Session Start: Sun Sep 15 18:15:46 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem * Now talking in #civ3dem Hello guys - I am catching a two hour sleep whilst I can - be up just about 2100GMT. We may start a little late as it would be best if Aggie was here, and he may be a little late. He knows that we will start without him before 2130, though. Seeya soon. hi * SprudL sets mode: +o MrIsAsleepToo Hey there. You here for the chat in 2 hours? Cheers. yep.. just idling here :) giving ops :) Cool - it is 6am here and I am about to get a couple hours sleep. anyway.. you should be sleeping True - see you in a bit! it's 8pm here :) cya I'll stay logged in anyway. TTFN. k * adaMada42 has joined #civ3dem 01hi hi 01when does the chat actually start? errr... I don't see any text from you... did you add a black color code? I have a black background :) 2h15min, with a small wait for Aggie to turn up Now I must asleep for 2 hours whilst I can. shouldn't you be sleeping? :) 01'k, may or may not be on MWIA Yeah - all redy to when I decided to check my alarm. OK ada - all orders are in anyway. MrIsAsleepToo: can you read anything from adaMada42 ? Yes 0101,99mwia, tell him i'm working on it mwia, tell him i'm working on it He's working on it :D :) 01also, follow the orders I posted, even if I don't remove the 'tenative' tag from them -- they could change if someone can convince me to not do the ivory deal, but if that doesn't happen, then there they are it was black on green adaMada42: are you using mirc? maybe it's a script that messing up your input? ada - Gotcha. 0112mwia, do you have any objections to that plan, btw, before you go? 0112Sprud, I'm trying ot use trillian oic 0112if i can't get it to work right, though, i guess i'm back to mIRC SprudL - you can read him now? I'm guessing trillian is adding a color code for black instead of a code to remove all formatting from the text 01120101,99how about now? ada - no complaintsf rom me. The Ivory is for further growth to be possible, right? 01sprud? now it is black on green 011212,00sprud, was that good or bad? 0101,0012MWIA, the Ivory is so we make a deal with Rome and get SOMETHING good out of it 0101,0012it's supposed to help poly a lot yikes adaMada42 .. that last one was light blue on white .. my eyes ;) 0101,0012but people are worried about the total cost of the issue ada - sure, I remember the discussion. 0650 - I gotta go sleep - no more relaying for me. seeya guys - Monitor off NOW 0101,001212,99lol, sorry, i'm still trying to figure out the check boxes 0112later MWIA cya MrIsAsleepToo hehe adaMada42 ... light blue on bright green.. even worse ;) 01Sprud, can you read this now? is'nt there any checkbox to remove all formatting? 0101,99I THINK this is the checkbox for no formatting, but you said it showed up weird 20:51:07 adaMada42>> I THINK this is the checkbox for no formatting, but you said it showed up weird that was black on green 01i'm going to log into MIRC and see what it looks like black on black I'll see if I can strip all colors on incoming text trillian is not handling color codes correctly though 0101,9901,0012yea, it probably isn't -- i'm going to open up mIRC so I can have a 'real' conversation with you and fix by guess and check * adaMada has joined #civ3dem 0101,001212,99test ok sorry about that :) lets see if I can't figure this out so I can use trillian for the chat well.. to begin with, I'm not using mirc :) * adaMada has left #civ3dem my client understands mirc color codes though as well as ansi color codes that's why I think trillian is messing things up... sending buggy formatting 3 color test 3 color test it's messed up in mirc too? 0101,9912mIRC just booted me, i'm trying to reconnect 01oh wait, i bet i know what's wrong * adaMada has joined #civ3dem ok lol, finally on mIRC, my firewall must have been misconfigured 01test 0101,99test hey I could read that as normal text I tried stripping formatting from incoming text from adaMada, or from adaMada42? how does the trillian stuff look in mirc? test again :) 3 color test yep my client is hiding all colors now try again from both please 01test test test... the mIRC connection is seriously lagging, it hasn't gotten anything anyone's said since it joined adaMada42 - black on black test from mIRC (which is lagging) the mirc one is fine and it looks normal in mirc? the trillian stuff I mean strange... this isn't getting any replies, but is sending messages with almost zero lag i can't see any of the messages anyone's sent maybe your firewall is messed up.. or dalnet is refusing two connections from the same host or something else :) perhaps... i'm just now getting your 'hay, i can read that' stuff, but still nil from the trillian side.. i'm going to try to reconnect mIRC color test from you came through fine to both trillian and mirc in green? yea, green test came through fine oh well.. I'll just strip all colors in my client Trillain's still acting weird with color, but mIRC is acting weirder with connection they're both buggy :) lol, ok i'm going to try to log out and log back in and see if that fixes mIRC... adaMada'll be right back trillian should send normal formatting codes though * adaMada has left #civ3dem *sigh* * adaMada has joined #civ3dem test 0101,99test wow, both are working now :) 0101,99attempted no formatting test 0112attempted trillian blue test ow hang on 12 mirc blue test 0112ok ok, sorry try again please my client is no longer stripping colors ok mirc -- regular test let's see if trillian is behaving now :) 12 mirc -- blue test k mirc works fine those colors never caused problems i was mainly running through it for my end ok :) 01120101,99trillian -- i think this is no format test 21:15:04 adaMada42>> trillian -- i think this is no format test 0112trillian -- blue format test (hopefully no backround) that's black on green here which is of course better than black on black :) they both show up as black on white on mIRC the second line was blue on black in irssi they're not :) trillian is just buggy .. not sending standard codes... I'll let my client strip colors... most ppl here will use mirc anyway ;) lol, I'm not sure... maybe it's sending in some third format not recognized by irssi ok, but i'd still like to find a way to get trill working right, i had this problem last time i tried a chat in trillian maybe the problem is that even mirc is using it's own set of codes irssi recognizes those but apparently trillian is sending something new I wonder if trillian text looks ok in other clients like java applets good question -- i'll try joining Apolyton's java chat and see ah, poly's javachat just won't work i'll probably just keep trill and mIRC up, do most stuff in trillian, and go to mIRC if people have trouble thanks for all the help, though forget trillian ;) get a decent client.. like irssi :p 01lol too bad trillian uses weird formatting 01gotta love trillian 01i don't know what the problem between these two clients is, but it is weird 01do you go by a different username on the forums? I think it's because the trillian developers didn't like any of the existing formatting codes.. 01lol, probably they wanted their own kind of green ;) or red or whatever 01lol I hate it when programmers don't think it's necessary to use standard formats enough complaining .. back to figuring out the current state of the demogame :) 01lol, yep I'm new to the game.. it's quite hard to get into it... lots of things happening 01lemme know if you've got any questions (on the forums, I'm adaMada, PM me if you want) -- i owe you now, so... ;) lol 01the game is complex, but lots of fun one of the candidates for science minister spammed me... no vote for him :) 01who? it is complex.. but that's because I don't know anything about what happened so far Thud 01yea, it takes a bit of casual following to understand it, generally followed by a much more in depth understanding when you become addicted ;) he wasn't really spamming about the election... just mentioning it and adding some pointers to threads hehe 01lol, both Thud and Trickey seem to be good canidates 01i'm probably not going to vote in that one, i generally don't when I don't feel either way that's why I'm attending the chat tonight... I hope to learn more about the game :) 01well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me 01I'm deputy minister of foreign affairs this term (probably next too) I'm not voting this month.. I don't know how good or bad the candidates are 01probably wise... most of the canidates are good so far I learned that we are at war with Persia, Rome is looking for a fight and we want to expand to that island 01basically 01that's what's happening right now the geography alone is a challenge.. all those weird names :) 01War with Persia is going well, Rome is scaring the me, and the island is awsome 01Uber Isle is the little island... 01named because UberKruX saw a whale off the cost and figured out it was there before anyone else, lol little? the one with Another Glorious City? 01yea, little compared to the mainland or is the land mass south of it also part of Uber Isle? 01nice and big for an island, though 01oh, sorry, we're calling it one island 01we found out about them at the same time, so everyone's been mentally grouping them ic the maps from Aro (I think) help too 01yea, Aro's maps are awsome I wonder how he gets those big maps 01if you want to know about Foreign Events, yo ucould always check out the Foreign Affairs Office... 01we try to keep it very comprehensive 01i think he sits down and pastes screenshots together, but don't ask me how he does it so well is there a place where I can read up on the history of the world in the current game? pasting screenshots seems unlikely.. I would expect to see where the parts have been glued together 01there used to be history threads, but they stopped them a while ago but maybe he's just good at it :) 01our office has a list of everything that's happened this term... oic 01lol, i know, that's what I thought, but... 01diplomatically 01it's at, and the diplomatic issues has the 13 or 14 foreign affairs things that have happened this turn... 01diplomatic issues being part of the third or fourth post 01that post also has a link to gepap's analysis, which is generally a good starting point for knowledge about the other civs ic 01is the chat in twenty minutes, or an hour and twenty minutes? an hour and 20 minutes I think I'm not sure though 01oh, an hour and twenty minutes normally I live in a GMT+1 timezone but the daylight saving thing has me confused 01yea, me too :) 01i've shown up to chats at the wrong time about three times... t hat's why i just joined this one way early, so i couldn't mess up how many ppl usually take part in these chats? 01depends 01i've seen huge ones, i've seen ones were five people are there ic any idea how long they take? 01depends 01one took five hours the other day, but you don't ahve to stay for the whole thing 01another one couldn't have been longer than an hour and a half ic 01sometimes we don't get an entire turn played, other times we get all five with no troubles hmmm 01in general, if hte prez focuses on the game and there are the right people there, to clarify orders without getting into a debate... so the only time the president acutally plays is during these chats? 01no, there are also turnthreads, which is where we post all our orders and he plays on his own ic 01even then, though, sometimes there'll be an 'informal' chat for whoever wants to come along and help how do we know the president isn't cheating? ;) 01that's another reason i'm early -- there might be a nasty debate on one thing, and I want to be here to try to deal with it before the chat starts, or without too much interruption to the chat 01lol, word of honor 01but if hte president cheets... 01then someoen'd notice in the new save... 01we'd go back to the old save... 01and he'd probably get impeached 01i think 01*impeeched 01probably ow yeah... impeachment.. 01it's not a big concern does he get impeached for harassing interns? 01never has happened, probably never will ;) 01depends on if the rest of us think the interns are worth harassing or not ;) ;) lol woohoo.. leo's workshop's finished I'm playing a game of civ3 on my other computer 01i just finally came up with a way to have two copies of civ 3 on this one... 01so i can play real games, and also do the demogame (two different patches) having both leo's and sun tzu's is nice 01you can do the demogame without the right patch, i mean, but you need it to be prez, and it helps for some positions in government 01lol, yea, i bet ah yes... I forgot about that... I was able to load the saved game of the demogame in 1.29f though 01yea, you can load it, but tech deals will be different... 01and for international users, it was decided to keep it at 1.21f dunno.. I just load it to see the map and stuff 01it was annoying before, but now i've figured out how to do a dual install I don't really care 01yea, then you'll be fine I'm not running for office yet ;) 01i only downgraded because I was going into the Foreign Ministry, and needed accurate trade numbers 01lol 01you don't have to run for office, just be a deputy if you want maybe ... once I know the game better 01in some offices, with more than one deputy, you don't even have to take over if the Minister goes away (if there's a more senior deputy) -- you can contribute however you want 01yea, if you stick around, even only a bit, until next turn, then you probably could 01or you might be able to become a deputy half way through a turn, actually, i don't see any reason why not if hte minister was ok with it... you're acting minister now? 01yea 01just until tomorrow ic 01that's the main reason i'm here, lol -- i know that there'll be a fight over the Rome/Ivory trade 01and I want to be able to change my order if i'm convinced, or pacify people if i'm not ah yes.. I've been reading the thread about Rome wanting our WM ... it took me a while before I knew what TM and wM are :) 01lol, the lingo's confusing until you get used to it 01well, what do you think then? 01give it to them, or hold it for ourselves? as far as I understand our WM is better than anyone elses... and it's important we don't give away the location of uber isle... we also have stuff to give to the Romans we might as well try to pacify them then and colonize the island ourselves 01any chance you've got a copy of the game open? but I'm not sure if we can avoid war with the romans long enough in a minute :) I'm loading the 70 AD saved game 01ok 01i'm just wondering if i'm seeing something right tell me 01Uber Isle found it 01someone shouted "there's another land mass below it" last chat, but never could check for myself and no one seems to be sure 01looking now, though, i think there is 01with that amount of sea between the two.. 01. 01think i'm just seeing things? hmmm I think I know why he said that I can see some "weird" lines in the lowest visible tiles 01really? I can't... but I'm not sure they are from a coast tile 01but the sea does seem to go unusually far down... 01well, maybe not it might as well be the sea tile next to an ocean tile 01it might be another civ's borders... 01if it's colored hmmm I don't think so 01i'm not so sure anymore, i'm starting to think that it might be wishful thinking the lines are perpendicular to the sides of the square.. in the middle somewhere it's weird.. maybe it's just a rendering thing but I've seen sea tiles leading to nowhere before 01yea, maybe it is... i don't really see anything, but i'm not the best at noticing things like that anyway a lot of times I'm guessing those sea tiles are next to ocean tiles 01probably and it's the edge between sea and ocean we're seeing or at least a very small piece of it it's messing with our minds :) 01lol, yep 01i wish i could see all the roman legionaries everyone's been talking about too... i see one warrior close to us, and that's it. I wonder how many there are and where they are 01yea nice stack of swordsmen heading towards sidon 01yea, the war effort's been going well 01that's why the rome issue is so important -- it wouldn't take much to mess it up indeed but when looking at the map it seems we got a lousy starting position too much jungle for quick growth 01we did hmmm 01you should have seen how much jungle there was at the beginning 01i wasn't around for it, but i hear it's the worst starting position some people have ever seen how many galleys did we lose trying to get to uber isle? 01that's why we've had so many wars if I'm right, there are 4 squares between the land masses 01none (as i recall, at most one), someone came up with a beautiful system 01we have one galley on the Uber Isle side (might take a try or two to get it across)... 01and one galley on the mainland side 01mainland galley goes most of the way, uber galley goes a little bit, units transfer, uber isle galley takes them back 01we (at the most) risk one galley after the first transfer interesting :) * AroCiv has joined #civ3dem 01hey Aro Hey, was difficult but I made it... 01lol, i think there's another 40 min to the chat I only see you, AdaMada... 01really? 01it's me (twice), SprudL, MWIA (twice), and you Should I try another channel? aro can you hear me? Yes could you hear the things i said before? from adaMada42? Long time of response... but yes I can't see the others. what server are you on? most of the ones I tried were down I finally got a nice one with dalnet is awful but most of them were acting really strange, leaving out users in the chat, etc I'll try this one. is working pretty well too from my other name did you hear what SprudL just said? I can hear SprudL ok MrIsAsleep and MrIAmSleepingToo (MWIA ;)) are both asleep and will be back for the chat itself Is too slow What time is in New Zealand? aro, I'm getting an eleven second ping from you on tiscali, and an eight second ping on just FYI no clue 01anyone remember how you change your name in mIRC, btw? commands, and then change nick 01thanks * adaMada is now known as adaMada242temp * AroCiv is now known as AroCivIII * AroCivIII is now known as Aro * adaMada42 is now known as adaMada or type "/nick newnick" * adaMada242temp is now known as adaMada42 01ok, thanks 01this is good enough Now we are who we are... 01lol, yepyep * Aro is now known as Guest18607 * Guest18607 is now known as AroCiv * rendelnep has joined #Civ3dem 01hey rendelnep hello Hi, rendelnep had problems connectting 01see sprud, we're here for an hour and a half, and no one joins. Aro joins, and he's so popular, he gets someone a minute later ;) 01rendelnep, i had trouble too * AroCiv is now known as AroWillMakeSomeCoffee 01i've identified two servers that are working pretty well --- think I should post em Do you guys see me? and how is pres? 01yea, i see you aro yes 01MWIA is asleep right now :) should I op some ppl? I'm back in a few minutes... 01not sure if it matters... this channel is open, the only one that's normally restricted is #civ3demministers 01op UnOrthOdOx if he comes in 01since he's VP the problem is that when there are no ops we can't kick spammers and stuff 01you probably don't want to op me, I'm apt to abuse it and have no reason to be opped ;) or maybe the ministers need to set the channel +m or something don't know what you guys usually do :) lol adaMada 01ministers channel is normally restricted to only ministers talking 01if there's any trouble, i think it's +m and then the ministers are +v oh well... we'll see :) Apooc is in the apolton chat 01i'll help him * Apocalypse^ has joined #civ3dem that was fast.. 01lol, he must not be having troubles connecting... I just forgot about the chat. 01Apoc, you ready to be vice president ;)? no he forgot 01it doesn't start for another 30 min but its 2100gmt 01not for another 30 min, i think Actually I didn't forget. It is just that I never looked at the time it would start. I am ready to be VP. no it infact 21:33 I lve in guildford UK 01by the way... is anyone going to argue with the orders about no WM demands and Ivory to Rome? hhell no 01if anyone here wants to try to convince me, i'd appreciate if you do it now, so we don't bog down the chat I get to be MoS for 3 or so more days. sod the romans 01lol, i've just gotta ask since there's so much controversy over it 01rendelnep, UK is +1 GMT right now 01bc of DST 01i think greenwich mean time somehow I disagree 01that's what I think MWIA is going by, anyway 01I'm not really sure rightn ow 01*now 01this is confusing, lol Hi, Apoc Occording to my clock on my PC it is 21:39 GMT * AroWillMakeSomeCoffee is now known as AroCiv well mine -2 min 01ok, well, based on what MWIA told me when I came in, it'll be another 20 mins 01since he said "two hours and fifteen minutes" 01and that was about an hour and fifty five mins ago the problem is daylight savings Same on mine: 21:39... 21:40 01[14:44] 2h15min, with a small wait for Aggie to turn up 01and now = [16:40] 17:41, in Brazil 01lol, this time thing is way confusing then again do we really expect him to get up at 8.50 on a sundy mornay good greif no I hate all this time zones. We should use internet time that was mangled.. 01anyone know if UnOrthO's planning on coming? GMT is suppose to be internet time. So we should use the Apo time... thats interesting cause the president is 45min late again! 01lol, i'm not totally sure rendelnep 01check the top of MrWhereIsAt is now know as MrWhenIsAt check out this site: well I am because greenwich is in london that says that it's 20:49 GMT * MrIsAsleepToo is now known as MrWIA I think GMT doesn't adjust for DST Ooooookay then and London does, making the difference * MrIAmSleeping is now known as MrWHereItsAt hey MWIA! Hi, MrWIA Hi guys Any sign of Aggie yet? 01looks like I do get to stay for the first bit of this 01none hi pres With your permission we may try to wait a bit to see if he will make it. 01by my calculations, we got another 10 minutes anyway It's ok to me 4Test for orders 01though there's b een some dispute over that, lol 01either way, it's cool with me 01last chance before MWIA starts: anyone want to argue over trading Dyes plus cash to Rome for Ivory? Well, it IS only 2053 GMT. :D what dispute I've been away for a week so |i am a bit confused I've been looking at my schedule, and I could pretty easily do a turnchat next Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. After that it gets complicated. 01considering that we need a deal with Rome to prevent war, but that the Foreign Ministry should be making up the money? 01After tomorrow, Togas'll be back, and I won't have to do any more of this crazy orders stuff (for another month, anyway :D)) Apoc - Tues is the plan for this week for my LAST chat. MWIA: I know. Me and OPD will be in power by next weekend though. ;) Yeah.... lucky for some :( I am actually starting to LIKE this job. * SprudL has quit IRC ( 01LOL I might take a two month break after being VP for a month. 01don't worry MWIA, you can be prez after OPD I will definantly be taking a break during Nov/Dec. 01I think I'm going to keep doing what i've been doing for the next month, and maybe run for an office the month after that 01or actually, maybe i could run for something in december, since i've got half hte time off school... I think Nov/Dec will be a bad month for a lot of people will finals and all. Apoc - OMIGOD last night's Eva was cool! It was "A Man's Fight", where Unit01 starts to break free. That was really freaky. I take it it gets insane from here onwards...? I bet many people will run for something during the Dec/Jan term because of Christmas break. 01oh yea, that's the term I meant MWIA: That is with Zeruel right? The one with the weird arms. 01but I could probably still do a smaller role (one that can post orders) like FAM Nov/Dec or incovenient if you back to your homeland for a month ohh I can't wait * AroCiv is now known as SantaKalus Apoc: yeah, where Unit02 loses it's arms, Rei kinds sacrifices herself with an N2 mine (still don't know if she's OK or not) * SantaKalus is now known as SantaKlaus 01*** SantaKalus is now known as CantaType Nov/Dec I hope to be in Canberra on a kind of summer research vacation. Able to post (maybe) but not play. 01;) * SantaKlaus is now known as AroCiv MWIA: If you are wondering about Rei, the episode after next will be very important. I think it would be the episode after next. OK - I make it 2101GMT - any objections to waiting for 15 mins to see if Aggie will get here before I end the turn? In the meantime I will do the pre-end-of-70AD stuff. 01sounds fine to me... any last objections of MWIA makes the trades I ordered? Ok go forth presidet!!! no objections 01Going once... Alrighty - on to the City Planner's orders... 4A1 play ball! 4A2 huh? 01look on the orders thread 01the letters corespond to the posted orders This is just rearranging workers/builds in some cities. I'm not typing everything out 0 those are the 5 hour plus chats. :D 4A3 if you are interested 4A4 01MWIA, should I start going through my orders and trying to find the lowest possible deals, so you don't have to do much testing? 01also, do we even need the dem ministers room? My toolbar's getting full... That would be nice ada -but do you have v1.21? Ministers room not needed yet. 10I am a little busy at the moment. I will keep checking in every minute or so. If you need me for anything, just ask using this color. 01yea, i just worked out a double install Just ignore it till it seems necessary. There's not many of us here. Gotcha Apoc. 01ok, i'll close it and reopen if we start using it 4A5 - no purchase yet, too costly 01you can check that i've really got the deals right by trying one below and seeing if they'll take it, but i'll get the basic prices 01here we go... 4A6 - no purchase yet, still building Temple for moment 4A7 4City Planner Orders done 4SMC Orders 01when you're ready to do mine, MWIA, let me know 4C1 - Sp in Gaia upgraded to Pike for 20g 4C2 01quick vote: would you rather give streight cash, or gpt? 4 ready for FAM orders 01ok 0112Trade with France: 34 gold plus WM for Horses gpt 0112Trade with Greece: 29 gold plus WM for Dyes Was the Horses trade OK with ppl? I didn't see that discussion, only the ones on Dyes and Ivory. 011201people didn't complain about it (except me) OK then, I guess it's fine ;) 01and I decided for it when the Ivory trade was going to come up to help pay for hte Ivory 01lol, yea 01give me a sec with a calculator for the last one I will wait until you tell me to go for it. lol Um, ada? Greece only has 27g - WE are the ones with 29g, and we are SELLING our Dyes, right? 01Sorry MWIA 01yea, i mixed up the 27 and the 29 That's cool. No worries 01we sell dyes to them for 27 01Quick Poll: Which deal is best? 1: 3 gpt + 44 + dyes for Ivory; 2: Dyes + 5 gpt + 7 gold for Ivory; 3 Abstain 01sorry that took so long, wanted to test it I make the best trade with Rome to be Ivory for our Dyes, 5lpt and 8lytons. 1 where did it all go? 01yea, the question is if we want to pay the bulk now or over time We only have 29g after those upgrades. 01oh, ok 01it better be two, then :) 01though the other orders should free up enough gold to do it... 01but two's better I understood wrong, option 2 Oh, umm... 2. 0112Trade with Rome: Dyes + 5 gpt + 8 for Ivory 011201my mistake, didn't even think about the other orders affects 4F1 Trade with Rome: Dyes + 5 gpt + 8 for Ivory 4I meant D1, that is. Is rome polite, annoyed, or what? 01MWIA, tell us if Rome gets any happier 4Rome is annoyed BUt it is a 20turn agreement - that hopefully counts for something. 01yea, that's what I'm hoping too 01but we'll have to see Sh*t Aro? ada - on to the France deal? 01yep Yes? You seemed to be in trouble. You OK? 01don't really care how happy they are with us on that one, but if you could mention Greece's attitude once that's done, that'd be great France deal. Are you guys seeing me? Right, France. Horses for WM and 34g? Aro - I am 01Aro, something I missed? * Apocalypse^ has quit IRC (Quit: ) Apoc'll be back. 01about the France deal? or are you just checking you're coming through? No, it's the time of response here.... 01oh, ok France deal, agreed 01MWIA, go * rendelnep has quit IRC ( Aro - you might need to disconnect and trya different server. 01ahead The last thing you said, Aro, was France deal, agreed Check to see if the lag is very bad, Aro ada - OK then It's better now. 01Aro, and are working good over here You sure? Now is working fine. Good - ada, France deal as above? WM + all their gold? 01yep The problem seems fixed to me 01unless there's anything else we can squeeze out of them Some french girls, maybe? 4D2 - France: Horses for WM and all their gold (34g) - sadly no more girls 01lol, we don't do that through the 'official' diplomatic screen -- that happens when the Foreign Ministers call each other over the 'read line' 01*'red' 01why do you think Togas decided to run again? ;) Or when the President makes an urgent diplomatic mission. ;) Now the Rome deal? I want a red line too... ;) I'll run in next term!! If my wife see this... You guys have all the fun ;) 01Do you mean Greece? * SprudL_ has joined #civ3dem Yes, I meant Greece. 01well, we've done two, whichever one we haven't done is a go Remember Ninot and his affair with Joan? Rome deal, ok. 01lol Aro - you may be lagged again. The last thing you typed: Rome deal, ok. Welcome back, Sprudl 01Sprud, welcome back tnx finally dalnet was kind enough to let me in again yes, it's time to squeeze Greece now... 01aro, trying to ping you Hold on - Rome is polite to us. Is that a change from before? 01yea 01they were annoyed before 01:b: 01:) :) 01France was furious, Rome was annoyed, and Greece was annoyed How much time? Sorry - did the deal with Rome before and checked Greece's attitude. I blame the lack of sleep. ^_^ * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem Aro, you're pinging over one minute Aggie! AGGIE! Rome was annoyed, IIRC We haven't quite ended the turn yet - still doing ada's trades. here i am sorry i'm late, traffic was slow 01yea, sorry everyone for slowing stuff down so much... we should be just about done after this last one OK ready to do Rome: our Dyes for Wm and all their (27) gold what is happening 01didn't we do that first? Aggie - I have done all the posted orders for before ending the 70BC turn except the trades 01i think we did the orders list half backwards... Sorry - ada, I mean Greece again... :p Welcome, Marshal Aggie! 01lol, just checking good i was afraidf i was too later 01oh yea, of course hello all Rome or greece? 4D3: Greece: trade Dyes for WM and all their gold (27g) 4Greeks are POLITE! * rendelnep has joined #Civ3dem 01Awsome! wow i had perfect timing 4All orders done, ready to end turn on Ministers' agreement. 01Greeks/Romans polite, we don't know but don't care about France, and should have some extra money in the bank so did everyone get thrown off? 0112Agreed * AroCiv has quit IRC (Quit: ) No rendel, just you. ;) 011201rendelnep, nope Poor Aro - all his problems. 01we just found out that Rome and Greece are both polite... 01and trade with France is done (don't know if we helped their attitude) 01yea, poor aro, lol great we need them to be friendly How is it Aggie? You into the swing of things? Shall I end turn or do you need a minute? No rush. :) 01I'm going to have to go eat in a few minutes 01I might be back before the end of the chat, and may stay through the end of my last order, but if not... sod You only have one more order, right ada? 01the only other specific order I have is next term, a trade with Germany, and that's bascially Dyes for whatever we can get out of them 01yea end turn 01It's nothing anyone needs me to be here for OK, ending turn... 4End turn i'm reasy all of 70 oders were as listed i mean i'm ready 4Archer stack E of Ge moves S 4 Nothing much else of note. 01should we do the Germany trade at the begining of this turn? 01So there's cash for the otehr ministers to use? Good idea. Am checking out trades... * AroCiv has joined #civ3dem * AroCiv has quit IRC (Quit: ) * OPD has joined #civ3dem 01lol, that was fast hey 01hey OPD * rendelnep has quit IRC (Quit: ) * adaMada42 is now known as AwaYada Best is WM +6lpt and 3 gold for Dyes hey opd, could a save be posted Hi future Prez! i mean hi opd, could i have save posted hey mwia 01six lpt 01wow Aggie - I can do that - just a minute Aggie 01That's awsome * AwaYada is now known as AwaYada42 * adaMada is now known as AwaYada 01perfect timing Awayada? Is that you ada? 01I've g2g for a bit, but that order sounds perfect 01yea ok when ever it is convieninet, its just when i ened turn my comp sometimes crashes so i load save from after turn end:) aggie - was your PM interesting at all? I just skipped it. 01I'll stay until the tech deal goes through 01actually, the deal's fine, has my full approval, awsome work (we're actually MAKING money over the Ivory deal) 01I wonder how much we'd get by reselling ivory to Germany? ok just stopped in to say hello. Have to take care of some RL stuff now see you all around. nope it said i was having trouble with getting into chat * OPD has quit IRC (Quit: fuck you) 01Ah well, can't do it this time (one turn too few) maybe in twenty turns OK OPD - see you later maybe. later opd 01i'll be back later aggie - save posted 01MWIA, go ahead with the deal whenever you're ready 01good luck all thanks OK ada. 01I'll be back in a bout half an hour, probably 01good luck :) I got our Dyes for their WM + 6lpt and 3gold Whatcha think? good, ok brb, looking at save OMG. We're the only ones here!!! 4Trade Dyes to Germany for WM + 6lpt and 3 gold 4A1 - Macross OK what is the command for color CTRL + K then a number 4a2 - cHIQUITA ok 12 all orders except for sword army are the same, brb with the sa orders OK, will go ahead * SprudL_ has quit IRC ( 12 Reg sword with SA e of uber attack archer 4C1 4C2 4C3 - no enemies but a German worker in sight C4 4C4, I mean 4C5 - 20g on upgrade, 102g left 12 horses both goto 1 north of tyre 4C6 this is where sa will be soon You mean Sidon? Sidon is the Sth one. yes sidon sorry Cool i loking at the tyre area:) 4C7 4C8 4Skipping Sword army at the moment 12 1 pike from geo south 4 OK - that's new isn't it? yes 4C14(new) - 1 pike from geo south 4C10 4C12 On to the Swords left... 12 first lets do the reg sword vs archer, thar will effect other things 4C15(new)Reg sword vs Archer - 1hp loss but VICTORY good Two vets left in that square Sorry - 3 12 move lite swors of SA w.n.n i mean elite That's done as order C10 So I did it :D c12 move 2 vet 1 north of sidon, and 1 vet w,n,n 4C16(new)move 2 vet 1 north of sidon, and 1 vet w,n,n Doin PW orders now 12 i presume pike is also 1north of sidon too, right Yes it is good i think i am done then I f**ked up one of the workers N of Napoleton - it is off the beaten track. Damn - I didn't think that river was in that place. Oh well, I can sort it out next turn i think sidon is doomed You'd better believe it. :D :D :D that happens, the worker drank to much wine on his break:) No - it was beer from Germany. 4All PW completed I still have wounded units in Geo and Uber. 12 fortify An SP S of Geo and a Sword in Love 12 spear s of geo to uber 12 spear in love shack ee 4C16(new)Wounded units in Geo and Uber fort 4C18)new) Sp S of Geo to Uber you nean sp ee of loveshach, send him to uber 4C19 (new)Sword in Love E E sorry i forgot about that sword Now for the Galleys... I guess I move the one at Uber back towards Poly 12 send galley to another glorious city And the one with the settler waits for it to arrive. 4C20 Galley at Uber Island to AGC 12 same thing sorry * AroCiv has joined #civ3dem No worries. Welcome back Aro - that makes three of us here! Finally! 4All done, end turn? when i end turn my comp sometimes crashed but if it does i will rush back, just post save as I try to get back into chat You bet 4Endiing turn What did I missed? Is everything fine? 01just got back\ * AwaYada is now known as adaMada 01anything I should know about? * AwaYada42 is now known as adaMada42 4 End of 90 AD - Arhcer stack consolidates, Athens builds Hanging Gardens nope things on schedule 4City Planner orders... Ok, thanks 12 ok for attack on sidon start with horses 01nothing diplomatic's happened, has it? * SprudL has joined #civ3dem 4A1(new) BHQ builds Worker, change to Pike i don't think so we traded with germany but i think you already know that 01yea, we were about to before I left ada- nothing diplomatic, no. Germany is still annoyed after the trade. I hate dalnet 01really? 01screw them, lol 01I think they were worse than annoyed before, though 01Furious, maybe 01because of the war better than furious Dalnet hates me... 4PW orders... they were furious * SprudL waiting for the next disconnect 4All PW completed, only SMC to go 01After another turn or two, any chance we could get an up to date save? 4Aggie takes the battlefield... quick qurstion :i was thinking about move elite pike s of geoforce e to mountain now and maybe move 5 swords to mountain sw of archer army ada - no probs. but first lets attack sidon 12 horses attack sidon crossing fingers... 4Horse attacks Sidon - 2HP loss but SP KILLED Great! good 01nice 4Horse 2 attacks Sidon - 2HP loss but SP KILLED - city TAKEN!!!!! YES Wow 4One Persian worker taken, Sidon killed, no gold 01awsome 01down with persia Resisters? now lets attcak spear with reg sword, They will be beggin us for peace soon enough. 12 attack spear with reg sword 01Aggie, we're still in agreement to keep the war rolling for the time being, right? 4Reg Sword attacks SP - 2 HP loss, VICTORY YES I hope 12 3/3 reg sword that is Yessss! Aggie - yep, it was one of them Wait - I need to change music send the pikeman and 2 vetsword n 12 send wouldend hourses to uber Du Hast officially marching song for victorious Apolytonian armies 4Pikeman, 2 vet Sword N 12 send 2/3 sword under pikeman 4Wounded Horses to Uber 4 Both 2/3 Swords? 12 no just the one near the archers the other will heal next turn 4 2/3 Sword S of Archer stack to join Pikeman stack 4 Captured Worker to Uber 12 a question I want to force that archer stack off the mountains so here's an idea, pikeman s of geo e to mountain, all remain swords(5) to mountain sw of archer stack any feelings on that Seems good Good, but they may just move to the hills 12 if they stay on mountain well attack them next turn The hills SW of Tyre, that is 12 ok Then again, if they move to Tyre it will be easier to take them out. We are doing this? but hills better than miontains 12 lets do it, three swords 2elite and 1 vet tomountain sw of archer stack , also move sword from uber and also swords 2e of loveshack 4pikeman s of geo e to mountain can we afford to upgrade spear in uber and spear in gaia ...and we have a chance to get a GL. 12 pike in uber goto sword stack sw of archerstack 4three swords 2elite and 1 vet tomountain sw of archer stack , also move sword from uber and also sword 2e of loveshack Yes we can upgrade both (142g available) 4pike in uber goto sword stack sw of archerstack 12 then upgrade would be good, also sword and horse in goe s 4Upgrade SP in Gaia and Uber * rangers85 has joined #civ3dem 4Pike to Seeburg, fortify okis that all, also could we send captured worker to uber Hey there, ranger! Aggie worker has been sent Welcome, ranger 4Seeburg has built WC, change to Courthouse 01hello ranger 12 wc goto bhq 4Warrior near Gaia to Gaia 4WC from Seeburg to BHQ Is time for our golden age... 4That's all I have End turn? 01I'm thinking we should poll pre-golden age I will post the save at the end of this coming end turn time fine with me 01ok ok 4Ending turn 01I can't think of any other diplomatic deals, but I can check that way 4Archer stack moves W off Mts, more Greek Horses go N, Romans retreating towards Krasnoyarsk 4Del Monte builds Granary, changes to Courthouse 01yess 12 attack archer stack first with horse, and then elite swords 4Persian Archer appears N, NW of Napoleton! There is one elite horse in Geo, others are wounded. Which do you mean? All of them? thenwe'll figure next move 4City Planner 4A2 - HII workers adjusted for max shields 12 didn't the elite horse and sword in geo move s last turn We have a vet SP in Napoleton, right? 4PW finished aggie - no they didn't - was that my bad? Aro - yes we do 12 well no biggie, we jsut start with elite swords then attack archer stack till its gone:) 12 also move horse and sword in geo south Sorry - I can't find those orders for last turn regarding that horse and sword OK - elite sword attack first... 12 they were at the end of another order,my bad 4Elite Swords attack Archer stack - both lose 1HP, both VICTORIOUS but no gl darn:) attack with rest of swords there 3vet vs 3 archers K, vet swords... 4 3 Vet Swords finish off Archer stack - all lose 1HP, the last attacker becomes Elite Horse and Sword in Geo go 1 South? cool, 01lol, we're crushing them 12 ok the other sA rest the turn, and other sword catches up 01I don't think I've seen any lost battles, though I haven't been looking for them There defences are crunbling like so many water crackers... We lost one the last time IIRC. ONE. My luck is holding out :D 01that's nice 01we should keep a running count :D yah i;m dreading the inevitable corewection to bring us back to the average luck:) I did in the last report post a losses/victories 01oh yea, i remember As long as it doesn't happen on my shift. ;D 01that was actually the most interesting part of the report, lol Glad I did it then! 12 move pike in geo 2 n, so he can help spear in napolitan 01for me, at least Hold on aggie - Horse and Sword in Geo go 1 South? Great job, Aggie and MrWIA 12 yes 4 Horse and Sword in Geo go 1 South 12 yes geo is undefended but no threat to it right now ATM Geo still has the Pike but I will do that now Pike from Geo can move one more square... 12 it would be sucky if napokitan fell, by a stupid archer * Apocalypse^ has joined #civ3dem WB Apoc 01hey again Apoc  ok mvoe him one more on road 01we're kicking a*s Lotsa victories and NO MORE SIDON! 4Pike from Geo moves towards Napoleton Hi Apoc. I had to go vote and do a couple of other minor things. 01did we raze sidon, or take it? Alrighty then - we could move that other Pike back to Geo...? 12 most other orders covered in orders Sidon autorazed 01ah, ok OK - 4doing posted orders 01i didn't like it much there anyway :) mwia,we could in an emergency 4C1 4C2 12 does wc in poly boad galley this turn it should, then galley goes out next turn Aggie - if we leave that Pike on the Mt SE SE of Geo we can move the workers ther now for building that road. lets do it, but they won't get there till next turn i thought That is true WC can board galley this turn - I didn't know this, but the pike will stay there, fortify him 4Pike near Tyre fortifies wc gets to bhq, the wc in bhq can go to poly, then wc in poly can board OK - can I just leave the Settler on the Galley too then? then next turn that calley can move within one of uber galley Ah, of course - then settler must stay on the Galley. Stupid me. hats ok i've had a while to calculate this:0 What do all the Swords (some wounded) and Pike near Tyre do? could you post save next turn, so i can see things better, i had move the horse and sw south in mine, so the move are messd up:) 12 they stay and fortify that why the rest and the other sword catches up OK then 4 All swords and Pikes near Tyre fortify to await others 12 also they will be one the same time scale as other sword army 4 Reg Sword S of main Army joins army 4Uber Pikeman fortifies in Uber? 12 yap so we have a defenede there 12 next turn the resating sword army moves onto hill sw of tyre, and the horse and sword from geo getonto moutain w of tyre Pikeman with other Sword Army stays where it is? (to move with all other swords next turn) 12 hummm,lets move him onto other sword stack to OK - 4 Pikeman with further Sword Army joins the resting Sword Army 4Galleys in position for next turn - end turn? sorry for missing those S'alright - partly my fault for the Horse/Sword thing sounds good to me, remeber to move galley near apolyon to other galley That's next turn though. 4Ending turn 01ok, i'll brb 01sorry 01should be back in a few minutes i won't end turn so my comp won't crash, i'll just downlaod save 4 Romans nearing Cherbourg (ours), Persian Archer near Nap moving W 01how many romans approching Cherbourg? 01like, a warrior, or like, twenty archers? :) Two legions, maybe? 01ok 4Macross builds Temple, change to barracks, ort Rouge build Settler, change to barracks Hang on 01will really brb this time :) What 2 legion, 2 Warr N NE of Cherbourg (returning from their little pointless sortie north), Legion + settlerS SE of Cherbourg maybe the romans were after us after all and the trade threw them off 4Also Persian Sp and Archer on that Hill SW of Tyre that you wanted to move to. I don't think they will take cheerbourg. I can be wrong, of course... They can have it! We could give it to someone the Romans might hate... But I guess that's a poll decision We don't have to worry until next turn. 12 i would attack those forces this way, vet attachs spear a reg vs archer BTW, when do we stop? Normally we do 5 turns, this is turn 4 already. Aggie - will check other orders first can we go till at least next turn that is the attack on tyre ok 4Tass has built WC, changes to Pike save posted brb looking at save 12 do other orders and also move horse and sword under pikeman w oftyre along with assigned workers 4CP and PW finished. 12 don't attack sp/archer this turn, move Sword army s of tyre ne 4 move horse and sword under pikeman w oftyre along with assigned workers 12 Move other Sword army ne onto the mountain near archer and spear 4move Sword army s of tyre ne there's some kind of party in Cheerbourg.. One russian horse, two iroq settlers and their companion, a lot of romans... Aro - the Russians have been fucking around there for ages. ...and we aren't there! The French have a settler stack moving SW of there also. * Apocalypse- has joined #civ3dem 12sword that last attack archer go to the sword army 4other Sword army ne onto the mountain near archer and spear 4sword that last attack archer go to the sword army Persian worker will go to join the workers W of Tyre, OK? * Apocalypse^ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) 12 fortify pikeman 1 se where he is so he can go and frotify at either geo or napolitan 4fortify pikeman 1 se where he is so he can go and frotify at either geo or napolitan i know the caoture persian worker isn't mine, but can i use him to help with road to tyre Anyone know what I do with the new Settler in Port Rouge? 4Persian worker goes to join the workers W of Tyre i think he was suppose to go fill in the gap ne of rheims He may need to wait for a galley - Chartres is stll in the way. between chartes and rheims i mean Oh. ok Galley from Uber moving into sea - maneouvre with galleys next turn no it should be this turn OK with that? But then the one that they transfer to won't make it back in time. 12 the galley could sink between turns, the wc and settler move off it to safe gallet this turn the galley off poly went to right nezt to uber galley right Oh I see - the Poly galley moves right out and transfers right? I can do that. * SprudL is off to bed... good job guys bye Bye SprudL * SprudL has left #civ3dem Thanks for being here. it is amazing manuever, i didb't even knowwe were allowed to move galleys to see(since number did show up), man was i surprised byr sprudle Bye, SprudL. The galley in Uber Isle moves 1 NW, and the other moves 2 SW the after getting loaded:0, uber galley go s,s,s 4Galley manoeuvre completed, Galley with WC and Settler moves S along W coast?  that was my interpritation You got it. mine too have i forgotten any orders There's a reg sword in Gaia - shall I keep him around to deal to the Persian Archer N of Nap? sorry if i have but i have tyre in tunnelvision:) 12 yah lets see where that archer goes 4Sword in Gaia fortifies for now 4Settler in Port Rouge stays put That's it - end turn? Last turn coming up I think. spear in termina can move to poly if you want it too and keep peace 12 yah afetr we attack tyre will be good stoppign point OK then... 4SP from Tass moves to Poly 4 And scientist reallocated to work the fileds - damn intellectuals! Work, damn you!!!! Sorry, I'm tired. :p i understand i'm imaging my old profs working the tiles:) Time to end turn... As you are SMC you could wield the whip. 4End turn alright Yes, and take Tyre in the next. Are you posting a save by now, MrWIA? 4 Persian Archer moves next to Nap, Romans move next to Cherbourg, French Stack moving E past Macross, 4 Russian Horsemen move S to Krasnoyarsk, Persian Archer moves off hills W to threaten workers. Almost, Aro Those Romans... but they are polite with us. Could Julius be so stupid? Save posted. ARGH! They are now CAUTIOUS towards us. WHAT DID I DOOOOOOOO? At least Greece still likes us. 4Doing other orders now * aggie2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Julius IS stupid. It's not your fault, MrWIA... ;) Aggie has to come back before I do anything more. 4All PW orders done Well, I can relax for a moment. It's only Cherbourg - we might vote to give the city to someone before the Romans take it anyway. I'm using the 1.29, and the Romans still polite with us. In 1.21 is different? Certainly is. I have both versions. Since 1.21 is the official one At the moment, they are cautious for sure. Yes, I know.I was thinking the 1.29 were worst, but.. 01back for a sec 01what's happened? We are waiting for Aggie to reconnecnt (likely his comp crashe dwhen he ended the turn). We are about to assault Tyre. 01'k Romans are threatening Cherbourg - we need to poll on what to do. They are still at peace, but are CAUTIOUS with us. This is 170AD - last turn. 01how many turns left? 01ok, let's finish out the turnchat, and then I'll make sure we get a poll on it 01or will advise Togas to the situation Great, thanks. I will be sleeping after this. 01since I guess he's in charge again tomorrow and I can stop doing all this hard stuff :) And stop getting the glory, too. :D 01do i read correctly that Rome just became cautious again? Yes. Don't know exactly when. 01lol, there won't be much glory if Rome declares war on my watch, loll 01that's another part that togas can take :-[ 01*:-p 01ok IF you make sure we give away Cherbourg then there won't be a problem. 01I'll put in my strongest recommendations to that affect We can manipulate another little war :b IMHO, they have a great deal with us, no reason to finish this. I don't they will attack. 01lol, yea, that's what I'm thinking about We shall see.... 01I think they might attack C'mon Aggie... 01so we should give it to the Greeks and let them handle it, lol * MrWIA wants to slaughter some Persians * MrWHereItsAt agrees * MrWIA is surprised at that Sleeeeeeeeppppppp. 01lol Why do the romans will take Cheerbourg right now? I can't see any reason. 01I think they want a war with someone 01like Shiber kept saying But they have our dyes, and they need it. Things are looking good! We can get Theology from the Persians for a peace and 44 gold, or Engineering for a peace and 52 gold! 01yea, i'm not that sure either 01lol, we really are kicking the persians around Things can only get better from here. 01I wish we could trade Cherbourg for one of those techs... I liked it when the AI valued cities 01yep 01Aro, I don't know why Rome would threaten Cherbourg either 01maybe they plan to pass right by 01but I will push very strongly for giving it away (after selling anything that might be in it), because it's worthless anyway 01and I really doubt that togas will insist on keeping it 01what we gotta try next time is taking the Romans ivory, and then selling it to the Germans This is v1.21 - we can try to trade it for something. 01since the germans paid a TON for dyes, and we had lots of those... Ivory (assuming they don't have any) is fairly scarce on this continent 01can you trade something for a city in v1.21? 01I tried playing with it earlier, and it wasn't working for me 01brb No reason to get Engineering until we can get Invention too. Hi Apoc - you see my post on improving terms with Persia? Post - I don't mean post. Which post is that? Things are looking good! We can get Theology from the Persians for a peace and 44 gold, or Engineering for a peace and 52 gold! Yes, that is why I said something. 01back again aggie is trying to get back into the chat now 01MWIA, things are looking good, but I'm not all that hot on peace with persia while we're kicking them so badly 01lol, I'd rather keep kicking and get some nice land in the process 01as long as we can support the war I'm saying we should wait at least a few turns until we get Engineering because it isn't much use until we can also get Invention. We might as well get it as cheap as possible so we might as well buy it as late as possible. I know, I want further war too, but I'm just saying things are getting better. 01lol, yea, i think we all agree 01ok, so the latest save posted is the newest one, right? 01Shiber's tech deals came off rather well... Yes - the only moves I have done since that save are PW ones. * MrWIA slaps MrWHereItsAt around a bit with a large trout I am AWAKE, I really really am. 01ok, I may load it up to check * MrWHereItsAt rubs cheek That hurt you bastard Sorry, but you looked tired 01/me thinks MrWIA's having too much fun with the two names * adaMada42 slaps adaMada around a bit with a large trout 01lol lol 01doesn't me work? Fun for all the family 01yep * MrWIA works And I work HARD for you all too. ^_^ You do not. 01lol 01You should def. run again, MWIA Lies! Me? 01more than anything else, I think you're our easiest going president, lol or Me? neither MWIA Maybe we can run against each other. isn't he here? All I need is a DL... 01we've got MrWIA and we've got MWHIA 01but we don't have a MWIA 01lol Hang on... :D 01well, you said you were planning to take a week or two off after this term ;) I am - I really badly need to. 01you said Aggie's coming in sometime, right? A week or two for each one... He PMed me and said he was trying. 01oh, ok * MWIA has joined #civ3dem Well look who's here! 01well, he's not in the poly chat, so... 01lol, MWIA's finally here Not THAT jackass again. 01lol, someone's bored Hi everybody! 01oops 01someone screwed up, methinks ;) No, I'm fine. Wait a minute... You took the words right out of my mouth you ass-clown! 01lol, i'll forgive you, considering that it is like, way late your time :) Look who's talking you fartknocker. * MrWIA slaps MWIA around a bit with a large trout So there. Well if it's a WHOOPING you're a wanting... * MWIA attacks MrWIA * MrWHereItsAt joins in Haha. Guess who has operator status? * MrWHereItsAt has quit IRC (Quit: ) * MWIA has quit IRC (Quit: ) That settles that. * aggie2 has joined #civ3dem Aggie! just in time to miss my insanity at work/ ok can ya'll hear me I kicked the other versions of me out - they were getting rowdy. cool Welcome, Aggie!!!! 01awsome 01Aggie! You got the save, Aggie? 12 good thing is i had tiome to figure orders, what i can do yes i did, i was just about to give attack ordrs, unless ya'll have already attacked well, about the Romans... No - we wouldn't have done that without you leading the charge. 01na, Mr. WHere's it at was in charge 01now MrWIA's booted him, who knows ok, Hey! Don't diss the WIA. Anyway... Onwards. 12 elite swors attacks tyre and lets hope for gl i mean sword 01talk about an awsome way to end a chat, getting a gl 4Elite Sword attacks Tyre, no Hp loss but no GL. 12 then lets start the attack from the army s of tyre, with a vet sword What was the decision on what to do with the GL anyway? Create an army right? 01no decision 01just a lot of arguing we figure it out whenit happens 01i think most people wanted to keep it or make an army 4ARGH! Vet sword dies, sp takes 2hp damage, down to 1hp 01yea, when we get one, we'll probably escort it back to poly and then worry about it there Good decision k well if we have reg sword and i hope we do, it should be able to take ihp off a spear We must get the GL next and last chat as it would be a fitting way to end the term 12 reg sword attack poly 01can you rename GL's? 12 i mean tyre 01lol, wow aggie, let's not do an uber ;) 4Reg sword kills Sp with no HP loss, Takes Tyre, 2 workers and 1g. We keep the city 01awsome WOOOOOHOOOOO now lets try fro gl Yesss! Tyre is pop 2 with 1 resister elite sword w tyre attacks archer Great Banana, give us a GL... please! 12 elite horse w tyre attacks archer Yeah - the sword has moved already ok, crossing fingers 4 3 Hp lost...... RAMSES IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH BOYS! if this doesn't work we have 2 more elite for battle Neato * MrWIA high fives everyone in the room A GL!!!! Amazing! This is too cool, I nominate aggie for the order of some special Apolyton knighthood when we get Knights OK - Ramesses towards Uber? i could live with that, good thing ahppen when you attack with elites I said before, and say it again: You are an excellent prez... AND A LUCKY ONE! 01what? 01Ramses! 01we got a GL!!! With agster's skill and my sheer blind luck - WHAT A TERM! 01did i like, read that right? YEs that is confirmed. SAY HELLO TO RAMESSES! 01ohhh, ohhhh, rename him "Mr. Where It's At" if we can do that before anyone knows Like I can sleep now! 01i mean, before anyone can stop you 01lol Hello, Ram! 01damn, that's awsome!! You can't rename them except in the files. 01yea, I want Aggie to like, get an award MWIA, when you forgotr to movew the horse s of geo it worked to our advantage because other wise this horse would have atatck earlier:) :) :) 01and MrWIA, I think you deserve a golden banana OK, let's calm down and finish the term - then fill the forum with spam about this :) indeed you do, 01fine, by royal mandate order everyone to change 'Ramses' to "Mr Where It's At" in their file 01ok. 01i'm sort of calm 01 What a rush. Ramesses towards Uber? Yes, I'll do it, Sir! 12 while we're on a rool lets attack spear 2 swof tyre with vet sword from SA Yes, protect him 12 rames toward uber ,we'll decide later The SA S of Tyre or the other one? 4 Ramesses moves W onto road 01Will he make it to Uber in time? 01for the end of the turn? No only the one move let me see He was off roads and moving through jungle 01damn... he might be good luck for the next Fantasy Football game :D Scort him! 01ah well 01ok, i'll shut up and let you serious people play now Aggie - attack with the vet seord from which SA? *sword 12 i emnat sp s,sw of tyre 12 yes sorry i am too excited 12 a full 4/4 from s of tyre 4 Vet sword S of Tyre attacks Sp to SW, no HP loss, VICTORY Great! Just curious... what the Persians can offer now for peace? Let's finish the turn and then check. We can garrison Tyre with the wounded swords Correction - wounded sword s of Tyre. 12 yes and the pikemen seems good. Shall I just move all of the rest of the SA s of Tyre in? 12 lets see how lucky we are reg sword s of tyre attacks spear se of tyre The odds? 4Reg Sword attacks remaining SP, Sp loses 1 HP, we lose. Not absolutely lucky. slightly in our favor 3:2.25 well move in what we can into tyre 4 All troops S of Tyre move in to garrison About to move Galleys - the one that's empty will go pick up the Settler in Port Rouge 12 move other sa e to where current SA is, we cna finish spear next turn(i hope) How many persian troops near tyre? 1 spear 1 wounded (2hp) reg sp se of Tyre That's it. Not bad. 12 move pike w of tyre onto hill sw of tyre this will deny the spear the hill 4other sa e to where current SA was 01so we've destroyed Sidon and taken Tyre? 01and gotten a GL? Yep. We rule. 01and ripped the Persians open? 01and gottne ivory? 01and made a small profit off the deal? Workers from Tyre W to help build the road to Geo? 01Wow. We rule. :D move rested horse in uber to where workes are building road 12 yes mwia 01If I haven't done it in a day or two, remind me to post an official think you note to Shiber and E_T for those plans... they turned out fantastically 4Workers in Tyre W to help build road to Geo 12 start temple productionn intyre by the way 4Temple started in Tyre And gentlemen and other people who rule, 4that's all she wrote. 12 pike near napolitan to napolitan Whoops. 12 and fortify 4Done Now that must be it. ok we can think now of the future Except for the Romans... What should we do, Aggie? 4Without further ado, I declare one of the most successful turns in history complete. I say we try to keep cherbough long enough to make settler and get it out of there You're right, aggie. but that is just my opinion, also don't forget adamada andshiber who allowed us the diplomatic freedom to bonk some heads HAHA! The Persians are running scared - they will trade Theology +37g +2lpt for peace! They give Engineering and similar amounts of cash 01wow "Theology +37g +2lpt" - nice 01awsome Hehe... 12 and lets thank the persians for moving archers off mountains and into jungles so wew could kill them easier 01MrWIA, when are you going to write the turn report/ 01*? on to gordium I say go for that and buy Engineering a few turns later if we decide to sign a peace now. basically now, as I did last time. I have been collating orders the whole time, and I have been writing a summary. 01Can I write an intro few sentances describing (texutally) what we accomplished these turns? 01oh, ok, nevermind I am not arguing that we stop thi swar now though. 01you've already done it 01lol, of course not Apoc -- they're not giving us the rest of their cities yet You bet - just get the sentences to me before I crash. i will have breakfast first, so you've got 45 mins or so. 'we kicked butt will sum it up 01ok 01i'll go compose now ada - it would be good to get a non-President's view of the chat by any means just PM me or something. I'll hang about in the chat And don't forget Shiber and E_T. Great stuff guys - it just gets better and better. 01ok, i'll probably hang about in the chat too to show how good our luck was, we din;t even loose the galley 01I'm going to credit everyone, don't worry Aro, rangers - thanks for being here. 01it lets me get out of having yet another thread :) Even tho' rangers is a bit quiet 01who attended? I'll check. 01Aro, Rangers, MrWIA, me, Aggie, Apoc, and Sprud? Thank you, Mr.WIA! And Aggie, Adamada, Apoc, ranger and Sprud. Those of us who are here, SprudL and MWIA and MrWhereItsAt. ;D THe last two I kicked out cause they started a fight. And adaMada42 also. 01lol, i'll make sure to note it Was here, I mean. 01no, he's still here OK - get some well needed rest everyone, or go nuts in the forum - I'll be up for a little while writing up the report. I will post the save right now though. have fun! The save will be posted with the log, right? I sent a pm to OPD earlier to discuss a set of turns next weekend. Save now, log soon. 01lol, he's just being quiet right now 01Apoc, go for it. Weekend turns are awsome Slap him awake. 01how many losses was it? Ummm, I need to go through it all. Hang on... 01/me slaps adaMada42 I could do a chat next weekend probably. 01'k, i'll just leave a blank until your other part is ready One vet sword lost well we lost a reg sword this turn too 01two losses then? 01woww that was me hopping we were on an invincible roll, oh well it was worth a shot 01MWIA, we need you to come back when we need good luck two losses, one city, one autorazed, one GL... Not bad at all ;) 01lol, or maybe it's the computer ;) i wonder if some poor civ is getting all the bad rolls(other than persia of course) 01lol lol that why i want the pike to go to napolitan, if they got a roll like we have the could pull it off You're right ARo - 2 losses. Save posted! In our side. The persian losses... hehe! It's the 170 ad? Yes Check the topped thread the 170end Ok, thanks. Downloading.. Persian losses... 6 Sp 6 Archers MWAHAHAHAHAHAH! 01we're calling a single unit twelve thousand, right? 01i mean, a thousand? Hell, why not a million for Persia and 1000 for us? lol That looks much more impressive 01twelve thousand to two? 01impressive enough for me :D We don't need that to make this turnchat very impressive. 01very true i'm going to post a poll on great leader what options whould you all suggest * Apocalypse- has quit IRC (Quit: ) !. Decide later. 2. Fp 3. WOW 4. Army 01use now for wonder, use later for wonder, use now for FP, use later for FP, use now for army, use later for army Now, it's time to relax... a beer would be fine. Cheers! Any other uses? Cheers Aro! Sante! ok sounds good later * aggie2 has quit IRC (Quit: ) Salud! Bye Geberalisimo Aggie *Generalisimo Skol! 01later aggie Generalissimo... OK - to this report. I will check here every now and again, and post eventually. You can PM me if you want to ask a question or just say hi. Back soon! Bye, guys. Congratulations! 01okey 01i'm almost done, it'll just be another minute * AroCiv has quit IRC (Quit: ) I am done with my report. 01i'm on the last sentance of mine little part as well Cool. Do you want to add it yourself after mine or shall I include it in mine? 01whatever you want... I can give it to you in a sec if you want, so it'll all be one, but I don't really care about the order 01done 01170 AD The past hundred years have perhaps been one of the most successful in the history of Apolytonia. We have dealt the Persians a dramatic blow, defeating a total of twelve thousand of their troops with only two thousand losses. Our troops have razed Sidon and added Tyre to our great empire. While fighting, Commander Ramses of the Eighteenth Elite Horse Battalion showed exceptional valor, distinguishing himself as one of the Greatest L 01second part wont' come through 01Credit for these amazing events need to be spread throughout multiple people. First, all attendees deserve credit. Thanks to Aro, Rangers, Aggie, Apoc, Sprud, adaMada, adaMada42, MrWIA, MrWheresItAt, and MWIA. (Tragically, MrWIA was forced to eject MrWheresItAt and MWIA forcibly from the chat when they became unruly). Without the contributions of this group, we would have accomplished little. Some of our citizen's actions stand 01Credit goes to General Aggie, who has led our troops to victory against hordes of Persian forces. Credit goes to President MrWheresItAt, whose steady hand has guided our nation through these events with such skill that have led some to wonder if he just isn't lucky. Credit goes to Shiber and E_T, who formulated the two plans that were combined by Acting Foreign Minister adaMada to produce the trading plan that we used so fruitfull What about the end of the first bit? And the end of the 2nd/3rd bits? :D 01ohh, yea 01lol, i'm confused now 01i think I did it to myself I can sit here and reflect whilst you puzzle it out. In fact I'll go sort out breakfast. BRB 01lol, should i just post it? 01or is it missing something? The first part is missing from "Greatest Leader" onwards The second part from "citizen's actions stand" 01really? 01it all came through fine over here The 3rd part from "trading plan that we used so fruitfull" 01lol, it must have gotten cut off through dalnet Yeah. Maybe you should post it. 01ok 01it's good enough I'll take it out of my post then. Just post it in the report thread, or in your own one "Observations of the chat" would be good too, 01wanna just leave both in? 01i'll put it under yours, and then repost it as my own report Sounds good. mIne is up 01mine is always a pain in the neck to write anyway 01'k Well, I'm into the forum to do some random posting. See you around, noble FAM deputy! 01later, Mr. President Last turns on Tuesday - I want a chat to finish with. I hope you can make it then. 01I'll try 01at least be here and silent * Retrieving #civ3dem info... * Waiting 9 seconds for previous request Damn. You know how to download the chatlog? 01I know how to use trillian's chatlog 01it'll be weird formatted, but it'll probably work OK. I'll leave my comp on whilst asleep anyway so I can ask someone later on. 01i can cut out the stuff between my arriving and you getting back so there's not a lot of junk from the past 2 hrs in it 01or i've got mIRC's chatlog 01if you tell me how to access it Hmm. I wish I knew. 01lol 01ok, well, i'll keep trillian's log 01and if you can't find anyone else, PM me and i'll put it up 01sine the formatting is pretty standard 01and it was open through the whole chat, so i've got it all 01just let me know if there's anything I can do I'm trying to find ssome info now, 01watch out, you've got some unclosed [i]s messing up your status post 01it can wait till tomorrow, though I think I fixed them I haven;t found any help on the chatlog, so I'm helping a friendly Apolytonian will help in the thread I've started. I will hang in here whilst sleeping. 'Til later. ok later :) i'll leave, then, or else I'll be here all night too. If you need anything from me, feel free to PM. * adaMada42 has quit IRC (Quit: Later all) * adaMada has quit IRC (Quit: later all) * AroCiv has joined #civ3dem * AroCiv has quit IRC (Quit: ) * rangers85 has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Logging #civ3dem to 'logs\70AD-170AD.DALnet.log' au revoir * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Sep 15 18:34:23 2002