are you still benevolent Dictator, Togas?\par thanks, oh i didn't do pw, just remember that\par We can play a little, so...\par we can't decide between archer, archer, archer, tank ... or barrcks, archer, archer, tank :)\par lol\par muwahaha I have info now for the GS....hehehe\par j/k\par \'033So are we ready for me to take the helm then?\par loading\par loading as well\par save loaded\par affirmative, me too\par \'036I'm here... we're just conducting a MAJOR debate over build queues in our team forum... so I'm pre-occupied\par that's fine\par Mesh, this deserves a cartoon...\par SERIOUSLY! LOL!\par I`ll do it! :D\par i'll be afk for a while but be back latetr\par Thanks Aggie\par You could have the Brazilian President standing there, looking scared, the sniper special forces guy pointing a gun at any potential impeach-ees, and ....\par welcome, thats what i'm here for\par lol\par Seriously, we have to put this in a cartoon.\par Well, you're the man\par I deserve it! lol!\par hahaha\par * VP_AGGIE is now known as Aggie_AFK\par You could even swing it to be making fun of the Labor Party....\par that would be hilarious.\par the headline read "OUR NEW LEADERS????"\par rofl\par or something\par you're the political humorist though, I"m sure you'd think of something better.....lol\par I`ll be the victim... I mean character of the cartoon\par hehehe\par let's be fair, now :p I've been nothing if not charitable :)\par You could put the DIA guys, Arnelos and Thud, standing back and laughing at us....\par we're a "friendly" opposition ;p\par I mean....we DO have a sense of humour, us Laborites....hehehe\par \'0312 If no one opposes, I will take command of the save now\par Arnelos, may I ask you to be my representant in the court? :p\par Go ahead, mesh. We can`t end the turn yet\par \'034SMC doing orders\par * AroPrez is now known as Aro\par Arnelos...?\par hehe\par he's busy right now with the PTW save\par will be back shortly\par \'034 Vet INF and Vet CAV (in Uber Isle) move north to prepare defensive line in AGC\par arnelos = governor of madrid.\par \'034 2 INF move and fortify in AGC\par Yep, Diego Clemente\par Yep. I only appoint the best to govern my cities. \par being a despot has its priviledges :)\par \'034 2 Vet Cavalry units move, and along with INF and CAV, fortify along northern peninsula of Uber Isle, to prevent Japanese landings\par Mesh, they`ll invade us with... 4 units\par we're very safe then\par Two galleys\par still, best to not let them land at all.....\par and keep the cities fortified\par They can have others in the fog of war\par I may see them in a second here\par * Arnelos is having ISP trouble again... going to reboot my router and see if that helps... be back :p\par Anyway, we have enough deffense, I think\par * Arnelos has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par I believe we do as well.\par \'033 My plans call for a ferry to be loaded with a few infantry and land on Uber Isle, just in case. Go along with it?\par There`s another Jap fleet south of Bacteria. Three Galleys, three Frigates\par Yes, I've been keeping a close eye on that particular fleet\par I agree with that\par Ok going for it\par * mr_AFK|Red-Faction is now known as mrmitchell\par wb, mrmitchell\par We want to block them from landing on Uber and encourage them to land on the mainland\par \'034 Galleon (UBER ISLE FERRY) loaded with 2 Vet INF, 1 CONSCRIPT INF, and 1 Vet Swordsman\par yup that's in my plans\par japan landeng on Uberisle would be hell\par \'034 Galleon moves southeast to Uber Isle, will reach there next turn.\par Mesh, could They will, I`m sure\par \'034 Vet Ironclad attacks Japanese Galleon near port of Loveshack, sinks the Galleon, and goes Elite\par Yeah!\par sink them japs!\par party! woohoo!\par :dance:\par well done! :)\par churn out those GL...hey, can water units produce GLs\par no.\par I never saw it\par unfortuantely.\par darnit\par \'034 Same Ironclad moves S one square, spots another Galleon, and withdraws (galleon is 1 square in the fog of war)\par \'034 Ironclad has taken 2 damage, making it a 3/5 now\par SMC sure is interesting position, isn't it? :)\par It's awesome\par * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem\par i think i'll run for it again next elections. :)\par hey...Arn, do you use verizon?\par \'034 Vet Ironclad from Port of Malignance is commissioned and begins it's maiden voyage in search of approaching Japanese ships, moves S,S, SW,SW\par yes\par Verizon DSL\par that's probably your problem as far as your ISP being unreliable :P\par I rebooted... working fine now\par mrmitchell.... probbably\par Arn, may I ask you to be my legal representant in the court? :p\par *probably\par lol\par you can ask, but I'll probably turn you down :)\par No kidding!\par \'034 Sister Vet Ironclad from Willsbury heads same direction in support of PoM Ironclad\par lol\par Aro - I honestly don't think this will be an issue\par I'd suggest you quit funding the faschist pigs but Verizon tends to strongarm other ISPs out of the area...\par this type of thing has happened MANY times in Apolytonian history and no-one's ever been impeached over it\par But I`ll make a cartoon!\par what's teh issue\par lol\par (I need to go to the forum more often)\par somebody posted the wrong save.\par so? big deal.\par Somebody... is me!\par a few hours wasted.\par It resulted in a huge delay for some reason.\par Its not like the game won't already take 500 years anyways.\par (Oh yeah, that's the PtW-DG\par hehe\par well, really. wrong save-posting is no grounds for impeachment.\par But we played one turn with this\par blah, big deal.\par ...what's hte problem? a few wasted hours; it can always be made up or something.\par It tends to annoy people to have to wait for hours for mistakes to eb fixed.\par No big harm, some waste of shields and four, five queues \par ouchie\par but it was your game that was ruined, right/\par But the time is an issue, General is right\par yeh. time = money\par \'034 4 Artillery S of Brundisium sets up shop in Syracuse\par so thus, the more we fritter about it, the more gold apolyton loses\par back to work then! :P\par And we`ll decide what to do \par * Aggie_AFK is now known as VP_AGGIE\par Continue the chat or not\par ok how are we doing\par why not continue it?\par Mesh is working\par \'034 VET Knight S of Brundisium moves to Syracuse, VET INF from same place explores empty plains southeast of Syracuse, sights incoming Roman Army (4+ INF) and withdraws\par Well, I want to continue\par I do too\par oh...mesh is working...heh...\par Mesh: an actual army, or just 4 INF?\par 4 stacked inf\par \'034 The Roman Front is finished with it's defensive positioning\par \'033 Now to the Germans\par ...so we are at war with 3 nations now? ouch.\par four\par 4, isn't it?\par yea, four\par Don`t forget the Babs\par ah, yes, the babies\par They have a galley near Shiberport\par lol\par \'033 Our Ironclad in that region couldn't reach the Babs in time, but will catch up and sink the sissy Babylonians\par lol\par \'034 Moving artillery/infantry stack south of Leipzig, opening fire\par just wondering, is there anya greement as to how far to go with this war?\par \'033 The complete destruction of germany is the goal\par * Togas has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par We`ll wait the MPPs\par our empire is already bloated like a cow\par lol\par I thought our goal with the germs was to cripple them\par Yes, it is\par end the war as soon as can reasonably be done after MPPs run out\par back :)\par \'034 Initial Artillery barrage towards Leipzig kills some of Leipzigs citizens\par woohoo!\par size?\par atrocities against the enemy! :Party:\par :dance:\par lol\par :D\par \'034 Artillery fires again, takes 1 point off of Riflemen stationed there\par Well... the Geneva Convention was never signed in this reality :hmmmm:\par attack! aTTACK!\par :P :)\par \'034 3rd Artillery fires, kills more of Leipzigs citizens\par \'033 Genocide at work folks....\par You need a Geneva to hold a Convention in....\par lol\par lol @ E_T\par How many citizens are left?\par It still reads 11, but I imagine the number is lower than that\par Can we see the city?\par Yes\par 11 is about right\par How many were there before?\par \'033 A stack of infantry will be moved right next to the city itself\par We could always hold the Here It Is convention or the Port of Where Its At convention... because, afterall... that's where it's at :shame:\par 13\par Size 13\par \'034 4th Artillery volley fails\par mesh - bah, too many words... "whif" ;)\par 250 000 down, 660 000 to go.\par \'034 5th Artillery volley fails\par this is gonna take all night ;p\par lol\par \'034 6th Artillery volley fails\par how many artillery do we have there?\par oh yeah... it already has\par ALOT\par about 30\par \'034 7th Artillery volley nails more citizens, Leipzig reduced to 10\par * SMC_Meshelic has the Empire Strikes Back theme playing loudly in the background, coincedentally....\par \'033mesh - seriously... cut down the verbiage in the reports ;)\par 360 down, 550 to go.\par * Arnelos decides Mesh doesn't have a bad idea there... starting up Winamp...\par I wonder just how many Germans will be left after we're don ewitht hem.\par 0 is the goal\par \'034 8th misses, 9th takes 1 point off of another Rifleman\par yes, you can fire 3 and then report.,..\par okay but this next one....\par germ rifels, DIE! :P\par \'036* Oh yeah..... The Imperial March :D\par \'034 10th Artillery takes TWO points off of another Rifleman\par yeah\par i hope none general i think the war is to go on until germany is destroyed by us or our allies\par I mean citizens.\par good question if we could get to 6 it would be good\par Aggie... if they only have 1 city left, we can let taht be taken care of by others... WE have a WW problem\par loot! burn! pillage!\par thats true but i think in the end the last city will fall, nuerenberg i hope the english take and the greeks go noirth\par \'034 11th Artillery destroys Leipzig Police Department, 12th and 13th fail, 14th takes another point off Rifle\par woohoo! police gone!\par Do we know how many troops are in the city?\par anarchy in the streets of Leip!\par Showed three\par (only RP-speaking sadly :( :) )\par Showed 4\par well with there pop decrease they had to have drafted i suspect, how many i don't know\par germany doesn't sound like it will last long\par What government are they using?\par \'034 15th destroys Barracks, 16th takes 1 point off Rifle, 17th kills citizens (down to 9 now), 18th fails\par How many could they draft per turn.\par commies\par i think comm now so i think that is 3 rate but i never use comm so i don't know\par woohoo, we've killed more than half Lepzig's population.\par \'036starting up the editor... will find out real fast\par That'll teach 'em :evil:\par believe is 2\par \'036DRAFT LIMIT UNDER COMMIE IS TWO\par woohoo! pillage! shoot! kill!\par excellent so we have what we see and 2 more\par very takeable this turn i believe\par Agreed\par Dn't forget the longbows!\par you mean very razeable :evilgrin:\par \'034 19th destroys High Temple of Leipzig, 20th takes 1 point off Rifle, 21st fails, 22nd fails, 23rd destroys Marketplace\par well that too if we have the settler ready\par pillage! kill! destroy!\par lol mrmitchell\par \'034 24th fails. \par hey, i gotta build up a repuation for my next Smc campaign ;)\par \'033 That is the last of the artillery\par damn!\par what about down south\par How many troops do we have standing by?\par \'034 SMC requests quickvote\par last of the artillery on THAT front... any chance you can move up some from Rome?\par Checking that out now\par unless we need them down there\par If they are on the grid they can be available there next turn\par nope, can't do it, they're out of movement points. It's best they stay to volley the incoming Romans\par whats showing\par roadcage - I know... just wondering if they're needed gainst Roman hordes THIS turn... if not, send 'em north\par \'034 QUICKVOTE - ENTER LEIPZIG WITH INFANTRY NOW =1 , WAIT =2\par And we should make peace with rome in few turns\par if i was informed i'd vote\par The only way they can be out of movement is they have already fired\par How many infantry do we have near Leipzig?\par but i'm just cheering the artillerry\par \'033 1 Rifle showing with 2/4 health\par alot\par of infantry\par let me count really quick\par hey, i wasnt asking you to inform me\par thank you - need a number\par :P\par but they cannot reach leipzig till it falls\par i' say attack with what i see of our calv\par yeah... burn the Cavalry\par We have lots of Cavalry left\par use 'em\par Leipzig wusses! attack! ATTACK!\par cav first\par \'034 CHARGE!!!!\par lol\par objective is to get the non draftees and stop there. thedraftees cannot heal\par also attack from the s\par not from the sw(river)\par wax 'em boys!\par eat their babies!\par before they eat ours\par Duddha!\par nah. not I. (sadly :( :P )\par :)\par :)\par :hippie:\par \'034 1st Vet Cav charges, struck by artillery and killed by 2/4 INF after bring it down to 1/4, 2nd VET Cav charges and kills the swine\par * Arnelos goes idle for PTW...\par * Arnelos is now known as ArnelosIDLE\par :(\par :)\par Okay, what units are there left (in Leipzig)?\par hehe\par the 1st cav will not be forgotten.\par * forgets *\par CHARGE!\par \'034 3rd Vet Cav charges and is killed, but brings RIFLEMAN to 2/4, 4th Vet Cav charges and slaughters the swine\par \'033 2/2 Conscript showing on top\par So we've killed 2 riflemen for 2 cav?\par 3rd cav-- :( 4th vet - woohoo!\par sounds like a fair trade to me, kinda :)\par 'sepcially since we outnumber 'em.\par brb\par sir, where can i enlist in teh armed forces\par i am swept up in the spirit of Great Apolyton fighting\par \'034 5th Vet Cav charges and slaughters another Rifleman\par YES!\par kill!\par :dance:\par \'03\'033 Leipzig has 1 conscript remaining\par YES!\par kill! kill! kill!\par kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! CHARGE!\par get on with it! :P :)\par back\par \'033 The force is strong with this one....\par LOL\par Should we abandon it or not?\par NO!\par :P :)\par what?\par the city?\par the city? the unit? the cheeseburger?\par After we take it\par ah, yes. raze.\par kill the evil un-pure race.\par hehe\par As a result of relocating Frankfurt, there is horrible overlap.\par \'034 I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE WE HAVE CAPTURED LEIPZIG\par :dance:\par How many citizens are still alive?\par 8\par RAZE! RAZE! RAZE!\par We have to railroad connect it\par where's the Capitol\par and send the settler\par \'034 QUICKVOTE - RAZE OR NO, 1 IS YES, 2 IS NO\par 1\par 1\par 1\par 1\par Raze no, abandon yes\par waitaminute...how about we turn em all into workers\par 1 for now, need city radii to mobilize, probabl later due to overlap\par But we have to railrad connect the spot before\par mrmitchell: that would take too long.\par \'034 SMC WILL PROCEED TO RAZE. (LAST CHANCE\par eh.\par NO!!!!\par kill the unpure bastards!\par wait\par wait?\par why so\par wait\par \'033 wait\par E_T: why not?\par We get no workers if we abandon.\par \'033,0 wait, because everyone else is saying wait\par we have to rail connect the city before raize\par why?\par we do?\par whY?\par \'033 I'm at the raze screen? What do I do.\par Wait, that came out wrong\par Yes or no people\par To send the settler and fillthe spot\par raze the bastards\par I said not yet\par You take the city, then sell the stuff, move your settler to where you want hem, then you abandon\par ...but i thought we were moving the city to a new location\par Aro: But why do we need rail to do that?\par do like frankfurt keep initially, mobilize, etc position rr whatever, then when ready abandon\par ah, yes, sell the stuff too :)\par Thanks, ET\par \'034 SMC WILL KEEP THE CITY\par i'd never thought of that\par \'033,0 but only to sell the stuff right\par \'034 WE HAVE ACCUMULATED 108 GOLD, AND HAVE 5 RESISTORS\par so, something on the order of half a million people just died in the attack :evil:\par We need to rail because we have to sent a settler and found a city in this turn\par \'033 puppet Governor established\par LOOT! PILLAGE! BURN! CORRUPT!=\par Did I made myself clear? ;)\par \'037 Interesting, there's a weakened English Cav hanging out just outside\par \'033Looks like we made it just in time before the dirty English got their hands on it\par interesting, indeed\par not that they could have taken it....lol\par * SJ_Patrick has joined #civ3dem\par But what do you think about?\par Hell, we probably did them a vour.\par favour\par I mean the railroad plan\par Roadcage`s plan\par surely we have enough workers lying around to achieve it.\par dirty english losers! declare war on them!\par pillage! loot! burn! kill!\par We have, for shure\par Post the save and retire the chat to the forums. I will be happy to develop an overall city disposition plan\par \'033 "Peace-keeping" forces start stacking in Leipzig\par we must've killed at least half a millino people in that attack.\par :evil:\par "Peace-Keeping" forces instructed to beat all who oppose Apolyton with a stick\par Sarge, we can do this now\par alas, i must BBSS\par (be back sometime soon)\par \'033 Germans have set up their new capitol in Heidelberg\par burn it!\par :P\par bye, mrmitchell\par rocket-bomb it!\par * mrmitchell is now known as mr_AFK\par kill the dirty pigs!\par \'0312 The Germans have 3 cities remaining\par let 'em rot in their own Hell!\par \'0312 SMC requests suggestion as to what to do now, my orders are basically complete\par If we found a city in the tile N old Leipzig, we can move in force to near Hideburg\par * ArnelosIDLE is now known as Arnelos\par SMC--loot! burn! pillage! kilL!\par We have that workers wall\par \'0312 lol.... Save and post?\par and we can use some to railroad to Leipzig\par \'033save and post sounds good if you guys want to discuss the next step :b:\par (back :) )\par doing so\par k\par loot! burn! pillage! kill!\par cya\par * mr_AFK really AFK now\par cya\par bye\par bye bye\par * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem\par * SJ_Patrick has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par Mesh, I would like to do something right in this turnchat... hehe\par \'0312 Saving and posting\par I`ll download the save\par * Aro is now known as AroDownloading\par * Aro_Real has joined #civ3dem\par * Aro_Real is now known as Aro\par so where is the save?\par Still posting it, sorry. \par seems to be a symptom of the presidency that you multiply yourself... :hmmm:\par Aggie still holds the record, though\par * E_T slaps SMC_Meshelic around a bit with a large trout\par * SMC_Meshelic slaps E_T around a bit with a large trout\par oh my\par \'0312 save posted\par downloading\par \'0312 extra extra read all about it! German forces fall to hero General Meshelic! woohoo!\par (my first conquest)\par (as SMC, that is)\par Congrats, Mesh! :)\par :b:\par hehe I am very proud. Of course, anyone could have done it.\par lets see how my "Fortress Uber" plans pan out\par and if I can conquer the rest of those heathen Germans\par * adaMada has joined #civ3dem\par it was good chat\par Hello :)\par I missed it?\par lol\par hey ada!\par yup\par Mesh, if we move part of the workers wall we can railroad\par Hey Mes\par ada... just in time! :D\par \'033 Sounds good Aro, I no longer need them\par \'033 for the wall that is....\par perhaps we can start having workers joing cities...\par *joi\par *join\par * VP_AGGIE has quit IRC (Ping timeout\'0f)\par * aggie2 is now known as VP_AGGIE\par \'037 might I recommend that a road/railfroad be constructed from Hero's Summit to Nurembourg, with the eventual purpose of serving as a strategic road that leads into England when we attack them?\par But htat settler plan hass priority, IMO\par oh of course, just a suggestion though, if we can spare the units....\par I agree\par but first lets rr to lezpeig\par How many art in the Roman front?\par definetely, other projects first.\par Only put small gaps in the wall for now. Be sure to maintain it on all elevated terrain. The workers probably need to stay out of cities for now due to war weariness. Each pop will be incrementally one unhappy\par let me count a sec...\par 4\par not much\par Nope\par we don't need much though\par Not enough for an assault\par roadcage - that is true... WW\par Considering peace with the Romans will occur shortly\par Not enough time for an operation unfortunately\par Don't think of our Arty as 24 north and 4 south. As long as they are on the grid each unit can fire anywhere we want once per turn\par We can take Heideburg in three turns\par If the Greeks don't get it first\par roadcage is right, pretty much all our artillery is able to move wherever we need it immediately\par So...\par Are you sure? what about greek interference? They have been moving that way for several turns\par \'033 I have suspended all plans for the Roman Front, other than a purely defensive posture to retain the territory we've already gained\par They probably have some troops near it\par Agreed, Mesh\par * SMC_Meshelic is now known as Meshelic_BRB\par \'0312 I agree \'03\par I agree with that as well\par :)\par I1ll relocate some workers to railroad to Leipzig\par any more cities down there would be hopelessly corrupt anyhow (or would make cities on Uber Isle more hopelessly corrupt)\par \'034 I'll railroad leipzig now. Objections?\'03\par so?\par There is nothing wrong with hopelessly corrupt cities. The problem is when you try to develop them\par I thought Leipzig was already rr\par the problem with hopelessly corrupt cities is that they may cost you more than you ever gain from them :rolleyes:\par True, if you try to develop them\par No, not railroaded yet\par * GeneralTacticus has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer\'0f)\par Any objections?\par and if you capture an undeveleoped city nearer to your new capital than the developed cities that were near your old capital, you're just sinking them further into corruption... in net terms, you're losing more trade than you'll EVER gain by having that new city\par * Meshelic_BRB is now known as General_Mesh_eatingDinner\par * General_Mesh_eatingDinner is now known as General_Mesh_Feasting\par If you leave them alone they produce 1 trade. No buildings, minimum garrison, extra pop as taxmen, nice\par Mesh something more with SMC?\par nope\par not this turn anyways\par roadcage... that works if the don't bumb more developed cities to being further down the Palace-Centric or FP-Centric list\par I'll rr Leipzig then\par * GeneralTacticus has joined #civ3dem\par \'0312 May I recommend that we call it a day, shortly? After all, we have been playing for 7 1/2 hours....just a suggestion....\par but the military units it takes to capture them and hold them cost you more in upkeep than the city is worth even then :rolleyes:\par After, we should sell everything, put the settler on place and disband the city\par It's a pity we can't just expell teh population while leaving the improvements intact.\par Ok. But if everyone agree, \par This has been discussed adnauseum in the strategy forum. The consensus of the heavy weights is that they are net net beneficial if you leave them alone\par all in all, capturing cities with 90%+ corruption generally cost more than you gain from them. The only exception is for critical resources and luxuries\par but that isn't always an option... they flip\par No! It only costs if you try to build something there. Most of the big guys let them be worker factories. Most will produce 1 worker every 10 turns which can be worked or pop moved to better place\par and to prevent the flip, you have to spend EVEN MORE MONEY to rush improvements that just wastes more and more of your resources you'd have been better to put elsewhere\par Roadcage is now ignoring Arneleos\par now children be good:)\par Have I missed something?\par roadcage... in my experience, if you don't build cultural improvements, they just flip back\par Mesh is suggesting that we call it a day\par agreed with Mesh\par how many turns have been played?\par I agree with SMC\par Shame on me... only... a haldf\par half\par jk,\par one entire turn... almost\par i agree too, we had a good day and are withing 2 turns of the MPP ending which is when the roman war ends\par thought for the record this last turn onbly took an hour \par ok an 1 1/2\par I didn't touch the save... lol\par That explains all\par next chat will be better and go more smoothly \par Suggestions for the next?\par Still eating dinner, but I think we'd better rest up and prepare for the next one\par k\par I'm exhausted from staring at the same computer screen! lol\par sort of anyways\par We have alot of things to discuss, certainly. \par not really just make sure all the RA's do their queue's early and then have you do pw send it to smc and repeat\par yup Aggie's got it down\par brb\par I'm very sorry, folks... \par But this chat was everything but boring!;;; lol\par ...to me ;)\par well it was alearning experiece, the first chat always is\par Ok, I can live with that. :)\par I'll post a report tomorrow...\par and the maps... lol\par i better go later all\par latter\par * VP_AGGIE has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par and thanks\par ... for save my a$$... \par Anyway, I'll practice with some huge games I have,...\par Especially about queues and PW... ;)\par Mesh, thank you\par and all you guys ;)\par \'034 Turnchat will end in 3 minutes\'03\par When's the report going to be posted?\par okay :)\par tomorrow\par Mesh, could you save a log of the chat?\par I believe I've been saving it the whole time I believe....\par Thanks\par but I've always had bad luck saving logs,though ..... :D\par * General_Mesh_Feasting is now known as SMC_meshelic\par let me check something real quick before we end this chat....\par awesome, it actually recorded this whole time....lol\par I forgot how to save the log...\par at the beginning of the chat, you go to FILE - options - logging I believe\par commands, then...?\par wait that's wrong\par OH\par you click the top left of the window, and it scrolls down\par you make sure that "logging" is checked and it should be complete\par I've found it :)\par that's it I believe. \par lol\par Thanks anyway\par yeah.\par well Aro, we pulled through\par * SMC_meshelic is now known as Meshelic\par I am now going to go have one last cigarette for the night, and think about what I'm going to do next chat\par lol\par Well, I've learned a lot, and that was my first signature in the forum :)\par "I'm here to learn"\par lol\par : )\par :)\par I have been learning alot as well\par * GovernerDonegeal has joined #civ3dem\par Next chat I'll have the things fixed, I hope\par You know....when I first joined 'poly I almost immediately saw my skills go up. It's being around brilliant players that has made me alot better\par Hi, donegeal\par what? Next chat?\par and have a better and deeper understanding\par YUP you missed it\par hehe\par \'0312 It's over, we're winding down, having the last words....\par damn... I just wanted to try to show so my name would go as an attendee...\par Hehe, well I'll include you in the list...\par Mesh, could you post a short report? Those guys will be crazy trying to figure out what happened... lol\par Will do, not a aproblem\par And I'm too tired to do it :(\par yeah I"m tired too. I'll post it in the morning tomorrow, or maybe later tonight\par A lot of people showed up, overall\par * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem\par hello again\par howdy\par so there was a bit of um... confussion, huh?\par a bit\par we sorted it out thought\par though, I mean\par confession??\par confusion he means...lol\par back\par Hey Panzer :)\par I was having a hard work with the DM stuff.\par WB Panzer\par wb Mitchell\par ah\par I never claimed to be able to spel\par lol\par most of us can't, hehe\par I'll tell one more time what happened... :)\par ok then we'll close up shop\par panzer, hi\par Aro, hi\par Hi :)\par :D\par In short words: I messed up the game when I posted the wrong save\par Aro -- ah, that's not too bad. Happens to everyone\par crap... time to go to work...\par see you all later...\par Aggie corrected most of the problems\par see ya later Donegeal\par bye Donegeal\par bye donegeal\par * GovernerDonegeal has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par ...so anything new gone on since i been idle?\par Mesh won his first battle as SMC :)\par YEEHAW!\par Congrats\par now do that again\par thank you thank you *takes a bow*\par really not that big of a deal, but nice nonetheless\par Go Mesh\par :b:\par : )\par well, you didn't really think were going to go throughout your entire term and loose every battle, did you?\par :D\par Hey, atleast I took 2 cities at once...\par lol, actually, someone should try to do that\par no not really lol\par :D\par game's getting boring, it'd spice things up a bit \par start losing intentionally? lol\par * AroDownloading has quit IRC (Quit: \'0f)\par well, it's not intentional -- you'd just be overutilizing our warriors....\par hahaha \par lol\par hehe\par hehh\par yeah and be the big loser of the SMC world....lol\par Mesh, don't worry about the report, I'll post it tomorrow\par you sure? I can do it....\par Sure :)\par My jewish blood wants to make the jokes about myself...\par yeah me too\par lol\par before the others can do it! lol\par okay I'll let you do it\par hehe\par Aro - VERY politically astute decision as well ;)\par Could be worst...\par anyways....\par hehe\par ah well I'll see you guys on the threads. : b :\par I'm better in politics than in action\par hehe\par I'm looking forward to that cartoon Aro....\par But... Hell, i'm the prez... I'll delegate powers! lol\par hehe\par see you guys later!!!\par it's been....a learning experience, for sure\par Sunday I'll send the cartoon to you, mesh\par a good experience too....\par awesome\par you think you'll have it done by then??\par well, the people seems to be away...\par ya\par The cartoon? sunday night, for sure\par awesome\par sounds great\par take it easy, and Aro, good job. :)\par Ok... thanks... hehe\par until next time.......SMC Meshelic signing out....\par see you, mesh\par bye now\par * Disconnected\par }