Session Start: Fri Nov 15 16:36:42 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [16:36] * Now talking in #civ3dem [16:36] * changes topic to '' [16:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o E_T [16:47] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [16:47] hi there [16:50] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [16:51] * Panzer32 has joined #civ3dem [16:51] hello [16:52] * E_T is now known as E_T_Busy [16:52] i'm doing things in other windows, brb [16:54] * Togas has joined #civ3dem [16:55] * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem [16:56] 4chat will start in ~10 minutes [16:56] * aggie has joined #civ3dem [16:56] I want to give time for stragglers and I need to eat my fast food :p [16:56] ok i'm here [16:56] 4REPEAT (for Aggie): Chat will start in ~10 minutes [16:56] thank you [16:57] * Arnelos is now known as Arn_AFK [17:03] posting save now [17:04] taking forever..... [17:04] excellent [17:04] it does thats thew only thing I dread is having to post everyturn [17:04] I also moved the settler towards the spot in Jonny's orders [17:05] Hmmm, wouldn't post, trying again [17:06] did it this time. it's in the orders thread [17:07] ok, I'll get the save [17:07] * Arn_AFK is now known as Arnelos [17:09] Oh shoot, I posted it in the wrong thread [17:09] * Guest has joined #civ3dem [17:09] What the? [17:09] where is it [17:09] its here [17:09] what thread I mean [17:09] getting it now [17:10] Where is the turnchat thread [17:10] re-posting that save in a the new save-posting thread [17:10] E_T, already doing it [17:10] are you usint the one I just poted? [17:11] I had another that I had posted in the Orders thread a day or so ago, but it wasn't complete [17:11] it's the same one you just posted [17:11] :p [17:11] I just downloaded it and then uploaded it :p [17:11] E_T, have you voted in our Election yet? [17:11] 4loading save [17:11] just making sure [17:12] ]yes, almost the first vote [17:12] I won't tell you whom I voted for, but you might be able to figure it out :D [17:13] Has anyone here NOT voted Yet? [17:13] You notice that the DM and FM have twice as many views as the SMC and Prez [17:13] Guest - who are you? [17:13] Yeah, its still tied [17:13] I'm a Guest? @#@# server [17:14] I keep thinking of the Dewey/Truman Race..... [17:14] btw, only ~1:04 left in the election :p [17:15] * Guest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:15] poly is slow tonight... [17:15] back [17:15] * GhengisFarb has joined #civ3dem [17:15] yeah, I see you now as GhengisFarb [17:15] Am I still a guest? [17:15] nope [17:16] you're GhengisFarb now :) [17:16] I'm goint to ga have a quick cig before we get started [17:16] ok [17:16] * E_T_Busy is now known as E_T_AFK [17:17] There's like 14 minutes left in the DM race and its still tied [17:17] 14 min? I thought there was another hour [17:18] Not according to Apoly Time [17:18] grrr... that's right, poly time is an hour off [17:18] anyways... [17:18] 4MINISTERS - ready to start? [17:18] back [17:18] (I know CP is out for a moment) [17:18] 12cp ready [17:18] ok, he's back :p [17:18] 12 ready [17:19] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [17:19] don't forget to change the slider [17:19] yeah, I know [17:19] You're right 1 hour and 10 minutes. [17:19] remind me if I forget before ending turn [17:20] that's what I thought... it had said NYE started the races around 18:20 my time [17:20] and if you do change the slider, change the WF in Macross city [17:20] 4FAM, SMC, you there??? [17:20] 4oops, now I see SMC was there :p [17:21] 12 i'm here [17:21] I'm ready to start. I'm at work in another window. [17:21] Just yell for me. I'll see it eventually ;) [17:21] ok, then [17:21] ok [17:21] 4Turnchat starts [17:21] 4Execute PW orders - Ghengis, any last alterations? [17:22] 4Ghengis? [17:22] btw, I do not have a 5-legged cat :p [17:23] 4ok... executing PW orders for 940 A.D. [17:23] 12why does everyone always turn off the grid? :rolleyes: [17:23] ;) [17:24] It's automatic [17:24] nope [17:24] thank you, GF [17:24]  [17:24] 4executing PW orders [17:28] What does "turn off grid" mean? [17:28] I wonder if the gOdZ will show up this time? [17:29] Maybe they'll vote in the election and break the tie. [17:29] it would be nice [17:29] the grid of squares, it helps to distinguish between one tile and the next [17:30] You mean it was on? I've never gotten a save with it on, I always have to do it myself. [17:31] You guys should here what Aggie plan name is for taking on several of the Civ's at once is..... [17:31] I think he meant that it was off [17:31] 4PW orders complete - no problems [17:31] What is it, he wouldn't post it in the thread [17:32] 12 its "operation threesome" [17:32] the tile was off... I hate that. for some reason, the tile STAYS ON when I save it and reload :p [17:32] I don't think he'll post it in the official chat [17:33] Why not? There's nothing wrong with that. [17:33] might give something away to enemy spies? [17:33] i afraid that one of the moderator might take offense [17:33] 4CP - you already did WF and production orders? [17:34] Yes, except for Macross, with the slider move [17:34] Now, Menae e twa (splg?) I could see you getting in trouble for. [17:34] it's alright. They have adult chats and lolita chats on here. I doubt it could be that bad. [17:34] it wouldn't do for the pres-elect to get banned [17:34] lol [17:34] of course, when I say "on here" I mean on mIRC... [17:34] :D [17:34] ok thats actually was a name I was thinking of but couldn't spell it:) [17:34] 4E_T, what Macross change? [17:34] That would give an excuse for the dual empire thing. :) [17:35] 12If Science slider is changed to any value above 60%: Macross City - Change Sci Specialist to work tile #1. [17:35] yeah... all the people who want Macross as the capital can have it as their capital... we'll just conquer them a SECOND time :p [17:35] above 0% that is [17:35] brb [17:35] 4Changing Science Specialist to Work Tile #1 [17:36] President struck down by gOdz, empire divides, cats frolicking with canaries [17:36] end of the world stuff [17:37] 4Does that complete CP orders (other than rushes - of which there are none this turn)? [17:37] hey, I thought that 4 turns was the minum, I just accidentally changed it on my machine to 70% and had 3 turns to complete [17:37] 12yes [17:37] well, we already researched 1 turn :p [17:37] the funny thing is , if we really wanted to commit to the military option we could pull off such an attack [17:37] actually, several turns [17:38] 4E_T... is that all for CP?? [17:38] 3 turns is the lowest it will go [17:38] 12cp done [17:38] thank you [17:38] Poll result was 60%... we don't have authorization for 70%, period. [17:39] I han't realized that it would be that, but it's o.k [17:39] 4SMC orders now [17:39] income would be 240 per turn, just to let everybody know...... [17:41] 4 2 cav upgraded in Contag, 1 spear upgraded in Timeline - Caravel orders on hold (by request of Aggie) until FAM orders done [17:41] Approx 46 minutes left for the election....... [17:42] 12 does anybody know which judge is up for nomination this term [17:42] 4TOGAS - any orders beyond your written ones? (I see none for this turn) [17:42] don't know, Aggie... wish I did [17:42] Togas, like your new Avitar [17:42] yeah, just noticed that as well [17:43] back ... thanks :) [17:43] My only other orders are to found a new embassy [17:43] btw, Togas... I have a new avatar planned for after the election (didn't want to change mid-election to this one ;) ) that's more PTW-role appropriate :p [17:43] Togas - this turn? [17:43] sure. We have the cash [17:43] (sure you don't wanna check tech sales first?) [17:44] we have the cash, though you might want to wait [17:44] checked them yesterday [17:44] ok, doing it then [17:44] for this turn. Nothing for this turn ... (plus I'm at the office, don't have CivIII here) [17:44] since Reddawg never submitted a budget, it's basically a big pot of cash we all need to agree on expenses from... [17:45] 12 Build an Embassy in Zululand for 98g [17:45] thank you [17:45] 4Embassy with Zulus [17:45] by the time I leave office, we will have embassies with all of the other civs. [17:45] don't forget the screenshot [17:45] 12 then caravel near uber moves se,se,se [17:46] 12 galley near pole e,e,e [17:46] Can we buy Zululand? [17:46] yep [17:46] If they were only up for sale, I bet we could. We have an outrageously large income. [17:46] How much does Shaka want? [17:46] oh, the land it's self, most likely not [17:46] What was the maximum size for 'poly images again??? [17:46] 12 galley near japan se,se,se [17:47] 600x600 [17:47] thank you [17:47] Planet Bob is at 32% [17:47] FYI [17:47] ??? [17:47] in the multiplayer demo game [17:48] Bob is kinkin but [17:48] Planet BOB?!?! [17:48] et you shoulkd join a team [17:48] 4boat movement done [17:48] Sheesh! Why not Apolyton? [17:48] Apolyton is third, with Mingapulco 2nd I believe [17:48] woohooo! Mingapulco :lol: [17:49] Bob works as well - humorous name [17:49] I have enough work with just this one game, MY DP is giving me rumbles with the amount of time that I'm in this game..... [17:49] going point [17:49] anyways... [17:49] Bob (11) Mingapulco(8) Apolyton(7) [17:49] 4PW done, CP done, SMC done, FAM done... need to change slider, anything else? [17:49] well i jsut checked the dm election is tied still [17:49] Bah. I oughta get my team to go vote in drove for Apolyton. [17:50] Arnelos -- YOU voted Apolyton, right? [17:50] i'm holding my vote in the PTW world name vote [17:50] nope :p - and that was a META-game decision, so your position as SL doesn't affect it :p [17:50] Please tell me you didn't vote for Bob... [17:50] I voted Mingapulco... but let us recall that it was an INITIAL poll :p [17:51] Blood or Battle (BOB) [17:51] 12 can we ened turn [17:51] 4READY TO END TURN (other than slider)????? [17:51] 12 ok to end [17:51] 12CP good [17:51] 4Ghengis? [17:52] What can I do? Is there a worker picking his nose somewhere? [17:52] LOL [17:52] lol [17:52] hey... it's mostly a formality [17:52] Funny sidenote on Bob: Bob is a college "deity" my roommate and I created. We had a shrine, lit candles, and created faux quotes from the Book of Bob [17:52] but it's nice [17:52] Hire 3 of Alexander's workers to help that one clear jungle [17:52] Oh, yeh, Babs has a worker for sale [17:52] seriously? [17:52] they want 28g for him [17:53] Buy him [17:53] Their workers are slow and lazy [17:53] wait... the 3 from Greece or the 1 from Babylon? [17:53] still pays for himself over time [17:53] 12please place actual orders in blue [17:53] After reading over the UNGODLY length of GF's orders .... do we really want to buy a few more? [17:53] Togas: NO! :p [17:53] Buy em all, let God sort them out [17:54] Hey I put rest breaks in them [17:54] 4Togas, are we buying those workers? (everyone else ok with expense? Aggie? E_T? ) [17:54] I don't see any greek workers for sale [17:54] Our nation is overrun with foreigners. We need to stop inviting them in. [17:54] 12 I also just decided on a few additional smc orders, just incase ship has russian invasion forces near perisa coast [17:54] 12no problem [17:55] 4no greek workers for sale :p [17:55] I'll buy them if anyone can give me a good reason to buy that 1 Babyl worker. [17:55] :) [17:55] I'm feeling punchy in my final Turnchat as FAM [17:55] one less worker for baby:) [17:55] lemme check on cost [17:55] yes TM as part of the trade to reduce cost [17:56] what's the cost if we throw in TM? [17:56] about 6 less i think [17:56] 29 GOLD!?!?!? [17:56] overpriced lazy-ass workers [17:56] FOR ONE LOUSY FOREIGN WORKER?!?! [17:56] throw in the TM [17:56] Our workers do TWICE the work those lousey babs do [17:56] and they will pay LPT for WM [17:57] how much, ET? [17:57] 12TM+24 GOLD?!?!?! [17:57] how much LPT for our WM? [17:57] um... checking [17:57] 4LPT for WM [17:58] 12 Sell our WM to Babylon for 4LPT [17:58] 4LPT and the remainding tres of 6 and the worker for WM [17:58] cool I sense a mapwhore coming up [17:58] oooo [17:58] 12 wait [17:58] 12If we're selling to one, selling to all? (as you ordered last chat) [17:58] 12 Sell our WM to Babylon for 4LPT and a worker [17:58] 12 they also throw in the worker [17:58] I'll take him for free [17:59] and all cash onhand...... [17:59] Togas... selling to ALL AI players? [17:59] Sell it to all AI player who can give us at least 20g for it. [17:59] got it... will do [17:59] get their WM too, start at the bottom and work up......... [17:59] 4Selling WM to Babylon for 4GPT + 1 worker... then checking all others [17:59] 12 get akll their gold too [18:00] dont for get their 6 L that they have on hand [18:00] aren't we a bunch of misers? :) We have a thousands of gold, make nearly that much a turn and we still want to bleed the other civs dry :) [18:00] humbug we want more gold [18:00] 4BABYLON: Our WM for 4LPT + 6L + 1 worker [18:00] Excellent [18:01] more money, more things we can buy....... [18:01] 12Roman WM has value... trade WM for WM (and whatever we can get)? [18:02] 12 Trade Rome WM for WM and whatever G we can get [18:02] start at he bottom, the Lost civs are exploring too. [18:02] 12Roman WM for WM (and 1 LPT + 4 L) [18:02] that will make the map trades with the big 4 more valuble [18:02] E_T is right... [18:03] good move [18:03] ok, which one after Babylon, then? [18:03] start a bottom [18:03] nod [18:03] 12Togas, who? [18:03] none of the new lost civs can pay squat for it [18:03] I can't see list, so start with Japan, China, India, and Zulu [18:03] got it [18:03] all less than 20 [18:04] If they can't pay for it, move onto the lesser poly nations [18:04] persia can give 18+wm thats it [18:04] lesser bananaba nations [18:04] 12India: 1 gold [18:04] 12 Sell WM to Persia for 18g and their WM [18:04] 12Japan: nothing [18:04] 12 did we do rome trade or not [18:04] 4Selling WM to Persia for 18g and their WM [18:04] 4NO- no rome trade yet [18:05] ok [18:05] Then check with Iriq, Baby, and Aztec [18:05] 3suggested Zulu: WM for our TM & 2L [18:05] 4Persia Trade DONE [18:05] or less [18:05] we already did Babylon! [18:05] true [18:06] 3Iroquois: 30L (all their money) [18:06] 12 Sell WM to Iriq for max G and their WM [18:06] 3Sugessted: skip Japan [18:06] 4Selling WM to Iroquois for 30L + WM [18:06] while we're at it .... [18:06] 12 i looked at lost civs they can offer nothing of value [18:06] 4Iroquois Sale DONE [18:07] anything from aztecs? [18:07] 3suggested: skip India [18:07] checking [18:08] 3AZTECS: 29 gold + WM [18:08] GK's trying to connect and having issues........ [18:08] (all their gold) [18:08] Sell WM to Aztecs for max G and their WM [18:08] 12 Sell WM to Aztecs for Max G and their WM [18:08] 4Selling WM to Aztecs for 29L + WM [18:08] check Russia [18:08] 4Aztec trade DONE [18:09] is Max G Mark G's brother? [18:09] Little bro, yes. :) [18:09] 3China's map is worthless, but they will gie 16L for our WM, all they have [18:09] checking russia [18:10] 3Russia only has 8 gold (all they'll give) [18:10] pass them [18:10] Let's do those 2 lost civs now... [18:10] Russia, china, or both? [18:10] India and Zulus are worthless, Japan is worthless [18:11] Sell WM to China for 16L [18:11] India & Japan aren't worth the time [18:11] 12 Sell WM to China for 16L [18:11] arnelos I posted aditional smc orders [18:11] * dijon has joined #civ3dem [18:11] ok, I'll get to them Aggie [18:11] 19 minutes [18:11] What's happening? [18:12] 12mapwhoring :) [18:12] dijon! [18:12] 4WM sold to China for WM + 16L (DONE) [18:12] check England [18:13] 3of the Big 4, Germany gets it's WM from other Civs, so they'll be atleast a turn behind the others [18:13] checking England [18:13] 3England will be the most expensive for WM, they should be last [18:14] 3England will pay 24L + WM (of 46L in treasury) [18:14] you think they'll pay the most? [18:14] see what it will be with their WM too [18:14] ah. England has more cash left over. Let's trade them last to get a few extra Gs of value [18:14] ok... checking Germany? [18:14] sure [18:14] What turn we on? (checking forum for saves) [18:14] still trun 0, were mapwhoring [18:15] first turn [18:15] 3HOLY CRAP! Germany has 192L in treasury [18:15] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [18:15] from tech whoring, thats why they MUST DIE [18:15] Germany is the newtechwhoring monster to the north. [18:15] have you guys jumped the gun and attacked germany already? [18:15] about 10 Minutes left and still tied..... [18:16] check Greece [18:16] you know we could put the slider at 0 build 30 calavry and attack germany and get the techs that way:) [18:16] 3Germany will pay 13L + WM (of their 192L) [18:16] * godking has joined #civ3dem [18:16] Whoa! That Domestic Minister race is a dead heat! [18:16] finaly made it!!! [18:16] helo GK [18:16] welcome :) [18:16] Hi GK [18:16] Hi Gk [18:16] It's going to be interesting to see how the court resolves the tie :) [18:16] checking Greece... [18:16] Geeeat [18:17] Tell them to get me some bocliva [18:17] 3GREECE IS BROKE [18:17] Arn, see what it will be with their WM, too [18:17] pistols at thirty yards... a real 'dead' heat [18:17] LOL [18:17] nice... [18:17] you two could duel it out for dm [18:17] Everybody here has voted in the DM race, correct? [18:17] Ok, let's see to the remaining big 3 who all have cash. [18:18] 4Togas... did you get the Germany and England numbers? [18:18] I was a marksman in the AF with M-16 [18:18] 12 Sell WM to Rome for their WM and max profit. [18:18] 12Rome will now pay 27L + their WM [18:18] excellent [18:18] WHat's the order? Sharpshooter, MArksman, Expert? [18:19] 4executing deal with Rome (DONE) [18:19] 12 Sell WM to England for their WM and max profit. [18:19] I don't remember, it was in Basic [18:19] I was the middle one. [18:19] now, re-checking England and Germany [18:20] what turn are we on? [18:20] How about 30 Yrd with M-203's [18:20] the start [18:20] going to be a LONG turnchat [18:20] late start.... or lots to do? [18:20] 3GERMANY: 13L + WM, ENGLAND: 24L + WM [18:20] lots to do [18:20] GK, mapwhoring [18:21] one word GK,MAPWHORE [18:21] 12 Sell WM to Germany for their WM and 13L [18:21] Whoreing!!!!! Ouch [18:21] that's why it's best to do it only once per turnchat [18:21] who, where we are whores... and proud of it [18:21] don't let them sell you crabs.... [18:21] 30 yards? What's the point we'll both be dead [18:21] I like to this of us as map PIMPS [18:21] think [18:21] Liz might..... :D [18:21] * dijon sighs [18:22] 4WM sold to Germany for 13L + WM [18:22] 4(DONE) [18:22] 12 Sell WM to England for their WM and max profit. [18:22] did you do england? [18:22] england is last [18:22] I had the same problem GF had in connecting. Had to use Java in poly. Kinda slow. [18:22] WhitBandit did, he's done everybody. Just ask GodKing. [18:23] 3PFFT! Lizzy will now pay 25L instead of 24L :p [18:23] lol [18:23] 4Selling WM to England for 25L + their WM [18:23] ;) [18:23] 4DONE WITH MAPWHOREING [18:23] Now I can relax a few mins .... afk. [18:23] :) apparently I arrived at the best part.....:) [18:23] Did we get any workers? [18:23] 1 [18:24] 4Ghengis: 1 babylonian [18:24] 12 OK to end turn for FAM [18:24] Does it need orders? [18:24] 4Doing additional SMC orders (Ghengis figure out yours while I'm doing that) [18:24] hey, In my games, I'm scraping by and get some of my extra cash my mapwhoreing. It sometimes will mean the difference between one slider position and the next... [18:24] 4Ghengis: YES [18:25] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [18:25] 3and don't forget the slider..... [18:25] hi roadcage [18:25] hi all [18:25] I aint got nothing for him, you can disband him. [18:25] Hi RC - we attacked Berlin first - that okay? [18:25] year is? [18:25] Joking [18:25] 4Additional SMC orders DONE [18:25] * BigFurryM has joined #Civ3Dem [18:25] :) [18:25] Hi all! [18:25] about 1 minute to go [18:25] Send the new worker to Ubergorsk (Citytile) [18:26] Which year is this? [18:26] HELLO! [18:26] 2002 [18:26] 4Got it, GF [18:26] no ab [18:26] 940AB [18:26] 4Additional PW orders complete [18:26] just starting apparently.... lots of whoring going on [18:26] been doing some Mapwhoring [18:26] Thanks, GF [18:26] We started in ..? [18:27] 940AB [18:27] 'Anno Banani' ? [18:27] 2min until election is over and it is tied [18:27] 4Other than slider, Ministers ready to end??? [18:27] BHM, yep [18:27] Looks like the planet for the PtW game will be named "Bob"..... [18:27] 12cp ready [18:28] LOL @ BHM :) [18:28] 12 i'm done [18:28] 11 people here [18:28] PW done [18:28] 'BHM' ? Is that 'BFM' ? [18:28] 4BHM, I'm keeping a log of all important decisions [18:28] whatever :p [18:28] I'm Furry! Not Hairy! [18:28] 4SMC done? [18:28] lol [18:29] sorry mistyped it.... [18:29] oops, man... [18:29] 4ok, all ministers done... changing slider to 60% [18:29] 12 i'm done [18:29] POLL IS CLOSED 27 to 27 [18:29] Yeah!! [18:29] LOL [18:29] I love starting things off with a controversy :) [18:29] 12again, the CP is ready to move and grove...... :p [18:30] 3um... Thud ordered change in research to Magnetism [18:30] gotta love it 8-) [18:30] after I give orders for next turn I will open VP thread [18:30] 3would change in research to Magnetism delay research completion (I believe not) [18:30] does anybody here wtach south park [18:30] yep [18:30] Aggie: YES :) [18:30] of course [18:30] * Donegeal has joined #civ3dem [18:30] two more people voted in the prez election then the DM election [18:30] not recently (@ Aggie) [18:31] wow, lots of people here tongiht :) [18:31] What kind of poll was that, GF? [18:31] Hey, Donegeal [18:31] hello guys... [18:31] the DM race [18:31] Hi Donegeal [18:31] Hey Donegal [18:31] GF ran against ET for Domestic Minister... a tie [18:31] I was thinking of the elction episode [18:31] are the polls done? [18:31] 4If no-one responds to my question, then I'm switching research to Magnetism as ordered... [18:31] * _Jonny_ has joined #Civ3dem [18:31] CLOSED 27 to 27 [18:32] wow [18:32] I did not vote, but would have abstained [18:32] Arnelos - not in 1.21 [18:32] 12 wait [18:32] 3the change will be the same amount of time [18:32] in that case its ok [18:32] Previous research will be wasted. now will it change the turncount? the banana knows [18:33] 4Switching Research to Magnetism... speak up or shut up :p [18:33] afk [18:33] we only will lose two beakers [18:33] can't we buy it? [18:33] I suppose we're buying theory [18:33] * BigFurryM notes in the Game Report: "940 We switch research to Magnetism." [18:33] the deal was to wait to buy until we renegotiate, we'll buy the one we don't research [18:34] 4Science Slider = 60%, Income = 351 (due to trade with Babylon) [18:34] and magitism was slighly more expensive so we save money [18:34] hmmmm screen went blank....... [18:34] cant see even my posts... [18:35] we are here....we are here... [18:35] guess I will disconect and try to log back on..... [18:35] * godking has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:35] <_Jonny_> could someone briefly tell me what we have done so far? [18:35] * godking has joined #civ3dem [18:35] did 60% win ... @#$%*(& [18:35] * godking has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:35] 4Research switched to Magnetism [18:35] * godking has joined #civ3dem [18:35] * BigFurryM wonders with Jonny. [18:35] PW, SMC, FAM MapHoring. Bought a Worker from Babs [18:35] * godking has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:36] Too many abbreviations, if you ask me [18:36] 4Jonny: 940 orders, Mapwhoring, switch slider to 60%, switch research to Mag [18:36] <_Jonny_> thanks [18:36] 4MINISTERS: Ready to end? (should be) [18:36] back [18:36] what is timeline doing? [18:36] 12ready [18:37] 12 OK to end [18:37] 3Timeline grows to 12 in 1 turn, bank complete in 2 turns [18:37] thanks [18:37] Timeline is building a Bank, will be done in 2 turns, then Cav afterwARDS [18:37] 12 ready to end [18:38] When did we found Lhasa ?! [18:38] 4Assuming Jonny and Ghengis are ok to end? [18:38] * God_King has joined #civ3dem [18:38] <_Jonny_> end [18:38] Back [18:38] 4Turn ends in 1 min [18:38] 12 for all info I just put the poll up to approve Togas as VP [18:38] ok, thanks Aggie - we'll vote in it later :p [18:38] congrats Togas [18:39] Hey GF, was serious about wanting graphical assistance [18:39] 12 does the senate approve(ie can I vote), if it approves I can't vote [18:39] 4ending turn NOW - (will be paying attention to between turn changes) [18:39] Cool :) [18:39] Are we going to rename some cities? [18:40] Aggie -- I think Senate approves, so Ministers and Pres don't vote. [18:40] roadcage, I got too many other things onmy plate right now. [18:40] should do that at the end of turnchat, as it might confuse the orders [18:40] but there really isn't a way to check for things like that. [18:41] 4Russian caravel east of Uber Isle moves north, Russian caravel south of Susa moves East, then North [18:41] Cool... first vote for Togas [18:41] 12 in new turn we can lower science to 50% and still get mag in 3 turns [18:41] Whatabout halfsie Ministers? [18:41] 12thanks Aggie, will check on that [18:41] wait until he does the WF changes for the turn, it might effect that [18:41] 4back to inter-turn stuff (CP order junk) [18:42] of course. .. no one is yet a MINISTER or PRES until the 18th... [18:42] Right now they're all Minister-elect. With no powers. [18:43] 4Macross City complete Library - not in orders????? [18:43] but what they have to say might be taken as a weighty suggestion [18:43] I guess the Macross citizens did a good job all by themselves [18:43] Togas, how long does the court have to make their decision? [18:44] Opps [18:44] 4E_T... tell me what to do with Macross City - library complete [18:44] Dunno. I hope they act fast, before the 18th, but you know how slow our court is. [18:44] 12next item is in Q, leave WF thesame [18:44] ok [18:44] 4Macross City building Musketman [18:45] that's correct [18:45] brb.... [18:46] the musket in Macross should have a TOC of 5 turns [18:46] 4Germans building Shakespeare's Theatre, WLTPD in Boomtown and Chartres [18:47] Yeah [18:47] 4now 950 A.D. - saving and posting [18:48] If England is in their GA, they will have NU done relatively shortly. I'll have to figure our when it might be, after turnchat is over [18:48] 4voting for Togas while I'm at it ;) [18:49] Only 4 votes for togas as VP, and one is a NO??? [18:50] yeah, noticed that... [18:50] Shhh, you might influance the votes [18:52] hmmmm [18:52] quiet [18:52] waiting for save (or was that Dave...) [18:52] 4SAVE POSTED [18:53] downloading now [18:53] Do I need to go vote NO? [18:54] 4When PW, CP, and SMC have save - will continue (FAM can't get the save :p) [18:54] and loading [18:54] I'm very happy that we have such a full crowd tonight :) [18:55] Where's Thud, he's on the Forum, why isn't he here? [18:55] I had a feeling it would be [18:55] 12 I don't have save but have been playing laong so no problem [18:55] ok [18:55] <_Jonny_> currently downloading save... [18:55] still loading save...... [18:55] Ghengis, you have the save? [18:56] back [18:56] Working on it [18:56] "tonight" is the correct word. *yawn* [18:56] got it [18:56] BFM, what time is it there? [18:56] 0:57 [18:56] yikes :p [18:57] but it's weekend :-) [18:57] true [18:57] Got the save, but will have to leave soon [18:57] Happy Saturday everyone!! *grin* [18:57] 12:57 here [18:57] ok, Ghengis... can you name a deputy in the event I need PW clarifications? [18:57] 12Arn, I din't have the orders for Boomtown complete in the orders pace, keep it's WF the same [18:57] afternoon [18:57] NZ: Friday or Saturday? [18:58] 12got, E_T [18:58] saturday [18:58] Hey Donegeal, you want to be my last Deputy? [18:58] 12:58pm saturday [18:58] 6:57 p.m. here :p [18:58] <_Jonny_> its 5:57 p.m. friday where I am [18:58] 6:57 p.m. here [18:58] Funny... :-) [18:59] Anybody want to be PW Deputy? [18:59] I can [18:59] * BigFurryM notes in his Report: Civ players start discussing Time Zones. [18:59] lol [18:59] for either of us? [18:59] I doth hereby dub GK, as Deputy of the Realm [19:00] huh? what? did someone say my name? [19:00] Too late, you snooze, you lose. [19:00] <_Jonny_> i'm ready to start [19:00] Snoozers = Losers [19:01] 4ok, that's all - resuming turnchat [19:01] Jonny: start the weekend you mean ? ;-) [19:01] I cannot play along...... so if anything comes up... such as 5 legged cats, I will just do my best. [19:01] 4Starting with PW orders [19:01] We'll just confuse it until you arrive, GK [19:01] I thougth you had a three legged cat? [19:01] 12Arn, everything loos good from CP stand point, do wwhat's listed and I'll BRB.. Going to have s Cig [19:02] 4This turn's PW question: What's the connection between butterflies and butter? [19:02] "s Cig" ? [19:02] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [19:02] <_Jonny_> i'm ready to start both - weekend and the game turn [19:02] THAT"S what I wnat to know [19:02] miss type [19:02] a Cig [19:03] Cigar? Cigarette? Cigarillo? CigQHDJS? [19:03] (I made that last one up) [19:03] no you didn't, my ex smoked them all the time [19:05] Is that why you dumped her? [19:05] 4shit - first mistake ever :p (foreign worker nw2 of Willsbury moved to irrigate with normal worker nw2 of willsbury) [19:05] * BigFurryM notes in his Report: Civ players start God_king's personal life. [19:05] She dumped me..... [19:06] that's "start discussing" LOL [19:06] We have too many foreign workers. [19:06] Togas: why? [19:06] Wow its a good thing we started GK's personal like, I hate to think of him without one [19:06] Sure, they're cheap labor and all, but they're talking jobs away from hard working Apolytonians. :) [19:07] lol @ Togas [19:07] Togas: we have the same discussion in Holland right now [19:07] Togas, but Apolyton has been built by foreign labor :p [19:07] back [19:07] Those are jobs Apolytonians don't want. [19:07] I have one, it is just kind sad is all.... [19:07] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [19:07] Jobs the Apolytonians don't want =now= [19:07] Ghengis... did you hear my move with foreign worker nw2 of Willsbury??? [19:08] you said you made a mistake right? [19:08] 4Ghengis, worker nw2 of willsbury irrigates to 1 to NE rather than move N, N, NW [19:08] Yeah, yeah, I've heard those excuses before ... but when our VP can't distingush between our workers because of all the foreigners around him, it's time for Duddha to return [19:08] and your point? [19:08] 4so foreign worker continued to be with normal worker rather than splitting [19:08] and [19:08] just letting you know :p [19:10] I'm 5 game turns from retirement, one confused foreign worker isn't a big deal [19:10] 4LOL!!!! I love the Chain Gang of French Nobles "The Nine Toads" ;) [19:11] Hey GF, the court might anoit you DM..... [19:11] I tried to make it easier by organizing theminto clumps and naming them [19:11] Your DM [19:12] 4PW orders DONE [19:12] * God_King1 has joined #civ3dem [19:12] Haven't checked the DM thread lately? [19:12] sorry... my modem craps out if I dont changes a web page every 5 minutes or so.... [19:12] 12arn, you didn't put the Sci Spec in Macross back to work, have him work tile #1 [19:13] How many @#%$ GodKings are there? [19:13] too many [19:13] there can never be enough of me.....!!!! [19:13] lots... their pagans... [19:13] This goes back to the condition of your personal life [19:13] Hey, watch how you say that..... :p [19:13] in DM thread thud says I should appoint a temp domestic minister until court decides, I don't think that is necessary we can decide before then [19:14] it isn't that sad is it? [19:14] 4E_T, yes I did... [19:14] .... [19:14] how did the FAM turn out? [19:14] it's not that way in the save. [19:14] aggie, just appoint me a judge, and I will decide to make me the next DM!!!!! [19:14] 4did I put him back to sci spec... I might have done something dumb like that :p [19:14] sorry. on the phone right now with client [19:14] <_Jonny_> Arnelos, a quick question: You are one of the ministers who hasn't chosen to rename a city. Would you like to rename a city? [19:15] Arnelos won, by the way congratulations on the FAM election aRnelos [19:15] 4E_T, you're right :) [19:15] 4Jonny, I can do that later - don't spring it on me right now :p [19:15] 4but yes [19:15] 4E_T - DOING CP WF AND PRODUCTION ORDERS NOW [19:16] 'Grads to all of our winners [19:16] and our 1/2 winners [19:16] ?? 1/2 ? [19:16] lol [19:17] does that mean we'll have a 1/2 looser in office? [19:17] depends.. which half works and which doesn't...... [19:17] hmmmm.... [19:17] Peopie, I withdrew form the DM race 15 minutes ago.... [19:17] 4E_T, for Willsbury, #18 is taken by Port of Malignance [19:18] What? [19:18] GF????? [19:18] you did [19:18] hmmmmm.... [19:18] Before Thud ever posted [19:18] GF??? I'll check it, go to next in line [19:18] ok, got it E_T [19:19] It was Arnelos' idea [19:19] 12# 19, I changed it in Word, but didn't change it in the orders. BRB [19:19] i was looking forwrd to a court having to make a real decision [19:20] It would have taken too long and halted gameplay, its going to be hard enough to find people to do all of the work without not knowing who is in charge [19:21] 4Changing Willsbury from #18 to #19 [19:21] durn, I was kind of curious as to how the courts would have decided, now well never know. [19:22] back [19:22] actually my plan was thta if it had gone that far I would have appointed GK temp DM to keep the game going [19:23] another idea was this have one of ysll do it for half then agree to resign then I appoint the other [19:23] But the CP needs to continue on a set path, its not something that can easily change direction that often [19:23] o.k. Arn, that was the onlychange that I'd made that I hadn't made in the orders, everyting else should be o.k. [19:24] * God_King has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:24] who... little old me.... thanks [19:24] One GK dead, one to go......... [19:24] Well, gentlemen... its been fun, but I must depart (wife is comming home and she HATES this game). See you all later... [19:24] Adioa [19:24] buy Donegeal [19:24] Donegeal: are you gonna obey? [19:25] later [19:25] she gives me BJ... none of you guys do... I have no choice... [19:25] I think he has no choice. I know where he's coming from..... [19:25] latter donnegal [19:25] GF.... I did not die, my evil twin just left the room [19:25] a little too much info there. [19:25] hehehehehe Bye! [19:25] ?! [19:25] just BJ's??? :p [19:25] OR is the eviltwin still here, and the good one left the room [19:26] * Donegeal has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:26] You all will just have too figure that one out yourselves... just declare war on greece, ok. [19:26] So she brings him Banana Juice, isn't that what wives are for? [19:26] 4CP orders DONE [19:27] 4Starting SMC orders [19:27] I want to declare war on greece and englandf then bring in germany [19:27] 4Declared war on Greece [19:27] * dijon is now known as dijon_AFK [19:27] aggie, one at a time, please [19:28] * BigFurryM notes in Game Report: Donegeal runs off with his wife to get [19:28] 4MPP causes Rome and Germany to declare war on us [19:28] ok [19:28] :P [19:29] :D [19:29] French Resistance regains Macross City and Here It Is [19:30] Donegeal gets , and all I get is a cat with 6 legs.... [19:30] 12Suddenly realizing the Aztecs are a little more advanced than we thought, we watch Timeline get nuked [19:31] nuke back [19:31] We don't even have Industrialization yet [19:31] until they glow, then shoot them in th edark :D [19:31] <_Jonny_> what's next? apolyton gets conquered by persia? [19:31] Zululand [19:32] irrelevent that we don't have industry, just launch the ICBM's ok. [19:32] Gotta go, Harry Potter tickets [19:32] * GhengisFarb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [19:32] Enjoy. Caught it at 12:01 l ast night. [19:32] By GF, and thanks, I think.... [19:32] that just reminded me. Thanks GF. I gotta go watch that film tonight. [19:32] it is good [19:33] think we can finish up Turnchat in .... oh ... 30 mins? [19:33] 4a [19:33] 4Aggie: Need orders for Galley north of Iroquois [19:33] Just hope you already have your tickets... I suspect it will be packed. [19:33] Move towards the dark [19:33] because of the fact that GF has withdrawn, I'm looking for Vices & Deputies. Anyone interested? [19:33] lol @ roadcage ;) [19:34] 12 thats was the galley I reference to japan [19:34] 4E_T, I'm no longer available - sorry ;) [19:34] ah [19:34] ET, sorry, cannot help at this time. [19:34] prior commitments [19:34] 4no, problem was you gave the orders for that galley to the one near Uber Isle :p [19:35] well, Arn, I thought that you might want to do both.... :p [19:35] lol @ E_T [19:35] I was seriously considering it - but it turns out I actually WON (who'd a thunk that?) [19:35] GK -- I have to go out and Buy tickets still :( [19:36] And I voted for you, silly me..... :p [19:36] you are on like togas, can you pre order them? [19:36] Adamada is unemployed, but rather busy with gazette, etc [19:36] line, not like [19:36] <_Jonny_> I have to leave the turnchat now. Follow my orders in the turnchat orders thread. [19:36] later jonny [19:36] the settler is in the way, Jonny [19:36] GK -- would, except the theatre has student discounts which I can't get online (not that I'm a student ... I just happen to have an unexpired student ID card :) [19:36] 4Ghengis forgot 5 workers wnw of Loveshack - cutting down jungle :p [19:37] <_Jonny_> 2 cities (thebes and memphis) haven't been given new names - Arnelos is in charge of giving those 2 cities names. [19:37] Togas, you shister you....... [19:37] * _Jonny_ has quit IRC (Quit: ) [19:37] Hey, it beats paying 8 bucks ... why did movie tickets become so damn expensive lately? [19:37] I use mine all the time, saves 3 dollars a ticket [19:37] woohoo regarding city names ;) [19:38] because popcorn sales are down [19:38] re city names, I learned the hard way to do them at the end of chats.... [19:38] don't change them until the end, you might get confussed... [19:38] 4FAM - any orders for this turn other than those already given? [19:39] 12 Build Embassy in Babylon for 74g [19:39] 4Embassy to Babylon [19:40] 4Any other FAM orders? [19:40] nope [19:40] 4MINISTERS: ready to end? [19:40] ok to end [19:40] 12 OK to end in blue, too [19:40] 12 check slider [19:40] THANK YOU AGGIe [19:41] 12on behalf of GF, OK to end. [19:41] your welcome [19:41] 4Slider can be reduced to 50% w/o damaging research - using presidential authority to do so [19:41] Rome still want's over 900 for Mag with WM [19:41] thats the first thing I check everyturn [19:41] 12 then its ok to end [19:42] How much money do we have in coffers, anyhow? [19:42] 3Togas, can we sell someone a luxury or something to reduce price down to below 800 gold limit? [19:42] yeh aggie, but if you change WF around after you change the slider, it might go back up [19:42] 873 [19:42] if we can reduce price below 800, I'd be OK with buying it. [19:43] I figure we can get it in trade pretty soon, as our research engines are rocking. So I'm in less of a hurry to purchase it. [19:43] brb [19:43] that's probibly because we are reseaching it [19:43] 12 i suggets we research mag then try to see if somebody has TOG then trade, some might be in that middle ground [19:43] 4MANY PEOPLE SITTING HERE LURKING FOR CHAT: Someone be awesome and check on tech deals every turn, eh? :) [19:43] Please? [19:44] I'll try, but I have other things I have to look at too... [19:44] E_T, you're a minister, concentrate on your job :) [19:44] I know that there aren't any workers to buy this turn [19:44] BFM, Dijon, nz_upy, Panzer32, roadcage... any of you able to check tech deals??? [19:44] I do Arn [19:44] it's fun, too! [19:45] 12 many look for anybody who gets either one of but not both of TOG and MAG [19:45] 4turn ends in 1 min [19:45] then we can do a trade for cheap [19:45] 12 turn endable for SMC [19:45] England wants 1269g + 60gpt + WM for Theory of G. [19:45] nod. We really need to focus on exchanging equal techs for equal techs until we can smash the other science nations and become the sole world power ... or something like that. [19:46] I only have PtW installed now a days.... [19:47] GK, I was able to set up a dual install [19:47] 3India needs either Demo, Physics or MT. They will pay 12LPT, WM & 1L for either [19:47] don't give them any techs until the turn that we reneg the lux deals with the other lost civs [19:47] on that turn, we should also sell india the same techs. [19:48] 6Yeah, I have dual-install of v1.21 normal Civ3 and PTW [19:48] 12 lets end turn [19:48] Glad to hear that togas. When I left my duties as CP, I just installed PtW over everything else [19:48] 4ending turn once I complete writing down turn report [19:48] have v1.29 only [19:48] Can you load a PTW save into 1/29? [19:48] 1.29 that is [19:48] GK -- I sort of did the same thing then realized I had one more turn of FAM to handle ... set up the dual install yesterday :) [19:48] E_t: yes [19:49] never tried... but i think you can [19:49] Hmmm, I'll have to look at some saves from P the PTW games [19:49] 4ending turn NOW [19:49] Yeah [19:49] sounds like i need to get ptw [19:49] 4(watching inter-turn stuff) [19:50] E_t: I'm not sure, sorry (replacing 'yes') [19:50] aggie - yes you do. [19:51] 12 we lost supply of furs and gems [19:51] e-t, from when they released the 1.29 patch, I remember them saying something like "this is the format we are doing with PtW" [19:51] So long as you're on that warmonger team, Aggie ... naw. You won't need it ;) [19:52] :) [19:52] :) [19:53] we on the RP team are accepting.. converts... into our ranks if you care to move over aggie [19:53] 4SUPPLY OF FURS LOST [19:53] I'll see how PTW works first [19:53] It's never too late to find the true roleplayer inside you ;) [19:53] we shouldn't have, the renegote where next turn [19:54] it feels good to be wanted:) [19:54] We'll get those back. [19:54] 4It IS next turn :p [19:54] dead or alive? [19:54] don't give in, Aggie [19:54] the thins is that I don't understand why [19:54] good point [19:55] 6I've been playing PTW on my homelan with a friend... only multiplayer game I can play (stupid Firaxis...) [19:55] you're lucky! you have friends! [19:55] wait ... furs are given to us by Japan? [19:56] 4SUPPLY OF GEMS ALSO LOST [19:56] * BigFurryM never loses his supply of Furs! [19:56] 4China was giving Fur, Zulu Gems [19:56] gems = zulu. Furs = ... China? [19:56] Japan is silks [19:56] that's right. Japan is silks. [19:56] 4Saving and Posting [19:56] furs from china [19:56] arnelos, unortho and I had to start a thread to get our pbem to work right.... [19:57] Arnelos, any other incidents between turns? [19:58] the thing is both of those showed 1 turn left, I've never had that happen, unless they dont have any more, and the leader pops up and doesn't want to renegotiate. [19:58] NOD. I scheduled them to be redone on the last turn of the deal. [19:59] 4SAVE POSTED [19:59] Zulu not possibly out of Gems. There aren't 10 civs with money [20:00] well, we have to renegotiate... no big deal - we can do that [20:01] loading save [20:01] * nz_upy has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:02] Togas - I'm debating on whether to keep my William E. Gladstone avatar or switch to the new one I had planned :) [20:02] which is [20:02] Who is WEG? [20:02] it's more appropriate to PTW, but oh well [20:03] switch. [20:03] not to our civ, but more to our "style"... dunno if I wanna give that away, though ;p [20:03] Arnelos - and the new one is? [20:03] switch :) [20:03] ok :) [20:04] well, the luxes still show as being available [20:04] I've been wanting to use my little Vash avatar for quite some time. I'm SO pleased to be at 500+ posts [20:04] yeah, I made about 12 avatars... only the William Gladstone one used so far (and that because I'm executive while we're switching to democracy) [20:05] I have about 10 avatars, but dilbert just suits me so well.... [20:05] I have a bunch of Star Control 2 avatars ;) [20:05] Togas, Zulu also need Dyes, do you want that as part of the renegote deal with them? [20:06] roadcage... just read your plan.... NICE [20:06] yeah, I agree - roadcage's plan sounds good [20:06] I'm OK with giving them dyes as well. Ideally, our lux reneg should involve us paying them nothing. [20:06] I think tha's why it might have expired like it did [20:06] 4Togas and others, figure out lux deals and such while I work on PW and CP [20:06] np [20:06] 4turnchat resumes - starting on PW orders [20:07] I'll echo ... good plan and presentation, roadcage. [20:07] Zulu cant pay LPT and have no cash [20:07] that's fine. Get gems from them at the lowest possible cost to us. [20:07] Could somebody figure out when the force structure can be built? [20:08] Roadcage -- are you in any PTW teams? have an interest in roleplaying? :) [20:08] 3which to sell them, Demo, physics or MT? [20:09] What does China need. Sell them both the same thing. [20:09] roadcage, from my experience with this game, I would guess if we switched immediatly we can get it in about 10-15 turns [20:09] I find the concept of realtime Civ abhorrent. Don't have ptw, probably never will [20:09] that of course assumes we go full guns [20:09] roadcage -- no Real time. Not practical. We're going to do turnbased hotseat. [20:09] roadcage - don't need PtW. [20:10] 4Doing PW orders makes you wish we had the STACK MOVEMENT from PTW....... [20:12] I'm off to bed. Good night! [20:13] 4GhengisFarb's orders attempt to move around several "imaginary friends" who he believes work for the MoPW :p [20:13] * BigFurryM has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:14] 12and I agreed to be his stand in??? [20:15] 4Worker in Bacteria attempts to move into the Ocean, thinks better of it at last moment ;) [20:16] OK, I'm done here, thanks for letting me observe. [20:16] you're welcome Panzer - come back sometime :) [20:16] got to go conquor South America [20:16] bye [20:16] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [20:17] 4Nearly drowned worker goes E, NE rather than W, NW [20:17] 12PW oders modifications... teach workers to swim [20:18] lol [20:18] 4PW orders done [20:19] brb... need to eat... [20:19] I'll try to do that next term [20:19] 4Starting CP production and WF orders [20:19] 12 could we road between HIW and Anignon [20:19] 12 i mean avignon [20:22] 12As stand in for GF, sure, but I don't know the best peaces to move.... [20:22] cooking fried egg sandwich now.... smells good [20:22] I have to wait to eat [20:23] Arnelos, I had to say this but I need to leave soon. Must take woman out to dinner and movie this evening :/ [20:24] as soon as you're ready, I'll give you the FAM orders for this turn. [20:26] GK!,for Avignon road, worker se of HIW moves nw,nw,n will start road next turn. This one worker can do whole thing in 6 turns. Is that fast enough aggie? [20:26] GK the worker neasr HIW when he is done [20:26] 4CP orders done [20:26] thats perfect roadcage, i like roads so I can react quickly [20:27] sound good to me, too [20:27] roads :b: [20:27] Did you copy that GK1? [20:27] 4Togas, open private window to give me FAM orders so I don't lose them [20:27] this was made possible by the expansion of avignon'sborder [20:27] got it.... [20:27] sounds good [20:27] 4Oh, and togas - name a deputy [20:28] 4roadcage - ok, I can do that [20:28] E_T has been helping me in the background. He'll do fine as deputy FAM while I'm gone. [20:28] Arnelos, unable to "resolve local host" and open separate chat with you. [20:29] 4Got it [20:29] doh... [20:29] See if you can open chat window with me. [20:29] ok, lemme open a text file, I'll record what you give me in there [20:29] or that [20:29] Togas, about Germany, If we can renegote the Luxes and get Theory for less than 800, what would you say to that, we would be in industrual [20:29] if not, togas, can you pm him? [20:29] chat open [20:30] 4chat with Togas worked... he's giving me orders [20:30] 4SMC orders are next, btw [20:31] Does anyone thing we'll be at war with Germany in less than 20 turns? [20:32] If it's possible, I'll hold off on tech trade with Germany. [20:32] I don't think that we would be ready, incase someone else comes to play [20:32] well, as soon as we have Magnetism, we might as well trade for Theory the same turn [20:32] (so we can start Medicine) [20:32] I don' poll has yet been posted. [20:33] Let's not buy Theory from Germany. Let's hold off. I'd rather not enrich them any further, we can probably trade for it or get it from someone else. [20:33] Aggie, your thoughts on our readyness to take on 2-3 of the big four in less than to turns [20:33] 20 turns [20:33] Once a few other nations ahve it, price will go down. [20:33] * Biclab has joined #civ3dem [20:34] Depends on build priorities. Based on what has happened in past I doubt it. But we really need to whack Germany, like 50 turns ago [20:34] or 30 from now [20:34] Officially, hold off on any per turn agreements with Germany, including lux sales. Do not cancel any current agreements, but do not start any new ones. [20:34] 12 we can but we need to gear the army up, but no matter waht we shouldn't enrinch them [20:34] ok [20:35] Also, do your best to find trades with other nations. [20:35] for the plan as presented to work agains germany, we will need 10-15 turns just to build up the unit strength [20:35] BICLAB: hello :) [20:35] hello [20:35] we'll need at least 16 more calvary and 7 or so cannon [20:35] Anyhow, guys, I'd better head off. [20:35] ok, cya Togas [20:35] Enjoy the final turnchat of term V :) [20:35] yup [20:36] and dont forget, we won't be in the GA to help with porduction [20:36] later togas [20:36] I'll drop in later tonight to get the good news. [20:36] :) [20:36] lol, cya [20:36] Catch you guys later. [20:36] later togas [20:36] * Togas has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:36] night, have funn at the movie [20:36] 4Executing SMC.... orders [20:36] 12 a little freudian slip there [20:36] ;) [20:36] We actually have enough Cavalry, but they are roleplaying at mobile defense instead of the Muskets we are desperately short [20:37] yeah, noticed that... [20:37] Arn, your freudian slip is showing :P [20:37] 12 definitely, though muskets at strategic locations can do as good [20:37] we need 10 cannon, 20 muskets and 10 explorers per the plan, but that will cause us to strip our entire civ of military [20:37] 12 we better wait till after GA to plan specific [20:38] And alot of people still want other builds [20:38] 12 once the war begins the calvary in the middle(central coomand) can join the attack [20:38] I have several Cannon in the works [20:38] if we can take down germany and greece, won't we be the scientific leader? [20:39] We only need to take down Germany to be top beaker squad [20:39] England will have some too, but I say go for Germany, then England then Greece (after the palace is moved) [20:40] once the palace is moved, greece becomes prime territory. [20:40] with just Germany & Eglande, we'll have both the Sci wonders [20:40] yes GK, but really not before [20:40] 4SMC orders DONE [20:40] 4FAM orders now... [20:41] 4Embassy with China for 73 lytons [20:41] GK, you have the game up? [20:41] and just how are the chinesse doing? [20:42] poorly [20:42] spear only for defense [20:42] 4We now have all embassies [20:42] Yeah [20:42] It's been a long time baby...... [20:42] no. if I do put the game up, it messes up the java chat [20:43] ah [20:43] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [20:43] 4Traded India Democracy for Furs + WM [20:43] also, i only have ptw installed [20:44] are the germans mobilising for war? [20:44] * nz_upy has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:44] cant you load a 1.21 save into PTW? [20:44] My beaker estimates: Germany~500,Greece,Eng,Rome,India mid 200's each,Russia,Japan mid 100's each,others less than 100 [20:44] 4PROBLEM WITH FAM ORDERS: Giving Zulus Democracy is NOT ENOUGH for Gems + WM [20:45] 12and dyes? [20:45] 4adding dyes [20:45] 4That works [20:45] what about without WM [20:45] 4Trade with Zululand COMPLETE [20:45] they are exploring or getting WM from others, it has value [20:45] et - I can load it, but there are a lot of differences.... [20:45] oh [20:46] 4Fam orders complete [20:46] 4PW, CP, SMC, FAM all done [20:46] trades and such will not appear the same. Also, some tweeking occured relative to civ trates, but I am not sure just what.... [20:46] 4Rdy to end turn? [20:46] 12 ready to end turn [20:46] 12CP good to go, Dep FAM good too.... [20:46] 12PW ok to end [20:47] 4ending turn NOW [20:47] Check science? [20:47] 4delay end for checking science [20:47] darn, swithcing hats again, getting may hair messed up.... :D [20:47] 4cannot change slider - ending turn [20:50] *E_T wistles tunelessly while waiting patiantly.... [20:51] I've posted a want add for staff poitions [20:51] * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem [20:51] Hi aggie 2 [20:51] hello [20:51] 4WLTPD starts in Port of Malignance and Oak Ridge, ends in Willsbury and Bacteria [20:52] Ping, time out? [20:52] 4Romans and English each start Shakespeare's [20:52] 4Russian caravel moves AWAY from Persia directly toward China [20:52] 4lots of German riflemen moving along border [20:52] 4saving and posting [20:53] riflemen.... I no like them. [20:54] why [20:54] we don't have any! [20:54] oh [20:54] and they can stop our cavalry. [20:55] Thats why we need lots of bombard [20:55] and cav [20:55] aND TIME TO BUILD THEM [20:55] and tanks..... [20:56] sorry hit the caps key [20:56] yeah, tanks would be nice [20:56] I find that Infanty make good offencive units too [20:56] hell, even ARTILLERY (with replaceable parts) would be nice [20:57] yeah, infantry+artillery are great [20:57] yes, standoff bombardment is REALLY good [20:57] and the post is..... [20:57] 4SAVE POSTED [20:58] and losding it [20:58] Infantry attack same as cav, but no retreat option.... Great defence though [20:59] and good to get that last tough defencive unit, too [20:59] infantry work fine on attack as long as you bring artillery along [21:00] definately [21:00] * aggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:00] doh... [21:00] true... I just hate dealing with artilery, have to defend them and all that.... pain... [21:00] guys, I'm going to have a Cig, will brb. [21:00] bye bye aggie 1 [21:00] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [21:01] 12 also I think we can move slider this turn [21:01] ok, I'll check [21:01] that wa sth eevil aggie(the one that lost to Oklahoma state) [21:02] 12confirmed, slider can move to 40% unless CP WF orders change that [21:02] Defending Artillery is not a real problem. It gives your attackers somethng to do while they wait for bombard to work it's will [21:02] 12 we need the war in germany before replacebale parts, but after nationalism [21:03] we can averwhelm rifelman with mass calavry, you can't do that with infrantry [21:03] you know... what we're talking about RIGHT NOW makes that Korean UU sound really nice [21:03] We need to be in Indu era so there is something to take from Germany during negotiations [21:03] it sucks. Trust me. it does. [21:03] it's basically a lethal bombardment artillery when everyone else has cannons [21:04] ya, but when you have cannons, how often do you use artillery [21:04] I use artillery... only way to punch through infantry before tanks [21:04] I usually only use them for massive attacks, such as size 12 capitols. [21:05] 4E_T, you have the save? [21:05] I send lots of immortals, then come cav and infantry to finish them off [21:05] 6doh, E_T is AFK [21:05] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [21:06] yes, but i'm getting sode brb [21:06] i'm sure well need massed cannon for attack on berlin, the other cities we can take without [21:07] 4ok, executing PW... Orders [21:08] back [21:08] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [21:08] (aggie will, of couse, be saying "Executing FAM... orders" during his presidency, no? ;) ) [21:08] yes i will [21:08] I hear that the Arab UU was awsome, too [21:08] Arab UU IS AWESOME - I've played 2 games as them, they rock... only detriment is the lousy expansionist ability [21:09] Magnatism is cheep now [21:09] roadcage, the worker from??? is he ready.... if so, can you repeat the road build... [21:10] because it's almost built [21:10] the worker was ready last turn [21:11] yes, but we'll be starting on theory sooner [21:11] Lets get him going, that is if arnelos hasn't already. [21:12] oh gosh! you moved him the wrong way. It will now take two turns to get where he should be now. [21:12] ? [21:13] pardon my ignorance but what is the arab UU? [21:14] last turn there ws a worker next to HIW, now he is almost to Memphis [21:15] I'll have FAM stuff in a bit [21:15] 4roadcage, worker already on its way for that [21:16] 4yeah, he followed original orders last turn before you gave correction [21:16] 4he's headed back [21:16] 4worker currently IN Hole in Wall [21:17] 5ARAB UU: 4/2/3 60 shields - compared to knight 4/3/2 70 shields [21:17] cheaper and faster [21:17] 12FAM: Greece buy Magnetism for 247L (or less) [21:17] Arab UU is basically the Chinese Rider on crack [21:18] less defense, but less cost [21:18] and a lot faster [21:18] 5What about Theory? [21:18] still way up there [21:18] 12Why buy Mag at all? [21:19] 12Mag has 1 turn left [21:19] we'll look at it again after we get some reasearch into it [21:19] we have 3 turns GA left, we might get both by the end [21:19] cool [21:19] ok, that's true [21:19] thx for the info [21:20] if not, we'll only have 2 turns into Theory before the change [21:20] 12so buy mag and switch research to theory? [21:20] Yep [21:20] it shold be automatic and change slider back to 60% [21:20] 12QUICKPOLL: Buy Mag for 247L (from Greece) and switch reserach to Theory? [21:20] 1 [21:21] 1 [21:21] 1 yes, 2 no, 3 abstain [21:21] 1 [21:21] 1 [21:21] q: how much $ is going into science now? [21:21] 591 LPT [21:21] 3 after wasting 3 turns i abstain [21:21] thanks [21:22] it's a hell of a lot better than 1250 [21:22] we currently HAVE over 1250 in treasury :p [21:22] but Togas' limit was 800 [21:22] If we have 591, I believe we are top beaker! [21:23] but ofcourse that is GA generated [21:23] partially [21:23] ya, but when the GA ends.... it will fall down to what, 300 [21:23] but demo will help bring it up [21:23] 4Ok, going with plan: Buying Mag for 247L from Greece, switching to Theory (raising slider) [21:23] We can probably do the same thing with Theory... [21:23] depends on the corruption and other improvements, which more will come online before the end [21:23] that is the hope, gamble [21:24] 12 move slider to 50% it wills till take 4 turns [21:24] good, that works [21:25] we've hade a few item come online over the last 3 turns [21:26] 4Slider remains at 50% - 4 turns left [21:26] people... look to make that trade the MOMENT theory only costs 800L [21:26] and we'll see if it gets cheaper to but soon too. [21:26] we want to start on Medicine [21:27] but we also need nationalism too [21:27] so we buy nat and research med? [21:27] 4ok, starting CP orders (WF and production q's) [21:27] we'll see where we are when we get to that point [21:27] 12Aggie: that was Thud's adopted plan (others came up with it) [21:28] orders are to start on med, if we get that then sanitation. per orders of Thud [21:28] 4Working on CP orders - won't be looking here for a bit [21:28] and next term, you get to set our research goals [21:29] Getting worried, I actually agree with Thud. I never research nationalism, it's just so available from peace negotiations [21:29] 3after you do the cp stuff, check slider again [21:29] 4E_T, why are you SLOWING DOWN courthouse construction in Avignon? [21:29] 12 but remeber my term will start before we implement that:) [21:30] at least it might:) [21:30] let me look [21:30] corruption [21:32] 4ok [21:32] and to free up some food for Lhasa [21:32] 4You say "look at during turn" for Dijon - do so :p [21:33] 12 i'm going to eat, but orders are given [21:33] hahahahhaha the Poll: Election: Domestic Minister (term 6) has had 666 views [21:34] beautyfull............. [21:34] 12make sure that Dijons WF is set to 5-6-19 [21:35] 4It was 4, 5, 19 - changing #4 to #6 [21:35] I scweed up, had the wrong number in ther for turn 1 [21:36] 4E_T, my question with Avignon was why it wasn't using #20 [21:36] the looking at part was to see if a different WF arragement would have benifited a faster build [21:36] let me loos again [21:37] 4Tassagrad is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,16,16,18,20 - 16 repeats... [21:38] Agignon should be using #20, it's in the orders Avignon (grows to size 5) - WF to 1-2-7-8-20. [21:39] 4Tarsus: 3,4,5,6,7,16,15,16 - 16 repeats here too [21:39] 4Ok, I'm blind with Avignon :p [21:40] Tessagrad, do the repeate to #13 [21:40] 4 ok... if Avignon IS using #20, why ISN'T it using #10? ;p [21:41] wait, let me look at tarsus [21:41] ouch....... [21:41] Avignon doesn't really matter. It will always be 1 shield, 1 gold [21:41] 12What is the EXACT location for new city? [21:41] Tarsus is also #13 [21:42] in the orders, but the settler is moving to it [21:42] hell be there next run [21:42] trun [21:42] turn [21:42] NE & N of Grenoble [21:43] * nz_upy has left #civ3dem [21:44] 12Avignon WF to 1-7-8-19-20 [21:45] 12Disregard, do as I have i n the orders for now [21:45] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [21:45] * nz_upy has left #civ3dem [21:46] 12for real this time: Avignon WF to 1-2-7-9-20 [21:47] Hey - I'm back - what happened? [21:47] * dijon_AFK is now known as dijon [21:47] 4#9 is unavailable - now taken by Lhasa :p [21:47] Greece declaired war on germany [21:47] we buoght Magnatism from Greece for 247L [21:47] ooh, good [21:47] just kidding.... [21:47] Don't listen to GK :p [21:47] also good...oh. [21:48] We really did buy Mag [21:48] pay noattentionto the man behind the curtain...... [21:48] and are currently looking into a theory of gravity..... [21:48] hey - GK was JK! [21:48] 4E_T... #9 was taken by Lhasa [21:48] yes one moment [21:48] 4do you MEAN #10? [21:49] 9, for growth [21:49] (not that it makes any difference) [21:49] 4what change do you want to Lhasa then? [21:49] Hmm. Not much going on, eh? [21:49] 12move Lhasa #17 to #18 [21:49] 4thank you :) [21:50] then do the Avignon move [21:50] 4You mean #16 to #18, don't you ;) [21:50] no. figuring our cp stuff now, and most of us are just surfing poly while they figure this out.... [21:50] yes.... [21:51] figured ;) [21:51] 4CP orders DONE :relief: [21:51] 4SMC orders! :) [21:51] 12one mor thing: Lhasa - WF to 17-18 [21:52] Ah. Well, I had planned to attend this turnchat, but something important took me away for a few hours there, and is still brewing... [21:52] 4grr... need orders for construction in Port of Where It's At (new city) [21:52] sorry to hear that... [21:53] is it built yet [21:53] YES [21:53] WHAT??? [21:53] where [21:53] it's in your orders for this turn :p [21:53] I think I'll work on it, since if I don't it will screw up my weekend. (I hate working weekends) [21:54] The City, Port of Where It’s At is Built - WF to 1. [21:54] what turn are we in, what year??? [21:54] 970... [21:54] Ciao, gents. [21:54] "turn 3: 970 A.D.) [21:54] cya dijon [21:54] later [21:54] * dijon has quit IRC (Quit: ) [21:54] 12 togas is winningovewrwhelming approval [21:54] yor looking at 980's orders [21:55] no I'm not [21:55] Turn 3 (970 A.D.) [21:55] oh, crap, I put that on th ewron year [21:55] wrong [21:56] lol... does this mean it has to build up to pop 2, then build settler to disband again and move AGAIN? ;) [21:56] [groans mitally] yes [21:56] wait... no it doesn't [21:57] we just disband Tours and Grenoble as planned [21:58] add one of the workers to the new city and rush the settler [21:58] it just gets placed two turns later [21:58] 12why??? [21:59] Please post save as is so we can offer an opinion [21:59] yes [21:59] 4posting save as is... [21:59] it's supposed to be one more tile NW of were it is [22:00] not where it's at (pun intended) [22:00] ohhhh was city misplaced [22:00] yes [22:00] where [22:00] but will it hurt it? [22:00] it's not according to orders [22:01] it's supposed to be a bit closer [22:01] closer? [22:01] to the greek border [22:01] 4SAVE POSTED [22:01] arnelos, the orders or in this link, and have a picture of the city site. where is it in reality? [22:01] Restart, (replay) the original 970 save this time following orders [22:02] aargh, wont let me attach the link.... [22:02] NO. No replaying. [22:02] and it overlaps Avignon & Heliopolois [22:02] lets just add worker and then disband [22:02] If we goof, we goof. Simple. We live with it. [22:03] we just add the one worker from Grenoble and we rush a settler, that's all [22:03] lemme check [22:03] 12 better plan we add a worker to tours and then rush settler, we can chose not to disband this turn [22:03] 4IT'S IN THE CORRECT LOCATION [22:04] 4:p [22:04] GOOD NEWS [22:04] yeah, when I gave it the move orders before posting the save, I sent it to the right place, but it would be there next turn. but misfiled the orders for the city in the wrong year and he thaouth that it was to be [22:05] 4E_T... this works out PERFECTLY... Grenoble and Tours are disbanded this turn [22:05] 4(no loss in borders) [22:05] Great. [22:05] I'm loading it now [22:06] Everybody, grab a beer. [22:06] ok so the city is 1nw and 1n of grenoble [22:06] 4continuing with work... SMC orders next [22:06] 12 also move the knight from genoble to new city [22:07] brb [22:07] must have had a road built or something. 12build temple - set Q to court-Wealth-lib-Wrk [22:08] GK, sound like a good Idea [22:08] 4Aggie - did you want 1 or 2 WC in Gotham to upgrade to Cavalry???? [22:08] 1nw,1 n of grenoble is water on my map don't you mean 1 ne,1n of grenoble? [22:08] 12 both [22:08] yes i do [22:09] 4thank you [22:09] desaster adverted....... misunderstanding [22:10] 12 did you get the knight move ordwer arnelos [22:10] 4Q at new city finished [22:10] 4knight already moved [22:11] 4SMC orders DONE [22:11] 8-) [22:11] 12 ready to end turn and see borders of memphis to expand [22:12] Aggie, are you looking at the Germans on the border? [22:12] 12Have we checked for any other tech trades... selling Mag? [22:13] n\ot yet [22:13] 12please do [22:13] i looked and there were none that were useful [22:13] * Siegfried has joined #civ3dem [22:13] sorry guys, system crash [22:13] everybodies too poor [22:14] ok, thanks [22:14] 4Rdy to end turn? [22:14] ok to end by me [22:14] otto is looking like he might want to get frisky [22:15] 12check slider and I'm good [22:15] checking slider [22:16] 12 ready to end [22:16] 4slider cannot be changed [22:16] We want otto to get frisky, don't we? [22:16] 4ending turn NOW [22:16] 12lets go, watch for the cities to be abandond between turns [22:16] oh btw as a result of system crash roadcage is Siegfried [22:17] 12:idea: [22:17] waht [22:17] ut oh [22:17] 4ending turn (really) [22:17] (I meant about Siegfried = roadcage LOL LOL LOL - had you guys jump for a moment? ;) ) [22:18] we still have about 3 more turns to go though [22:18] 8-( [22:18] don't do that [22:18] only 1/2 way, and only 5 hours into this chat...... [22:19] yep [22:20] 3Arn, if you have a problem with an order, go to the next Item and we'll work on it, don't wait [22:20] Can't help it. Am known as General Siegfried, Supreme Headquarters, Amphibian Force for Truth (SHAFT), Commanding on other forums [22:21] I wont say it, not in a public chat [22:21] ouch.... OK mr shaft.... just what capacity.... [22:22] LOL [22:22] * roadcage has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:22] SHAFT is a spoof organization on my Setiathome forum. I write spooffy military jargon from a frog's viewpoint [22:22] 4WLTPD in Loveshack, cancelled in AGC and somewhere else (missed it) [22:23] don't let GF hear you.... [22:23] k [22:23] 4LOTS of Aztec movement, all junk (spears, horsemen, archers) [22:23] 4More German riflemen on border now [22:23] they are always restless [22:23] ohhh [22:23] 4Roman rifleman enters our view near Hole in Wall, then retreats back to fog [22:24] we need to get to Nat [22:24] bud.... [22:24] 4Multiple Russian horsemen move back and forth on border near Dijon [22:24] Suspect we need to upgrade our WC's and position for mobile defense [22:24] 4saving and posting [22:24] thewy are being upgraded [22:24] Yeah [22:25] I mean quickly [22:26] not french frog, Amphibian 3 chambered heart frog [22:27] since we are ahead of money may I have a couple extra pike to musk upgrades [22:27] aye aye sir [22:27] 12 for the record all wc on continent are now calvary [22:27] we should have no problem with that [22:28] 4correction, that was a Zulu galley (like it matters) [22:28] good aggie [22:28] 4SAVE POSTED [22:29] love your punn.... [22:29] loading save now [22:30] 4Doing PW orders [22:31] loaded [22:32] 838 for Theory, will get cheaper next turn [22:33] so close... what about with wm [22:34] 4Ghengis tried to move the worker in Loveshack twice :) [22:34] ;) [22:34] we can wait a turn [22:35] current WM (which is gettingout of date) isn't that much less [22:36] k [22:36] 3Aztec are in Industrial Age [22:37] they must have had luxes come up for renegotioations [22:38] 4GK - 2 extra workers :) [22:38] 4 1 worker N of Here it IS [22:38] 4 1 worker in Jerusalem [22:38] * adaMada has joined #civ3dem [22:38] Hello! [22:38] Arnelos -- Handshake man :) [22:38] hi [22:38] How much cash we have on hand now [22:39] Hey GK! [22:39] ET, Aggie, Biclab, and Siegfried [22:39] Handshake :) [22:39] OK Looking at a map, please wait one... [22:39] hello [22:39] 4Treasury is 1141 Lytons [22:40] Jerusalem worker to go and clear some jungle to the NE somewhere (your choice) [22:40] How we doing? [22:40] Has Togas shown up and done any ordering around? Is there anything I can resolve (though I don't know how long I'll be able to stay) [22:40] pretty well - we have Magnetism [22:40] Togas was here until 1 turn ago [22:40] Arnelos -- Great election -- best I've seen in a while :D. I can hardly think of anyone I'd rather loose to [22:41] HII worker to start working on roads in the area.... [22:41] Well, perhaps Togas, but you gotta understand, we go back to term three ;) [22:41] Ok, awsome [22:41] thank you :) can't say I can't think of anyone I'd rather win against, though :p [22:41] 3correct me if I'm wrong, we didn't sell the Aztecs our WM when we were Mapwhoreing, right? [22:41] sorry, that is the best I can come up with looking at an old Aro map. [22:41] because I feel bad about you losing [22:41] Ah, dun worry about it [22:41] I'll either come back for Term Seven, or perhaps it's time I had a change of jobs [22:42] 4Dunno about aztecs... look at my report - it's in the saves thread [22:42] 4WE SOLD TO AZTECS [22:42] I need a vice, I'll look arn [22:42] Either way, I get LOTS of time to think about it -- and Term seven will basically be my Winter break, so I might be able to run for some really fun stuff then [22:42] o.k. [22:43] hello adamada [22:43] Hey Aggie [22:43] Aztecs could not possibly have really earned IA status. Somebody, probably Otto GAVE it away for some reason that is unfavorable to us. [22:43] 12arnelos, did you see my orders mixed in above for the two new workers... they we based off of an old aro map as whenever I load civ while in java chat I get a major melt down on my computer.... [22:43] E_T, I'd consider volunteering for something in your dep't, but I really suck at that sorta stuff, so... [22:43] 4GK - no [22:44] Like maybe Otto needed them to have Steam power so he could trade for coal. But I am guessing here [22:45] 12HII worker to start on roads to the north [22:45] here we go 12FAM: Buy Throry from Aztecs for WM; Dyes & 460L (or less) [22:45] 4GK - I now see orders [22:45] 4E_T, you rock :b: [22:45] thats a deal [22:46] 12ok... you see, the other worker to clear some misc jungle somewhere kinda usefull... [22:46] 4PW orders done [22:46] 4CP orders now (WF and q's) [22:46] 4LOL - we forgot rushes of those workers in Grenoble and Tours last turn :p [22:46] 4well, they gave us 2 extra Lytons :p [22:47] (and some saved) [22:47] without wm its 485 [22:47] ada... best way to improve in domestic issues is to work some in the field... [22:47] 4doing CP orders now... [22:47] we could save wm for map whoring between chats [22:47] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [22:48] since they valune it at 25 [22:48] GK, true -- but I worry that I'd loose interest fast. I just don't enjoy that stuff :) [22:48] 12and rush those two cities [22:48] Hey nz [22:48] hello [22:48] man i never realised these things take soo long [22:48] aggie, it's 25 cheeper with them [22:49] ok either is fine [22:50] longest one I have e ver been to.... even the first with MWIA that lasted 6 hours..... starting at 4 am for me.... [22:50] 4E_T, Heliopolis #16 not done with jungle clearing yet - delay change? [22:51] go to next and i'll look atitit [22:51] this is a long one [22:51] i missed that 3am one for me:) [22:52] 12make it #6, it will be cleared next turn [22:52] Are we IA? [22:52] IA? [22:52] 4Lhasa's #16 taken by Avignon (change from last turn) [22:52] Industrial Age [22:53] 12 we will be when trade for theory is done [22:53] 4Heliopolis change done [22:54] 4E_T - Lhasa? [22:54] Very curious to see how many IA techs the big 4 have is all [22:55] 12move Avignon #9 to #8, then do Lhasa. Go to next item while we resolve stuff for you [22:55] 4CP orders done [22:55] 4(except rushes) [22:55] i bet not many, they get more exoensive 2 at the most [22:56] When'd this one start? [22:56] 4SMC orders now [22:56] A Question: When there are Human MP Games on Diety will the science be really slow? [22:56] 6 hours ago... [22:56] started not too long ago. The big holdup was when we thought a city got built in wrong place. (last turn) but it wasn't, just took long time to resolve [22:57] our science will go normal, ai will go at 60% cost of ours [22:57] 4Galley near Greece sites Iroquois Galley at sea [22:58] 12 for defensive purposes I wasa thining about doing soem drafting in the old persian areas any ideas [22:58] 12 once we get nationalism [22:59] doesn;t that cause unhappyness? [22:59] also, they just show up with only 2 hp? [22:59] alittle but we are in good shape happiness wise, i was thinking that would save production so it could go elsewhere [22:59] but the main purpose of these would be to have a defender, just in case [22:59] ada, check the private channel [22:59] 4GK - extra worker in Ubergorsk [23:00] i think that an issue like drafting should be put to vote [23:00] 12Uber...ok, have him start to clear jungle and build misc. mining near uber. [23:00] I think we should encourage the AI's to draft [23:01] 4worker in Uber goes to clear jungle [23:01] 4Ok, FAM TIME :) [23:02] 4Standing orders to renegotiate dyes with Aztecs - I guess that's where the Theory deal comes in :) [23:02] yep [23:02] 12remind me of details of deal [23:03] 12buy throry for WM; Dyes & 460L (or less) [23:03] 4Oh, btw... SMC orders done [23:03] got it [23:04] just wondering...seen as we bought theory and magnetism...why the heck did we boost science to 60%? [23:04] 4Theory of Gravity for WM + 457L + Dyes [23:04] it's been cheaper that way [23:05] because partially researching a tech dramatically reduces cost [23:05] well, at least enough so that we're under Togas' maximum payment amount ;) [23:05] What turn are we on again? [23:05] oh ok thx for explaining that now i understand why it got soo much support :) [23:05] also it allowed another civ to get the tech and thus we put money into a no threat aztec instead of germany [23:06] if we hadn't done any research at all, they would have still been over 1000L each. We just got them for about 700 totoal [23:06] 4WE ARE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AGE [23:06] 24 [23:06] turn 4 [23:06] Awsome :D [23:06] and germany only has nationasilm [23:06] 8-D [23:06] well done people [23:06] only Nationalism, no railroad or medicine [23:06] nope [23:06] big 4 tech status is???? [23:07] Wish we would start oh RR instead of medicine... but thuds orders.... oh well. [23:07] i only know germanies haven't checked the other yet, figure germany was the leader [23:08] this it for them, just nationalism [23:08] engl/grrece also have nationalism [23:08] same with roime [23:08] I rank them beaker wise Germany, England(GA),Greece, Rome [23:08] Aztec does NOT have HNationalsim [23:08] 3Please check for prices on Nationalism [23:09] we actually can get medicine in 6 turns with 60% [23:09] in the end of our GA that is... [23:09] 4Setting reserach to Medicine (7 turns) [23:09] but only have 2 GA turns left [23:09] we probably want get ther efirst but at least we can buy it cheaply and maybe find somebody with just nationsailm [23:09] 12Medicine and Nat - 7 turns ... Steam Engine : 9 turns [23:10] 4Moving Science Slider back to 60% - Medicine in 6 turns [23:10] I have no feel for IA preferences here as I am usually selling by now [23:10] me neither, in one game i was behind here but I forget almost evrything else [23:10] this is just when I start selling usually.. they research nat, then med, then steam. They pay a lot for steam [23:11] 3setting slider to 70% would give us Medicine in 5 turns (baring stop of GA...) and 139 LPT income [23:11] 6 turns @ 60%, 5 turns @ 70%, 4 turns @ 90% [23:11] precisely [23:11] 6 is ok [23:11] 4Keeping slider at 60% [23:11] Arnelos, 139 LPT doesn't give us a ton of cash to use on Nat [23:11] very true [23:11] I'm not saying I'm against it, just pointing it out [23:11] 4income now 255 LPT [23:12] well the GA will end soon we can reevaluate [23:12] 4504 Lytons in Treasury... suggest we not do very many rushes/upgrades [23:12] we have a bank coming onlinenext turn [23:12] 13 504 Lytons in treasury [23:12] how long till wall street? [23:13] ouch [23:13] 4however... rushing workers in Grenoble and Tours [23:13] were theyr any Rushes schedualed? [23:13] 12 Is that after pike rushes [23:14] YES [23:14] AFTER pike rushes [23:14] 4Grenoble and Tours workers rushed... 24L and 16L respectively [23:14] Just out of curiosity, why are we rushing pikes? Cheeper to rush-upgrade than just to buy? [23:14] 4 464 Lytons in treasury, 255LPT income [23:14] 12we need to have the temple in PoWIA rushed, to get the borders reestablished after teh other two cities go [23:16] checking techs... [23:19] * nz_upy has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:19] cheepest for Nationalsim is 2208L from Greece [23:20] Could be worse [23:20] thats 122+ LPT [23:21] Yep, but it'll drop, and if we throw med. into the deal... [23:21] 12 i think turn is endable [23:21] Arnelos, I think we're going to let the Persia-Dyes deal slide [23:21] E_T tells me Togas didn't officially address it, and it seems to be the logical answer... [23:21] 12a couple of more things, because we sold a WM, we can do a bit mpore [23:22] besides, this is the last time I can give YOU orders (at least for the month) :D ;) [23:22] seriously, though, anyone have a reason not to slide Persia-Dyes? [23:22] 12Rome: their WM for Our WM & 3L [23:22] 12then do England: Their WM & 6L for our WM [23:23] 12then sell WM to Germany for Maximime (should be 29L) [23:23] * Biclab has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:24] 4are we doing these? (sorry - was looking at stuff in-game)? [23:24] we did sell WM to Aztec, whore it for what it's worth [23:24] Agreed [23:24] ok, sounds good [23:24] (assuming we did sell WM to Aztec) [23:24] lol [23:24] 4doing deal with Rome first [23:24] Not that I don't trust you E_T -- I just have no clue what we've done :) [23:25] 4Rome will not pay 3 L [23:25] 12we pay them [23:25] 4No need to pay them anything [23:25] then the other deal will be for less [23:26] 4trade WM's with Rome (no money... they won't pay any) [23:26] k [23:26] what ever is the best for us [23:26] * God_King1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:27] 12lastly sell Greece our WM for 1LPT & max cash [23:27] 12and that's it [23:27] 4England pays us 10 Lytons for WM exchange [23:28] 12try for 2LPT with Greece [23:29] 4Germany pays us 32L for WM exchange [23:29] we didn't need their map, but it's o.k. only sell the map to greece [23:29] 4Greece pays 2LPT + 1L for WM exchange [23:30] 12and that's it for now [23:30] Don't forget the poor boy civs, suck every L you can [23:30] 12they are soo broke they cant see the next 20 years [23:31] 3besides, Zulu are in revolt for a few more turns [23:31] 4ready to end? [23:31] Zululand is changing govs? [23:31] 12yep [23:31] kewl [23:31] Arn, assuming no one has objections to letting Persian Dyes float... [23:31] and E_T doesn't have anything else [23:31] 12 No objections [23:32] 12did you rush the templ in PoWIA? [23:32] no [23:32] checking rush cost [23:33] it only decreases by 4 LPT and will take longer for the new borders to be established [23:33] 12 we should rush it [23:33] 4Your orders weren't to rush 'till next turn, but that was based on wrong time for city founding :p [23:33] 116L [23:33] right [23:34] 4temple rush [23:34] 4*rushed [23:34] 12and if the other two workers are rushed, then I'm good to go [23:34] Siegfried will return soon as roadcage, bye [23:34] 4 391 Lytons in Treasury - 257 LPT income [23:34] 3watch for them to be abandond [23:34] very good [23:34] * Siegfried has left #civ3dem [23:35] xelant [23:35] 4ending turn if no objections [23:35] 4TURN ENDS [23:35] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [23:35] back as roadcage [23:36] our Income should jump up again with those two citis gone and out of the corruption equasions [23:37] betwen turns? [23:37] 4 Tours Abandoned [23:38] Yeah [23:38] 4Muncie was a turn late on its construction, btw [23:38] does anybody want to hear about roadcage & Siegfried? [23:38] Hmmm, oh well [23:38] sure tell us [23:39] I was wondering.... [23:39] 4Grenoble Abandoned [23:39] Yeah [23:41] 4WLTPD cancelled in Loveshack and Jerusalem [23:41] 4most enemy units moving AWAY from our border this time ;) [23:41] 4saving and posting [23:41] Danm, I moved Muncies WF one turn too early. [23:41] Whew [23:42] Well roadcage is a hooman (amphibian for human) poet and novelist. Siegfried is the top frog at the pond who struts and frets like all good Generals do. Some say that Siegfried is roadcage's fantasy or dream of life, others say that roadcage is even loonier than Siegfried. Well for whatever reason they sit and chat on the bench by the pond and sometimes the discussions get really wierd. If anyone cares, I'll post a lin [23:42] ada, do you have the game up? [23:43] I'm going to have a cig right after the save is posted [23:44] yah post a link that sound interesting [23:44] 4SAVE POSTED [23:45] got it and loading. [23:45] I'm going to be AFK, another Cig [23:46] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [23:47] 4doing PW orders [23:49] E_T, nope [23:49] I can pull it up though if needed [23:49] I was doing some other stuff, but it wouldn't be that big to stop for a minute [23:49] Arn, will you need it? [23:49] Actually, the link's been on the forum for a few days. topic Stories 'n Stuff now well down on page 2 and fading fast. [23:53] back [23:53] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [23:53] 4PW written orders complete [23:54] guy, I have an idea [23:54] ada - need what? [23:54] Persia a science civ, right [23:54] Back to future wars. Can we realistically make 1 cannon, 2 muskets, and 2 exploders er explorers per turn thry 1060? if so operation Reisiling is a go [23:54] Arnelos, need me to open the sav? [23:55] E_T, again, I can open the sav but it's not open now [23:55] Yes Persia is science [23:55] want me to [23:55] ? [23:55] ada - what for? [23:55] I mean... it would help [23:55] Arnelos, E_T just asked if I had it open :) [23:55] ah [23:55] it wouldn't hurt :) [23:55] you might want to [23:55] 4CP orders... starting them [23:55] Something big coming up? [23:56] 4anyone who wants to research FAM stuff, go ahead [23:56] and persia will get Nationalism as soon as they get IA, right [23:56] Roadcage i'll have to look at the ques to see if we can. If we had no research we could easily but with research it would be hard [23:56] I wonder if we coudln't get nationalism off of Persia by including the lux/resource deals [23:56] They've gotta be worth a ton [23:56] yep [23:57] I can guess where this is going, somehow get persia into IA, and trade something for nationalism. Well, I have tried similar things with other folks in other games and the ingrates just conveniently forget how nice you have been lately [23:57] any guesses on how long it'll be till Persia gets IA? [23:57] give them the tech to get to IA and then use the other to get Nat [23:57] 4E_T - check Avignon [23:57] will do [23:57] 12 england has worker for sale [23:58] roadcage, buying from Persia would be more because we could PROBABLY get it cheeper from them (bundling with other deals) than from other nations [23:58] potentially significantly cheeper, depending on how much they value their saltpeter and dyes [23:58] Aggie, how much for? [23:58] As I said above, been there, tried that, didn't work. But what they hay. Persia ain't going to matter what with 4 cities tops [23:59] avignon is good [23:59] road -- you don't think it'll be cheeper if we include dyes, saltpeter, and whatever else we can give them as part of the deal? [23:59] 4E_T, you've only ordered 7 of 8 laborers in New York [23:59] 12 Can someone let me know how much that worker from England costs? [23:59] I'll look at it [00:00] throughthe TM into it too [00:00] thats the only trade possible I just went throught he nations [00:00] Ok, thanks Aggie :) [00:00] Any trade is better than none [00:01] 12 worker for 27g+tm [00:01] Arnelos, by the way, I've got a suggestion for the Term 6 FAM -- make a deputy for keeping track of numbers. By tracking who has workers available (between chats), how much WMs cost, how much each tech costs, etc, we could have a LOT of information publically available on the forum [00:01] 3 Arnelos, requesting 27 gold if we can spare for a worker [00:01] Again, thanks Aggie ;) [00:01] *:) [00:01] The persia deal will look cheaper because we will conveniently value the lux and sp at zero to make us feel smart. But after you net out what we could have sold the lux/sp for it will be a wash [00:02] 12New York - WF to 1-4-5-6-7-8-17-20 [00:02] Road -- we can't sell the lux/sp for ANYTHING if no one else needs it and Persia can't pay [00:02] I'm not sure if that's the case, but I'm pretty sure we can't make what their worth off of them... [00:03] what is Persia payng now I think it is 6 lpt for the pair [00:04] Don't get me wrong, I think it is neat. Just don't expect a really big savings [00:04] Roadcage, that's right [00:04] Yea -- I'm not expecting it to be cheep either way [00:04] but I think we can make it cheeper this way [00:04] lets wait until just before we get medicine then we can trade them med for nationilsm [00:04] 4CP orders DONE [00:05] 3won't wash, it was a good idea [00:05] 4Doing SMC orders now [00:06] Why is E_T so multi color tonight? [00:06] easier to see [00:08] 4SMC orders done [00:09] 4FAM - whatcha got cookin' for me? :) [00:09] the one worker [00:09] 4We're supposed to renegotiate silk with Japan [00:09] (order from Togas) [00:09] One worker [00:10] who's worker? [00:10] do it [00:10] England (if we have the Cash) [00:10] ok, checking [00:10] aggie said something about it [00:10] It shouldn't be that expensive [00:11] 3Costs 28 Lytons - too much... we only have 528 Lytons and make 259 LPT [00:11] The GA ends this turn, right? My extimate for German beakers is now 525/.8 = 656 our basis And that is what we need after GA to be top beaker producer. If we can do that many and be cash flow positive, break out the Champagne! [00:11] 3need the money for rushes [00:11] Arnelos -- Ok [00:12] with the HUGE worker force we have... 1 lousy foreign worker for 28 gold is a waste, IMO [00:12] 12 do we really want to renogotiate with japan, we had a staright deal of silks to dyes do we want to risk that [00:12] we could RUSH a worker for less than that (and it would be 4 times as effective) [00:12] Arnelos -- and cost a pop point :) [00:12] so? there are cities where that wouldn't hurt us (corruption) [00:13] 12 we can always join cities later and we have plenty [00:13] Quite true, but they'd also be the longest/most expensive for a worker [00:13] either way, it doesn't matter right now [00:13] not much, but theyare working on that, too [00:13] anyways... someone wanna research that silks deal for me??? [00:13] I'm going to have to go in a second, so I'm afraid I can't [00:13] E_T [00:13] E_T just came forth with another deal; let me check it against Togas' standing list [00:14] well i am about to try I was at the screen jsut wanted to make surte [00:14] I wouldn't risk renegotiating the silks. [00:14] Need an opinion -- which is more valuable. Theory or Mag? [00:15] 12 i kinda agree it is a deal, mag is more expensive theory get syou into industrila age [00:15] given that Newton's will likely be done soon - Mag [00:15] Magnetism, it would have cost us more [00:15] depends on civ. England drools for mag since it is their UU. Most prefer ToG for the wonder [00:15] Also, Togas' standing orders say "DO NOT sell techs to lost civs. Trade them tech for lux." Considering that we stand to make a 14 gpt profit, I think it is appropriate to waive this order at this time, which I can do. Does anyone object? [00:16] i support it [00:16] depends on which lost civ [00:16] Zululand [00:16] OUCH [00:16] you SURE? [00:16] plus you can use it for the renegote with Japan because it WILL come up between turns [00:16] thought the Zulus were an eventual TARGET [00:16] Oh, you might be right [00:17] we don't want them closer to nationalism [00:17] that is still a ways away [00:17] But we already gave them 'tech' for a lux... [00:17] at least the 20 turns that the deal is for [00:17] Yes Zululand is eventual target, but most likely, more than 20 turns out [00:17] Arnelos, think they won't get it from someone else if we withhold it from them? [00:17] they'll have nationalism by then you can be sure [00:17] true... [00:18] And considering we just resigned a deal with them a few turns ago, and it's unlikely we'll be attacking within the next twenty turns... [00:18] and we'll nave Gallions, if not Transprot [00:18] if you're willing to answer to Togas for making the call, sure :p [00:18] 12 my opinion is that war with the aztecs must wait until we have tanks [00:18] you mean zulus - right ;) [00:18] zulu, you mean [00:18] I'll answer to Togas if he feels the call was wrong -- but I'd still like your honest opinion [00:18] 12 I mean war with the zulus [00:19] I'm uneasy about it - but you guys are right that the Zulus should have nationalism ANYWAY [00:19] so making the money off of them is worthwhile [00:19] especially if it reduces their domestic resources by a bit [00:19] if we don't see it with 14gpt they'll get somebody(our enemies to do that) [00:19] I like gold [00:19] yeah [00:19] lemme check deal on my machine as well real quick [00:20] Ok [00:20] they've had butkiss until now [00:20] 3Yup, 14LPT + WM [00:20] 12ada, go with it? [00:21] Any final objections? [00:21] India already has it, you waht to bet that they won't try to sell it [00:21] Once... [00:21] Twice... [00:21] no objections [00:21] SOLD! [00:21] 12 Arnelos, it's a go [00:21] 4selling Theory of Gravity to Zulus for 14LPT + WM [00:21] If we feel ccertain to be ahead of the zulus the next time gems come up, it's free money [00:22] 4deal DONE [00:22] 12any further orders? [00:22] E_T's just fed me a jap. deal [00:22] 12I have no rushes listed (temple was last turn) [00:23] Japan: Their Silks & WM for Dyes & Theory [00:23] India & China, zilch [00:23] oops, wrong line [00:23] Japan: Their Silks & WM for Dyes & Theory [00:23] only other rush is next turn for the coarthouse [00:23] 12 corthouse in dijon arnelos [00:23] yuck! just let it ride... [00:23] BTW folks, I estimate India will become the 5th member of the Big 5 real soon. They have real beaker power [00:23] Arnelos, what do we get already? [00:23] Aggie, that's next turn [00:23] 12 sorry that is next turn [00:24] lemme look [00:24] LOL - Japan said "What can I do for the great Banana?" :D :D :D [00:25] anyways... [00:25] 3CURRENT DEAL: Our dyes for their silks [00:25] 3Why would we give them Theory of Gravity for the same deal??? [00:25] 12 thats the best deal, we won't get better [00:25] Agreed -- but think they'll ask between turns? [00:26] they might [00:26] if they do we offer it then [00:26] 12 Change of orders -- if they DO ASK, take best deal. If not, let it ride. [00:26] no lost [00:26] Agreed [00:26] yup [00:26] And I'm afraid that's all for me tonight :) [00:26] 12 smc ready to end turn [00:26] Dunno if you guys are doing anything else, but if so, good luck :) [00:27] we'll go to next turn that should end ga, it started in 790 [00:27] or was it 800 [00:27] I dunno, we'll see ;) [00:27] Arnelos -- I may be contacting you to ask/volunteer for a FAM position within the next few days -- gotta decide if I wanna take this as a term off or not first [00:27] ok :) [00:27] either way, I'll let you know [00:27] thanks [00:27] E_T's back in charge everyone [00:27] Japan will ask [00:28] later ada [00:28] Good night, and have a plesent tomorrow :D [00:28] well, let's let 'em [00:28] E_T, if they do, we'll renegotiate -- no loss [00:28] did we buy a worker from England? Ididn't see if we di or not [00:28] no, we did not [00:28] later aggie (Great choice on Togas as VP, btw -- I didn't suspect it as all, but I can't think of anyone better for the job) [00:28] E_T, no -- money troubles :) [00:28] k [00:28] Later all :) [00:28] later ada :) [00:28] * adaMada is now known as afk-ada [00:29] 12any further orders? [00:29] we don't have 27L? [00:29] 3We do... just felt that was too expensive for 1 lousy foreign worker [00:29] We already have so many workers that the PW boys can't give 'em all orders [00:30] in other words, you don't know what ot do with him? [00:30] 12that's it then [00:30] 3We have 67 workers according to Mil Advisor... we really NEED another foreign one for more than it would cost to rush a native one (natives being FOUR TIMES more effective)? [00:30] 12cp & FAM good to go [00:31] yes but don't cost us LPT to maintain [00:31] true... but still [00:31] Actually only 2 times more effective. [00:31] it's English, SHOULD be 4 times [00:32] and we can join cities with them and they take away from their workforce [00:32] foreign makes it half value, right? [00:32] right [00:32] right [00:32] and industrious DOUBLES [00:32] thus 4 times [00:32] doesn't mater who they are [00:32] French workers are half because they are industrious + foreign (washes) [00:32] but our advantage applies to him to make him work at a normal(non idustious rate) [00:32] Trust me on this. As someone else said thismorning, I really am into micromanaging workers. It matters what thenationality of the feriner is. He works at 1/2 of your rate full stop [00:33] really? In past games, I've seen captured Chinese workers perform at normal rate to my own :p [00:33] (maybe I was kidding myself) [00:33] who knows... whatever... [00:33] 4ok to end? [00:33] whatever lets finsih this [00:33] 12yep [00:34] 4ending turn NOW [00:34] 7 1/2 hours [00:34] too much talk about the election [00:35] Free at last, Free at last, Thank the banana almighty, we're free at last [00:36] your a nut, roadcage [00:36] ;D [00:37] 12 at 60% we are doing about 700 beakers (this is golden age but still impressive) as of 1000 [00:38] well, my original Democracy change poll would have only be 4 hours short of the full 3 days...... [00:39] 4Golden Age DID NOT END [00:39] 12 but it is no onger listed on bottom, proably next turn [00:39] 4your're right... GA no longer listed on bottom (odd...) [00:40] 4Medicine still in 4 turns [00:40] check out F1 [00:40] 4WLTPD in Susa, Loveshack, and Jerusalem [00:40] check the sheild outputs [00:40] 4Aztecs and Iroquois start Shakespeare's [00:41] 5SHIELD OUTPUTS BACK TO NORMAL [00:41] the hag normally comes up the turn after [00:41] 4wait, no... [00:41] 4I show 10 shields on the tiles for Apolyton, but 19 production (?????) [00:41] it will change [00:42] 13 shields on tiles for Tassagrad, 26 production [00:42] so we're in mid-GA end :p [00:42] it does that, but people dont look at that in a normal game [00:42] ok, GA is NOT over... [00:42] we continue ;p [00:43] 4saving and posting [00:43] Conclusion: GA is over, but our Advisors are out of step? [00:44] they are in 1.29 too [00:45] * aggie has joined #civ3dem [00:45] Did Japan appear? [00:45] let's get the PW & SMC moves done, then it will be up to Tagas to do any trades, I'll do what ever rushes and you can do the Revolt [00:46] sounds good [00:47] 12 looking at our income and estimates it doesn't appear GA is over until end of turn or maybe begginging of next [00:47] 12are we SURE that GA is over????? [00:47] If ther are any PW isues, you might leave them for GF to figure out [00:47] 4 GF gave us PW orders for this turn :p [00:48] i say we go till start of next [00:48] I agree [00:48] let do it them, keep on going until we are absolutley sure [00:48] yup [00:48] 4PW orders now... [00:49] 4oh, btw, SAVE POSTED :p [00:49] I'm loading it now [00:49] I'll have a Cig too [00:50] 13A New Milenium of the Banana [00:50] about to go to bed -- anything major that requires my attention before i do? [00:50] nope [00:50] ok, awsome :) [00:50] for the last time, later everyone :) [00:51] * afk-ada is now known as adaMada [00:51] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [00:51] brb [00:52] * adaMada has quit IRC (Quit: later :)) [00:56] 4PW orders DONE [00:56] 12 i better go but are all my orders clear [00:56] lemme check [00:57] I guess... if not, I can improvise :p [00:57] ok well good luck [00:57] * aggie2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:57] i'll download the latest save tomorrow and move units [00:57] for 1010 [00:58] back [00:58] That greek worker on our land has completed the chop! Thanks bro [00:58] unless we are almost to the end of th eturn [00:58] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [00:59] let me check trades, if you have any CP item, list them and go to the next thing [00:59] 4SMC orders DONE [00:59] Aggie, wait up [00:59] I have the end turn light blinking :p [00:59] alright [00:59] though... crap [00:59] CP orders :p [01:00] lemme do that real quick [01:00] Workers unite, you have nothing to loose but your chains. oops, sorry wrong revolution [01:00] 3the Zulu have more money for us [01:01] so lets go get it [01:02] 4E_T, Del Monte is still size 9 [01:02] k [01:03] skip it [01:03] 4CP done [01:03] 4any FAM??? [01:04] I see none [01:04] 3zulu will buy magetism for 13LPT Wm & cash, do we want to sell it to them? [01:04] oh man... [01:04] how much money do they HAVE??? [01:04] sure why not with that money germany will if we don't [01:04] They only have 7 cities. They are not a threat [01:05] true [01:05] they must be raking in the dough due to selling gems [01:05] 12do it then [01:05] And the Gems profits rightfully belong here, in our treasury [01:06] ok [01:06] 3I get 13LPT + 5L + WM [01:06] 4Executing Zulu.... trade [01:08] 4Zulu trade DONE [01:09] 4ready to end? [01:09] revolution! [01:09] now? [01:09] GA ends at start of next turn, right? [01:09] should [01:09] 12 thats what it looks like [01:09] The GA is over Look at the city screens. That is what production will be lost in the rev, not the summary [01:09] so we start revolution after PW orders, right? [01:10] 12FAM done, CP done [01:10] roadcage... are you SURE? [01:10] rovolution is at the end of the turn [01:10] ('cause if you are, then we can be in democracy for the save file posted) [01:11] we can do the save swap, like we agreed to do [01:11] 12roadcage, are you SURE? [01:11] Am I sure, no. But I cannot otherwise explain all of the screens. The key to me was GA disappearing from the lower right panel [01:11] I'd rather do it this way if we can... we avoid the save swap and just pass the save to the new admin [01:11] yes, but TOC's arent effected, nither is the trade [01:11] ok, then, I guess we end w/o revolution [01:11] ok [01:12] save swapping it is... [01:12] FYI, 2204 for Nationalism [01:12] yikes [01:12] 4ending turn if no objections [01:12] Greece has dyes coming up in to turns, could use it then [01:13] 12ruch in dijon [01:13] oh yeah :) [01:13] 4 232 Lytons? [01:13] waht's our cash status [01:13] 687 Lytons Treasury [01:14] god only knows what our income will be next turn, though [01:14] it only decreases 12 LPT [01:14] 12 did we rush courthouse [01:14] the court will help [01:14] ok [01:14] what are we rushing in Dijon? [01:14] Courthouse [01:14] courthouse [01:14] thanks [01:14] 4do rush? [01:15] 12 if its list and we have money [01:15] 4E_T, rush? [01:15] the only rushes that I can really think I'll need to do the next turn are things that are 1, maybe 2 tturns to complete [01:15] 12Rush Dijon [01:15] 4RUSHED [01:16] and change its WF to Max Food [01:16] 4ready to end? [01:16] 12 ready [01:16] Our ncome will be small positive cause we will adjust the slider to achieve this [01:16] 4WF in Dijon changed [01:16] 12check slider and end turn [01:16] slider is fine [01:17] If slider is moved to 80%, medicine in "3 turns", income 32 gold :p [01:18] we want to have same TOC but more money [01:18] not possible [01:18] it's up to you, your "acting MoE" [01:18] it has to stay 60% to get 4 turns [01:19] I am convinced we will get less money due to GA but... [01:19] lets go with 60% and end the chat at start of turn [01:19] ok, going with it [01:19] ok [01:19] personally, we should have called that his position was vacant shortly after the last turnchat [01:19] 4any objections to end? [01:19] E_T, I agree.... [01:19] 12no, I want to eat [01:19] too tired to object, but no issues anyway [01:19] is reddawg gone or what [01:20] essentially, yes [01:21] Yes, the reddawg situation is sad. Two fine players, get in a spat over nothng really, and both leave. We loose [01:21] yes indeed [01:22] yup :( [01:22] why didn't he just resign? [01:22] 4turn ENDS [01:23] 4We lost supply of Silks alright :p [01:23] 4Japan contacts for renegotiation [01:23] and cant renew until the turn, you will ave a lot of cities loosing WLKD, but no civil disorder [01:24] sell tech & Lux for it [01:24] try to get money too [01:24] It would cost 35LPT to keep the deal [01:25] they have no money, either LPT or cash [01:25] any tech trade possible [01:25] 12sell tech and lux for it [01:25] the tech would work, but that AGAIN violates Togas' "Do NOT give techs to lost civs" rule [01:25] not quite, let me check [01:26] Japan has many more cities than Zululand. They might turn into a threat but doubtful [01:26] no, you're right... he says trade them tech for lux [01:26] DO NOT sell techs to lost civs. Trade them tech for lux. [01:26] got it [01:26] I say do it [01:26] that's in the order [01:26] 4Doing deal [01:28] good, no lost lux [01:29] oh, whos going to post the log? [01:29] I've been here the whole time [01:29] 4WLTPD in Whelsh Coast, India starts Shakespeare's, GOLDEN AGE OVER [01:30] 4Income: 147 LPT, Medicine in 5 turns [01:30] finally, the nag speaks [01:30] Alright... this save will go to GHENGIS FIRST [01:30] not too shabby [01:30] yup [01:30] 4saving and posting [01:31] then Aggie, then Togas, then Me and back to you [01:31] ok goodnight all [01:31] exactly [01:31] * aggie has quit IRC (Quit: ) [01:33] call the end arnelos [01:34] The fat lady approaches the microphone, nd that is my que to steal away [01:34] * roadcage has left #civ3dem [01:35] 4turnchat ends [01:35] 8 1/2 hours later [01:35] yup... [01:35] (need food, then sleep) [01:36] the courts look like they still are working on the election issue, even though GF declined. I'm willing to wait [01:38] If you want, I'll post the log, you can post the report and the screen shots [01:39] we'll have a good night [01:41] * Disconnected Session Close: Sat Nov 16 01:41:40 2002