Session Start: Sun Oct 06 14:41:45 2002 Session Ident: #civ3demministers [14:41] * Logging #civ3demministers to 'logs\#civ3demministers.UnderNet.20021006.log' [14:45] * Arnelos2 has joined #civ3demministers [14:49] * Arnelos2 has joined #civ3demministers [14:49] the only server I can seem to connect to is the one in Quebec for here... [14:54] * GodKing has joined #civ3demministers [14:58] * Shiber has joined #civ3demministers [15:01] * Arnelos has joined #civ3demministers [15:03] I don't know if there was any order to start a colony on the one Incense with a worker? Does anyone know? [15:03] WB agreed to it [15:03] good [15:05] * Shiber has joined #civ3demministers [15:10] i was under the impression a colony was apporved by wb [15:11] it was [15:15] is this the minister room for real [15:16] for real [15:17] yea, but no one's using it now [15:22] * Shiber has joined #civ3demministers [15:24] 12 Chartres - start building a temple. [15:36] * GodKing has joined #civ3demministers [15:37] Any body paying attention here? I need to ask about $ [15:37] i am [15:38] GK, in a turn or two, I can give you lots of cash [15:38] How much money can I spend to move chartres? [15:38] how much do we have? [15:38] currently - 289, and +104 per turn. [15:38] 12 attack longbowmman with knight between contagion and muncie,then move AAF [15:39] ok guys sort this out amoung yourselves [15:39] Lemme take a look at Togas' orders quickly [15:39] thanks ada. [15:39] ok [15:39] aggie - any $ issues? [15:39] dunno about anyone else, but I don't need any :) [15:40] in fact, I can give you a ton in a turn or two [15:40] Great. The more the better. I would love to purchase some temples and courthouses. [15:40] so we can probably live with you using the tres. now [15:40] AdaMada, Togas had only Incense to Rome. [15:40] Incense to Rome, but also renegotations [15:40] if we get a few gold cash from each civ, it'll still add up to a bit [15:41] plus whatever else we can blackmail out of them [15:41] could backfire and we might wind up loosing money I guess... [15:41] but we stand a decent chance at getting a bit extra too [15:41] I thin [15:41] and could lead to a war or two. [15:41] *think [15:41] I doubt it -- we just go down and down until their happy [15:41] even if it means no cash at all [15:42] But not likely, as they will always try for peace. If your in a bad situation, then you might have to pay a bit. But 20 turns canbe a long time [15:42] I tried it in one of my games. The equivlent of our germans and romans demanded stuff from me for peace. I sad no and we were at war.... pain in the ass. I had to nuke them. [15:43] Looking into Roman Incense Deal [15:44] lol [15:44] ok [15:45] is colony built yet? [15:45] yes [15:45] GodKing, I'd be willing to pay a few gold even to stop war, but they paid us a ton for peace twenty turns ago, so I doubt they'll demand war now [15:45] ok [15:45] this turn. OPD just posted. [15:45] 'k, didn't see it in the chat, thanks [15:46] We want as much LPT as possible, yes? [15:46] Or do we want LPT & alot of Cash too? [15:47] E_T_1 - I would say yes, but not my department. Work out the math. Usualy comp does 1 gpt = 18 cash now. [15:47] Roman deal would be WM; 10 LPT; 4 Lytons. Let me check one more thing before we commit [15:48] pl [15:48] sorry [15:48] didn't see this for a sec [15:48] I generally like GPT over cash, but we've got a ton of GPT, so if we can get decent cash then that'd probably be good [15:50] 10 LPT doesn't sound that shabby either [15:50] they have about 80 on hand [15:50] hm... can we make significantly more either way? [15:51] Education for Incense & 462 Lytons from greece, If anyone is interested. [15:52] sorry ET, Togas' orders are gonna have to stand [15:52] O.k, just giving you all of the options available. [15:52] yes, and thanks [15:53] Please, do tell me, but it's not major enough to do an orders change I think [15:53] what do you thin kthe best deal with Rome is? [15:54] has a decision been made about what to do with moneyt [15:55] Rome has 82 Lytons on hand, we can get 6 LPT & 76 Lytons total. [15:55] you mean GK's switch? [15:55] WM too [15:55] opd - we are a go for moving chartres I think, unless military needs to rush lots of units. [15:55] hm -- sounds like we're loosing a bit of cash that way... [15:56] GK's move is fine with me. a bit of emergency cash is always nice, but we don't have any plans for it [15:56] E_T, what do you think? [15:56] So we can go Incense for WM; 10LPT & 4 Lytons OR for WM; 6 LPT & 76 Lytons [15:56] I like the 10 per turn over the ready cash now. [15:56] just my 2 cents. [15:56] Do we need cash more now or later? [15:57] about an 8 gold difference [15:57] I guess it's later, since GK's the one who normally needs cash now [15:57] lemme see if Aggie's got any upgrades he MUST have now [15:57] move chartes? why it seems like a waste of time and money [15:58] OPD, hang on to the turn for another half sec [15:58] opd - it work better for the inland cities, plus puts it on the ocean for the future. [15:59] ah, forget it -- it costs 80 gold to upgrade, we might as well get the extra GPT [15:59] OPD, rome deal's ready whenever [16:07] Trade Incense to Rome for WM; 10LPT & 4 Lytons [16:08] thanks, got it [16:08] took a minute to double check [16:08] and put it all together [16:08] Ohh, Rome is doing a bit exploring to the West. [16:09] land exploring? [16:09] or ocean? [16:09] Sea [16:09] Just west of Irquois territory [16:09] hm [16:09] maybe it's a stlr? [16:10] actually, we're about to get their WM, so let's see if they got anything [16:10] I would prefere the 10 gpt as it adds up. [16:10] ok, that's what we did, so :) [16:10] I just wanted to check that Ghengis would have enough cash if he could convince you [16:16] * Arnelos is now known as Arn_AFK [16:19] I'm going to start my save towards the next turn, Incase Renegotiations come up, I'll be able to help him. [16:19] I won't post anything except that [16:20] ok [16:20] Never mind, we are in the next turn, my bad [16:20] I think... [16:20] lol, yea, he's posting the save, so... [16:21] I din't see him state that he was posting save. [16:23] Going down the line, Rome first [16:23] ok [16:25] Peace with Rome with them Giving us 3LPT & 6 Lytons [16:25] hm... [16:25] Togas' orders don't say renegotiate with Rome [16:25] and we were getting a better deal before... [16:25] think it's a mistake? [16:26] well, check out the ones he has ordered first [16:26] I think that he forgot, It was on my chart showing that we had 2 turns left to renegotiate [16:26] yea, I know, but last time someone tried not renegotating with them... [16:26] and found that they just kept the deal [16:26] I dunno [16:26] let's check hte ones he has ordered [16:27] and then maybe we'll skip rome [16:27] O.K., let me check on greece, I've got to reload the saved [16:27] ok [16:27] Greece is in there, so... [16:29] Crap, Greece is broke. Can only get WM [16:29] So Renegotiate with Greece for WM [16:30] what was our old deal? [16:30] Some cash on hand, no LPT [16:30] * Meshelic has joined #civ3demministers [16:30] I think someone tested alst time and found that we can just not renegotiate, and the AI will keep paying [16:30] ok [16:31] Greece deal is check [16:31] damn, I'm gonna have to go in a sec [16:31] Doesn't work, they will try to get it to an even term or have you try to pay. Also, they don't make as amny demand then under a timed peace treaty [16:32] ok, so the AI'll renegotiate if we don't? [16:32] ok [16:32] Esp itf any LPT invoved [16:33] ok [16:33] I thought Shiber tested and said no, but we'll go with all the deals that togas ordered [16:33] even the ones that suck [16:33] K. and wat about Rome? [16:33] for Rome, I dunno what we should do [16:33] I'll figure that much out before I go [16:33] Renegotiate, for 3LPT & some cash, it's a good deal [16:35] we were getting six lpt before, though... [16:35] How about this... [16:35] We'll do all the orders he ordered [16:35] leave rome off for this one turn [16:35] if we do loose our income, then you can renegotiate with rome next turn, under my authority (If it's not a mistake, it's my fault) [16:36] the deal probably won't change that much in one turn [16:36] can always wait a single turn for rome. [16:36] O.K., but I think that's one of the grey areas that Togas talked about in his PM to me about the orders. [16:37] I need the post Arbela save to check Persia [16:37] I think so too, since it seems to be a mistake [16:37] can we get OPD to check peace with Arbela? [16:37] i mean, persia, lol [16:38] I think he did [16:38] And they aren't [16:38] they won't [16:38] ok, thanks [16:38] well, I've got to go [16:38] very sorry to leave you with this E_T [16:39] lets try the one turn thing, the deal should still be the same [16:39] O.K. I hope they don't spend it on something else [16:39] yea, I hope they don't [16:41] * adaMada is now known as afk-ada [16:42] * Arn_AFK is now known as Arnelos [17:37] * dejon has joined #civ3demministers [18:07] * afk-ada is now known as adaMada [18:12] adaMada we renegotiate the peace treaties. Got Music Theory as part of the deals. I'm looking at tech whoring now [18:12] ok [18:12] we got Music theory? [18:12] E_T, you rock! [18:13] lol, what sucker gave it to us? [18:13] England, for Spices, Peace. They gave us some money too [18:13] We have current WM's also [18:14] Nicce [18:14] How'd we get Education, though? [18:15] Are we at peace with Persia? [18:15] Yes, thourgh the pease deal with them [18:15] ah, ok [18:15] are we at war with america yet, or just getting ready? [18:17] E_T, I can overrule Togas' order on the Tech, but I don't see any reason to -- it's totally worthless [18:18] Getting there, Aggie says about 2-3 turns still [18:20] ok [18:20] any objection to just following Togas' order on Theology, since there's really no reason to overrule it? [18:20] Nope [18:23] America still only has 4 Lytons [18:25] lol, really not worth it, but no reason to overrule it, so... [18:25] I guess there's the slim chance that they'll be able to buy someone who wants to attack us anyway with that much... [18:25] 4 Lytons is 4 more than we had. We can get a few more with Allying wioth Aztec against America [18:26] yep [18:26] All Civs that don't have a tech that we can sell them are COMPLETELY broke. [18:26] yea, we should hold our stuff now [18:27] if we pick up something here, something there, maybe buy a luxury we already have one of so we can trade the one we have away, we might be able to scrape up enough for gunpowder/astrology, so... [18:27] btw, did we get anything interesting out of renegotations with Germany? [18:28] I say wait, Pome is exploring the seas [18:28] Rome that is [18:28] some good LPT [18:28] * opd has joined #civ3demministers [18:28] They are? [18:29] I didn't know the AI was that smart :( [18:29] 13 LPT. I could have been 16 of OPD had done the deal correctly [18:29] But that's done now [18:29] yep, it is [18:29] Germany's a productive partner, though [18:29] They've got some serious LPT [18:30] But they are scared of us. They also have Gunpowder [18:32] I think that if we had held off on the Incense to Rome, that we could have gotten Astronomy for a good price from Greece, If we used it during the Peace & used Spices too. [18:32] maybe [18:32] I was pushing for that, but Togas had his orders for the Incense [18:33] Yea, Togas's agenda was getting the most out of hte Persians [18:33] fair enough [18:33] It'd have been hard to look this far ahead [18:33] I wanted that to, be we need to get the most out of everybody [18:34] yea, in retrospect it wasn't the best decision, especially since it cut into the money we could get out of them for peace, that's ok... [18:34] if we'd made the best decision every time, we'd have won the game already, but it wouldn't be any fun either :) [18:34] anyway, I've got to go again [18:36] 1033 Lytons for Gunpowder from Rome [18:37] ouch [18:37] I guess Togas'll look at it [18:37] * adaMada is now known as afk-ada [18:37] good luck :) [19:18] * E_T_1 has left #civ3demministers [19:20] * Arnelos has left #civ3demministers Session Close: Sun Oct 06 19:51:56 2002