Session Start: Sun Sep 08 00:34:21 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [00:34] *** Now talking in #civ3dem [00:34] *** Topic is ' #civ3demMinisters :D' [00:34] *** Set by UberKruX on Sun Aug 11 11:58:13 [00:53] *** GodKing ( has joined #civ3dem [00:53] good morning.... [00:53] can we say super yawn [00:54] Hi GodKing. I'm not really here - I'm playing Civ. [00:54] I sympathise - I am massively hungover and tired and it is 8pm here! [00:54] I will come back about 8:30 to try to marshall the chatters as they come in [00:55] So seeya then... [00:55] 4 am. and I left my glasses on the table next to bed.... [00:57] hello! [00:57] hi wb [01:29] *** astrologix ( has joined #Civ3dem [01:30] hi [01:31] *** astrologix ( has left #Civ3dem [01:33] Hi guys. [01:33] 25 mins... [01:34] ok [01:34] I so did not want to leave my game of Civ... my alliance with the Aztecs ran out and they attacked me instead of getting off of my land. I have just started the war when I saw it was 8:30 and I needed to stop. [01:34] hehehe [01:35] My Cavalry, Musketmen and Cannons against their Knights and Spearmen. [01:35] i love civ :) [01:35] They have no Saltpeter at all :D :b [01:35] it's so funny i try and talk to my friends about what went on in my games and they don't care! [01:35] damn blasphemers [01:35] What should I watch whilst this is going on - Stigmata or Water Boy? [01:36] water boy was so damn cheesy [01:36] My friends have no idea what I am talking about when I talk of 'Poly and the forums, but I think they just say nothing hoping I get bored of talking [01:36] i speak for most of america when i apologize for exporting him to other countries [01:36] I know, but I like Sandler. [01:36] oh [01:36] i mean [01:36] Even his album [01:36] hehe [01:36] he has some funny songs [01:36] Ode to my car [01:36] your back [01:37] oh yes! [01:37] that is so my car too! [01:37] i was singing that in the shower recently [01:37] Yeah - it's good for shower singing, much like Tribute. [01:38] hehe [01:38] Right - I will just reboot to clear out my RAM - don't want any unexpected crashes ;) BAck in a minute [01:38] *** MrWhereItsAt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:38] ok [01:38] *** MrWIA ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:39] You know, I like sandler. I think he is histarical [01:39] eh, some of his stuff *is* funny, but it drives me crazy when he talks in his crappy voice that he does [01:39] but like Happy Gilmore was GREAT [01:40] Some stuff was nuts. [01:40] I love in waterboy all the cajun references, frogs baked into muffins.... [01:41] hehe [01:41] wonder how long mwia going to take... [01:42] not sure [01:42] man, this is sad, we're the only ones here [01:42] where are you located? [01:42] Detroit. you [01:43] about an hour from los angeles [01:43] yuck. 2 am for you. almost 5 for me. [01:43] eh yeah [01:43] good thing it's sunday though [01:43] hehe [01:43] otherwise i wouldn't be doing this [01:43] im usually up this late on weekend anyhow [01:44] oh ya. same here. If work was a factor, I would be asleap [01:44] *** MrWhereItsAt ( has joined #civ3dem [01:44] did mwia screw up his time zones. He posted 4 am EST. Going on 5 now. [01:45] What?! I have been here for most of 20 mins and WTF is everyone in that case? [01:45] I just had to reboot just now. [01:45] This is near 2100 GMT, right? And EST is 5 hours behind... [01:46] Unless someone went into daylight saving - we haven't [01:46] *** MrWIA (~mrwhereit@ has joined #civ3dem [01:46] This is almost 10:00 GMT [01:47] hmm [01:47] I was dead on last week with that awful chat though. What happened? [01:47] hmm [01:47] I am GMT +12 [01:47] Well, we could start if you wanted, but if waiting 10 mins is OK with you both...? [01:47] well you posted something about the turnchat taking place at 0900 GMT/ 0400 EST [01:48] I did. [01:48] so we are already an hour late.... [01:48] and 0400 EST is 0100 Pacific for me :) it's now 0200 pacific :) [01:48] * WhiteBandit doesn't care ultimately [01:48] and now 05:00 EST. [01:48] So far there has only been us here since 7pm here (almost 2 hours ago) [01:48] yeah :-/ [01:48] Well, shall we start in that case? [01:48] *** astrologix ( has joined #civ3dem [01:48] Sure! [01:49] Alright - starting Civ [01:49] starting..... :) [01:49] starting as well [01:49] hi everybody [01:49] I have 1.29 installed.... so if I follow, I will not get the same results. [01:49] He Astro [01:49] Hi there. [01:50] HI not He [01:50] yeah i also have 1.29 [01:50] astro - when do you think this starts - in 10 mins or 50 ago? [01:50] Lucky I have 1.21 then! [01:50] doh [01:50] in 10 min [01:50] Aha! [01:50] MWIA - why did you post 0900/0400EST then? :P [01:51] That's what my websites tell me is in 10 minutes. [01:51] err no [01:51] in 10 minutes it will be 0500 east [01:51] So far that awful chat, was I one hour late or over two? [01:51] one [01:51] one and 15 minutes [01:51] So I was right then... [01:52] I am in switzerland. Here it is 1051 local time. we are 2 hours ahead GMT. We have summer time. [01:52] I am unequivocally GMT +12, and it is 2052 here, so obviously EST is NOT 5 hours behind, but 4. [01:52] WHOA [01:52] well i'll be damn [01:52] [01:53] it almost is 0900 GMT [01:53] GMT doesn't account for summer, does it? [01:53] however, 0900 GMT correlates to 0500 EST :P [01:53] summer time? [01:53] So EST is GMT - 4 then. That has changed for sure. [01:53] MrWIA, it doesn't [01:53] This is frustrating - the chats have always been 2100 GMT = 1600 EST. [01:54] I remember from waaay back at the start. [01:54] This is weord. [01:54] yeah [01:54] *weird [01:54] very [01:54] * WhiteBandit shakes his fist at God! [01:54] why! [01:54] oh well [01:54] in summer, our clocks are avanced 1 hour, from spring to autumn [01:54] Well, I guess we wait 5-10 then. Anyone know what happened to the timezones? [01:54] Damn the US for having daylight savings time. [01:55] AHA! Not my fault! (Thank God!) [01:55] You are the prez. it is always your fault. [01:55] didn't you know that ;) [01:55] in autumn and winter we are 1 hour advanced GMT [01:56] Of course - I should know that. [01:56] Whoa! Stigmata is cool so far [01:56] hey! [01:56] don't you be thanking god [01:56] haven't seen it. [01:56] im still shaking my fist mind you [01:57] :P [01:57] Oh - sorry WB - I will thank the gOdZ from now on ;) [01:57] whaddaya think - start in 7 mins? [01:57] Make sure you thank both of them. [01:58] by my clock - 57 ago. thus in 3? [01:58] MrWIA, you should explain that in a thread [01:58] I should? There has been no-one here so far besides us. [01:58] As we are teh only ones here, and are venting now. I don't think that is necessary. [01:58] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [01:59] No-one has turned up and left again. [01:59] howdy ho :D [01:59] Hi Shiber! [01:59] hi MrWhereItsAt [01:59] Shiber!!! plesent surprise. [01:59] :) [01:59] This is the right time GMT, but an hour late EST. I am puzzled. [01:59] We start in 2or3 [01:59] hmm [01:59] finding a website for you [01:59] hold on [01:59] :) [01:59] WB - I looked at your last site. [02:00] [02:00] BTW, what colour shows up for me? [02:00] black right now [02:00] black now [02:00] uhh... well MrWIA, as you know, the dimensions of space are actually warped as Einstein has proven, and we can easily infer from this that so is the dimension of time, since it's no different than the dimensions of space in essense [02:00] 4And now? [02:00] red [02:00] So there IS a spacetime warp in the Atlantic somewhere [02:00] Red? Godd. [02:01] *Good. [02:01] Go ! [02:01] Note this though - only do what I post in red as MrWhereItsAt. The black is MrWIA and is for everything but official orders. [02:01] Alright! [02:01] we gonna make some persians our bitches! [02:01] OK then.... [02:01] gotcha [02:01] 4Orders A [02:01] do we need the other room? [02:02] i dont think so [02:02] there's like 5 of us tonight [02:02] NO need [02:02] 4A1 [02:02] You guys have the orders in fron of you somewhere? [02:02] you mean this morning? and I agree, shouldnt need it. how do we keep a log? [02:03] can get quick. [02:03] im keeping a log [02:03] I will copy paste the whole thing later and go over it to pick out my red orders and reported events. [02:03] Thanks WB :b [02:03] no problem :) [02:03] been keeping a log since i got here [02:04] Everyone OK with A1? Let me know all of you when you are fully ready. [02:04] hopefully no one will object to us talking about female geologists :-P [02:04] WB - Uh oh... that sounds like something Tassadar would do of my chats... [02:04] haha [02:04] Unfortunately I must leave in a moment.... [02:04] ok [02:04] only if they are cute. [02:04] im ready to go [02:04] *** Shiber- ( has joined #civ3dem [02:04] got disconnected [02:04] re Shiber [02:05] Shiber is a ghost, i'm the real thing [02:05] *** Shiber ( Quit (Ping timeout) [02:05] (waiting for the damn ghost to be killed) [02:05] yayy!!! [02:05] *** Shiber- is now known as Shiber [02:05] ok, it's 2 am, if i start hitting on everyone, forgive me, i should be sleeping. [02:05] OK astro - good you could be here [02:05] for me too... [02:06] glad you could make it, if even for a little while. [02:06] All ready and done with A1? [02:06] yup! [02:06] I'm waiting for you guys now ;) [02:06] here is the orders thread for anyone who needs it [02:06] [02:07] MrWhereItsAt - alrighty, let's kick butt and get some turns done :) [02:07] *** Shiber- ( has joined #civ3dem [02:07] Fine then - A1 is done [02:07] Go forward. Befor you end this turn, I have one adjustment to marsales, curtisy of DrChaos. [02:07] Shiber - you playing along? [02:08] Sure, I'll let everyone know at the end of the turn [02:08] *** Shiber ( Quit (Ping timeout) [02:08] *** Shiber- is now known as Shiber [02:08] i'm afraid not [02:08] 4A2 [02:08] i keep getting disconnected [02:08] if i get disconnected again i won't be back, seeing that this isn't working. sorry. [02:08] ok [02:08] ok. [02:08] well nice to see you Shiber [02:09] glad you could make it :) [02:09] thx, you too :) [02:09] see ya later if you don't make it. [02:09] Sorry to hear that Shiber [02:09] Shall I purchase thetemple in Port Rouge? [02:10] 68g out of our 216 [02:10] not yet [02:10] Right. [02:10] i'd rather if you purchased the temple in marseilles [02:10] wait till under 50 [02:10] 4A3, no Temple purchase [02:10] it'll get us a second lux and help defend it against cultural flipping [02:10] uber has to have the barracks. al other purchase is only nice, not necessary. [02:11] Agreed [02:11] 4A4 [02:11] i second what godking says [02:12] 4A5, no change as we are not necessarily going for Pyramids. Plenty of time to change later [02:12] true. [02:12] 4A6 [02:12] How am I going? Not too fast? [02:13] Noissues yet? [02:13] no. can go faster if you like. [02:13] A7 [02:13] whoops [02:13] keep going, perfect! [02:13] A7 [02:13] 4A7 [02:13] That's better :D [02:13] lol [02:14] say, does participating in a turnchat increase your post count? lol [02:14] fraid not. [02:14] 4A8 [02:14] hehe [02:14] well you can go back and say "i was in the turn chat and yeah." [02:14] A8 - the closer Irrigation worked [02:15] Bugger 4A8 [02:15] Sorry, 4A9 [02:15] Hmm, barracks is 100g in Uber - to rush? [02:16] They are kinda urgent [02:16] yes, do it [02:16] we'll need barracks, i can assure you that [02:16] GodKing? [02:16] 12 a11, check on worked tiles. I think the irrigation may be better then the mine due to the corruption. This is a change. [02:16] oops, wait, that sounds like i've been playing ahead!! [02:16] Purchase the barracks. [02:16] Gotcha [02:16] they are necessary for the SMC plans. [02:17] 4Barracks purchased as A10 [02:18] 4A11 [02:18] 4GodKing's above change to A11 done also [02:18] Thanks. [02:19] 4A12 [02:19] *** Shiber ( Quit (Ping timeout) [02:20] White Bandit - do you want Cherbourg to be :Another Glorious City"? [02:20] WhiteBandit - a13 calls for your input. Do you want Cherbourg named as your city? [02:20] No! [02:20] we are going to lose it [02:20] :P [02:20] Oops, Shiber's gone again. [02:20] You don't - OK, we leave the name as is. [02:20] nything else I can rename? [02:20] OK. yes [02:20] Like [02:20] Marseilles :P [02:20] 4A13 - name remains Cherbourg [02:20] then first city on uber isle. [02:21] ok [02:21] that works [02:21] 4SMC Orders now [02:21] If we like, we can always use will2000's name of "willsbury" for cherbourg. [02:22] 4C1 [02:22] i'm running some program's in the background, so if you need to get my attention, just say "whiteband" or something and my highlight should catch it [02:22] 4C2 [02:24] Small issue - Aggie's C3, we can't move all three of those directions, only SW, S or SW, SW, S [02:24] sw sw s. Should work. [02:24] Do you think he meant the latter? [02:24] I thought so. [02:25] cannot say for sure. I would guess so. [02:25] 4 C3 Sword SW, SW, S [02:25] Well, it's done now. :) [02:25] 4FAM Orders [02:26] 4 F1 - we get WM and 43 gold [02:26] remember to get the screen shot. [02:28] *** astrologix ( has left #civ3dem [02:29] 4F2 - screenshot saved for later [02:29] 4Clarification - 49g for Embassy [02:29] That's it - anythin else? [02:30] OK. Whait one sec please. [02:30] check workers in rouen/jerusalem [02:30] Will do. Am standing by. [02:30] I think they may not be workign the irrigation. [02:30] after that, nothing else. all clear. [02:31] I have changed them - they are working the Irrigation the closer side of the river [02:31] OK. Thanks. forward ho [02:32] 4 End turn [02:32] brb - need more coffee [02:33] 4 Persians advance, Germans retreat, English sign peace with Greece [02:34] Peace. ut oh. that means the greeks could free up and come after us. [02:34] 4 Greek Horses move N into America, Uber builds Barracks, changes to Sword (A10), Seeburg builds Warrior [02:34] That's it for the events [02:34] Onwards: [02:34] is that bitchy greek horseman still on my mountain near chiquita? [02:35] Yes it is. [02:35] 4 A1, worker automatically placed there [02:35] Are there still greek workers in view? [02:36] One worker working desert N, NW of Chiquita (currently out of Greek city's sphere) [02:37] 4A2 [02:37] Thats fine. If they have workers around us, they are not planning war. [02:38] 4 Settler and SP on Uber Island NW to future city site [02:39] 4B1 [02:39] are the persians threatening those workers? [02:39] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [02:39] hi [02:39] i've decided to try again... [02:39] There is no Greek Horse on the gold W of Del Monte - is that where I move the worker to? [02:39] Let's hope, Shiber... [02:40] yeah! [02:40] Yes [02:40] nicece! [02:41] I remembered you earlier posts. [02:41] thanks :) [02:41] You were public works last time right? [02:41] Sending Shiber the save now (he wanted it) [02:42] thx MrWIA [02:42] 4 B2 [02:42] No probs Shiber. [02:43] 4B3 [02:43] MrWIA, could you send it again? it says 'connection failed' [02:43] Nope. Ran first term for PW. Even skywalker got more votes. [02:43] oh dear [02:43] 4B4 [02:43] kinda sad [02:43] im sure that wouldn't happen again [02:44] OK - I'll try again Shiber [02:44] thx [02:44] i ran against skywalker and was relatively unknown... did pretty good before he dropped out of the race [02:45] ya. we had a 3 way race. me, sky and jonny. jonny won in a land slide. [02:45] It keep saying "Awaiting reply" - I'll go on whilst waiting [02:45] you can go on, it's not working [02:45] are you using a firewall perhaps? [02:45] are you behind a proxy server? [02:45] I only got about 10%. this was back when parties were big. [02:46] 4C1 [02:46] I don't know - my flatmate is paranoid and has all sorts of stuff set up - maybe a firewall too. I'll post it after the next turn if you want [02:47] Aro is in polly chat and is trying to find us. Trying to help him. [02:48] 4 C2 but Horse moves N, E, E, E, stops there as Archer threatend if it moved the last E [02:48] That is what aggie wanted. stop short. Good. [02:49] this chat is going SMOOTH [02:49] The 1/3 Sword - if it goes SE it is threatend by the same Archer [02:49] SMOOOOTTTH! [02:49] damn good! [02:49] (minus our time hickup :P) [02:49] I was just about to say.... [02:50] His standing orders for the Swords are to avoid contact - I will move it S to join the Horse - OK with aeveryone? [02:50] but ya, other than that. going very well. perhaps we can get in 6 or more turns. [02:50] 12 sounds good. [02:50] brb. coffee should be hot. [02:51] aye [02:51] 4C3 alteration - Sword moved S to avoid conflict with Persian Archer [02:51] 4C4 [02:52] can we move this guy S? [02:52] it should be ok [02:52] Spearman is not NW of Loveshack, it is NE. [02:52] Shiber - I already did. It looks fine, there's nothing that can attack it now [02:53] right, i forgot i missed a few moves :D [02:53] 4C5 But Sp NE of Loveshack, not NW. [02:54] OUT of coffee. :( but I do have some tea. Chai tea. Very good. eyes are starting to open. [02:54] 4C6, Warrior stays in Geofront for now (waited, not skipped) [02:55] it's 3am [02:55] mine are starting to close :) [02:55] 4 C7 [02:55] Are they being threatened? [02:55] MrWIA, what are we building in ubergorsk? [02:55] WB. 6 AM here. [02:55] oh man [02:55] Anyone know what to do with the Galley at Uber Isle? Just explore the coast, right? [02:55] you going to sleep after this? [02:56] Shiber - sword. [02:56] Uber building Sword [02:56] MWIA - he returns it to use of SMC [02:56] but SMC didn't say what he wanted to do [02:56] so i think just explore [02:56] Explore the coast. [02:56] So I explore then [02:56] great! [02:56] GodKing: good, i was about to suggest that [02:57] 4 Galley S, SW, S - more shielded grass! [02:57] Cool. More cities!!!! [02:57] 4 C8 [02:58] Shiber - you should run for an office this next term [02:58] glad to see godking plans on returning as well! [02:58] Ya, why don't you? [02:58] i don't think so. i'll be very busy until october 9th [02:58] aww [02:58] Thanks WB. [02:58] godking - great cp, and way better than that duddha dude [02:59] i dunno the duddha guy, but GodKing is doing a fantastic job [02:59] i like this administration [02:59] Duddha is running as a joke. He said so. [02:59] we all seem to mesh [02:59] hehe [02:59] oh [02:59] Uk - there's an SP between between Seeburg (threatened with Persians) and Gaia - no orders. Shall I move it to reinforce Seeburg? [02:59] he plans to produce settlers in mixed cities and then add them to the city population to turn foreign citizens to regulars [02:59] VOTE yes [03:00] Duddha is more into the Roll Playing of his ARE group. [03:00] such a stupid plan when we can build a temple for 20 shields and then wait a little while, and raise the lux slider a bit if the foreign citizens get unhappy to offset this effect [03:00] yeah [03:00] read my response to his plan in the campaign thread: [03:00] Will do. [03:01] 4C9 (new) SP NE, N into Seeburg, fortifies [03:01] Warriors in Seeburg to skip or fortify? [03:02] IMHO fortify [03:02] Any votes? [03:02] *** Aro (~aroeira@ has joined #civ3dem [03:02] (+25% defense) [03:02] hi Aro [03:02] Hiya Aro! [03:02] Hi aro. [03:03] Hi, guys [03:03] No complaints...? I will fortify [03:03] *** Aro is now known as Guest05331 [03:04] howdy aro! [03:04] My puter is actin up [03:04] 4 C10 - Warrior in Seeburg fortifies [03:05] Shiber. Nice post in campaign thread. [03:06] thanks GodKing :D [03:08] I'm acompletely newbie in that mIrc stuff. For some rason, my name is not Aro anymore. Is Guest 05331. [03:08] Polly keeps loging me out as a user. Wonder if I upset someone. [03:08] aro - type "/nick Aro" [03:08] without the quotes of course [03:08] aro, it's because the nickname aro was reserved by someone else [03:08] type /nick Aro- [03:08] *** Shiber is now known as Aro [03:08] Aro - someone probably is using aro. [03:08] *** Aro is now known as Shiber [03:08] someone has registered the nickname Aro, in fact [03:08] okay [03:08] "/nick Aro-Rocks" [03:09] *** GodKing is now known as aro-was-here [03:09] nick Aro-Rocks [03:09] *** aro-was-here is now known as GodKing [03:09] put the slash before it [03:09] *** Guest05331 is now known as Aro-Rocks [03:09] 4 Warrior in Geofront skips [03:09] there ya go! [03:09] That's it - anything else? [03:10] 12 ok by me. [03:10] Lol... this is funny [03:10] MrWIA, when we finish this turn could you please post the save somewhere? [03:10] alright, we are good to go [03:10] onward to 90BC! lol [03:10] Shiber - will do. I may be gone a minute [03:10] 4 Turn ends [03:11] Now i'm gonna make coffee and appreciate the save. [03:11] 8 MWIA - can you post the save right a way, then post the update in a seperate post. That way I can download asap and take a nap. [03:11] 4 Persian Archer attacks Seeburg - it dies with no damage to our Sp [03:11] my bad colour [03:11] 4 Persian Archers move about [03:11] MWIA can you read that? [03:12] Good... I was thinking I was blind os something [03:12] GodKing - you want an updated save each time or just the one now? [03:12] Neither. when we end. [03:12] 4Germans want to talk. I say OK [03:13] So at the end of these events? [03:13] End of the chat. [03:13] Of course! Will do. [03:13] 4 They want to trade WMs - no way in hell. I will renegotiate [03:14] last time, you wrote the whole update and I waited 40 minutes so I could download. All I was looking for is the download as I am here so I don't need the update. [03:15] OK - can do. I will post the save immediately upon finishing. [03:15] 4Best and only deal is our TM for 1g. What do you think? [03:15] 1 gold is 1 gold. do it. [03:15] thumbs up [03:16] Excellent - my salary [03:16] wait, try TM for TM [03:16] hmm [03:16] I wish I was making gold.... all they give me is some printed paper.... [03:17] 4Greeks moving Horses into America, both HereItIs and Chiquita grow culture radius [03:17] 4A1 - Poly already working fish [03:18] MrWIA, you gonna post the save now? [03:18] Those greeks horses... [03:19] In progress Shiber... Sorry - I did that move first. :o [03:19] it's ok, we can repeat it ourselves [03:19] Greeks also have workers. So they are not planning anything yet. [03:19] Alexander, get out of OUR America [03:20] lol, i think he's just moving troops to aztecs or england [03:20] he's already moved several horsemen through america before IIRC so it's not likely he's going to attack now [03:21] Shiber - alex made peace with england last turn while you were gone. [03:21] just and FYI [03:21] an, not and. [03:22] Save posted! [03:22] *** Trickey ( has joined #civ3dem [03:22] Shiber, good to see you running. [03:22] Let me know when you're ready, Shiber. [03:22] Trickey! [03:22] Hi trickey. glad you can make it. [03:23] Hi, Trickey [03:23] hey guys [03:23] ahoy! [03:23] Trickey - I just posted the latest save if you want to play along. [03:23] GodKing, thanks for the info [03:23] ok, afk [03:23] But let's do it quick, whilst we are on a role. [03:23] Do you guys want some fresh brazilian coffee? [03:24] Please. I ran out this morning and am drinkin tea. [03:24] If you can bring it to me - I have to do about 3 different things here. :) [03:25] One sugar, two creams. Thanks. [03:25] in 10 secs [03:25] Lol [03:25] MrWIA, what was the move you did after making the save? [03:25] It is in the save [03:26] I didn't actually do anything, the workers were allocated in Poly automatically [03:26] oh, ok [03:26] ok [03:26] im updated and ready to fly [03:26] the save takes ages to load [03:26] good grief, i am in a good mood for 3:30 am :P [03:26] 4A2 - Move workers in Loveshack to sea, BHQ works Grassland/road W of Loveshack [03:27] 12 [03:27] 4A3 - no changes as Gaia already working the Irrigation (this AI sometimes is OK!) [03:27] oops - wait one. for a2, work the jungle next to the mountain that is being cleared for loveshack. [03:28] man, im trying to clear jungle for you guys as fast as i can :) [03:28] Should be clear next turn [03:28] I know. Thank god for all those new persian slaves. [03:29] 4A2 above correction - Loveshack now working that jungle site being cleared (thanks GodKing!) [03:29] Err - Loveshack is undefended? [03:29] and there is a persian archer E, NE? [03:30] A4 - Seeburg works Forest and Grass - is that right? I can't remember which it was working before [03:30] has been for a while. [03:30] this is nice when we have the orders before hand :) [03:30] Correct, WB. I think the Archer will be attacked [03:30] seeberg was working grass before. [03:30] Yes - the Horseman willa attack the Archer [03:31] COOL! A Bruce Lee movie! [03:31] just had too many persians to keep working anything constantly [03:31] MrWIA, Loveshack is working the tile SW SW? [03:31] 4A4 - Seeburg works Forest and Grass [03:32] Shiber - yes. [03:32] Can you check and see if working the lake is better than the forest? (seeberg) [03:32] ok [03:32] GodKing, it isn't [03:32] A5 - I will reallocate the HII worker to work the wines - one extra arrow [03:32] Cool [03:33] forest produces one less food and one less commerce but produces one shield (the other one goes to waste) [03:33] Confirmed, GodKing [03:33] 1 shield = 4 gold :) [03:33] Shield is better. Thanks. [03:33] so essentially it's 2f, 2g in lake against 1f, 5g in forest [03:33] 4 HereItIs - worker reallocated to Wines (one extra arrow) [03:33] :) [03:34] why? [03:34] $$$ [03:34] 4B1 [03:34] Rather have production at this time. later can have growth. [03:35] Was that why towards me, Shiber? [03:35] tile N of HereItIs is better than the wine tile [03:35] You're right, is $$$$ [03:35] MrWIA, yeah, re: working the wines [03:36] In HII, maximize production, then gold. [03:36] Red, red wine... ( UB40, great song) [03:36] No - we lose the resource if we work the tile N. It's 1res 3 food 2 gold vs 1 res 3food 3 gold [03:36] why are we switching to working the the wines then? it's one shield less [03:36] coruption? [03:36] The res is lost to waste [03:37] right, i forgot [03:37] All OK with this? [03:37] yes. [03:37] Cool. Onwards [03:37] ok [03:37] aro - that song was on the radio far too much for me to like it any more. [03:38] cool, roads almost finished (all depends on the french worker now) [03:38] 4B2 [03:38] Shiber - nope sir, i am charging into french territory to finish it [03:38] It's the destiny of every good song... [03:38] that french worker is clearing jungle [03:38] 4Bugger - Clearing will take 5 turns. We will likely need to move before then [03:38] who knows how long it will take [03:38] MWIA - throw them into geofront? [03:38] 4B3 [03:39] WhiteBandit, the french worker will finish his road tile before our worker does [03:39] WB - yeah, I will if they are threatened. [03:39] i don't see the point in moving our workers into french territory [03:39] i mean workers [03:39] Shiber - he isn't building a road though [03:39] French are clearing jungle. [03:39] wait, no, you're right [03:39] not building a road. [03:40] 4Hey! We're connected to Greece - will try for a trade. [03:40] there's the clearing animation thing [03:40] this lets us connect much sooner. [03:40] we can't [03:40] MrWIA, not yet [03:40] our capitals arent connected [03:40] Sorry - my mistake. [03:40] 'xactly [03:40] 4B4 [03:41] 4B5 [03:41] 4C1 [03:42] HEY - we're connecteI will do C4 first to get that Archer out of the way before moving the 1/3 Swordman [03:42] I will do C4 first to get that Archer out of the way before moving the 1/3 Swordman, I mean [03:42] Good idea. [03:42] HEY [03:42] do we have a worker waiting for orders NW of Gaia? [03:42] good idea [03:43] WhiteBandit: yes [03:43] Yes WB we do [03:43] 4C4... here goes [03:43] MWIA - move S and clear tile with stack [03:43] :) [03:43] go horsie, go [03:43] * Shiber holds his fingers for the horsie [03:43] so that would be B6 when you get a chance [03:43] 4 VICTORY! Horse undamaged, becomes Elite! [03:43] ;) [03:43] YESSSSSS [03:43] Great! [03:44] 4B6 (new) - Gaia worker S and joins stack in clearing [03:44] MWIA - thank you sir :) [03:44] yay [03:45] Originally that Sword E of Loveshack was moving to Uber, so I will alter the orders to go E, E, S OK? [03:45] ok with me [03:45] Is it faster to go to the road? [03:45] how about E SE SE? [03:45] it's not, 'cause of the jungle [03:45] E SE SE will be a safer route [03:45] If the orders went as planned, we would be moving E of where we are anyway. [03:46] No Shiber - we can reach Uber with my move, unless there's some river I don't see. [03:46] MrWIA, E E S and E SE SE will take the same amount of turns [03:47] roads don't give you a movement bonus when they're covered with jungle [03:47] Sorry - you're right there. [03:47] they don't? [03:47] no [03:47] jungle = 3 movement points [03:47] road = 1/3 movement points [03:47] they offset each other, lol [03:47] E will end the turn anyway for that Sword [03:47] yeah [03:48] jungle or no jungle [03:48] 4 C2 (altered) - 1/3 Sword E [03:48] 4C3 [03:49] 4C5 [03:49] 4C6 [03:50] 4C7 [03:51] WhiteBandit - do you wnat to name Uber Isle city "Another Glorious City"? [03:51] yes sir! [03:51] 12 a3) presidential choice, cathedral or library. same build time. [03:51] 12 for next turn [03:52] fitting name for a city on our heralded island me thinks :) [03:52] 4City on Uber Island founded on plaisn SW of gold, named "Another Florious City". Starts on Granary, Sp fortifies there [03:52] it is, good sir. it is. [03:52] You would - it's your tribute city! [03:52] Florious? [03:52] haha [03:52] FLORIOUS?! [03:52] wait a minute [03:53] i said glorious :P [03:53] florius, hehe [03:53] should be kinda hard to rename now... we've already made the big letters to be placed on those hills (lol @ Hollywood) [03:53] I think i prefer florious. 8-) [03:53] haha [03:53] 4 I meant "Glorious:, of course :o [03:53] Florious City... unexpected surprise [03:53] lol [03:53] 4 Works Cows [03:54] how much food? [03:54] 4Galley moves SW, S, S - finds a hut and Horses [03:54] 3 [03:54] 3f, 2s [03:54] 3 food 3 res and 1g. [03:54] no corruption or waste [03:55] good [03:55] MrWIA's numbers include the stuff the city square produces of course [03:55] We could work the gold and get 1 food 2 res and 3g [03:55] OK. Purchase the grainery in 3 turns. minimize our $ amount by purchasing as late as possible. [03:55] Sorry, I meant 1 food, 2 res and 4g [03:55] i might go to bed folks [03:55] i suggest we start producing a warrior in uberisle (four turns away) [03:55] but i'll leave this on to preserve the logs [03:55] It grows in 7 turns [03:55] no. growth is key here. faster growth means more workers and settlers. [03:55] should help explore as well as serve as garrison for the next city [03:56] my bad math. grows in 7, not 3. wait til turn 6 then buy. [03:56] We will stop before 4 more turns, I think. We can always change in the turnthread after apoll. [03:56] *** rJames ( has joined #civ3dem [03:56] hi james [03:56] hi rJames [03:57] hiya [03:57] warrior is ok, as long as we recognize the costs go up on our grainery. [03:57] hey rjames - you new to us all here? [03:57] hi, rjames [03:57] 4C8 (new) Warrior in Geofront skips [03:58] That's it guys... end turn? [03:58] OK. [03:58] new to the channel, not to civ. ;-) [03:58] 4Turn ended [03:58] wait [03:59] what do we do if Rome demands our WM? [03:59] *** rJames ( has left #civ3dem [03:59] or our TM for that matter [03:59] did we scare him away? [03:59] I think we did. [03:59] later guys, i gotta go :( [03:59] oh, and do something about apolyton and BHQ, they're about to go into unrest i think [04:00] 4 Few more Archers out of Persia - will count them in a moment, France demanding our troops (Workers near Chartres) move [04:00] *** Trickey ( Quit (Quit: ) [04:00] I guess I say yes...? OTher options war or ROP. [04:00] do something about apolyton and BHQ, they're about to go into unrest i think [04:00] Or just goodbye [04:00] say yes. [04:01] What happens then? I have never just said goodbye [04:01] we ended the turn already? [04:01] war. [04:01] I can't do anything until the other civs finish [04:01] MrWIA, BHQ and Apolyton will go to unrest unless you took care of that [04:01] wait [04:01] War? You are joking, I hope? [04:01] they aren't giving you any other choices? [04:01] if you say goodbye, that is tantamount to war. [04:01] are they just warning you? [04:01] shut down the game with ctrl+alt+del, restart and load the save [04:02] Can I do that? [04:02] WAIT! [04:02] hold on [04:02] i zoned out for a second [04:02] so we have the troops near chartres [04:02] right? [04:02] shut down the game with ctrl+alt+del, restart and load the save or two of our most productive cities go into UNREST [04:02] I don't think so. [04:02] err [04:02] workers [04:02] Am waiting for this to be sorted. The choices from Jean are move (not move automatically), War, ROP or Goodbye. [04:02] MWIA - ok [04:03] click the move one [04:03] that is fine [04:03] say we move to jean. [04:03] MrWIA, move. next turn when we start digging she won't demand them to move [04:03] Everyone else - shall I follow Shiber's thought? [04:03] exactly [04:03] but DON'T CONTINUE PLAYING!! [04:03] it will be fine [04:03] MWIA - YES! [04:03] move [04:03] Apolyton and BHQ WILL GO TO WAR [04:03] i mean UNREST [04:03] lol [04:03] shut down the game with ctrl+alt+del, restart and load the save [04:03] MWIA - i simulated this in other games, it will be fine [04:03] OK - I will keep going until I can exit and reload. [04:03] Shiber, did they grow? [04:04] ok to me [04:04] yes [04:04] What did I miss? [04:04] two unhappy citizens, one happy [04:04] MrWIA, hit ctrl+alt+del and shut down the game [04:04] you don't have to wait until you can play [04:04] :( [04:04] Shiber - you were dead right, am reloading from just before the end of last turn. [04:05] hmm [04:05] okay... [04:05] why are we reloading? [04:06] polly should have a unit? so should bhq? right. shouldn't that take care of the unrest? [04:06] *** Shiber ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:06] that is, newly constructed this turn units. [04:06] polly should have a war chariot. [04:06] bhq should have a horsie. [04:06] Have noticed a Spearman fotified between Del Monte and Gaia, yet Gaia has no garrison. Should I rectify this? [04:07] They don't build before the unrest [04:07] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [04:07] welcome back shiber. [04:08] I have not ended the turn for 90 BC yet. [04:08] After reloading, that is. [04:08] got disconnected [04:08] hi [04:08] Repeat: Have noticed a Spearman fotified between Del Monte and Gaia, yet Gaia has no garrison. Should I rectify this? [04:09] yay, i saved two core towns from unrest. can i name a town now? lol [04:09] IMHO, yes [04:09] The closest Persian is a Warrior near Seeburg [04:09] send the spear to uber. I think that is what aggie was doing. [04:09] He ordered it fortified. [04:09] strange, i don't see what good it does [04:09] okay! [04:09] shiber, which town site. munich, jungle near france, or uber isle? [04:10] I think it may have been to be able to move it to Gaia or Del Monte in a moment as needed [04:10] mmm... an isle town is more exotic [04:10] but new munich will have dyes [04:10] 9 IM GOING TO BED: however im leaving IRC on to log, after you are done with the turn chat, you can download the log off my computer by going to: ftp://mp3:mp3@ [04:10] lol [04:10] good night. [04:10] g'night WhiteBandit [04:10] so please go ahead and post the logs in the forum for me alrighty? [04:11] But there are no Persians around any more, so things have changed. G'night WB [04:11] I'll try WB :p [04:11] Goodnight [04:11] sure thing :) [04:11] remember [04:11] ftp://mp3:mp3@ [04:11] i'll write this down [04:11] send to uber or love. prez choice. [04:11] What about that Persian archer near ubergorsk? [04:11] To Gaia for now, then decide next turn. [04:12] send to love first, then to uber if it needs it (loveshack is on the way to uber anyway) [04:12] *** WhiteBandit is now known as SleepingBandit [04:12] SleepingBandit, lol [04:12] lol [04:12] :) [04:12] 4C9 - Sp between Del and Gaia move to Gaia [04:12] Sleep well, bandito [04:13] night. [04:13] dawn here. Nice. [04:13] g'night SleepingBandit [04:13] OK, what to do to rectify BHQ and Poly's unrest? [04:13] watch out for jungle disease-bearing flies [04:13] turn off one worker in each. turn into tax man. [04:14] Poly - will take off worker W, NW of Poly. BHQ - will take off worker doing square W of Loveshack [04:14] Apolyton: turn off worker E NE, turn into tax man [04:14] i mean W NW, sorry [04:14] MrWhereItsAt: i second [04:15] In uber - can we upgrade the spear to a pike? [04:15] should we? [04:15] How much? [04:15] Loveshack will now work the tile W of it that is being vacated by BHQ's worker, OK? I will change back when the unrest is over [04:15] which tiles is loveshack working? [04:15] Sounds good MWIA. [04:15] GodKing, we should [04:16] price: 40 gold [04:16] ok [04:16] Just the one E of Loveshack is being worked [04:16] Upgrade then? It takes off the fortify bonus for a turn [04:16] once we get some other units there, send the pike north and the other spears south, and upgrade all along that front. [04:17] Is it threatened? if not, upgrade. [04:17] no, you're right. wait until there's a second sp in uber [04:17] 4 A6 (new) Poly - take off worker W, NW of Poly, into taxman [04:17] A7 (new) BHQ - take off worker doing square W of Loveshack, into taxman [04:18] 4 A7 (new) BHQ - take off worker doing square W of Loveshack, into taxman, I meant [04:18] 4Loveshack works tile E of it [04:18] 4A8 (new) Loveshack works tile E of it [04:19] A8 (new) SORRY!!! Loveshack works tile W of it [04:19] 4A8 (new) Dammit, I meant this in red: Loveshack works tile W of it [04:20] We understand. don't worry about it. [04:20] I must be tired too. [04:20] where does the second laborer work? [04:20] OK, Loveshack is working tile W of it and the one SE, SE that is being cleared [04:20] I meant SW, SW [04:21] All OK? Can I end the turn now? [04:21] ok [04:21] why? the coastal tiles produce one more commerce [04:21] don't they? [04:22] ok [04:22] Everyone is happy in our cities [04:22] They DO, but at a GodKing request as this tile will soon be cleared. [04:22] IIRC [04:22] the tile should clear next turn. the extra comerece was lost in corruption on my game when I tested it without the growth yet. [04:22] yes, in two turns [04:23] why are we beginning to work it now? [04:23] clearing will be done in 2 turns, and only 1 out of 2 commerce will be lost [04:23] One commerce is lost, the other is not. [04:23] Shall I change it to the coast then GodKing? [04:23] lets switch. my bad. [04:24] saved my butt twice now shiber. which city did you want to name? [04:24] 4A2 (2nd correction) Worker in Loveshack from jungle to coast S of Loveshack [04:24] how about Apolyton? [04:24] lol [04:25] Now end? [04:25] Shiberville? [04:25] Shiber - that would be my aim :D [04:25] fine with me [04:25] :D [04:25] lol [04:25] hehe [04:25] ok, fine with me unless anyone sees anything else we might have missed [04:26] fine [04:26] GodKing? No complaints about ending? [04:26] none here. [04:26] 4End turn 90BC [04:26] brb.... [04:26] 5 minutes [04:27] 4 8 Persian Archers near Uber, 2 massed to attack Uber next turn [04:27] 4I tell France we will move troops, am investigating trade opportunities with them... [04:28] We can trade our TM for their TM and 1 gold... [04:28] 8 persians archer? gulp! [04:28] I will do this unless I hear an objection. [04:29] NO [04:29] Our TM? With Florious City? [04:29] no trade, as we now have a city on uber isle. [04:29] I mean Glorious.. hehe [04:29] *** Trickey ( has joined #civ3dem [04:29] Oh sh*t. Thanks Aro. [04:29] GodKing, agreed [04:29] u guys still at it? [04:29] hi Trickey [04:30] Just as well I check everything. [04:30] hi [04:30] agree. no trade. [04:30] 4No trade with France [04:30] hi trickey. still at it. 3.5 hours [04:30] hi, Trickey [04:30] 2.5 playing.... [04:31] We don't have anything better to do... lol [04:31] 4Greek Horsemen moving dep into America, BHQ builds Horseman, Poly builds War Chariot [04:31] lol [04:31] sunday morning before dawn.... [04:31] actually, 20 minutes after dawn now. It was nice. [04:31] 4A1 [04:31] 4A2 [04:32] 4A3 (change) Here It Is still a turn away from Warrior (no change) [04:32] I was playing my sax in a party until now... I'm a little drunk, of course. [04:33] Good way to start a sunday [04:33] very good way. [04:33] B1 9the first one) [04:33] 4B1 (the first one), I mean [04:33] and those girls... ;) [04:34] 4B2 (change) Workers not finished clearing yet, so no change [04:34] 4C1 [04:35] I can't reallocate workers in BHQ this turn as the Horseman is leaving. OK? [04:35] OK [04:35] 4C2 [04:35] fine with me [04:36] ok, one garrison less. [04:36] crap, i think i lost sync with the game [04:36] fine [04:36] The WC being built next will fortify and help out as a garrison. [04:36] good [04:37] 4C3 (choice) Sp to Uber as it is threatened. Fortifies [04:37] i understand the WCs are to be used against America later to trigger a GA [04:37] brb [04:37] yes, it's good [04:37] C4 [04:37] 4C4, I mean [04:37] Under debate. [04:37] 4C5 [04:37] *** Trickey ( has left #civ3dem [04:38] 4C6 [04:38] *** Trickey ( has joined #civ3dem [04:38] once we have chivalry, we cannot build any more WC, so have to have some now in reserve. also, a cheap way to get knights as they upgrade. [04:38] sword to uber, skip turn to heal, ok? [04:38] 4C7, Sword skips [04:39] Shiber - it has been fortified (it still heals this way) [04:39] should we send a warrior from geofront to uber to upgrade? [04:39] MrWIA, ok [04:39] right, fort. is better [04:39] is geo threatened? [04:39] 4C8 [04:39] if not, send it. [04:40] not immediately threatened, and the persians are likely to concentrate all their efforts on ubergorsk [04:40] Not yet. 2 Archers SE SE and one SE S of Geo [04:40] Warrior would ebd turn next to Arhcers unless we leave the road [04:40] Sorry, people... I can't find the orders... Could someone give me a link? [04:41] not a good idea. [04:41] It's not a good option [04:41] [04:41] Aro - wait one. [04:41] MrWIA, it should leave the road then (same ETA to Ubergorsk) [04:41] Warrior in Geo will stay [04:41] warrior moves SW, how about it? [04:41] [04:42] yeah, you're right, there's no way to avoid the archers completely without making the trip REALLY long [04:42] Shiber - the Persian Archers will most likely cut it off and just keep pushing the Warrior W [04:42] it's best if he stays [04:42] 4C9 (new) Warrior skips in Geofront [04:43] Thanks shiber [04:43] 4C10 (new) Sp in Gaia S, S, SE [04:44] What do I do with the Poly WC? If it stays we can reallocate workers. [04:44] There are no orders regarding this. [04:44] MrWIA, can you post the save again once we've started 50BC? i think i went out of sync again the last time i got disconnected [04:44] it stays. it is reserve for the future. [04:44] MrWIA, let it stay [04:45] Gotcha. SHiber, I will post after the end of turn, OK? [04:45] 4C11 (new) WC in Poly fortifies [04:45] it'll allow us to turn the tax man into a laborer and work the tile W NW (+2f, +1s) [04:45] MrWIA, ok [04:46] 4A4 (new) Poly taxman onto tile W, NW of Poly [04:46] Shiber: the game rarely goes in the same way in different computers, I think. I've tried with my computers (3) [04:47] 4C12 (new) Galley at Uber Isle SE, S, SE - finds hills and Iron in some of the hills (!) [04:47] Better and better [04:47] IRON!!!!!!!!!!! [04:47] Great news [04:47] YESSSSSS [04:47] :-)))))) [04:48] 4Also finds two side-by-side Whales :b [04:48] looks like our IE minister has some work to do. Those settlers should be comming on line in the near future.... [04:48] We will have three iron now... Is it right? And more whales... Our TM now is top-secret [04:49] Super top secret for a while. Crap, we are going to need to build many more cities. [04:50] OK - Elite Horse E NE of Loveshack is hunting Archers. Closest are the ones threatening Ubergorsk. Otherwise there is the Warrior near Napoleton - which to go for? [04:50] *** Shiber- ( has joined #civ3dem [04:50] hi [04:50] MrWIA, you are not only an excellent Prez, you are a lucky one!! ;) [04:50] got disconnected again [04:50] Uber. [04:50] *** Shiber ( Quit (Ping timeout) [04:50] hi Siber [04:50] I meant a Warrior near Seeburg - and Aro, you got it ;) [04:50] hi again shiber. is it your machine or is it dal net [04:50] I mean Shiber... [04:51] Right - Horse to Uber or outside in an effort to attack the Archers as they maneouvre? [04:51] *** Shiber- is now known as Shiber [04:51] good, the ghost died [04:51] Murderer! [04:51] MrWIA, are we gonna attack the persian archer near ubergorsk that is not on a mountain with the horse? [04:51] Oh wait - you can't kill a ghost [04:51] lol [04:52] hard to kill a ghost. by definition they are already dead [04:52] one of the paradoxes of IRC, i guess [04:52] the official term for dropping a nickname of a disconnected user is "killing a ghost" [04:52] MrWIA, are we gonna attack the persian archer near ubergorsk that is not on a mountain with the horse? [04:52] You can try, but is difficult. They allways retur in a sequel movie. [04:52] The only Arhcer not on a Mt right now is S SE of Geofront. We could attack, but we would move there, opening the Horse up for the two Archers also there [04:53] I have standing orders to protect Horses from Archers, so that is out right now [04:53] set the horse in uber, and attack as possible. [04:53] well, if he loses there's a good chance he'll be able to retreat (since he's an elite unit) [04:54] i say attack that archer and pray that the horseman survives the impending attack or retreats [04:54] The orders refuse this - so I will move it to Uber. [04:54] And maybe we get a leader... [04:54] Soory guys - orders are orders. [04:54] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3dem [04:54] (the chances are less than 50% to survive the first attack and ~80% to retreat successfully if he doesn't survive, since he's an elite unit) [04:54] We can attack out of Uber in complete safety [04:54] Aggie said take minimal risks with all the horsies. [04:54] Hi OPD [04:54] Hi OPD [04:54] OMG still here [04:54] hey guys [04:54] hi OPD [04:55] Yep. still here, and going strong [04:55] MrWIA, but all the archers will be stationed on mountains by then [04:55] :( [04:55] hi OPD! [04:55] lol hi aro rocks [04:55] I hate to quote orders but 1) Horses should not end up next to archers unless protected [04:55] but i guess orders are orders [04:56] anyone care to tell me whats happened? [04:56] Yes, the damn mIrc refused ny nick... [04:56] I will not attack the Archer, so I am moving the Horse to Uber, OK? [04:56] This Bruce Lee thing rocks! [04:56] orders are orders... ;) [04:56] now on turn 70bc. going much as planned,with an archer invasion going to uber from persia. [04:56] alright [04:56] what Bruce Lee thing? [04:57] archers? [04:57] ya. Persia still has no iron. [04:57] MrWIA should have changed his orders to "horses should not end up next to archers unless protected or elite" [04:57] 4C13 (new) Horseman E, SE, S into Ubergorsk [04:57] Maybe - but it's done now. [04:57] And it's safe as houses. [04:58] Shiber - am watching a Bruce Lee movie at same time [04:58] opd, uber isle is huge, and has horses and iron [04:58] ohh [04:58] yay [04:58] which one? [04:58] No more orders - end turn? [04:58] i have to restart my computer. memory problems, don't ask [04:58] i'll be back in a jiffy [04:58] *** Shiber ( Quit (Quit: Raven has no reason) [04:58] bye [04:59] It's a docu-drama called A Warrior's Journey - unseen footage from his last unfinished movie "A Game of DEath" [04:59] About those 8 archers... how close are they? [05:00] 2 on Mt NE of Uber, 2 on Mt NE of these two, 2 SE, SE of Geofront and one SE, S of Geofront (only one not on Mt) [05:01] Brr! [05:01] They are stacking them up. [05:01] End turn now? [05:01] OK [05:01] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [05:01] 4 End 70 BC [05:01] hi [05:01] what did i miss? [05:02] welcome back [05:02] thx GodKing [05:02] end of turn is about it. [05:02] MrWIA, which Bruce Lee film are you watching? [05:02] Hi again, Shiber [05:02] It's a docu-drama called A Warrior's Journey - unseen footage from his last unfinished movie "A Game of DEath" [05:03] Oops, and that. [05:03] hmmmn 2 names one for orders one for chat? [05:03] it's it "The Game of Death"? [05:03] good idea [05:03] and yes, i believe i've seen it [05:04] 4Persian Warrior heading for Loveshack (2 turns and it will be outside), 4 reg Persian Archers move to jungle N of Uber (idiots!), more ARchers out of Tyre, onw more from Sidon [05:04] Game of Death. Persian death, I hope [05:04] kill the persian, kill the persian, kill the perisan..... [05:04] 4Here It IS builds Warrior, Termina extends borders [05:04] Man, is time for peace or i'm just a coward? [05:05] archers suck [05:05] coward. we have walls, lots of units, and luck. what else do we need. [05:05] They can do a lot of damage... [05:05] and one of our horses is elite. yay! [05:05] not if prepaired. adn we are. [05:06] 4 tile NE of BHQ cleared - no shield :( [05:06] lol... [05:06] Shiber - repost the save? [05:06] :( [05:06] Ok, kill those bastards! [05:06] Could you? in the same thread as before should be fine? [05:07] Posting save now... [05:07] ARGH! Popups... [05:07] Do we have 2 vet spearmen in uber? [05:07] Thanks [05:07] thanks, MrWIA... downloading now [05:07] looks like panang is spamming again. [05:08] Aro - haven't done it yet! [05:08] Panag - spamming?!!?! [05:08] anyway I gotta go to work see you guys around [05:08] The only one on my ignore list. Ever :p [05:08] [05:08] bye all [05:08] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [05:08] can you believe it. I say we make him minister of "have a nice day". [05:08] The save is there now [05:08] Bye OPD - good to see you here for a bit [05:09] lol lol lol [05:09] he should be minister of entertainment, in charge of making sure that everyone has a nice day [05:09] rather, "have a spammed day" [05:09] opd left before I could say bye [05:09] OK, Aro and Shiber - let me know when you're ready. [05:09] whoopdie-doo, i'm in sync again! [05:10] * MrWhereItsAt slaps SleepingBandit around a bit with a large trout [05:10] Spammed day... triple lol!!! [05:10] 40 seconds to sync [05:10] He didn't wake up! [05:10] Downloading.... don't wait for me. [05:10] he's sleeping like a log man [05:10] ready [05:10] * GodKing slaps SleepingBandit around a bit with a large trout [05:10] Sync ratio at 100% in 30seconds... :D [05:10] anything interesting happened while i was away? [05:10] still not awake.... [05:10] lol MrWhereItsAt [05:11] * MrWhereItsAt is the only one who may do that [05:11] * GodKing slaps MrWhereItsAt around a bit with a large trout [05:11] Ready Shiber...? [05:11] do what? [05:11] 5 seconds [05:11] Sorry, but I'm on a role here. [05:11] ok, i'm ready! [05:11] :D [05:11] OW. [05:11] * MrWhereItsAt sends goons [05:11] Cool [05:12] OT: do cities have to be located near a source of fresh water to build a nuclear power plant or can they be connected to a source via an aqueduct? [05:12] next to water is my understanding. [05:12] Order B1 is inaccurate - what should I do with the workers here? [05:12] Kill them. [05:12] Shiber - never built one [05:12] or just use your best judgement. [05:13] shiber, I go for hoover dam, so I don't use them. [05:13] Road or mine that grassland then? [05:13] Ah screw it, I'll mine that square, alrighty? [05:14] sounds good. can loveshack use it? [05:15] 4B1 (changed) Workers mine square NE of BHQ [05:15] hold, download complete. WIll look myself.... [05:15] Eventually yes. Not much point now though. [05:15] fine with me [05:15] Slaves works fine in salt mines. [05:15] Just as well I haven't done it yet [05:15] 4Above order not yet done! [05:16] Now it gives extra food. loose one food, gain 2 gold. tough. how long to mine? [05:16] the dog you see in my avatar is currently sleeping right next to my computer [05:16] If I checked I couldn't reverse the decision without reloading. [05:17] Ops, my kid wakes up. Back in 5 minutes [05:17] I will check.... ministerial privliges.... hold one.... [05:17] LOL Sure thing GodKing [05:18] OK. If all mine, the mine appears this turn. however, the bonus is lost to corruption. so keep on the ocean. [05:19] Do I mine then, or go elsewhere? [05:19] No point in doing something that doesn't help [05:19] Go ahead and mine, then road next turn, that way it is set for BHQ [05:19] Gotcha [05:20] after that, then go elsewhere [05:20] 4B1 (changed)Worker stack mines NE of BHQ [05:20] 4C1 [05:20] after that you can mine the mountain N of BHQ [05:20] and then road it i guess [05:21] woould rather have it clear more jungle myself. [05:21] With C2, the Horse in Love goes E and joins the assault on the Archers - I think I should do that Warrior heading for Love first since Love will be undefended when I move the Horse out. [05:22] ok, move swordsman and warrior in Geofront NW [05:22] Shall I go for the warrior? [05:22] if the archer tries to chase them he'll end up in a jungle tile [05:23] One thing at a time - let's do my query first ;) [05:23] send the two warriors out of seeberg [05:24] To attack the Warrior> They can't reach Love first [05:24] > should be ? [05:24] gaia is also undefended - that is its target. dye. [05:24] Good point, I will move the warriors from Seeburg to Gaia [05:25] ignore it for now. send the 2 warriors to gaia along with one of the spears. when in gaia purchas the barracks, upgrade to swords, then kill it. [05:25] great plan [05:26] in two turns we'll have two additional swordsmen [05:26] sounds good [05:26] purchase the barracks next turn then. [05:27] So two warriors and one Spear to Gaia [05:27] yes. [05:28] how about hurrying the swordsman in ubergorsk? [05:28] 4C (new) 2 Warriors and 1 Sp S, SW, SW towards Gaia (to protect against Persian Warrior) [05:28] 84 gold [05:28] worth it. [05:28] definitely [05:29] You reckon? [05:29] OK then. [05:29] we gain 35 per turn. that is only 2.5-3 turns. no big deal. [05:29] yes, worth it. [05:29] 4Above order is C2 [05:30] 2.4 turns actually [05:30] C4 Sword rushed in Uber (84g) [05:30] actually, slightly less since our income is steadily rising [05:30] 4C4 Sword rushed in Uber (84g), I mean [05:30] growing, i mean [05:31] Now that Horse in Love - go E and leave it undefended? [05:31] Yes. [05:31] What will we do? [05:31] Station that SP heading for Uber in there? [05:32] I can do that now [05:32] One of the swords in uber. I have an idea. Send it to take out the archer next to sidon. that way the AI will think we are after sidon, and pull some of his archers back. what do you think? [05:32] go E then NE [05:32] Yes. spear to love. works nice. [05:32] the only swordsman in uber is 1/3 [05:32] too bad, it's a great idea [05:33] we can do it next turn if it'll still be possible [05:33] Shiber is right there [05:33] horse? we have the road by our iron? [05:33] horse in love: go E then NE [05:33] 4 Abover order is C5 - Sword rushed in Uber (84g), I mean [05:33] AI sill thinks of it as an offensive unit. then next turn we pull back to uber. [05:33] abover? [05:34] 4 I screwed the order number up just before [05:34] oh, above, ok [05:34] 4Sp W, W of Love into Love, fortifies [05:34] excellent [05:34] now horse in love E NE [05:34] what do you think? [05:34] 4That's order C6 (new) - dman, getting forgetful. [05:35] Need you guys (the awake ones) to keep me straight here [05:35] will try. [05:35] I am running off of only 3 hours sleap.... [05:35] I'll try... but i'm still slightly drunk. [05:36] Horse in Love E, NE? Looks OK [05:36] LOL at Aro [05:36] I am hungover :D [05:36] Yeah! Fat Albert's on! [05:36] if we only move one east, the river.... damn. [05:37] Lucky you. haven't seen albert in over a decade. [05:37] Will move the Horse if there are no problems - GodKIng, I thought of that. [05:37] hangover will be my next move. [05:37] Aspirin and water. lots of water. [05:37] Otherwise we could go E, E attack and retreat if it wern't for that river [05:37] *** Shiber ( Quit (Ping timeout) [05:37] NO citrus fruit drinks. I foolishly did that today. :p [05:38] The workers at geo need to run away soon. [05:38] OK, so Horse E, NE? [05:38] OK. Horsie that is. I like fruit drinks. just not after a bottle of tiquila. [05:38] 4C7 - Horse in Love E, NE [05:38] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [05:38] got disconnected AGAIN [05:38] what orders did i miss? [05:39] One moment, I'll do the ordered stuff first. [05:39] c7 horse in love, E, NE [05:40] 4C3 and C4 [05:40] Now to the workers at Geo [05:40] Just move them into Geofront I guess. [05:40] Move W? [05:40] man, this thing with the galley is just too cool [05:41] i understand we'll be dropping them off in termina? [05:41] draw out the archer into the open. then attack with the sword in geo [05:41] Hmm, if we do that the ARcher should follow and we get to kill it with the Sword in Geo - nice :b [05:41] I will do it! [05:41] hey, good idea. move the workers W [05:41] excellent idea [05:42] then if nothing else bad happens, they can clear there also. [05:42] good idea... we are humans! Ai, don't trust humans. ;) [05:42] 4B2 (new) Workers at Geo stop work and go W to draw Archer into open [05:43] Warrior in Geo still skips? (not safe to move) [05:43] can move due west [05:43] or join stack. [05:43] hehehe you are going to dye, stupid persian archer :D [05:43] what good will that do? [05:44] oops, not west. south [05:44] Could go NW to protect stack [05:44] he'll be threatened by an archer, move SW [05:44] MrWIA, bad idea [05:44] Then it will be attacked [05:44] we want the persian archer to move one tile away from the archers and then we'll attack it [05:44] keep him there. so far, nothing sounds good. [05:45] ok [05:45] i second GodKing [05:45] I will skip the turn, then [05:45] 4C8 Warrior in Geo skips again [05:45] use wait though [05:45] hmm, nevermind now [05:45] DOH! [05:46] Too late - at least it's safe. [05:46] Now to the Horse in Uber - to attack the Archer stack to N [05:46] or the one next to sidon? [05:46] Are we ready to test Lady luck again? [05:47] better to attack the one N [05:47] This warrior is having a good life... [05:47] True - that is an option [05:47] better to attack the one N, the horseman can fortify in the town afterwards [05:47] I think we go for the N ones, they are more threatening right now. [05:47] Either way. I like both attack options. [05:48] North it is! [05:48] if we attack N we can return to ubergorsk afterwards to fortify and heal instantly [05:48] :) [05:48] CHAAAARGE!!!! [05:48] 4C9 (new)Horse in Uber attacks Archer stack to N [05:48] I can hear the trumpets..... [05:49] you should wax your ears then [05:49] Crossing fingers... [05:49] 4C9 (cont) Horse kills Archer, loses 2 HP (3 left) [05:49] Go, horse [05:49] YESSSS [05:49] yay [05:49] good. [05:49] return to ubergorsk to fortify and heal [05:49] insta-heal is sweeeet [05:49] Now to fortify or just skip? [05:50] Uber builds another sword btw [05:50] good! [05:50] We may forget it if we fortify [05:50] I know :D :D :D [05:50] Us. With all the people looking over our shoulders.... [05:50] Just skip? [05:50] nah, fortify is better [05:51] and we won't forget it [05:51] fort. If the three left attack... [05:51] never shall we forget this elite platoon of horsemen which has brought us so many victories!! [05:51] OK then - little difference but for the def bonus [05:51] and soon we hope a leader.... [05:52] 4C9 (cont again) Horse fortifies in Uber [05:52] yeah... [05:52] LEA-DER! LEA-DER! [05:52] say, if you get Sun Tzu's do you have to pay maintenance for all those barracks? [05:52] We shall rename this the uber brigade....oops, only in 1.29.... almost forgot. [05:52] 4C10 (new) Galley at Uber Island SE, SE, SE - finds the end(?) of Uber Island? [05:53] No. No maint. and all cities automatically get one. [05:53] No [05:53] GodKing, you can rename a specific unit in 1.29? [05:53] If it generates a leader... [05:53] then it gets to be renamed [05:53] cool. we'll also be able to sell the existing ones for some profit [05:54] 4A1 - HereItIs changes to Cathedral [05:54] b/c that unit can never generate a leader. [05:54] AWESOME! [05:54] I have three Super Saiyan units in my latest games 'cos of this :D [05:54] 12 HII can do that or a library. prez choice. [05:55] There is a new Warrior in HereItIs - what to do? [05:55] 12 the build time is the same, and both have culture. [05:55] Did I miss something? We got a leader? [05:55] new warrior forts, then send one of the swords toward persia. [05:55] No leader - just enthusiasm [05:55] Cathedral it is for now. [05:56] well, soon or later... [05:56] 4C11 (new) Warrior in HereItIs fortifies [05:56] *** Shiber ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:56] Library for science, maybe? [05:56] C12 (new) Sword in HereItIs S, SE, SE [05:57] *** Shiber ( has joined #civ3dem [05:57] hi [05:57] did i miss anything? [05:57] doesn't make a difference at this point Aro. the library or cathedral that is. corruption. [05:57] Poor shiber- dalnet don't likes him. [05:57] 4 C12 (new) Sword in HereItIs S, SE, SE, I mean [05:57] shiber - nothin [05:57] Aro-Rocks: no, actually it's my ISP's fault [05:57] just sending the extra sword in HII to the front. [05:58] either that or my modem keeps overheating [05:58] I think I will change to Library in HereItIs - same culture and build time, but cheaper (only 1g upkeep), and science [05:58] or the phone line in my room carries too much background noise [05:58] We're almost finished Shiber - maybe one more turn then the orders run out. [05:59] wait, sword in HII S SE SE? [05:59] why not SE SE SE? [05:59] plus, it has been 5 hours.... [05:59] what's the point in moving them through the mountains? [05:59] 4C12 (changed) HereItIs changes to Library [05:59] Nothing more, so end turn? [05:59] ok [05:59] wait, sword in HII S SE SE? [05:59] why not SE SE SE? [06:00] and what about the sword in geo? [06:00] he's in full health [06:00] trap with the workers.... [06:00] wait on him one turn [06:00] he could move E SE to threaten Tyre [06:01] why not move E then SE? [06:01] (he'll be on a mountain all along so he should be safe) [06:01] Sword in Geo will attack an Archer next turn (hopefully) [06:01] oh, i forgot [06:01] we want to lour the archers into the open, then use him [06:01] S SE SE as it gets closer to both the Galley and Persia [06:02] Galley - full. no benifit there. [06:02] are we talking about the same sword? [06:02] The Sword in Geo wants to take out the Archer, but after that is a good idea. [06:02] no. one in geo. one in hii. [06:02] i'm talking about the sword in HII. why not SE SE SE? it'll get him closer to the galleys [06:03] BTW, Persia only offers 44g (all of it) and 9gpt (IIRC) for peace. Nope. [06:03] what? who? where? [06:03] galley doesnt matter. it is full. faster to just walk to the front. [06:03] i'm sorry guys, i'm completely lost [06:03] which sword was moved S SE SE? [06:03] We may need to stack our Swords anyway for city assaults, so we should really just go for units now. [06:03] the HII sword. [06:03] GodKing - I know, but it's closer to Persia [06:03] don't you mean SE E E? [06:04] why S SE SE? [06:04] S is a mountain tile [06:04] The Geo one is staying, the one from HII has moved already [06:04] end turn? [06:04] moved WHERE?!?! [06:04] i'm going nuts [06:04] that's it, i've completely gone bananas [06:04] with nuts [06:04] i've gone banana nut crunch [06:04] and chocolate sauce [06:04] WTF?!?!??!!?!?!?!! [06:04] The one from HII [06:04] somebody get me my pills [06:05] the big horse pills? [06:05] MrWIA, the one that was in HII before you moved him? [06:05] 4WHOOPS!!! C12 (new) Sword in HereItIs S, E, E, I mean [06:05] still doesn't make any sense to me [06:05] why move S? there's a mountain tile there [06:06] and he can't move any further afterwards [06:06] should be SE, E, E. [06:06] we are not talking about the same swordsman are we? [06:06] 4SH8T I did mean C12 (altered) Sword in HII SE, E, E [06:06] yes [06:06] A-HA!!! [06:06] i win [06:06] :D [06:06] Soory, I'm getting very tired here. [06:06] The move is fine, it's my typed orders [06:06] I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING CRAZY FOR A SECOND [06:06] To reiterate: [06:06] YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH OF A RELIEF THIS IS [06:06] did you take that pill. [06:07] 4A1 - HereItIs changes to Library [06:07] no, i don't think i need it anymore [06:07] Fine [06:07] however i'll go and grab the anti-caps pill [06:07] 4C11 (new) Warrior in HereItIs fortifies [06:07] Might be fun. take it anyways. [06:07] 4 C12 (altered) Sword in HII SE, E, E [06:07] Those are right and reflect what I did [06:07] i think i'll go and mix some pills and see what happens [06:07] Down it with a slug of vodka. [06:07] Which part? [06:08] GodKing, it's 16:08. not a very good time for vodka i believe [06:08] :D [06:08] SE [06:08] My last three orders in red are right [06:08] Yes. [06:08] SE, ES, S E E S what's the fucking difference [06:08] The Sword In Ge does not move [06:08] Time to end the turn now? [06:09] ok, what about the swords NW W of timeline? [06:09] correct. no move. end turn? yes. [06:09] what about the swords NW W of timeline? [06:09] Are they on automove? [06:09] It's 1am on Mondat and I need to be thinking at 9am - can we get on? :) [06:09] nope [06:09] end turn, so [06:09] we need to move those swords, they're not on automove [06:10] MrWIA, swords NW W of Timeline E [06:10] OK, time to end [06:10] MrWIA, swords NW W of Timeline move E [06:10] NOOOOOOOO [06:10] What a drink! I'll try this stuff. [06:10] *** Trickey ( Quit (Quit: ) [06:10] grr, you haven't moved the swords yet [06:10] Swords near timeline [06:10] MrWIA, swords NW W of Timeline move E [06:10] they move to love. [06:10] 4Ending turn - last turn coming up. [06:11] easy. then done. [06:11] WHAT?!?!?!?!!?!?! [06:11] MrWhereItsAt, we haven't moved three swords yet [06:11] Crossing fingers again. [06:11] 12 sword near timeline has to move [06:11] MrWhereItsAt is lagged out, i think [06:11] he doesn't return pings [06:12] * GodKing slaps MrWIA around a bit with a large trout [06:12] this is bad, really bad [06:12] * Shiber slaps MrWIA and MrWhereItsAt around a bit with a large piano [06:12] 4 America and Germany sign alliance against Aztecs, Uber builds Sword, Love builds Temple [06:12] Not the end of the world. [06:13] They have been moving, Shiber [06:13] no, now the swords will be one turn late [06:13] huh? [06:13] where are they now? [06:13] they were? really? [06:13] my save says different [06:13] Shiber - C1 was that very order [06:13] ohh ok [06:13] sorry then [06:14] you must have executed it while i was disconnected [06:14] In my save, they didn't move this last turn. I checked. I wonder if saving looses the the auto move info. [06:14] terribly sorry [06:14] sorry about that. [06:14] I missed it also. [06:14] They moved in my save [06:14] I posted C1 as an order in red also [06:14] so they moved E or SE or what? [06:14] I had moved all units and it was the end of the turn. [06:14] [16:15] [MrWhereItsAt PING reply]: 3min 10sec <== oh MY god! [06:15] Can you read these? I can read yours. [06:15] 3 minutes....ouch. [06:15] i can [06:15] Can you see me? [06:15] yes. [06:15] I can see you. [06:15] OWWWWWWW!!!! [06:15] Yes [06:15] Can you read these? I can read yours. <== this line appeared on my screen 15 seconds ago [06:15] roughly [06:15] this is all very weird. somebody else ping MrWhereItsAt please [06:15] * MrWIA slaps Shiber around a bit with a large trout [06:15] Let that be a lesson to you. [06:16] maybe there's a network blackhole between me and MrWhereItsAt [06:16] lol [06:16] I did ping. No return yet. Over 4 minutes. Yet he is here. Onward Ho. [06:16] I moved them last time I tell you - they are NW of Timeline [06:16] Phew! [06:17] oh ok then [06:17] You were not disconnected. [06:17] after that, then go elsewhere [06:17] B1 (changed)Worker stack mines NE of BHQ [06:17] C1 [06:17] after that you can mine the mountain N of BHQ [06:17] and then road it i guess [06:17] The same in my save [06:17] East [06:17] OK. If germany and america are allies, what does that do for the next war? [06:17] ohh, right [06:17] i'm stupid [06:17] :) [06:17] nothing i guess [06:18] germany won't declare war on us again [06:18] well, ok, maybe they will [06:18] As long as you can read what I'm saying now... can you? [06:18] i dunno anymore [06:18] For another 16 turns.... [06:18] yes i can MrWIA [06:18] MrWIA - yes. looks to be a good time. [06:19] Sheesh - I'd disconnec and try again if you like [06:19] no delays I can detect, yet still no ping returns. Oh well. [06:19] lets finish this turn. 5.5 hours so far. me sleepy. want nap. [06:19] oh goody, look where the archers moved [06:19] *** MrWhereItsAt ( Quit (Quit: ) [06:19] Weird [06:20] just where we wanted them [06:20] one archer took the bait (workers near geo) [06:20] Aro - can you see me???? [06:20] Lets wait [06:20] yes [06:20] another marched right into range for our horseman (E E of Loveshack, our horseman is just NW of him) [06:21] *** MrWhereItsAt (~mrwhereit@ has joined #civ3dem [06:21] Can you see me? [06:21] I am behind some wierd black hole, as I have no ping returns.... I see everybody fine. [06:21] Can we play now? [06:22] i think so [06:22] MrWhereItsAt? [06:22] Can I get a "HEY" if you are all seeing this? [06:22] hey [06:22] hey hey hey [06:22] Great. I'll disconnect MrWIA as well. Just a moment [06:22] or do you prefer "HEY" [06:23] Shiber, can you ping me? [06:23] sure thing [06:23] 8 secs [06:23] What?? [06:23] Not bad. thanks. [06:23] btw we can also use to see if we're in sync [06:23] how? [06:23] Our worker? No, persian workers, right? [06:24] OK - I have saved the link to the log. [06:24] Let's go here [06:24] "when i hit enter, will display the following time: ..." [06:24] wait one sec.... [06:24] BHQ workers will build road then go to Mt, OK? [06:24] and then everyone says what time the site displayed when they received the message [06:24] I can see you both. [06:24] you and MrWIA [06:24] nevermind though, too complicated [06:24] MrWhereItsAt, ok [06:25] go ahead [06:25] hey [06:25] ya. lets just finish this turn. then mwia gets to go to work. [06:25] I get to take a nap [06:25] and you all can do whatever you like. [06:26] Or Heil? [06:26] 4B1 (new) Workers build road NE of BHQ. two remaining move NW to Mt [06:26] Methinnks Aro is lagged chronically now. [06:26] pinging aro... [06:27] Ditto. Drunk changed into hungover? [06:27] Aro -when you see this, reconnect with a different server. It worked for me. I asked for hey a few minutes ago and am only now seeing it [06:27] 4C1 [06:28] 4C2 [06:28] 4C3 [06:29] 4 All posted orders finished! Time to clear things up and end the chat! [06:29] Everyone still with me? [06:29] Yes. [06:29] i am [06:29] lets do the attacks and then finish the chat [06:29] Well, everyone but Aro, that is. [06:29] OK then [06:30] Sword W of Port Rouge E, N, E? [06:30] OK. [06:30] attack with horseman and then retreat W to avoid counter-attack from remaining archer [06:30] [Aro-Rocks PING reply]: 3min 31sec [06:30] 4C4 )new) Sword W of Port Rouge E, N, E [06:31] I'm having troubles with my monitor. I see two ! [06:31] That is your eyes, not your monitor. Suggest you get some sleap? [06:31] I'll do it. [06:31] *** Aro-Rocks (~aroeira@ Quit (Quit: ) [06:31] 4C5 (new) Warriors and Sp between Seeburg and Gaia into Gaia, fortify [06:32] Aro will be back in a mo [06:32] Purchase barracks in gaia [06:32] Right [06:32] 12 Purchase barracks in gaia.... sorry, forgot to colour [06:33] *** adaMada (~adamada@ has joined #civ3dem [06:33] wow [06:33] It's 96 g of our 190g [06:33] is the chat still going on? [06:33] Still purchase? [06:33] ada.... good morning. [06:33] we did move the warriors and sp later turn right? [06:33] Hey ada! We're just finishing. [06:33] 'morning GK [06:33] lol, wow [06:33] 12 yes purchase. [06:33] i say yes, we need it [06:33] 4A1 Buy Barrakcs in Gaia - 96g [06:33] purchase what? [06:33] oh, ok [06:33] ada - on last turn now. [06:34] barracks in gaia to upgrade two warriors [06:34] lol, I hope so... the chat started hours ago [06:34] Geofron Sword attacks Archer in jungle to NE? [06:34] we'll have 14 gold after we upgrade the two warriors, lol [06:34] 5:37 by my clock.... [06:34] MrWhereItsAt, move the warriors and sp into gaia and upgrade the warriors (i believe they'll have a movement point remaining) [06:34] So we are broke, we now have the finest of militaries. [06:34] At least you guys can sleep all day afterwards. :p [06:35] Shiber - done that, they can't upgrade till we build the barracks [06:35] oh, right, i forgot the barracks are only built next turn [06:35] barracks come next turn.... lets the warrior get closer [06:35] too bad we didn't hurry the barracks the previous turn [06:35] oh wait, we said we will! [06:36] Geofron Sword attacks Archer in jungle to NE? [06:36] damn [06:36] Shiber - what? [06:36] Yes. Kill the bastard. [06:36] wait a sec, let's resolve the barracks thing first [06:36] What's to resolve? [06:36] GodKing, didn't you say we need to upgrade the barracks in 50BC two turns ago? [06:36] Why delay? [06:37] Shiber, I miss estimated travel time.... my fault. it is working out as we planned then. [06:37] If so, that is too late anyway. Let's just finish. Please. :) [06:37] can we return to the autosave from 50BC and rush the barracks? [06:37] we're just fixing a human error, we're not really cheating [06:37] It is just that the warriors got there one turn earlier than I counted. [06:37] It doesn;t make a difference anyway, we can't do shit with the Swords until the Warrior gets there. [06:37] No. Move forward. it doesn't hurt us. [06:38] i did the correct calculation. i said we need to upgrade in 50BC. why doesn't anybody ever listen to me? :(( [06:38] lol [06:38] it'll delay two much-needed swords by one turn [06:38] Am attacking with the Sword in Geo, there is no more point to this [06:38] But what would they do with that one turn? [06:38] They are waiting for the Warrior to get closer [06:38] get to the front faster [06:39] MrWhereItsAt, if there were barracks in gaia we could have upgraded them this turn [06:39] We are using them on the warrior first. Then the go to the front. [06:39] And then what? [06:39] they have enough movement points to reach gaia and then upgrade [06:39] we'll have the two swordsmen one turn earlier [06:39] We don't want them to go through all the jungle if we can help it. [06:39] They have to wait anyway. [06:39] no they don't [06:40] how can i explain this... [06:40] we loose some time having to march all the way to the closest road then. [06:40] It's just an extra turn of waiting. It's done anyway. Come on, can we please...? [06:40] in 50BC we should have hurried the barracks so it'd have been available in 30BC [06:40] this turn we can bring the warriors into gaia and upgrade [06:40] next turn (10BC) they'll be ready [06:40] This way is fine. Lets just move forward. [06:40] if we don't go back to 50BC the swords will be ready in 10AD [06:40] one turn later [06:40] :((( [06:40] We'll talk about it in the forums or PMs later Shiber, for now I am just too tired. [06:41] i'm a perfectionist [06:41] *** Aro-Rocks (~aroeira@ has joined #civ3dem [06:41] ok [06:41] So what if it takes an extra turn? it doesn't realy hurt us. [06:41] fine with me. keep the autosave though plz [06:41] Can you see me? [06:41] GodKing, you don't know what's coming. maybe we'll need them a turn earlier [06:41] Hi aro [06:41] 4C6 - Sword in Gaia attacks Archer [06:41] hi aro [06:41] we can [06:41] Aro, I see you there :) [06:41] ok, we'll resolve this later in the forums [06:41] Hi [06:42] 4I meant it attacks the Archer to theNE that is threatening our workers [06:42] out of curiosity, has anything big happened in Foreign Affairs, or should i shut up and read it in the report? [06:42] america and germany allied against aztecs [06:42] 4C6 (cont) Our luck has run out! The Sword dies, Archer with 1 hp left. :(:(:(:( [06:42] that's all [06:42] Nothing... america and germany against the aztec is all. [06:43] ok [06:43] Hi, adaMada. Strange alliance... [06:43] Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [06:43] yea, it is [06:43] well, you can't have everything [06:43] Now we must move those workers. [06:43] attack with one of the warriors [06:43] no, we can attack with a warrior [06:43] Yes we can... [06:43] Hold.... [06:43] jungle defence? [06:43] Oh, no. Move the workers... [06:43] Am holding pending... [06:43] ok, thanks, I'll go update the Foreign Affairs thread now [06:44] what is the bonus? [06:44] GodKing: +25% [06:44] Vote time [06:44] the odds are: our warrior - 1 attack times 3 health, persian archer - 1.25 defense times 1 health [06:44] 3 hp 1 att vs 1 hp, 1.25 def. [06:44] 3 against 1.25 [06:44] Lets try it... [06:44] the odds are in our favor [06:44] 2 for... GodKing? [06:44] I vote attack [06:45] 1 yes - 2 no. 3 abstain. I say 3 [06:45] attack [06:45] 1 [06:45] 1 [06:45] I think it'll work [06:45] 1 [06:45] CHAAAARGE!!! [06:45] or it's an acceptable risk, anyway [06:45] :)) [06:45] and the winner is... [06:45] Attack wins [06:46] it's 3 vs. 1.25 in our favor [06:46] I abstain [06:46] 4C7 (new) Attack Archer with Warrior from Geofront [06:46] Our valient clubman sneaks along the road to attack the cowardly archers..... [06:46] crossing fingers... [06:47] C7 (cont) ViCTORY and no HP loss. [06:47] 4C7 (cont) ViCTORY and no HP loss (in red) [06:47] Yes! [06:47] nice [06:47] AND KICKS SOME ASS [06:47] Horse E, NE of Love with two Archer to SE. Attack and retreat W? [06:47] YEAH!! [06:47] MrWhereItsAt: yes [06:48] yes, do it [06:48] 1 yes. 2 no. 3 abstain. [06:48] 1 [06:48] 1 [06:48] are there any workers in the area? [06:48] 1 [06:48] 1 [06:48] oh well, doesn't matter [06:48] 3 [06:48] ada - no [06:48] adaMada: some near geofront, not threatened anymore [06:48] Not there ada. [06:48] ok [06:48] 1 it is... [06:48] thanks [06:48] 4C8 (new) Horse E of Love attacks Archers [06:49] Next - horsie in uber? [06:49] 4C8 (cont) VICTORY - no HP loss, Horse moves W to retreat [06:49] nicce again [06:49] or sword in uber? [06:49] Yes!! :D [06:49] horsie in uber: not healed yet. however we have a reg and a vet sword in full health [06:50] send the vet sword to attack the remaining archer [06:50] Vet Sword in Uber, one Archer on Mt to SE, that other ARcher from the stack we just attacked is within reach also. [06:50] Send them north against archers, or to sidon? [06:50] IMHO send vet sword N W against archers [06:51] Shiber, i agree. [06:51] 1 attack remaining archer, 2 attack Archer on Mt to SE, 3 fortify 4 something involving the Archers near Geofront? [06:51] 1 [06:51] 1 [06:51] 1 [06:51] 1 [06:51] 1 [06:51] Unanimous! [06:51] safest option [06:52] 4C9 (new) Vet Sword in Uber N, W to attack Archer [06:52] 4C9 (cont) VICTORY! No HP loss [06:52] we bad [06:52] We nasty [06:52] 4C10 (new) Galley at Uber Isle E, E, N. [06:52] YESSSS [06:53] Workers (no longer in immediate danger) NW of Geo - to clear or move elsewhere? [06:53] we have one regular swordsman left to move [06:53] Clear [06:53] IMHO clear [06:53] Let's do the workers first. [06:54] They will likely be interrupted if they clear. [06:54] You think? from where? [06:54] The Archer S of Geofront [06:54] send the extra sword after it. [06:54] i think we can stop him with a horsie if he gets near [06:55] anyone remember which year america declared war on the aztecs? [06:55] Doesn't have to get there now, but the threat? [06:55] i think 50BC [06:55] 'k, I'll just put that down [06:55] hold one ada - will check.... [06:55] send reg sword from uber to archer S of geo [06:56] the swords will probably be attacked by persian archers afterwards. if he survives - good! if he doesn't, at least he'll lure an archer out of the mountains and a horsie could kill him later [06:56] thank [06:56] 1. Attack Archer S of Geo with reg sword in Uber (exposes Sword to attack if it wins) 2. Don't do this [06:56] s [06:56] 1 [06:56] abstain [06:56] 1 [06:56] abstain [06:56] Sorry - I guess I need an abstain option :) [06:57] it's a win-win situation. if the sword survives the persian counter-attack it's good. if he doesn't, at least we'll expose a persian archer to attack [06:57] I abstaib, so attack it is. [06:57] yay! [06:57] hold, what if we use it in a blocking action? no attack, just defence. [06:57] swords are generally better on attack, though the terran might change that [06:57] You mean N, N, N and stops Archer from reaching Workers? [06:57] Ya. [06:58] OK, repoll. [06:58] bad idea IMHO. we want to kill persian archers! [06:58] what terrain would they be on? [06:58] jungle in both cases [06:58] jungle is what, 50% defensive bonus? [06:58] go N, N. then fort in jungle? [06:58] giving us a defense of 2.5 [06:58] 1. Attack Archer with sword 2. Use as a blocker 3. Don't move Sword this way 4. Abstain [06:58] any chance we'd have time to fortify? [06:58] 1 [06:58] ada - 25% [06:59] only if we move 2 not three. [06:59] adaMada: no [06:59] ada - we couldn't block it off then [06:59] 2 [06:59] but we'll have 2.5 defense against the persian archers [06:59] ok [06:59] and if we're lucky, a lot of hp too [06:59] I'll go two [06:59] debating.... [06:59] though one might work too [06:59] what terrain is archer on? jungle? [06:59] actually, I'll change that to abstain [06:59] remember - attack is 3 vs 1.25. Defense is 2.5 vs 2 [07:00] ok.. attack. [07:00] oh, ok [07:00] change vote again [07:00] attack is better [07:00] 1 [07:00] 1 [07:00] 1 has it. [07:00] 1 [07:01] 4C11 (new) reg sword from Uber moves N, N, NE to attack Archer [07:01] Shiber, I still cannot ping, but you appear to be lagging.... [07:01] crossing fingers again... [07:01] [GodKing PING reply]: 2sec [07:01] it's a one-sided blackhole [07:01] 4C11 (cont) VICTORY! No HP loss [07:01] OK.... Just slow typing.... I do that all the time. [07:01] yay! [07:01] VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [07:02] Workers will now clear - no danger for at least 2 turns. [07:02] awsome [07:02] :-))) [07:02] 4 B1 (new) Workers at Geo clear jungle [07:02] That's all she wrote everyone. Time to end the turn? [07:03] Think so... do not end turn.... just save and post. [07:03] i don't think so [07:03] we normally end a turnchat before we end the last turn [07:03] OK then, i will just save. [07:03] wow, you guys did a great job [07:03] five hours, lol [07:03] We rule. [07:03] lol [07:03] Now I have fucking report to write. [07:03] I still can't believe it [07:03] yeah, are we awesome or what? [07:03] At 2am on Monday [07:04] Yep..... 6 hours logged on, 4 am to 10 am.... me need food and nap. [07:04] excellent job, guys! [07:04] You deserves it. [07:04] i'm off to do... stuff [07:04] I will post the save in the topped thread. The report comes later [07:04] cya everyone! [07:04] ok [07:04] GodKing - as per your request. [07:04] cya shiber [07:04] goodbye! [07:04] *** Shiber ( Quit (Quit: Raven has no reason) [07:04] goodbye [07:04] Thank for coming guys - I couldn't have done it nearly as well without you. [07:04] later aro [07:05] MWIA - report can wait til morning or even after work for you..... just state the time and people will understand. [07:05] later MWIA, sorry I couldn't make the first four and a half hours (well, not really all that sorry ;)) [07:05] yea, MWIA, just do the report later [07:05] later, boys. Good job! [07:05] *** Aro-Rocks (~aroeira@ Quit (Quit: ) [07:05] later.... and thanks for posting the saves. [07:05] I will then. I will post the link to the chatlog for reference. The report will come at about this time tomorrow. [07:05] it sounds like we kicked lots of persian archer butt, and America declared war on Aztecs, and... that's it [07:06] did we see any more of Uber Isle? [07:06] i need to know if it's worth opening up the save and taking a look around [07:06] I will now post the save, the chatlog (if I can get it) and the shot of Rome from our embassy. [07:06] Pretty much... had some orders change late and so some minor conflicts. [07:06] ada - yes indeed. Iron and Horses and a hut and two whales. [07:06] also, uber isle has horse and iron.... [07:07] And grassland, but we may have found the end of it. [07:07] wow [07:07] want me to try for the log also? [07:07] nice [07:07] Uber isle is big - at least 7 cities if they are packed together.... [07:08] That would be appreciated GodKing. [07:08] wow. totally awsome [07:08] Update to FAM thread posted [07:08] will post a Press Release later if I can think of enough stuff to say about america declaring war [07:09] ada - want I should add the screenshot of Rome to the FAM thread? [07:09] in the past it's always been somewhere else, but that's not a bad place to put it... your choice [07:09] It's not a totally clean thread anwyay, so... [07:10] oh, MWIA, when will elections start?