Session Start: Tue Oct 26 00:03:00 2032 Session Ident: #civ3dem [00:03] * Now talking in #civ3dem [00:03] Perhaps we SHOULD pause when we find the lost civs... [00:03] testing the logging function [00:03] Or do Togas' orders cover every eventuality as usual? [00:03] *** Donegeal starts to sing the Spam song from Monty Pythons *** [00:03] that would be good for foreign to do some deals,by the way MWIA, shiber is the head of our exploration corp [00:03] I have one thing that I have to fix and I'm ready to go. THe last two turns I'll have to keep a good watch on..... [00:04] logging works :b: [00:05] I have been up for about 30 hours now so I might get a little silly... [00:05] MWIA, how about a 'Turnchat is NOW' thread? [00:05] OK, Aggie. That's cool [00:05] Getting there Aggie [00:05] donegeal: you mean you're gonna sing again? oh no, the horror! :p [00:05] I mean Shiber - sorry, distracted for a moment [00:06] Has anyone heard from Reddawg? [00:06] for real horror i would sing and it is almost halloween [00:06] * E_T_Busy is now known as E_T [00:06] i'll be back in 10 minutes, don't wait for me [00:07] * Shiber is now known as Shiber|br [00:07] * Shiber|br is now known as ShiberBRB [00:07] I got a PM from him concerning the last turnchat, but nothing else... [00:07] Orders are final, I hope, and Posted. [00:08] 3E_T jams to a Styx CD while working [00:08] Let me check the orders... [00:08] Can we do this without his budget? [00:09] SMC, FAM, PW check. [00:09] we'll amanage, we know his intentions andf the purpose of a budget is to solve conflicts between the FAm/SMC and CP [00:09] CP with hideous fonts, check ;) [00:09] OK! 4 Starting chat now [00:10] 4PW orders for 720AD [00:10] 4CP done [00:10] 4SORRY! PW done [00:11] I had a few changes, did they get done? [00:11] 4 CP orders... [00:11] AH [00:11] * adaMada has joined #civ3dem [00:11] hello! [00:11] hey ada [00:11] hi [00:12] AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The spiders!!! [00:13] hey everyone [00:13] Where are we? [00:13] Togas won't be able to make it, so I'm doing FAM stuff for the day [00:13] turn 0, WIA is doing the CP orders [00:14] ada, are we going to be getting Rome's map every turn? [00:14] ok [00:14] E_T, let me pull the orders up [00:14] We should at least try, to keep track of their ezploration efforts [00:15] 'k, gotcha [00:15] was there any discussion about it on the forums? [00:15] I was too busy to try to post about it. [00:15] Roman infidels! May Ceaser choke on a Banana! [00:16] E_T, 'k [00:16] just wnated to check that Togas hadn't decided and I missed it [00:16] Don, Do you want him to become your new Piss boy? [00:16] we'll check the cost each turn and decide by that [00:17] hmmm... I do need another one... [00:17] Bets to do ti with just our TM and cash for their WM, cheeper [00:18] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Oct 26 00:21:15 2032 Session Start: Tue Oct 26 00:21:20 2032 Session Ident: #civ3dem [00:21] * Now talking in #civ3dem [00:21] * ShiberBRB is now known as Shiber [00:21] back! [00:21] 4SMC and all orders done. Turn end in 1 min. [00:21] i missed some of what has gone on so the log will be incomplete, sorry [00:22] just did turn 0 orders [00:23] 4 Ah f***. Sorry Aggie - I just moved the Galley E of the mainland EEE as in the orders, not via the changed SESESE [00:23] btw, the galley near Susa should move SE all the way, despite Aggie's goto moves [00:23] damn, i was too late [00:23] Sorry again, Shiber [00:23] can't we just load the game then and redo this part? [00:23] MWIA, at some point in the chat I'd like to chat with you (quicker than PM and probably won't take that long), but it can wait until a quiet period [00:23] We'll still find them soon [00:24] Sure ada. [00:24] thats ok it will be aonly aslight difference anyway [00:24] Shiber - we could, but I was away for 10 mins with the4 CP orders -I really don't want to do them again if I can help it. I would if it was a major change. [00:24] Ok [00:24] I think thats is against the integrety of this game... [00:25] shiber it won't make a significant difference [00:25] i don't think so - there's no cheating element here, but nevermind [00:25] Not sure, donegeal - it's not really changing anything beyond correcting an Exec mistake [00:25] ANyway... 4 Turn ends [00:26] Yeah! [00:26] We get the bonus of human thought. The computer does not. With humans, comes mistakes. We must deal with them... [00:26] 4 Misc Axted, Russian troop movements.. [00:27] oh Astec... [00:27] is anyone playing along who wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for FAM deals with Saltpeter/Incense? [00:27] adaMada, i'd love to help out [00:27] 4 Jerusalem, GeoFront's culture expands [00:27] I'm not playing along, but I load the save each turn... [00:27] Ok, Shiber and Donegeal, let me know ifa nything comes up [00:27] anyway i'm sure we can all keep a watchful eye [00:27] 4 Russians building Adam Smith's [00:28] 4 That's it for events. [00:28] Ok :) [00:28] 4CP orders [00:28] save please [00:28] post save! [00:29] I haven't done my Wonder Race sheet in a while, but I know Rome's close to JSB's [00:29] Oh - save, sure! [00:29] ;) [00:29] save, save, save...... [00:29] too bad, it's such a cool wonder [00:30] Really? We'd better go to war with France and get a GL and take it, then... [00:30] :D [00:30] ;) [00:30] 4 Save posted [00:31] * Meshelic has joined #civ3dem [00:31] hello all [00:31] I'm typing one handed at the moment. Liking the bowl for the leftover batter on my birthday cake. [00:31] hello [00:31] E_T - Loveshack didn't grow - remind me to do the WF next turn when it does. [00:31] hi meshelic [00:31] hey shiber [00:31] aggie [00:31] Birthday cake? HAppy Birthday E_T? [00:31] adamada [00:31] etc. [00:31] oh yes, as per new Ministry guidelines, we may be kicking some foreign booty out of our Territory, so let me know if we see any military units/settlers passing through [00:31] Meshelic :) [00:32] Hmmm, I think I had that in both this and next turns orders, I'll chexk [00:32] Meshelic! Save me from the spam! [00:32] ? [00:32] 41 yesterday [00:32] happy birthday ET [00:32] E_T NY didn't grow either [00:32] Yes indeedy - feliz cumpleanos E_T! [00:33] what have i missed thus far? [00:33] am i too late? [00:33] nothing significant [00:33] Yor looking aT TURN 2, NOT 1 [00:33] just did some orders for 720 AD [00:33] OH! I get it now [00:34] small turnout this time it seems... [00:34] Turn 0 was 720 AD.... :embarrassed: [00:34] ;) [00:34] i thought that I was coing crazy there........ [00:34] Got a bit muddled.... o_0 [00:34] loading save.... [00:35] rome wants more then 1 gold for WM [00:36] Did you change Ubergorsk? [00:36] Donegeal, how many? [00:36] 3 g + tm for WM [00:36] Persia: 4gpt, 8g, WM for Saltpeter. [00:37] Do we want persia to have saltpeter? [00:37] with 1.29... that is... [00:37] Shiber, that's not that bad. Anyone else who can pay in gpt? [00:37] Don, that sounds about right. [00:37] 'fraid not [00:37] Donegeal, that sounds about right but 1.29 totally screws with the numbers, so I honestly dunno [00:37] let me have another look though [00:38] Same with 1.21 [00:38] 4 CP done [00:38] Shiber, while you're there, tell me if you see anything major on Music Theory/Metalurgy [00:38] ok, thanks E_T [00:39] 3 g + tm -> WM sounds a lot like four gold to me... I don't think it's worth buying this minute unless we have another deal in the works, but anyone disagree? [00:39] 4 PW orders [00:39] adaMada, England would sell Metallurgy for Navigation + ~750g, not likely [00:39] nothing on Music Theory [00:39] Shiber, ok, thanks [00:39] We can see where they are headed to..... [00:39] Yea, I don't think we'll be doing that this turn, but it's worth keeping an eye on [00:40] adaMada, are we gonna sell saltpeter to persia then? [00:40] Did Reddawg post a budget, and do we have money to spair? [00:40] Nope, we wing it [00:40] Ok [00:40] I won't be doing any rushed until next turn [00:40] Anyone have a reason NOT to sell saltpeter to Persia? It meets Togas requirements, and every penny counts... [00:41] i support that trade [00:41] I would support that too [00:41] :b: [00:41] Persia is not strong enough to make a difference with it [00:41] Aggie, no secret plans for war with Persia next turn? :D [00:41] and can pay nicely for it [00:41] hang on one sec... [00:41] He want's to see first about as a part of a tech deal, that's the way I read it [00:41] wait... what will russia pay for it? [00:41] Should we hang on to Saltpeter for the Lost civs? [00:42] They might pay significantly more, since we haven't taken all their money already [00:42] or they might already have it [00:42] check russia, the lost civs might already have it.... [00:42] : ) [00:42] adaMada, AFAIK we can't sell saltpeter to a civ that hasn't discovered gunpowder yet [00:42] no point in holding it for the lost civs then [00:42] From Togas's orders: Sell off SaltPeter or Incense (if it reverts) as a part of a major deal to reduce cost of tech, if possible. If not, sell off to nation (other than France!) that will give best possible price. [00:43] sounds like selling to persia is ok.. [00:43] other clients (russia and aztecs) have a zero treasury and will not pay gpt. they have no tech to sell either [00:43] i'm sure the germans and greeks are out of the question for saltpeter, yes? [00:43] We don't have to sell it this turn [00:43] Shiber, any chance we might wind up selling Saltpeter to an undiscovered civ shoudl they turn out to be richer then we anticipate? [00:43] 12 galley e of mainlqand se,se,se [00:43] yes aggie good [00:44] galley one uber e,e,e [00:44] THey will most likely be backwards [00:44] adaMada, first there's a very slim chance that a lost civ has gunpowder [00:44] 4 PW done [00:44] Sorry [00:44] I emant to say "any chance we'll sell them gunpowder?" [00:44] 4 SMC... starting with Aggie's reported above [00:44] second, no matter how rich they are, we'll empty their coffers and put them in huge gpt debts when we sell them tech [00:44] they'll have no money left for saltpeter [00:44] Good point -- if we get to sell them gunpowder, they won't have anything left [00:45] Ok, agreed, we'll take the Persia deal unless anyone objects... [00:45] no objection here [00:45] they're too weak to make any difference with it [00:45] 4 No sign of lost land yet... [00:45] best one I could see... [00:46] 4 Continuing SMC orders... [00:46] MWIA, you're moving SE SE SE right? [00:46] New FAM order: Sell Saltpeter to Persia for 4gpt, 8g, WM (MWIA: will repeat order once you it, just giving you heads up :)) [00:47] 12 New FAM order: Sell Saltpeter to Persia for 4gpt, 8g, WM (MWIA: will repeat order once you it, just giving you heads up :)) [00:47] 3did somebody lose some land? [00:47] we can also sell persia iron when we get extra [00:47] 4 SMC done [00:48] 4 FAM order as posted above by ada... [00:48] E_T what do you mean lost land? [00:48] Ok, about getting hold of the map E_T wanted... [00:48] How much gold do we have in the treasury? [00:48] WIA said no sight of lost land..... [00:49] MWIA: we're moving the galleys SE SE SE this time, i hope [00:49] 4Trade Saltpeter to Persia for 4Lpt, 8L and WM [00:49] Shiber - yes the mainland Galley didi SEx3 [00:50] 4 246L in treasury, +251Lpt [00:50] WIA, do you want me to compile the report? I can do it tomorrow morning first thing. [00:50] Ok, thanks MWIA :D [00:50] Sure, Shiber... I will put up a preliminary one as soon as the chat finishes though. [00:51] 4 Alrighty... all done, ending turn in 2mins [00:51] Do people still see benefit in aquiring Rome's map? [00:51] did we buy Romes Map? [00:52] * nz_upy has joined #civ3dem [00:52] no not yet [00:52] MWIA, hang on a sec if you can [00:52] hi nz_upy [00:52] Sure. Rome's map is only 1L\ [00:52] Seriously? I heard it was 3 + tm [00:52] then there's nothing new in it, i suppose [00:52] NZ??? [00:52] hi everyone [00:52] 12 too avoid confusion I have now posred corrct Ship Orders in orders thread, so please referesh [00:52] hello [00:52] MWIA, if it's 1, don't even bother -- it's got nothing new [00:52] no slaves for sale... [00:53] we'll buy Rome's map next turn [00:53] unless anyone objects... [00:53] And no French Workers on SP [00:53] o.k. [00:53] the english worker is still digging the road to our iron source :) [00:53] 4 Ending turn in 1 min [00:54] Unless there are objections..? [00:54] LOL, gotta love the brits :) [00:54] MWIA, you've got my approval [00:54] What gentlemen those English are! [00:54] Shiber, How long has he been there? [00:54] about 5 turns i think [00:54] he's been there awhile. [00:54] 12cp looks good [00:55] it takes a while, after all it's a mountain tile [00:55] hello mates am i still in england? hehe [00:55] * WIA is eating breakfast - my God I was hungry after last night... [00:55] 4Turn ended [00:55] and the brits aren't industrious [00:55] Are English also Industrous? [00:55] I wonder if we could take a worker of our own and start mining the French saltpeter tiles [00:55] stopping one turn before we finish and reordering... [00:55] Meshelic: yeah, I loved that cartoon. [00:55] no expansionist and commercial i believe... [00:55] I don't think the AI'll kick you out if you're working their land [00:55] shiber veryfunny indeed [00:56] addamada actually i've tried, doesn't seem to let you work their land [00:56] as I think about it, someone posted a plan like that... [00:56] 4Nothing special happens... [00:56] 13* E_T is starting to smell the rich smell of birthday cake baking...... [00:56] WB lazy worker plan... [00:56] hummmmmmm birthday cakke [00:56] Ahh, that's it [00:56] it is possible to improve territory that is not yours [00:57] anyway, we can always connect these sources after we conquer france. dunno if we should risk our workers [00:57] And Ice Cream.... [00:57] 12 for that ET i'd give up all y upgrades [00:57] E_T - AGC has Worker next in queue when orders say it is Spear or Musket - change to Spear? [00:57] Shiber, I'm just talking about stopping the French from connecting them [00:57] oh [00:57] *** Donegeal kicks ET in the chin for not sharing *** [00:57] Only to the limit that the other civ has for tech & Resource [00:57] 4 Allocating Aggie's cash for E_T's cake. [00:57] :D [00:57] that's a good idea actually, but i'm afraid it isn't possible [00:57] hehe [00:58] the AI asks your workers to leave its territory unless they start improving it [00:58] Shiber, I know, but what if we had the worker building a mine... [00:58] if we just stand there france will get angry at us [00:58] and stopping one turn before completion every time... [00:58] 4 Saving [00:58] and then restarting the next turn, after france 'asks' that we remove our foces [00:58] *forces [00:58] adaMada, actually that's a great idea! [00:58] WB had it first, actually [00:58] too bad ghengis is not here [00:58] 4Posting.. [00:59] I don't know if his involved just having a worker sit there or a worker work the tile, but he came up with the idea of sending a worker to sit on the tile [00:59] i suggest that you mention it to ghengis anyway [00:59] yea, I think it might just work... [00:59] 4 Still eating breakfast... [00:59] as long as it dont cause a rep hit [00:59] 4 Save posted! [00:59] AGC might come up as a Musket, the Spear was in the Q before w got GP, So I don't know what It's going to do [00:59] I'll try to remember, but someone else should feel free to mention it to him [00:59] E_T - AGC came up as worker - change it to Musket? [00:59] I honestly don't follow the CP/PW threads that well :-\, so... [01:00] WC [01:00] 4 Changing AGC to WC [01:00] 12change AGC to WC [01:00] Read your mind.. :D [01:00] 4 CP orders... [01:01] Why did it do that? Humm, I'll look at it as soon as it loads [01:01] 12I have one addition to the orders [01:01] our income grew by 22gpt from 720 to 730 [01:02] and again by 4gpt from 730 to 740 [01:02] 4 - Go ahead, E_T [01:02] 12Ruch Musket in Chiquita for 48L [01:03] *rush [01:04] 4 Musket rushed [01:04] 12same city, change WF to 1-3-4-12-13-14 [01:04] 12Everything else as posted. [01:05] E_T are you sure? Doesn't that mean a deficit of 1? [01:05] Should be Zero [01:05] 12sorry, 1-4-5-12-13-14 [01:06] Aha [01:06] 4Done [01:06] 12and then when it's built next turn, change it back to 4-5-6-12-13-14 [01:07] 3did you rush the Cath in San Cortez? [01:07] Not yet... Arbela didn;t build worker this turn. [01:08] Do I rush the Cathedral? [01:08] Boring, isn't it guys? [01:09] I think you looking at the wrong date again... [01:09] Not at all! This is Flip'em off in action! [01:09] Yes [01:09] 740AD... [01:09] It says Arbela - Worker built, Library next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-7-16 [01:10] Tha's in 750 [01:10] excuse my ignorance, but what is WF? [01:10] It's in BOTH, that's why! [01:10] WorkForce [01:10] Never mind - explained 4 CP finished [01:10] 4PW now [01:10] oh. the simplest answer is usually it [01:11] You'll have to get to know the numbers as an RA.... [01:12] yes i know [01:12] still new to me [01:12] : ) [01:13] I'm going to get a smoke and check out the B-day cake, BRB [01:13] * E_T is now known as E_T_AFK [01:16] 4PW done [01:16] Now the fun... 4 SMC [01:16] :)) [01:16] YES [01:16] hows the galley going? [01:16] EXPLORE!!! [01:16] galley se,se,se [01:17] (i like how mine and shiber's orders ended up being the same thing) [01:17] lol [01:17] great minds think alike [01:17] i like that saying [01:17] one of my favorites actually [01:17] All there is to do is 4GEC SEx3 [01:18] are you excited MWIA? [01:18] Spotted! [01:18] land???? [01:18] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [01:18] Now who is that? [01:18] YES YES [01:18] let me see... [01:18] Chinese. [01:18] no contact yet, only next turn [01:18] good good news [01:18] :)) [01:18] VERY exciting [01:19] 41min to end turn [01:19] I mean 4 1 Min to end turn [01:19] buy map from rome yet? [01:19] 12 should be in red:) [01:19] see how close they are? [01:19] hehehe we want that contact and $$$$$ [01:19] 12NOOOO map trades [01:19] 4 Hold on a sec... [01:20] Do I rush the Cathedral in San Cortes? [01:20] yes... its in the orders... [01:20] *Aggie* good job [01:20] mmmmm, Chocolate & Strawberry Marble cake with chocolate & Strawberry marbles frosting....mmmmmm [01:21] 12Rush san Cortez [01:21] *** Donegeal kicks ET in the chin again *** [01:21] 12 et is that for the land ho party [01:21] * E_T_AFK is now known as E_T [01:21] 4 Turn ends in 30s [01:21] we saw land [01:21] KEWL [01:22] 4 Turn ending [01:22] shiber our naval operations are a success! [01:22] What happened? [01:22] :dance: [01:22] -> *Aggie* Thank you :) [01:22] DId we buy Rome's map? [01:22] do a little dance....make a little love...get down tonight! [01:22] Land ho [01:22] yeahh [01:22] ohhh [01:22] nicce [01:23] 4 750AD - nothing of importance [01:23] Ok :) [01:23] poor Aro going to have ALOT of work to do... [01:23] when he gets back [01:23] feel sorry for em [01:23] MWIA, I've talked to Togas, and I have his authorization NOT to request a stopage of game when we make contact [01:23] you have the decision, of course, but he decided against asking for one [01:24] we believe our plan now can handle it [01:24] 3MrWIA, when we get their maps, could you post a screen shot? [01:24] Also, do we want Rome's map so we can see if they're anyplace close? [01:24] I say yes [01:24] I say yes... [01:24] ya my game is acting really funny (no menu at opening page!!!) need screenshot [01:24] 4 Posted [01:25] apoc is going mad not knowing whats going on [01:25] nx_upy - is he? Right now? [01:25] whooops - meant nz, of course [01:25] first to download [01:25] nz_upy -- where is apoc? [01:25] 4 CP orders... [01:25] Ok, someone check the cost of Rome's map for me if they can [01:27] Hmmm... did we buy their map? [01:27] im on 1.29 sorry [01:27] their cost doesn't look any different... [01:27] okay RL calls folks. shiber congrats to both of us on those orders, everyone else, see you on the threads [01:27] cya [01:27] I'll talk to Apoc in the chat [01:27] update him [01:28] * Meshelic has left #civ3dem [01:28] sorry, i was away [01:28] had to do something [01:28] ada, anything you need me to check? [01:28] 12Rush the Caravel in Tessagrad [01:28] Shiber, Rome's map cost? [01:29] in a minute... [01:29] ok, sure [01:29] E_T: may i ask why? [01:30] Aggie wanted it rushed with two turns left [01:30] Can't do all of Termina's WF without changing over WF in Tassagrad - 10 is being used. [01:30] okay [01:30] -> *Aggie* do we really need that caravel in tassagrad rushed? [01:31] rush & move tessa's WF then Move termina's WF [01:31] Tessa WF in a second [01:31] 4 Rushing Caravel [01:32] 12Tessagrad - WF to 3-5-6-10-11-12-13-14 [01:33] 4 Tass changes made [01:33] see the french worker on sp [01:33] *Aggie* yap so we can attack the french with the catapults [01:33] 12Looks like it's better to Keep Chiquita's WF the same for npw [01:33] Rome's WM: 9 gold (sorry for being so late) [01:33] -> *Aggie* okay, :b: [01:34] no problem [01:34] MWIA, grab Rome's WM for 9 gold please [01:34] 4CP finished except for rushing [01:34] 4 PW... [01:34] 12 FAM order (at MWIA's convience): Trade 9 g for Rome's WM [01:34] 12 can i get siome wc rushed this turn [01:34] let me look [01:35] Aggie, we might be blowing lotta cash on the Lost Civs [01:35] not that I'd be against you getting WC's rushed... [01:36] well lerts see what they have but I still need 6wc to knights and 3 archer to lb for war and its getting awfully close [01:36] ok [01:36] well, we'll probably make up whatever we spend on contacts in tech deals [01:36] probably [01:36] we could also use GPT [01:36] BHQ has one comming next turn, Gaia, I'd like to wait til next turn to rush, still checking [01:36] wait on rushes till after FAM with lost civs... [01:37] Temina just started it's WC build, AGC is rushable [01:38] That's all of the WC's in current build [01:38] 12 i meant upgrades to knights, [01:38] Sure [01:39] But I would loke to do the 200 for Contagion and the FP build [01:39] I don't have anymore rushes for the next two turns [01:40] the war will start in 810 or earlier so as long as rushed completed by 900 i am happy [01:40] * mapfi has joined #civ3dem [01:40] ok [01:41] And I don't know about the one rush set for turn 5, but it's only 104L for a courthouse in Geo [01:41] 4 PW done [01:41] We'll see where we are? [01:41] 4 FAM as reported above [01:42] now let's get down to dealing with the chinese! [01:42] 4 Rome's WM for 9L [01:42] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [01:42] move two tiles to their cultural border to make contact [01:42] 12 lets start movement with galleys [01:42] don't invade it though, we don't want to start our relations on the left foot [01:42] Neet, they are exploring north of the Greek Isle [01:43] Aggie or SHiber - your orders..? [01:43] 12 galley goto border [01:43] SESE? [01:43]  later all [01:43] cya Aggie! [01:43] 12 yes [01:44] off to play hockey i assume [01:44] good luck! [01:44] 4 Hilly terrain... [01:44] Bye Generalissimo... [01:44] I salute you SMC!!! [01:44]  well to watch [01:44] i'm beginning to review trade options... [01:44] * Aggie has quit IRC (Quit) [01:44] and it's a coin toss, south I say [01:44] South then? [01:45] doesn't really matter [01:45] Shiber, ok [01:45] let it be SESE like Aggie said [01:45] I'm moving them with you [01:45] ive just been observing for the past cpl turns [01:45] if we are at the border, we can make contact... [01:45] He had that for up to the border [01:45] Hwe have to be within sight of a city or unit [01:45] let's move to the border and buy their WM first and then decide what we want to do with the 3rd movement point [01:45] Hang on - it's CHINA! [01:45] i agree [01:46] no, it's enough to touch a civ's cultural border to make contact [01:46] no, we just have to but up against the border.. [01:46] Shiber, let me check [01:46] 4 Opening contact... [01:46] ok [01:46] ahh... China is broke. But wait... [01:46] How about this: [01:46] WIA, first things first -- do they have contact with anyone else? [01:46] or Shiber, or anyone else [01:46] 4 Contact with Indians and Zulus [01:46] For our WM, they will give us contact with India and Zululand, their own WM and 14 gold. [01:46] Ok, I think that's everyone [01:46] THEY ARE VERY BACKWARD [01:46] hmmm... go figure... [01:46] Shiber, hang on... [01:46] Japan is missing... [01:47] after we get their WM we'll have a sea route and we'll be able to buy furs for some tech [01:47] no WM, I think [01:47] I mean, don't sell them our WM [01:47] They need theo, chiv & Invention [01:47] We're going to whore EVERYONE'S WM to EVERYONE else next turn [01:47] we should buy theres if we can, though [01:47] what should we give them for the contacts then? invention? [01:47] YIKES! 4 Both contacts for any tech or for 33Lpt [01:48] How backward are they again? [01:48] both contacts + their WM + 14g for invention or WM [01:48] both contacts for invent.... [01:48] * nz_upy has quit IRC (Quit) [01:48] adaMada: they need invention, theology and chivalry [01:48] they're at the start of the era [01:48] Anyone know which is least valuable to them? [01:49] 4 Both contacts for 33Lpt and 7L [01:49] we can get both contacts, wm & 14L for chiv & WM [01:49] theology [01:49] WIA, I'd almost rather give a tech, especially considering they have no cash to pay for all the techs we have... [01:49] do not sell our WM [01:49] IMHO the best deal is: We give WM, they give WM, contacts and 14 gold. [01:49] Chivalry and Invention are less valued by them [01:49] donegeal: why not? we can't whore it around a lot to China [01:49] they hardly have the dough to pay for our tech [01:49] Shiber - I am inclined to agree. [01:50] but they will sell it to the other lost civs... [01:50] Theo & TM [01:50] adaMada: can you open the game? [01:50] Shiber, am going to now [01:50] can we we avoid giving them our WM [01:50] ? [01:50] Theo & TM [01:50] E_T is right. [01:50] within reason, of course [01:50] I'd rather not give away WM yet [01:50] CiverDan: it's not like they could use it to find the other civs [01:50] or TM [01:51] Well... [01:51] We have a whole string of thechs that we can sell them [01:51] Hang on, let me think for a sec [01:51] and open game [01:52] If we sell ALL the NEW civ's WMs this turn... [01:52] I mean, if we sell all the new civ's our wm this turn, what's the disadvantage? [01:52] TM's only dhow our territory [01:53] *show [01:53] over waiting till next turn, when we sell WMs/Communication to everyone [01:53] TM means they get less. [01:53] Where about 1/6 of the known world [01:53] adamada, why sell communications to everyone next turn? [01:53] that would be VERY premature [01:53] I agree [01:53] We could have a vote... [01:53] IMHO we should rather keep knowledge of the lost civs to ourselves until we've sold them all of our tech [01:54] TM and Theology for their Comms, WM and 14L sounds good to me... [01:54] Shiber, Togas already decided no because he belives the AI will make a beeline for the Lost Civs [01:54] now that they can [01:54] they can't build cities using their knowledge of the map, but that won't stop them from establishing contact/exploration [01:54] that sounds good WIA [01:55] Thank E_T for that idea. [01:55] what an expensive mistake this will turn out to be. oh well... [01:55] hang on, lol, let me open game [01:55] Shiber: do you KNOW otherwise? [01:55] Shiber - what are your reservations? [01:55] rather than that we can buy rome's WM every turn and monitor their progress [01:56] if we see that they've found a lost civ's borders then we can immediately whore the contacts and WM [01:56] THere is still one lost civ out there [01:56] E_T: maybe the zulu or the indians have contacts with the japanese [01:56] agrees with shiber [01:56] Hold on - if we give them only our TM and Theology, they can't rreach us anyway. [01:56] and the chinese dont know of them, maybe the zulu or Indians....? [01:56] hang on a sec [01:56] We aren't giving any contacts away right now. [01:56] yeah...without Nav they arent going very far [01:57] Poor ada - time to upgrade? :D [01:57] What's he running? [01:57] * Togas has joined #civ3dem [01:57] TOGAS! [01:57] Good [01:57] Just the man [01:57] how's it going? [01:57] Found China [01:57] We have found China [01:57] no, every time I try to open the game someone talks to me [01:57] TOGAS! [01:57] lol, yesss, i was just about to have to make a hard decision [01:57] lol [01:57] WE are negotiating for contact with Zulus and India [01:58] what turn is it? [01:58] Options: WM for their WM and contacts +14L OR our TM and Theology for the same. [01:58] 750 AD [01:58] Contact; WM; 14L for our TM & THeo [01:58] * Zeit has joined #civ3dem [01:58] hi zeit [01:58] Togas, shiber just proposed a viable alternative to trading away contact with the civs [01:58] hi everyone [01:58] hie shiber [01:58] hi [01:58] which is b uying Rome's WM every turn and selling if they start to head in the right direction [01:58] what's the alt? [01:58] how's it going? [01:58] OR their Contacts and WM for 33Lpt and 14L [01:58] LPT [01:59] I think it addresses your primary concern [01:59] THey need Theo, Chiv & Invention [01:59] Sorry - 33Lpt and 7L [01:59] though we might ahve to turn around and change that policy once more civs start sea-exploring [01:59] anyway, loading up the game now [01:59] *Zeit* how things went so far in the chat? [01:59] I say the best bet is theo & TM [01:59] the point is that selling off the contacts immediately the next turn might be premature, especially if we can monitor rome's progress with little expense [02:00] -> *Zeit* well, we found china [02:00] ok, if I've got the latest sav loaded, what do I do to make contact? [02:00] *Zeit* wow, that's great [02:00] *Zeit* anyone but china? [02:00] just move the galley? [02:00] I'll postpone it, but I'm not sure if will give us much value. [02:00] We buoght Romes Map for 9L and they are exploring north of the Greek Isle [02:00] E_T, why not sell China our WM? What reason is there not to sell WM instead and save Theology for another deal? [02:00] ada - Galley 2xSE [02:01] Once we bleed them dry, I don't seem the getting much more gold in the next few turns to be bled dry again. [02:01] Our WM ha more VALUE compaired to TM [02:01] BRB [02:01] k [02:02] thanks WIA [02:02] These guys don't even have Theology. What a find. :) [02:02] THey are way far behind us and we can take a lost of advantage of that [02:02] If Japan is isolated, they will be even farther behind... [02:02] MWIA, I moved it twice SE, but how do I establish contact? I don't see any units... [02:03] -> *Zeit* not yet, but we're going to buy contacts with india and zululand [02:03] Go to theier border [02:03] their [02:03] go to Diplo screen [02:03] oh, ok [02:03] diplo, got it [02:03] Back now [02:03] * Ghengis has joined #civ3dem [02:03] *Zeit* and japan is isolated, or so it seems, right? [02:04] Ghengis! [02:04] Welcome to the lost world.... [02:04] now activating stealth mode [02:04] Ghengis, just the man we wanted to talk to! [02:04] lol [02:04] lol [02:04] Togas, looking at options now [02:04] 12 Trade our TM and Theology to Chinese for their contacts, WM, and 14L [02:04] Ok, nevermind :) [02:04] No concerns from anyone? [02:05] hmmm.... [02:05] IMHO Theology + TM has a greater value than just our WM [02:05] Speak now.... [02:05] -> *Zeit* it seems so, so far [02:05] I'm getting contacts + WM +14L for just invent... [02:05] not to them. [02:05] Have we connected to the lost civs yet [02:05] yes we have [02:05] That's right, donegeal [02:06] Ghengis, only after we buy their WM (which will give us knowledge of the locations of their harbors and allow sea trade to commence) [02:06] yes!!!!! [02:06] Hae we traded tech for HORDES of money per turn? [02:06] we found china [02:06] Togas: I'm not sure about this but there's no way to determine this for sure, so let's just go with your plan. [02:06] why trade our TM + tech when we can get what we want for one tech? [02:06] What about just giving them Invention? [02:06] Give em a tech for their contacts [02:06] Ghengis: I'm afraid that China is broke, but there are still the Zulu and the Indians which we are about to buy contacts with. [02:06] As per donegeal's idea? [02:06] This is just the first step. Next, we start selling techs. [02:07] Agreed [02:07] Wow, the Zulus have the corner on the Gem Market [02:07] WIA, any reason we can't 'play along' in the deal itself too? [02:07] Where's Japan? WIA said we contacted Japan in the forum [02:07] No, but wait till I announce it in red. [02:07] will do [02:07] I do, when it's done [02:07] No - I was wrong. It was China. [02:07] Ghengis, he made a mistake. [02:08] Have we bought Rome's most current map yet? [02:08] Someone told me it was Japan. [02:08] okay, can we make Togas's deal then? [02:08] I think Rome is making a beeline for someone [02:08] Ghengis: yes. They're exploring near the Greek island. [02:08] Guys. Options. 1. Their contacts and WM for 33Lpt and 7L [02:08] 2. Their contacts, WM and 14L for our WM [02:08] If we sell China our TM we will have to sell it to India and the Zulus too [02:08] 12 Hold on. If they'll take just invention, substitute that for TM + Theo [02:08] 3. Their contafcts, Wm and 14L for our TM and Theology [02:08] 4. Contacts, WM and 14L for Invention [02:08] Will they sell for a tech? [02:09] Togas -- remember that invention may be very valuable to the other lost civs [02:09] Option 4, anyone? [02:09] and we might want to take a turn or two to milk it from them for the max. profit [02:09] i still like 3 [02:09] having said that, Togas, your call [02:09] My choice is either 2 or 3. [02:09] We will trade the same tech to the other civs before they can [02:09] It's clearly more valuable than Theo, but it allows us to do a separate map trade [02:09] option three seems good to me [02:09] Zulu need Eng, THeo & Chiv [02:09] 2 [02:10] We can get LPT for Theo [02:10] ET.... we don't have contact with them yet... [02:10] How you know they need that> [02:10] :( [02:11] I went by Togas's orders and did the deal on my copy, I didd't see him change his mind.... [02:11] Need absolutely final FAM decision please.... [02:11] I move that ET's comments about the Zulu be stricken from the record [02:11] 12 Trade China Invention for all their contacts, WM, and 14L [02:12] What's a little mistake? Who looks at the log anyway? [02:12] Ok :) [02:12] let's rock and roll [02:12] OK Invention for China's contacts, WM, 14L [02:12] 4Done [02:12] Making deal now [02:12] Holy GOD! Look at that gems around Ulundi! [02:12] togas, in ministers room if you need it [02:12] now I can say that the Zuilus have the corner on the gem market [02:13] Look at Macao.... [02:13] I figured one of the civs would have a lux to themselves [02:13] can anyone post a save, i'd really like to check on that map... [02:13] Next target: Zululand [02:13] India: Invention and Education for 48gpt, 20g and WM!!!! [02:13] Wow! 12 gems! [02:13] Good going Shiber on calling that the lost civs would have saltpeter [02:14] I think we should get Rome's most current map that we can search for hints to where Japan is [02:14] India's WM is worthless. [02:14] does either have contact w/japan? [02:14] Zululand: Engineering for 5gpt, 32g and WM. [02:14] CiverDan: no. [02:14] ok [02:14] If any had, China would have been able to trad it to us [02:14] I think Japan is north of Zululand. [02:15] China has 2 SP, India 1 & zulu 0 [02:15] The Indian Military outnumber us! [02:15] Seriously? [02:15] This is getting more and more interesting [02:15] bah... they're still using sticks and stones [02:15] I haven't seen the map so I dont know but Rome is after something W of Grecos [02:15] outnumber us with arriors, maybe [02:16] NONE of these guys have contact with "Japan"? how do we even know Japan exists? [02:16] India: Invention and Education for 48gpt, 20g and WM. Zululand: Engineering for 5gpt, 32g and WM. [02:16] India wants Invention for 21Lpt [02:16] note that zulu makes ~5 gpt [02:16] Cause they started the game and haven't been destroyed [02:16] One at a time - look at India first. [02:17] ok, but we should check them all before actually making deals [02:17] Whos to have destroyed them? [02:17] I think Togas might be right -- Rome might be belining with Japan [02:17] Ghengis not Togas [02:17] India - Education for 48Lpt and 20l and WM [02:17] No need to give Invention as well. [02:17] we're gonna be rich! [02:18] That's all their Lpt and L for Education... [02:18] Wow, wait a sec [02:18] India: Education for 48gpt, 20g and WM. Zululand: Engineering for 5gpt, 32g and WM. [02:18] 48 lpt! [02:18] WIA -- I concur. Best deal I've found so far with India. [02:18] I realize we look like twins but at least try to tell us apart......... [02:18] holy sh*t [02:18] Ghengis, was that you? Sorry [02:18] Can't follow this chat anymore, lol [02:18] 48gpt... that's 960g! [02:18] damnn [02:18] 980L [02:18] For only 1 tech. [02:18] Yep [02:18] Togas, we gotta keep this for ourselves [02:18] how much is that in bananas? [02:18] Shall we, gentlemen? [02:18] Zeit: a gazillion cases [02:18] sounds good [02:18] I'll pull the trigger on that one right now... [02:18] on the off chance rome doesn't find them [02:19] 960 g? Bah, petty cash [02:19] 12 Sell India Education for 48LPT, 20L, and their WM [02:19] Togas, reccomend we check all the civs first [02:19] well, with that deal, i guess it doesn't matter :D [02:19] Will do that order... [02:19] We got more techs [02:19] WIA, sure you don't mind? [02:19] * manicstar has joined #civ3dem [02:19] It's worth your time? [02:19] :D [02:19] hoefuly they got more money... [02:20] 4Education to India for 48Lpt, 20L and WM [02:20] ada - just this ONCE. ;) [02:20] cha-ching! [02:20] Now to Zululand... [02:20] India is absolutely broke now. :) [02:20] WM also worthless... [02:20] Zululand has about 5 gpt [02:20] wooooohoooo... did we met the lost civs? [02:20] I'm wondering how much we'll make selling our wm to Abananba [02:21] Oh damn, we should have given India Invention [02:21] not Education [02:21] oh well [02:21] adaMada: they wouldn't have paid that much for invention [02:21] i checked [02:21] all but 1 [02:21] Yeah, Zulus can't offer more than 5gpt, so let's sell them our cheapest tech [02:21] Togas, wait... [02:21] give them Edu. or invention, the other civs will whore it to them anyway [02:21] Engineering for 5Lpt, 32L and WM, confirmed. [02:21] lol, Rome are offering 78 gold and their own WM for our WM! [02:22] * Disconnected Session Close: Sat Oct 26 02:22:39 2002 Session Start: Sat Oct 26 02:23:57 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [02:23] * Now talking in #civ3dem [02:24] Shiber, welcome back [02:24] * WIA makes a bed of money to sleep in at the end of the chat. [02:24] thanks, my connection dropped for a second [02:24] ROME, Greece & Germany attacking at once type emergency [02:24] We need to keep tabs on Rome's WM [02:24] * WIA considers parading through Ubergorsk spreading money in a ticker-tape parade. [02:24] WIA, want to fund the Ubergorsk Irons? [02:24] you could buy in -- it's a great team, I promise ;) [02:24] As far as I can tell, all 3 Lost Civs are now horribly broke. [02:24] 4We have 399L and 309Lpt [02:24] We can call them the Ubergorsk Lytons from now on. [02:24] Yea, I agree [02:25] lol [02:25] the Broke Civs [02:25] YEAH [02:25] BWAHAHAHA! [02:25] There's a story there. [02:25] Phew! I feel spent. [02:25] Anyone have any objections to us buying Roman WM right now? [02:25] Rush Contagion and I'll be back in a while [02:25] Searching for unfinished orders... [02:25] oh, we still need to move that galley one more tile [02:25] * mapfi has left #civ3dem [02:26] shall we set sail to the north to find the great lost civilization of Japan? [02:26] Togas, we did earlier this turn [02:26] I think [02:26] Shiber - yes, and the other Galley too. [02:26] good to hear [02:26] Either early this turn or last turn, but pretty sure it's this one [02:26] what a shock..they put japan on an island... [02:26] Here's why I feel better with whoring our WM now [02:26] Shiber - sounds good to me [02:26] We'll keep tabs on them, sell contacts & new WM when needed. Let's go find the Japanese [02:26] CiverDan: lol [02:26] Who else could start exploring? [02:26] Galley NE? [02:26] Has navigation and is on the coast? [02:26] Any chance hte Greeks'll try it? [02:26] What if England or somene makes contact at the end of this turn? We lose a good deal of profit. [02:27] Ghengis, we'll buy anyone's WM who we think there's a risk of contact [02:27] Can we keep going please? I'm kinda tired and wanting to do all the chores sometime in the light :) [02:27] They can't do anything with the map, except trade it [02:27] yeah, we have lots of money now!!! mwhahahahaha [02:27] we can break the market... [02:27] with our new 900 gold, the Foreign Ministry really can fund the ten gold required [02:27] Move Galley NE towardds estimated Japan position..? [02:28] Currently, Eng WM = 5g [02:28] well we shouldn't GIVE it away....... [02:28] Eng. might be exploring if the map's expanded, that sounds like one turn's worth of movement [02:28] Greek WM = 3g [02:28] How much will they give for ours? [02:29] I'd suggest checking prices of England AND Greece next turn [02:29] Nod. [02:29] we'll compare to see if they're exploring [02:29] they can't be close if it's that cheep -- but if it grows, we know they're exploring and can buy [02:29] exactly :) [02:29] Anyone listening to the President...? [02:29] nope [02:29] Just checking. [02:29] lol [02:29] WIA, go get 'em. NE sounds fine to me. [02:29] MWIA is right, let's finish up! [02:30] did we get Romes' map? [02:30] And the Uber Galley? Keeps goin E? [02:30] Personally, I wanna go to sleep BEFORE IT'S MORNING. lol [02:30] Ghengis, think we did at the beginning of this turn [02:30] Ghengis: yes [02:30] can't totally remember though -- anyone know? [02:30] beginning of this turn [02:30] We got Rome's map [02:30] oh, ok [02:30] Is the save up yet ? [02:30] I'll scan their maps for hints of coastline [02:30] Uber Galley: keep exploring the waters to increase the value of our WM, I guess [02:30] Ghengis: good idea [02:30] OK - Uber Galley heads E [02:31] ...and meets Japan. [02:31] just kidding [02:31] Shiber thrown overboard for bad joke [02:31] i assume we havn't found any isles near uber? [02:31] the Lost Shiber [02:31] lol [02:31] over board a galley is a pretty short fall [02:32] Side board? [02:32] I;ve seen our "rowboats", its not a fall [02:32] Ghengis -- think I could bid on that the lost civ's Island for the $-minigame? :D [02:32] 4 All orders done. End turn in 1min [02:32] If we take it. [02:33] 12 OK to end [02:33] Did you rush the Court in Cont? [02:33] i can't wait to check the save... [02:33] N oI haven't, donegeal [02:33] I don't know how good it looks as I haven't seen the map [02:33] donegeal- we don't have the funds :) [02:33] ET said to rush court in Cont... [02:33] I guess I should rush that Court [02:33] Where'd our money go? [02:34] Can we buy France? [02:34] lol [02:34] Togas, think we could declare that new income of 48 gpt 'Foreign Ministry Cash' and then use it to buy what we want? [02:34] lol [02:34] ;) [02:34] I think Shiber should be the =trustee of its use [02:35] I'm going to link up the new contacts, when we trade them, to a tech deal. [02:35] 4CATHEDRAL rushed in Contag [02:35] He aimed the galley [02:35] 4turn end in 1min [02:35] he came up with the go SE idea [02:35] He has a port named after him [02:35] :b: [02:35] but I want gyms... :D [02:35] ;) [02:35] seriously, it's a shame we can't buy excess gyms and then resell them [02:35] Donegeal's Reef (new city) [02:35] we'd be soo rich [02:36] 4Turn ended [02:36] Who wants the exercise? [02:36] I heard my name... [02:36] Next turn we're going to try to do lux deals with the lost (and broke) civs. [02:36] They kinda need the cash now don't they [02:37] we'll give them useless techs instead of cash. Need to keep them broke. [02:37] Buy Lux at $ for turn, then give a tech for the $ per turn back....... [02:37] We'll use the techs we've already given to their contacts [02:37] exactly, ada [02:37] :b: [02:37] hey, I was taught well ;) [02:37] 4WLWIAD cancelled in Termina and Arbela - traitors :p [02:38] Why did you cancel it? [02:38] It will return once the new supplies of furs and gems arrive. :D [02:38] 4 AND in Jerusalem [02:38] Ghengis: they were cancelled. the cities grew [02:38] can we trade goods across ocean? [02:38] Ghengis: yes [02:38] 4 Gotham appreciates me though. [02:39] They're just humoring you [02:39] We Humor the King Day [02:39] 4 Neon Uber City's radius expands. [02:39] do they have to have Navigation, or only one side has to have it? [02:39] for us to trade goods? [02:40] 4French building Bach's [02:40] lol@ghengis [02:40] Zeit, only one side needs to have nav [02:40] 4Germans building Magellan [02:40] damn germans [02:40] Oh. Wow. They have no oceans, too. [02:40] great, we'll carry on with operation "broke civs" [02:40] 4That's it - posting save. [02:40] yeah, lol [02:41] During WHKD, the fireworks are displayed but no benifit occurs [02:41] they'll get an extra move to move around their lake [02:41] The Germans gotta be stupid to launch Magellan's Voyage from that little lake thing east of their territory. [02:42] Not necessarily it gives any ships they may build in the future the advantage not just the ones in the lake [02:42] hey, they declared war on us once... [02:42] Togas: lol, I imagine the German Caravels SPEEDING through that little lake. [02:42] Ghengis, yea, but why would they think they're going to get much ocean in the future? [02:42] there's gotta be some other (more useful) wonder they could build [02:42] Ghengis, i meant that they have no access to the sea so they have little actual use for magellan's voyage [02:42] Maybe they no something we dont [02:42] at the moment, at least [02:42] :) [02:42] adaMada: maybe they're planning on switching sometime in the middle [02:43] Oh okay their stupid, I was stretching it a bit we the they know somehting [02:43] 4 Posted. [02:43] 4 CP orders [02:43] Like Newtons' University [02:43] Mike give them an early GA [02:44] CP: build worker in AGC after WC is done. [02:44] Shiber, can the AI actually plan like that? [02:45] adaMada: I honestly don't know [02:45] adaMada: I honestly don't know [02:45] Togas, if you want me to check anything lemme know [02:45] I don't think the AI knows either [02:45] Mysterious are the ways of the AI [02:45] Ghengis, lol [02:45] ok, checking for any saltpeter deals now... [02:46] Shiber, didn't we already do that? [02:46] maybe they changed their mind [02:47] ada, let's start shopping for new lux :) [02:47] France is connecting the Saltpeter tile near Lyons. [02:47] Togas, gotcha :) [02:47] Shiber, damn, and we didn't talk to Ghengis about that idea either [02:47] how many turns until war? [02:48] yeah, bummer... [02:48] what huh about what? [02:48] Can anyone figure out why Arbela and Jeurselem droped out of WLTKD? [02:48] according to aggie's schedule, 5 turns, but that may change [02:48] physics is now available for purchase. [02:48] donegeal: they grew, no? [02:48] Have you ever met WIA? [02:48] nope [02:48] Oh that's why you asked [02:48] hmmm...anyone see the lonel chinese city of macao? [02:48] 4 CP done [02:48] would somebody please explain why our workers aren't trying to connect the iron source in Uber Isle? [02:49] Ghengis - have YOU? o_0 :D [02:49] lonely [02:49] you don't just leave strategic resources lying around... lol [02:49] ET's wishes but if you look at my orders I'm connecting on the last round [02:49] We do [02:49] we are waiting for the english to start working on that iron [02:49] 4PW [02:49] they are experts in the matter [02:49] not the other one [02:50] i got that GF [02:50] :) [02:50] CiverDan: yeah, that's how China gets its furs. :) [02:50] anyone remember how much $ we left India with last turn? [02:50] by using English workers [02:50] Ghengis: oh, sorry then [02:50] enough for #4 at McD's [02:50] oh, and that British worker is STILL working on connecting our iron [02:50] Hmmm... Arbela has 5 happy and one content. Why is is not in WLTKD? This is important people. We could loose the spice! [02:50] he still hasn't realized he's not in England anymore [02:51] donegeal: because it shrank and then grew immediately. it will return to WLTKD next turn [02:51] He likes my dental plan [02:51] good point mentioning that though. can we move some WCs from contaginon? [02:52] i suggest that we move several WCs from contaginon to arbela to lower the chances of a cultural flip [02:52] donegeal:same with jeauselem (sp) [02:52] yeah... I was thinking that... [02:53] whats teh plan for the galleys: I like moving the one in the ocean SE and moving other due North [02:53] shiber is right, i think. u ned a size 6 town for a WLTKD [02:53] yup..6 for WLTKD [02:53] The thing with Arbela is that it was size 6 and then built a worker. It shrank to size 5, lost its WLTKD but since the food stores were full it grew to size 6 immediately. The WLTKD will take effect starting next turn. [02:54] nod [02:54] Yeah we should avoid that happenoing again [02:54] Again, does anyone remember how many $ we left India with last turn? I want to try to figure out how much they're making [02:54] Arbela's important [02:54] ANd again enough for a meal at McDonalds [02:54] I'm pretty positive we took all thir $$ [02:54] ada:they can afford 2gpt still [02:55] 4 PW done - a bit messy, some things not available. [02:55] What things? [02:55] Manic, thanks [02:55] No new worker in AGC for example [02:55] Togas, they've got 17 $ now [02:55] 17 g in treas [02:55] Anything else? [02:55] so we either left them with 15 G, or they're still making 17 gpt (doubtful) [02:55] or they got some through trades [02:55] (probably got somet through trades) [02:56] or changed tax rate [02:56] An earlier order for moving a new worker from Arbela was fulfilled a turn late as the worker arrived a turn late (listed twice in E_T's orders) [02:56] might have some GPT deals with other civs for lux [02:56] * Optus has joined #civ3dem [02:56] One wrong direction means the jungle N NE of Port Rouge will take another turn or two to complete [02:56] 4SMC orders... [02:57] India: Music Theory for furs, 2gpt and 17g. [02:57] 4 New unit - Caravel in Tassagrad - anyone care to suggest something? [02:58] Shiber, we see it [02:58] have we started Bachs's yet? [02:58] :) [02:58] China: TM for 7g (all of treasury). [02:58] east [02:59] oh [02:59] lets clear back mor black [02:59] have you noticed the coincidence- zulus have all the gems (diamond), just like in the real world, where most of the world's diamonds are in africa... [02:59] WIA, aggie wants to use it to transport catapults [02:59] shiber:to france? [02:59] Zeit: yeah, and to think that we're not playing with 'Culturally Linked Starting Locations' turned on. [02:59] Are we buying Rome's map? [02:59] manicstar: yes [02:59] dunno of his exact plans though [03:00] we could use em [03:00] Oh, by the way: Printing Press in 2 turns. [03:00] shiber: r u acting? [03:00] 4 Ghengis - one new worker in Timeline - no orders yet. [03:00] 4 Sorry belay that. [03:00] manicstar: afraid not [03:01] * Disconnected Session Close: Sat Oct 26 03:02:40 2002 Session Start: Sat Oct 26 03:02:44 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [03:02] * Now talking in #civ3dem [03:02] hi, connection dropped again [03:02] crappy ISP's fault [03:02] * Shiber has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:03] * Shiber- is now known as Shiber [03:03] FYI India surpasses our culture [03:03] Manic, seriously? [03:03] 4 PW done. Just Galleys to move. [03:03] Donegeal, Togas is in charge but yea, I think so [03:03] Yeah, by 5-10% [03:03] Look at teh histogram [03:03] I've said we should, at least [03:03] where are galleys being moved? [03:03] 4 Only new CCaravel in Tass to move. [03:03] * Optus is now known as Hot_Ename [03:03] the foreign advisor says that india has betrayed the chinese before. hmm... [03:03] Uber Galley just exploring black, other Galley headed NE to find japan [03:04] Does India overlap any of our cities? [03:04] 4 FAM orders...? [03:04] India's third on the histograph [03:04] WIA, order it to pick up catapults i guess [03:04] ghengis:lucjkely no [03:04] 4 Done, Shiber [03:04] FAM is working out trades now. [03:04] Coo. [03:04] *Cool. [03:04] ada:nod [03:04] Pigeon [03:04] btw, are you sure aggie didn't leave any orders for that caravel? [03:05] 4We have 384L and 304Lpt [03:05] Shiber - very sure. [03:05] you mean 308lpt right? [03:05] Togas has a position for life [03:05] No - 304Lpt... [03:05] 3081 PT? [03:05] Yes Ghengis :p [03:05] couldn't resist [03:05] :)) [03:06] Heh [03:06] you never can :)) [03:06] :p [03:06] One little mistype... [03:06] First thing first, let's buy that Roman WM to check up on them. [03:06] think if we had adam smith [03:06] 12 buy Roman WM for lowest possible g [03:06] three turns of saving, and we'd have an extra 50 g coming in [03:06] Can buy Rome's WM for 8L [03:07] ada: thats wallstreet and we can do it [03:07] 4Trade 8L for Rome's WM [03:07] ada:ASTCo gives us trade inprovments for free..Markets, Airports and harbors [03:07] Ohh, sorry [03:07] My mistake [03:07] been too long since I played a real game :) [03:07] 4 DaAMN! They found Japan's coast [03:08] we need 5 or ten banks before WS [03:08] shittt [03:08] N of the Greek isle [03:08] poo [03:08] ok, call up rome [03:08] WIA: No problem [03:08] OK, we buy Japanese contacts from them [03:08] The other civs did not find it yet either [03:08] They don't yet have contacts - they aren't right next to a border yet. [03:08] ok [03:08] next turn, we buy contacts [03:08] I'm guessing [03:08] AH... yes. [03:08] Togas, they did make a beeline [03:08] they will, soon. [03:09] We still have the upper hand [03:09] so watch out, since they'll be coming to us, next [03:09] we'll probably be able to exploit japan anyway [03:09] i mean, to our lost civs [03:09] * WIA longs for short, boring, predictable chats. [03:10] told ya we shoudl be watchin them Romans [03:10] Any more FAM orders? [03:10] Rome hasn't got Japan's contacts yet. [03:10] yep, hang on MIA :) [03:10] 12 Sell China Chivalry for Furs and 7L [03:11] Hold that order [03:11] Togas, see other window :) [03:11] In any case, that's no reason to sell our contacts to the other lost civs IMHO. [03:11] the REAL pants in the FAMily [03:11] See if they'll do it. If not, get back to me. [03:11] we may change the techs [03:11] sell our map, NOT contacts [03:11] Ok [03:11] Fair enough [03:12] * E_T_AWAY is now known as E_T [03:12] back [03:12] Lemme see... [03:12] we'll sell contacts before they actually get in contact with the civs [03:12] maybe we should wait two more turns until we've finished printing press and then make some huge tech deal for PP, maps, contacts and gpt in exchange for metallurgy and physics [03:13] Shiber, if Rome doesn't get there in time, that might just be what we do [03:13] India will give Furs, 17L, 2Lpt for any tech [03:13] if we get contact with Japan we get can get teh$ for Japans part of the map before the Romans [03:13] Any tech beingGunpowder, Astro, Banks and Music THeory [03:13] Loading save [03:14] They'll also give the same for our TM [03:14] which is better, folks? TM or Music Theory? [03:14] Togas - no they won't [03:14] hmm [03:15] they'll give 2gpt and 17g for our TM. [03:15] No furs, we're getting furs from chinese [03:15] hmm... music theory. completely useless to them. [03:15] Yes they will - you are right. [03:15] Fair enough, Togas. [03:15] Tm for the cash then? [03:16] 12I have a few WF changed before the end of this turn [03:16] Opinions on TM vs Music Theory? [03:16] OK, E_T. [03:16] TM [03:16] Whenever you're ready. [03:16] TM OK. [03:16] in the mean time, I'll do this order: [03:16] TM [03:16] WIA, not TM [03:16] 12 Sell Zulu Education for gems. [03:16] working on it [03:16] until Togas says so [03:16] but my opinion is TM [03:16] I haven't done it till it's in red. [03:16] Tm, R, or copyright [03:17] oh, ok, just checking :) [03:17] 12Termina - WF to 1-2-3-8-9-19 [03:17] * Retrieving #civ3dem info... [03:17] We're educating the Zulu? [03:17] If we keep Music Theory, we can sell it for a few pennies next turn -- not much, but we loose little, so... [03:17] Doesnt bachs come from music theroy? [03:17] Ghengis, yepyep [03:17] 4 Education to Zulus for Gems - more WLWIAD :D [03:17] manicstar, we think it's practically already done (JSBs) [03:17] nod [03:18] No, bachs come from those big bags or the candy bin in the grocery store [03:18] hehe [03:18] 12and just click the city for Tessagrad to change it to the defalt [03:18] 12 Sell India our TM for 2LPT and 17L [03:19] 4 India gets TM, we get WM, 17L and 2Lpt [03:19] Next turn we'll pimp out Music Theory to the lost civs. [03:19] Interesting note ... these lost civs actually LIKE us. [03:19] Bye all - Good Luck [03:19] bye [03:19] 4 OK E_T - Tass back to default [03:19] * Hot_Ename has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) [03:19] Bye Hot_E [03:20] anyone have a way we could get printing press faster? [03:20] Togas: I have evil plans for these Civs. [03:20] would adding scientists help? [03:20] ManiacStar - they couldn't exceed the insidious nature of the FAM's plans... [03:20] * manicstar has left #civ3dem [03:20] I think after 40 turns it just GIVES us the tech, no matter how lousey our research. [03:20] * manicstar has joined #civ3dem [03:20] I know, but I'd love to cut one turn off... [03:20] Buy it from someone else.....:sarcastic face: [03:20] if we can get printing press before Rome gets to the lost civs, we can do one huge deal [03:20] we're so far behind, our whole nation could be scientists and it wouldn't change anything :) [03:20] lol, ok [03:21] Any trades with China? [03:21] Otherwise I'll end soon. [03:21] yes [03:21] yeah, we sold them chiv [03:21] trades with china :) [03:21] WIA, did you also change Termina? [03:21] We need to get Furs from them also [03:21] (China) [03:21] E_T - whaaa? [03:21] Yep [03:22] Waiting on China trade. [03:22] 12Termina WF to 1-2-3-8-9-19 and the defalt for tessa [03:22] OK E_T [03:22] Shiber suggested doing one huge deal with Printing Press and the lost civ's location to get all the techs we need to catch up [03:22] 4E_T - Done [03:22] I think it'd probably work [03:23] working out numbers on China now... [03:23] Numbers on China, this may take a while aren't they in the billions? [03:23] man this chat is FAM heaven... [03:23] 3kewl [03:24] SPAM heaven too [03:24] Rome doesn't seem to keen on techtrading for WM and all contacts right now... :( Hopefully that changes with Printing Press - next chat. [03:24] 12 Sell China Education for their furs and 7g (and WM too) [03:24] donegeal, i'm suddenly feeling very useful ;) [03:24] Seriously? How mcuh will rome pay us for contacts? [03:24] what do they wnat for Japan only? [03:24] 4Sell China Education for their furs and 7g (and WM too) [03:25] ohh, you're right, they won't give us EITHER tech for ALL the contacts [03:25] lotta cash, but neither tech [03:25] have you tried india? they're offering 2gpt [03:25] They all want India. They know who's got the cash... [03:25] What does Rome want for JUST contact with Japan? [03:26] we'll find out next turn when they contact Japan [03:26] Ghengis: Rome doesn't have contacts yet [03:26] they only saw a piece of Japan's border so far. [03:26] Oh, still wearing glasses [03:26] All done? 4 Turn ends in 1min. [03:26] wow, this chat is FAM heaven [03:26] lol [03:26] That means they can contact, lazy Romans [03:26] havin' a ball [03:26] whew! are we missing any orders? Any renegs? [03:27] if we are, you didn't write them into the specific orders section [03:27] let me look at one more thing for a second [03:27] there were only general ones in this chat that you posted [03:27] I had one written down, need to go check again. [03:27] 4 I will wait. [03:28] Oh sh*t ... I had one written down that didn't get edited in. [03:28] E_T Hole in wall is building harbor... Corruption is killing it. Howabout Courthouse [03:28] Ouch [03:28] *scratches head* anyhow, WIA, go ahead, I'll do a quick survey of the civs to check. The order was for later ...70s, I believe [03:28] 12looks good to me [03:28] Togas, btw, we did sell the extra saltpeter [03:28] 4Ending turn [03:29] to Persia, 5/6 gpt [03:29] Yeah [03:29] good deal [03:29] I'm pooped.... must sleep... [03:30] have fun FAM... [03:30] 4 Muncie, HII, Del Monte and Apolyton celebrate WLWIAD [03:30] Manicstar, please see my Poll about changing HIW in the Forums [03:30] nod [03:30] Yeah! [03:30] Thanks Don [03:30] Can't keep my head off the keyboadfhoifmklfn [03:30] 4 And then 5 others, BHQ, Termina, Contag, Arbela and something else [03:30] night guys... [03:31] Yeah [03:31] NIght Donegeal [03:31] * donegeal has quit IRC (Quit) [03:31] 4 and Jerusalem... [03:31] Yeah!, Cathedrals at work, take that you waste [03:32] 4 Phew! Time to enter the last turn... posting save. [03:32] Yeah! [03:32] im off to bed..nite..bye [03:32] * CiverDan has quit IRC (Quit) [03:33] and the extra luxes, thanks Togas [03:33] lol, MWIA, that's awsome [03:33] our civ is drowning in lux [03:33] all those WLTK days [03:33] yep [03:33] 4 Posted [03:33] I wonder how crazy things'd get if we moved the lux slider up a bit, too? [03:33] WHTK days....... [03:34] 7 lux so far... [03:34] WIA, can we start with Rome contact deal? [03:34] Togas, with Cathedrals & Marketplaces, we only need 7 Luxes to get to size 12. [03:34] So we can have time to prepare for Japan? [03:34] I ain't no King! ;D [03:34] Here's a crazy idea: [03:34] Set up an embassy in a lost civ and sign a RoP. [03:34] Sure - checking Rome now... [03:34] Shiber... interesting [03:34] WHTVID then [03:34] what advantage would there be? [03:35] WHAT! Rome has no contact with Japan! [03:35] i mean, we could use it for cash, maybe, but we seem to have plenty of that for the immediate future... [03:35] wha? [03:35] Lazy Romans [03:35] better download the sav and check the map and see what the hell rome's doing [03:35] Can we buy Rome's boat? [03:35] lol [03:35] lol [03:35] 3L to buy their Map [03:35] what about their boat? [03:36] They aren't using it [03:36] 12 pay 3L to buy Rome's WM [03:36] -> *Togas* How about this: when a lost civ has money, set up an embassy at their place and sign a RoP. IMHO they'll actually pay some decent gpt for it [03:36] they're fishing [03:36] How about this: when a lost civ has money, set up an embassy at their place and sign a RoP. IMHO they'll actually pay some decent gpt for it. [03:36] 4MORONS! They are paddling N without making contact! [03:36] Rome has Physics [03:36] *Togas* not a bad idea. I'll consider it. We need an embassy there soon, anyhow [03:36] OK - 4CP orders [03:36] CAn we switch Hole to a boat and rush it? [03:37] Screw RomE [03:37] Shiber, I dunno what Togas thinks, but I'd be willing to consider it [03:37] Okay. Not now anyway [03:37] yep, not now :) [03:37] We can sell Japans contact to Rome [03:37] :) [03:38] COme on RUSH THE BOAT! RUSH THE BOAT! [03:38] whoa... all our 6 pop. and above cities are in WLWIAD [03:38] Their chanting RUSH THE BOAT! [03:39] WHTVID by WIA's request [03:39] 4 CP done. [03:39] Whaaaa??? What request? And just what exactly is the VI? [03:40] What have we spent to Upgrade Aggie's units? [03:40] Dare I ask [03:40] None ATM. [03:40] No boat Rush? We know where Japan is and don't even try for it? [03:40] just rush the galley towards Japan that is N of china [03:41] sound like a good plan [03:41] better than waiting for a boat to get built [03:41] let's be honest -- if Rome (or any top-of-the-map civ) wants to beat us, they can [03:41] So the Galley near the Broke civs heads towards Japan then? [03:41] so either they'll try, or they won't [03:41] so let's just use the galley they have on the chance they don't try [03:41] *we have [03:41] I think Rome is looking for frozen cavemen [03:42] Or they think they know where India is - they seem to want India's contact. [03:42] 4 PW [03:42] 12 BananHQ WF to 2-3-5-7-8-15 [03:43] Why has our income dropped to 287gpt? [03:44] 12 Arbela - WF to 2-3-5-6-7-16 [03:44] It's 289Lpt on mine. From builds of Cathedrals, no doubt [03:44] i meant income, not treasury [03:44] * ^Romeos^ has joined #civ3dem [03:45] upkeep [03:45] we had an income of over 300 last turn [03:45] upkeep, most likely [03:45] upkeep doesn't explain it [03:45] * ^Romeos^ has left #civ3dem [03:45] shiber?? [03:45] oh wait, maybe a trade deal ended [03:45] must be it [03:45] manicstar: what? [03:45] Yea, it did [03:45] aztecs no longer buy our dyes. [03:45] Aztecs no longer buy dyes [03:46] BUT I don't think we were getting THAT much [03:46] ... [03:46] dunno for sure, though [03:46] upkeep would explain a decrease in income [03:46] if you built a few things [03:46] oh [03:46] I see trade deals.. my buzz [03:47] btw, we can also renegotiate a lux deal with Germany. Is that the deal you were speaking of earlier Togas? [03:47] the one we had to reneg and that you nearly forgot about [03:47] 4 PW done, now SMC [03:48] 12Shirberport - WF to 5-6-9-18 [03:48] We have 5 WC in HII that are to be upgraded between now (turn 5) and turn 8 [03:48] 12 No FAM orders this turn, however, please do not end the turn at the end of the turnchat. We will review in more detail between chats. [03:48] Frankly, we're both tired/hungry, and I've got to get dinner in a couple. :) [03:49] That would be 100L/WC, so 500L just for the HII things. [03:49] OK -I'll do what I can and leave it unfinished. [03:49] Just the Galleys to move... [03:49] * adaMada bows to Togas, greatest FAM of all time (looks behind him for Ninot and then sighs in relief) [03:50] Goo, then I can check some other stuff and leave it for next orders [03:50] Thanks :) [03:50] I have dinner & Birthday cake to eat, byt all [03:50] cya E_T [03:50] ahh, such a good turnchat [03:50] Very good Turnchat. Glad I made it! [03:50] Gotta go. Good work, guys. [03:51] leaves you with this high feeling of accomplishment [03:51] * E_T has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) [03:51] 4 Turnchat is CLOSED [03:51] cya Togas [03:51] later [03:51] * Togas has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) [03:51] WIA, is the chat over? [03:51] Thanks a lot guys. [03:51] ada - you betcha. You wanted to talk? [03:51] gladd i made it [03:51] post the save please so i can download it and catch some sleep :)) [03:52] yep, just for half a sec [03:52] woo hoo. the Apoly Empire, not bad for a rowboat. [03:52] nothing important [03:52] lol [03:52] bye [03:53] * Ghengis has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) [03:53] Posting save... [03:53] ada - you sure? [03:53] WIA, if you've got time, I'll tell you now, if not, I can PM it [03:53] I have time [03:53] 'k, it's pretty quick [03:53] 4 Save posted. [03:53] Was talking to Arnelos about the Directory, since I want to get it posted this weekend [03:53] thanks! [03:54] He wants to write the New User FAQ section, but I wasn't sure if you or him were interested in playing any role on the exec. section (which is basically all links to things one of you posts) [03:54] excellent turnchat everybody [03:54] Ah yes? [03:54] i had the greatest time [03:54] * manicstar has left #civ3dem [03:54] me too, shiber [03:54] good chat overall [03:54] Thanks Shiber - good to have you here. [03:54] thanks [03:54] He told me to ask you if you have any thoughts [03:54] goodbye everybody, and good night [03:55] * Disconnected Session Close: Sat Oct 26 03:55:15 2002