; ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI ; ; FACTION FILE: Free Drones ; ; Copyright (c) 1999 by Firaxis Games, Inc. ; ; ALPHA CENTAURI reads the rules of the game from this file at ; startup. Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing ; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original. ; #DRONE The Free Drones, The Laborer, Drones, M, 2, Domai, M, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, TECH, Indust, SOCIAL, ++INDUSTRY, SOCIAL, --RESEARCH, NODRONE, 1, REVOLT, 75 Future Society, Eudaimonic, INDUSTRY Economics, Green, nil Free Drone, Free D. Maxwell, Irwin, Maxwell's Assembly Foreman, stalwart, brainless, diligent, self-important, Undeserving Malcontent improve the lot of the common citizen to free the enslaved working classes from their oppressors controlling all industrial production on Planet controlling all industrial production on Planet undermine the very foundations of our society glorying in the accolades of his mindless lackeys glorying in the accolades of your mindless lackeys inciting drones against their rightful masters self-righteous bombast, M1 industrial ambitions, M2 self-styled worker's paradise, M1 charitable donation, M1 maintaining a minimum standard of living for the common citizen my Labor Mediation Teams the Planetary Living Standard #BASES Free Drone Central Hall of Industry Smokestack Hill Steelfount Freedman's Park Common Ground Labor Trust Liberty Plant Freedom's Foundry Assembly Hall Worker's Paradise Miner's Freehold Digger's Descent Domai Dome Living Standard Spanner Works Staples of Life Hammer and Tongs Anvil of Man Whipsaw Base Drilling Grounds Guild House Craftsman Keep Future's Fulcrum Power Grid #END #WATERBASES Seawork Caverns Chainlink Break Welder's Shipyards Deep Platform Nine Stevedore Dock Longshoreman's Quay Tanker's Rest Coral Warehouse #END #BLURB "Now it's day and night the irons clang, and like poor galley slaves ^We toil and toil, and when we die, must fill dishonored graves ^But some dark night, when everything is silent in the town ^I'll shoot those tyrants one and all, I'll gun the flogger down ^I'll give the land a little shock, remember what I say, ^And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay." ^ ^ -- "Jim Jones", Traditional #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Foreman Domai} ^BACKGROUND: {Unity Assistant Jobtech 3rd Class} ^AGENDA: {Emancipation of the working class} ^TECH: {Industrial Base} ^ #DATALINKS2 ^+2 INDUSTRY: {Excellent craftsmen and skilled workers} ^-2 RESEARCH: {Emphasis on productivity instead of 'blue-sky' research} ^Revolting bases tend to join drones: {Offer a workingman's paradise} ^-1 DRONES in every base: {Working for common good reduces discontent} ^{May not use Green economics.} #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "The common man has suffered most during this interminable conflict. For the sake of our citizens, we should set aside our egotistical pride and pledge Blood Truce." "You're right, our people deserve better. We'll sign your truce." "Our people gladly suffer any hardship to encompass your destruction." #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "You seem to care about your citizens' welfare, $TITLE0 $NAME1. In the interest of our people, we should forswear our personal ambitions and sign a Treaty of Friendship." "Yes, the desires of the people should come first. " "My people exist only to further my ambitions. A Treaty does not fit with my plans at this time." #ALIENFACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Surely your workers are the same as ours, $TITLE0 $NAME1. All they must hope for is to live their lives in peace. Cannot we, as their leaders, accede to their wishes and pledge Blood Truce?" "All Progenitor: equally important. Truce: best for all Progenitor." "Conflict against $NAME3: best for Progenitor. Conflict: will continue." #ALIENFACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Though others mistrust you, $TITLE0 $NAME1, I believe your science and understanding of Planet would go well with our industrial might. We should sign a Treaty of Friendship that we may coexist in peace." "Treaty: beneficial to all. Idea: agreed upon." "Presumption: interaction with $NAME3: somehow beneficial: incorrect. Answer: no." # ; This line must remain at end of file