Session Start: Sun Dec 08 16:22:21 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [16:22] * Now talking in #civ3dem [16:22] back, starting log [16:23] 4 chat starts now [16:24] make a new thread and post the save, please. [16:24] 4 doing smc moves brb [16:29] 4 on the smc i desire a few changes he calls for all calavry in macross and forbidden city to move [16:29] 4 i say they need to stay for defensive purpose until the last possible moment, iWILL NOT have contagion taken by a premtive attack [16:29] nor macross [16:29] Aggie, when you are away for long streaches, doing CP, PW & SMC stuff, pleasecheck in at least a few times, so that we know that you haven't timed out.... [16:30] i will et [16:30] 4 while this is debated i will start new thread with smc and fam moves done on the save [16:30] I save that we need to keep some units there, The Forbidden City Is VITAL!! [16:31] what say everyone olse? [16:31] Our borders should be protected, somewhat [16:33] ia gree [16:34] good i will keep forces there until later. I desire all border cities have at least 2 infantry units [16:34] Mrmitchell? [16:34] that makes sense [16:34] 4 only move left is the settlet in gaia [16:35] 12move all settlers to Napoleton during chat [16:35] and FAM [16:35] Oh, I see, youve done them.... [16:35] 4 also do we make peace as mentioned or wait until we attack galley, i suepct we shopuld since arnelos said so, but if we could make more money we could attcak first [16:36] 4 i did all fam except for the peace [16:36] we have no rep, go by his orders, he left some opening, but I think that that one wasn't debatable.... [16:37] 4 will do, also i changed slider to 80% and started researching electricity [16:38] 4 we are now at peace [16:39] 4 all that is left is settler he can wait i guess until the war [16:39] 3make sure that you post in full detail any changes or additions that you make to his orders and why, as per his orders [16:39] 12move all settlers to Napoleton [16:39] 4 settler moved to nap [16:40] 12and all Explrers to Seeburg [16:40] unless that's on the SMC stuff [16:41] 4 it was unmentioned, actually due to your railraids most movment on the system is simply cosmetic, unless we are attacked first [16:42] 4 any rushed I weould liek to upgrade some muskets [16:42] no rushes, and until we know what the Silk is going to cost us, we should linit our upgrades to 1 per turn [16:43] good point I will upgrade musk in timeline so they have 1 rifelman [16:44] is there any orders about the forces on Uber, If we are at peace, start moving some back to the mainland [16:44] all moves done, ok will do, but i would like some on the island still maybe 2 calv + the musketters there [16:45] 4 move 2 calavry from uber these +1 more will be for army [16:46] We also will be having some other stuff built there soon, too [16:46] are we at peace? [16:47] yes [16:48] 4 pace talks with zulku suceessful [16:48] He didn't say so... [16:48] Ah [16:48] are we keeping pace with the pease? ;P [16:48] 4 ok is turn endable [16:48] yes we are [16:48] 12DM good to go [16:49] who else has the game open? [16:49] 4 turn ending in 10 [16:49] 4321 [16:49] 4 turn ended [16:50] Yeah [16:50] 4 otto pays us a visit wants wm for wm [16:50] see what you can get for TM? [16:51] he'll give us 2gold +tm for our tm [16:51] and for just the TM? [16:52] yes, for the wm he wants our wm minimum [16:53] waht would it be for just us selling him our TM, no TM back? [16:53] 4 1g [16:53] * Kloreep has joined #civ3dem [16:54] Hi. [16:54] hello kloreep [16:54] go for what makes the most money, without having our WM in there. [16:54] I'm making a log, kloreep [16:54] Okay. [16:54] how are you doing.... [16:55] 4 avignon went into disorder i canged worker to scientist [16:56] what? [16:56] yap [16:56] did we loos a lux? [16:57] it had 4 happy, 1 cantent and 3 unhappy, it shouldn't have done that [16:57] not that i could see [16:57] we are at peace, so that does NOT make any cense [16:58] maybe a dela=yed ww it is now 3/1/4 without anything [16:58] 5 luxes, right? [16:58] are we factoring is foriegn nationals? [16:58] in [16:59] yes, I'm looking at the city now, for 1170 and ther were o.k. only sone frenchmen [17:01] 3 french, 5 natives. only concern was that it was too crowded. Something must have happend [17:02] posting save [17:02] our WW would have only gone to Status Quo, because of they had declared on us [17:02] this is very strange [17:02] 4 posting save [17:02] 4 maybe it was that ww needs to wait till this turn to end [17:03] it is weird [17:04] let me look at the save, as soon as it's posted. [17:06] loadingit now [17:09] loaded, looking [17:09] 4 doing wf [17:10] * Meshelic has joined #civ3dem [17:11] Hi Meshelic. [17:11] hi kloreep [17:11] everyone hello [17:12] this is very strange. we have 5 luxes, all of the other cities are showing happy/unhappy, like they normally would [17:12] I don't understand it. Oh well [17:13] 12Aggie, change the specialist in Avignon from Sci to Tax [17:14] I'm looking at FAM stuff [17:15] it is very weird myust be otton [17:15] 4 great news slider can be moved to 70% and we make 140 a turn [17:16] wf mostly done [17:16] hello mesh [17:16] hey aggie! [17:17] yeah [17:19] What's Artneloses orders when it comes to Tech sale? [17:20] I see it, never mine, can't get enought from Iroquois [17:21] 4 still doing pw [17:21] * Panzer_32 has joined #civ3dem [17:21] hey all [17:22] hi [17:22] whats going on? [17:22] Hi. [17:23] 3Suggestion for FAM stuff: Greece Ivory; WM & 35L for Indust 0We need the Ivory/Lux [17:23] We need the Ivory/lux [17:24] 3and drop the Dyes with the Aztec, per FAM stated orders [17:25] 3that will be it for FAM for this turn, that I see [17:25] Peace with Zulus was 14 lytons + WM, right? [17:25] we are getting a lot of people here, good. Hi all..... [17:26] I think so, have to ask Aggie? [17:26] (It would be nice to have the exact terms in the Newz Update.) [17:26] he had just said that the talk were successful [17:27] Aggie is doing stuff in the game at teh moment [17:28] I'm going to go have a smoke, BRB, AFK [17:28] * E_T_is_the_DM is now known as E_T_AFK [17:28] * Calc has joined #civ3dem [17:28] i wish i had a smoke [17:28] argh [17:29] i quit long ago [17:29] actually 4 months ago who am i kidding [17:29] but it seems long ago [17:29] i've tried quitting so many times [17:29] so did i [17:29] smoking sucks, but i love it so much [17:29] argh [17:30] if u really like smoking. quit everytime [17:30] ur last is always like a sweet sweet candy [17:30] ? [17:30] :p [17:30] oh [17:30] true [17:31] whys everyone so quiet? ugh [17:31] I don't know [17:31] i hate the uncomfortable silence [17:31] wats ur fav brand mesh? [17:31] my favorite brand? [17:31] brand of what? [17:31] cigarette [17:31] oh [17:32] hmmm....:idea: [17:32] anything Camel, but to be more specific, probably Camel Lights [17:32] i like marb too [17:32] i like parliament lights [17:32] hell I'll smoke anything, it doesn't matter. :) [17:32] i was never hip enough for menthols :p [17:32] hey, brb gotta eat some food while i'm nic-ing out [17:32] neither was i. :p [17:32] lol [17:34] I smof\ke Marlboro Mediums 100's [17:34] im ok with lights [17:34] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T_IS_the_DM [17:34] E_T where is everyone [17:34] they are too light for me, and the regs are too harsh [17:35] i like the light types i guess [17:35] We don't smoke in the house, keep the smell down.... [17:36] i cant either my roomate hates it [17:36] well at least thats over with it [17:36] where is everyone [17:37] I smoke just under a pack a day, If I could smoke inside, at teh computer, I'd be smoking a LOT more..... [17:37] ho yea.. defintely [17:37] I'm here, sorta, but I'm also busy catching up in threads I've been ignoring this weekend. [17:37] Aggie is doing orders [17:37] i see [17:38] * mrmitchell is now known as Ming [17:38] oooh [17:38] * Ming is now known as mrmithcell [17:39] mith cell? [17:39] * mrmithcell is now known as mrmitchell [17:40] I almost starting to bow and scrape ther for a second :d [17:40] ;D [17:40] lol [17:41] mitchell it would have been better to chnage ur nick and have joined [17:41] I'm just so glad that it had warmed up a bit here, I had my windows open for a couple of hours... [17:42] or did i see u change name because im in poly chat as well? [17:42] Don't give him any ideas... [17:42] 4 all pw done [17:42] :b: [17:42] any problems? [17:42] now smc movements [17:42] 4 nope it all worked out nicely [17:43] kewl [17:43] I have FAM stuff for you [17:43] but on the pw it said rail bacteria #19 but bacteria #19 is water, so i did #20 [17:43] 4 ok hit me with them [17:43] yeah when I smoke at my computer, a pack is not enough. ever! [17:44] oop sorry, didn't mean to interrupt [17:44] good [17:44] thats ok mesh we don't sdtand on ceremony here [17:44] 3Greece: Ivory; WM & 35l for Indust [17:44] ok [17:45] 3Aztec, make sure that the dyes are dropped, they won't pay [17:45] 3that's it for FAM [17:46] 4 did greek deal and with aztec do i do anything [17:46] just make sure that they aren't getting Dyes anymore, they won't pay.... [17:48] ok [17:48] 4 all moves done [17:49] 4 should i build army now [17:49] 4 other than that turn is endable [17:49] 12no rushes for now. And have the listed rushes at the end of the turn, just in case [17:50] is that in the SMC orders? [17:50] 4 we are also making 140 a turn by the way [17:50] 4 no explicitly but i think he wants to ammke one [17:50] true, but we don't know what the Silk is going to cost us [17:51] ok [17:51] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [17:51] let's wait until Dturn-1. It's no big rush [17:51] Hi roadcage. [17:51] hi all [17:52] hey [17:52] 4 turn endable? [17:52] Roadcage, I took your suggestion, I was a ble to get one more Cav from somewher else,so I changed Ghengis from Cav to Factory [17:52] are we still at war with Zulus? [17:52] nope we made peace [17:52] 12upgrades? DM is good [17:52] super :b: [17:52] good [17:53] 4 i upgrade a musk in dejion we need a defense in the south [17:53] ready for the next turn [17:53] 4 i can change the tax to worker in avignon now [17:54] 12have him work a shield if it makes more after waste, if not, work a sea for trade [17:54] ok [17:55] 4 turn ending in 10 [17:55] 4 turn ending in 5 [17:55] 4321 [17:55] since the 1180 save is posted, may I assume we are in 1190? [17:56] just about [17:56] 4 1180 ending now [17:56] who here has teh game up, in 1.21f? [17:57] 4 well japan DEMANDS TM [17:57] demand? TM, see if they will trade for it [17:57] try to get their WM & cash for TM [17:58] what us their mood? [17:58] they want our tm or threaten war, i say we give it to them we need to concentrate on germany [17:58] is [17:58] we can't negotiate [17:58] anouther starange occurance. hold a sec [17:58] they are annoyed [17:58] hmmm [17:59] the orders state no demands, but I say let it slide, it's just a TM [17:59] due any other civs have are TM? [17:59] our [17:59] poll, 1 give in, 2 hell no [17:59] 2 [17:59] 1 [17:59] 1 [17:59] 2 [18:00] 1 [18:00] 1 [18:00] damn you all.. :p [18:00] so be it [18:00] It's probably worth some gold, but as aggie says, we need to focus on Germany. [18:01] well we need to avoid war for the moment we'l [18:01] i guess.... [18:01] and we need their silks [18:01] ugh [18:01] they are under a times peace treaty, they shouldn't have demanded anything [18:01] We'll just write this down and make them pay later (WITH 100s of years of interest :evilgrin:). [18:02] 4 the chinesee poped up they want a wm for wm trade i say tell them to go blank themselves [18:03] see if they will give us WM & cash for TM [18:03] ok [18:04] no cash but got their wm for our tm it showed new area so we don't have to explore [18:04] good [18:04] and makes our map more valuable [18:04] 4 now the iriquis come to the table:0 [18:04] ugh [18:04] they want rop and mpp i say we MUST legally say no [18:04] correct [18:05] The AI's sure are chatty tonight [18:05] good good [18:05] yup [18:05] yep [18:05] they must be plotting something [18:06] :p [18:06] they can't plot their way to the toilet..... [18:06] 4 ok turn completed posting save [18:07] yeah [18:07] Shaka sure made a smart move, though, even if he stumbled into it. [18:08] ha [18:10] 4 save in process of posting(i have a dial up) [18:11] 4 starting wf [18:12] tell us when to refresh [18:13] he's on anouther screen [18:14] he started new turn alredy i see [18:14] yes, it takes a while.... [18:14] * flash9286_civ3rules has joined #civ3dem [18:14] * flash9286_civ3rules has left #civ3dem [18:15] * Calc is now known as Calc_workin_out [18:15] pump that Iron.... [18:16] still no save [18:17] Save is up [18:17] loading now [18:20] 4 wf done [18:20] 4 now pw, i'll check in once in a while [18:26] la la la la..... [18:28] * Panzer_32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving ) [18:33] I'm going to have a cig, BRB, AFK [18:34] * E_T_IS_the_DM is now known as E_T_AFK [18:34] Wow! look at Otto's cash balance. It's up almost a thou in two turns w/o any new techs to peddle [18:34] I bet he got a lot of gpt for Ind. [18:34] That does seem like a lot for just gpt, though; has he traded Ind to anyone else? [18:35] 4 over 1/2 done with pw so far so good [18:35] I sure hope so cause every Civ in town will want to do a Shaka! [18:36] Quite true. :) [18:37] hey all i'm back [18:38] * Meshelic hears crickets chirping [18:39] * VladAntlerkov has joined #Civ3Dem [18:39] hey all [18:39] * Apoc has joined #civ3dem [18:39] hey apoc [18:39] hello [18:39] Heya [18:39] WB Meshelic, hello to the newcomers. [18:40] I would have been here an hour ago, but I've been talking with my girlfriend ;) [18:40] What's going on? [18:42] back, hi guys [18:42] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [18:42] hey ET [18:43] Aggie is doing PW now [18:44] i'll be checking for any FAM stuff, brb [18:47] we have 5 turns until the dye deal with India is renewable, If we don't have a tech to trade them for Furs (i.e. germany beats us to the punch) then we can use that to get the furs. [18:47] 4 ok all done any fam to do [18:47] looking [18:47] * mrmitchell is now known as Indians [18:47] * Indians is now known as mrmitchell [18:49] germany is recking in the bucks, they have 1329L [18:50] We have a tech they don't? [18:51] * buzzbat has joined #civ3dem [18:51] * Calc_workin_out is now known as Calc [18:51] not yet... [18:51] 12no FAM stuff this turn [18:51] geez chat room is empty [18:52] 3let me check a couple of things and I'll brb [18:52] they will spend all that money when we declare war [18:52] 4 turning ending in 10 [18:53] 4 et do you need more time [18:53] son of a &%&*(#*(@... my shoulder is killing me [18:53] ok clac [18:54] i mean calc [18:54] :p [18:54] no [18:54] yes,m it need [18:54] nore time [18:56] what's the WF for Gheingistown? [18:56] it's at size 9 still, right? [18:58] 12Ghengistown - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-9-12-16 [18:58] still looking [18:58] it is sorry i was looig at it:) [18:59] done [18:59] is Rheims TOC 2 turns now? [18:59] 4 wfdone, i actually had a note to myself to mention ghengistowm [19:00] * Apoc has left #civ3dem [19:00] ye sit is [19:00] I have some notes for this turn, let mee know if anyof them are off [19:00] i mean yes it is [19:00] i got ya [19:01] they should be o.k., but I'm just checking [19:01] thats fine [19:01] we only have 2 more turn aftre this of playing [19:02] * VladAntlerkov has quit IRC (Quit: Vlad Highwind fades from existence ) [19:02] 12change the worker in Avignon from tile #8 (sea) to #14 [19:03] 12DM ready to go [19:03] 4 turning ending in 10 [19:03] 4 turning ending in 5 [19:03] 4321 [19:04] 4 turning ending [19:04] over~ [19:04] all turns done? [19:04] no [19:04] we have 2 more to go [19:05] ah [19:05] 3 if you take into account the between turn from 1210 to 1220... [19:06] 4 posting save rome/japan signed a mpp [19:06] we're running about 1 hour or so per turn [19:06] Rome and Japan....interesting [19:06] hmmm [19:07] which is good [19:07] oh, did the Zulu gallies move yet? [19:07] I forgot about that [19:08] not yet [19:08] We shouldn't need to sign an alliance with more than one of those two. :) [19:08] 4 time for wf [19:11] Someone remind me to have Aggie get them to shove off.... [19:12] We already made peace with Zululand, correct? [19:12] * Calc is now known as CalcAway [19:12] yes [19:13] yes [19:13] So how many turns can we be mobilized for war against germany if we decided too [19:14] we will be declaring at the begining of the chat after next, 1270 AB [19:14] hmm.... [19:14] * mrmitchell has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [19:14] declaring war or mobilization for war? [19:14] declaring methinks [19:15] next turn-chat will be used mainly for mobilizing [19:15] declaring - we won't be using the mobolize except under a dire emergency. we are stull building up. [19:15] i guess i used the wrong phrase [19:16] I'm working on a report that details what we have and will have by D-turn [19:16] not "mobilize" i meant just getting ready [19:16] ok [19:17] There are currently no actual invasion plans or are there? [19:17] other than Shiber's plan [19:17] 4 wf done except for rush in heliopolis for 240 [19:17] it's a bleand of plans, so it seems. no definate one comes to mind. [19:18] k. [19:18] interesting [19:18] The good old improvise when you get there method [19:18] we'll be kind of winging it. makes it more interesting, I say [19:18] 4 can i do the rush [19:19] afterwards [19:19] end of turn [19:19] 4 ok doing pw now [19:19] I may draw up some case I decide to run for SMC [19:19] JUST in case [19:19] I'm loading the save now [19:23] it's going to cost about 208 to renew the silk trade [19:24] * CalcAway is now known as Calc [19:24] here's the FAM orders concerning this [19:24] wat year are we in [19:24] Our trade of Dyes for Japan's Silks comes up for Renegotiation. Let the deal ride if Japan wants to get cash out of us for the deal. If Japan wants money and presses the issue, FAM Rep should check with President and Domestic Minister on the need for Silk due to war weariness and how much the President is willing to allocate to this need. Ultimate determination on the deal will be given to the President if FAM is not present (and the monetary limit is up to the President anyhow). [19:25] 1200 [19:25] DM say that we need it [19:26] it's a reasonable sum, and can be lessend with mapwhoring [19:26] wat is japan offering for silk [19:26] oh nm [19:26] 4 over 1/2 done with pw [19:31] i gottta go [19:31] something came up [19:31] cya [19:31] * CiverDan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving ) [19:32] Bye. [19:32] * Calc has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:36] bye for now [19:36] * roadcage has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:40] i'mm looking at FAM, giving Aggie stuff on a Private channel [19:40] Aggie and ET are seriously the MVP's for the 6th term [19:42] 4 i'm done more or less with fam and smc [19:46] * mrmitchell has joined #civ3dem [19:46] hello [19:46] wb mrmitchell [19:46] sup [19:46] is the turn already played? are you just sitting around now? [19:47] he's almost done [19:47] ... [19:48] * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem [19:48] ok sorry for disconnection [19:48] wb aggi [19:49] 4 trades made tm to.....z for wm,23g..... india wm,34g......england wm,26g [19:50] gotta go [19:50] argh :p [19:50] cya later [19:50] * mrmitchell has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:50] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [19:51] back [19:53] almost completed dyes/silks deal to japan [19:54] 83L gust getting WM for TM's [19:56] 12geoFront looks good [19:56] * aggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [19:57] lost 1/2 aggie.... :p [19:59] * Panzer321 has joined #civ3dem [19:59] * Panzer321 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving ) [19:59] 4 i'm back [19:59] * Panzer_32 has joined #civ3dem [19:59] hey all [20:00] 12Ghengistown - WF to 1-2-3-5-6-8-9-12-16-19 [20:01] 12tell me what the WF for Avignon is? [20:01] 4 map whoring done [20:02] we made over 277+2g/turn [20:02] 12it should be 1-2-3-4-5-10-14-20 [20:02] we need the details for the log [20:03] or your report [20:03] 4 wf for avignon is 1,2,3,4,10,14,16,20 [20:04] 12change it to what i just listed [20:04] 12rush Helio 3and then do your upgrades [20:04] 3and then tell the zulu to push off [20:05] 12and I'll be done [20:05] 4 trade deals wm for wm to the folloing(cash shown) rome(70g), greece(54),england(24),Iriqouis(12g,2g/turn), Aztects(26),Germany(46) [20:05] 4 tradewd to irqouis for 49 [20:06] 4 doing wf changes [20:08] all changes and trades done [20:08] we have 1055 and make 135 a turn [20:09] 4 et do you want the rusheds now [20:09] 12Rush Helio [20:09] and check the slider [20:10] and tell the zulu to go home [20:10] 4 i did and we can't move it yet [20:10] 4 I was condidering rushing 2 musk too [20:10] where? [20:10] upgrading or rushing [20:11] i mean upgrading sorry [20:11] we have some additional funds for upgrades, do 3 if you want.... [20:11] will do [20:12] 4 upgrades and rushed done we now have 695 gold [20:12] 4 is it ok to end turn [20:13] 4 let me tell the zulu's good by first [20:13] k. It's really up to you, per Arnelos's orders. Do you want to tell the zulu to go home? [20:13] 4 not really because i want us to avoid another war before the main course [20:14] I just don't line tmen sitting there, is all [20:14] i agree but they have ships that could bombard us and damage our infrastructure [20:14] so, send the Ironclad to shadow it [20:15] i'll move the iron clad to the xulku and tell them next turn [20:15] and move the Ferry to Poly [20:15] 4 ok is it ok to end turn [20:15] 12yep [20:16] 4 turn ending soon [20:16] 4 turn ending in 10 [20:16] 4 turn ending in 5 [20:16] 4321 [20:16] 4 turn ending [20:16] Yeah :party: [20:18] woohoo [20:18] one more turn of PW moves for aggie to do..... [20:18] 4 the romans/england sign mpp [20:18] 4 posting save [20:19] ah, that will be interesting [20:19] Romans are turning into a militaristic powerhouse. [20:19] Good thing we don't want to mess with them. :) [20:20] we're looking as having them as part of the MPP stuff against Germany [20:20] and England [20:20] 4 time for wf now [20:22] wait a minute, it's already Japan and Rome, now it's Rome and England, eh? [20:22] with Rome&Japan having a MPP now is not the time to take on rome :D [20:23] a Japanese-Roman-English tri-axis. [20:23] interesting [20:23] im thinking there is a conspiricy against us here [20:23] :D [20:24] If Germany can convince either the Romans, Japanese or (more likely) England to war with us, then we're in some trouble [20:24] the Mpp wars will be starting shortly, with us seting of the fuse [20:24] Yes [20:24] An alliance with Rome against Germany will definitely take priority. [20:24] The greeks and aztecs can fend for themselves [20:25] If we do the deal right, They will join us after Germany attacks the Explorers [20:25] 4 still doing wf [20:25] no prob [20:26] okay well i'm outta here, gotta go see my niece's christmas play.... [20:26] see you on the threads. :) [20:26] christmas plays are for the weak :P [20:26] i got no choice. :D [20:26] * jdjdjd has joined #civ3dem [20:26] * Meshelic has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:27] I'm going to have a smoke, AFK, brb [20:27] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [20:28] Well im out, gonna go play some counter-strike and go to bed/ watch late football games [20:28] * buzzbat has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:30] 4 now time for pw:) [20:31] * jdjdjd has left #civ3dem [20:32] /me sees everyone leaving and thinks its his fault [20:32] nuts [20:34] * Panzer_32 typed in something wrong... [20:35] not really [20:35] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [20:37] * Apoc has joined #civ3dem [20:37] apoc [20:37] were in the last turn [20:37] Heya [20:38] * Panzer_32 greets Apoc [20:40] The Zulu will pay enough LPT to sell Indust to them, should we? [20:42] sure - our invasion will be much later than this [20:43] the thing is that we still have their ships in our territory [20:43] 4 on the homestretch of the pw [20:43] Shaka is a known liar and a cha [20:43] we can get 31LPT & cash & WM [20:43] I bet they'd be willing to declare war again, yeah. [20:43] cheat [20:44] hmmm maybe not... [20:45] no don't cheat, roadcage... (just kidding) [20:45] we aren't cheaters (j/k) [20:45] well not j/k actually [20:46] i'll just be quiet now... [20:46] I was just correcting the typo in previous comment [20:47] only FAM thing this turn is the Zulu tech deal [20:47] i know [20:48] I would say no to the deal [20:48] I'd say yes [20:49] Have we told them to leave our waters yet? [20:50] not yet [20:50] * Apoc has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [20:50] And is it an ultimatum (leave or we declare war) or a request right now? [20:51] * Togas has joined #civ3dem [20:52] Hi Togas. [20:52] you guys still at it?! [20:52] Hi togas [20:52] last turn [20:52] wow. How's it going? [20:52] We're trying to decide whether or not to sell Ind to Zululand. [20:52] what will they pay for it? [20:52] Do you REALLY need the cash? [20:53] good, we got quite a sum for mapwhoring earlier, and renewed the deal with Japan Silk/Dye [20:53] good [20:53] 31LPT; 23L & WM [20:53] I'm surprised there's anything out there worth mapwhoring [20:53] good price, but as they good for it? [20:53] They do have a ship in our territory. [20:53] they robbed us last time and fell through on their agreements [20:54] that's the rub, they still have their ships in our waters and we didn't tell them to shove off yet, we forgot until last tur [20:54] turn and will do it this turn, but then we can sell that tech for sush a good price..... [20:55] we don't really need the cash, do we? [20:55] Galley is still right next to Solace [20:55] 4 all pw/wf done except for rushed and upgrades [20:55] We didn't see it, and Aggie moved the Ironclad away. THe Zulu frigate is aproching.... [20:55] 12do the rush [20:55] 4 shall we tell the zulu to tak e a hike then [20:56] tell them off [20:56] and the sale? [20:56] wait until after we tell them off [20:56] k. [20:56] who's acting FAM right now? [20:57] Aggie, I'm advising him [20:57] 4 ok Im telling the zulu to put it wheere the sun don't shine [20:57] Arnelos's orders are fairly complete [20:58] 4 they said they will leave, shall i do the deal [20:58] He named Aggie with FAM powers if none of his deputies showed up [20:58] togas? [20:58] I say yes [20:58] what's our current income and cash reserve? [20:59] before Rushes & upgrades, 830L and +136LPT [21:00] 126LPT, sorry [21:00] 2 turns to electricity [21:00] IF they're going to leave, I'd say yes... someone else is likely to snap the deal up. [21:00] 4 i will do the deal because other wise he will pay germany even more money [21:00] right [21:00] we don't need the deal, but I'd rather we sell to them than Germany [21:00] Good point by Aggie [21:00] do the deed [21:03] 4 traded indust to zulu for 21gpt and 23g and wm [21:03] 4 i mean 31gpt [21:03] good [21:03] probibly because we told him off.... [21:03] ah [21:04] where's Aggie1?? [21:04] timed out [21:04] 4 he's my evil twin [21:04] oh [21:04] Rushes, upgrades [21:05] 4 i think we should go some upgrades we have 645 gold and get 157g/turn [21:05] 4 on uber isle would be a good idea [21:05] hellop togas [21:06] 12I have one WF change - GeoFront - WF to 1-2-4-5-14-15 [21:06] back [21:06] heya aggie [21:07] one each at AGC & Boomtown, then switch nect turn with other cities. do others on the mainland [21:07] Aggie, do you remember the terms of the peace deal with Zululand? [21:15] I think he's timed ot again [21:16] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Dec 08 21:16:44 2002 AT THIS POINT, POLY WENT DOWN Session Start: Sun Dec 08 23:30:55 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [23:30] * Now talking in #civ3dem [23:34] * aggie has joined #civ3dem [23:34] alright I'm back [23:34] hello, where did we leave off [23:34] i also pm'ed arnelos, togas wasn't on though [23:34] well I was just about to end turn [23:34] did you do the rushes? [23:35] yes i did, but let me get off, start the game and get back on ok [23:35] one, just PoWIA [23:35] k [23:38] * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem [23:38] hey guys, just got back [23:38] hello [23:38] I had only 2 PMs! :p [23:38] Aggie is loading up the game [23:38] anyways... gotta read all those old threads [23:38] * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem [23:38] we lost Poly for about 2 hours [23:39] * aggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [23:39] alright i have the game up and all rushes done, except i don't remeber if I had upgraded any units this turn let me see [23:39] we have Aggie and his evil twin.... [23:39] hehehehehehhe [23:39] Arnelos is here [23:39] 4 i have done all rushes [23:39] well come back mr Fam [23:40] 4 is turn endable [23:40] did you do the tech deal with the Zulu, I think that you had, I just cant remember now [23:41] I think that you were just about to do it when we lost everything... [23:41] yes i did [23:41] Neon Uber City, did you move a unit to it? [23:42] for the record we are making 157/turn and have 565, yes i did move that unit [23:42] and the Ironclad, where did you move him? [23:43] I have him shadowing a frigate [23:43] then I'm o.k. to finish [23:43] ok [23:43] 3btw, I'm a bit AFK because I'm reading all those backthreads... geesh [23:43] 4 turn ending [23:43] which turn? [23:43] 1210 [23:44] we were just about to get to this point when we lost Poly [23:44] 4 that ok arnelos, the chat had effectively done its job tro get us to 1220 we just missed by a little bit, which this will fix [23:45] ah [23:45] and because Arenelos is here, we can do the cabinet meeting.... [23:45] yeah, that's actually WHY I came in [23:45] (your note about a cabinet meeting) [23:47] ah [23:47] 4 nothing happened but we can move the slider 60 and still get elec next turn [23:47] 4 posting save [23:47] good [23:48] i hope nobody has elec will check [23:48] hey... guys... Apolyton boards won't let me vote in any polls :mad: [23:48] I just posted a report on the War Prep [23:48] they may still be suffering from the crash [23:49] crash?? [23:50] . [23:50] basically, at the start of the war, we should have 42 Cav, 1 Cav Army, 53 Rifle/musket, 23 Cannon, 14 Exploreres & 3 Settlers [23:51] Poly was completely down for about two hours [23:51] 23 cannons? :b: [23:51] right at the end of the chat. [23:51] ah [23:51] happend right before the end of the last turn [23:51] but we got by, [23:52] et do you want me to do turn 5 wf or not [23:52] If you wish, or it can be done by me, either/or [23:53] ok well it is small so I might as well, also did you notice you had your years off the orders year says 1160:) [23:53] oh? [23:53] anywhay, we got something like 35LPT from the Zulu for Indust, this last turn [23:54] yes, I did, during chat, sorry. The risk of just overwriting on old orders as a form.... [23:55] no problem, but when i was doing the pw order i suddenly noticed and it scare me for a sec,:) [23:56] Aggie, did the Zulu ships move? [23:56] ./ [23:56] 4 nope they got close and another frigate to our north, i propose privateteerrs to atack all these maurauding ships [23:57] It will be a while before we can get those online [23:57] Arnelos, do you have the game up? [23:58] no [23:58] 4 save is posted [23:59] I don't know if you want to get it up or not, but we told the zulu to take a hike last turn, and they are still there [23:59] germans have corp and Universial sufferagre is 15 turns away [23:59] for us [00:00] E_T: interesting... [00:00] I think I can shave off a turn or two [00:00] I'll pull up a save later... a bit busy with back-logged e-mail such at the moment [00:01] I guess your trip was o.k., no problems? [00:01] no, no problems [00:02] good, I didn't know if that storm had made things difficult or not [00:03] two zulu frigates, maybe they are coming to escort the others home? [00:04] 4 all wf done except for gaia(11 listed wf but 12 workewrs) [00:04] well, the snow did make things a bit more interesting getting to the airport on Friday, but I had a 4-wheel-drive vehicle at my disposal (courtesy of my parents - I borrowed it) [00:04] k. AT THIS POINT THE CHAT ENDED AND THE CABINET MEETING STARTED [00:05] Ah snow, I'm glad we don't have to deal with it here [00:06] with a WF change, I can get 14 turns for US [00:06] 58 sheilds per turn, that is roocking.... [00:07] 58 shields??? where? [00:07] and if I chop down the forrest, I might get one more trurn [00:08] The Forbidden City [00:08] nice :b: [00:09] woohoo, I am posting the save with allwf(except gaia) and some smc done. [00:09] It would also take 3 turns each to build colosum, Hospital & Police station.... [00:10] amazing [00:12] yep, think of what it will be WITH Hoover.... [00:13] man that city needs be fortified totally too. [00:13] indeed [00:14] I agree, why do you think that I had wanted what I had asked for when we first started builing the FP? [00:14] and when we get to build Hoover, it will only take 14 turns (at most) to build too [00:15] now to the war with 42 cal lets assume 5 are dedicate to defense+2 on uber gives us 35 calv+ and army for the assault [00:15] that is 3 1/2 calvary strike forces in my wayt of thinking [00:15] yes [00:15] . [00:15] I can no plan accordingly [00:15] i mean now [00:16] I say, one for Stutgart, Onefor Hamburg and one for north of New York [00:16] also looking around it seems possible we will get elect first [00:16] Aggie, look at Hanover, see the Rifle in the desert? [00:17] yes i do [00:18] O.k., Arnelos, when you look at that point later, I want to have a worker slide up ther and build a road [00:18] Sometime after the rifle moves that is [00:19] ??? [00:19] Have him go up, then the next turn he will build the road, then return the turn after [00:19] it's in German territory [00:19] just north of New York [00:20] i was looking at science chart and I know it is against convential wisdom be we could get rp right when the war is starting [00:20] BUT, here's the catch, The AI will want us to leave, ont just once, but twice [00:20] hummm [00:21] we neet to work towrds Electronis [00:21] RP isn't needed [00:21] we can get that after we are certain that we can get hoover [00:22] i agree, just was thinking of 23 artillery softening up the targets:) [00:22] RP could be VERY VERY beneficial if we upgrade cannons to artillery [00:22] crosspost :D [00:22] of course this depends on us getting elctronic first [00:22] the worker bonus isn't that much wioth all of the workers that we have, look how fast it was to build the national Rail [00:23] yes indeed [00:23] We will and we need to go for Sci Method next, so that we can get ToE. [00:24] Ghengistown has 3 more turns on it's factory, then it's going to be storing sheilds towards ToE [00:25] excellent (about Ghengistown) [00:25] of course we could start Ghengis on something else to store shield and then comeback and get scienctific method [00:25] IF one of the other Civs gets Sci Method AND we don't, they will get ToE from switching from US to it [00:25] ok [00:25] good point [00:25] ToE is 600, US & Hoover are 800 [00:26] also hopefully we can get some GL from this war, we can even see if the elite knights and elite sword can get it on a longbowman are sword [00:27] I do know that Atomic takes a long time to get, but the same goes for RP [00:27] after germant there is no ai power that can even come close to us [00:27] We should discuss whether to create "unsellable" techs, btw [00:27] we should try to get corp and esp before TOE [00:27] And If they die, they hopefully make it easier for someone else to kill them... [00:28] also that is another point if we get elect first and i think we might, I suggest we don't techwhore and insure our getting SM first [00:29] right. We might want to delay selling a tech or two. It's a risk, but It might be the difference between getting all three of the wonders and not [00:29] we have much to consider [00:29] by that time, getmany won't be selling to anyone [00:30] indeed even if the war ends in stalemate we still will do such economic dameg to them as to make them impotent [00:31] The stuff that will be ready for the war is most of what will be availableuntil the factories come online [00:32] so ther might not be that much in replacements for a bit [00:33] that ok we hopefully cna deal a devestating blow with the intinital wave [00:33] If we had gone for RR& Indust first, we would have the factories now, but we don't [00:34] Cities, what to keep, what to raze? [00:34] well we though somebody else would get them [00:34] Stuttgart, I say Raze [00:34] thats a hard questions [00:34] hamburg we should keep or at least a city near it [00:34] I have 2 settlers that will be ready to build new cities [00:35] . [00:35] I plan on moving Stuttgart south anywahys, so we have the settler ready to build and just raze that city [00:36] i know this has not been mentioned but looking at the wap I had an wondefully evil idea, we take stuggarg and berlin the first turn then swing around and atack hambug nexct turn [00:36] . [00:36] Hamburg, the problem is that it will take a while to starve iot down [00:36] i know an atack on berlin would be bloody but it could prove decisive [00:36] true, but then you defeat the use of the exploreres [00:37] because the cap will move [00:37] E_T's gotta point there... (darn) [00:37] another good point it was just a sudden idea [00:38] personally this use of explores is new except for pillaging resources [00:38] I say that we take Hamburg, see waht we get for our spoils and abandon it if it's now worth it. have one of the settlers ready to build on the spot when we do [00:38] yes for another iron works can we build 2 iron works [00:39] ther can only be one.... [00:40] ok, looking at the map the war could go quickly if our allies do anything [00:40] yeah... that's what I thought, the highlander iron works [00:40] a quick war WOULD be ideal... [00:40] It would take alot longer to get aHamburg ready to build IW than it would to just build it in Helio [00:40] though we'd like to get more cities [00:41] Helio is just 1 rush away from starting on it [00:43] Berlin, Hamburg, Stutgart, Cologne, Hanover & Frankfurt are the only ones that we really need. [00:43] lookingat the map right now, if i was smc here's whta i would do, first take stug/berlin/hamburg, that would leave the rest of the country vulnerable to other enemies, the west salient(konnis-hanover west) would easiley get taken by the aztecs greeks, nurenburg being the easiest attack route from england would be attack quickly [00:44] then we could swing nw and the germans would be in a poor defensive positon almost immediately [00:44] That's why I'd like to get a road into Hanover area before the war, to facilitate the wester front logistics [00:44] definitel a necessity that unroad dsert would not let it fall to us [00:45] then we can work on Frankfurt then Berlin at our leasure [00:46] have 3 initial thrust, Hannover, Hamburg & stuttgart, while cutting berlin off [00:47] E_T... weren't you going to run for SMC? ;) [00:47] then the western group goes for Colongne [00:47] and berlin is within a turnof frankfurt so we can sieze citys rush in rifleman then reconsitrate, aftervthe intiial attack we will be able to concentrate quickly [00:47] I'm thinking about it [00:48] ok [00:49] well i better go but this has been very productive, [00:49] good [00:49] (productive) [00:49] while the new sttgart group fortifies and helps with thte hamburg group. that group goes and makes sure that Berlin is definately out [00:49] I do have an idea could both of ya'll do this turns orders then post the save, maybe we could meet and go to next turn afterwards [00:49] and starts to bombard it [00:49] I assume E_T can fill me in on whatever FAM-related I missed (like tech sales) [00:50] Aggie... I have to catch up first [00:50] thats ok [00:50] why, we are 5 turns frrom D-turn, so the next chat will stop right before we have to declare? [00:50] E_T has a point there [00:51] just wait [00:51] CP isn't as simple as PW is. [00:51] actually i was just curious to see if we would get to elec first:) [00:51] speaking of which... I'll need time to get the appropriate Senate bill passed [00:51] I have plans that sometime streach over several turnchats.... [00:51] alright, lets plan on the next chat wed or thur [00:51] thursday or friday :p [00:51] we'll get it first [00:52] fridaty would be acceptable for me [00:52] 5 days [00:52] 72-hour senate bill and I'm not allowed to post it (NewCon says a senator has to post it) [00:52] alright lets tenttively set the the next chat onn friday [00:52] need two, one for the war and one for the MPP's [00:53] after 4PM EST, please [00:53] will do [00:53] and that will leave 5 days until the last chat of the tuem, on the 18th [00:53] oh yeah... need a war bill, Aggie :p [00:53] lets say 4pm cst or 5 est on friday is the next chat, though if we could play one or 2 turns before to make it relaxed would be nice:) [00:54] that rule about senators being the ones to post senate bills is annoying, but it just means you need to find a senator to post your bill for you ;) [00:54] that shouldn't be hard [00:54] adamada would I'm sure [00:55] I can only promise the one CP save