Session Start: Sun Sep 22 13:23:42 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [13:23] * Logging #civ3dem to 'logs\#civ3dem.DALnet.20020922.log' [13:23] back [13:23] E_T, why? [13:24] All but Fre & Babs, but yes [13:24] 01Epi, you floating around in here? [13:24] 6s that sucks. Ok. if it gets worse, I will reconnect. [13:24] E_T, we're not going to attack france or babylon during the next 20 turns [13:24] GodKing: lag here is 4 to 5 seconds [13:24] lol for shiber it takes 3s but says 286847hrs [13:24] 01I'm 3-4 secs from both [13:24] yeah, i hexed my irc client [13:24] 01all, i mean [13:24] Because we can use the Peace stratigy if and when either get Theology [13:24] 01except MWIA, but he's not here [13:24] 01E_T's point is that we can use the peace to lower the cost of theology [13:24] it shows that my ping time is 549840hr 7min 47sec [13:24] using aslos with tradeing Chivalry [13:24] which is exactly 35536 seconds [13:24] 01we'd be loosing twenty gold now... I think I'm for it [13:24] Correct [13:24] 01i mean, E_T's modification [13:24] no way, they won't agree to renegotiate and give us theology [13:25] 01Shiber, we'd have to throw something else in the pot... [13:25] ok do we do this now or next turn [13:25] 01One last call, is Epi awake? [13:25] we can sell them chivalry (to france) or monotheism (to babylon) as well as some money for theology [13:25] We might not have the option later if we do it now, better to wait with those two. [13:25] ok whose stand in FM [13:25] ok whose stand in SMC [13:25] SHIT [13:25] dammit [13:25] i gotta go for 15 minutes [13:25] 13 quick poll - renegotiate peace per plan - 1 yes, 2 no, 3 abstain [13:25] France & Babylon both need Chivalry, America needs Monotheism [13:25] 1 [13:25] 01OPD, sorry, what was that? [13:25] 1 [13:26] 1 [13:26] which plan? [13:26] shiber anything to say before you go? Do we negotiatite this turn or next [13:26] 01I think the plan is for this turn [13:26] this turn, except for germany [13:26] [13:26] germany: next turn [13:26] follow this plan please: [13:26] thanks GodKing :) [13:26] i'm off for 15 minutes :(( [13:26] I say thios turn for all but the two I pointed out [13:26] 1 [13:26] ok ada can you be stand in FM [13:26] 01Does anyone except Shiber and E_T have any thoughts about omitting the two he suggested, at least for the next five turns? [13:27] no wait are you deputy fm ET [13:27] 01I'm going to have to go in a sec too, but while i'm here I'll stand for FM [13:27] Have we started any other things yet? [13:27] 01E_T's deputy FM, I'm Vice-FM [13:27] ada - I am neutral. All I have done is quick scanned the thread. So I have no in depth info. Appears very good on the surface. [13:28] Ok then ET you are FM for the chat keep an eye out for trades and tell me what to do for this renegot thing [13:28] 01GK: Yea, it does [13:28] Keeping France out of the Renegotiation deals for now would only have us lose 19 Lytons total. [13:28] ada do you have any doubts? [13:28] 01I'd say go with E_T's plan, since we can always pick up those other two civs in five turns [13:28] k, let me get the deal thread uf [13:28] 01if E_T's wrong, we only lost time... if he's right, we'd be loosing a lot more [13:28] 01potentially [13:29] ROADCAGE CHANGE SERVERS TO ELYSIUM.GA.DAL.NET [13:29] OK. Who is keeping a log. [13:29] 01I've got a log, but I can't guarentee I'll be here the whole time [13:29] 01but I'll try to leave a chat window open [13:29] 01it's a trillian log also [13:29] 01I can open up MIRC if you want an mIRC formatted one... [13:30] 01or can't opd just keep it? he's gotta be here for the whole thing anyway :) [13:30] bhah we can't wait for aro and apoc [13:30] According to Shivers list Rome for 4 [13:30] My log doesn't work all the time. Lets see if it is up today..... [13:30] ok who wants to be stand in SMC? [13:30] * Orders has joined #civ3dem [13:31] 01E_T, i'm gonna go in like ten secs [13:31] * roadcage has left #Civ3dem [13:31] 01anything else we need to discuss? [13:31] bye ada [13:32] crap - my log is down. Later ada. OPD can you log? [13:33] Can you tell me how? [13:33] not realy.... [13:33] else I would fix mine. [13:33] hold on a sec [13:33] 01later all; E_T, in case you don't know, there are generic standing orders in the Foreign Ministry office thread; if anything comes up, you can follow those [13:34] 01I think logging is automatic, but downloading the log is manual (?) [13:34] if I don't get disconnected you can have my logs of the chat [13:34] 01there was a thread on it a while ago [13:34] later ada. [13:34] 01lol, going for real this time -- will be back later [13:34] 01good luck all [13:34] Darn, tried to bring up Civ and byoxed my system for a moment, I'm back [13:34] * adaMada is now known as awaYada [13:34] Rome for 40 Lytons [13:34] 01later all; E_T, in case you don't know, there are generic standing orders in the Foreign Ministry office thread; if anything comes up, you can follow those [13:34] 01just a repost from earlier, in case you missed it [13:34] 01i'm out [13:34] 01good luck :) [13:34] * log has joined #civ3dem [13:34] test [13:35] Renegotiate Treaty with Rome for 40 Lytons [13:35] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [13:35] E_t if you are posting orders, use a colour. "Ctrl" + "K" then "12" then "type... [13:36] * log is now known as Guest52296 [13:36] WTF [13:36] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [13:36] hello [13:36] someone is already logged on as log. [13:36] what did i miss? :D [13:36] 12Renegotiate Peace with Rome for 40 Lytons [13:36] nothing shiber. [13:36] oh good [13:37] then what were you guys doing all this time, crosswords? lol [13:37] ok shiber keep an eye on SMC stuff [13:37] are you and GK and ET playing along? [13:37] will do [13:37] i'll be playing along from now [13:37] 13 I only have 1-1.5 hours here. [13:38] * roadcage has joined #civ3dem [13:38] ok GK lets get going then. [13:38] OPD - I am not playing along - i have 1.29 on my machine. [13:38] Here begins the 4th term [13:38] anyone else playing along [13:38] I can't at the moment without bringing up Civ first. I almost lost it for a moment there trying. [13:38] let's hope my computer doesn't crash again [13:38] i'm having problems with my chassis fan [13:38] ok me and shib can take care of things then. [13:39] E_T begin renego orders from now. [13:39] Shiber, do you have the case open? Heat can really kill a system. [13:40] ok serious now we have to get this going [13:40] ET orders for renegotiation [13:40] 12Renegotiate Peace with Rome for 40L [13:41] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [13:41] 4Deal negotiated with rome [13:42] hi [13:42] my connection went down [13:42] rome gave 40g right? [13:42] yes [13:42] 12Same for Greece for 6L & WM [13:43] E_T, just post them all, and OPD will do them. If OPD has a problem, then we stop. Otherwise, lets let this move fast. Time is of the essence. [13:43] 12Same for Aztecs for 12 Gold & WM [13:43] ok [13:43] Greece done [13:43] OPD. No need to respond unless there are problems until all is done. OK. Thanks. [13:43] 4greece done [13:43] ok [13:44] i'm gust swithcing back and forth between the two screens [13:44] E_T it's ok I see it all [13:44] after we renegotiate all the deals, sell monotheism to america for all their money, their wm and a worker [13:45] (in case i'm not around) [13:45] Understood. It is a pain to do that with civ3 as it doesn't shrink into a small window. [13:46] 12Irq for 3L & WM; Eng for 19L & WM [13:47] wait with france right? [13:47] Rus for 27L, 7LPT & WM [13:48] OPD, no [13:48] i see no point in waiting for france [13:48] 12wait with both France & Babylon [13:48] wait [13:48] E_T, can you please explain why? [13:48] lol russia gave us 7 gpt [13:48] I did earlier [13:48] ok all done except for france do I do it now? [13:48] sorry, i wasn't paying attention [13:48] can you explain again please? [13:48] Only 19L and we can wait for them to possibly get Theology [13:48] but they won't give us theology for peace [13:48] i'm telling you right now [13:48] do you realize how many beakers theology costs? [13:48] they're not going to give it in a renegotiation [13:49] coupled with CHivalry, they should [13:49] 1,600 beakers, 25% more than chivalry [13:49] we can buy theology from them for chivalry and some money, but not through peace renegotiations [13:49] Gk decide what to do with this new american worker do you wnat it to join poly? [13:49] ok renegot with france now [13:49] 12 new worker, mine and roads around polly, already cleared. [13:50] ok officail ordrs starting now [13:50] So we might have to pay a bit, but the possible deal wouldn't be available if we do it now [13:51] It would let us have to pay less if we use the Peace & theo for Chiv & possible money later [13:51] E_T it doesn't hurt to wait a few turns. If nothing else, they may have more gold. [13:53] do we do Germany now, It's available to do now [13:53] 4Traded mono to Us for 16l wm and wkr [13:53] Fm ordrs done [13:53] 01back for a little bit [13:53] Shit ya!!! [13:53] 01lol, just missed the FM orders too [13:53] * awaYada is now known as adaMada [13:53] is that 16 L or 161? [13:54] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [13:54] sorry, connection dropped [13:54] 01'k [13:54] 16L [13:54] maybe you should use gold instead of lytons ;) [13:54] 01am i correct in saying we DIDN'T do the trades that E_T suggested we not do? [13:55] I just use a Cap [13:55] OPD, have you renegotiated with france and babylon? [13:55] 01what's our tres. now? any suprises? [13:55] not yet [13:55] 01yea, France and Babylon, that's it [13:55] 4Cp orders 1-5 done [13:55] 01ok, that's good [13:55] yes I have [13:55] Russia didn't give us as much as Shiver said they would [13:55] 01wait a sec, i'm confused -- have we done France and Bab or not? [13:55] ada I have done them is that really bad [13:56] ada yes [13:56] 01no, it's ok [13:56] No France or Babylon [13:56] It was taking too long and shiber said yes so I did it [13:56] 01hold on, i'm confused for a second... [13:56] 01did we do france and bab or not? [13:57] 01I'm :b either way, but i'm hearing two different things [13:57] 4Rengotiated peace with france and babylon [13:57] 01oh, ok [13:57] I posted an Order to wait on them [13:57] * Gepap has joined #civ3dem [13:57] still here? [13:57] 01there's too much confusion here -- three (now four) deputy FMs, all ordering different things [13:57] Just starting gepap [13:57] just started [13:58] I though we started at 1pm EST [13:58] 01E_T, Shiber, will either of you be staying for the whole chat? [13:58] I don't know [13:58] 01Shiber, how bout you? [13:58] 01and GePap? [13:59] ... [13:59] yo [13:59] We have a rain storm here and I hope we don't get any bad lightning [13:59] I can stay as long as we [13:59] ok sorry about that ada/E_T [13:59] were we at war with babylon? lol I missed a lot [13:59] starting SMC orders [13:59] Gepap - first run slowdown and confusion starting up. Also, lots of confusion regarding the trades and renegotiation of peace.... [14:00] Epi - no. we just renegotiated peace and took them. [14:00] * Epi|Hangover is now known as Epistax [14:00] I didn't get here until late [14:00] 01it's fine OPD -- I was going to leave it, but it doesn't matter. [14:00] Shiber will you be keeping an eye on SMC stuff Yes or No [14:00] ok. I wont talk because I don't want to confuse anything. I have been taking a log of everything though [14:01] Log good [14:01] Epi take care of log then? [14:01] brb - need food. [14:01] * #civ3dem is being logged [14:01] is a ministers chat being used too or just this one? [14:01] 01ok, let's try this -- all Foreign Ministry Deputy Ministers, could you join #civ3demministers? (It's empty right now, and we were using it as a discussion room last chat) [14:01] 01jsut this one [14:01] ok then I've got it all [14:02] 01stay here as well, i mean... [14:02] * Shiber- has joined #civ3dem [14:02] connection dropped again [14:02] 01but let's figure out who can do what [14:02] i'm gonna have to go away for some time again in a few minutes [14:02] 01ok [14:02] Hold on a minute.... [14:03] Gk do you want some money? [14:04] 4Pike in uber N,N,NE [14:04] opd. how much do we have? What cost to buy del monte? [14:04] looks like i have to go offline again. don't know for how long. [14:04] sorry guys [14:04] 4For force N of Willsbury [14:04] 1 pike, 2 vet sword, 1elite sword move north [14:05] E_T and GodKing, you're making sure aggie's orders are carried out right? [14:06] we ahve 161 but 208 to rush DM [14:06] Yep. [14:06] thanks! [14:06] i'll see you in... hopefully less than 30 minutes [14:06] OK. Use 80 to upgrade one horse to knight. In two turns we can reevaluate. [14:06] Horse in Willsbury? [14:06] What did Aggie want...let me look quick. brb [14:07] 41 horse and 1vet sword s into willsbury [14:07] he didn't specify [14:07] Suggest the elite horse that spawned a leader [14:07] willssbury horse will do [14:07] OPD - he did recomend willsbury horse. [14:08] SMC general order 2 [14:08] ok [14:09] 4horse skips pike fortifies and stlr NW as per orders [14:10] 4catapult skips and galley SW,S,E [14:12] ok ending turn in 5s unless some one says no [14:12] 01feel free [14:12] 4turn ended [14:12] OK. I assume all posted orders complete [14:13] * Apocalypse^ has joined #civ3dem [14:13] * adaMada has left #civ3dem [14:13] * adaMada has joined #civ3dem [14:13] Apoc. Welcome. [14:13] 01lol, that's what happens wehn I get click happy [14:13] 01hey apoc! [14:13] Sorry I'm a little late. I had yardwork that needed to get done. [14:13] no bid deal. [14:14] just ended 260. very slow today. [14:14] hey apoc [14:14] getting our feet wet for the first time.... [14:14] * arociv has joined #civ3dem [14:14] ok sword defeats persian archer and promotes to vet yay [14:15] hi aro. [14:15] roman setlr retreats from wine corner yay [14:15] persian archer threatens wkr stack [14:15] Soory, I'm late... Hi, everybody... [14:15] lots of french and russian stlrs move around [14:15] 01hey aro [14:15] hey aro [14:15] I'll back in 5 minutes [14:16] ok any thin gbefore I start the orders? [14:17] PW first [14:17] 01OPD, the FM orders should free up extra cash [14:17] 01which may help in the others [14:17] Where did the English Settler go to? [14:18] I have orders [14:19] Ok [14:20] English stlr SE onto hills near tyre [14:20] 12Renegotiate Peace with Germany & 7LPT for 14Lytons of less [14:21] 4 renegot with germany [14:21] 12or for only 6LPT & as much loose change as possible (not likely) [14:21] For? [14:21] 7pt and 14 [14:21] 4 termina wkrs NE [14:21] k [14:22] 4 Timeline wkrs blocked so mine instead [14:24] 12 CP ADDITIONAL ORDER - rename cherbourg "Hole in the Wall" [14:24] hole in the wall? [14:24] by jdjdjd. [14:25] he is a judge and gets to name a city. he chose cherbourg. [14:25] Ok [14:25] Do we build new munich? [14:25] 01Ghengis said move a little bit and then build, IIRC [14:26] Are we going to renave New Tyre to Aggopolis in honor of Aggie? [14:26] 01it's in his orders [14:26] Yes. Looking up names from the thread now.... [14:26] Ada, we moved last turn. [14:26] I beleave so [14:26] 01ohhhh, oops [14:26] 01sorry :) [14:26] stlr has moved a bit [14:27] 12 new munich to be named "Oak Ridge" [14:27] I'll be AFK for a moment [14:27] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [14:27] 4 cherboiurg renamed [14:27] hi [14:27] 01welcome again Shiber [14:27] i'm back, hopefully for good [14:27] All posted PW orders done [14:27] Glad to have ya back. [14:28] hi adaMada [14:28] thanks GodKing [14:28] 4 tass builds knight [14:28] wkr in tass? [14:29] Tass builds knight? [14:29] It'd be better if Oak Ridge was north of Geofront. I live directly south of an Oak Ridge in real life. :) [14:30] lol. No what does wkr in tass do [14:30] theres a archer threatening our wkrs near wills [14:30] back [14:30] OK.... mine around the core cities in areas that are already cleared. [14:30] will attack with leet sword unless objections [14:30] Kill it. [14:31] Hold [14:31] is there any 5 hp units that could generate a GL? [14:32] lol yes the sword is ellete [14:32] sorry I sometimes speak in leet speek [14:32] I'm going to leave for a moment and try to get civ up. BRB [14:33] 4 Wills starved a bit [14:33] elite sword attacks [14:33] 4elite sword attacks [14:33] * Apocalypse^ has joined #civ3dem [14:33] wins with 2hp loss [14:33] hi Apocalypse^! [14:34] 01hey apoc [14:34] OPD, could you please post the save after this battle? [14:34] back again, hi folks...Is everythig alright? Is it the first or second turn? [14:34] 012nd [14:35] Thanks ada [14:35] arociv, i believe we're in 270AD [14:36] Shiber, thanks... call me Aro ;) [14:36] 4 sword near napolyton west [14:36] ok post save now [14:36] thanks [14:36] 01sure [14:37] sorry, i just typed a and hit tab (autocomplete) [14:37] there's no other way you can write MrWillBeHereSometime that fast, lol [14:37] 01lol, I didn't even notice the tab autocomplete thing until now [14:37] 01Shiber, what chat proggie are you using? [14:37] * E_T has joined #civ3dem [14:37] poly takes so long these days [14:37] Cool. Autotab. [14:37] hi E_T, wb [14:37] so how am I doing so far a bit slow? [14:37] adaMada, mIRC on windows and BitchX on linux [14:37] 01oh, ok [14:37] save [14:37] i'm on windows right now though [14:37] [14:37] 01I'm working on Trillain and it works here too, but I guess that makes sense in that Trillian tried to copy mirc [14:37] Shiber: you should use irssi on linux ;) [14:37] can't play civ III on linux without using an emulator [14:38] 01have you tried Civ 3 through Wine on linux? [14:38] SprudL, i don't like it very much. bitchx is my personal favorite [14:38] back [14:38] 01i've been meaning to try sometime [14:38] Shiber: does it work? I haven't tried it yet [14:38] 01selcome [14:38] it works but not so well [14:38] So on what city are we moving? [14:38] wine isn't perfect after all [14:38] 4 new city on old munich [14:39] VMWare is much better though, but it's also very memory-intensive [14:39] firaxis shoul port the game to linux :) [14:40] GK what would you like new city to build [14:40] 4 new city called Opiadom [14:40] 12 rename new munich as "Oak Ridge" [14:40] beautiful name, i must say [14:40] Your city name came up next OPD. That will be the one on uber isle if that is ok. [14:41] make citizens in willsbury tax collectors please [14:41] 4 Opiadom renamed Oak Ridge [14:42] Are the things going well? [14:42] if all the citizens are tax collectors or other specialists, or resistors, you can't have unrest [14:42] 4 pike into tyre and fortify [14:42] shiber have done [14:42] Build spear, warrior, or temple. your choice. Defence, offence, or culture. [14:44] how much does a tax collector collect anyway? 1 gpt ? [14:44] 4 Oak ridge builds spear [14:45] SprudL - 1 gpt. correct [14:46] 4 Wc on uber NW,NW Galley near uber S,N. [14:46] 13 I have at the most 45 minutes left...... [14:46] 01'k [14:47] Important I can't upgrade horse in Wills maybe cos it;s in resistance? [14:47] * Shiber- has joined #civ3dem [14:47] computer crashed, again [14:47] sorry [14:47] 4 knight and sword in tyre e,e [14:47] Probably.... send to tyre? [14:47] 01OPD, what's our tres. look like? [14:47] 223 gold [14:47] 01'k, thanks [14:47] how much money did we get from renegotiating with germany? [14:48] 4 PPF gets together and skips turn [14:49] 233 Lytons [14:49] * Shiber- is now known as Shiber [14:49] * Arnelos has joined #civ3dem [14:49] [arociv:#civ3dem PING] [14:49] can anyone tell me how much money we got from renegotiating with germany? [14:49] hi Arnelos! [14:49] 4 leet horse in tyre goto wills [14:50] woohoo [14:50] i'm glad you could make it eventually [14:50] hi, arnelos. Welcome [14:50] 01hey arnelos [14:50] I FINALLY got in [14:50] 01glad you could make it :) [14:50] i understand you had problems connecting [14:50] 4 reg horse near into tyre and upgrade to knight [14:50] Hold one shiber ... i will look [14:51] OPD, why upgrade the reg instead of the elite? [14:51] yeah, was having problems connecting to DALNet [14:51] if it's in aggie's orders then nevermind [14:51] shiber 14 g and 7 gpt [14:51] elite will become vet [14:51] if upgraded [14:51] but we're going to upgrade it eventually [14:51] but we're going to upgrade it eventually anyway [14:51] thanks GodKing [14:52] did we renegotiate in 260AD or 270AD? [14:52] 01it was the second term [14:52] 01*turn [14:52] 01don't remember the year # [14:52] Aggie says harras stlrs with it [14:52] 270 [14:52] 01as per togas' orders (and the only thing that works, IIRC) [14:52] ok orders over anything else to do before end of turn [14:52] thanks [14:52] OPD, just a small question [14:52] Nuke greece. [14:52] did you check to see if we can get more than 7gpt and 14g from germany in the renegotiation? [14:52] 9 speak now or forever hold your peace [14:52] no [14:52] ::holds his peace:: [14:52] Bad colour!!!!! [14:52] 4speak now or forever hold your breath [14:52] what a bummer [14:52] wait [14:52] we could have gotten more [14:52] ::suffocates:: [14:52] my estimate was that we can get 8gpt and some gold [14:52] very sorry I will get better at this I swear [14:53] no [14:53] 01Didn't someone check? [14:53] let me check [14:53] 01I thought I remembered someone doing it... [14:53] let me check how much money we lost... [14:53] 01if not, my bad, I knew we needed to check [14:53] Oh , it was already done [14:53] 01i take full responsibility [14:53] well, you know i was a perfectionist [14:53] well, you know i'm a perfectionist [14:53] oh, this is great... this is really great [14:53] now i won't be able to sleep at nights [14:53] lol [14:53] do you know how much germany could have given us? [14:54] anyway anything else before turn over? [14:54] just buy some stock in a coffee company shiber..... [14:55] 01OPD, not your fault -- we provided you with bad numbers [14:55] 01no, I think that's all [14:55] 12 END TURN NOW PLEASE. [14:55] 8gpt and 17g [14:55] 4 270AD ended [14:55] we lost 23 gold [14:55] :((( [14:55] ok to me [14:55] I think that he tried to give them less of our money but it didn't wash [14:55] well, i'm not blaming anyone [14:55] let's go on [14:55] 01let's not worry about it now -- I'll chat with Togas later, we need to have a more efficent system for the Foreign Ministry and Turnchats [14:56] 01I take full blame for the mistake [14:56] 01let's keep rolling :) [14:57] are you in wich server? [14:57] Timeline build catheral [14:58] * Sheik- has joined #civ3dem [14:58] 12 please turn entertainers in Willsbury into tax men. [14:58] Hey, sheik! [14:58] hey [14:58] archers threatens wills loads of russians move around. [14:58] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [14:58] hey shiber [14:59] thanks for the thread reminder [14:59] 4 wills now 4 tax men a 1 resistor [15:00] 2 more LPT for that [15:00] 01Hey Shik! [15:01] saving [15:01] 01*sheik! [15:01] hey [15:01] I'll try another server... suggestions? [15:01] so how are things going so far [15:02] Once resistance ends.... I don't want to starve it any more than necessary. [15:03] 01Sheik, ok, a little hectic -- the first chat of a new administration always is :) [15:03] Sheik - OK. Some start up slowness, but we are rolling now. [15:03] good [15:03] Ok can people look at 2 things on the save first the english stlr near tyre. second the archer near wills [15:03] 01Anyone who wants to discuss general Civ3DemoGame strategy, but not what we're doing this term, come on over to the Civ3DemMinisters room -- a few of us are doing that already, so... [15:04] 01it'll probably help OPD speed things up a bit [15:04] Will do when I get it..... [15:04] poly takes so long [15:04] elysium [15:04] 01tiscali's doing ok [15:04] up now [15:04] I am on tiscali. Ok by me. [15:05] Cp orders done [15:05] Fm done [15:05] downloading..... [15:06] PW orders done [15:07] Darn, the English settler is still heading for the coast [15:07] 01can we block him? [15:07] you can eventually culture the English city out [15:07] no, you can't block him now... too late [15:07] Looking, If we can get someone to the point that He's going to, maybe [15:08] I suppose you could block the best city site... but that would be tough [15:08] Reco for archer - shoot with catapult, then the 3/5 sword attack. worse odds of killing him but we have a chance of a GL [15:08] well, you can at least block the lower part of the river [15:08] 4 PPF army move to 2w of pasgalade [15:08] Gk I was going to suggest the same thing [15:08] The only place that he can place a city is where we want one. We have a worker that can move and stand in the spot [15:08] Block with what? our army is marching forward on persia. let it settle there and we simple take it later. [15:09] We can also eject them, but We should have done that first round [15:09] 4 catapult attacks archer [15:09] if you eject, won't that just push it closer to its objective at this point? [15:09] NOT NOW... they will move closer to the coast now. [15:09] yeah, exactly [15:09] 4 1hp lost yes [15:09] at this point, yes. [15:09] 4 attack with elite sword [15:10] so the most that can be done is to empty out Will (which is a bad idea) to block the English [15:10] it's likely not worth it... just let 'em found the city [15:10] We can take it later. Not that prime of a location until the jungle is gone anyway. [15:10] 4 lostttttttttt [15:10] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15:10] ouch [15:10] 4 I can't belive it [15:10] ouch [15:10] what!!! [15:10] how hp does the archer have left now? [15:10] Use the 4/4 sword in wills. [15:10] The banana gives and the Banana takes away [15:11] yeah, obviously [15:11] (use 4/4 swordsman) [15:11] damn banana! [15:11] hey guys, we loose battles evey now and then [15:11] %*@# the banana [15:11] the odds were 8% of that happening [15:11] how many hp the persian archer got left? [15:11] Gepap - we are not alowed to loose. That is most unfair. Don't you agree. [15:11] * arociv has joined #civ3dem [15:11] Actually ,the game has been very generous to us_ I once lost an elite rider attacking a veteran warrior on plains [15:11] 1 hp left. [15:12] Elite sword lost. [15:12] good, at least it didn't upgrade [15:12] We can let the english clear the land and hope for a curture flip [15:12] 4/4 sword will fix it. [15:12] * Shiber has joined #civ3dem [15:12] hi [15:12] OPD - cut off that stick throwers balls!!! [15:12] hi [15:12] hey shiber [15:12] sorry, connection acting up again [15:12] lol [15:12] hi everyone [15:13] thank you for the reminder thread [15:13] same to me [15:13] are we winning? ;) [15:13] well... whadaknow... I just ran the same combat for the hell of it and I lost the elite swordsman too... I think he was cursed [15:14] ok how should we kill the heathen archer [15:14] OPD - I forgot about thebes, care to rename it? [15:14] Did we lost an elite sword? [15:14] yep [15:14] 4/4 sword in wills [15:14] yeah... Session Close: Sun Sep 22 15:44:06 2002