Session Start: Mon Dec 30 16:15:50 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [16:15] * Now talking in #civ3dem [16:15] * Topic is 'Waiting for THe Pres' [16:15] * Set by SMC_E_T on Mon Dec 30 16:06:53 [16:16] hello [16:16] take your pick - how do you want to spend your time here he asks [16:16] sadam says I'll pick the western way. [16:16] Devil says - great - Monica - times up - you're out of here. [16:17] bad one [16:18] light but nervous humor before the war. What can I say. [16:18] I think we should attack Brundesium this turn [16:19] do we know what's defending [16:19] i assume a spear [16:19] thats what the russians killed in there right? [16:20] we'll be doing a bit of shelling, but our main focus of attack is Germany [16:20] * SMC_E_T has left #Civ3Dem [16:20] * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem [16:20] * E_T_1 is now known as SMC_E_T [16:21] 4Abject apologies for my tardiness [16:21] hi arnelos [16:21] the prez is here the prez is here ... woof woof [16:21] yeah, yeah.,.. [16:21] ;P [16:21] I ran into an x-gf from high school I haven't seen in 5 years at the post office... then I hit bad traffic headed home :p [16:21] see what I said - has sex but didn't [16:22] I think we have enough Arty to do both Brundesium and Stuttgart [16:22] LOL [16:22] Personally, I want that Roman ship first and formost [16:22] let the games begin [16:23] anyways... I brought home food and it's getting cold... I shouldn't be more than 10 minutes (and you want to wait for it... the last time I ran a chat w/o eating most of the day, it didn't help much :p :p :p ) [16:23] It went west [16:23] latest save: [16:23] 4chat should start in 10 min [16:23] [16:23] got it [16:23] * Arnelos is now known as Arnelos[eating] [16:23] I will be AFK for a little while here... [16:24] your making us hungrey..... [16:24] im making pasta right now [16:25] I know, I'll make a PB&J....BRB [16:25] I'm going to the pub at 6 [16:26] whaT Time zone?? [16:27] Almost as boring as a CFC chat which by the way is also on now [16:27] atleast we don't stop a chat to discuss the Tech trade Options... [16:28] Roadcage, I was amazed when I read those links... [16:28] * Spiffor has joined #civ3dem [16:28] hi [16:28] hi [16:29] the DM is in... [16:29] EST. Will exit around 5:40. (shhh - I'm meeting the pres' x-gf - don't tell) [16:29] SOrry, my machine didn't wake me in time [16:29] hi Spiffor - woof! [16:29] hi doggy [16:29] do I sense a LWD presence? [16:29] LWD ? [16:30] LWD? [16:30] Great minds question alike. [16:30] Little White Dog Forums big on setiathome [16:30] btw, how far did we go ? [16:30] ???? [16:31] all the way.... [16:31] j/k [16:31] sorry [16:31] no prob [16:32] we haven't started [16:32] the prez is eating [16:33] he should be in a feisty mood, he ran into an ex-gf at the post offce. [16:33] He had affairs of State to attend to and hasn't had a chance to dine yet... [16:33] oh. I hope it's not my fault (esp. since I'll eat with my family in about 30 minutes) [16:33] k [16:33] two different interpretations... [16:34] but the same thing... [16:34] yes - indeed [16:35] I don't know if there are any orders for Heliopolis for this turn, but the WF needs to be changed to full porduction [16:36] 4back [16:36] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #Civ3Dem [16:36] hi Arn ! [16:36] Hello all! [16:36] Arn : let me check [16:37] hi NW [16:37] You might want to set it to have WLAD, it's got 1 unhappy and will lose it next turn [16:37] ok... lemme pull up the save [16:37] 4E_T, has anyone made alterations to my last posted save or I can I just use that one? [16:37] Hi NW [16:38] [16:38] I made some changes [16:38] ok, thanks [16:38] I'll go get it [16:39] * Arnelos[eating] is now known as Arnelos [16:39] downloading... [16:40] look at the screen shot that I have in that thread [16:40] one of hte most annoying things about running a turnchat is that you have to sign on to 'poly, but you don't have time to read and respond to any posts... so then later all the posts show us nothing posted since you were last online, but you actually haven't read them :p [16:40] but I digress... [16:40] save downloaded... loading up Civ3 [16:41] I look at the times of the last posts... [16:41] but I still miss things [16:41] How is war against the germies going? [16:42] Is old Bizzy up to something?: [16:42] we are starting to feel the effects of WW [16:42] We should have Otto on theRun this chat [16:43] hopefully, yes [16:44] 4save loaded... [16:44] 4CHAT STARTS [16:44] Otto? [16:44] Otto von Bismark... our opponent ;p [16:44] Hmm, Aggies Bill Passed [16:44] sink da boat! [16:45] Ah, yeah... when we were but small children used to call him Bizzy though ;) [16:45] Aggie's bill passed... hmm.... [16:45] he has to do PW & CP first [16:45] correct [16:45] 4Doing PW [16:47] * mr_AFK has joined #civ3dem [16:47] hullo [16:47] hello [16:47] greetings [16:47] hi mrmitchell [16:47] mr m? woof woof [16:48] Oh, MR PRESIDENT, you going to post a Thread??? [16:48] yeah... lemme do that [16:50] 4posting thread with initial save [16:50] 4thread posted [16:50] 4back to PW [16:51] Gosh, Chiquita really needs culture [16:52] who here has the game up, especially in 1.29? [16:52] in 1.21 you mean ? [16:52] I'm playing it currently on 1.21 [16:52] yah, sorry [16:52] I do [16:52] i have it up...but in 1.29 :( [16:52] I know that there are a couple how have it up in 1.29... [16:53] 1.29 for me too [16:53] * NuclearisWinterius has quit IRC (Quit: ) [16:53] Could you take a quickl look at FAM things, Techs, stuff that will expire, etc and let us know if there are changes [16:54] We, who have the 1.21 can then go and get any specifics for the Pres to use [16:54] * Retrieving #civ3dem info... [16:54] * zeit has joined #civ3dem [16:54] I'll order to change howitzer ville to produce marketplace now instead of couthouse. ANy objection ? [16:54] hi there [16:55] * SMC_E_T changes topic to 'Civ 3 Democracy Chat - On now' [16:55] not really, but you might want the Cathedral first [16:57] I think marketplace will make WLAD more durable. I'd make culture just after [16:57] but the Cath takes less sheilds to produce (80 vs 100) [16:57] With Greece : Refining and 44 Lytons and 8LPT and World Map for scientific method (they don't have any more money) [16:58] we are ahead with the ToE, so that seems okay [16:58] I think that MSS wanted to wait a bit on Selling Sci Meth [16:58] mss wanted to wait [16:59] E_T right, but marketplace will bring us 9 happiness, against 3 contentment for the cath [16:59] 4 turns till ToE [16:59] and with Greece sending a LOT of troops to Germany, they might get a GL... [16:59] I intend to rush next turn, except if we need the money on anoither project [16:59] we will be cash tight till1315 [16:59] E_T : yes, I just showed what (bad) deal we could have with them [17:00] I have to go eating. Later ! [17:00] it's good to present the options... [17:00] Iroq has lpt and can trade something less than scimeth [17:01] 3 suggestion to the Prez, DO NOT Renegote Coal with Japan, let it ride [17:01] Iroq will pay up for RP [17:02] just how much cannot say as am v1.29 [17:02] 4I think all workers have been moved other than Uber Isle worker wall and the PW reserve [17:02] 4Starting on CP [17:03] E_T, read your suggestion [17:03] E_T... what are the details on the deal(s) with Japan? [17:03] speaking of which... [17:03] 4SOMEONE WITH A COPY OF v1.21 and the save: PLEASE check all trade deals this turn - thank you [17:03] persia: sanitation for all there gold (11 l) [17:03] it was 26LPT, but they have a source now, so it will dissapear [17:03] E_T, got it [17:04] whoever is tracking down FAM deals... don't tell me now, I'm going to be doing CP orders and I'll miss them... just make sure I notice when I'm ready to do FAM - thanks [17:04] * Donegeal has joined #civ3dem [17:04] 3 India will pay a lot for Sci Meth [17:06] 3China will finally come to the table, but should we wait until the MPP's are done? [17:07] we take a rep hit if we dont..dont we [17:07] wait on mpp's [17:07] 3 Babs will also come to the table [17:08] what has happend? [17:08] no fighting yet..just other orders [17:08] 3Russia is Broke [17:08] whats our policy on trading stuff to persia? [17:09] E_T-tell us something we don't know :) [17:09] techs i mean [17:09] check Hiawatha [17:09] * godking has joined #civ3dem [17:09] HI [17:09] 3England does not have Refining & are close to broke [17:10] hi godking [17:10] how goes it? [17:10] hello GK [17:10] 4CP DONE [17:10] we are in the middle of an intense FAM check [17:10] we can give them insense [17:10] for 10 lpt..but I have 1.29 [17:10] why incense? [17:11] 4Starting SMC orders (keep working on FAM, people :b: ) [17:11] and WM [17:11] k [17:11] Ouch...... so here til midnight doing one turn......gotta love good FAM [17:11] 4We are NOT going to be here until midnight :p [17:11] just saying the trade is avaible [17:11] 4Attacking Roman Galleon... [17:11] 3Germany has Refining, but won't give it to us for peace 12THIS MEANS WAR!!! [17:11] also: china and bab are ready to negotiate, but we wait for mpp's to end [17:12] 4Galleon SUNK - NO DAMAGE to Ironclad :D :D :D [17:12] 12send Cav from Fort Hole west to Roman territiry to check out Brunisisium [17:13] 4Our glorious Ironclad heading for Whelsh Coast to heal... [17:13] * dejon has joined #civ3dem [17:13] Hi! [17:14] hello [17:14] hey dejon [17:14] 4scouting brundisium [17:14] Hey DM Spiffor - I have orders 'til 1320 AD - want them? (Old France) [17:14] 4Brundisium has a veteran Cavalry forted (showing) [17:15] wonderful [17:15] lunch!! 12 FIRE THE Art's at Fort Hole & Report [17:15] means that they nothing better than a pike in there [17:15] 4Firing 2 artys at Brundisium [17:15] If that... [17:16] What year are we on? [17:16] 1295 [17:16] 1295 [17:16] ano banani [17:16] 4barracks destroyed and 4/4 Cav now 3/4 (3/4 cav showing... it's the only unit they have!) [17:16] 12 Get an Elite Cav from German hold point and attack [17:16] Whats the $ like? (I'd like to rush a Cathedral) [17:17] Spiffor, you there? [17:17] 561 at the moment [17:17] 4561 lytons in treasury 155 LPT income [17:17] Hey, ET, what did you think of Rubber Stomp as oposed to Rubber Stamp? [17:17] 4 correction: 561 lytons in treasury [17:17] 4Cavalry on Cavalry [17:18] Has the DM used up any funds allocated to him? [17:18] I like it, but I can't wait for it. I have to go with what I have available now. The Terrain will work in our Favor [17:18] AND... [17:18] 4Our cav wins, now 2/5... occupy or raze? [17:18] keep [17:18] Occupy [17:19] 4Brundisium captured from Romans [17:19] hurray! [17:19] I can't beleave they only had 1 Cav there, the foolsAggie would be happy... [17:19] hmm... now that was a little unexpected... [17:19] 4only 1 resistor (3 pop - they lost 1 in the attack) [17:20] wow. [17:20] I think that city was attacked by the russians before us [17:20] 4I assume queue is a temple [17:20] they must be hurting. [17:20] I told you Rome was ripe after it attacked us with 14 rifle... [17:20] Lots of Legionary sw,sw [17:20] 4SMC: WF orders for Brundisium? [17:20] 12 set to starve to Pop 1 or 2, build a Temple, see DM for Q [17:20] Have CP and PW orders already been done? [17:21] damn, it's almost a turkey shoot against these romans... [17:21] 4correct - 8 Roman legionaries spotted to SW of Brundisium [17:21] CP and PW are already done - correct [17:21] crap, I need to Reload [17:21] 4starving Brundisium [17:21] Iroquiois will pay 32LPT or more for RP [17:22] 32 lpt is nice [17:22] 4E_T... move infantry into Brundisium (how many)? [17:23] resisters [17:23] 4Babylonian Rifle + 2 bowmen spotted SW of Brundisium (btw) [17:23] take 2 from the ready stack at Napoleton, but wait for a second [17:23] ok [17:23] need PW to build Rail [17:24] 4PW reserve being sent to build rail??? [17:24] (need only 1 native) [17:24] but we'll have to defend that native from Babylonian stack of pike+bowman+longbow [17:24] bab pike,lb,bow se [17:25] canyontree - crosspost :) [17:25] Wait a sec, I was looking at FAM so had to reload the save... [17:25] ok... waiting [17:25] believe we will have pleanty of cav after Stuttgart to eliminate some of these [17:26] 12send a PW Reserve to Bund #3 & #11 to Rail [17:27] 4RR's built [17:27] 4infantry for defense? [17:27] (for now) [17:28] looking... Ah send 4 to Bund #5, 2 to Rail, 2 to build fort [17:29] 12 we'll come back to them in a bit, STUTTGART Please... [17:29] 4need a 3rd to make the fort [17:30] 12get one and then start shelling Stuttgart & Report 2-3 per [17:30] E_T... need a third worker to make that fort... [17:30] Bundisium is a bonus for this turn... :evilgrin: [17:31] 12 get one from the PW reserve [17:31] yes or no - send additional worker to build fort near Brundisium? [17:31] thank you :D [17:31] I new we could [17:31] 4fort built... now, SHELLING STUTTGART :D :D :D [17:32] I love the smell of cordite in the morning. It smells like ... victory. [17:32] 13 Anybody able to write anything for the gazette? if so, let me know as I will try to put one out this wednesday. I started a thread. [17:32] Let slip the doghies of War./... [17:33] 4Citizens killed (pop = 6), 4/4 rifle now 2/4 (4/5 rifle showing), 4/5 rifle now 2/5 (2/4 rifle showing) [17:33] 12again [17:33] this is going to be easy if we bombard down to 1 hp each [17:33] Good, mor to play with the Romans... [17:33] gotta go [17:33] * mr_AFK has left #civ3dem [17:33] ok [17:33] um... why on earth wouldn't we? [17:34] :p [17:34] 4whif, 2/4 rifle now 1/4, 2/5 rifle now 1/5, 2/2 rifle showing [17:34] donegeal... that was an argument in the last chat... long story [17:34] 12fire until only 1 HP's showing [17:34] 2/2? They have conscripts here! [17:35] Yes, but how many [17:35] 4 2 artys fired (whif, 2/2 rifle now 1/2) - 1/4 rifle showing :D [17:35] I have 2 Arts for Reserve, then I would have to cut into the Berlin Bobmber Groups [17:35] 12Elite Cav [17:36] 4Elite cav charge [17:36] 4our 5/5 cav now 4/5, enemy rifle killed [17:36] (no GL) [17:36] 12Elite Cav [17:36] *trumpet* [17:37] last one too...for now [17:37] that one that already had generated a GL wont generate another one..remember that [17:37] 4elite German rifle killed (take that!) - our cav now 4/5 (no GL) [17:37] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [17:37] but we have many in reserve, we're gonna use them, right? [17:38] 12Vet Cavs until the City is ours... [17:38] true [17:38] back as roadcage [17:38] donegeal-just in time for a little party we're having near stuttgart [17:38] that was all of our Elite Cav, we have 2 Elite Knights & 1 Elite Sword [17:39] 4Cav kills 1/2 rifle - no damage to cav. STUTTGART TAKEN. 5 pop. Occupy? [17:39] Yes, for now... [17:39] They have conscripted there...unhappiness... [17:39] back [17:39] wb [17:39] 4Stuttgart Occupied [17:39] Sorry, I've drunk 2 glasses of wine, my abilities are somehow reduced [17:39] thx CiverDan [17:40] thought you wanted to relocate south [17:40] 4There are 4 resistors (pop of 5) [17:40] 12 move the Berlin Bombers to Berlin #5, have the 2 Cav Razr Berlin #14 on the way [17:40] 4starve Stuttgart? [17:40] 12no [17:41] Spiffor! - I put my RA orders in E_T's thread for 1295 [17:41] Could we rush the Cathedral in Port of Where It's At? (Spiffor) [17:41] 4need orders for Stuttgart [17:41] 12 move the settler from Oakridge to Stuttgart #5 [17:42] did you move the Bombers? [17:42] 4Settler now at Stuttgart #5 [17:42] gotta go. Later. Thanks and good luck. [17:42] l8r GK [17:42] well, germany looks smaller and smaller everytime i look at its territory [17:42] cya GK [17:42] bye all. [17:42] * godking has quit IRC (Quit: ) [17:42] 3did you move the bombers group? [17:42] well done on the stuttgart takeover, and good luck with the rest of them. bye guys! [17:43] 4bombers are still where they were... you want them at Stuttgart #8 I assume? [17:43] * zeit has quit IRC (Quit: ) [17:43] * Spiffor_ has joined #civ3dem [17:43] sorry, just got disconnected [17:43] hey Spiffor - did you see my Q's? [17:43] 12move the berlin Bombers to Berlin #5, have the 2 Cav in the stack Raze Berlin #14 on the way in [17:44] dejon : I didn't double check them, so I had a total confidence in you :) [17:44] wait... #5? why? [17:44] E_T or Arn : did we use any money this turn ? [17:44] Spiffor - NO [17:44] gotta go. The pub calls. Give em hell, Pres and E_T!!!! [17:44] THe Bombmers are at Aband #6 [17:44] * canyontree has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [17:44] Spiffor - I'd like to rush the cathedral in Port of Where It's At [17:44] E_T - correct [17:45] 96 gold [17:45] they are CURRENTLY at ABand #6 [17:45] * BetaHound has quit IRC (Quit: ) [17:45] E_T... why Berlin #5? [17:45] dejon : we have to hurry a marketplace in Howitzerville + (most importantly) a settler in abandonment [17:45] 12the third time, move them to Berlin #5, have the 2 cav in the stack Raze Berlin #14 on the way in. [17:45] ok... [17:46] 12RUSH settler in Abandonment [17:46] 12 for 64 gold [17:46] No prob, just put it on your list please, below whatever priorities. We'll still benefit rushing it in the next 2 turns. [17:47] ok, I'll think of it [17:47] 4Berlin Bombers MOVED [17:47] E_T : do you have any money need ? [17:47] Spiffor... I'll do rushes later in turn [17:47] (unless we need it immediately) [17:47] 12 if the Settler is at Stuttgart #5, then Abandon Stuttgart! [17:48] no I don't think so [17:48] * kvark_eml has joined #Civ3Dem [17:48] spiffor.. [17:48] 12What do we name the new City? [17:48] Arn : we'll have a settler handy by next turn (no time wasted) [17:48] civ2 AI cheats in king level...boooooo [17:48] * Togas has joined #civ3dem [17:48] Hey, I assume Brundisium will fall under Old France, right? [17:49] greetings [17:49] Dejon : until next RA redefin ition, yes [17:49] correct, I guess Dijon [17:49] hey togas [17:49] Seņor Togas! [17:49] hi Togas [17:49] hey Togas [17:49] is it? [17:49] Erm, Stuttgart ? :p [17:49] Rome had only 1 Vet Cav Defending Bundisium [17:50] 4Sorry... adding notes to the turnchat log [17:50] 4Stuttgart Abandoned... need name for new city [17:50] The new city is right south of Stuttgart ? [17:50] Correct [17:50] What about Victoria ? (greak lake and stuff) [17:51] it look terrible, when i investigate his city and found, that he have one rebel and not any entertainer, but city is not revolting. [17:51] i think AI cheats even in king level or what? [17:52] I strongly suggest we do not name the nex city "Bismark sucks" or so :) [17:52] 12 how many Arts left to fire in the attack stack? [17:52] um... lemme check [17:52] E_T - have you named a city? [17:52] I think 4 [17:52] Suggest Bisunk [17:52] nah [17:52] or maybe bissunk [17:52] let's come up with something DECENT, shall we? [17:53] Victoria is decent albeit unoriginal [17:53] Otto's Folly? [17:53] k [17:53] The Wrath of Banana [17:53] * Spiffor has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [17:53] * Spiffor_ is now known as Spiffor [17:53] because that was whered he was building MV once.... [17:53] hmmm... we just got a GL named Menhotuhep [17:53] hmmm... something with Donegeal in it would be nice :rolleyes: [17:54] Arn : nah, nobody will spell the name correctly :) [17:54] * kvark_eml has left #Civ3Dem [17:54] lol @ Spiffor [17:54] Just do it as default and save it for the forums [17:54] Lakefront Park [17:54] Done Gale [17:54] how about something along the lines of our glorious victory here... and the many lost lives required to take it (all those cavalry) - in honor of the dead [17:54] it's on a hill [17:54] Yes, what about a disease name, like Contaginon ? :p [17:55] No, no more illnesses [17:55] :rolleyes: @ Spiffor [17:55] Hillside [17:55] hehe.... Mumps... [17:55] LOL [17:55] seriously... a name in honor of the dead in this war - a monument to their sacrifice in the taking of this city [17:55] Equine Sacrifice [17:55] I think Victoria, while unoriginal, has it all : great lake (like the Victoria lake in Africa) and the "victory" feeling [17:55] City of the Fallen [17:56] Cavalry City [17:56] just get on with it.... [17:56] Taps [17:56] Victoria Hills [17:56] Monument Lake... Memorial Lake... hmm.... [17:56] Cav City... as per Dejon.... I like it [17:56] Heroes' City [17:56] Heroes' Vale [17:56] Heroes' Summit (the hill) [17:57] That's good [17:57] Summit of Heroes [17:57] 12 that's good [17:57] Hillness ? [17:57] But we didn't use a GL here [17:57] I like Cavalry City [17:57] true... but we lost - what... 3 cavalry and 9 out of 12 points of that cavalry army here? [17:57] I dislike city named after units :( [17:57] about, but that isn't all we'll lose n the war [17:57] Heroes' summit is satisfying too [17:57] Cavalcade [17:58] true... but this has a beutiful hilside by the big sea/lake... a gorgeous spot for a memorial :D [17:58] well, Cavalcade is beautiful too :) [17:58] take it to the Forums :doitnow: [17:58] ok, ok... placeholder will be Heroes' Summit [17:58] Cavalry Memorial [17:58] 4need more SMC orders [17:58] Arn : ok [17:58] 12DM needs orders for the City, too [17:59] I need a save then [17:59] * canyontree has joined #civ3dem [17:59] 12 move 2 Inf from the Attack stack & fort [17:59] Spiffor - I'm setting it to temple for now [17:59] 12 move the wounded in and Fort [17:59] ok, good idea. Next turn, I'll order 5 natives to join the city [18:00] attack stack? [18:00] 12move 1 Art in and Fort [18:00] which one is that (you have too many stacks :p )? [18:00] back, did we decide on a name? [18:00] canyontree : placeholder will be Heroes' summit [18:00] placeholder name is "Heroes' Summit" - final name to be determined by Senate [18:00] 12move any unused Arts from Attack stack to Fort Bund, include the Researve [18:00] kewl [18:01] E_t - got it (regardind "attack stack") [18:01] * CiverDan has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:01] * CiverDan1 has joined #civ3dem [18:01] back [18:01] wb [18:01] i got DC when u were discussing city names [18:02] 4two inf forted in Heroes' Summit, 4 artys moved to Fort south of Brundisium [18:02] Heroes' Summit is the placeholder name [18:02] ok [18:02] 4there are still 3 inf in "attack stack" along with the fired artys [18:02] 12 add 1 Vet Cav to the Hannover Grounp and send all 16 of them to Hannover #6 (with the Inf already Present) [18:03] 12 keep 1 Forted and move other to Fort Bund [18:03] 4confusion... there's 3 groups near Hannover - which ones where? [18:03] 15 Vet Cav stack [18:03] brb [18:04] right... send it to Hannover #6... what do I do with inf at Hannover #14? [18:04] or inf at New York #20? [18:04] fortify [18:05] both stacks? [18:05] just leave them there? [18:05] 12 move 1 Inf from NY #20 to Bundisium [18:06] the vet or the conscript? [18:06] they are for other unit movements, #20 to protect the worker, est [18:06] ect [18:06] Vet [18:06] ok [18:07] 12move 1 Inf from Chiquita to Bundisium [18:08] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [18:08] hello all [18:08] 4both inf moved [18:08] hello [18:08] hi [18:08] hey panzer [18:08] just got back from vacation... anything interesting happen since Friday? [18:09] 4move any inf to Fort south of Brundisium or to cover workers who built RR's? [18:09] I vote Raze Berlin! [18:09] hi Panzer [18:09] 12the 2 Inf at Seeburg #8, move to Workers at Bund #3 & #11, Vet at #3 [18:09] We want the WONDERS in Berlin :) [18:09] Does Berlin burn ? :D [18:09] I know... I was picking on Panzer... [18:09] :p Donegeal.... :p:p:p [18:09] Berlin should be relocated 1 tile nw [18:09] * roadcage has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [18:09] lol [18:09] in your game, not ours... [18:09] E_T... you tell me to move 2 infantry to 3 locations :confused: [18:10] thx Donegeal... [18:10] opps... now I get it [18:10] you moves i Inf From Chiquitea, correct? [18:10] correct [18:10] pay attention... :D [18:11] We took Stugart (or however you spell it) and Brundisism just a little bit back, Panzer.. [18:11] 4I didn't know there was a conscript and a vet until I looked :p [18:11] 4all inf ordered are moved... fort still uncovered [18:11] Move the Last of the Vet Cav Ready stack to Fort Bund [18:12] the LAST of the vet cav ready stack??? [18:12] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #Civ3Dem [18:12] I see 5 [18:12] hello [18:12] wb [18:12] hello folk [18:13] grr,3clarification to the president. If I say Fort Hole or Fort Bund or (in the future fort wherever), I mean the Fort that is in that city's radious [18:13] All 15 cav of Hannover were correctly moved and both attack group and Berlin Bombers were moved as ordered... the only of the 6 vet cav in the ready stack which was moved was to attack Stuttgart [18:13] thus there are still 5 cavalry in the ready stack (for veterans) [18:14] 12you didn't add 1 Vet Cav to the Hanover group, making it 16, correct? [18:14] Hi NW [18:14] I can do that now if you want [18:14] pleas [18:14] you just said "move Hannover Group" :p [18:15] well, you said to move "all 16 of them", but there were only 15 :p [18:15] 4move 1 reserve cav to join Hannover Group? [18:15] I had orders eairlier to add 1 to that stack [18:16] 4oh, I see that now - doing it :p [18:16] grrr [18:16] you did? [18:16] I don't see orders to add 1 to that stack (?) [18:16] oh well... doing it now [18:16] 4now there are FOUR vet cav in reserve stack [18:17] E_T : do we plan to move other German cities ? [18:17] 3 to the group, did i not order that specific move? [18:17] E_T... water under the bridge - let's MOVE :p [18:17] 12please move the rest of the ready Cav stak to Fort Bund [18:17] 4moving all 4 from ready stack to Fort Bund [18:17] 12 Cav for NY to Fort Bund [18:18] 4Cav in NYC moved to Fort Bund [18:18] This has to be closing in on one of the longest turns in the history of this DG! [18:18] 12 Cav from Opiadom & Macross to Fort Bund [18:18] hardly [18:18] really?? we didn't start that long ago [18:18] we have had 3+hour turns before [18:18] Done : nope, this turn only lasted 2 hours :) [18:19] 12 report what is iat Bundisium, Fort Bund and the RR into Bundisium? [18:19] 4Cav from Opiadom and Macross to Fort BUnd [18:19] what? Only two hours! On one turn?!?! What wonderful speed we have! [18:20] Hey, war is hell... [18:20] that's the way it is in Ind Age warfare [18:21] 4 2 inf and 2/5 cav in Brundisium, 1 inf, 1 worker, and 4/4 cav on Brundisium #3 (RR), 1 inf and 1 worker at Brundisium #11 (RR), 7 cavalry + 5 workers + 4 artillery at Fort Bund [18:21] 3 we going to play ten pen with some romans.... [18:21] 4Fort Hole : 2 inf + 2 artys + longbow + elite swordsman [18:21] Cav on RR, to Fort Bund [18:21] 4Cav moved [18:22] 12move 2 Vet Inf from Napoleton ready stack tothe fort and we can begine [18:23] 12Art on Bab Rifle [18:23] 4inf from ready stack forted in Fort Bund [18:23] 4artillery bombardment of Babylonian Rifle [18:24] 4 4/4 rifle now 3/4 [18:24] 12Art on Roman Inf [18:24] 4 4/4 roman inf now 3/4 [18:24] 12Art on Roman Legion [18:25] 4 4/4 legionary now 3/4 [18:25] we're stubbing toes here... [18:25] 12again [18:26] and thay will run home to mommy.... [18:26] 4 3/3 roman legionary now 2/3 [18:26] out of artys [18:26] I hope they already had ther GA [18:27] Smoke on the legion... is fire on rome.... [18:27] 12 Vet Cav on Bab Rifle [18:27] 3send the wounded back to Hole [18:28] 4Cavalry charge [18:29] 4Babylonian rifle is dead - Cav now 1/4 (retreated to Hole) [18:29] 3should we use an eilte knight on the 2/4 legion [18:29] YES!!!! [18:29] save them for the bab bows [18:29] 3get mounted up Sir Donegeal [18:29] It's worth the risk IMO [18:29] E_T... there's about 5 3/3 legions showing [18:30] look at other bab stack pike, bow longbow [18:30] one is a 4/4, I'd rather use a Cav on that one [18:30] bye for now... time for supper [18:30] hmmm... that legion is on a hill.... [18:30] and the 3/4 [18:30] take the pike with cav and let our Knights do the lb and bow [18:30] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:30] true, get your armor sir donegela [18:31] recommend attacking the BOWMEN with the elite knight [18:31] .... mumble.. better get paid extra for this... mumble... [18:31] 12move the 2 knights from Howitzerville to Fort Bund [18:31] gotta do the Pike first [18:31] show Hamurabi that his UUs can't stand against even our anachronistic (yet highly glorious) mounted knights [18:32] canyontree... no we don't - the RIFLE was already killed (SW of Brund) [18:32] Erm, do people have supper that early in the US ? (I just had mine :) ) [18:32] 4moving the knights [18:32] 4waiting for orders... [18:32] 12Cav on 4/4 Bowman [18:33] k, thought we were looking at bab stack threatening the rr tile [18:33] 4Cavalry charges bowman [18:33] we are just picking and choosing here, bedised you really think that they can kill an Inf... [18:33] 4bowman killed, Cav promoted to elite (now 4/5) [18:34] kewl [18:34] no, but thought we were looking for juicy targets for elite Kt's [18:34] 12Knight on 3/3 Bowman [18:34] Why have a cav attack a one defend Bow when we have Elite Knights near by? [18:34] ignor and let me kill.... [18:34] because of the terrain, and also fissing for elites... [18:35] keep in mind that this will leave the knight IN ENEMY TERRITORY [18:35] donegeal... they're 2 defense (babylonian bowmen) :p [18:35] we just cover him with a Inf [18:35] got it [18:35] 4attacking [18:36] 4DOH! Elite knight KILLED (Babylonian bowman has a VICTORY) [18:36] ARGH ! [18:36] ouch [18:36] 4Babylonian Bowman now 2/4 [18:36] ouch [18:36] For those who have ideas to rename our many unnamed cities, I just posted a thread [18:36] AAAAHHHH!!! My Knights! [18:36] [18:37] we still have 1 elite knight [18:37] 12 Vet Cav on the PikemaN [18:37] I will remount! [18:37] we lost a knight to *%&#ing bowman!? [18:37] save the last knight for the longbow [18:37] agree with CiverDan [18:37] YEP [18:37] I thought the Piņa Colada Knights were sturdier than that, Donegeal. ;) [18:37] *sigh* the AI must really be getting tired of us [18:37] Hey, give us a break! Were old... [18:38] 4veteran pike defeated - our cav now 1/4 (retreating to Hole) [18:38] sO i WAS LEAD TO BELEAVE [18:38] 12Vet Cav on 3/3 Bowman [18:39] ...and this armor doesn't get any lighter! [18:39] 4bowman dead, cav promoted to elite - now 2/5 (that was too close) [18:39] 12Elite Knight on the Longbowman [18:39] see?! They are tougher than you think! [18:40] CHARGE!!!!! [18:40] Excusses Sir Donegeal, I want Results.... [18:40] THese evil Babylonians have developed stimpacks for their bowmen already ? [18:40] 4longbow killed, knight now 4/5 (No GL) [18:40] There... I'm going to rest now... [18:40] Are we still 1295 ? [18:41] yes [18:41] yes [18:41] thx [18:41] 12Use Remaining Vet Cav on the Roman Stack [18:41] I assume you mean the legionaries and not hte infantry? [18:41] what is to be done about 2/4 Babylonian bowman? [18:41] why, they will advance by fort and we will get free shots [18:41] 12correct and move a Vet Cav from Helio, too [18:42] * NuclearisWinterius has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [18:42] 4attacking legionaries [18:43] I am an equil oppertunity SMC.... I like to hurt them equilly [18:43] 4Veteran Cav KILLED by 3/3 legionary... legionary promoted - now 2/4 [18:43] argh [18:43] you lose a few sometimes [18:43] I hope we beheaded the general of this cavalry unit [18:43] are men are not fareing as well in the southern campaign. [18:43] true [18:43] we've just given both Rome and Babylon GA's if they didn't already have them [18:43] our men [18:44] Babs doesn't have the bandwidthe to use the GA very well [18:44] 4keep attacking legionaries I assume? [18:44] Yep [18:45] charging [18:45] Do we have Brundisium already ? [18:45] yes [18:45] 4regular legionary killed - Cav now 3/4 [18:45] what city are we attacking then ? [18:45] just a legionary stack [18:45] loose units [18:45] none, just a stack [18:45] just troops in the field... [18:46] ok thx [18:46] more dead now, the less later [18:46] 4same (legion killed, cav 3/4) [18:46] 4legion dead, Cav 2/4 [18:47] 4that's all the Cav [18:47] 12 move a Inf from Antiochand attack with it [18:48] 12and a Cav from TFC [18:48] 4legion dead, inf now 1/4 (that was too close...) [18:49] 4no damage to legion, Cav retreats when it reaches 1/4 [18:49] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #Civ3Dem [18:49] and I think we are done for now :( [18:49] 4need orders for the ferry [18:50] how many legion are still their..and what can they attack between turns? [18:50] we hurt most of our enemys this turn [18:50] 4Roman legionaries: 3/4, 3/3, 2/4, 2/3 [18:50] spread the pain [18:50] 12that's the DM's, but back to mainland [18:51] 4Spiffor - confirm ferry back to mainland? [18:51] yes [18:51] 4ferry moved [18:51] certianly would be nice to put 3 inf and an arty on that ferry... [18:51] I have some captured German workers and some spare workers left... using them [18:51] 3how many more PW Reserve are left? [18:52] I think we'll need some units from the mainland to Uber Isle, not the other way around [18:52] 4E_T... where to move 2 4/5 Elite Cav that attacked Stuttgart? [18:52] assuming rr near Heroe's Summit [18:52] mov to the new city [18:52] 1 native left in PW reserve [18:52] 4 2 elite cav moved [18:52] Spiff... that was ramblings on my Rubber Stomp idea... [18:53] 12 move the native to Bund #2, it should be safe [18:53] will road next turn [18:54] 4moving PW reserve to Bund #2 [18:55] 12SMC done, I think [18:55] 4yes, SMC should be done [18:55] what can those 4 legionary attack between turns? [18:55] 4FAM orders? [18:55] 12do we want to sell RP to Iroqouis? [18:55] for 32 LPT - YES [18:55] everyone else already has it... it's money out of our pockets if we don't [18:55] I say get what we can for RP then do a deal with them for rubber... [18:55] yes [18:56] give them inf to fight rome with... [18:56] 4What are specifics of deal with Iroqouis? [18:56] WM & 32LPT, they can't go any higher [18:57] got it [18:57] MSS's orders allow it and as acting FAM, I'm doing it [18:57] 12Make deal with Iroquois [18:57] 4Why, of course, Arnelos [18:58] nothing els that I see, Rome won't give us Refining.... [18:58] :p [18:58] Arne... your staring to sound like Aggie... [18:58] :scared: [18:58] lol [18:58] At least he isn't doing a WIA.... [18:58] no worries... Spiffor is here to keep an eye on me, right? [18:59] yes, you are under my domination :p [18:59] E_T I don't know about, but I wouldn't WANT to do his job for him :p [18:59] Is there a clause in the NewCon about relieving a mentally unfit President? ;) [18:59] dejon - actually, no [18:59] hehehehe [18:59] that would be a call for Impeachement... [18:59] this is why Aggie remained president :p :p :p [18:59] Dejon : we can claim for an impeachment, but there is already one pending [19:00] lol [19:00] BACK TO CHAT [19:00] Well, what the hell, let's impeach Arn for a second time ! :p [19:00] 4other FAM junk? [19:00] non that I can see, we're saving Sci Meth [19:00] Arn : please don't forget to rush settler in Abandonment [19:00] can we get anything from Iriquis for rubber? [19:00] Persia have any funds? [19:00] and change the WF there, too [19:00] 11 l [19:01] nevermind [19:01] Persia has no lpt [19:01] we want funds, and since there are none available... [19:02] Spiffor - I'll get to rushes :p [19:02] E_T : the plan was to abandon Abandonment as soon as Heroes' Summit was ours ? [19:02] 4Iroqouis do not need rubber (?) [19:02] 12 SMC REady for the next turn, I'm going to go and Have a smoke..... [19:02] they have it under one of there cities [19:03] 4Iroquois need Coal and incenese, but they're broke now [19:03] They can't have it until they have had RP for one turn... [19:03] 6England needs rubber, but they're broke as well [19:03] 12FAM ready to end [19:03] 4ok, rushes... [19:03] * SMC_E_T is now known as E_T_Outside_having_a_smoke [19:03] Spiffor [19:03] Russia is broke as well [19:04] rushes [19:04] 3and change the WF to zero food surpluss, too [19:04] 12 How much money do we have ? [19:04] We have 565 lytons (189 LPT income) [19:04] and we CAN NOT tweak the slider [19:04] ok [19:04] be careful with rushes, we will be thin for 3 more turns [19:04] 12 Rush settler in Abandonment [19:05] yes. I'll avoid to rush too much [19:05] 4settler rushed for 64 lytons [19:05] I think E_T told me earlier he doesn't need money [19:05] 4btw... Abandonment set to grow next turn... change WF? [19:06] zero food [19:06] E_T does not need money, correct [19:06] 12WF to 2 and 19 [19:06] 4done [19:06] 4more rushes? [19:07] PWIA? [19:07] why not just turn them both into taxmen? [19:07] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [19:07] somebody wanted a cath somewhere [19:07] erm, how much would a rush in POrt of Where It's at cost ? [19:07] back [19:07] 96 lytons [19:07] ok, rush cathedral there [19:07] Yea! [19:07] 4cathedral rushed [19:08] That's all AFAIK. I keep money to rush marketplace in How. next turn (and temple in HS) [19:08] heavily suggest rushing factories over other improvements... President will authorize funds as such :p [19:08] I think we are done [19:09] Then rush in Chartres.... only three turns remain on it [19:09] Arn : sure, but fact. and temple are essential to avoid cutlural reversion that close to Berlin [19:09] merk. and temple I mean [19:09] ok... saving money for temple [19:09] ok... skip chartres [19:10] back [19:10] 4we have the money for Chartres - it's only 164 lytons... but to save only 2 turns, I dunno [19:10] I think not [19:10] I'm sorry, but we really need cutlure and happiness there [19:10] * E_T_Outside_having_a_smoke is now known as SMC_E_T [19:10] To save only 2 turns, it would be a tad much. I prefer to rush in low production cities [19:11] Spiffor - I agree [19:11] 4SAVING MONEY [19:11] 4READY TO END? [19:11] YES [19:11] 12FAM and Exec ready [19:11] 2h30, not bad [19:11] 12smc is ready [19:11] * opd has joined #civ3dem [19:11] wow. The end of the turn? [19:11] lo [19:11] 4TURN ENDS [19:12] Hi OPD [19:12] yeah [19:12] hi OPD [19:12] hi [19:12] hey dudes [19:12] greets [19:12] hi [19:12] The lurker awakens! Hi OPD [19:12] Hi OPD, we have kickd some german, Roman & Bab but this turn [19:12] hey don [19:12] You lucky ! Not everyone witnesses Arnelos' 4TURN ENDS [19:12] is there a svae posted [19:12] soon [19:13] will be shortly [19:13] a new one will be posted soon... [19:13] good turn out 2 day [19:13] yep [19:13] no GL's :( [19:13] these war chat bring out everybody... [19:14] hmmmn no shiber? [19:14] he's in bed most likely.... [19:14] lol [19:15] I'm here because the residents of Old France demanded active representation. :D [19:15] Wow... just noticed that GK won the Jungleball League.... [19:15] anyway dudes goodluck and have a good new year [19:15] * opd has quit IRC (Quit: fuck you) [19:15] it's what 2 AM in Isreal?? [19:15] yes [19:15] I had forgotten about OPD's lovely signoff.. [19:15] His banana team pulled off quite an upset [19:16] I love OPD's signoff :p [19:16] Who did he beat? [19:18] it just get quiet in here? [19:18] shh, were trying to sleep.... [19:18] we are waiting for Arne report about between turns... [19:18] * aggie has joined #civ3dem [19:19] hi Aggie [19:19] hello the grerat prophet enters [19:19] :) [19:19] Aggie, we have Brudisium.... [19:19] Hi Aggie [19:19] WOOHOOO [19:19] Aggie! We were just, um... talking about you... [19:19] exellent [19:19] Brundisium has joined Old France! [19:19] They had a lowly Vet Cav defedning and the reast is history [19:19] very good, your kidding [19:20] nope [19:20] man they have infantry and they defend wiuth calv amazing [19:20] We also took Stuttgart [19:21] i hope you all had a good discussion donegeal [19:21] and we have Stuttgart, the hannover group will work on Hannover next turn (16 Vet Cav) and we beat up on the Roamans & Babs, both [19:21] man i guess i better stay away longer it seems to be good luck [19:21] It was something about craziness and third person references... [19:21] we lost 1 Knight and a couple of Cav, so you don't need to do that.... [19:22] good to hear [19:22] sunk that roaman ship [19:22] with the ironclud [19:22] i mean clad [19:22] the Berlin Bombers will start shelling next turn [19:23] yep [19:23] cool [19:23] what year are we in by the way [19:23] A.S.S. Invicable is one tough ship... [19:23] between 1295 and 1300 [19:24] 4SOME FUNNY STUFF THIS TIME... [19:24] did we get a GL ? [19:24] :lol: [19:24] good i'll get off real quick so i can run the game then get back on, its real weird if i am on it stops whenit gets to the disk check [19:24] funny haha, or funny strange [19:24] Define "Funny", please [19:24] funny as in humerous or funny as in weird? [19:24] 4Iroquois and Babylon sign an embargo against us early between turns, only to have it cancelled when our MPPs are activated against Babylon near end of between turns... [19:24] no GL [19:24] yes iondeed last time a pres said something like that chartes defected [19:24] lol [19:24] 4btw, all MPPs activated against Babylon [19:25] Yeah, that's kinda funny [19:25] 4Roman Infantry attacks our elite Knight in Russian territory AND OUR KNIGHT IS VICTORIOUS (though we only have 1 hp left) [19:25] morons... [19:25] no GL [19:25] their GA won't help them much.... [19:25] do we have a MPP with Russia ? [19:25] nope [19:25] yes [19:25] brb back [19:25] WOOOT!!! (about the Knight) [19:26] yes, Russia has an MPP with us [19:26] doh, forgot to cover it with a Inf... [19:26] I pity the poor sobs :D [19:26] we still have knights? [19:26] one [19:26] 4Russia contacted us to complain about the damaged Elite Knight in their territory... I told Cathy we'd be leaving soon [19:26] you got a problem with that Panzer? [19:26] no... surprised thats all [19:27] Hell, we still have atleast two sword out there... [19:27] tell Kathy that we'll gift the horse to her... [19:27] 4btw... we now have pollution near Here It Is [19:27] NOOooo! Call the cleanup crew! [19:27] 4posting save [19:27] AFK [19:28] Was sleeping here, but what did you say? [19:28] Does germany has a panzer? [19:28] no [19:28] 12Pollution cleaning is the highest PW priority this turn [19:29] hope it's not on a mountain... [19:29] What tile is the Pollution? [19:29] * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem [19:29] ok now i'm ready to play [19:30] Spiffor - got it ;) [19:30] 4Spiffor - I will need WF orders for Here It Is once pollution is cleaned (since appearence of pollution changes WF) [19:31] ok [19:31] I'll need th save, tell me when you post it please [19:31] Arnelos - what tile is pollution on? [19:32] 4finally :rolleyes: - SAVE POSTED [19:32] YAY ! [19:32] 4pollution at Here It Is #1 [19:32] I'm loading it now [19:32] ok [19:32] 4starting PW (clearing pollution first) [19:33] Oh good, easy cleanup - not on mtn. [19:33] 4pollution cleared (by 4 slaves) [19:35] Here It Is WF - 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,14,19,20 [19:36] Spiffor - please check [19:36] 9 bab bowmen and 1 bab warrior...heh [19:36] 4executed dejon's Here it Is WF [19:37] 12WF in Here It Is : 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,14,19,20 [19:37] 4WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TILES TO IMPROVE [19:37] Dijon : agreed :) [19:37] Spiffor = done [19:38] I posted some tiles improvement requests for Old France... are they done? [19:38] Arnelos : please halt PW [19:38] 12 integrate 5 natives in Heroes' [19:39] Chinese Frigate [19:39] Dejon : link please ? [19:39] SE of Tarsus [19:39] * aggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:39] just outside our borders [19:40] 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,14,19,20 [19:40] oops, hang on [19:40] [19:41] romans took allegany from the Iroqious...did this already happen? [19:41] Dejon : most of your requests haven't been done yet [19:42] * NuclearisWinterius has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:42] But I don't think the mine in POWIA is any urgent : we are still under the 6 pop cap [19:43] dinner calls, bye all [19:43] Btw, my requests aren't urgent, only one will come into play in the next 5 turns or so [19:43] * canyontree has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:44] The POWIA mine over the rubber would be switched from another tile - more money. [19:45] ok. I'll update my extensive list of PW orders ( ) tomorrow [19:46] 12STOP AUTOMOVE ON THE Caravel [19:46] question what changes the border of babylon/rome/russia who's city was destroyed [19:46] yes....Chinese [19:46] Frigaet [19:46] Frigate [19:46] yes, frigate [19:47] when did the Romans take allegany? [19:47] from the Iroqious [19:47] Are we going to do this this turnchat? [19:47] Russian [19:47] 12I'll have to leave. Orders [19:48] 12Integrate 5 natives in Heroes' [19:48] WF in Heroes' 1,6,7,8 [19:48] 12Rush temple in Heroes' [19:48] (we lack 4 gold to rush marketplace in How. urgh) [19:48] bundisium? [19:49] ah yes, moment please [19:49] 12 integrate 4 natives in Brundisium [19:49] 4PW DONE - we should have all tiles in our territory (except those within range of German couner-attack) completed in 2 turns [19:49] perhaps 3 [19:50] 12 rush temple in Brundisium [19:50] no it must be another city since the wirder border was s of there [19:50] i mean the weird border [19:51] It was a Russian City that was Razed [19:51] 12Scratch completely my orders on brundisium [19:51] 4We have the PW reserve still intact... want me to use that to expand Heroes' Summit this turn? [19:51] I mean Brundisium [19:51] that makes sense thats gives us a wider fron south of syracuse [19:51] Arn : we shouldn't expand Brundisium, I was wrong [19:52] oh, ok [19:52] Did you expand Heores' already ? [19:52] no [19:52] Only workers left are the PW reserve [19:52] yes.Vladivostok was razed [19:52] ah. We can wait one turn, except if E_T doesn't need 5 of his reserve this turn [19:53] Nontheless : 12rush temples in Heroes' and Brundisium [19:53] and Allegany Was taken from the Iroqious by the Romans [19:53] 3 one of those just built a road, right? [19:53] 4rushing temples [19:53] E_T... actually, I messed up the guy who was supposed to build that road. He ended up being moved to the RR because I was clicking too fast on the previous unit (double clicked - grrr) [19:53] I will have to leave soon. Who wants to be a deputy for the end of the chat ? [19:54] donegeal did well last time [19:54] * Togas has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:54] Donegeal : can you stay until the end of the chat ? [19:54] send him back (or someone else) [19:54] I already sent another worker to replace him :p [19:55] 4each temple cost 116 lytons [19:56] 4Doing CP orders [19:56] yes. I was sad not to be able to rudh the marketplace as well :( [19:57] I get no answer from Donegeal. He must be AFK or Away from the chat. Dejon, do you read me ? [19:57] Yeah, but Donegeal would be better, I only know Old France. :D [19:58] I am here too, but not in spirit... [19:59] Well [19:59] 4CP DONE [19:59] as in water from? [19:59] 12Donegeal is formally my deputy until the end of the chat. Should he be missing, Dejon replaceshim [19:59] Spiffor... this is the last turn of chat because there are no orders for next turn - so no worries :p [19:59] ok. Because I'd really like to leave now :p [20:00] then go :) [20:00] bye all ! [20:00] 4SOMEONE CHECK FAM WHILE I DO SMC - THANK YOU [20:00] night [20:00] by Spiffor :) [20:00] * Spiffor has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian ( [20:00] ok [20:00] 4STARTING SMC ORDERS [20:01] I am going to go now... bye [20:01] im on 1.29 [20:01] War, war... Eat Burnt babies, Kill, Kill (jumping up & down) kill, kill [20:01] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [20:01] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #Civ3Dem [20:02] but zulus will give us WM 7 lpt and 60 lytons for Incense [20:02] or 17 lpt 60 lytons and WM for incense and dyes [20:03] will need someone w/1.21 for numbers though [20:03] I have the save loaded in 1.21, if you need someone to check numbers. [20:04] check zulus numbers for luxes [20:04] GEMS!!!! [20:05] for me..we cant get gems with just giving the teh luxes [20:06] 4 10 artys and 5 inf moving toward Frankfurt [20:07] 4Wounded Knight forted in Hole in the Wall [20:07] Zulus will give 12LPT, Wm + 1L for Dyes [20:07] 4 2 cav moved from Howitzerville to Fort Bund [20:08] 4vet cav at Hero #1 sent to Fort Bund [20:09] 4healed vet cav at Hole moved to Fort Bund [20:09] Zulus will give 13LPT, WM for Incense [20:10] where toward franfurt ie what the location [20:11] 4vet infs from Abandonment forted in Tarsus and Susa [20:11] Zulus want Dyes, Incense, and 74LPT for Gems (Absurd!) [20:11] Anything else? [20:12] what if we just offer both luxes? [20:12] do we have a tech to sell them [20:12] 4vet inf from Lhasa moved up to Fort Bund... wounded inf at Fort Bund sent to Bund [20:12] only Sic Meth [20:12] sci [20:12] They will take Sci Meth for Gems - do we want to give them that? [20:13] 4settler from Abandonment moved with Frankfurt Attack Group [20:13] 4all SMC orders (so far) are DONE [20:13] Hang on, they'll pay alot for Sci Meth (LPT)... [20:13] we can get lots of money & gms for Sci & the 2 luxes [20:13] whats the location of franfort attack group [20:14] Frankfurt #15 [20:14] on gold tile [20:14] thanks [20:14] 12Berlin Bombers, Shell Berlin [20:14] 4shelling Berlin [20:14] 4(Otto's roof falls in... he starts grumbling) [20:15] 4Otto taken to the bunker [20:15] Zulus will give Gems, WM, 46lpt, 4l for Sci Meth [20:15] Arnie stop Rplaying ;) [20:16] Hey Otto, do you like the smell of Cordite in the morning??? [20:17] 4whif, Pop from 15 to 14, whif, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 [20:17] 1 [20:17] 4continuing to shell [20:17] common, Barracks.... [20:18] 4whif, 4/4 rifle to 2/4 [20:18] 2 [20:18] 4 4/4 rifle to 2/4 [20:18] 3 [20:18] 4 4/4 rifle to 3/4 [20:18] 4 [20:18] * canyontree has joined #civ3dem [20:18] 4whif, whif [20:19] atleast 5 units there [20:19] 4out of artys [20:19] 4another 4/4 rifle still showing [20:19] suggest that we fort other units and just keep shelling while Hannover and Frankfurt campaigns proceed [20:20] 12Hannover, Cav Cahrge [20:20] got it [20:20] 12yes, for the Inf, I might have a special project for the 2 cav [20:20] good luck valiant calvary, and we thought pikette charge was fun [20:23] Dinner time! AFK [20:23] * dejon is now known as dejonAFK [20:23] ok [20:25] ok.... [20:25] o.k. [20:25] ?? [20:25] and what happened [20:25] 4Cav kills rifle, Cav 2/4 [20:26] 4Cav LOSES to rifle, rifle now 2/4 [20:26] 4Cav retreats from rifle, rifle now 3/4 [20:26] 4Cav retreats from 4/4 rifle, rifle now 2/4 [20:26] 4Cav kills 2/4 rifle (no damage to Cav) [20:26] 4Cav retreats from 2/4 rifle (no damage to rifle) [20:27] 4Cav LOSES to 2/4 rifle (no damage to rifle) [20:27] 4Cav kills 2/4 rifle, Cav now 3/4 [20:27] 1/2 [20:27] 4OUR Cav attacks 4/4 GERMAN Cav, German Cav wins (our CAv dies), their cav 2/4 [20:28] 4OUR Cav attacks 2/4 GERMAN Cav and KILLS IT, PROMOTED TO ELITE, now 2/5 [20:28] 4HANNOVER DEFEATED [20:28] lost 3 units [20:28] 12keep the city [20:28] 1 promotion [20:29] * aro has joined #civ3dem [20:29] could have been worse [20:29] Hi, guys [20:29] 12move all healthy Cav to Cologne #4 [20:29] hi [20:29] 4There are 4 resistors (pop of 6) [20:29] move all wounded Cav into the city [20:29] i expected 4 loses so we are ahead of the game [20:29] exellent [20:30] E_T... which one? [20:30] no, I get it now [20:30] Problems? Is everything fine with our war? [20:30] we have 2 more German Cities & 1 Roman City [20:31] 4what about the 1 healthy cav that already attacked? [20:31] 3 hold him for the moment [20:32] ok [20:32] 4the infantry? [20:32] (I assume fort in city) [20:32] not all [20:32] ok... need orders then [20:32] 4All healthy cav moved to Cologne #4 [20:32] 4Wounded Cav now inside HAnnover [20:33] 4btw... 4/5 elite German rifle showing in Cologne [20:34] 4spotted 12 Greek units within 1 of Cologne [20:34] 4GREEKS: 3 infantry, 5 riflemen, 2 longbows, 2 archers [20:34] can you post a screenshot of West Germany Area? [20:34] ok [20:35] there's a crap load of greeks near colonge [20:36] darn, we don't have a full path to Rail with between NY & Hannover [20:37] if we get out of resistance and rush temp we will haveit in 6 [20:37] 12the 2 Inf at Hannover #14, move north [20:38] back... have we taken over anymore cities? [20:38] 12 send Elite Inf to Hanover #12, sent that one Cav you asked about to the same place [20:39] Hi, Donegeal... [20:39] 12set Hannover to full starve mode, all Ent [20:39] move the other 2 Inf into Hanover [20:40] 12 move the other 2 inf into hanover [20:40] And I think we are done with Otto this turn.... [20:40] 4uploading screenshot [20:41] 4inf at Hannover #14 now at Hannover #4 [20:42] 4elite inf and cav sent to Hannover #12 (Frankfurt #7) [20:43] 4 2 vet inf moved into Hannover and forted... Hannover being starved [20:43] and when we are done, could you possibly post the save, so that we can watch what happens at Cologne?? [20:45] 12set build to Temple, Q at Donegels discression [20:46] Cologne will either be in Greek hands next turn or ours... [20:46] Huh? Q at my discression? Did I get put as DM again? [20:47] 4screenshot POSTED [20:47] arn't you the DM Deputy [20:47] donegeal - yes [20:48] hmmm... Bad news then... I was AFK when Spiff left and I have to go for good now... [20:48] ok, that's fine... as I told Spiff... this is the last turn anyhow [20:48] 4more SMC orders? [20:49] THat takes care of the German area, right? [20:49] ok... then hold off on DM stuff and don't end turn as no DM will be present. [20:49] 4galley in Whelsh Coast can upgrade for 60 lytons [20:49] German area done - yes [20:49] do it, and then load 2 Inf & 2 Cav in it [20:49] I'm thinking no... we're short on cash [20:49] I'll save it for end of turn... we'll see [20:50] gotta go folks... [20:50] the Cav DFrom Fort NUC [20:50] ok.bye [20:50] Bye [20:50] THe Inf from AGC & Boomtown [20:50] * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:50] 4Ferry forted inside 'Poly (nothing else to do with it...) [20:50] um... holding that order... [20:50] 4you want the ferry off AGC now??? [20:51] no, but I might have something load on it [20:51] wait a moment... you want to upgrade that galley so you can load it with 2 cav and 2 inf, right? [20:52] if the Ferry does not have any moves and nothing on it, it should skip it's turn in either AGC or Poly [20:52] yes [20:52] 4ferry going into 'poly and skipping turn [20:52] dopn't skip it';s turn [20:52] 4upgrading galley to galleon for 60 lytons (by my authority as Prez :p ) [20:53] I forted it, E_T.. no worry [20:53] you want those 2 cav and 2 inf to go to Whelsh Coast for loading? [20:54] 12 SMC PW Reserv e - 2 natives to Brund #4 and Rail (we'll take care of them after we are done... [20:54] Yes [20:54] load the Gallion [20:54] 4moving troops to load on galleon [20:55] wait up... where do I take the 2nd Inf from on Uber? [20:56] 4using PW reserve for Rail at Brund #4 [20:56] 3 list what is in Brund & Fort Brund again [20:56] ok... [20:56] 4Brundisium: 4/4 inf, 4/4 inf, 1/4 inf, 2 artys [20:57] 4Fort Brund: 3 4/4 inf, 4 4/4 Cav, 3 artys [20:57] 3All Cav at Hole are wounded, right? [20:57] we also have an arty at Fort Hole [20:58] correct - all cav at hole are wounded [20:58] 12SHell Babs from the 2 Arts in Brund & Report [21:00] 4 4/4 bowman now 2/4, 4/4 bowman now 2/4 [21:00] 12move the Reg Inf from PoWIA and attack the Bow Stack [21:00] from Brund [21:00] NOTE: the bowman showing is at full health [21:00] but that shouldn't be a problem [21:01] at what, that's part of what I want in a report [21:01] There are what... SIX bowmen there? [21:01] yeah, six [21:01] here... full report on bowmen stack... [21:01] 5 bowman and 1 warrior [21:02] yes, some are 2/4 some 3/4 and 1 4/4 ... [21:02] 4six bowmen: 4/4, 3/4, 3/4, 3/4, 3/3, 2/4, 2/4 [21:02] 3what I want is to know th eeffects, and what is showind after the fight [21:02] sorry, the warrior is one of the 3/4's [21:02] got it [21:03] now... do you want me to have the 3/3 rifle attack the 4/4 bowman? [21:03] should be cakewalk, but you never know [21:03] it's showing a 4/4 bowman, killit with the Inf [21:03] got it [21:03] that was close... [21:04] 4 4/4 bowman dead, inf now 1/3 (it went to 1/3 almost immediately and then fought off the bowman) [21:04] darn I wanted to be a vet, ofh well. [21:04] the inf you sent from PoWIA was a regular [21:04] Vet Inf from the city [21:05] ok, got it [21:05] 4 3/3 bowman killed - no damage to 4/4 inf [21:05] 12again [21:06] 4 3/4 bowman killed - 4/4 inf now 2/4 [21:06] 3and it's showing WHAT???? [21:07] 2/4 [21:07] 4 2 2/4 bowmen, 1 3/4 warrior [21:07] showing one of the bowmen [21:07] sorry [21:07] thank you [21:07] Vet Cav from fort [21:07] 4vet cav kills 2/4 bowmen, no damage to cav... 2/4 bowman showing [21:08] 12Again [21:08] 4same: bowman dead, no damage to Cav... 3/4 warrior is all that is left [21:09] 12Elite Sword from Fort Hole to Brund, kill that warriour.... [21:09] keep in mind that there are 3 bowmen South of Fort Brund (4/4, 3/3, 3/3) and the one damaged bowmen we lost the knight against forted SW of Fort Brund (2/4) [21:09] 4elite sword doing his duty [21:09] I smell a GL... [21:09] we cabnt [21:10] he has a star [21:10] and I have 3 ARTS and more units, continue [21:10] oh [21:10] 4no GL :( [21:10] 4warrior dead, no damage to sword [21:10] he couldnt have generated one anywaya [21:10] you see on 1.21 we can'r see that [21:11] orders? [21:11] [21:11] 12Arts in Fort Brund, shell the stack one at a time & Report [21:11] I take it you mean the stack of healthy bowmen? [21:11] yes, sorry [21:11] ok, shelling :D [21:12] 4 4/4 bowman now 3/4, showing 3/3 bowman [21:12] 12again [21:12] 4 3/3 bowman now 2/3, showing the last 3/3 bowman [21:12] 12again [21:12] 12Vet Inf, same stack [21:13] 4 3/3 now 2/3, showing 3/4 [21:13] 4attacking with vet inf from Fort Brund... [21:14] 4 Inf now 2/4, 3/4 bowman dead, 2/3 bowman showing [21:14] 12again [21:15] * dejonAFK is now known as dejon [21:15] 4 2/3 bowman killed - no damage to vet inf - last 2/3 bowman showing [21:15] back [21:15] 12Vet Cav [21:15] Any GLs? [21:15] wb [21:15] hi [21:15] nope [21:15] we've been trying.... [21:15] Hi Aro, CiverDan [21:15] Hi [21:16] 4 Cav now 3/4, bowman dead... NEW ENEMIES SITED... [21:16] Hamburi, welcome to my kill zone! [21:16] 12Vet Cav on the 2/4 Bow SW of the Fort [21:16] 4 BAbylonian 3/3 bowman and 3/3 spearman sited at Syracuse #4 [21:16] oooh i am scared [21:16] lol [21:17] lol [21:17] I smell oil [21:17] now WHY hasn't russia taken ovwer all of bablon yet:) [21:17] with units like this it is easy [21:17] they have ben busy with rome [21:17] 4 Stupid Babylonian 2/4 bowman that killed our elite knight slaughtered by our Vet Cav - we suffered no damage [21:17] they just delaired this turn [21:18] rome razed one russian city last turn [21:18] ok [21:18] 3are the 2 Inf still at Brund #3 & 11? [21:18] i forgot [21:18] E_T - yes [21:19] those 2 inf are still there [21:19] 12move them to #15, move the Art at Fort hole there too [21:19] 4moving inf and artys [21:19] We can shell Syracuse next turn, just a bit... [21:19] 4conscript and vet inf now in Roman territory along with 1 arty [21:20] 4We still have our 3/4 cav that attacked this turn in Russian territory - remove it? [21:20] do we have any Units in Russian territory? [21:20] lol [21:20] yes, withdraw back to Brund [21:20] ok [21:20] 4withdrawn to fort brund (as far as he could go) [21:21] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [21:21] hell automove next turn [21:21] Roadcage, welcome to the bloodbath... :) [21:21] its been fun [21:22] been here more or ess all the time but as canyontree [21:22] canyontree! lol [21:22] keep getting knocked off line by my isp [21:22] 4leave 4/4 cav at Brund #15 in Roman territory? [21:22] 12one PW at #2 # 8 and 1 Vet Inf from Fort Hole to the 2 PW at #4. I'll be done for this turn [21:23] canyontree is wife's handle and am on her machine [21:23] 4NOTE: there is already a worker at #2... send another? [21:24] 12Oh, the worker didnt get moved I need a worker to go to Berlin #14 [21:24] on note, no [21:24] 4worker to Berlin #14 [21:24] we plan on defending that worker? [21:25] from what? [21:25] 12I release the rest of the PW Reserve for this turn and the SMC is done [21:25] Berlin could have a cav - you never know [21:25] of course, they would be stupid to use it, but hey [21:25] and we would love for it to venture out for easy killing [21:26] We should have used a slave then :doitnow!: lol [21:26] yep it would use all it's moves [21:26] oh well [21:26] 4SMC.. I have an unmoved Galleon off of Port of Where Its At [21:27] 3that worker was supposed to be part of the Berlin Group, but I forgot to issue that order,,,, [21:27] it was sent there to watch for invasion forces [21:27] ah [21:27] it's 4 West, right [21:27] not sure how useful it is to watch for invasion forces AT THE MOMENT, considering the area is SWIMMING in Japanese ironclads [21:27] but hey [21:28] Fortify it [21:28] ok [21:28] oh... that 4/4 Cav in Roman territroy with the Syracuse bombardment stack... what to do with that? [21:28] if you fortify a navel unit, it's FOW will increace by 1 the next turn [21:29] cool [21:29] you didn't know that? [21:29] Pardon, but what is FOW? [21:29] fog of war [21:29] Fog Of War [21:30] I guess I always just approached that intuitively (I just build tons of naval units and had them watch at 5 or 6 space intervals or whatever... didn't pay close attention to how many spaces they were apart, just that they were) [21:30] Sorry for my Ignorance ;) [21:30] i.e. the area that you can currently see [21:30] back to the cav in roman territory [21:30] thats ok thats how we all learn [21:30] * canyontree has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:30] NW, the only stupid question is one that is never asked [21:30] E_T... that cav? [21:31] 12All wounded Cav to Brundisium to heal [21:31] it's at full health... so are the other two (which are at Fort Brund) [21:31] So I have 3 vet cavs here... [21:31] move 1 to the Ferry and send it to Uber [21:31] ok [21:32] the others? [21:32] 4 1 vet cav loaded on ferry [21:33] hello? [21:33] send 1 to Susa and Fort th eother [21:33] hi [21:33] hi roadcage :D [21:33] 4 1 vet cav forted in Susa, the other is at Fort Brund [21:34] 4 I now have the end of turn button clicking away at me [21:34] and that should be it [21:34] FAM [21:34] 4slider cannot be tweaked [21:34] Rushes [21:34] 4saving money for temples [21:34] unless there's a CRITICAL rush [21:34] 4yes, FAM... [21:35] Post save so we can see if Cologne falles.... [21:35] E_T... we'll do that once FAM is done [21:35] FAM... [21:35] :D [21:35] deals anyone? [21:35] i'm just making a list.. [21:35] Persia has some chum change and needs commie [21:35] Someone PLEASE check cancelling our three lux deal with Greece and buying Refining with the three luxes [21:36] As far as I know, all involve Sci Meth.. [21:36] zulu will give us 35-50 lpt for 2 lux combo [21:36] thast might not be legal:) [21:36] you can't change the negotiation back so you can't just check [21:36] they wont iv us gems for anything reasonable though [21:37] give [21:37] more than 30 GPT [21:37] England will pay 14 LPT + 71 L + their WM for rubber [21:37] nice [21:38] * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem [21:38] hullo [21:38] hi [21:38] hello [21:38] hello [21:38] Aggie - there is established precedent for checking renegotiations [21:38] sound good [21:38] what's going on? :) [21:38] diplomacy [21:38] but i don't like doing that since you can't do it without relaoding [21:39] but go ahead [21:39] no you just find out what the advisor says will be acceptable and then say good by [21:39] 3 we have Ivory deal coming up in 3 turns, I suggest that we save the other Luxes for that [21:39] I had the same reservation when I first became FAM... I was told by EVERYONE I asked that renegotiations had ALWAYS been checked by the FAM during chats, etc and that was coming from justices ;p [21:40] * mrmitchell is now known as mr_Ultra-AFK [21:40] i know its just something i starting wondering about [21:40] yeah, I agree... I assumed it was illegal when I became FAM [21:41] well we would still have to pay all lux + 50+gpt a turn so its the same as it was [21:41] it's a grey area [21:42] * canyontree has joined #civ3dem [21:42] btw... best deal I see with zulus is to sell them our 2 luxes for 25 LPT + 4 L + WM [21:42] the thing is, we aren't altering the save, the president is [21:43] so what was the reneg with Greece... I highly doubt it's worth it anyhow... [21:43] yah that why we have to do it, same as before is the deal greece will give us [21:43] but I have orders from MSS to check it... so there we are [21:43] more than 30LPT [21:43] ok... probably too much [21:44] Considering we'll have ToE soon and can trade for it pretty easily [21:44] i just quit when I got to 30 [21:44] ok [21:44] 4Any objections to the selling rubber to England or selling the two luxes to the Zulus? [21:45] no objections [21:45] when will we be attacking them? [21:45] 3Zulu Gems [21:45] According to MSS' standing orders, I have to get approval from the SMC to trade rubber to anyone [21:45] we cant get the gems even with the two luxes [21:45] The Zulus wanted 74lpt for their gems when I checked last turn [21:46] it all depends on if we want to try to go after England soon or not [21:46] that's why I asked [21:46] Let's hold off and I'll post a poll [21:46] i agree [21:46] agreed [21:46] k [21:47] I'd rather do it, but whatever [21:47] we probably need a rest after the war for ww to drop then we take england or greece [21:47] ok [21:47] I agree with Aggie [21:47] we need to start to look at getting weened off of our deals with England, but we need to look at the timing... [21:47] but I need E_T's approval [21:48] no not, we can wait a turn, right? [21:48] I suppose [21:48] they might have more money anyhow [21:48] then no for now [21:48] ok [21:48] k [21:48] now... Zulus [21:48] it's gems or nothing [21:48] england..we have 13 turns left on german embargo [21:49] lemme see [21:49] Otto won't last that long [21:49] no otto is one the fall already [21:49] :D [21:49] we should wait to when we are going to sell Sci Meth and tie the Luxes with that to get more [21:49] 4We would have to give Zulus 2 luxes AND nearly 100 LPT for gems... forget that [21:50] not with Sci meth [21:50] We're not trading Sci Meth yet [21:50] I think we are done for this turn [21:51] We could sell the Zulus our 2 luxes for 25 LPT [21:52] hello? [21:52] we can get now, 48LPT and 69L & Gems for Sci Meth & 1 Lux [21:52] whatever [21:52] so we sell one lux now, and tie the other in with the tech sale when we sellit [21:52] * roadcage has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:52] We probably shouldn't trade Sci Meth yet... besides, MSS's orders said we should only trade Sci Meth to our "allies" if we even did so... and the Zulus are certainly not an ally :p [21:53] I think we are done here [21:53] I agree with roadcage/canyontree [21:53] Yeah, end here [21:54] I'll post a save first so people can watch [21:54] 4READY TO END? [21:54] but postr the pre end for us war fiends to watch cologne [21:54] 12FAM and EXEC ready [21:54] thanks, Arnelos... [21:54] 12SMC ready [21:54] I guess DM is ready too [21:54] dejon? [21:55] did we rush anything [21:55] cash is? [21:55] 4 I'm holding off on rushes because we'll need more money for temple rushes probably in next few turns [21:55] 307 lytons [21:55] reasonable caryover [21:55] we upgraded a galley and rushed 2 temples [21:55] I was asking if we did any temple rushes this turn?? [21:56] good [21:56] 12post that save [21:56] yes? [21:56] ready to end? [21:56] (I assume yes, but I ask out of courtesy) [21:56] Yep [21:56] ok then [21:56] 4posting pre-end save [21:57] Great war chat guys! [21:58] * mr_Ultra-AFK has quit IRC (Quit: ) [21:58] thanks [21:59] Seems we will lose Cologne, is it right? [21:59] maybe it will be close [21:59] looks close [22:00] we'll just see [22:00] Either greece between turns or us in a cakewalk immediately after [22:00] And lets end the chat after we take Cologne? [22:01] just do the SMC for that part of the chat and let the rest go for next tume [22:01] 4save posted [22:01] *time [22:01] 4ENDING TURN [22:01] The popcorn save? ;) [22:01] love the name [22:01] i'll look back again after i see the between turns so i can be surprised:) [22:02] ? save name ? [22:02] Great name. :D [22:03] I don't like popcorn - make the next one candy, will you? :D [22:03] Popcorn, Popcorn, get your popcorn.sav [22:04] Chinise Frigate is sunk trying to sink our Caravel [22:05] Worker was captured [22:07] Cologne falls [22:07] After a brave German fight [22:08] it was close oh well the greeks deserve it after the fight [22:08] They Razed iot [22:08] lol! [22:09] A settler, my kingdom for a settler! [22:09] Roman tryed to kill the Sword but lost, no GL [22:10] we have a settler nearby [22:10] We have 1, but its headed to Frankfurt [22:10] with the frankfurt force [22:10] ok could we priduce another quickly [22:10] 4that was the shortest peace treaty on record - lol [22:11] that would be up to the DM [22:11] what [22:11] lol, Arnelos [22:11] what peace treaty [22:11] 4Rome and Greece sign peace treaty... IMMEDIATELY, Rome attacks us and Greece declares war on Rome... there wasn't but a second between the messages [22:11] I never go that [22:12] 4btw... Greeks RAZE Cologne [22:12] we do know that [22:12] me neither [22:12] 4our caravel was sunk by Chinese Frigate (their frigate now 1/4) [22:12] mine won [22:12] same here [22:12] Mine won! [22:12] WEIRD, do we have the random seed right [22:13] it's part of the savew [22:13] Yes, I have [22:13] well, I didn't change anything between posting the save and ending the turn [22:13] who knows... [22:13] Weird! [22:13] I just loaded it and hit end turn] [22:13] I posted it and hit the end turn [22:13] thats what i thought, arnelos did you do something between the save and end since in theory it shouldn't be this way [22:13] no, I didn't do anything [22:13] I saved, posted the save, then hit end turn [22:14] sorry cross posted [22:14] this is really weird [22:14] wouldn't be the first time, though... [22:14] Load your posted save and do it again [22:14] oh geesh... [22:14] arnelos save since your is official, but lets then all load and do it again just for curiosity [22:14] what? [22:14] sure [22:14] but save it as a different name [22:15] maybe under REAL 1305 [22:15] Gimme two candybars.sav [22:15] ;) [22:15] Ringside to a Razing [22:16] Arnelos, what happened in the Roman Front, the Sword get attacked? [22:16] 4POSTING SAVE [22:17] yes, the sword got attacked - we lost - roman to 1/4 [22:17] We won, but no GL [22:17] and the Worker near Berlin? [22:17] it was captured by a 2/4 cavalry [22:18] it was captured by a 5/5 cav [22:18] 4SAVE POSTED [22:18] take that back... 3/5 cav (now that I've got a chance to look at it up close) [22:19] 4everyone want to reload "popcorn, popcorn, get your popcorn.sav" and re-do end of turn? [22:19] yep [22:19] ok... re-doing... [22:20] Are we officially end ing ther chat ,too [22:20] k [22:20] 4CHAT ENDS [22:20] I like the first popcorn save (cologne held) on my machine [22:20] loading... [22:20] * canyontree has quit IRC (Quit: ) [22:20] loading [22:20] same [22:21] we can race to the next turn.... [22:21] see who get there first... [22:21] I won't be so slow this time since I'm not recording everything :p [22:21] go [22:21] i won [22:21] Our galley won again [22:21] same results [22:22] hey, you have to let eveyrybody ready first [22:22] sorry i started early:) [22:22] go [22:23] * canyontree has joined #civ3dem [22:23] is the Great save mystery solved? [22:23] glub goes the frigit [22:24] nope they are racing to the next turn, we should make this a mini game, bet on who gets to the next turn first:0i started early, bad aggie [22:24] I had the same results [22:24] Cologne held on mymachine [22:24] me too [22:24] not ion ours [22:24] our galley won in mine [22:25] you mean caravel [22:25] sorry, yes [22:25] whew!!!!! [22:25] but Colonge bit the dust [22:25] looked like a galley to me [22:25] 4done [22:26] well [22:26] caravel [22:26] and Cologne gets razed, [22:26] 4I GOT YOUR (collective) VERSION OF EVENTS THIS TIME.... my guess is that I got a different version because I didn't reload the save after posting it... I just continued. [22:26] same in mine [22:27] ok that makes sense, you prob looked at diplomatic screen [22:27] so perhaps the random seed is set when you save the game... but it's different if you don't save [22:27] Aggie... I actually didn't [22:27] I really did just save the game, wait around while I was posting it, and then end immediately [22:27] what you said males sense arnerlos [22:27] think we should notify firaxis [22:27] i mean makes sense i wasn't thinking [22:27] ah [22:28] well..mi out [22:28] im [22:28] still waiting for mine to finish... [22:28] * CiverDan1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [22:28] well, you guys saw most of the same events, though with slightly different outcomes [22:28] done [22:29] Personally, I wish we could get hte funny short-term treaty of my version with the victories of yours :p [22:29] Roadcage, did the greeks raised Cologne in your save? [22:29] well its ok, we lost a caravel and greeks made a deal then unmade one:) [22:29] Cologne held [22:29] really? [22:29] or did cologne hold [22:29] really [22:29] how close [22:29] now that's REALLY odd that in your version cologne held [22:30] 1 full 4/4 cav + 2 1/5 rifles held [22:30] WOW!!!!!!! [22:30] 1.21 patch? [22:30] but I am v 1.29 [22:30] ah [22:30] ok [22:30] Oh [22:30] but still [22:30] ah [22:30] This isn't weird, but Arnelos save is [22:31] just for grins I attacked with all our cav and took Cologne on the last one [22:31] different chances for somethings in the different version [22:32] neato we found something interesting tell soren [22:32] Because arnelos has 1.21 too [22:32] so do i [22:32] Me too [22:32] same, I have both [22:32] * lmtoops has joined #civ3dem [22:32] Ok, I'm done. g'night all. [22:33] gnight dejon [22:33] night [22:33] same here [22:33] g'night, dejon [22:33] cya all [22:33] * dejon has left #civ3dem [22:33] Someone is posting the log, right? [22:33] did you post save [22:33] Yeh, I'll get eh log [22:34] * lmtoops has left #civ3dem [22:34] ok, that's it then [22:34] cya, Arnelos. [22:34] by all [22:34] * canyontree has quit IRC (Quit: ) [22:34] Aggie, I'm working on your German maps idea. [22:35] arleos please post save [22:35] thanks aro [22:35] Teh save is posted, isn't? [22:35] what Idea is that? [22:36] yes, it's already posted [22:36] * Arnelos has quit IRC (Quit: ) [22:36] A comparative map showing the german smaller and smaller... [22:36] ah [22:37] For fun... :D [22:37] I'm going to have a smoke in a bit [22:37] good for morale:), i forget if it was my idea(it might have occured in my prophet ravings) [22:37] Aggie, you happy with the Roman Front? [22:38] indeed i am, taking advantage of that calv defender is excellent [22:39] i think syracuse is domed too [22:39] Just checked... Was an Epistax idea! [22:39] after that we can make peace if desired or move south [22:39] so, now I've had a chance to really put my plans into action, what do you think of my SMC skills? [22:39] very imnpressed [22:39] Great SMC! [22:40] i can really let go and enjoy now [22:40] :) [22:40] Btw, it's an Apolytonian tradition [22:40] at least until the next term [22:40] Uber, Aggie, E_T... [22:40] true i am considering coming out of retirement what far i have no idea [22:41] our smc's have been excellent come on and join the glory of war team et [22:41] :D [22:41] stay and let someone else work with this [22:41] A motto for our Military Academy [22:41] good idea