[23:13] joeno, you started yet? [23:13] * DRTKG is now known as DoktorTKG [23:13] I think we should have: UNBOLER = UN Bureau of Lost Electricity Reclamation [23:14] :D [23:14] :D [23:14] * GT^DoFA (~angusnive@c17636.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #smacdg [23:14] UN Recount [23:14] Hi!!!!!!!!!!!! [23:14] GT!!!! [23:14] blah [23:14] sorry I was late, bac interenet connection [23:14] bad [23:14] We have been waiting fifteen minutes just for you!!! ;) [23:14] no the feeling :-S [23:14] Slowly updating everything ATM [23:14] hmmm? [23:15] ATM? [23:15] at the moment [23:15] ah [23:15] (not like lemmy to miss this either) [23:15] he's usually here [23:15] No... wonder what could have happened to him.... [23:15] Whole of the Netherlands will be on DBTS' party. [23:16] joeno's not :D [23:16] true [23:17] * Mania^DTC gets a book to sit before the computer screen. [23:18] * DoktorTKG is nearly finished reading 1984 [23:18] Bah! I threw it away after fifteen pages. Orwell can't write. [23:18] * GT^DoFA is nearly finished Stone of Tears for the third time [23:18] :O!!!!! [23:18] Orwell's a fantastic writer! [23:18] you think? [23:19] Ok, it may be a good work of art concerning totalitarianism etc, but I don't think it reads as an exciting book. [23:19] As I said, I'm not too fast.. [23:19] i like it [23:19] Hmmmm, i have to say, im not a big reader at all, but i was rivited to it until i finished it for the 1nd time [23:20] But I do have weird taste [23:20] the 1nd? hmmm [23:20] Anyway, I've seen a play of it and we've discussed it like three times in secondary school, so I know what's it about. :) [23:20] 2nd* [23:20] the firsecond? [23:20] not good today! [23:20] :D [23:21] whats happening joeno? [23:21] I did like Brave New World though. [23:21] playing i think [23:21] Yeah Joeno [23:21] haven't read that... [23:22] Are there any orders we havne't got that we need (for the game)? [23:22] Yes! [23:22] DIE? [23:22] DBP? [23:22] Makahlua and dmm are missing. [23:22] fuck. [23:22] silly chieftains ;) [23:22] Hercules should start an investigation. [23:22] lol which I am no longer :-) [23:22] and here I was thinking we might actually get something done this time. [23:22] Alright, time to contact other factions [23:23] go for it [23:23] have we met the Hive?? [23:23] Yang is quarrelsome.. [23:23] zak first [23:23] we haven't talked, no [23:23] He has (4-3-1) [23:23] yes. [23:23] uh nm [23:23] uohuh blah! [23:23] I told you we needed more troops [23:23] get HEC if possible! [23:24] high energy chemistry [23:24] He wants Superconductor.. [23:24] for what? HEC? [23:24] or a demand? [23:24] Did we have that? :cute: [23:24] Demand [23:24] blah! [23:24] don't give in [23:24] no [23:24] Vendetta.. [23:25] :rolleyes: [23:25] hive+superconductor=trouble [23:25] we can probe his tech now at least [23:25] he doesn't have it, now. [23:25] Going for Zak [23:25] infiltrating is more important right now [23:25] and steal his bases with rpobes, if we can get to them. [23:26] He is willing to help us out with Yang for 50 credits [23:26] He'll be overrun. [23:26] how much Ec have we got? [23:26] 514 [23:26] 514 [23:26] (i have the game open) [23:26] Do we really want him involved in this? He has a weak military & few bases [23:26] Help us as in war or maps? [23:26] like TKG said, he'll get overrun [23:27] we'll lose a potential futre ally [23:27] So no? [23:27] maps? yes! [23:27] for 50 ec? [23:27] is he offering to attack Yang or give us maps of Yang's territory? [23:27] To attack [23:27] refuse it. [23:27] Wait, misread, map. [23:27] * Joeno^AT slaps Joeno^AT around a bit with a large trout [23:27] go for it [23:27] accept it, then [23:28] * DoktorTKG slaps Joeno^AT around a bit with a large trout [23:28] as well [23:28] Alright, Yang seems to have control of the northern coast of that continent [23:28] as i suspected [23:29] now what? [23:29] So it's his base were sending the probe foil to? [23:29] yes. [23:29] nothing. Carry on like normal. [23:29] ya huh [23:29] Can we get a Pact/ some techs from Zakharov? [23:29] now what as in with zak..you know, the diplomacy? [23:30] Which is best to try 1st, techs or Pact? [23:30] dunno [23:30] PAct, we need to see what techs he has first. [23:31] So, any objections to pact? [23:31] no [23:31] Nope [23:31] go for it [23:31] Are we offering anything for it GT? [23:31] let's just wait and see what Zak says [23:31] yeah [23:31] agreed [23:31] name your price? [23:31] techs? [23:32] I say name your price, see what he asks for. [23:32] Name your price, then? [23:32] aaa [23:32] If were leading in techs go for that, other wise name your price IMHO [23:32] 1 [23:32] Joeno: name your price [23:33] we aRE leading in techs [23:33] Beg pardon, my dear brother, planetary supremacy etc. [23:33] blah [23:34] And that was Zakharov... [23:34] Oh well [23:34] try for techs now [23:34] @$$hole [23:34] yes, try for techs [23:34] Don't think hell go for techs after that, but lets try [23:34] For..? [23:35] name your price [23:35] Doesn't want to give out anything, as to not endanger his Empath Guild project.. [23:35] blah. [23:35] morgan [23:35] @$$hole [23:35] Does he have any techs we don't? [23:36] Morgan, that is [23:36] Never mind, at least he hasn'f gone for war [23:36] what we need to do is mate with is women, enslave his children, and burn down his house [23:36] Morgan won't have HEC for ten years. [23:36] he shall not bother us any more! [23:36] Who, Yang, Zak or Morgan? [23:36] Isn't that a little far TKG? [23:36] all of theM! mwa ha ha! ;) [23:37] Joeno: don't bother talking to Morgan then. [23:37] Maybe pay him a friendly visit next turn. [23:37] Switched to Wealth as well, BTW [23:37] good :-) [23:37] Gd gd [23:38] Yay, I remembered! ;-) [23:38] gd=good? [23:38] Anything else? [23:38] yeh [23:38] blah was just going to say that :) [23:38] sorry... way to much time spent talking on MSN, use too much slang! [23:39] Ending turn... [23:39] Have we started Maniac's suggestions for terraforming? [23:39] have we started moving the crawlers back? [23:40] Oh yeah, I forgot... Any specific locations (as in, ##.##) ? [23:40] havn't seen a hive base for a while. i play without them. they scare me :D [23:40] (17.59) [23:40] 89 I mean [23:40] 23.91 [23:41] 25.97 [23:41] 8.92-94 [23:41] 12.90, 13.89 [23:41] that's it [23:42] Okay. Noted [23:42] oh yeah: 21.74 and 6.86 [23:43] Anything else? (I must have forgotten something else) [23:43] May I request rehoming the Pandemonium crawler to The Sheathed Sword and then crawling those rocky minerals? [23:44] NA, Pandemonium, Mysidia built crawlers.. [23:45] I would suggest sending them each to the closest rocky mineral, for the Mysidia one after rehoming to New Suez [23:46] I have no problems with that. Anyone? [23:46] fine [23:46] fine [23:47] * DoktorTKG slaps DoktorTKG around a bit with a large trout [23:48] Can anyone remind me? Northern scout thing is to go to where to do what [23:49] Lemmy gave no ordereds on that [23:49] that damaged scout rover? [23:49] Yup, that one [23:49] I would suggest withdrawing it to our closest base to repair. [23:49] how damaged is it? [23:49] Or repair in the fiel at least [23:50] 50% [23:50] Then repair it so it has 2 moves and return it home IMO [23:50] Okay. So repair in the field? [23:50] 1 [23:51] yes [23:51] Repair in the field it is [23:51] i have to go [23:51] * DoktorTKG (~TKG32@Quebec-HSE-ppp3624627.sympatico.ca) Quit [23:52] well that's just great. A turnchat with two directors [23:52] . [23:52] and then there was 4 [23:53] wheres Lemmy,dmm, DE and Adam? [23:53] No idea.. [23:53] I know DBTS wasn't coming, and was kinda expecting Makahlau not to [23:55] Anyways... what's up next? [23:57] Not much activity here. Mind if I leave too? [23:57] What's happening anyways? [23:57] Joeno? [23:58] Slowly updating those crawlers... Sorry.. [23:58] * Omniblade (Omniblade@ti511210a080-0103.bb.online.no) has joined #smacdg [00:00] Sorry people. I have to go. [00:00] Ok [00:00] See ya Maniac [00:00] bye [00:00] * Mania^DTC (Maniac@144.181-136-217.adsl.skynet.be) has left #smacdg [00:00] I think it would be a good idea to call off this turnchat. [00:00] Ill second that [00:00] Not much point continuing with only 1 director here. [00:01] And what the hell is Omniblade doing here? [00:01] Is there a part of the constituition concerning Turnchats and numbers of directors/citezens present? [00:02] Not that I know of, but I'm just thinking practical considerations. [00:02] just an apoly lurker curious on the game =) [00:02] Would be fine with me... [00:02] Well, if the other option is Joeno playing from the orders, isn't one directory better than none? [00:03] Although a complete skip might be the best option? [00:04] Omniblade: you picked the wrong turnchat to show up at if you want to see the game going. [00:04] Alright, Finally finished unit orders... Blah.. [00:05] Is it worth PMing the other directors asking where they were? [00:05] Yup. Not the best turnchat. [00:05] Not for this chat - most of them aren't online. [00:06] So... Save and end the chat, do something, or something else..? [00:06] Ok... abandon chat and stop playing, Joeno to play from orders, or keep TC going? [00:07] (Getting all those crawlers ready did take extra work, BTW.. [00:07] I say just save, end the chat, and have DBTS do another turnthread. [00:07] Well, at least we've accomplished something. [00:07] I agree, save and end [00:07] I believe DBTS will be around for a turnchat next week. [00:08] I hope so. [00:08] Likewise [00:09] Game saved. [00:09] Should we actually post a full report with screenshots et al? I don't think a one turn chat warrants all that. [00:09] Well tried Joeno, pity your 1st TC couldn't have worked out better [00:09] Neither do I [00:10] pity the Directors couldn't show up or hang around. [00:10] Post latest save and i think people will work it out [00:10] * Marsyan (~a@pm2-8-143.wlop.ppp.polbox.pl) has joined #smacdg [00:10] I'm going to post a short report, but I think TKG could just update the last thread. [00:10] * Joeno^AT changes topic to 'Apolyton's Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Democracy Game Turnchat has ended.'