Session Start: Sat Aug 31 14:55:01 2002 Session Ident: #civ3demMinisters [14:55] *** Now talking in #civ3demMinisters [14:55] *** Topic is '1,5<4>1<4>1<4>0 MINISTERS ORDERS ONLY 1<4>1<4>1<4>0 NO DEBATE. ALL DECISIONS 1<4>1<4>1<4>' [14:55] *** Set by UberKruX on Thu Aug 08 12:48:28 [14:56] test [14:56] works [14:58] *** Will5001 (Will5001@ has joined #civ3demministers [14:58] hi, IE minister here (although I probably wont do anything!) [14:59] er......anyone there? [14:59] hola [15:00] hola, qué tal? [15:00] man, my spanglish skills are poo [15:00] :P [15:00] buy bien, y tu? :P [15:00] err [15:00] buy = but [15:00] bien. y tu? [15:01] 2 years of spanish and the only thing i really learned out of the class: [15:01] Estoy bien. [15:01] duerme con migo para mucho dinero y tiempo fantastico! [15:01] Me obido mucho de me castilliano [15:02] I forgot all my verbs :( [15:02] 3 years and i know more tences than I do in English! [15:02] hehe [15:02] I lived in Ecuador for 3 years... don't remember crap [15:04] I got to do a GCSE in it next year [15:04] actually, any british here?, cause you probably dont know what that is [15:05] * WhiteBandit was thinking of the california GSE - "Golden State Exam" [15:05] Rendelnep in the other room is. [15:06] ahh, but that would mena opening a new window, and i am sure i would crash my computer somehow [15:06] does that rather too often [15:08] where is the president then? [15:09] General Certificate of Student Education - I asked in the other room. [15:10] ahh, so thats what the "S" stands for, i wondered about that! [15:13] *** Shiber (shiber@ has joined #civ3demministers [15:15] *** Trevman85 ( has joined #civ3demministers [15:23] where is MWIA [15:26] don't know. [15:38] *** GK (GodKing@ has joined #civ3demministers [15:38] *** GK is now known as Guest65603 [15:38] *** Guest65603 is now known as god_king [15:38] *** GodKing (GodKing@ Quit (Ping timeout) [15:39] you might wanna make this channel moderated and then only voice the ministers... or we could just trust the public not to speak in this room :D [15:39] we don't have a channel op :( [15:40] For now, lets just trust. [15:41] as soon as UberKruX comes (he's the channel founder) you can change it to +m (moderated)... but I doubt we'll need to moderate the channel [15:43] well we can just create a new room too if Uber doesn't come [15:43] then we'll have an op who can set mode +m [15:46] That assumes there will be a game played. [15:47] :-(( [15:50] *** Togas- ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:52] *** aggie (aggie@ has joined #civ3demministers [15:57] *** MrWhereItsAt (~mrwhereit@ has joined #civ3demMinisters [16:00] *** Shiber (shiber@ Quit (Quit: have a nice day) [16:01] To Transport Settler, and spearman, or even another settler, that would be good(?), use the following plan involving 2 Galley's, it is called "Shiber's Manoeuvre" and is as follows: [16:01] "Naming the tiles and galleys for easier reference: [16:01] * Tile A: either the tile S or SE of Apolyton (doesn't matter). It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [16:01] * Tile B: the tile SE SE of Apolyton (contains a whale resource). [16:01] * Tile C: the tile SE of tile B. [16:01] * Tile D: the tile SE of tile C. [16:01] MWIA - do you have a copy of the posts [16:01] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3demministers [16:01] * Tile E: one of the coastal tiles which we can barely see. It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [16:01] * Galley 1: empty at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [16:01] * Galley 2: contains a settler and possibly another unit (another settler or a spearman) at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [16:01] Phase one: [16:01] Both galleys are in tile A. Galley 1 travels to tile C and ends its turn. This is the risky phase, since there's a 50% chance that the galley would sink (but at least it's empty). It's also the only risk involved in this plan. [16:01] If the galley sinks, build a new galley and start again. If it doesn't, move on to phase two: [16:01] Phase two: [16:01] Galley 2 travels to tile B. The settler and the other unit (if any) onboard galley 2 moves to galley 1. [16:01] Phase three: galley 2 travels back to tile A or another coastal or city tile, thus ending the turn safely. Galley 1, now carrying cargo, moves to tile E, thus also ending its turn in safety." [16:02] Move AA e to threaten rheims [16:03] AA E to threaten Rheims [16:03] is that an official move? [16:03] * WhiteBandit wants to follow along with his own game [16:03] wb yes [16:03] rgr [16:04] YES - red is what I have just doen, is official and thus you can follow along [16:04] can I go now, or will I be needed [16:04] ok [16:04] sp in loveshack goto geofront [16:04] -> [MrWhereItsAt] VERSION [16:05] sp in loveshack E E [16:05] Before you end turn, wait for my orders... [16:06] same here [16:06] You bet, GK [16:06] warrior near antiach n [16:06] you have my orders [16:07] warrior near antiach n [16:07] when you get there, could you land the settler [16:07] I leave the precise site up to the pres [16:08] Yep, Will, I just need to get to the webpage [16:09] which webpage? [16:10] [16:10] 2 Workers in Marseille skip turn [16:10] my orders are there [16:10] Shiber's Manoeuvre [16:11] sp in gaia fortify [16:12] Swordman outside of Marseilles into Marseille, fortify [16:12] remember Shiber's Manoeuvre [16:12] sp in gaia fortify [16:12] *** Will5001 (Will5001@ Quit (Quit: ) [16:13] I am trusting the Ministers implicitly here [16:13] got 1 move for you [16:13] Sure thing. [16:13] Shiber's manoeuvre?!?! [16:14] worker stack W of Loveshack, take 1 of OUR workers and goto worker stack near termina [16:14] (don't use slave) [16:15] The galley hop to uber isle is the Shiber manoever [16:15] worker stack W of Loveshack, take 1 of OUR workers and goto worker stack near termina [16:16] Here It Is workers - skip turn of course [16:16] is aggie done or am i hogging the stage? :) [16:16] sorry [16:17] Here It Is workers - skip turn [16:17] i'n done unless war goes on, if it does i have another move [16:18] if we make peace workers in france can work [16:19] I want peace - any disagreements? [16:19] with france, what are you getting? [16:19] then i am fininishe,but we need to do trade deals [16:20] 1 OK, Galley moving time [16:21] Move them both outside of polly. the settler has moved and cannot board. [16:21] does the settler board this turn [16:22] i thought he didn't board till 1 was across [16:22] 1 Oh, OK then. Thanks for telling me - that could have been a disaster! [16:22]  No he needs a free turn to move onto the other one [16:23] No. He needs to use a move to switch boats. [16:23] sorry [16:23] 1Both Galleys move 2 square NE? [16:24] *** rendelnep ( has joined #civ3demMinisters [16:24] 1 Alright. I'll just do that then :D [16:25] Turn 1 - both boats go outside polly [16:25] 1Yep, done [16:25] turn 2 - boat 1 goes into deep water, settler boards boat 2 [16:25] Both Galleys move 2 square NE [16:26] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: 9[ NoNameScript 3.52 9@ 9]) [16:26] turn 3 - boat 2 goes to boat 1, settler switches, boat 1 goes with settler to uber isle. [16:26] 1Time for peace, I guess [16:27] good luck at the negotiating table [16:27] Ok. Befor making the deal, please tell what you will get [16:27] give joan a kiss for me [16:27] 1You bet I will gk [16:28] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3demministers [16:28] *** Epistax ( Quit (Quit: ) [16:29] Thanks [16:29] 1 It's Feudalism and we give 345 gold, or 2 of Cherbourg, Grenoble and Rouen [16:29] either is good but if we takes cities get rouen [16:30] rouen and Feudalism? [16:30] err [16:30] can we get that? [16:31] nope but we could get fuedalism later or [16:31] 1 Not for all the money and gpt we have [16:31] ok [16:31] man [16:31] rouen is horrible :( [16:31] *** TapeRecorder ( has joined #civ3demministers [16:32] 1 Well guys, I think I'll go for the cities and hope for Feudalism in a separate deal - some uidance...? [16:33] 1 *guidance, I mean [16:33] sounds good, that was my original plan, I hope it works out [16:33] bah [16:33] the cities are useless, but whatever [16:33] go ahead [16:33] I concure. Rouen. but the other two we trade away to someone [16:33] i think we can techwhore [16:33] 1I know, WB, but they are there [16:33] ok [16:33] or we build settler in other one whenit gets to 2, then move him [16:33] get cities and POSSIBLY get feudalism next turn [16:34] we cannot keep grenoble or cherbourg [16:34] i'd get feudalism this turn after peace [16:35] 1 I know, gk, but we can gift them away. [16:35] Either way it's two less French cities [16:35] 4 Peace for Rouen and Cherbourg [16:35] nooooo [16:36] doh [16:36] 1 Hang on, didn't click yet. [16:36] DOH [16:36] haha [16:36] i did [16:36] well crap [16:37] i need a new sav game [16:37] 1Sorry WB - I thought I clicked it :( [16:37] well are you going to click [16:37] or still wait? [16:37] if you are going to click, no big deal :) [16:38] 4 Actually agreed peace for those cities now [16:38] ok [16:38] i am fine then :) [16:38] sorry i thought you already had [16:39] 1Any more orders, godking? [16:39] 'aggie very nervous now [16:39] lets do techwhore [16:40] *** god_king (GodKing@ Quit (Ping timeout) [16:40] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [16:40] 1Don't we need Feudalism first? [16:40] yah i eman after we get it [16:41] *** GodKing ( has joined #civ3demministers [16:41] but of course godking has city orderr now [16:41] 1Godking - any changes? [16:41] Hi [16:41] Yep, hold one, redoing computer [16:42] Did anybody do much while i was gone [16:42] nope [16:42] waiting for you kind sir [16:42] MWIA - did you check out the post I did, I can go through it [16:42] 1Peace for cities Rouen and Cherbourg, some people going nuts :( [16:43] eh [16:43] sky is going nuts [16:43] he isn't important [16:43] besides [16:43] you are president, can't you declare him an illegal alien and imminent domain his land? :-D [16:43] Polly - switch from forest to whale [16:43] 1Godking - do I need to find your orders now and open another window? [16:44] 12 [16:44] No, I can go through them... Hold one please [16:44] brb [16:44] 12 polly switch from forest to whale [16:45] 4 polly switch from forest to whale [16:45] 12 Timeline - switch from road to forrest [16:45] 4Timeline - switch from road to forrest [16:46] 12 Seeberg, Nap & geo, build city wall immediatly [16:46] 12 loveshack, if tile is cleared, work it [16:46] 4Seeberg, Nap & geo, build city wall immediatly [16:46] 3 turns to clear tile i believe [16:47] 1 Correct, WB [16:47] Thanks... looking, don't see anything of importance this turn [16:48] 1OK then, any more workers to do? [16:48] can workers in france work [16:48] I don't have build times in front of me. Please remind me if something ends and you need a new build [16:49] *** skywalker2588 ( has joined #civ3demMINISTERS [16:49] hi [16:49] it works [16:49] 1No - they have skipped [16:49] I can post [16:49] yipee! [16:49] NO SKY. Ministers only. Else we end this NOW!!! [16:49] 1Please don't post here sky - you are supposed to just watch. [16:50] ok [16:50] 1Thank you :) [16:50] *** TapeRecorder is now known as Epistax [16:51] 1Please confirm - if there are no more orders I will end the turn [16:51] None by me. [16:51] NOOOOO [16:51] we need to trade [16:51] rusia will get fuedalism this turn [16:52] 1 Ah Ok then. [16:52] spear in geofront nnn [16:52] Warrior in Geo to Nap? [16:52] and Sp in Ubergorsk to Geo [16:53] 1 I'll do the Feudalism trade first, OK? [16:53] ok sorry for shouting [16:53] 4 Trade Feudalism w/ French for 371 + 9gpt. [16:53] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3demministers [16:54] now lets sucker russia [16:54] wow [16:54] 1.29, france didn't accecpt the traded [16:54] 4spear in geofront nnn [16:54] Aggie - you are so rocking! [16:54] thanks! [16:55] now you can move 1 sp in Uber to Geo (it has 2 spears plus city walls [16:55] err. [16:55] n/m [16:55] 1 That's why you need 1.21 [16:55] you have a spear in Loveshack going to geo [16:55] rocking! i think we can save Nape guys! [16:55] sweet! [16:55] 1 aggie - any more orders as WB suggests? [16:55] Excelent [16:56] thank you WB [16:56] make other trades while I think [16:56] MWIA - can we get a save after this turn [16:56] We can trade Feud + 3gpt with Russia for Mono [16:56] move spear in uner n,n, so he can help both [16:57] I say do it. Then revolution [16:57] is that 3gpt to us [16:57] Feud for Rep, WM, 28g [16:57] 3gpt FROM us [16:58] Feud for Monarchy, WM, 28g [16:58] That's basically it [16:58] sweetness! [16:58] Thanks for listening to me guys :) [16:58] i'd do feud for rep for 28 either ine is good [16:59] your welcome WB [16:59] the spear in uber were just chasing women, they needed to do something [16:59] A shame Mono is so expensive :( [16:59] OK then, Republic it will be.... [16:59] i know, mayeb we can get it later [17:00] now to rome [17:00] 4Trade Feudalism w/ Russia for Rep, WM and 28g [17:01] the ai isso stupid [17:02] we can get monarcchy +56 for feudalism [17:02] Rome: Feudalism for Monarchy +56g or Monarchy, WM and 54g [17:03] either way is good [17:03] i hope france is nice to us in trade [17:03] *** god_king (GodKing@ has joined #civ3demministers [17:03] THE WM one it is then. [17:04] 4 Trade Feudalism w/ Rome for Monarchy, WM and 54g [17:04] *** GodKing ( Quit (Ping timeout) [17:04] Cool. Can we have a revolution? [17:05] Aztecs have nothing to offer except Mono - they refuse that. [17:05] LOL - Revolution requires a poll. [17:05] Shite this is taking forever. [17:06] you don't have to go to work tommorrow morning [17:06] hehe [17:06] i know [17:06] Iroqs offer WM + 19 g for Rep, Monarchy or Feud [17:06] Doing a quick poll on the other chat [17:06] * WhiteBandit read that as iraqis and got really confused [17:07] gk - I think we need a REAL poll. [17:07] OPD - if I am here until tonight I will be pissed [17:08] lol I thought pissed would mean the same in NZ as it means in the UK [17:08] Drunk and angry. [17:08] drunk yes [17:09] are you drinking now then [17:09] I think I might have to end this after the trades and end of turn. It is waaaay out of control and overlong. [17:09] bhah maybe the time has come for threads then [17:09] I might trade Monarchy to Iroqs for their WM + 19g [17:09] trade [17:10] All trades with Iroqs is approved [17:10] i can find the thread if you'd like [17:10] 12 end, but do not end turn yet. [17:10] 1I will trade away then, and let you all know what I'm doing [17:11] 4Trade Monarchy w Iroqs for 19g and WM [17:12] 12 posting poll on polly now. [17:12] 1ALRIGHT! Feud and Monarchy to Babs for Mono, WM and 15! [17:12] 4 Feud and Monarchy to Babs for Mono, WM and 15! [17:13] *** aggie (aggie@ Quit (Ping timeout) [17:13] Well you've done well with the whoring [17:14] I didn't think it was possible to get fuedalism if it wasn't for peace but I was wrong [17:14] There's more... [17:15] *** aggie2 (aggie@ has joined #civ3demministers [17:15] i'm back how are tades going, my comp crashed [17:15] did we get joan good [17:15] Mono to France for WM + 371g + 1gpt [17:15] I think so [17:16] Good. [17:16] wow [17:16] aggie - we have Mono, Rep, Monarchy and almost as much money as we started with. [17:16] 9gpt to France, though [17:16] wow, still i am happy [17:17] could you post save so i can see [17:17] Fine. They won't declare war on us for 20 turns.... [17:17] 4Mono to France for WM + 371g + 1gpt [17:17] Cathedrals!!!! Monarchy!!!! [17:17] And no more trades to be made. [17:17] unless we aren't playing more turns [17:17] andwe got cities [17:18] I think I should stop - don't you? This is taking FOREVER! [17:18] WB I'd still like to plong a city near Rheims? [17:18] yes end this. [17:18] yah i guess, trades make it that way, i wish these could be done before hand [17:18] Currently we have gained those two crap cities, Mon, Monachy, Feud, Rep, 116 gold and lost only 8gpt [17:18] I agree. Stop. Post save. lets wait til wednesday then we can switch govt and move forward [17:19] yah we have to have apoll on government switch [17:19] according to constitution [17:19] Posted one already. Vote [17:20] that was quick [17:21] i never thought the trasdes would be this good [17:21] Well, sorry for the delay all, but I guess we got as much done as possible. Thank you all, see you in the forums in a little bit! [17:21] and too think i never techwhored before this demo game, what a strategy [17:21] *** aggie2 (aggie@ has left #civ3demministers [17:21] haha [17:21] i know [17:21] i learned so much [17:21] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:21] WB - that's why I'm here. To learn new strats [17:22] This strat rocks [17:22] *** Trevman85 ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:22] oh yeah [17:22] i know [17:22] hell, i learned alot about WORKERS too! [17:22] haha [17:24] Good to hear. [17:25] *** rendelnep ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:25] *** skywalker2588 ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:34] *** Epistax ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:34] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sat Aug 31 17:34:25 2002