Session Start: Sat Dec 28 09:52:47 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Logging #civ3dem to 'logs\#civ3dem.GRNet.log' hi Hey Spiff... did you read my orders for CA? yes, but I have been in a rush latest hours, so I didn't double check them :( my main concern is the Zulu and Roman stacks in the ocean near undefended cities. 4back * Arnelos[AFK] is now known as Arnelos * zeit has joined #civ3dem Donegeal : I'll leave E_T to do this. I'll follow his requests. hi everyone hi zeit we havn't started yet, right? I need an info : can we move our leader right now (1280) ? not yet, Arnelos just came back Hi Zeit Spiffor... the GL -SHOULD- move immediately once chat starts * E_T has joined #civ3dem hello What's our plan on the next few turns, we continue the momentum on germany, or wait wait a bit? I used latest E_T's save to do my orders. No unit could move, but I didn't bither to look for the leader hi E_T hello OOO!!! SMC... er Hi first of all. Did you look at my orders for CA? hi E_T, ready to bonk some heads? yep E_T, you going to be here :expect: :D ? I'm here for the moment... I don't like the Zulu and Roman Navy... have you started yet? nope good, let me get a pot of coffee started and I'll brb... I agree with Donegeal, having foreign ships on our waters makes me uncomfortable... ...and next to undefended cities.... they are headed home... What are our naval assests? slim and are we building more? ships I think I have two Ironclads in my q's where, and when? Banana HQ after the factory is done. ET... if your not going to be here... is Aggie? hello... did I ping out or something? no, you are here with us, and its pretty quite... about our navy, don't you think we need an extra ironclad or two, just be sure? . It would be nice, but we need the land assets more I have no Idea if Aggie is going to be here. Arnelos :hmmm: ? Arn, do you understand my Roman Front General Order? But what if some serious roman navy waits around the corner, it would be quite embarrasing to seem them roaming freely around coastal cities, don't you think? that's one reason that I have the 3 ships as early warning, but more for the chineese ok... so no ET and we don't know if aggie is going to be here....this sounds like a court case comming... hello... sorry... getting things up (had to find that save so I could post it) E_T... I haven't read it just yet why donegeal? if you wanna provide a summary here, be my guest no chain of command... O.k., everyone look at you maps.... donegeal, the NewCon allows for the Prez to fill in as the default deputy - that said, I'd rather that E_T named a deputy I've almost done the compilation of RAs orders. However, due to time constraints, I did not issue any order for absent RAs. I issue orders for Forbidden City and Ghengistown though Rome. Every turn, pop 1 Cav accross & Report. Shoot off the 1 Art that's in hte fort & Report. Briung Cav Back and Fortify. Do this every turn we'll be doing that until we are ready to get down on Rome's ass... East Germany. E_T - got it :) * canyontree has joined #civ3dem hi Who wants to be my deputy when I'll have to leave ? 4posting initial save The Backstreet Boys will head deep into German territory and come around to Berlin #1. They will be joinded by the last explorer, taking a ture of the countryside around Berlin, razinge and pillaging as they go 4E_T... name a deputy if you will I sugesst Donegeal for DM deputie 4Initial save posted for those to download which wish to play along flattered ET but I'm not sure I will be here for 9+ hours... donegeal... count on this NOT lasting that long - *I* don't have that much time How long do we intend to play today ? I can probably swing 4 hours tops perhaps 5 and I want this chat to move QUICKLY oh ha.... ok... I can be here for that length of time... 4Spiffor... let me know when your final orders are posted so that I can open up my final copy of the orders thread - thanks I'll have to leave for approx 40 minutes during the chat, before coming back Arnelos : It has just been posted. stupid question time! How do I write in different colors? Every region whose RA has not wrote is unchanged. If there is needed change, I'll tell you on the fly Arn, I didn't put in the orders, but make sure that you stop the auto move on the Gallion that is headed to tarsus and the 2 ships that are east of England. Donegeal : ctrl + K. :b: donegeal - ctrl+K, then pick a number corresponding to a color :b: ALL MINISTERS (and donegeal) - PLEASE USE *BLUE* FOR FINAL ORDERS - Thank You :) ok 4C12o3l13o9r show off... :rolleyes: 4loading save... wait, 3Ding 1 COFFEE!!!!! 12 Blue ? (sorry, test) that's fine :) ok, sorry, Trillian doesn't display the color numbers 12 New orders fromthe DM 12Rush Barracks in Solace 4obtaining 'cola' caffinated bevorage with corn syrup... (just a second) Ah nope forget it, it was already in DOnegeal's orders :) Sorry, but I have trouble with the rythm of this job mmmmm, fresh presious... ah... I'm not RA of Uber Island... but thanks... Ugh, I meant Panzer 4aaahhhhh.... caffeine... the sweet nectar of morning work 4save loaded... glad those are official orders arne... AH yes, it is morning in your place * BetaHound has joined #Civ3dem 4CHAT STARTS hi Betahound hi folks yes, destroy Belin... oh hi Doggie! woof must have lost something in the translation... donegeal... of course it's official orders. Caffeine is officially awesome for government efficiency er.. um.. Berlin... wait up... getting orders thread up here yes, what about Barlin? 4moving Great Leader you might want to review the maps in Banana Army HQ also I have to update the Wast prtion, but I can work on that while Arn is doing the Domestic chores.... 4executing SMC orders as they appear in orders thread I thought we did PW first? PW was already done on this turn (we ended the last chat mid-turn due to the GL) iwas done last chat :b: 4unforting ironclad, moving north Arnelos : you'll have to reload your order thread, some minor changes occured (two orders, one in 1285, the other in 1295) that way we can still move with them, depending on which way they go I just hope I don't lose the Ironclad before Rome lands thire troops someplace Spiffor - got it 4Berlin #15 pillaged - cav retreated to Howitzerville #2 Use the idle workers on Uber to occupy landing sights Yeah Good one, I was thinking that I didn't have enough milunits to do that, but I completely forgot the workers. 4inf in place, moving Backstreet Boys Are there enemy naval units in the places we cannot see ? (the big hole bw Abananaba and Uber Isle) ? we don't know, do we... * VladAntlerkov has joined #Civ3Dem hey all 4Backstreet boys do not sight ANY German units on path to Berlin #18 hi Vlad the Backsrteet Boys opoeration is almost a suicide run, but we'll damage Barlin by quite a bit 4Upon reaching Berlin #18, Backstreet Boys sight a German longbow at Berlin #8... ONLY UNIT SEEN good Backstreet boys? Do we have Stuttgart already ? yes, they are going to go on the back streets of Berlin and Raze.... Ah. So they're what's left of our pillage brigade? they are the new pillage brigade... a new one, the Explorere will join then next turn * GhengisFarb has joined #Civ3dem hey Ghengis it worked! what? Congrats GF! I figured how to join a room. :) E_T... can we get that last explorer to pillage Berlin #1, or do we remember there being a German there from last chat? ah.. Do you really think we should use the idle guys of Ubergorsk to block landing points ? I doubt it will be very useful. Don't forget we'd need about 830 slaves to complete our PW in one turn... Hi GHengis there was a Worker therem but it's no telling what might be there, hense the cav I gtg, have fyn everyonr * zeit has quit IRC (Quit: ) Hi, don't mind me if my computer lags a bit, I'm rendering a leaderhead set in another window. Spifform they can't land if the spots are occupioed, they don't have marines... Ghengis : I hope you weren't too annoyed by me overriding your orders last time... I was annoyed, but not enough to kill you. Yet. 4drafted from Chiquita and moved conscript to Loveshack plus I hope to have the Back Street boys play to a large group of Berlins Farms and roadwaus... E_T : I know, but I doubt they'll land with the hypothetical units they hypothetically have in the greyed sea Ghengis : :relief: :) When did we go to war with Hypothetica? Uber is fully developewd, there is nothing else for them to do LOL@Ghengis All railed over already? they will land, if they are headed that way. we need to be prepaired, the worker fence is a really good Idea I'd oppose it if proposed. Canyontree : there are jungle tiles to develop, and there are plenty of tiles to develop in the empire still. except for tiles not in any city radius They cannot do that on Uber If we blockade, do it with real units, not workers. Ghengis : I'm sorry to have overruled you, but I agreed with the upraor your decisions met. If units land their stuck where they landed allowing us to railroad troops over to kill them right? yes, but the workers that are leaft on uber Island are there for just in case... and this is one of those cases... yep Oh, you mean Uber Island, I've read Ubergorsk, sorry Then again, if there's a big-ass fleet of transports headed our way... :) 4oops, didn't see Spiffor's new note about requesting to draft from Dale (perhaps E_T should have been contacted? oh well) Our Elites can go GL fishin they can't land if a unit occupies it, no matter if it's a worker aor a mil unit did we rush US at Loveshack? Yeah, has Mentuhotep been used yet? * roadcage has joined #civ3dem (To build Suffrage, I mean.) hey RC E_T : yes, no problem then. I thought it was about Ubergorsk's workers, not Uber Isle's we do not want to block landing on mainland. Gives us some nice target practice for Arty and Leaderbait Ghengis : I'd be glad if you were active again as a governor of Ghengland. Your orders have been very helpful last time I'm not really interested anymore, my plans to build to turn the region into a Wonder factory were derailed by the overrides. There has been one override AFAIK That one override cost that city 4 shields a turn in production. Almost all your other orders have been completely accepted, except minor tweaks (like anybody else's) * aggie has joined #civ3dem hey Aggie hello hi Aggie 4doing queue and WF changes right now, btw hi Hello Mr. Prophet spiffor, are you sure you want to Draft from a size 12 city? The great Prophet Aggie. The prophet says hello * Shiber has joined #civ3dem morniong Aggie yo! are we killing germans as the GREAT BANANA commands:) great... now he's going to talk about himself in the third person... hehe :)) E_T : I'm listening to the orders from Kloreep. I also don't believe the impact will be significant with growthes of the future (granted, I didn't run any simulation of this) hi Shiber not yet, but we did raxe some of their property and sent the backstreet boys in.. excellent hey... we didn't get an answer on our GL... is he used yet? yes We lost him we're using him this turn for US GhengisFarb, huh? 4Queue and WF done :relief: He's was hauled in for drunk and disorderly conduct in the BK Tavern lol brb * Shiber is now known as Shiber|BRB Arn : did we rush US yet ? yeah, but thats a bondable offense... it's the unhappieness that I had concernas about, the smaller size can be handled by the luxes ans will still take a couple of turns before it gets to be a problem wwith WW lso being involved 4Universal Suffrage RUSHED yeehah ! What are G-Town and TFC doing? Where's panag? Its not the same without him and Shiber going at each other in the background. yeah! wait... now women can vote... Yeah! (My wife is here) G-Town: Military Academy, FC: Palace (shieldbank for ToE) E_T : yep, but Kloreep chose cities which got to size 12 immediately after the draft, so they're not losing any productive ability k GF, please, don't wish that on us today... w00t! * Aidun_away is now known as Aidun 4E_T... did you want cav scouting romans THIS turn? It provided entertainment during the lulls. * Shiber|BRB is now known as Shiber Erm, how come Aidun's the channel op? Shiber should PM Panag to ask him to come :p nice turnout... War always brings them out... Vlad : he was here before us Vlad - he started the channel * VladAntlerkov slaps himself for being an idiot 4E_T??? It is wise to scout it was a major distraction and will not be tolerated in the future, at least by me... * canyontree has quit IRC (Ping timeout) yes, Roman General Order applies this tyurn got it arnelos could you post a save at the end of the turn so we all cn see what happens between turns 4Scout sees a 5/5 Elite Roman rifleman in Brundisium * Shiber is now known as Shiber|BRB good, no Inf.... Not yet, anyway. good news BOMB HIM!!!! 4shelling Do we even know if they have RP? 4 5/5 elite now 4/5... a 4/4 rifle now showing I'm planning for Operation Rubber Stamp for taking care of that How do we want want to make romans less agressive ? Pruning or consuest ? And what does that involve? Killing 4cav retreated back to fort spiffor it sepends on the german war, if we win quickly we might attack more, but germany gets first priority 4doing 2 rushes on Uber after we deal with the roman fleet, take 3 Cav, 1 Ing, the Gallion *upgraded at Whelsh coast) & Ironcland and send them to the Roman Rubber source on the south coast 4ready to end? Arn : what are the prods of Ghengis and FOrb. City ? Ghengis: Military Academy FC: Palace (shieldbank) We DO discover Sci method next turn, do we ? correct 12the 3 ships that are headed to Tarsus ok very good slider was already tweaked (I double-checked, though) * Shiber|BRB is now known as Shiber 4un-autoing 3 ships 12click on them to stop their auto moves Ghengis was an excellent choice for Mil Acad with its high production, btw. and that should be it.... 4only found 1 ship... where are the other 2? oh... those 2 to the north? east of England Ghengis : I still think it's a placeholder for ToE. However, if we get another leader in the next 2 tuns, I'll use another city for ToE. You'll tell me your favorite small wonder for Ghengistown got it 4done - SMC ready to end? 12yes, lets do it... 4TURN ENDS Sorry, but the military acad should be built in Heliopis Armies are expensive to build so Military Acad is good, that means we dont have to worry about using GLs for Armies. I always wait to build the Mil Acad, until I've built Hoover with a palace move to Marcoss City, Heloplis will have next to 0 corruption and has the higest production... E_T : about worker integration in Howitzerville : why do you want them ? to get WLAD i suppose we really should use the Natives, it's better to prevent Flipping But we have TWO cities frozen because of stocked shields they need be brought back to usefullness. that sometimes happens, GF E_T : Yes, but why do we want How. to be pop 6 right now ? They are useful as shields are still acumulating for large tasks Not with planning it doesn't. * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem and it's only been a couple of turns from the begining of the term.... now i'm back too many topics Ghengis : the problem was we couldn't know if we'd have a leader. If we could have planned this, there wouldn't be any problems yes, did you read the flipping formula link that I posted? What does the flipping fomula have to do with two cities building Wonders? H-ville is 1 native pop, easy to prevent flip E_T : absolutely, and that's why I changed my orders from slaves to nationals. My question is about : why do you want to integrate workers there at all ? (the numbers of nationals doesn't weigh on flipping) basically, the chance is decreaced by 1/2 if they are at WLAD. Ah OK I didn't think about WLAD, you're right and you need the have 6 to get wlad and the chance is better in our favor with all of them being natives, compaired to 1 native and thereast foreign does that formula apply to PTW too, I've just started a game on it and with my aggressive play it does matter what is WLAD btw, or is this a stupid question? * VladAntlerkov has quit IRC (Quit: Vlad Highwind fades from existence) 4Universal Suffrage complete, Scientific Method complete 4only lost 1 of 3 in Backstreet Boys... posting save and report We Love Arnelos (the king) Day I hope he took one with him... actually i though it was WE LOVE AGGIE DAY still, they love the true prohphet :) remember win it was WLWIAD? WIA?? No, E_T, it was WLTVID. WhereItsAt :D i remember. just convieniently forgot Where Its At, one of our greatest presidents :) ah I kinda liked it when it was WLDD.... We Love The Villiage Idiot Day I recall calling it We Love Where Its At Day :D Actually, our leader's name in the file is Banana so it is always WLTBD 4finally... SAVE POSTED He didn't want his actual name in it. MrWIA, in which the Port of Where It's At is named in his Honor... Strangely, we never had a We Love Trip Day ;) well our cities werwe too small then 4doing PW We didn't love him, well maybe WhiteBandit did...... * Aidun has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) we had no funding for the annual festivals then 4E_T... reserving the PW reserve, btw E_T : you now have 8 natives to give direct orders to 12good, is was just about to say some thisn yeah.... * Aidun_Lunchtime has joined #Civ3dem E_T : if you planned to RR to Howi., I've just done so O.k., you 8, while I figure out what to do with you, give me 200.... lol * Aidun_Lunchtime is now known as Aidun Aidun : wow, that was quickly. Is it some sort of monk discipline ? * aggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout) No it was f*ckin IE5.5 I quickly restarted my comp. Aidun : 4natives joined to Howitzerville I assume they'll be in WLAD next turn ? Mozilla is pretty good, so is Opera make sure you have the specialist to force WLAD... 4E_T... need your approval to build RR to Howitzerville (per Spiffor's orders) A friend of mine is using opera, but I thought that 5.5 was good enough because it's not from origin from MS did you do #7? I'm asking before doing either . 12do # 7 but wait on the other one, take 1 from the SMC reserve for it Assume you mean the tile GL was on previously, RR is good correct 4Howitzerville #7 has RR brb Hello? I'm looking for a guy named Seti? Anyone seen him around? 12IF I deside to do more, I'll us the Reserve No, I believe Seti is at home save finnally loaded LOL....not if we get another GL!!! lol Brundesioum contains? A backstreet boy as GL? Spiffor, you wanted what tile RR'ed? i see an archer army germany I just saw it too. LUNCH Khufu senses action! well thats the thing about early armies lol I don't think that is an early army he might have just made it Archers?!?!?! Where is Togas when you need him!!! Suspect defensive GL on western front wasted on archer army E_T : I wanted #7 and #3 RRed (#7 is already) then the ai is an idiot, but we already new thast, that is why we MUST save the world from that evil force controlling the innocent people of the world:) How many German rifles out of cities in range of Arty? I can do that No, with Togas they are "Archerers". I thought he corrected that... i think roadcage we shell stuggart this turn if we weken them all then we can use artillery elsewhere No soon enough............. 12send 2 of the SMC PW Reserve to How #3 and Rail, move 1 Inf from Aban #7 an cover them Not soon enough to stop me from catching it. Rifles are easier to kill out in the open. If we don't take down the ones near Stuttgart, they will rejoin that city but if we weaken stuggart it will be ours before they join 12Send each of the 9 idle workers of Uber Island on a coastal, non-city, tile if it becomes obvious we can't weaken stuggart enough then we shoulkd consider shelling those Shadow that roman ship first to determine likely landing sites believe it traveled ne, but not sure 12Preferabily the SW coast Roadcage : maybe. However, it'd have to be very cunning to avoid detection without us being able to react The roman Ironclad will not attack as it it is sheperding a galleon Shadow it anyway... shell it along the way... 4It only took 2 workers to RR How #3 4sending inf that's what I wrote... 4worker wall up on Uber Arnelos : My WU measure the amount of slaves needed. divide by 2 to tell the number of nationals Spiffor - I know ;p 4Doing CP orders Arn : btw, are you comfortable with the new PW manner ? 12I'm going to have my first Cigarette of the day, so BRB Did I see that right? Is Solace undefended? * E_T is now known as E_T_OUT_Having_a_smoke Donegeal : yes ah....shouldn't something be done about that? the Rifle was upgraded to Inf last turn, I have orders to move the Inf back this turn Don : can a unit land directly in an undefended city ? no... not unless it's a Marine 12AFK now... 4Loveshack #9, #16, and #17 are taken... making do ok. I'm not afraid of the Roman invasion of Uber Isle : if the Galleon gets detected more than 4 tiles away of the coast, we can wall all its possible landing points for the next turn is anyone looking at FAM stuff Arn : oops, I should have checked these RAs orders... Sorry, I didn't have the time :( i'll look 4Ghengistown now building ToE... will be done in 6 turns 4Slider now at 100% - Atomic Theory in 5 turns how long until we research our next tech? 4Income is 181 LPT ok... perfect... actually... make it 6 turns to get next tech.... the computer does tech first then builds.... why not 5?... we're just going to tweak on last turn and then go 100% tax on turn of ToE ok... either way... I thought the Forbidden City was going to build ToE and Ghengis was going to build Hoover 4CP DONE I prefer 5 as well. We won't waste any time spent on Atomic theory when ToE is built 4Doing FAM Ghengis : I suggested the other way around, but maybe your suggestion is better. Let me look into it 4Someone check what Refining would cost from Greece if we dropped current 2 lux deal (only 5 LPT) and sold them these luxes for Refining * roadcage has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Does the Forbidden city have a river? That's a prequisite for Hoover me thinks. 4All civs basically broke Ghengis : I think Gheg-ToE / FC-Hoover is better, since Hoover is 200 more shields we can get refining from greec for i,d,s, 53gpt Forbidden City HAS a river Ghengis : and FC is near a river (no aqueduct there) Refining too expensive... nevermind all other deals not possible, every body wants sm, but we aren't trading right 4FAM DONE aggie - correct arnleos it might be worth it 53 LPT??? Why not just wait until we can whore SM, Atomic, and Electronics? It's about half our income isn't it ? but for war it would be good to know where oil is it would be ashame to giceup a city that ened up having oil back * E_T_OUT_Having_a_smoke is now known as SMC_E_T ok, but when are we going to do that Aggie... we may get another GL.. that could be used to rush Hoover and then we can whore our techs. If not, it won't take long to build Hoover anyhow oh well... you guys discuss, I have to KEEP MOVING 4Starting SMC orders aggie is right, but we can delay buying refining until we are ready to start gifting cities How many techs do the AI have that we don't? only refining just refining 1 I think and thats only some oh yes rome does have rp i checked If we get a GL, we can rush ToE in some city, and we'd be able to whore it then. I'm with Arnelos on this one all the more reason to get Operation Rubber Stamp moving soon but they do talk to us, thats how i found out 4Shelling German musket and archer army... we might be able to get refining from rome surrender 4German 3/4 musket now 1/4... showing German ARMY of 3 archers (9 hp total) We had better pay close attention to Rome. They are going to become more powerful than Germany in a short time... mnn desisions, Elite Knight vs Archer Army or Vet Cav? OK guys, I have to leave for about 40 minutes. See you then Elite Knight?!?!?! I'm still around? * Spiffor is now known as Spiffor-away Donegeal, are you talking about Germany-Bismark, or Germany-Neu Demogyptia? can we attack with artilleyy one more time thenuse knight 4German rifle outside of Howitzerville shelled.... 3/3 to 1/3 12finish him with a Vet Cav German Bismark... 4German rifle defeated... Cav now 2/4 have him heal in How 4Artillery in Abandonment shells German 4-rifle stack - WHIF oh well 12don't forget Roman Front General Order for every turn... 4There is only 1 arty in Aban #1 did you move the #7 group? no... doing that... 4artys (3 of them) shell Berlin #5 4/4 rifle... now 2/4 12when you start shelling Stuttgart, you can do 3 and report then, then 3 more.... got it btw... you don't want me to shell to 1 hp? Only 2 hp? only to 1/2, we only have so many Art's to use... ok....... 4Shelling GErmans... 3 rifles damaged (stack now 2/3, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4) 4that was with only 3 artys good, 124 Vet Cavs 4Cavalry charge into the city or at the stack? stack 4killed 2/3 rifle... cav now 3/4 we won't be attacking Stuttgart until next turn 12send all Wounded Vet Cav to How for now 4Cav loses 3 hp, retreats (no damage to German) 'Bravely on rode the 600' excerpt from charge of the Light Brigade 12bring up another one to finish the stack 4Cav kills 2/4 rifle, loses 2 hp I just love it when Otto provides such a nice little shooting galery 4Cav kills 2/4 rifle, loses 1 hp 4Cav killed by 2/4 rifle... rifle now elite 2/5 12ove more Vet one (Arnelos notes that this is why you bombard to 1 hp......) yes, but I'm saving it for Stuttgart 4Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle and kills 2/5 rifle (Cav promoted to Elite, now 4/5) Send him to Seeburg to heal woohooo * Shiber is now known as Shiber|BRB I'mtrying to get more Elites.... there's a 2/4 German rifle at Stuttgart #5 4Shelling Stuttgart (3 at at time) 12elite cav, I should have 1 healthy 4three artys shell Stuttgart (2 whifs, Pop from 13 to 12) yes ATTACK GERMAN 2/4 RIFLE WITH ELITE CAV? excellent they lose a 50% more bonus now 12yes 4Cavalry charge so they defend at base of 9+ fort/terrain 4German rifle defeated (no damage to our Cav, but no GL) I'm hoping to take out the Barracks and wounded them fairly good 4Cav retreats back to Aban #1 4Shelling Stuttgart again send hiom back toi his wait position (Nap #17) and continue shelling well just knocking down to 12 is huge, and so easrly in the shelling so now the shelling can do more that way, only using 1/2 of the art's next turn will be very effective 43 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - showing 4/4 rifle) 4 3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - showing 4/4 rifle) that's 1 * flash9286 has joined #Civ3dem hello hi 4 3 artys bombard - 3 whifs ouch anybody in here want to take over a pbem game for me sorry 4 3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - showing 4/4 rifle) that's 2 * flash9286 has left #Civ3dem make sure you look to see if there are conscripts! definitely 4 3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 2/4 - showing 4/4 rifle) that's why I'm waiting until next turn to attack 4out of artys near Abandonment that's 3 12do the roman stuff 6suggestion... move artys to Stuttgart #5 for our attack... (delays us a turn) would that make any difference (height)? 4Cavalry sights a 4/4 ROMAN INFANTRY defending Brundisium * Aidun is now known as Aidun-away I'm not ready to invade there yet, but I want to keep them on their toes no arnelos it would make no differnce 4Arty bombards Brundisium - WHIF Yep, I did that part when I got the save, so I need to get the Operation Rubber Stamp started soon It is just what Mussilini wanted. The reappearance of the Roman Empire. We must do something more than "spy and bomb with one Arty" not until most of Germany is ours, can't afford the forces right now... 4Attack Roman Ironclad... confirm? * VladAntlerkov has joined #Civ3Dem you concentrate on one thing, then you work on the other. 12 YES hey all * Azazel has joined #Civ3dem * Azazel has left #Civ3dem agreed 4VERY LOUD IRONCLAD BATTLE......... drum roll..... 4Roman Ironclad SUNK - our Ironclad now 2/4 good blub blub blub the Galley should withdraw now... so, we have a German Archer Army, which would be better to kill it with, a Vet Cav or an Elite Knight? Good. Romanes eunt domus! it's a GALLEON, btw ;p knight could do it 16/9 odds 4 units and they are 1 turn from Uber Island True, 3000 BC constructed Galleys might not fare well against industrial ironclads. Ah, the glorious Apolytonian Navy. an ARCHER army? :lol: calv has about 20/9 sorry i mean knight has 20/9, calv has 30/9 and we have a chance of a GL withthe knight.. yes Let me do it one last time! We're laughing at their Archers, while they laugh at our Galleys. i'd vote knight and if he fails tryan elite sword 12Sir Donegeal, front & Center.. yeah! put your armour on Re-enactment of an ancient battle. w00t! 4Elite knight does -one- -last- -battle- thats will be a trivia question when was the last knight charge against an Army mind you... Yes, an Archer army. shrug Do we have nayone from Legoland here? spiffor 4KNIGHT VICTORIOUS - 2/5 but? i hate suspense it's taking a while... 4GERMAN ARMY DEAD well of course yes, but people were saying "but" and "it's taking a while"... only now do I realize you're talking about PTW :nono: The ENTIRE German military is Dead? WhooHoo! Free cities! w00t! * ManicStarSeed has joined #civ3dem No, just that Archer army. hey MSS welcome mister fam * Shiber|BRB is now known as Shiber * Arnelos slaps GhengisFarb around a bit with a large trout no... I was wondering if I found Seti... G'morning folks no, we are waiting for you to tell us if we got a GL I like trout. Year? 4no GL - if there'd been a GL, I would have told you :p 1285 hi ManicStarSeed! Damn! * aro has joined #civ3dem hey Aro that's wat we were waiting for 4need more SMC orders... Hi, guys I will checjk the poste save Hello Aro, Arnelos, I remind you that deliberately withholding information from the senate is illegal. :p Hey should we have a GoW meeting now? move the wounded Knight back to How to heal It was a great and Glorious battle, but alas... I must heal from my wounds... only 1 2/4 Musket, right? So we have Forbidden City working on a placeholder. Are we winning? ;) yep What's it a placeholder for? :D hoover 4knight moved "Placemats" not placeholder, its a napkin factory for crying out loud.......... 4correction - 1/4 musket What about ToE aro, we're shelling germans without remorse Ah. Where would ToE be built? 12attack the musket with an Vet Inf In Rome thats in ghengis by Romans 4cool - vet inf attacks Cool. We should us teh palace prebuild for that. Once we builde ToE, then we will get hoovers with no problem 4oops... attacked it with a regular inf - GOOD NEWS, regular inf now a veteran inf (so I guess that counts :cute: ) Heh. 12 move one of the SMC PW reserve to that spot, will road next turn could have had an Elite, but you bungled it... :p I agree, ToE should be first priority we can always TAKE Hoover, but taking ToE doesn't do much good wewill get at in 5 turns i mean atomic theory I agree with E_T. Impeach Arnelos for it! :p 4E_T.. infantry IN AZTEC TERRITORY don't think we should move workers in it shoudln't be, are you sure 4what the devil???? that's in German territopry Let's see how many times we can Impeach Arnie in one term! 4That inf is a 5/5 elite (:confused:).... well, alls well taht ends well WHAT what now i am confused too 4Well, I attacked with a veteran inf, but it told me unit was promoted to Veteran... unit is now elite - odd eh? maybe you should reboot arnleos Veterans promote to Elite we were attackin the Army & musket at Hannover #14, right? Aggie - agreed, once turn is done as long as it is in german territory i am happy CORRECT - HANNOVER #14 good 4oops... yeah, German territory * aggie2 slaps Arnelos around a bit with a large trout k 12 move one of the SMC PW reserve to that spot 4moving 1 worker to that spot I agree with Ghengis... trout is tasty :D move the 2 vet Inf from the ferry to that spot 4CONFIRMATION: Move ferry to Apolyton rather than AGC to dump cargo? 12 move the conscript from this turns draft to that spot 12 I have them moving here for a reason confirm... ? 12 we can load 2 Cav and send it back But what about the soft underbelly of Central Apolyton? confirm... ferry headed to 'poly rather than AGC? not with Sir Donegeal to protect it... (yes or no) 13 FAM: If we get ToE built with the Palace Pre-build, I would be willing to trade Sci Method in two to three turns. In 5 Turns we will be guarenteed thech lead in this game, We can move the palace pre-build to another location (ghengis or muncie after current builds) and positivly get Hoovers. thanks MSS oh.. your making me blush.... 12finish moving ferry to Poly, unload Inf, load 2 Cav sned bakc to AGC I wiil chech some trades now.... back Cav from where? * Spiffor-away is now known as Spiffor the ready spot. 12 belay that, make it 1 Cav 4there's only 1 left... due to not shelling Germans enough :p :p :p with the worker Wall, we should be fine 12did you do my other listed movements? 4all listed movements were done ages ago are there any healthy Cav in How? move the Vat Cav from Seeburg * Aidun-away is now known as Aidun-back_for_a_while 43 healthy cav in How 4 3 healthy cav in how  4other orders? (backstreet boys?) I had posted orders for the movements of some of those units you did? in the orders thread ah... checking... that's why I was asking ans wwondering why I was out of Vet Cav the posted orders were a suplement to that are you sure arnelos, in my game there are plenty of vet left(at least 10) * ManicStarSeed is now known as FAM_MSS_AFK he didn't move the others like i had ordered... 12before we go to the next turn, please post the save, so that I can look at possible last minute moves... ok Did we get a leader, by any chance ? 4artillery shelling stuttgart... 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - SHOWING 3/4 rifle nope, tried... thx he didn't have all of the Arts... and others things... 4backstreet boys are all that's left move them as per my orders sh*t happens, man no prob 4BERLIN #1 PILLAGED... BERLIN NOW CUT OFF FROM REST OF GERMANY yes YAY ! :) Chaos Insues in the fatherland! 4SMC - additional orders? post save and I'll see * Aidun-back_for_a_while is now known as Aidun-and_away_again ET... I have changed most of the cav in my q's to Inf for the upgrades, but if you want to change the inf in my production back to cav, you have my permission. w00t! 4doing some leftover workers that didn't come up earlier... I'll look at it Donegeal 12 I release (for this turn) the remainder of the SMC PW Researve bac to PW as of know no matter what else happens we have devestated germany to a ppint where they will no longer compete with us * FAM_MSS_AFK is now known as FAM_MSS not until we take Stuttgart, IMHO, but they have no research cap now 4remaining PW done true after stuggarg they are done with Arn : are you comfortable with the new PW way ? but we wont stop there will we? nope 4Spiffor - it works looking forward to save, how many rife are in stugfart 3 or 4 um... lemme look So, E_T...Lets take some german scientists. These guys are without a job now... ;) 4 should be 4 rifle in Stuttgart (all 3/4) 4 at least, we never got to go round well the last on is on 3 so i think 4 but we didn;t ge teh barracks 4SMC... I have several unmoved units (mostly naval) well next turn we can concentrate and weaken them all to 1/4 or 2/4 before we storm it move them to the spots that I have in the Banana HQ map ok... gotta go look that up 4my brother is downloading a file and has nerfed my bandwidth for the moment (grrrrr....) wait up I'm going to kill him... I can't even access pages on 'poly... ? little brother? (grumble, grumble... having my little brother over for the holidays...) You are the Prez, Arnelos. Send him to the German front * canyontree has joined #civ3dem lol yeah... loading now 4found it... ok, executing can anybody tell me what the 'new PW way' is? afk So r we ready to talk ToE and Slider yet? back from store. year is? 1285 instead of per-unit/stack orders, spiff provides a list of jobs that need to be done with priorities it's then up to the president to pick the workers that will do each job k ah - thanks. I read that in the thread - I'v emade the connection. 4done with China early warming 4*warning 4need orders for new Galleon in Hole in Wall (why?) move him to 4 West of PoWIA and fort 4need orders for veteran inf in Loveshack (there's now a conscript inf in there to cover the city) let galleon sleep until can upgrade to transport back 4galleon now en route * VladAntlerkov has quit IRC (Quit: Vlad Highwind fades from existence) what's at How #7 4need orders for infantry in AGC only 1, fort 4need orders for cavalry rushed in Boomtown move to the fort in NUC you mean north of NUC? correct 4done it's in the city radious 4ok, just need orders for the vet inf in Loveshack what's at How #7 and at NY #20 should ve 4 inf & 1 worker at Hannover #14 4How #7 has 2 foreign workers (build RR this turn) and 1 vet inf and Abaond #7 no... 1 conscript (from this turn), 1 elite (promoted this turn), and 2 vets at Hannover #14 Aband #7 is 4 vet inf move 3 to Abaon #1 move the other to How #7 Hannover? how did we get Hannover? what's at How #2 1 vet inf at How #2 that's where the German Archer Army was at 4inf at Aband #7 moved out move that one to Nap #7 4still need orders for vet inf in Loveshack Nap #7 4loveshack vet inf forted at Nap #7 Any empty cities left? 4is that all for SMC? lots, but we'll nee those in a bit 2 please post save 12I guess, without a save, yess I will once we're done here just thinking of something for a spare inf to do 4READY TO END? (WILL POST SAVE FIRST) ok 12 No.. ok... why not? afk for 5 minutes  we need to setthe slider and get ToE built slider, nuc th turns, G-town config? 12I'm mostly ready, but I have to look and see if ther are any other movements to still do MSS - we already checked Refining ... 56 LPT MSS - slider was already set Yeah.. sucks Slider at 100%, 5 turns Why because we can tweak it on turn 5, then go 100% tax on turn 6 and it insures us if anything goes wrong ste it to 10%, set the palace prebuild to ToE we will have 2 techs in 5 turns specifically how many turns to Nuc Th, and adjust G-town shields to finish Toe one turn After Nuc theory MSS... ToE is scheduled to be done in SIX turns Palace prebuild is 5 turns ToE is in Ghengistown 6 turns - if that's a problem, perhaps the WF is wrong That is what I am saying... not ghengis town look... the orders I have from Spiffor said to do it in Ghengistown - take it up with the DM but mss we want to finsih the tech the turn before toe ghengis had 2 turns until military accademy...thats great AFK FOR A MINUTE... sort this out then the forbidden city to hoover we will get hoover EASILY i knw but kets insure it here is the plant I propose... * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem hello  12 Change from Palace to ToE, Set science for 10%, Lux for 10. We we'll get at least 5 turn of many WLTKDs and 2 techs at the end of 5 turns. We will have had traded for Refining and can begin research on steel. Toe should be done in 6 tirns,. get Atomic in 5, sell Sci Meth for Refine & mabe steel ant that time, then get Elect & Combust from Toe the next turn Having Atomic theroy and Electronics The AI willbe nowhere near that hello, Mrmitchell i support the plan we are currently doinf MSS... using ToE to get radio is more valuable than using it to get Atomic same here nod, I see then we will have to wait two mor turns to trad Sci for refining.. back Hi mrmitchell crank it MSS - yeah, probably - but I think that was taken into account when the plan was written what good is Radio, combusation is more important Radio is required for advancement and VERY expensive beakerwise comb is cheaper yes, combustion is... but we can use radio to trade for stuff, all the better (because it's valuable 4READY TO END (WE NEED TO KEEP MOVING) Go on 4posting save... then will end turn Ive been edumacated so, we will be the science leaders, what's a few turns 12heck, SMC ready in one of my recent games I had the pick between radio and...flight. nevermiind, don't listen to me :) Trur, but the sooner I can trade SM, the better we would all be It will be in 2 turns from now 12 FAMReady if we can wait to trade SM, we might just get Steel too and then can use ToE for Elecrinics & Combustion... &é dm rEADY MSS... yeah, I know. Go read my musings about finances in the TErm 7 Presidency thread ;) I was worried about EXACTLY this problem... but I think we can cover it 4save posted (before end of turn) 4ENDING TURN wait let it be, I wat to get to Stuttgart before I have to go. ok see ya folks. Good playing Mr. Prez et al. Off with my nephew to see some move about a ring or something. ;) movie! it's only the movement of a few units, and mybe the killing of one rifle, but it can wait good flick.. seen it twice already... I can't imagine anyone saying "I want to get to Stuttgart" :) (sorry, poor joke of a French living in Stuttgart IRL) See ya, Beta bye doggie woof latter puppy... * BetaHound has quit IRC (Quit: ) * torbjorn has joined #Civ3dem Did we end the turn already ? Hi torb... welcome No, we didn't * mrmitchell has quit IRC (Quit: ) hi aro. Thanks 4Japanese move 2 ironclads south past PWIA mmh, seems so :p 4 Japanese Frigates and Galleons move west past Persia they are headed to war against either Rome or Germany 4Russians invade Rome with spearmen... he gets killed by a Roman inf Adios, I'm off to see 2 Towers also. 4Aztecs fight Germans... Greece fights Germans later Ghengis * GhengisFarb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 4Rome moves its Galleon north along worker wall Lucky guys... see ya! enjoy 4Rome INVADES OUR TERRITORY with 2 infantry (now just southwest of Hole In the Wall) Ah, punching balls 3come into my parlor..... 4We Love Arnelos Day celebrated in Here It Is don't it feel good?? 4WLAD ended in 4 cities ('poly was one of them... others went by too fast) 12Chenge WF in Howitzerville to 2,7,8,16 12 rush temple in Howitzerville 12 after teh turn has been saved, remember to return 7 PW to the SMC reserve hold location. 4WLAD ended in Timeline (he's been inactive for so long :rolleyes: ;p ) WW 4WLAD ended in 4 more cities (Seeberg, Macross, etc.) yep, it atarts, War Weariness 4WLAD ended in New York * torbjorn has left #Civ3dem looks like greece is after cologne al the size 12 cities and maybe the size 11's 4WLAD ended in PWIA, Boomtown, and somewhere else 4saving and posting... We can probably do 1 more turn why do you think I wanted to draft from size 10 and smaller We are a religious civ and this war is just starting. Perhaps a change in government? To Monarchy or Communism? not yet Bah, we don't need to do that for a while Not until required It's a LOOOOONG time 'til we'd need that 12 1 NATIVE #5 of Seeberg : send to Seeberg under direct control of E_T Most cities still have mostly happy people 12 3 NATIVES #2 of Seeberg : send to Seeberg under direct control of E_T 12 3 NATIVES #15 of Seeberg : send to Seeberg under direct control of E_T Spiffor... open a seperate window for that please we have 11 turns now to get out of the MPP's and we can have peace Arn, ok, forget what I just wrote then 12going to have a smoke will we sign peace with the end of the MPPs? * SMC_E_T is now known as E_T_Outside_having_a_Smoke depends We will have almost everyone on the run at that time. Why let then stop running? donegeal... that's a long-term problem. I'm worried about finishing THIS TURN right now. Let long-term problems be discussed on the forums k 4Starting PW * canyontree has quit IRC (Quit: ) * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem hello again One more turn? Or not? hi mrmitchell! * canyontree has joined #civ3dem I will leave the chat in ca. 10 minutes. Who wants to be my deputy for the rest of the chat ? oh... I thought I was... loading the save * E_T_Outside_having_a_Smoke is now known as SMC_E_T I have a lot of relatives, friends and other parasites here (holidays...) I have to quit and feed them. See ya, guys. :p bye map-man bye aro Go and kill some germans for me... :) we will * aro has quit IRC (Quit: ) Donegeal : no problem then. I thought you were E_T'd deputy :) no... he sugested me to you... Donegeal : ok. You're my deputy then * Aidun-and_away_again is now known as Aidun-back Aggie will be mine if he's able to stay i am able to stay how ever long it takes It appears the Romans can disembark on Uber Isle on all tiles between Boomtown #18 and Solace #4. AM I somehow wrong ? if we attack we have a 50/50 shot at sinking the gallion * FAM_MSS is now known as FAM_MSS_AFK nope seems about right spiffor OK, I'll give orders to Arnelos to move the other workers to wall the isle correctly then * mrmitchell has quit IRC (Quit: ) 4PW DONE - 8 PW reserve currently forted in Seeberg (will get back to that later) 4Now doing CP orders 4CP done OK, I have to leave now. Bye all ! Let's humiliate Bismarck ! we will,bye spiffor * Spiffor has left #civ3dem 4worker wall moved 4FAM TIME was solace defended? yes a veteran inf ;) 4MSS and/or others, check for deals 4starting SMC orders ***Donegeal adjusts the DM hat to fit his humble head... 4arty bombards roman inf... 4/4 to 3/4 Anyone here know how our Military readiness effects war weariness? 4E_T... we need to bombard those romans some more... both arts? I see only one look down one line oh... now I see 4arty shells Romans... Roman inf from 4/4 to 2/4 need more bombardment... those are INFANTRY... to attack them with more than 1 hp is suicide should we chance a Vet Cav? true move the one cav and go to the next line i'd say waittill stuggart and see if we have moreart free 4ironclad shells Roman galleon... galleon now 3/4 doh what you should read several ines at once, but that's o.k. Its the greates military vessel the world has ever seen! I was wandering if I should aoutright attack or not, then I said in the next line to attck...too bad. that alright makes it better odd ext turn we can't catch it next turn 4arty at How #8 shells German rifle... 4/4 to 3/4 i didn't think of that yep, we'll it's not headed to Uber... * roadcage has joined #civ3dem 3are ther 23 Art's at Abaond #1? if its going for mainland Apolytonia, then we need to either change q's and rush or draft in the undefended cities... 12 move Art form Aband ot Hole and Shell Roamans 4finished all SMC orders in other window 4shelling Romans... 4 Artillery in Hole in the Wall shells Roman infantry (3/4 to 2/4) more? (please) 12move 1 art from Aband #1 to the fort at Hole and Shell Romans 4 Artillery in Hole in the Wall shells Roman infantry (2/4 to 1/4) 4there's still 1 2/4 inf 1 last bombard? :D 12fortify 11 of the Arts at Aband #1 and shell stuttgart with the rest (should be 11) 4shelling Stuttgart... * GhengisFarb has joined #Civ3dem * canyontree has quit IRC (Ping timeout) they will either move or raze I count only 10 if they try to attack, they will die We probably have some artys we just produced, though did you move the one art from seeburg? yeah, already did that 4shelling with 10 artys on Stuttgart hmmm, well, 12commense shelling * GhengisFarb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) KILL!!! there must be one more out there er oops.. sorry... I thought so too. there is on mine and i have done all the shelling up to now 4 3 Artillery shell Stuttgart (whif, 4/4 rifle to 3/4, CITIZENS KILLED - Pop from 11 to 10) we have 27 arts, one at How #8, 2 should be at hole, 1 at the fort 4 3 whif's 12how many Arta at hole and at the fort at hole? 4 3 artillery fire... whif, 4/4 to 2/4, 4/4 to 3/4 - NOW SHOWING 3/4 RIFLE yes * Shiber is now known as Shiber|BBL 4 There are 4 artillery (already fired) in Hole in the Wall ther should be 3 or 1 in the fort did youmove 1 back to the fort? nope doh there are none in the fort that's all of the arts anyways... 4firing last arty at Stuttgart ok good thats the same difference so there is one more available either at seeberg, howitzer or nw of ny 4found that last arty... it's IN Abandonment depending where you moved the art to hiw from one of thos is the one that was at NY 4btw... WHIF we need new gunners.... 4firing the artillery piece that was once lost, but has been found 12move that last arty to the fort at Hole in the wal and shell Roamans where's ghengis wwhen you need him i think this is his specialty oops, you were too late doh, belay then we still have 11 at abandon#1 4Following ORIGINAL orders for 11th arty... German rifle from 3/4 to 2/4 (shows another 3/4 rifle) 3 Sir Donegeal, do you want to give the order for the Army? so have 10 instead of 11 to shell berlin is no sin 4E_T... move 1 arty from Aban #1 to HIW to shell Romans? 3 better yet, SSgt, Roadcage No... he was my protege... but he is now under your comand... wait a bit ok... need orders... 3 Roadcage, do you want to give the orders for the Army at Gaia? 4let's just keep moving already :p he must be AFK12 attack Stuttgrat with the Army 4attacking Stuttgart with army :b: :b: what orders? * roadcage has quit IRC (Quit: ) * canyontree has joined #civ3dem back hold up... 4are you SURE you want to attack a 3/4 rifle with the army? hmmm, Wake u 1 Art and shell arnleos you already did it in read so we have too pfft I moved up the army and saw that the rifle was 3/4... I think we'll probably beat it, but we could take a lot of damage 12 yeh, wake 1 art and shell, we'll sednd 9 to berlin 4WHIF - attack or bombard again? * Guest has joined #civ3dem 12 attack now... * Guest has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced))) 4ok... attacking * panag has joined #civ3dem 4army has only 3 hp left Isn't Stugart on a hill? I need a significant force to go to Berbin berlin... yes, but it's better to be PATIENT and make sure you WIN each battle w/o too much damage true true Concentrated Arty is the way to go anyways... that army is REALLY BADLY HURT (anything other than an army would have certainly been killed) 12 the 2 Elite Cav from Seeburg what should I do with the 3/12 army? fort for the moment to the barracks get it back in barracks 12fortify it for the moment 4 a 2/4 rifle showing... attack with 1337 cav? to barracks so that it can heal (suggest we bombard first) 3we will move it when we take Stuttgart this turn Lets see: Size 11 city on a hill defended with several fortified riflemen? Artillery called for art should have been used 12attack with Elite Cav 4ok... charge of the light brigade begins 4elite cav killed... German 2/4 rifle went down to 1/4, now 2/5 we can win without moretill at 2/4 they are vey vulnerable 12 damn, wake 3 more arts and shell 4whif, whif, BARRACKS DESTROYED well thats something Each Rifle in Stutgard is defending on a 13.5!!!!! I say shell Stuttgart until they are all 1 hp then charge no i say storm them we'll lose half the cavalry doing that but if we shall a lot we risk of infrastructure being hit also We have 11 more turns of enforced mpp war What's the rush? nope 1/4 will withdar not die, we should win we have roughly 50/50 oif win each time we should have drawn those germans in to the open first , so they had less in the cities This is WWI-style warfare... cavalry charges are suicide w/o EXTENSIVE bombardment to back them up we have 2 more hit poins remeber They never withdraw when on the last hit point we dont have so many cav we need more its up to et what we need are tanks... but that's not for a while yet We have a CP plan which limits reinforcements. Our tactics should be appropriate for that situation 12 wake 3 arts and move 2 to the fort at Hole and shell Romans, move other 1 to Hole and do the same take it one city at at time... this trying to attack 2-3 cities at once is what is getting our cavalry killed 12wake the Army and withdrawl to barracks our plans are limited , we believed its going to be so easy , ....... 12wake the reast of the arts ans shell stuttgart, we'll taki it next turn 4moving arts... shelling darn for the record i heavily object every attack is 50/50 noted aggie2 There is no rush. All we need to do is continue to inflict pain on Germany and Rome till the mpp's expire. We do not need to take a single city but it would be nice I aggree aggie, but I also have to worry about the Roman Infantry, too delay is more costly than loses, because it delays other attacks and delay upon delay happens 4only 1 arty was needed for Romans... both inf are now 1/4 12 vet Cavs, one form Fort, other from hole 4charging Roman inf Kill them! **Donegeal's eyes show red with rage** 4first cav defeats infantry (only lost 1 hp) 4second cav killed (no damage to Roman inf) one more Vet 4Roman inf defeated (no damage to cav) 4Iroquois Frigate(s) cited off of Brundisium 4 3 Iroquois Frigates 12 move the rest of the arts back to Aband #1 and have all of the Arts shell stuttgart. We'll just delay taking it until next turn where is the navy ? 4what to do with remaining artys... shell Stuttgart? ok shelling 4 4 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (whif, Temple destroyed, 2 CITIZENS KILLED - pop from 10 to 8) 3 question, can a full streinght Gallion be able to sink a 1/2 streinght one? 4 2 artys fire... WHIf, WHIF 50/50 I was thinking of trying to take it with the ferry.... Less so... a galeon defends on a 2 and attacks on a 1 4Galley off of Uber is headed for Whelsh Coast, correct? hello? hi you tell us... your playing the game 12cancel movement on the ferry, have it move close to Uber to just drop off the Cav and then move it into a position to try to delay the Roman movements, that way, we can get the Ironclad to a killing position... it looks like its going north to me... 4E_T... ferry ALREADY dropped off cav 4but ok :) 4LOL LOL LOL do we still have that one German Rifle close to How? 12 if so, kill it with a Vet 4I clicked on the ferry (which had already been moved) and then pressed the numpad for it to go south... unfortunately, it was out of movement, so the order was given to the cavalry at Berlin #1... which DEFEATED the 4/4 German rifleman defending Berlin (another 4/4 rifle showing) 4Cav now 3/4 12crap and cant move, right? still has 2 moves hahahahahahahaha k, move him to Berlin #20 have him Raze there's another 4/4 Cav there (and an explorer) move the Explore and Raze, the cav and Fortify can't attack twice in one turn (he can't raze... he already attacked) Fortify then what about the OTHER Cav? #$&@*%#$% huh? Move and raze ok... good thing you took the "easier" job of SMC over DM, huh ET? I'm cursing..... to all we are OVERLY worried abour loses we can handle them i doubt we'll lose more than 3 calv at stuggart 4AT BERLIN #1: 3/4 cav, 4/4 cav, explorer with a 13.5 for def on each Rifle? Only if we bomb the crap out of it.... 12 move them to #20, Explerer Raze, the 4/4 Raze, The 3/4 Fort Then charge Stuttgart this turn... we'll probably lose a few, but we CAN take it this turn 4moving units 3and I won't have the Arts to move, next turn it lost its barracks. The units can heal enough. bomb and save our cav. er can't heal enough I mean... and it's cut off, and should lose a pop to Draft * FAM_MSS_AFK is now known as FAM_MSS_has We have 13 veteran cavalry and 2 elite cavalry in reserve... * FAM_MSS_has is now known as FAM_MSS_has_returned those are the FULL HEALTH ones... there are the healing ones in Howitzerville so make a choice... to charge or not to charge * aggie has joined #civ3dem WB aggie! with a 13.5 and 2 hp we have a 50/50 chance thankyou 12 Stuttgart will be shelled with 1/2 of the Arts, and then taken next turn. 4got it we need to be more agressive good call ET!!! OMG, what did I just say?!?!?!?! 4moving army out of German territory (I had waited on that order to MAKE SURE you wanted it) 3 with Rome having Infantry, I need to keep the Cav in as topform as possible we will delay helps rome more than anything we would have had only 3 lses at the most that isacceptable 4new infantry at Arbela needs orders If I loose 2/3 of the Cav in Germany, I won't have enough to go after Rome i mean only 3 calv total lost at stuggart if we attack and that is very liberal estimate move to the waiting point got it some are already weak draw the romas in the open , use art , then cav , make sure the way back is blocked with some infantry * FAM_MSS_has_returned is now known as FAM_MSS after we destroy that damn Roman Galleon, can we go shell the terain in Rome that has the Rubber? 4end turn button now blinking pleas post save 12 FAM Done 12belay that, is the German Rifle still close to How? Aggie - I will once we've made sure we're done... no rushes done yet 4Yes, German 3/4 rifle at Howitzerville #20 12 kill it with Vet Cav The temple at How was rushed, correct? 4attacking German rifle in the field 4temple was rushed, correct k... just checking DM stuff... 4Cavalry takes 3 damage, retreats 12 one more we shoul shell any infantry BEFORE we unleash the cav I'm taking my frustration out on that poor little Rifle 12 move worker wall on Uder Island to reblock landing site there. 4Cavalry killed - got hte rifle down to 1/4, though great , los 12 kill that sukker losing cav like this , grrrrr wait if we are doing this 50/50 lets attack stuggart Panag, we did shell it not enough 4Rifle dead - no damage to Av 4*Cav well, we have no more Artillary to use this turn 4Retreating Cav back to stack *cav ? 12DM done once worker wall is moved on Uber Island. a correction for "Av" 12 make sure that ther Inf at NY #20 os back in NY ok got it, donegeal 4E_T, you already ordered that inf to go north?! * aggie2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) k 12 move 1 from ready stak to NY 4moving inf 3 how many Vet Cav left that hasn't moved? 4there are 9 vet cavs (full health) unmoved 12SMC ready to end Remember the Light Brigade 4slider cannot be tweaked 4moving worker wall 4done 4RUSHES... any requests? 4We have over 1000 gold dont rush yet 12 SMC Releases the PW reserve to PW, just return them next turn save a bit for later How many attackers do we have on Uber? should be 4 12 Judging by the decrease in price for SM, we have this or the next turn to get refining in trade of it. Opinions? k 3 how much Straight up tech for tech with whom? we can squeeze some gold from them SciMetn, not yet, wait on that 12Factory in Banana HQ can be rushed for 344L they might get a GL nod too much I will hold until we build(If I can) that will get our navy going as well ET.. L sitting in our pockets does us no good until we have Wall street you don't need any upgrades... Apolyton is a lot closer to being finished and it's only 272 12 Quick poll (unofficial) 1- Trade SciMet for refining now? 2- Next Turn 3-Later than that hell... rush both... we NEED those factories 3 3] 3 3 ok, we have the money.. do both.. 3 3 3 make sure you change the WF and then back nect turn got it 12 FAM: Done Decided,Like it! I was supposed to be out the door 1/2 an hour ago 4Factories in BHQ and 'poly rushed cool 4btw... I haven't drafted yet this turn... SURE we want it from Gaia??? I would reather get it from a city that is size 10 or lees no draft 12according to the orders... this is where it is to come from. thays why I chose oakridge 12Gaia that is sorry... I'm not going against posted orders... 4WF's for 'poly and BHQ adjusted, BTW yes, but that will add to the WW thit it already has not my choice. 4donegeal... isn't drafting under SMC and Prez, not DM? my hands are tied... unless the present sentate approves it's from all three 4We consult DM out of courtesy, I believe (could be wrong about that... someone PLEASE check) oh, ok - got it, E_t well, Gaia it is E_T, you want Gaia? its always good to have discussion but in the end the decison rest with the pres and smc I say that's a mistake, but that my former past as a DM talking.... E_T, I agree with you, but it's Gaia or nothing - you taking it? It says in the NewCOn "the president may draft citizens with the permission of either the SMC or DM ok either, eh? I don't want Gaia, Take it from Opiadom well then... 4Arnelos double-checking to keep himself out of trouble :p the exact text is this: (j) The President, with the approval of the Supreme Military Commander or Domestic Minister, has the power to draft citizens 4yup, that's what it says 4DRAFTING FROM OPIADOM good 4SMC, where do you want the conscript? as long as he has approvel from ET... oak ridge is still working on it's Market and doing it from ther will lose WLAD POoly 4??? Apolyton thanks Poly has a conscript there already... 4conscript forted in 'poly 4more rushes? argh , why do we draft no more drafting because we can panag ! and because we need too that we can is one thing , but do we want to? we dont need to Chartres would cost 240 lytons that's a Factory 12move to TFC and what shall untrained infatry stop infantry nothing well pop is something we have, this way the defensive ubits can come from this instead of taking up room in que 4conscript re-forted in TFC so its a waste of time 4do you want units currently in tFC moved? if we draft we should sent them to the frontlines 12 move 1 Cav from TFC to rqady stack, and 1 cav from Arbela to ready stak and SMC done Not really, Coscrips have saved my civ several times in multi front wars got it 4moving cav The RONC for bolstering defense, Ifthe see combat and survive they often go on to be elite 4What do people think about rushing the factory at Chartres for 240 gold (we have 396 gold and make 162 per turn) hehe Rock that is go for it factory could be rushed 3 I say wait next turn NP fromthe Any other choices? yeah... maybe wait to see if we need it somewhere else next turn.... 6QUICKPOLL: (1) rush factory now for 240 lytons (2) rush next turn, (3) do not rush (will be done in 4 turns) 3 3 for turns is good 2 or 3 four 2 (only three people voting?) why rush if its going to be done in four turns 1 2 prduction bonus now? so we wait 4NOT rushing we can use the money elsewhere 4ready to end I voted for 2 or 3, but not one... post save 4POSTING SAVE thanx thanks 4(then I'll end turn, post save and end chat) so how many more turns today ? we don't need it this late in the turn, just go the nthe next turn..... 2.4? more turns on sunday ? 3 you can do the PW & CP stuff if you like before posting can we do more tommorrow ? unlikely 3 before ending I mean... couldn't we take stuggart before vchat ends then end chat that will give us a good stop postion to analyze the stuation 3 I can be here in the afternoon, say 1 PM EST arnelos ? rather not no clue for me (damn job...) I'd be fine with having a chat tomorrow, however why not ? why not 12 That makes it 10 AM my time thats good I thing Arnelos has to go soon, right Arn? we could take a couple cities because I said this chat was only going to be 4-5 hours and it's been nearly 6... I have places to be and sunday ? Sunday is fine perhaps around 1700 GMT? so we get those germans anyways... 4SAVE POSTED hmmm 1700 , why not 1600 ? lets end and save then, the DM can do the PW and repost the save if he has time. or even 1500 5 Reconvine Sundat 1pm EST? 4ending turn (you guys talk about whether Sunday is good while I watch between turns events) Only if you can get a hold of Spiff. I won't be there and he doesn't know. There would be no DM present 4MSS - that's 2 p.m. EST :p 4REALLY ENDING TURN NOW (will be pseudo-AFK) tomoerrow is good and we can take stuggart regardless of 2/4 defenders or not okay have a nice night guys lets kick some germans on sunday , next week we can kick some romans , héhéh Sure..2PM EST Donegeal, you can look at his priority list ahd do it for him, just make sure I have 7 Natives at Seeburn # 7 for my Researve CU Then Aggie... I would have thought that the great banana would have forbidden you to want to spill so much Apolytonian blood. we should be able to do at least 35 turns with this government Ive got stuff to do as well... Ill check the Save...Bye it will be little apolyton blood in the end compared to wating andf letting rome build upo before we can atack we have done, what 6 turns between the 2 chats? we can do more if we want * FAM_MSS has quit IRC (Quit: ) I'll be AFK for a moment its afterall holiday season , so we can a lot now love the save name okay , good night guys ! * panag has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) have a nice day ..., * canyontree has quit IRC (Quit: ) I'll try to get ahold of Spiff and I'll post updates on the DM front. 4ROMAN GALLEON IS RUNNING AWAY TO THE SOUTHWEST bck 12 kill it 4saving and posting 4If Spiffor wants to go ahead and do PW and CP before tomorrow, that would be AWESOME (or give it to a deputy) . 4SAVE POSTED 4CHAT ENDS We did 3 turns of warfare... not bad anyone still out there? (voice echoing) hello I'm pulling up th esave... ok I'm checking threads on 'poly and then I have to go I've got to get , cU later * Shiber|BBL is now known as Shiber * SMC_E_T has quit IRC (Quit: ) checking the save and then it's good night for me i'm just looking at save, planning my advice for the next attack, with luck we can take stuggart now and the berlin next or what ever city is desired with all our artillery coincentrated we can rush them later folks... cu once again... later later I see a Babalon Longbowmen.... maybe I might see some sction again next turn (there is another elite knight running around) * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit: ) we'll i'll go now what time again is the chat tomorrow we'll i'll go now what time again is the chat tomorrow sorry dp * aggie has quit IRC (Quit: ) cya all * Arnelos has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Shiber has quit IRC (Quit: cya) * Trip[away] has joined #Civ3dem Session Close: Sat Dec 28 16:41:36 2002