[16:17] * Now talking in #civ3dem [16:17] I'm against offencive wars but am all for destroying completely country if they attack us but only if they are destroyed in the war they started. [16:19] Iroquois is Industrial now [16:19] Same with Russia, and russia also has Nationalism [16:20] -> [Nimitz] PING [16:20] The more that get it, the cheaper it will be. [16:20] -> [Nimitz] TIME [16:20] -> [Nimitz] VERSION [16:22] Russia will sell Nationalism for WM; Saltpeter & 1482L [16:22] 3INDIA: WE can sell dyes for 16 LPT and no member of Big 4 needs it... this is a go [16:23] E_T, what will russia give for just saltpeter? [16:23] Just thinkin out loud [16:24] I think they are broke [16:24] Gotta go. Later all. [16:24] * godking has quit IRC (Quit: ) [16:24] Persia will pay 4LPT; 10L & WM for THeory of Gravity [16:24] GODKING: 8 LPT [16:25] I already saw Persia... they have 4 LPT for Iron [16:25] 4 LPT for Theory, however, is worth considering... [16:26] * Nimitz has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [16:26] Theory, Mags, or Iron, same either way [16:26] lemme check total price with Russia [16:26] * Justice_Nimitz is now known as Nimitz [16:28] ok, russia is 82 LPT (roughly) [16:28] Greece will now sell Nationalism for WM; Dyes & 1395L [16:28] that's WITH saltpeter [16:28] yeah, too much [16:29] ok, not worth researching nationalism anymore this turn [16:29] the other deals, however... [16:29] but it is going down, and Greece is still the best price [16:31] 4 cp orders done [16:31] except, bacteria didn't end up at 6 [16:32] so i made sure it would grow to 6 next turn [16:32] 4 time for pw orders [16:32] ok, FAM orders ready (3 trades this turn) [16:33] we're selling dyes to India, saltpeter to Russia, and Theory of Gravity to Persia [16:33] * CiverDan has joined #civ3dem [16:33] yeah...i figured it out..lol [16:34] I'll post FAM orders here [16:34] 12SELL DYES TO INDIA FOR 16 LPT + 46 L + their WM [16:34] 12SELL SALTPETER TO RUSSIA FOR 8 LPT + 1 L + their WM [16:34] 12SELL THEORY OF GRAVITY TO PERSIA FOR 4 LPT + 10 L + their WM [16:35] that should make all three of those civs broke [16:36] what turn are we? [16:36] 12now... I have to run, hope to be back by next turn - if not hopefully by 1060 A.D. (most important turn of the chat). Nimitz is my deputy (if legally permitted) for now. E_T my deputy if Nimitz takes off or isn't legally permitted [16:36] never mind..i see where on 3 [16:36] 3ARNELOS NOW AFK [16:37] turn 2, 1040AD [16:37] ko [16:37] ok [16:37] k [16:37] 4 almost done with pw [16:38] isn't it just fun? [16:38] between having trouble aceessing this chat and playing PTW..thas why i havent been here [16:38] Oh, aggie, have you noticed the order that I put my WF changes in? [16:41] 3the worker that was generated at Tarsus, have him mine an Irrigated tile in Tarsus [16:42] either tile #2 or #15 [16:43] yes i did, also in lhara i change the worker from working the mine to working the gold(that i just mined [16:43] I have to go now, see you all later. [16:43] Bye [16:43] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [16:43] et can you give the changes for san cortez i can't find them in the chat [16:44] 4 slider changed to 50% making 307 now [16:45] 12change build to muisket, make the first Q item Market [16:45] 3what is the WF in Heliopolis? [16:46] 6-15-16-17 [16:46] according to thread [16:47] I was thinking about changing it [16:47] i had it as posted but changed it since jungle isn't cleasr yet at 17 [16:47] ok [16:47] ok [16:47] 12Heliopolis, change WF to 6-10-15-16 [16:48] ok [16:49] 4 all changes done [16:49] rush cathedral in hiw [16:49] yep [16:50] * Togas has joined #civ3dem [16:50] greetings [16:50] togas [16:50] 4 all orders done now for turn 2 [16:50] hi togas [16:50] hello togas and welcome [16:51] just about to go to turn 3 [16:51] 4 ok to end turn [16:51] ya [16:51] et? [16:52] 12k [16:52] turn ending in 10 sec [16:52] 4 turn ended [16:52] an hour a turn, not bad sofar [16:53] any international events of note? [16:53] ive seen worse [16:53] internal events yes [16:54] aggie declaired him self emporer [16:54] Already? [16:54] yes [16:54] I figured that wasn't going to happen until next week, when most of the American players were on vacation :) [16:55] Russia is Industrial and has Nationalism, Iroquios is just Industrial [16:57] I'll be around, somewhat. All of my family is almost shouting distance from me [16:57] so whats next [16:57] 4 empereror' aggie between turn report [16:57] English build Newton's in london [16:57] Geocity loses again to disease(sorry I forgot last turn) [16:57] another zulu boat appears and one boat enters our territorial waters. [16:57] ouch [16:57] i even gave myself an extra er in the name:) [16:58] I think the Zulus are trying to start trouble. We oughta whack them >:) [16:58] do we want to upgrade that last WC? [16:58] i was thinking that and now as smc and pres i can do it. [16:58] Boomtown has a Barracks [16:59] I would tell aggie to tell them to leave but arnelos doesn't want that [16:59] Come on, Arnie ... demand that they leave :) [16:59] He's AFK [17:00] 4 starting cp [17:00] afk [17:01] At war with the Zulu, can we get the Japanise to help??? ;) [17:01] is the save posted? [17:01] that would be nice [17:02] * Disconnected Session Close: Fri Nov 22 17:02:13 2002 Session Start: Fri Nov 22 17:05:50 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [17:05] * Now talking in #civ3dem [17:06] back [17:06] hi nimitz [17:06] still doing CP [17:07] at the moment [17:08] Nimitz, do you have the game up? [17:08] nope not got it at the moment [17:08] 4 cp order mostly done time for pw [17:09] back [17:09] wb togas [17:10] 4 all cp order done [17:10] send that jungle stack that's between Unbergorsk & Loveshack to the Dyes [17:11] Those City orders and worker orders look very intimidating. I'm hoping Aggie doesn't croak or run off to Hawaii with some Univ Texas Co-ed... [17:13] Togas, we were able to tweek the slider down to 50$, makiung 336LPT now [17:13] 50% [17:14] cool [17:14] what are we spending it on? [17:15] * Nimitz has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [17:15] waiting for Nationalism mostly. A courthouse rush in Avignon that was budgeted this turn [17:15] I'll be looking at trades, don't let him go to the next trun [17:17] * CiverDan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:18] Did the Aztecs have Nationalism before, if not, they have it now [17:20] 4 i'm all done waiting for fasm info, yes et they did have nationalism, alos looks like we'll get med first [17:21] We'll It's getting cheaper, Greece will sell Nationalism for WM, Dyes & 1203L [17:21] all going to plan [17:21] 3I see no trades to exploite for now [17:22] 12Aggie, you only rushed the one courthouse, correct? [17:22] its almost to the price we are willing pay [17:23] i did both since the budget rules said"as long as we stay of 200 you can rush next turn's projects", we did easily [17:23] we'll collect maps to make it cheeper and mapwhore afterwards [17:23] I know well also use med [17:23] 12please wait for me to give you the o.k. to rush someting early before you do it [17:24] ok [17:25] looks like the mini games dead [17:25] * Epistax has joined #civ3dem [17:25] 12CP is o.k. to go to the next turn. 3I see no trades for FAM, what dio you say Nimitz? [17:26] fine with me [17:26] 4 nimitiz is it ok to end [17:26] 4 turn ends in 10 sec [17:26] because of GF leaving, kind of childish [17:26] who me or GF [17:27] the minigame, doesn't GF run that? [17:27] yes he did [17:27] 4 turn ends [17:27] brb [17:27] * MrFab has joined #civ3dem [17:27] and it's dead because he left, right? [17:28] 4 we got medicine [17:28] yes its been 2 weeks [17:28] time [17:28] time to trade [17:28] * MrFab has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:29] we ned the save, first [17:29] what year is it [17:29] it 1060? [17:30] yes [17:31] or it will be, as soon as we get the save........ [17:32] 4 damit germany got medicine and traded it to greece [17:33] Nimitz, we gather WM's to make the trade cheeper and , neverming [17:33] last turn [17:33] Susa expands [17:33] Germans start to build Shakespears [17:33] WE GET MEDICINE [17:33] 4 uploading save [17:33] cr*p [17:33] * Epistax has left #civ3dem [17:33] we can still use med [17:33] but not everybody traded [17:34] 4 i'll cp stuff while you figure out the trades [17:34] what's our slider look like for different %'s [17:35] loading the save...... [17:35] find a civ that has nat but not med and trade med for it with WM and the money they want is the plan the civ is yet to be picked [17:37] I'm looking now [17:38] Japan has Medice [17:38] great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [17:38] note sarcasm [17:39] back. Sorry. Client dropped by the office [17:39] India is a possibility, Zule are broke [17:39] well our plan is falling through the floor [17:40] we have peace treatys comeing up next turn to, that could make it cheeper, a possibility...still looking [17:40] Germany is researching at an ungodly rate. [17:40] WE WANT NATionalism [17:40] does india got nationalism [17:40] Actually, it took them longer to get to medicine than we did [17:41] go we can out research them [17:41] Someone just tell me that Shiber wasn't "right" in his "we should research at 80%" tyrade. [17:41] they just had a head start [17:42] I don't know [17:42] Russia's anouther possibility [17:42] we might of beat them [17:42] whos got nat but not med [17:44] this is not going as we had planed [17:44] Aztecs are also possible [17:45] so russia, india, and the Aztecs so far [17:45] that's it, let me take care of a PW question and I'll explore the specifics [17:45] k do your job [17:47] looking now [18:11] because I rthough either we wouldn't win if somebody esle was researching or nobody would be researching, so 60 made sense, but I don't know if germany(they are the only ones who can beat us) is researching this [18:11] back [18:11] three zulu gallies [18:11] 6ARNELOS IS BACK - WHAT HAPPENED? :eager: [18:12] tell him [18:12] germany got med [18:12] well, fuck [18:12] (this is IRC, I can say that :p ) [18:12] we got mwdicine the same turn gewrmany did and they whored it, but we got nationislm form idia for wm/120/med [18:12] Germany had 1423 in tres, they were the one who got midice first [18:12] ok [18:13] lost my conect so couldn't do the order [18:13] well, it happens [18:13] Germany, Rome, Greece & England have Communism, too [18:13] buying Steam Power is going to be a pain in the a--, though [18:13] ok, we can do w/o communism for nwo [18:13] now [18:14] we're setting for 80% and getting sanitation in 5 turns @ 41LPT income [18:14] we researched med faster then germany [18:14] in the turns it took [18:14] they might have been doing Communism first [18:14] ok, sanitation sounds good (for now). I'd prefer to get Steam Power, but we almost certainly would be beat to it [18:15] I think that we'll get San at about the same time as they get RR [18:15] well also suggested to go at 90% which would lose us -60 but would get san it 4 [18:15] ok, we can trade then... then go for ELECTRICITY [18:15] we going to up grade the military to riflemen [18:15] that cost some funds [18:15] that's fine, we need 'em [18:15] thats why 80 is the way to go i suspect [18:17] ok [18:17] we should upgrade near germany first [18:17] downloading saves... [18:17] and if we get Sanitation before theothers get RR, we can start on that and the cost will be even cheaper [18:17] loading save... [18:17] and San cortez [18:18] I like E_T's idea there - sounds good [18:18] whats there [18:18] ok, save loaded :) [18:18] hey, with all of these forces on the border, we can draft.... [18:18] 4 ok to end turn [18:18] 12wait [18:19] ok, also at 80% we make 800 science [18:19] we can now safetly say we can research [18:19] yup [18:19] 12giving you a list of cities that we can draft from, do we want to draft? [18:19] back. Sorry. Office emergency again :( [18:19] hey Togas :) [18:20] not yet, but we do need to keep that in mind [18:20] :-) [18:20] can anyone fill me in on the SPECIFICS of any trade/map/tech deals made since 1040 A.D. in a private window? Thanks [18:21] 3o.k., guys, we can draft now, do we want to? [18:22] 4 on drafting I'd say wait till next turnchat so the senate can consider and the smc [18:22] does it cause unhappynes [18:22] E_T: I would think not, but that's in the President/SMC's court [18:23] 12 we nned to map whore since we gave map away [18:23] we have the unhappiness covered and we only take from cities that are at size 12 and will grow back the next turn [18:23] Aggie, go ahead and mapwhore... start with Rome, Aztecs, other civs with boats [18:23] ok [18:24] 12Go ahead an mapwhore... please report specifics back to me in private window - thanks :) [18:24] (I'm compiling a FAM report) [18:24] I can draft from about 8 cities [18:24] E_T... won't drafting end up affecting our science+income? [18:24] I say we can afford to hold off on drafting for at least 1 turn to allow the Senate the chance to debate it [18:25] (or the SMC the chance to consider it) [18:25] and it's best to get this done while we are not at war, the unhappiness lasts for 20 turns [18:25] we can wait 1 turn, right? [18:25] Drafting gives us green units. We sure we need to draft them? [18:26] 4 trade wm to germany for wm and 12 g [18:26] 4 so far everybody esle is BROKE [18:26] Actually, there are only 4 cities that I'll let have a draft at this time, Macross, Tessa, Timeline & Gaia [18:27] 4 i'd wait till later to draft, as of now we are almost secure [18:27] 3Aggie... did we MAKE 12 L or SPEND 12 L??? [18:28] 4 we made and we made 17l and got the russians wm for our wm [18:28] i means 17 l [18:28] ok, got it [18:29] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [18:29] hey, nz_upy [18:29] hello everyone [18:29] I'm going to have a smoke, 12DM done [18:29] hey [18:29] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [18:29] 4 wm to persia for wm +9 l [18:31] 4 wm to idia for wm+2l [18:31] . [18:31] that's 2 lytons with India, right? [18:32] yes [18:32] 4 wm to japan for 9 and wm [18:32] 3ok, while you're at mapwhoring, I'm checking for any lux/res deals (probably none) [18:33] 4 wm to zulu for wm/29g [18:33] 4 map horing done [18:35] back [18:35] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [18:35] 6THERE ARE NO OTHER AVAILABLE LUX/RES OR TECH DEALS [18:35] it will cost 40L to upgrade musket to rifle [18:36] 4 ready to end turn [18:36] our treasury is small... space the upgrades out and do the ones near Germany first [18:36] 12ready to end turn [18:36] i agree on that [18:36] 4 turn ending in 10 sec [18:37] 12upgrades [18:37] 12 yes indeed [18:37] San Cortez, too [18:37] man I can't wait until we get Wall Street... [18:38] we need to have 1000L to get the full effect [18:38] :) [18:38] 4 upgraded 1 musk to rife in each of seeberg,nap,newyork [18:38] 4 is turn now endable [18:38] though I like out PTW has Wall Street come with the stock exchanges rather than banks (it's better timed that way) [18:38] 12wait [18:39]  [18:39] 12port Rouge WF change [18:39] ? [18:39] ok [18:39] \ [18:40] gd [18:40] 12WF to 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-20 [18:40] * Nimitz slaps Nimitz around a bit with a large trout [18:41] lol [18:41] Nimitz is losing it. [18:41] wf done [18:41] 12Seeburg change WF # 5 to #15 [18:41] lol [18:41] 4 wf change done [18:43] so what has happened wif medicine [18:44] we got medicine the same turn gewrmany did and they whored it before us, but we got nationailsm [18:44] from india [18:46] 4 all wf changed done [18:46] 4 ready to end [18:46] 12ready to end [18:46] rte [18:46] :0) [18:48] 12ready [18:48] 12 turn ends [18:48] 4 i mean turn ends [18:49] ok :) [18:51] * nz_upy has quit IRC (Quit: ) [18:54] 4 nothing happened between turns. [18:54] 4 uploading save [18:55] 4 i think we might be able to move slider [18:56] see if we can [18:59] 4 i need to go soon but I'll finish the ordered moves and post later [18:59] Aggie... that's fine [19:00] 4 chat is now over [19:08] * Togas has left #civ3dem [19:10] * Disconnected Session Close: Fri Nov 22 19:10:59 2002