Session Start: Tue Jan 14 13:45:26 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Now talking in #civ3dem hi dejon . Hi Spiffor, everyone I'll be more of a "fly-on-the-wall" for this one (working) OK Many people won't be able to be fully operational today : * dejon is now known as dejonWorking I have to leave soon for a birthday party ; Arnelos gets often disconnected, E_T should not stay during the hole chat IIRC ; Aro will have a political meeting Shiber : can you be my deputy tonight ? in a sec, busy sry sry ? :confused: Hi, dejon... Same with me... A fly on the wall! sry = sorry, can't talk right now oh ok spiff, as it appears at the moment i will have to disappoint you ok I understand this is mostly due to the fact that the chat is starting two hours later than i thought * Meshelic_having_smoke is now known as Meshelic i'm terribly sorry Shiber : sure thing. I know it's 21:00 in Israel already :( Well, at least, pretty much everything has been planned. back from the bank, but let me do a couple of thing, before we get started 12I have to leave now no problem Aní tzekha l'shlohakh dohar elektroní bye Spiffor! * E_T_at_Bank is now known as SMC_E_T Ma shlomkha * Arnelos has quit IRC (Client closed connection) Uh oh, a sign of things to come for Arnelos I'm afraid... 12Dejon will be my deputy (sorry Dejon) until a more available RA comes n the chat 12My latest orders can be found here : Lehitraot bekaov Bye all * Spiffor has left #civ3dem lehitraot :) * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem poor Arnelos grr... that sucks man at least I don't have two copies of me running around this time :p kakha kakha what, no evil twin? Lol apparently not Hi again, Arn! hi ARo shalom! we'll, I can always just take the reigns of Power.... Mmmhahaha that's why I'll reconnect every time I lose the connection :p 3who has the game up and running? E_T, that's supposed to be you I'm about to, anything you want me to look up? ok, Meshelic works 3need to have someone check FAM things (if anything, maybe Meshelic will decide to run for President a term or two down the line? :cute: ) lol I'm afraid I couldn't, USAF will be keeping me more than busy enough after this month Checking in Started yet? not yet If I could find my civ cd....sheesh Mesh, I REALLY DON'T evny you E_T - you especially won't when you find out what my occupation will be... :) Mesh, what is it? (assuming you can tell) Oh gosh - I'm the Deputy DM? What do I have to do? I'll be in ParaRescue, the USAF equivalent to Delta Force or the Rangers dejon - mostly just sit there :p Mesh - nifty hence my latest avatar! lol I have a family member who was in the "secret air force" back during the 80's (at least that's what they called it then, its existence has since been declassified) ;p Arnelos - OK, I can handle that. we're still running 1.21 right? posting the Chat thread now yes, 1.21f I guess I should load the save eh? Someone got link to it? E_T should hopefully post the save in the chat thread Save is posted 4Chat will start in just a few minutes I have 1.29 :( I have the 1.21 patch somewhere around here....I'll have to downgrade unless it doesn't matter? or does it? it matters ok I'll change it then the AI behaves differently (among other things) Arnelos, have you gotten with your ISP about it, or could it be your phone line? "secret air force" = National Reconnaisance Office (NRO). According to official U.S. policy, spy satellites and other such means of space-based stuff like that didn't exist until President Clinton declassified their existence in 1992 :p ParaRescue is more a search and rescue-type group. They were in the movie Black Hawk Down (although they were misrepresented in most scenes as Rangers when it was really ParaRescue I'm using my DSL here... it's been good enough to keep me on IRC for the past 10 min or so but I can't get on 'poly via internet explorer... it's too slow ah, hmmm very strange I'm just about organized and ready to start the chat Just finished downgrading to 1.21 excellent What was it you wanted me to check out E_T? FAM ok just a sec We haven't done FAM for this turn 6btw... just had a horrible thought... what 6when we use Seti the rush the palace, that will likely change the WF's for the entire empire, won't it? only for the TOC's Oh CRAP - you're right, especially Old France! Mon Dieu! it won't effect the actual WF's WF's? And I can make a quick check WorkForce oh. duh. (sorry) E_T, but many of the WF's may need to be changed to accomodate it? the people that work in th ecities We're loading the seti.sav right? I believe that's the last one I posted, yes correct good. up and running then not that we can't change WF's during the chat - that's what we'll have dejon and you do :p I am now in the game. I've never had to worry about the WF's when I've moved the palace, just the TOC's E_T, no it won't change them - but they should all be checked for optimization I can quicly cycle through them Ateshir kalul? lol * Arnelos has quit IRC (Client closed connection) remember, I was a fairly good DM in my time... :p E_T you were legendary. :b: We ready then? Rshímiat yayín b'vakasha i second! E_T you were the best DM ever We lost the Pres again :( 4Chat starts Now Agreed. * dejonWorking is now known as dejon I've got the save up and running right now. What are you're orders Herr General? Is Shiber the stand-in FAM for this chat or was it decided I would do it? Shiber declined Deputy DM, so I'd be surprised if he agreed to Deputy FAM It's faster if several people look at the FAM things i don't think i can act as FAM i have no authority well neither do I really.... i could help by looking into FAM issues, but i can't make orders likewise I have the save loaded, I can look up things as well 4I need people to look at things, because if I do it, it changes the randon seed (I've got the Imperial March playing in the background) lol you've got 3 helpers, what would you like us to do? 4check for any trades & fir things that we need to renegote & also to let ride Oh - I have recieved a request from Joan - she's wants her cities back...for uranium! :P 12but remember that we want to try to get as much as we can, next turn, if possible We shouldn't all check every civ - can we split 'em up? I've got Persia up already I'mm looking a MSS's orders Checking Zulu Dyes and Incense for 29lpt and 4l 9 turns remaining-7gpt for Dyes , 12 turns remaining embargo vs. Germans,13 turns remaining alliance vs Germans, 7 turns remaining 13 gpt for Saltpeter/Iron/or dyes * Nimitz has joined #civ3dem hi Nimitz! hey shalom Nimitz! the ALP has took over aahhhhhhhhh Russia - 10 turns remaining on 30 gpt for coal Hey, I'm not ALP Zulus: Peace (1 tr); 31lpt (5 tr); 12lpt (7 tr); Embargo vs. Germans (12 tr) tr - turns remaining Something like that? Greece - 5 gpt for Spices or dyes or incense (can't tell), ends this turn, 13 TR 192 gpt but there are more of them than us Now you know how the ALP feels towards the 3dejon, the Zulus, are we getting Gems from them? lol not right now, will check price you can dominate the population, we'll dominate the chats. yes the largest party status takes time I would expect the ALP to be as involved as we've been, it's in our charter to be very involved.... :) 3MSS wahts the Greek Luxes to ride for a bit, to get Refining We are giving the Greeks 8gpt for ivory I believe... along with incense I think drop in hte bucket... yup Zuluz want 103lpt + 10l for Gems - will check how much Dyes and Incense reduce it 3please 3do they have SM? Zulus: Gems for Dyes, Incense, 69lpt, 2l too much 3 do they have Sci Method or need another tech I remember when the UFC out numbered the DIA Will check with SM - do we want their WM? if it's only worth more than 1 L nimitz - I would have joined the DIA when I joined if you guys weren't so large already I never joined any group there's nothing like being an underdog (E_T should go ALP) except the DG games... ;) Zulus: Gems, WM, 36lpt, 5l for Scientific Method mesh you liked the DIA policy 3we'll reexplore it next turn I always thought of you as more of a warrmonger I'm partial to both 4DM ready to continue? Ack - hang on! Were CP and PW done at the start of this turn last chat? I'm a straight down the middle in my SP games, although I toy around with extreme versions of both DIA and HAWK policies (I think so) extreme versions of hawk policy!!! We still have unused workers... nimitz - there's a funny word for that but I can't think of it....hmmm dejon - can you tell how many? Yes, but there might be some changes Why are we improving tiles outside of city radius'? Just one, outside of Jerusalem All PW is done for the this turn Th Think that Arnelos was just roading the tiles We don't want RR there? I wonder if Arnelos will be back anytime soon... There are workers in places all over the map outside city radius' was he here I assume they are to RR - looking for Spiffor's orders he was a couple times, but his ISP kept flaking out on him no, we don't need RR 's there I'll make sure that they don't do any more... Yep, his original 1305 orders say to RR these tiles. ? well, thay aren't needed, just roaded, IMHO 4SMC ready to end turn Well, do you want to supercede his order? The SMC turn or you, as SMC are ready to end turn? 4No other FAM Issues, so the FAM is ready to end turn not this turn, I'll look at the orders for PW next turn 4is teh DM Deputy ready to end? Ok, end then 4End ing turn in 10 sec 4 5 sec kien 4Turn Ends When did Germany Get Rubber? Does Caesar have any? oh nevermind 4We have Atomic theory, changing to Electronics & 0% Research 3do we need to have atleast 1 sci for TOE to work right? * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem not sure... hello the Prez has returned! what's up? * Togas has joined #civ3dem Arnelos - we got another GL - we have to stop the chat! shalom Togas! greetings Just kidding LOL 4Entertainer in Ferropolis is changed to Sci Hi Togas 4Pollution strikes Del Monte mountian or flat land? akhshav shnyaym asar 4Flat, I think - Temple in Hannover is done, no Q, set to courthouse for now 4 1310 AB - the pollution is on tile #19, flat * GhengisFarb has joined #civ3dem hey ghengisfarb Hi Mesh how ya doin? Just watching the Pres race people are starting to show up more frequently now...very good 4 Frankfurt had fired off an Artillary piece, so Germany hight have Rubber now Artillery you don't need rubber for artys, just inf Ah, I have to take a PtWDG break. :P * dejon is now known as dejonPtWDG 4 Oh, Japanese move close to Banana HQ Go play your turn dejavu yeah, 'cause I certainly can't back you up :p I'm almost done with my Carribean/Colonial mod (trying to load 'poly website here... VERY SLOW) Save is uploading What does AFK mean? "A F@@@ing Klansmen"? 4Save is Posted I see people use AFK all the time, am I surrounded my white racists? I see that too alot. Don't have a clue what it means either.... Apparently neither of us is a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Good for you, GF 4 Starting on PW/CP, 3please be checking for FAM things Get away Sith Lord lol AFK == Away From Keyboard (I think they already knew that, but oh well) Ohhhhhhh GF is playing Togas Wow I was waayyyy off. E_T... are you sure that GF and Togas aren't the same guy? ;p shhhhhh! Good thing there was a lawyer in the house! that's what I'm here for. 4doing the PW stuff..... Do we have a ROP with Japan? I mean... they seem pretty friendly when exchanging e-mails for the PTW-DG... perhaps a little TOO much ;p Yes, I am the supreme leader of the GoW and the Roleplay teams. Meshelic - we have no ROPs Then why are those japanese ships about to make a landing at our capitol? Lux and ND look out. The GS are nuetral, we're swiss, or something... lol that's the biggest load of bull ;p Hey we need someone to play Switzerland in the Diplo PBEM Legoland = Swiss ahh... Legoland = Swiss Cheese (fullof holes) again, what's up with the Japanese soon-to-be-a-landing-party? GoW=Glory of Wining Winning, you forgot the other n Meshelic... dunno... no I meant Wining Speaking of Whining, I am NOT AT ALL pleased with Lux's new city site. They are our allies correct? (Tokugawa) just checked and answered my own question.... :) 12JAPAN IS OUR ALLY Meshelic - w/o looking at the save, I don't know precisely what to think How many turns are left on the MPP with Japan? Six turns left well, crap hmmm... very interesting. 4NEED OPINIONS FROM CHAT PARTICIPANTS ON WHAT TO DO ABOUT JAPAN There are 2 fleets of Japanese ships, 1 galleon/1 frigate in each. the galleons definetely have units in them. do they pose a serious threat to Uber Island? No, just to our CAPITOL Meshelic, there's at least another combo behind those - you just havne't seen it yet (it moved into the fog) we have rail network that can protect the entire country. Eat their babies. (Proxy post for Duddha) 3let's see what they do, we can move additional forces to BHQ if needed Perhaps ask them to leave our waters first. see how they respond. 4quickpoll - Demand Japan leave our territory if and when they land the first batch of troops: (1) yes, tell Tokugawa to get off our land, (2) no, he's just trying to help with Rome/Germany If we push the issue now and he declares war, that ends the chat as it constitutes an emergency... 0 Demand they leave BEFORE they land their troops. or, conversely, when his boat enters our waters - whatever demand when his boat enters our water demand when his boat enters our water 4boat is right next to BHQ It IS in our water got it demand now It ain't carrying a load of imports, I can tell ya that. just found the other Japanese fleet.... 4Call up Tokugawa and politely ask him to move his A-- out of our waters 2, I think that he's goiong to help against Garmany that should be in blue, whatever We're not Finland, and their not Nazi Germany, but I don't want to repeat history. 4HOLD THAT ORDER... grr... 4E_T is talking to me about it... Ask him to "move his Arnelos out of our waters"? let me get the other stuff out of the way 3please start checking for other FAM issues ok, we'll hold it for the end of the turn 12Please work on other FAM issues for now :) Fleet One 1 (frigate,galleon) 1 square from BananaHQ, Fleet 2 (frigate/galleon) 4 squares southeast of Ubergorsk, Fleet 3 (galleon/frigate), 4 squares southwest of Bacteria, Fleet 4 (frigate/galleon) 2 squares from El Duderino, all along one path of movement just to keep ya'll updates on their whereabouts.... yeah, that's what I thought - 4 fleets :) a full blown invasion I think panag was right about the need for a fleet... Why is Togas smiling? yes I agree now this is happening (I pushed for a fleet too.....) :) yeah, I was wondering the same thing... must be a PTW thing he really japanise :) and is glad for the invasion Togas never liked our coastal cities...... 4is there a reason that we are RR'ing tiles that are not in city Radii? Looking forward to seeing a few rival Jungle Ball cities burned ;) Japan could have taken less time traveling north of Greece and into Aztec land, unless they're going to Rome... BRB * Meshelic is now known as Meshelic_eatingLunch if we left a city open, the AI knows. And they always go after that one city with the least defenders in it, stupidly ignoring our railroads. we need a navy 3If that were so, they wouldn't be landing next to BHQ, as that City does have a defender.... they haven't landed yet, right? correct they're on their way to the target ... either us or another nation. yup Or their on a recoinnasance in force operation. don't believe the AI ever does that :p tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock AI doesn't need to, it knows the map tick tock tick tock surrender to tock (did no-one get that?) I guess not over my head man... no B5 fans :( other than E_T (though he hasn't acknowledged the reference yet :doitnow!: ) * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem hello all I watch it when I can hows it going? but I can't that often hi Panzer32! hey Panzer whats going on? Mesh is handling the save and he's gone to eat lunch, apparently meanwhile, we're debating what to do about an apparent Japanese invasion that is about to take place near where? 1 space off BHQ ming well, the first fleet (there are 4 of them) * Meshelic_eatingLunch is now known as Meshelic Notice I'm handling the save, not running it.... :) wb Meshelic nice lunch? yes very nice, thank you Ateshir kalul? What does tock have to do with B5? hehe GF - :rolleyes: What have I missed? watch Season 3 and then come back My brother is a big B5 fan, owns all of them. I don't play Bingo that often Meshelic - not much I9, B5, N32 don't mean much to me Is E_T doing his SMC turn? dunno E_T, you alive? :p hmmm I guess he's playing his SMC moves. maybe smoking caught up with him ;) j/k oh I forgot to have a cigarette....ugh I'll wait a little while longer. lol @ panzer In the meantime, is there anything of interest anyone would like me to investigate while the save is up and running? not really I will look at my region since there will be more corruption there ;p very true, Panzer (Arnelos grumbles about moving the capital...) I am posting an image of the Japanese Naval Fleets along our coastline for those interested, I'll place it in the chat thread... I dont like moving the capital either yeah, now we're all a bunch of Frenchies I saw GhengisFarb the other day wearing a pink skirt... to think! I second Nimitz's statement 4PW done, I think Oh he's doing PW orders... 3Yes, having to cykle though the Military stuff, I wish that 1.21 had teh wake. fortyfy all command... . E_T, I've wished that MANY times... So have I 3I've been playing a few 1.29 games lately and I'm spoiled.... I hear ya, I mostly just play PTW now, unless it's for this demogame I've played enough PTW that I got spoiled Japanese Fleet screenshot posted in chat thread yup nod ok for those of you who don't have the game running and want to see what we're talking about 4are we done with FAM? . . 3the CP Orders for Willsbuty has the WF moved from #8 to 9, but there is no change in the TOC, but teh growth is redused hmm 3have not done any FAM, do we have anything besides asking Japan to leave Have we even decided to ask them to leave? ( I need a better graphics mod) 3Willsbury, #8 - 8 turns to growth, #9 - 14 turns to growth Someone check the orders thread for FAM - it's topped 12acording to DM's orders, adding 2 Native PW to Chartres (says 3, but will grow next turn) unless anyone Objects I go the fridge to get some snacks and Arnie has me wearing a skirt................ I'm there Arnelos what would you like to know 4E_T - 2 is fine are there any specific orders for this turn? Ghengis - you're a frenchie now Income increased by 4 1310 AD Fight War 14 GPT becomes available from England. Try to get 20 LPT for rubber No I'm not, I live in Ghengland I also heard Duddha talking about how it would be wiser to just surrender to Japan and get the whole invasion mess over with... man, having our capital in France is doing interesting things to the country I might go back to when we destroyed France and instead of warring with them, take out Germany first. I've toyed around with using the same map for a new game, as well. just for the "what if?" factor.... * dejonPtWDG is now known as dejon Back Ghengis - so you're a Persian now? ;p I am now a proud member of the "Sons of Apolyton" a group dedicated to ignoring the Palace move. :p lol if we move the palace, we should rename Macross City to New Apolyton it's still France :p But it's still French! lol We should call it Paris! yes, lol bah We should call it trash that sounds more appropriate :) bah, New York was once New Amsterdam! And now its Istanbul We could call it "AnnoyGhengisFarb" anyone reciting Let them be giants lyrics will be kicked out of the palace :p Istanbul was ... damn, cut me off lol not Constantinople yeah definetely not They must be giants whatever lol ;) "Its sissytown not Apolyton, its sissytown not Apolyton" doesn't quite fit with the lyrics though nouvelle Apolyton? E_T - how are we doing with PW, CP? ok this is getting weird PW is done I think CP still going? hmmm.... the palace move to the capital of the pink French happened with very similar timing to the pinko Labor Party running their pinko pro-communism platform... coincidence? ;p Whatever looking between this, & that screen, for all of the jumbled RA orders French = Communists? yes, coincidence. :) ALP = not commies French = Pink = Communists A = B = C, therefore A=C And I just accedentally closed one of the Windows Ezeh platforma? grrr Meshelic... oh, that's what you want everyone to think :p Water is Wet, Beer is Wet, therefore Water is Beer? Doesn't always work........ Seems that what YOU want everyone to think, as you've been the only one encouraging that theory.... lol Upper Apolyton and Ghengland - shhh! stop using that REAL logic stuff! :p Ani rotzeh kartis b'vakasha Ubergorsk All others in old thread - I've been using that in the Banana King Taverns...... GhengisFarb... beer IS water in my opinion... so I guess it works for that one :p (well, at least most american beers) depends on what beer you drink I agree w/you there Arn Arnelos - assuming you're talking American beer, yes * Togas has quit IRC (Quit: ) Like sex in a canoe ?? lol American beer. (F*cking close to water) See what France has done to us already? rofl! Hehe... LOL even Aro had to laugh at that one, and he hasn't said anything in hours.... the Sons of Apolyton are not amused. I'm laughing at the French, not w/them....:scared: The Sons of Apolyton need to go rent a canoe. lol I was just taking a look, then... hehe Bah, your mother was a Hamster.... :P Yesh bahr tov karov? and your father was a camel * Aro_at_work is now known as Aro_almost_finished Hamsters are frnech French (Holy Grail reference) Your mother was French and your father was a cigarette? dejon - I know ;) Let me know if you want the whole thing. :D DaRN, i JUST DID IT AGAIN ah cigarette..... DaRN E_T = Britney Spears? E_T's Britney Spears imitation. * Meshelic is now known as Meshelic_Having_A_Smoke_Bye LOL lol close the windo with the ordes that where up in... We were all over that one. lol Name the next save, "Oops, I did it again.sav" I second that notion (still lol) * Meshelic_Having_A_Smoke_Bye is now known as Meshelic_Having_A_Smoke 3I know what I need 4GOING TO HAVE A SMOKE MYSELF I second that notion E_T ah cig break, be back in a second after I roll one up of starting a commotion? Well, since it seems to be in style... perhaps I should find my own suitable means of shortening my lifespan... * Arnelos heads over to Apolyton to post in the President Election thread Sniffing Pam? How about drinking Drano? I honestly think that posting in the Presidential Election thread is doing enough to shorten my lifespan already You're winning Back, I think that the next DM should consolidate all of the RA orders into one place... Phew! work is done... * Aro_almost_finished is now known as Aro 4Orders for Oak Ridge has too many WF for the POP,setting it for the best That I can get GhengisFarb, I still have PLENTY of opportunities to prevent my own election :p I'd think that you, of all people, would want me to do so :p 4DOH, i didn't change the build for Delmonte and there isn't a settler there, will try to fix 4Changing it's current build to a Cav ans teh Settler is next * Arnelos has quit IRC (Client closed connection) 4Shiber is Requesting a Draft from a City that just grew to 13, should we? It's Willsbury cancel that, it appears that the japanese are not going to invade the coast of Ghengland * Meshelic_Having_A_Smoke is now known as Meshelic Why would I want you to do so? It would allow be to run up the number of things to try to impeach you for. lol * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem Hi. hey Kloreep! and the ALP continues to dominate the pop. here.... Mwahahahaha. ;) hehe The DIA has its contigent so when are we planning that coup d'etat? oops never mind What is this ALPO they keep bringing up? your not in the mil. 4I beleave that the CP stuff is done brb * Nimitz has quit IRC (Quit: ) 4Kloreep, I didn't get teh build changed in Del Monte to the settler, but it will start next turn, that O.K.? i have to leave now i wish you all the best of luck with the rest of the turnchat * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem You mean you'll change it next turn? 4ANY FAM stuff before we go to SMC?? back Bye Shiber. cya Kloreep :) * Shiber has quit IRC (Quit: Good Luck!!) 12I don't think there's any FAM E_T: Whatever you want to do is fine. 4Are we asking Jaapan to leave? 4YES unless MSS left orders to the contrary... lemme double-check 4Going to ask very nicely... waiting I can't get into 'poly someone please check for me 3did anyone get steel? we're making money hand over fist from the Japanese... I'd hate to lose that panzer32 -sshh about the coup de'tat! lol j/k MSS wants us to try to get 20LPT from England for Rubber I don't think we should ask the Japanese to leave Arnelos - nothing in MSS orders about this scenario ok, try that they may declare war, that would not be in our best interests right now. ok, I'm finally on 'poly... checking BOTH orders threads ghengis - not ALPO.... ALP. Apolyton Labor Party. The Japanese are Gracious to us - it wouldn't make any sense. Could they be on their way to Babylon? I agree: don't give Tokugawa an ultimatum yet. was Rome not our buddy before we asked them to leave our territory? We can always do it next turn if we feel more threatened then, but there is no reason when they don't have units on our land. I think they're headed towards Babylon. Or Rome 3she will pay 26LPT, WM & 63L for Rubber. That will break her for now Well, MSS left NO orders regarding demanding the departure of foreign forces 4should I complete the English Rubber deal? E_T - No Steel 12Complete English Rubber deal It's not our call to make, yet. If ManicStarSeed shows up then we'll find out. 4telling Liz that we will gladly take her money Meshelic... actually, I have the authority to make the call for MSS - he named me his deputy 4Any other FAM? oh sorry, didn't notice that... other than the Japanese, nope Zulu Gems? dejon - did I miss that (thought that was for another turn)? Let's wait until next turn for that, when we go and sell Sci Meth to all Just curious if we want them OK 4Is that it for FAM? there are no orders from MSS regarding the Zulus other than to reneg peace 12FAM done (other than Japan - we'll handle later in turn) I'm looking in the chat time thread to see if MSS was going to be late or not MSS says he can't be here at all - ok 4O.k., then we start the further bombardment of Berlin... 4NEW QUICKPOLL: Ask Tokugawa to start packing this turn or wait and see? (1) Tell him to get out NOW! (2) Wait and see we're still one turn one, correct? my vote : 2 2 2 * CiverDan has joined #civ3dem hey Hi CiverDan Considering that Togas and a few other people voted #1 for an almost identical poll about an hour ago... 2 anything exciting yet? Hi, Civer hey CiverDan hui hi 43 Arts on Berlin, Killed Pop, 4/4 to 3/4 (new 4/4 showing), Pop Killed (now 10 Pop) ack my eyes! Blink E_T, put a space in between the color and the next number 4 sorry 3 Arts, 1 pop killed, 4/4 to 3/4, pop killed have fun - keeping firing artys :) 2 10 pop, 4/4 showing :) we are on the turn after the seti save right? correct 4 3 more, 4/4 to 2/4, 4/4 to 2/4 (4/4 shows), Whif 4 3 more - Barracks destryed, pop killed (now 9), Whif yay... finally got the barracks My god - how many Arts do we have there? somewhere around 12 to 20 4 10 total, last killed pop We have, I think, 3 such stacks of artys 4 Frankfurt next 4 Barracks destryed, pop killed (now 14), 4/4 now 3/4 (4/4 showing) 4 Whif & 4/4 now 3/4 (showing 4/4). Movings the other 5 Arts closer brb 4moved the Gallion with the Rubberstam group on it SW and spotted a Roman Inorclad/Gallion Combo 4 now for the Roman Area, there are Leagionares to kill.... brb 4first, attacking Babs at Brund #6 with an Inf from Fort Brund 4Vet Inf agains Babs 2/3 Spear...Kills Spear, but is now 1/4 4VVet Cav against a Babs 1/3 Bow.. 4 Kills Bow & is now Elite with 1 wound (4/5) nifty perhaps we can get another GL and wait around another week :p 4moved 2 Art into position at Brund #8 to work on the Romans ANOTHER Roman Ironclad/Galleon combo?! geesh... we NEED a fleet 4 2 4/4 Legion are now 2/4 with a 3/3 still there 4Bringing up one mre Art back 4 3/3 is now 1/3, attacking with a Vet Inf 4 and killed a 2/4, not wounded but no promotion 4 another Vet Inf kills the other 2/4 and takes one wound, attacking the 1/3 wioth a Vet Cav Wow... I just entered the Presidential election thread, and I'm already covered in mud. ;) Nice reply speech Aro in the election I just posted one myself....hehe Kloreep - good stuff eh? lol it's not so muddy anymore 4 and kills it, there are 3 Roman Infantry on the Hill at Syracuse #10, but well only hit them with Arts for now... it's dried out some... lots of caked on dirt I just turned the sprinklers on..... oh? Well, heading in there now... : ) I knew you would hehe I could just see Arnelos' face : "oh?" hehe "is that so?" :D 4 and the Last Art that is at teh Fort was a Whif, we moved a couple of Mil Units closer to Syracuse and there is a 5/5 Rifle there I trust you liked my reference to "become filthy rich!" :p :p I had to throw a zinger in their before the crowd gasps..... "there" I mean not quite true... I was the one in the DIA *against* a merger with the ALP, but that's but a detail I suppose :p I *did* want an alliance concerning the abolition of slavery... Good stuff, Arnelos and Mesh... 4 Fire the 3 Arts at Syracuse from 2 away or advance.... * CiverDan1 has joined #civ3dem * CiverDan has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) :D 4I'm thinking tto advance, they will protect agains the 3 Inf, if they deside to counter attack 4Advancing I have a feeling Arnelos will of course post his much-expected response.... *did I say that out loud?* 4we can end the turn.... BTW, Aro, I don't recall seeing a platform from you (though I could probably find it in the Nomination thread if I wasn't so darn lazy ;). Are you going to post your Prez policies in the Election thread? I didn't think you HAD any platform Aro! :D Well, fellows, gotta go. The damn meeting... Ok Mr Vice Chairman, have a good one! Bye Aro. :) B'hatzlakha! 4Is everybody ready to end teh turn? Sounds good. :b: :b: I'll post some politics later, when I come back... see you, guys! And good luck, Arnelos. You deserve the victory. Ani rotzeh zeh b'shtaroht ktahnot 4Arnelos, are you ready? I think he's on the threads....posting a response to the continued mud-slinging... or did we lose him again in the Presidential response. 12FAM ready to end, Exec not QUITE ready... you can blame me for that... lol 5splat!!! 12Debating with myself over whether to demand that Tokugawa leave... it's an entertaining debate We don't need another war... * Aro has quit IRC (Quit: ) Be careful MrPresident, Tokugawa is a proud man, who leads a powerful nation. A stand-off'ish approach to this may make us another enemy... We can always demand he leave if he does land units next turn. Plus your reserves are low... yes klor It's not like he has Marines yet. Actually, they should have already landed only make him leave if they land ...unless they are headed to Babylon.... The problem I'm thinking about is that the AI tends to declare war if they already have multiple units on your soil, but many times will be nice about leaving if they only have a single unit or a few So it actually MIGHT be better to ask him to leave now BEFORE he lands... we don't know for sure if he'll land or not though... at least on OUR territory... E_T has a very good point. He could have landed troops already if he wanted. 4while your still debating, I'm going to the Little SMC's Room... Remind me when I'm SMC to constrcut a Big SMC's Room.... Back 3 If we let him land, AND he does Declare, then the MPP's will activate E_T... only 6 turns left on those, but this is true How many units does a galleon hold? 3...4? 4 4 So the Japanese could theoretically land 16 units on our land IO moves Additional Units to Loveshack & BHQ Diverting army personel from the front, regardless of our continued victories, IMHO wouldn't be too wise... 3I say let him land and see what happens I agree. Didn't we overwhelmingly vote less than 20 minutes ago to wait on that anyways? We have more being built... THe Exec is still undecided Let's see waht they do Meshelic... but 1:20 ago, everyone voted overwhelmingly for kicking Tokugawa out Togas was included in that group and gave a persuasive reason to boot Tokugawa now ANd we've had more reasons to let them continue, too 12Well, I agree with E_T's argument concerning the MPP's... we'll wait a turn 4is everyone ready to contunue them? 12FAM ready to end, Exec ready to end, (DM?) ready to end 3Dejon? are you ready? Ah, sorry, I've been on the phone. Everything done? yes OK GO wait... .RUSHES did we rush anything? I'm doing a lst quick check of things... nope E_T... how much cash on hand? E_T, did you change the builds for Hannover, Heroes', etc? Yes 625 Lyton in Tres, 1874 Income If we're rushing something, I nominate Heroes' Summit for a nice, shiny new Cathedral. E_T... how many temple rushes do you think you'll need in the immediate future? I'm concerned about potentially losing our income from Japan, so I don't want to risk it However, we're about to get ToE and then we can techwhore again... so we might not be so pressed for cash Plus we have to rush the Factory in Macross, if that is where teh Palace is going to be at actually, take that back... we can't techwhore until we have Hoover's E_T, good point. * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * SMC_E_T has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * CiverDan1 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Meshelic has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * GhengisFarb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Kloreep has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Arnelos has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) Session Close: Tue Jan 14 18:02:17 2003 Session Start: Tue Jan 14 18:02:31 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Now talking in #civ3dem Back E_T, how many turns to complete the factory normally? Cathedral in Heroe's Summit costs 312... WB dejon should wait a couple of turns E_T, how many turns total? it only has 2 shields built on it... 2 shields!? rush the palace now then! I think ET means Heroes' Summit. oh Macross' Factory is over halfway complete. ok how many TURNS? Yes, Macross had about 5 turns left for the normal build About 77% complete right now hmm.... 5 turns w/o any chance of another GL versus 308L so we can have 4 more turns of hoping for another GL... thoughts? Pay the 308L my thinking as well 12Rush the Factory in Macross City for 308L Or Lhasa for 160 and it's Aqaaduct * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem We should have rushed it last turn we're buildling the palace in Macross... what happened?? dejon - true, but too late now never mind, I have to go anyway... bye cya panzer * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) bye O.K., 4 Ruching Factory in Macross City for 308L, setting WF for Max Trade sounds good 12Exec ready to end as long as slider is set to 0% 4done 12ToE done next turn, right? it's at 0% and 1 Sci in Ferropolis Correct 12Which city is building Hoover's again? TFC ok we'll check on turns to Hoover completion next turn 12READY TO END Did we clean the pollution up? 4just about ready....looking at a couple of things SMC_E_T had his apron on, so I guess we did :p I imagine Hoover's will only take ~4-5 turns. Kloreep - that would be good. Those techwhore deals are going to run out and income will plummit 3Dejon, Can I change the build in HII from Art to Inf? Same time to Complete Are you sure about the Palace move? A lot of people (including me, BTW) assumed it would be determined later. Yes Macross wouldn't be a bad spot, but... if we don't use Seti now, we deny ourselves further GL's... I thought Macross was already decided upon? We've run out of time Let's not start this again We can always use another GL for another move, IWSW E_T - :rolleyes: OT another fine speech Arnelos. I have finished my response... oh my... can we call a cease fire until tomorrow? * CiverDan1 has joined #civ3dem :p no problem you know I love these political debates. It is like a brain-massage.... of course, so I do... but I'm tired :p :D and that stupid page won't load... Has no one else returned to the chat?? I coulda sworn there were more people before the crash.... im back there were, but some were AFK Yeah, but many had been silent for awhile i finally realized what had happened : ( I just found a couple of WF's that needed to be changed, and everything looks good now. 4are we ready? ET, did you change Del Monte? (Assuming the pollution was cleared there) I have complete confidence that as the legendary former DM, all DM stuff has been handled. Yes, I'ts o.k. now so you want me to dig up a thread where you talked about going to communism... as luck would have it, ARO was the one to post it ;) I'ck, Communism BAD 12end the turn, please 4ending in 10 4 ending in 5 Turn Ends in read (finally) 4 Turn Ends.... and the Japanese.... ? I agree, communism very bad we're taking the "wait and see" approach for a turn both in-game and out-of-game Arnelos - you can dig, you won't find anything on me. Maybe Aro, but that's a completely different story. I know, I'm waiting for word on what they do.. Meshelic, what Palpatine can't find, he creates. ;) So I've noticed.... He MIGHT find a statement by me LONG LONG ago when I was in the Hawk Party, saying something about going communist and conquering the world, but I'd hardly take that seriously... I don't even recall saying it. Maybe I was agreeing with someone...? I bet he could find the conquer the world one. :) But communism is a different matter... Knowing Arnelos, he'll dig 4We have built ToE, and have Electronics, what is the other Tech that we want? It's interesting, the focus is away from the election know and on a party free-for-all mudslinging. Interestingly how quickly that can happen... which is more expensive? I thought we were going for Radio... This was discussed and decided somewhere.. I didn't have to dig very long... I found some posts by Aro on the front page 4 oh, there where 3 Cav & someting else droped off on the Mountain at BHQ this will be entertaining Meshelic: Yeah, that's one way to put it. I'm beginning to agree with mrmitchell... 4TOE, ELECtronis and WHAT ELSE????? im looking for the thread.. 4RADIO 12RADIO got you definetely radio roadcage is always right. ;) you could hardly take Aro's "I'm a communist insurgent!" speech seriously, though... 4 and set for what afterwards, steel or refining? Steel Many civs have refining already yes stell steel Meshelic... all of our comments are marked as [rp] - I highly doubt that anyone is taking them seriously :p :D 12Set research for Refining Steel, 4 turns @ 100% with 168 income although they CAN affect voter decision.... roleplay or not.... What's Refining? 4 Refining it is, 4 turns @ 70% 663 income Refining goes to combustion, right? As does steel, IIRC... need both fro combustion ?? We can get Refining from other civs in trade Don't other civs already have Refining? We can sell one of our techs for it and just go for Steel. what tech we gonna sell....i thought no techwhoring until hoovers Hopefully one of them has gotten Steel & we can trade for both Can't we sell Scientific Method? 4 Lost our supply of Ivory I don't know what things are like in 1315, but in 1310, Greece will sell us Refininf for it, with money! 12no techwhore until we have Hoover's 4 1315AB Course, Sci Method's value is probably down the tubes now, with ToE built. it still leads to Electronics we can wait a few turns Kloreep - no because it still leads to Atomic Theory 42 Jap Cav, A spear & Sword at BHQ #1 (the mountain) 2 Cav that is * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem hello hey panzer.. wb panzer guess we gotta ask then to to leave.... anything happen? some jap units landed in our territory They still may be headed north towards Germany.... we willing to take that chance... We won't know if we ask them to leave....and in one turn they'll get there anyway right? oh wait, we don't have an ROP with them we will need multiple defenders ni each reachable city if we cahnce it chance true, CiverDan BHQ and Loveshock are in range of that Cav. 4 uploading save now What are the odds that if we ask them to leave they will 1) Say "ok in a minute" and go north, or 2.)Attack us ? I don't think I want to take that chance.... 4 Save is posted If they were headed for Germany, they wouldn't have unloaded onto the mtn. 4I'm going to have a Smoke real Quick me too * Meshelic is now known as Meshelic_Out_Smoking there are plenty of other places they ould have landed to be closer to the germans Meshelic - the capital hasn't even moved to France yet and you're already calling on us to surrender? ;p or the Babs or Romans, for that matter . remember to use the leader fro attacking with any elites back before wb where are the building the Palace, anyways.. 4 oh, the chinese sunk the galley that was off of Tarsus with a Frigate & the Gallion that is south of El Duderio spotted a Chinese Gallion/Frigate combo headed to Uber we need a navy fast... 4 and teh Romans are headed ther too, Operation Rubberstam is called off and the forces will retrun to Uber is our ironclad healed yet? hmm.... peace negotiations in a few turns Yep i dont have the game open right now... 4 I suggest that we ask the Japanese to leave, before we do any SMC stuff * Panzer32 is now known as Panzer32_transferring_computer CiverDan: Which Ironclad? * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem The one Welsh coast is. * Panzer32_transferring_computer has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 3is anyone checking to see if anyone got Steel yet the one that sunk the roman ironclad earlier on * Kloreep is chronically leaving out words today. the Ironclad at Whelsh Coast is ready to rock E_T: I'll check for stell. Surrender? No no no no not what I meant at all.... * Meshelic_Out_Smoking is now known as Meshelic * Meshelic is now known as Mesh_AFK No steel You one has "Stell". Or Steel either. ;) Oh, I didn't know you were checking, Kloreep. Next time I'll say I'm checking Okay. :) Yikes, WW is getting high. 3see waht we can get from everybody, especially Japan (Cash only) for Refining & luxes. 3if Japan declares, the WW will get better 4 doing PW ET, please change Gaia's build from a Bank to a Colosseum. It's on the edge of disorder... * Mesh_AFK is now known as Meshelic Have you asked the Japanese to leave yet E_T? Los Alamos will go into disorder without an entertainer Hmmm... what RAs aren't here? Shiber? And one other... not yet ok thanks Woah... ET, I have a WF change or two when you're ready. Three other cities in Old France on "on the brink" (Macross City, Here It Is, Ferropolis) Napoleton is the only city in my province about to go into disorder, but I'm also checking Ghengland since Shiber isn't here. Willsbury will go into disorder. What other region needs checking, I can check another Hoover Dam in two turns! :Party: There's another RA who isn't here, but I'm not sure who... yay Rushing Los Alamos' marketplace will prevent the disorder - 304 lytons 6Meshelic - response posted... no more for today only 2 turns to Hoover? AWESOME Napoleton also needs a Market, but it's not a high priority (especially not for rushing). dejon: Central Apolyton is the other province that needs checking. Donegael - Central 'Poly - I'll check it :) Wow... a TON of cities in both Upper Poly and Old Persia are on the brink. War weariness... END THE WAR! :D and frmo losing ivory from :( only a few turns left Only Napoleton and Willsbury need readjustment though (Willsbury had a Hospital built before Colosseum, for some reason). 4TFC changed to Hoover Dam Yes, we need a lux. 3 We might lose a Lux, with Japan Holy crow - almost ALL of Central 'Poly is on the brink of disorder! we will have tons of disorder if we go to war with japan without gettin another lux back unless we tweak the slider..of course woohoo 4 that's bewcause we lost Ivory Possible trade with Greece: Sci. Method and 533 lytons in exchange for Refining and Ivory. No, war with japan might improve the WW - at first anyways woohoo regarding Hoover Dam Expensive Lux, there... I'll check Shaka. true * Meshalic has joined #civ3dem wb mesh Sci Method and 533 lytons for Refining and Ivory might be worth it... that's a pittance 533L is about 30LPT woah that was unexpected... E_T, it still might be worth it. 4we have Luxes that can be redone with Greece, too Then we can research Steel in 4 turns, we're completing Hoover's in only 2 anyhow * Meshalic has quit IRC (Quit: ) Shaka: Scientific Method in exchange for Gems, WM, 9 lytons, and 15 LPT. Note that this does NOT break him; he has more LPT. I thought NO tech trades until Hoovers... Hoovers is two turns away, though. hmm... 12someone other than E_T please check renegotiating our lux sales to Greece to get ivory from them OK, I will check greece No one could get Electronics in that time, whether or not we trade Sci. Method this turn. 2 turns till hoover...wouldnt it be impossible to anyone to get to Hoovers befoer then * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem wazzup CiverDan: Exactly. Hi. :) We're rushing the palace in Macross, and considering trading Sci. Method. 4San Cortez is 1 turn avay from it's Maz Pop, I'm Reintegrating one ofht e Workers, so that it has a Full Granery We're on the brink of disorder in most cities. :( Hence the Sci. Method trades. ET: :b: San Cortes... now that's a happy city compared to most others. :) kloreep--:( * mrmitchell needs to d/l teh save more often :P * Meshelic has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Kloreep has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * CiverDan1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) * CiverDan1 has joined #civ3dem Greece no longer needs our luxes. They want 99lpt, 16l for Ivory * Arnelos slaps the server with a large trout for kicking everyone off :) * Meshelic has joined #civ3dem :( @ what Greece wants woah that was incredibly strange.... (although it gave me time to check out GhengisFarb's impressive graphic talents again in the Chat thread)....go see it :doitnow!: Ok, we can probably whore Sci Method get or lux back first.. Oops, sorry, I screwed up with Greece, I clicked the peace deal by mistake, so they still had our luxes (why they didn't show up) hang on when we whore 3Whore for Gems & Ivory E_T, I agree I think we shore Sci Method to Greece first, then Zulus, then everyone else * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem Hello again. Greece Lux Renog: Ivory for Spices, Dyes, Incense, 11lpt hello hey Kloreep dejon... check for if we reneg those luxes along with selling Sci Method I'll see what other civs will pay full value for Sci Method... We certainly can - do we want Refining from them? yes I'll include our luxes in the deal then With the luxes we sell them thrown in, we should definitely be able to get Refining Greece: Ivory, Refining for Dyes, Scientific Method, and 13l that sounds good They don't have enough gold/income to buy all our luxes (Incense, Spices) dejon, that sounds excellent 3can we get sonething from Greese, if we through the spices into it? crosspost They'll give WM, 18lpt and 75l for Incense (bankrupts them) It's worth more if there's another buyer..? woah... who's that? Greece ah That is in addition to the first deal you mean by doing the deals seperately? yes ok we'll do that then 12E_T, please Give Greece Sci Meth and 131 lytons for Refining and Ivory or best deal 13 lytons, (13l), not 131 lytons 12note that this requires renegotiating current lux deal oh, follow dejon's post there 12 13 lytons and Dyes for further reference, always use capital "L" when posting it after a number ;) 4 in just a moment Ok 12ok.... correction: 12We give them Sci Meth, Dyes, 13 lytons. They give us Refining and Ivory 12THEN, sell them incense for 18 LPT + 75 L after that, we do the Zulus And their WM It's worth more than 1L * Klor has joined #civ3dem Got disconnected. Kloreep is multiplying - this must be how Meshlelic plans to win all of the elections :p LOL 6 Second Greece deal: Incense for WM, 18LPT, 75L At least there aren't three of me. :p hehe I think Aggie holds the record at 4 Oh geez - the fire alarm is going off here lol @ dejon By dejon cya dejon * dejon is now known as dejonWALKINGOUTSIDE 3Renegote Lux deals with Greece, Refine for Sci with Ivory & other Lux Anyway, here's my report on other large nations: Montezuma, Tokugawa, Elizabeth, and Catherine are all broke; Gandhi will pay 47 LPT and 65 lytons. cool about Gandhi That seems a little low to me... but it's been a while since 1.21. Is this normal? 4PW done, starting FAM I thought he might have done some research on it already. Ghandi has more cash than I thought he would.... Well, he isn't at war with a civ on his continent, unlike other AIs... 12someone please check what Sci Meth deal with Shaka would be AFTER the deals are complete with Greece * Kloreep has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Klor is now known as Kloreep I can't, as I don't know what all those deals were. Back I can if someone can repeat 'em for me. :) * dejonWALKINGOUTSIDE is now known as dejon Got down three flights when the alarm went silent Kloreep, I'll give you everything in a private channell... Greece: Ivory & Refining for Sci Meth; Dyes & 13L 4 that was in red or E_T can report in red :) That works. :) 3 do I execute teh 2nd deal with Greece? Are we asking Shaka for the Gems or just Lytons? Gers if possible *Gems I have Kloreep the details via private chat Yay! Willsbury is happy again. 12please ask for gems I just want another Lux to ease the WW dejon - agreed Hmm, would we give them Sm AND Refining? 4Second deal with Greece: WM; 18LPT; 75L for Incense What next? Zulu deal... working on that It could be very lucrative if we're giving them both techs dejon - check both options Woah... Shaka has over 50 LPT. Kloreep is checking it, right? someone check, I don't care who :p I just got the Greece deals done, you're probably farther along. 12has anyone checked to see if we can get peace with China? they only have an Alliance against us with Rome But I can check one of the options if you want. I know a rough range, lemme refine it I'll look at China. :) thanks, guys They'll accept a vanilla treaty. I'll see what I can get from Mao. 3 we can't do that with Babs, because of the MPP's awesome - at least we can get one peace treaty * mrmitchell has quit IRC (Quit: ) Hmm... only WM and 1 lyton. He's broke. Zulu: SM, Refining for Gems, 59 LPT, 4L ! Wow... 12Acting FAM asks President if it's ok to sign a peace treaty with China Refining really pushes it up 12President tells Acting FAM ok lol You'd think he was planning to attack us again. :) lol Don't they have an MPP with Babylon though? You mean China? Yeah Maybe... I can't see since we're at war with both. All the better a deal, then, since we can ruin Mao's rep. :D that's China's problem That's very true! no, but Babs are in it with our MPP partners, so that is out until the MPP's are over With just SM, the Zulus would also want 49LPT, 1L from us for the gems! I'd say peace with China, especially with all the WW. But if we're getting 8 luxes... give 'em both fair deal, then we can sell tehm Atomic after.... 12Sell Zulus Refining+SciMeth for Gems, 59 LPT, 4L someone check India AFTER that deal goes through * Meshelic is now known as MeshelicAFK 4executing Checking India someone also check if we can get anything from China for peace 3better deal with Zulu, checking it first Arnelos: Already did. He can only give us WM and 1 lyton. India: 15 LPT, 72L for SM (bankrupts them) we'll take his WM and 1 lyton then :p India has a LOT more money than that, but ok or at least they did Hmm? Kloreep, double-check India - didn't you say Gandhi had some insane amount of money? Gandhi has over 200 LPT. I'll get an exact figure in a moment. What are you offering him? 212, to be exact. 212 LPT!?!?! How do you find that out? sweet! claim it!! Panzer: Unfortunately, he won't give us most of it. :( :( 3 how about this guys - Zulu: Gives Gems; WM; 9L & 63LPT for Incence; Dyes; Sci Met & Refining? then take it ;) Panzer - soon enough... we'll be able to whore Atomic in 2 turns :) Hmm - is something wrong with my setup? where is india again? we're still 1.21 right? yes on the other side of the planet 1.21 dejon: To find how much LPT an AI would give for the right price, watch where the Foreign Advisor changes from refusal/acceptance to "They would NEVER accept such a deal." you din't have teh luxes in therew I'm using 1.21 3 so shell I execute that deal? * Donegeal has joined #civ3dem Unfortunately, sounds like we don't have that right price, but at least we'll make some sort of dent in his income. 12wait on India Hi Donegeal. hi all Ah, the luxes. hi donegeal Hi Donegeal Donegeal, How are you? hi donegal 12Kloreep, what do you get for best deal with Gandhi? got a headach... thanks for caring... 4 do I execute the above deal with zululand, the one that I posted? 12I see it now - YES 4Executung deal with Gandhi? I get 57 lytons + 12 LPT as best deal. That's after deal with Zulus (didn't realize ET hadn't after he posted "executing". ok, that's what we'll do then My deal with Zulus was slightly different (no luxes) 4 Zulu: Gems; WM; 63LPT & 9L for Incense; Dyes; Sci Meth & Refining 12E_T - After Zulus, sell SciMeth to India for 12 LPT + 57 lytons (that's a bit low, but we'll make it up with Atomic) It is low. I suspect Gandhi's reserching Sci Method. I got 15LPT and 72 L with India Did you do the deal with the Zulus? 12E_T, just go for best deal you can get Yeah, but a slightly different one Ah. 4 getting ready to do the india deal, setting slider to 100%, 4 turns at +245LPT income I assume that's for Steel, right? Note that my proposed deal gets less than Gandhi's total lytons; but, if he keeps his word, the extra LPT will make up for the 15 lytons we leave him with. yes 3 I suggest that we wait on the Atomic to India, the Furs are in 5 turns, but we can still do the sci meth Los Alamos will still go into disorder, btw - can we rush the marketplace? we need to do sci meth now because otherwise Shaka or Alex will sell it to him anyways dejon - how much will marketplace cost? 304L you sure it will go into disorder, even after the luxes? Same with Napoleton, BTW. A rush would be good there too; either way, it'll need WF adjustment this turn. yes, even with the gems ok... we'll see what our financial situation is after all deals (probably) Can someone check Howitzerville? I've forgotten whether it already has an entertainer, and it needs one. 3checking before executing - India: 12LPT & 57L for Sci Meth? 12do it how long before we get hoovers? 2 turns 2 turns 4 Done 12Sign Peace Treaty with China - they should give us 1 lyton and their WM * dejon is now known as dejonBUSY 4 we have 1 oil, at Los Alamos * MeshelicAFK is now known as Meshelic Who else has oil? in their region, that is... 4E_T - are we at peace with China yet? We'll get another once Brundisium's culture expands. :) Currently Rome has it, though it's unroaded. 3 I can add trade embargos arains both Rome & Germany, do we wnat that? 12no Iroquois have two (one's under Catta-unspellable) 3 just the peace deal then 12yes Rome has a second oil in tundraland. 4 executing hmm... 4 He's annoyed be we have the peace Greece has one near Athens. hopefully, that should please at least a few of the peaceniks demonstrating in front of the palace Persia has one! Persia? lol still 50% wanting peace Aztec: 1 (not roaded yet. 4 frankfurt has 1 12FAM done other than Japan issue 12E_T - report: cash on hand? 2314L with 257 income at 100% sci slider excellent England has 1 on their few tiles of desert. 12dejon and Kloreep - which cities needed those marketplaces again? Napoleton needs a market. Also, Hannover and Howitzerville will need Cathedrals really soon. Please double-check for all other cities that might need marketplaces or other improvments to stave off unrest (especially for RAs not present) So now we're back to what to do with the Japanese? Meshelic - yes India 2, China 1 *keeping fingers crossed* I'll do that in a moment, Arnelos. The Shogun is restless.... I feel he will attack... If they want war I we'll smash them oops 4 Los Alomos can use a specialis and it will be in WLAD Japan 2 12E_T, what is price of market in Los Alamos? Okay, I'll check Old Persia. what has happened that makes unhappiness such an issue? 4 Howlitzervill definately needs teh Cath, for 232L donegeal - WAR WEARINESS extended war...probably 12Rush Cathedral in Howitzerville for 232L blah-- War is Glorious! hehehehehe 4 Cath Rushed, WF changed to keep happy I'll post the oil counts in the turnchat thread. 12price of market in Los Alamos? price of market in Napoleton? Los Alamos - 304 Napoleton - 248 12E_T, you said a specialist in Los Alamos would stave off unrest? no, you said WLAD And Hannover's Cathedral, for 316, would be a nice addition (it has German unhappiness on top of WW). ok Hannover won't go into unrest this turn, though. 12Rush Cathedral in Hannover for 316L approaching the six-and-a-half hour mark... good job everyone need to prevent flip Los Alamos is all content except for one citizen. 4no matter what, Hannover will starve this turn, I have Workers that will get the RR's done next turn there To even consider WLAD, it'll need a market. it has only 5 pop right now 12Rush the marketplace in Napoleton for 248L and the marketplace in Los Alamos for 304L :b: lot of money spent on rushes this turn Arnelos - I'm amazed at your ISP today, rough start but you've hung in there.... :b: It's held the past few hours, but I STILL can't load any pages on Apolyton without at least 2-3 minutes of waiting and sometimes pages don't load at all I feel for you, that's really no good. Have you contacted your ISP to find out what's going on? Central Apolyton is good for unhappiness, however, all size 12 cities (save Timeline) have 4 happy, 4 content, 4 unhappy. They are on the verge of falling into disorder with continued war. 3 Napoleton?? it can be built in 4 turns witha specialist I figure it might be a denial of service attack, but god only knows. I did send them a query, but they're notorious for horrible customer service. Chances are they got a denial of service attack and just aren't bothering to inform their customers, figuring we won't notice any problems Donegeal: With 8 luxes, it should be better than that. (We've traded for Ivory and Gems.) 12Napoleton in only 4 turns, eh? 12hmm... Yes. That would be fine with me. war weariness woudl get worse in 5 turns we can do it 12do NOT rush Napoleton, rush all others and the one specialist can be a Tax Any more rush money left? Heroes' Summit Cathedral rush would be nice, but that's flip purposes only. sorry... I didn't know we got extra lux Kloreep. what's the cash on hand? 3 and Los Alomos, it will be a lot faster when the palace is moved and only needs 1 tax to keep happy 12just rush Los Alamos - it'll probably still take at least 5 turns Donegeal: We only got it this turn. It wouldn't show up in posted saves. :) 2082L on hand ok... then CA is good to go... ok... we can rush that Cathedral at Heroes' Summit * dejonBUSY is now known as dejon Back 12Rush Cathedral in Heroes' Summit (The Heroes' Shrine ;) ) Yes, Los Alamos would take much longer than Napoleton; it should be rushed. wb Market rushed for 308L on Los Alomos (sp) 12RECAP: Cathedrals in Hannover, Howitzerville, and Heroes' Summit. Marketplace in Los Alamos. All done? last in red Well so long guys, I've gotta head out. Glad I was able to attend this time.... ok, cya Mesh all of you have a good evening/night/morning whatever. : ) ok bye mesh bye mech Bye Meshelic. And poor mrmitchell. ;) mesh 4 Hannover for 314L, done * Meshelic has quit IRC (Quit: ) 4 will still starve Wait, it shouldn't... 4 correction, 0 Growth good Yep. That sounds right. :) 12Once those rushes are done, that should be it for rushes 12btw... we should end chat soon it's getting sorta long unless you guys want to marathon it? 4 Heros done, that's 4 rushed total I'm willing to let E_T do the rest of the turn (mostly SMC anyhow) I can't, but I'm not necessary. :) Dinner soon. 1158 left in coffers 4 1158 left in coffers ok we'll hold on to that wow, only coppers in the corners of the treasury room phew! Panzer: My thoughts exactly. :) 4 ??Japan?? We should have rushed WALL STREET! I thought those Cathedrals weren't THAT expensive. :scared: bah, we're religious - they weren't so bad Speaking of which... where's Wall Street being built? 12Do not demand Japan leave It's in a queue or build somewhere. I have forces ready in BHQ & Loveshack ok Its in the Q in CA OK, can we wage some WAR now? Ah, Tassagrad. Cool. :) Tassagrad to be however you spell it.. 12E_T.... :idea: yes? 6what about establishing a worker wall around the "invading" Japanese? lol I have them.... we have PLENTY of spare workers That would force them to attack us.... That would have been a good idea last turn, but won't they just capture them now? or leave they can't leave... the boat left already... well, we can at least wall off additional arrivals that is a good idea That's true; only one boat landed. 3I'll make teh wall so that they can move north, twards Germany, If thats were they are going and help to protect Loveshack & BHQ 12do not demand they leave... use workers (your discretion) to wall off coasts ok, do that too Woah, didn't see that Bab galley near Uber. What are we going to use the Ironclad on? it probably has 2 bowmen on board 12FAM done, Exec Done 12That should be all except SMC for this turn 4 never did the CP things except for teh Rushes well, do them 4o.k. I have to go take scare of some "personal" business first I'm going to go... but it was fun to finally have a chat again. :) Bye everyone 12I gotta go -period- bye... 12E_T, you can do whatever need be done for SMC for the rest of the turn * Kloreep has quit IRC (Quit: ) 12post save when turn is done 12and that will be end of chat 4 I just might stop before the end of this turn, Don' now I gotta RUN bye cya all t know E_T, got it * Arnelos has quit IRC (Quit: ) 4 the GL Rome has a galleon under its Ironclad. If they put Inf on Uber it be messy... Operation Rubberstam has been cancelled and recalled why? too long to get there for one (war will be over) and this and teh Japanese plus we had teh chinese spotted headedther, too. But we are now at pece with China yeah, what was decided about Seti? 4because I have dinner about ready & there is still CP & SMC stuff to do, I'm calling the chat paused for 1 hour then I'm done for today....(gotta see the wifey sometime) okay, my dinner will be soon too. I will try to check back in later. latter guys bye ok * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit: ) Session Close: Tue Jan 14 20:42:22 2003 Session Start: Tue Jan 14 21:57:00 2003 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Now talking in #civ3dem hello hmm, pretty empty Hi E_T * E_T_having_Dinner is now known as SMC * SMC is now known as SMC_E_T * dejon is now known as dejon_Finished_Dinner :) Yes, I'll be restarting the chat in about 10 minuts * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem Impeccable timing on my part. :P * dejon_Finished_Dinner is now known as dejon :P postring the restart in 10 munute warning now Hi mrmitchell restart in 10 minute? approx, i guess Yes, I was having Dinner and most everybody else had to leave, so it was a good time to pause the chat... restart what oh any new developments in Prez, SMC elections in the last few hours? I'm going to have a Smoke before we start, BRB, SFK ok go have your cancer stick :) Back ok Are you planning are starting Spiffor's worker integration? 4 Chat is back on hrm...a c3dg turnchat with 3 ppl... let me look at the orders and with the Prez blessing, too eh and only 1 cabinet member 4Orders have 2 Natives into Bacteria, but only added 1, will grow in 3 turns * FAM_MSS has joined #civ3dem Hi MSS hey there 4 Orders call for Workers added to Los Alomos, but won't do that until the Marker is built next turn Market okay 4 added 2 Workers to Jerusalem * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem hello WF additions to Jerusalem - 1 on coast, 1 on mtn Hi Panzer 4 Orders call for 3 to be added to Geofront, only added 2, it will grow in 3 turns Can I assume your glancing at the WF of each? Or should I check them for you? Ill check the save for any FAM stuff 4 NOTE: having all 5 mountains work will put Jerusalem into Negative food Balance Oh, right, sorry. I lookd at all, but you can recheck them We can drop the science slider to 90% and still get steel in 4 turns I wouldn't presume to double check your assignments. If you're checking the WF, that's fine. 4 Orders call for Workers on Uber to be added to several Cities, but I'm using most of them as a worker wall aginst teh Romans & Babs Great MSS MSS - do you want the particulars of trades so far? 4did add 1 Worker each to NUC & Whelsh Coast 4 Orders call for 4 workers to Opiadon, only added 3 as it will grow to 12 next turn I just found out that inda will pay 197 LPT +20 for AT !! Zowie no one els can afford it. Eng, Azt and Iroq will pay 2-8 GPT for Sci Met I say do both.. Kloreep found that India had 202 lpt to spend earlier - but never thought we'd get so much of it for AT 4 did add 1 worker to Willsbury, to bring it up 2 size 14 they max out at 197 right now we must keep them as friends We took some of it already - SM nod * GhengisFarb has joined #civ3dem Hey GF hi ghengis did we win? $$$ Yes, we can all go home now. :P bye he 4 Added 1 Worker each to Chiquita & Rheims * GhengisFarb has left #civ3dem ! He left! * GhengisFarb has joined #civ3dem (He'll be back) *blink* :D ;) GF - get MSS to tell you how much India will pay for Atomic Theory how much? 197 LPT + 20 L *grin* wow Just so they can nuke us? I guess in 20 turns or so.. 4 CP done except for 1 thing 1 thing? 4 changing Macross City to Palace build Ah, of course 4 will have Seti Rush it in just a second 12 trade india AT for 197LPT+20 L 3 are we sure that we want to do that yet? Why wait? We'll have Hoover's in 2 turns * Trip has joined #civ3dem They'd have to have a GL to beat us to it oh, and Electronics Hi Trip HI Trip aloha * Aro has joined #Civ3dem howdy Hi Aro Aro! Hi oi Aro 4 executing India deal * WaxTadpole has joined #civ3dem trip, you speak portuguese! :D do I? :D 12 go for it cool, I can show off to everyone now :D  India: 197LPT & 15L for Atomic Theory :) 4 that was in red, by the way Aro, did you my post in the Pres Elec Thread? I'll check he heeeeeeeee Germany and the USSR are slugging it out nicely :D 3 Seti is now Ruching teh Palace build rushing crack that whip seti... Don't Germany and the USSR always go at it? yeah, but one of them usually ends up winning badly :P  have you set the slider to 90% Ghengis: LOL! 12 hat was in blue I think youshould do it., noone said we had to speak English. 4 38 turns have been reduced to 1 with The Great Leader Seti Organizing the move of the Palace hehe nice Have we faught this turn? That Seti sounds like a productive fella...he should clean my apartment 4, yes the slider is at 90%, Steel in 4 turns, 629LPT income sweet Actually, they used Seti as the cornerstone, courtesy Hoffa Construction hehe Aro - you should have said all of that much earlier in the race! lol I'm very happy about the race... I didn't so bad. :D Unless someone gets over 50% there will be a runoff 4 with the addition of the above listed workers to the National WF, we can set teh slider to 80% and still get steel in 4 turns @ 814LPT income Yes, you have done very well - a runoff will be interesting We have an entire day. We'll see... I still haven't voted mrmitchell! You are SMC! Mesh withdrew! I'm waiting for more mud to fly, before I cast my ballot... Believe me or not, I didn't voted too :) I voted for ya Aro.... I know you can do it.. 12 Good job ET 4 ready for SMC stuff Mrmitchel, read the small letters... Let the shell's fly! Thanks, MSS :) BOMBS AWAY.... hes not listning ;) (hee hee, I didn't mention the small type) oh, MSS, are you awair of teh Japanese that are on our land no., let me look... i voted for Aro Thank you too, Ghengis... President Arnelos and the others had decided to wait to see what they did, I think Aggie should be Vice If they attack, then the MPP's will activate against them * dejon is now known as dejonBUSY I had the same idea, Aggie as VP. It's fairly unusual for a cooperative venture to have the number of productive people this one does Yep.. I think they are trying to get to germany Thats teh theory, but we could be wrong. I have teh area protected k then, WAR..... I see, they might want to boge on the per turn daels, but then we kill em I am ok wiyth leting them through I have had huge bloody wars on my soil with out ever being involved unless I asked them to leave.... * aggie has joined #civ3dem 4 shelling Berlin... Eat Hot Artillary Otto Just keep the cities garrisoned. AGGIE HELLO!! King of Battle! Aggie! Hi Aggie! Hello, aggie hello *wave* 4 4/4 to 2/4 (4/4 showing), Whif, Whif hello soon to be pres aro Hi Aggie hello et Not likely, but who knows? 4 4/4 to 2/4 (4/4 showing), Whif, 4/4 to 2/4 (4/4 showing) Aro / Aggie 2003 Ticket how are we doing i just loged in it would work 4 Granery Destryed and teh last 3 are Whifssss oh, nevermind 7I have got to talk to the Artillarymen.... Historicaly, the german soldiers were tough! I almost thought it said "Germany Destryed" lol I thought they were stringy, isn't that why you boil them? also you need the rigt meranade sauce:) Where's Duudha when I need his culinary expertise? 4 next is Frankfurt lol Franks are better, especially with mustard...... Where's dejon? good point 4 4/4 to 3/4, 4/4 to 2/4 (4/4 showing), whif Too many whifs 4 Temple destryed, Whif, Whif 4 Whif, 4/4 to 2/4, 4/4 to 2/4 (3/4 showing!!) one left * FAM_MSS is now known as FAM_MSS_AFK 4 pop killed (now size 14) do they have barracks they were destryed last turn good how amny mor turns tonight( i need to know if it is worth me starting my game) this will be it, after tehy end of the turn... ok back * dejonBUSY is now known as dejon 4 3 Arts on Syracuse Did we got any German city? 4 only fired 2 - 5/5 Rifle to 3/5 then to 2/5 (4/4 Leagon showing) not this turn, Frankfurt should fall next turn The legion must be the last 4 Elite Cav attacks the 4/4 Legion in Syracuse.... come on gl:) Crossing fingers i assume we built the palace 4 and... 4 loses, the legion is now a 2/5 Sh*t 4 showing the 2/5 Rifle 4 firing the last Art 4 and it's now 1/5 woth the 2/5 leagon showing again Looking at tehsituation. I have 2 Elite Cav that are ready for the Japs, but I think I can move vets to replace them 4 bringing up an Elite... 4 and ..... 4 forgot about teh move penalty in the hills..... 4 Vet Cav 4 and it kills the Legion with no damage, the 1/5 Rifle is showing attacking with a vet Cav 3 do we want Syracuse??? :p Hurrah! 4 we get a Market & 2 Romans, one is Resisting It needs to be moved closer to the cows.. 4 that will be up to you and teh DM, nothing can really be done while it's still in resistance 4 laying some tracks and moving units Next Roman cities are far We have a settler that is being built somewhere.... have we settled old cologne site 4 artillary on the 3/4 Roman Fort Inf on the Hill 4 and it's 1/4 Good question, Aggie. Let me see Attacking it with an Elite Cav No, we didn't 4 and..... Loses damn Hmm, I wonder if the Greek/Aztecs will take out Konisberg 4 Bombarding teh 2 Inf in the Feild 4one is now 3/4 and the other is 2/4 4 very last Art brings teh 3/4 toa 1/4 4 attacking with Vet Cav about 50/50 chance 4 and takes a little damage, but kills teh Inf, not promoted, Vat Cav Again 4 and teh Roman is dead, no damage, no Promote Phew! well, we still have that 1 1/4 Fortified Inf on the Hill, should we still try to kill it this turn, or wait for teh other elites to heal for the next turn? i'd wait he might go off the hill I don't have that many Cav to spair at the moment remember on a hill he's a 15 4 cleaning up the wounded... 4 SMC ready to end the turn Did Arnelos want the turn ended? * Aro is now known as Aro_rolling_a_cigarrette the Greeks lost 2 Cav at Konisburg between turns last turn.,.. Yes * Aro_rolling_a_cigarrette is now known as Aro_having_a_smoke Did we lost many Cav? 12 he said that I can do waht ever needed to be done for the rest of the turn and to post the save when the turn was done lost 2 Elite Cav just then,..... Not against Germany the last 2 turns Thanks, E_T and the turn is normally done with the end of turn button pushed, right? yap 4 Dejon, as acting DM, are you ready to go? * Aro_having_a_smoke is now known as Aro 4 MSS are you listening??? Yup, all RA's and Spiffor will have to double-check stuff with the pop additions next turn 4 Then we should be ready to end 4 turn ending in 10 seconds K4 5 seconds ill stick around to see what happens 4 turn ends Me too, I want to what Japan does *see what Japan does Same here 4 Japanese move to just outside Gotham 4 The Aztec & Germans sign a Peace Treaty Figures - go for the un-garrisoned city LOL, ad if they don't have problems of their own 4 Babs declairs war on Persia lol hehe that'll be an active battleground... Warmonger's Paradise 4 China & Rome sign a Trade Embargo against us (they are evil....) The Russians are being very effective against Babs sorry, are NOT 4 Pollution strikes Macross City #5 (flat) 4 Palace built in Macross City * WaxTadpole has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) yay Thank goodness that is over with - I almost hope we don't get another GL 4 Boomtown goes into Civil Disorder, Doh d'oh Oh bummer - the marketplace doesn't cover it?  4 1320AB nuts... thats my city... 4 we have 55% War Weriness 4 getting readu to post the save Effect of the palace? Maybe we should make Peace with Rome now 55%?? Too much Well, steel is still 4 turns away, so the slider needs to be tweeked back up... 4 sloder moved back to 90% and steel in 3 turns now That's due to Boomtown * mrmitchell is now known as mr_sl33pz0rZ i see Mr what? ;) Was boomtown one of the Uber cities that had a worker integrated, E_T? no Sorry, did we built the palace? yeah Yes, in Macross. E_T, how many turns remaining for IW now in Ferropolis? 5 Turns Hmm... The palace don't affect happiness. Or am I wrong? it shouldn't the unhappiness is the ww So, only peace can reduce it sadly we could give some to the lux slider Or Communism :) true 20 turns without war?? 4Save is uploadin I don't want to be Prez anymore. :( its a song: ohh, the save is uploadin', the save is uploadin'... country 4 save is posted 4 chat is officially over Communism! hey, Arnelos... :D Thanks, fellows! now for thAfte Chat Didn't we have a Alliance against Germany with teh Aztec? well, I'm going to bed now... bye night bye, panzer g'nite * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) if so, then the Aztec have broken the agreement apparently they have brb loading game ? They went to war - do they have to stay at war as long as we do? * aggie has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) this is strange, the Japs dropped off the troops last turn and moved the Gallion/Frig off. Then the Gallion stayed put this turn and the Frigit only moved this turn We hav Sorry, wrong key If they have a 20 turn agreement to ally against someone, them they are bound to try to keep it if they break it, then they take a Rep Hit Assuming we'll eventually rush the temple in Syracuse, the WF should be 3,5 Well, it is out of Resistance The citizens of Los Alamos thank you, E_T. :) no prob. And waht about Dijon??? dejon?? * aggie has joined #civ3dem :D We didn't rush the aqueduct there..? IT was deemed no needed right now by Arnelos.... The Old France RA thanks E_T for all his hard work! or we forgot it, one of the 2... No matter. I'll be submitting 4 Aqueduct rush requests in my next orders (Dijon, Arcadia, Hole in the Wall, Port of Where Its At) Hopefully a couple will go through Okay, that's it for me - g'nite all. don't forget to add teh cost (and the amount that it's reduced over time night The Old france RA spends all his time with those little french maides... ;) Night, dejon You know it, Aro! Session Close: Wed Jan 15 00:16:04 2003